The Prince of Vara - [Chpt 5]

Story by chidchud on SoFurry

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#5 of The Prince of Vara

After the poker game, the two find ways in which they can relieve some of their tension.

Trigger Warning - This chapter contains depictions of PTSD

As I opened my eyes, my whole body trembled and twitched in a cold sweat. My breath escaped me and, once I realized I'd lost it, I struggled desperately to replace it. I swear I saw it in my blinks; what I had so desperately tried to lock away within my mind's Pandora's box. No matter what route my mind took, what detours I tried to take, all routes went right to it. The one singular Achilles heel of a past closer than I'd have wished. It fought with me, worked against me and the worst part was knowing the truth of my situation:

I was losing.

Around every corner it chased me. It soaked and consumed my body and I just couldn't catch my breath. My thoughts became rampant in a scattered disaster as I slipped and just kept slipping more. Knowing this was happening and knowing that it was gaining on me only made me struggle to fight it more. It felt as though perhaps I lost as soon as it had started.

I'm weak.

The silence of the room, I swore, was growing faster. I sat up in the bed and quivered as the pressure in my chest built larger.

I'm a coward.

While my eyes refused to adjust to the night, I began to see the silhouettes of the room blur and mold together. My eyes deceived me and I was helpless to their vision. The silhouettes became blurred brush strokes onto a canvas. Each stroke molding and forming to its position and changing its color. At first, I tried shielding my eyes, but, as soon as they shut, my mind's eye continued, painting the picture for me.

My claws dug into my skull as if to reach in and pull this out. I can't let this happen, but I'm letting this happen. It's all been me, hasn't it?

Self-inflicted torture.

"Milo? You okay there?" I felt a paw gently placed upon my shoulder.

"I'm fine." A knee-jerk lie that did no favors. "Just a nightmare. I never knew you were such a light sleeper."

"Are you... crying?"

"N-no. It was... from this nightmare is all. I-I...we can go back to sleep."

"What was your nightmare?"

"Oh, nothing. It's really-"

Sitting up now, he scotched over to me and caught me off guard by pulling me into his side. Still, the panther kept the silence.

I straightened out my back and gulped, but I couldn't steel myself. Immediately, I wanted to pull his paw off of me. I wanted to be miles away, back at my mental island where nothing came and went.

My eyes wandered to his and I stared at him, waiting for him to give up on me, though he didn't budge an inch.

I let out a sigh. "Give me a moment."

Closing my eyes, the pause didn't help at all. It only gave me the time to stare into that painting still ever-present in my mind's eye. I'm not fragile though, I can damn well look into it and be just fine. I'm strong. I'm brave.

I saw the reddish-brown strokes of paint forming a young coyote and I recognized the scene almost immediately. In a small checkered cloth, he had a packed lunch by his feet. He was in front of a large wooden door to a manor poised with his knuckles against the wood. Knocking and knocking at that door though nobody was coming. The clouds bubbled and grayed in the strokes painting the sky, but they wouldn't let him in. He was alone. They'd leave him to die out there by himself, but, oh, no, they're fine. They get to smile from the warm embers of their fireplace because they gave him a lunch; the last real meal he wouldn't have to fight for.

"Milo, just breathe with me here, okay? Just follow my breaths."

He inhaled with all his effort as I realized I couldn't control myself. I was lightheaded and desperately heaving. My breaths continued faster and faster as I fought for air readily available all around me. I shielded myself away from him and wasted my diminishing oxygen to stutter out, "I-I-I-I'm sorry."

His paw tightened around my side. The secure grip made me feel like maybe he actually cared. "Don't be sorry."

He held me against him and began to once again extenuate a deep breath in.

I darted my eyes to him before seeing the silhouette of his concerned expression in the darkness. On his second deep breath in, I barely managed to follow along with him, shakily breathing in.

We continued like this in silence, just breaths alone, until our breaths were perfectly synced for a couple of moments. Everything seemed steady again as I deeply peered into his eyes.

I came to realize the scene I created. "I'm sorry."

"Milo, you've done nothing wrong."

But I have. That playing card tucked away in my nightstand was proof enough, but I still blurted out, "I used to be a beggar on the streets."

"That's fine."

"I was homeless with nothing and nobody. I got an innocent old man fired. Took all the money I could from the store he worked at while he wasn't paying attention. He lost his job because of me."

"Milo, you did what you had to."

"Had to? I didn't have to take advantage of him for being senile... I-I bet he's dead now. Lived an unfair life until it put him in his grave."

The silence came between us once more. His paw rubbed my back gently.

I sighed. "That money kept me through the winter though. His boss hadn't even thought it was some filthy animal from the streets pocketing it either." I tensed up. "I don't know why I'm telling you all of this."

"Out of any business to rob, sounds like you robbed the one with the worst management. I think they deserved it."

"Yeah." I mustered a weak smile. "I guess they really did." I leaned in towards his side only to be met by his arm tightening against me to hold me there. I couldn't help but notice the sweet scents of lavender and honeysuckle as his warmth enveloped me. His paw began to rub up and down my arm as I began to feel myself go in and out of dozing off. "Thank you... my Prince."

My internal clock started ringing causing me to wake up. It was a thick jolt of anxiety running down my body shocking and causing my heart to start beating faster, but this time it had stopped abruptly.

Damian was still holding onto me sound asleep and... I actually found myself afraid he'd wake up.

Perhaps I let him see too much, but I also only gave him so little. If Damian knew how far I'd gone to survive those two years, he'd never wish to speak with me again. I like to think that maybe I wasn't that same person, that it was just an entirely different version of myself left behind in the past, but sometimes I feel that familiar flight or fight response pick up and I remember; I remember what I'm capable of. Who I really am.

As my thoughts drifted to far-off places, I felt something out of the ordinary snap me back into the present. Something was pressing against me, right around my rear. I bit my lip as his single, big, burly arm entrapped me in his grip. He breathed his warm breath down my neck and I knew pretending to go back to sleep was not an option. A weird warmth came over me, one as sweet and tempting as could be, but I denied it. "Damian, wake up."


"Wake up!" I said louder. He shuffled around in a daze before pulling me closer and pressing himself tighter against me. I gulped and began to now shuffle around in his arms. "Wake up, damn it."

"M-Milo?" He said groggily before his eyes shot open.

We pulled away from each other and neither one of us could meet the other's eye. The two of us just remained sitting up in bed, pleading for the other to make this any less awkward until I gave it a shot. "As much as you wish you could get her back, I'm not Cecilia."

He became flush. "I didn't mean to do anything. It was just how I woke up... We just fell asleep like this."

"Yeah, of course. I wasn't awake for long either, so i-it's fine."

We grew quiet.

"Hey, are you alright by the way?"

I tensed up. "Yeah, thank you for being there. For me, I mean."

"I'm here when you need me." Damian gave into a warm smile before drifting in thought. "Hey, so I wasn't against you for long, right?"

"I-it was just maybe a couple of seconds, it doesn't matter."

Damian sighed lightly. "Yeah, I guess it doesn't. Besides, it's not like either one of us is like... that."

"Exactly!" I realized it was getting tense. "Though, your smooching last night said a bit otherwise."

My joke got right under his armor and he clenched his jaw. "Please don't remind me. I'm hungover as is, Milo."

My smirk softened. "I know you aren't a homosexual, Damian. I was only jesting. Besides, you had your smoking buddies to impress."

"Oh please, you'll make me heave at the memory. Best to say that my mother should be hearing all about this when she gets back tomorrow. Those servants can't keep a secret to save their life. Should keep her satisfied with us."

I followed his lead as we got off either side of the bed. "Whatever is the Queen off doing?"

He stole a glance at me with a smirk as he brushed the fur of his face in the mirror. "I could only wonder, but I also couldn't care less because Cecilia is going to visit again today." He looked at me from the mirror and got a wide smile. "And there will be no interruptions this time around."

I could hardly contain a blush as I now had more damned thoughts coming into my head. Running my paws through his dresser, I went through his fine clothes looking for something to wear. "Cecilia would never come back, especially with how you treated her last time."

"You got one thing right, Milo. She's a hedge whore at the end of the day."

"I didn't mean that," I stammered.

"Well, either way, it's the truth. She always comes back."

"Sure, sure. I will believe it when I see it. I'm going to go bathe." I walked towards the door.

"Oh, so you are going to see it this time around then?"

Damian got right back at me for earlier and it worked. My paw missed the doorknob multiple times before I found it. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

He stopped brushing altogether just to savor my reaction. "Not as much as you would."

The door slammed shut.

As I sat in that familiar warm tub of water, the heat all around my body soothed my spirit, but not my mind. My thoughts wandered to far-off places as much I tried to hold them down, but this time it wasn't of the past. Images of those bed curtains and the sounds coming from behind them came back to me and begged a question my imagination wouldn't offer; what lay behind them?

I feel as though I had been corrupted by the prince. That my innocence from evil had been taken from me and that now I was a lowly pervert. Just days ago, I wouldn't have done so much as touch a girl's hand as I paid them money, but now I was about to watch a couple making love.

As I scrubbed through my fur, I traced around my belly and let the thoughts off their leash slightly. I closed my eyes to urge my imagination on. My paw moved downwards as I felt the heat around me become more intense.

The bed curtains were wide open. Damian was right above her fully naked body.

I grasped down below at my need.

She was rubbing her fingers against his chest.

My toes curled.

His chest. His big muscular chest.

I made ripples throughout the tub as I committed the evil act for the first time.

His lips against mine last night.

My whole body stopped at once at the thought and I suddenly felt really tense. It was happy to have stopped though. I was almost in the midst of doing something regrettable. Although, I will admit I'm rather... needy as of late. My paw moved off of my crotch and I began to work at the rest of my fur trying to shut out any more evil thoughts.

The bath turned into yet another quick one as I quickly wanted to change scenery. I stepped out of the tub and began to go through the lengthy process of drying myself off with a towel. After my earlier experience in the tub, I decided to simply just wrap around one towel around my nether regions and dry off the rest of my body with another one.

I rubbed the thick towel down my arm, but, much to my shock, however, the bathroom door began to open. "Whoa! I am in here," I exclaimed.

"My apologies, my Lord. We truly hadn't forgotten you were here."

I dropped my maw as the two foxes peeled off the towel around my waist and I felt my face become all too flush. They guided towels across my fur all over meticulously to dry me before one of the servants retreated to a drawer.

My whole body tensed up to stone as I perked my ears up.

"Simone said you may have been in need of a trimming. We'll groom you at once, my Lord."

I shuddered as they brought the teeth of the comb against the fur on my thighs before cutting away at it with scissors. The teeth of the comb lightly prickled against the skin beneath my coat and the rubbing sensation caused my heart to race. The blades and combs danced near my nether regions as I became only more flush.

Was this usual? I never thought much of it. I had assumed Damian had groomed himself with his own shears as I had; instead, he had every inch being hand-cut with scissors. It felt uncomfortable, to say the least, to have them be able to see me, all of me.

Before I knew it, I had begun to feel blood rush to my cock as it grew. The sensations coursed throughout my body. The feeling of the scissors dangerously playing all-too-close to my balls. The way the two worked closely with me and played with the fur on my body with their various tools. All of this made me feel rather... excited.

"My apologies," I weakly stuttered.

I was fully erect before them and more aroused than I'd care to admit.

"My Lord, it looks as though it's been some time since you last got groomed. You need not worry about any sort of excitement experienced here. We shall be finished before you know it."

I began to try to calm myself before I gulped and felt the servant gently gripping and lifting up my tail before delicately combing and cutting down it. Without noticing, I was clenching my paws into fists as the sensation worked down closer to my rear.

"Stay steady, my Lord." I felt the servant unexpectedly grasp his paw upon my butt cheek and spread it to the side. My heart fluttered as the comb became to delicately work around my exposed and sensitive buttocks. I bit my lip feeling the teeth lightly poking near my hole and shuddered. The other fox began to work around my belly with his comb and scissors, making precise work to ensure each hair was the same length.

As the one servant finished trimming my rear, I felt a finger onto my throbbing shaft suddenly and I quivered.

"You're quite in need of care," he said moving my shaft away to groom around it.

My lips shook as I took more air down into my maw. A shiver came over me as I felt a servant work to groom my back. "Y-y-y-yeah. I sure did need this."

"Direly, my Lord. Likely you have royalty's best at your assistance. We'll give you just what you need."

"W-what is it that I need?"

The fox smiled at me from below after he finished trimming the hair above my erection. I felt his warm paw stop touching against my shaft to move it out of the way and it sprung back towards him. Tip oozing towards his face. He kept an expressionless face entirely unfazed by this. "Why grooming of course. Your fur is almost that of a knight back from battle. You must take care of yourself better."

I felt the teeth of the comb scrape ever so lightly onto my right nipple before hearing the scissors cut the fur around it. My maw gasped for air as I began to shake once more. As the teeth came back down, they drifted lightly over the skin above my ever-so-quickly beating heart.

Just as I thought I'd get a break, I felt the paw of one of the foxes grab onto my muzzle and I shook it in shock. My mind raced and raced as I nearly jumped realizing what I had done.

"You must stay still, my Lord."

I opened up my maw to speak only for his long pointer finger to rub across my wet tongue. My lips quivered and I breathed heavier and heavier as he was now feeling the wet insides of my maw. With haste, the fox took his finger from my mouth and rubbed it onto his shirt before continuing to trim at my face. His scissors made quick work until he felt satisfied.

"All done! Now, onto the brushing. This transformation is quite impressive, my Lord."

The one fox worked his way over to the drawer and produced two brushes and I closed my eyes anticipating them against me. My whole body tensed up before the bristles traced down repeatedly all over me from head to toe bringing on new waves of sensations.

When it was all said and done, I was wide-eyed gripping tightly onto the robe they put around me, especially at the parts near my crotch.

One of the foxes pointed to the mirror with a smile. "See? You're all ready for your Prince."

"Thank you. I really enjoyed this," I stammered.

They both nodded in unison.

The one servant's ears perked up before he opened up a drawer. "Which cologne would you like?"

"Oh, just whatever you believe will smell best. I am not picky," I said mostly due to the fact I never actually wore cologne before.

"Perfect. The Prince's cologne will work just fine then."

Before I could interject, the servant spritz a mist of cologne onto my body in multiple places. The rich smells of lavender and honeysuckle wafted into my nose as they fused together. I withheld a scream.

"My lord, I hope you have a wonderful day."

They both exited the room and I felt a deep sigh escape me. I moved my paws down my robe, but it never seemed to lay flat.

I heard a familiar voice as I entered the room.

"Oh good, look who finally arrived."

I entered to see Damian getting up from his chair as Cecilia finished sewing a button onto my purple garment from yesterday.

I frowned. "Sorry, the servant took too long for you."

"Milo, dear, come on and be a happy coyote for us. You're more than welcome to watch our little show." Her familiar knowing smirk came back to life. "Or are you still too nervous to enjoy yourself?"

"Maybe I will," I shot out.

She threw away the cloth and hastily wrapped up her spool. "Really?"

I turned to Damian to see he was grinning from ear to ear at me. My mouth hung open. "Well, I-"

"Well Damie, you heard him. Let's see what sort of performance we can give him."

She walked over to where he stood and began to press herself against him. I began to feel my face flush and my paws grow sweaty. After the grooming session, I couldn't have been more on edge. Damian raised an eyebrow and I mustered a hesitant nod.

He was fierce and passionate like never before. His hands traced down his paws until he was tightly grabbing at her butt beneath her dress. His big paws pulled her crotch tighter against his leg.

She seemed to forget all about me as she rubbed her paw against the side of his face once more. "Damie, you're such a bad kitty. Are you making up for how mean you were to me?" Cecilia's voice was straining so hard to be sexy it was pitiful.

I turned away my gaze from them as she began lightly humping at his leg with his paws helping guide her along. Still, his eyes kept on me.

"Milo, you don't have to feel ashamed. You earned this with you pretending to be my lover and all," my Prince said.

Cecilia was all over him as his rather sensual smirk turned into one which was softer, calmer, and nicer on the eyes. Immediately, I was reminded of our moment in the middle of the night. We shared a gaze to each other for a brief moment as he played lightly with her buttocks. He nodded to me producing a deepening, more friendly smile. I couldn't help but feel my shoulder depress and a smirk come over me as well.

I plopped into a chair in the corner and watched them, my lips pursed and my tongue wet as I did so. Damian reassuringly met my eyes multiple times before he was certain I was alright. He pulled her away from him and began to desperately take off her dress as she helped him. I watched her remove article after article of clothing hastily with his help until she was down to her chemise and underwear.

She tried to undo his buttons, but he simply grabbed at the shirt and pulled it up over his head exposing his large, muscular chest covered in layers of black fur. My eyes drifted away from Cecilia. I couldn't help but rub my paw against the front of my pants gently.

He looked right at me as he slid his paws up her back. Higher and higher until he grabbed onto the laces of her chemise and began to untie them. The Prince's smirk caused me to roll my eyes but still be unable to contain a deep smile.

With a plop, her chemise fell to the floor and she extenuated a gasp to Damian.

He pulled away. "Strip. Get onto the bed for me."

Her whole sexual deviant persona faded as she looked just as flustered as I did. "Of course."

She took off her underwear and laid her back on the bed. Immediately, I began to see her vagina between her spread-out legs and grew excited. I stared at the fleshy slit, rubbing myself through my pants quickly. I never had seen one before. It looked so different. This had to have been every guy's dream. She was such a pretty girl and such a deviant.

I huffed and rubbed against my crotch only to realize, my erection was softening.

"Milo, you doing alright?" Damian held the bottle of the lube in his hands and I felt my heart pulsate.

I struggled for a response as he took me aback with his rather toned pecks and his small pink nipples pointing from his black fur. Not to mention, he was rather toned all over. My eyes traced down the muscular figure down his chest farther and farther down.


"Ergh!" I let out. "Yeah, I'm totally fine."

He popped open the bottle of lubrication before pressing and squirming two fingers inside. Without his eyes ever leaving me, he pulled the fingers out with the clear fluid dripping down them. "You should take off your pants."

"Huh?" I managed.

"To paw yourself off. Unless you don't want to."

I blushed deeply and reflected his messy, dripping fingers in my eyes. My clothes felt tight and too hot all over me. Standing up, I fished rapidly at my pants until I pulled them down along with my undergarments. My erection sprung free into the open air and I began to gently rub at my need.

Damian stood over her from the end of the bed and then glanced back towards me. My paw immediately stopped and I gulped. My desires burned me from the inside out, and his eyes trailed down to lay onto the sight of erect cock before sharply turning away.

I began to rub up and down myself as I gasped for air. Damian begins to undo his pants. My lust grew and built-in my chest as I couldn't believe the amount of pleasure my own paw caused me.

His pants and undergarments fell to the floor and I gawked at his full figure standing before her. She was speechless, but what caught her more were his next words. "May I try the other entrance?"

Cecilia looked at him confused until his wet fingers began to rub gentlemanly against her tail hole. "Yes, dear," she hardly managed.

With that, Damian pressed his fingers inside her gently causing her to squirm on the bed. He got on top of her and began to circle the fingers into her ass. What distracted me more so was the view of Damian in his full glory.

His hardness was rather large compared to mine. Long red skin stretched along the length of his girthy shaft and it slightly pulsated in longing for its target. I found my mouth salivate at the sight and gulped.

Damian collected more lubrication onto his fingers and began rubbing it in a slimy, wet coating along his length. His hardness was proportionate to the large paws rubbing up and down against his manhood. I couldn't help but to stare intently. How much damage would he do to her?

He pounced over top of her onto the bed and then made a show of holding her wrists down. Damian shot me a knowing grin as he breathed out deeply. He pulled her legs over his hips and lined up his cock. I felt myself getting close already. Close to releasing everything stored and pent up within me. My paw sped up more and more as he breathed deeply and stared at me from across the room. His lustful emerald eyes as he

delicately pressed inside of her and caused her to gasp.

Seeing the act, I felt my mind wander back to the groomers grooming my rear and began to picture the sensation of what it'd be like for something to go inside of it. The curiosity turned to vivid images in my head. Damian over top of me with himself pressed within me.

The fantasy bred lust in floods throughout my whole being. Once more, Damian turned his head and met me with those lustful emerald eyes, and I realized none of this was for her. He was never thinking of her, was he?

I slowed down my paw against my shaft and curled my toes. Saliva dripped down the side of my maw as he stopped looking at me and began to slowly thrust into her. He put on a show of it. A show for me. Bouncing his hips faster and faster while gripping her wrists tighter against the sheets.

My lips trembled. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I rubbed faster and faster...

The door we had left unlocked whooshed open. "Damian, Y-"

I covered my crotch with my hands, hardly covering my erection as Damian looked back at her.
