Chasing the Sun - Chapter 20: Small Seeds of Hunger

Story by hashtse_apxan on SoFurry

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#21 of Chasing the Sun

rubs hands together The plot thickens huahahaha...

Warning: This chapter contains light groping and discussion of sex

+3 17 882 1203: "G'aftermiddæj, I'm Sebastian. Sorry for bothering you ????"

+3 17 882 1203: "I'd like to meet you if mind ye not"

+3 17 882 1203: "over yknow"

Kevin stared at the texts. From the words, he was sure this person was asking about inviting him to a bed. Usually, people sent him messages about this on Yiffr, so when one sent him messages about this on Telewire, he figured they were either past clients or they knew someone who was his past clients. As there was no chat history, he knew the latter was the case.

On one hand, he had a boyfriend now. He shouldn't do this. Octo would be furious. He remembered not being able to walk the following day after they did that angry sex. It was admittedly very hot, steamy, and intense--so much so that they broke the coffee table and shower head--but the next day his body ached so much he only ended up lying down on the bed all day because even sitting up hurt. Thanks to Octo's reserved attitude, he didn't know about the panther, but he could tell he also had difficulties walking. Octo left after midday, leaving a pot of chicken soup for him.

On the other hand, his wallets were apparently nearly empty and the next payday was still a week away. He had been keeping his expense low but that proved to be not enough. While he considered himself to be strict with his money, he still felt rather spoilt from university when 500 euros could comfortably last him a month, even with protein powder, supplements, and the occasional impulse buying. Now, it lasted barely two weeks.

His flat rent was still about the same as his dorm, but household maintenance and supply were apparently quite a pain in the arse, even when he turned to cheap food and cheap-yet-functional stuff.

The honking of the bus made the wolf look up. He pocketed his phone and took his public transport card out. After tapping it on the register, he sat down and gave a sigh as the bus started to drive away. He wanted to enjoy the scenery, but his mind returned to those messages.

Even taking the lowest possible price, that would still give him 300 or at least 290 euros. Just enough to last a week.

Out of curiosity, he took his phone out again and opened the chat. The contact was online and was typing another message, but the status then reverted to online. Kevin tapped on the contact info. The profile picture was a white wolf in the park, the main park from the looks of it, with the Wolvessye monument in the background. He looked young, maybe 19 or 20 years old. Either this person was inexperienced and naïve or trusted him so much to contact him with his personal number and profile photo privacy set to everyone. Even Kevin set no profile picture on Telewire.

His phone beeped with another message. He went back to the chat screen and saw another message. "I'm hoping tha we could meet tonight if mind ye not"

At least he was polite, so Kevin typed his reply. "Sorry dude, I can't. I'm not doing that anymore" Right after he sent it, the message was immediately read. However, the white wolf didn't answer right away. He figured he was disappointed.

Kevin went back to the home screen and opened Instaram to pass the time. He was on his way home after buying a new brush. He had work soon, so he was only going to drop the new brush, dress up for work, and go.

There was a new notification, though. +3 17 882 1203: "Please? Even if ye aren't doing that anymore, at least would ye want to meet? It shål my treat be"

The red wolf furrowed his brows. Insistent, isn't he? But well, if he went, there would at least be a free meal.

+3 17 882 1203: "It's just that I'm really in it for you"

+3 17 882 1203: "sorry if I'm being too creepy"

Not the worst I've had, he thought to himself. He typed his reply, "I'll keep that in mind. Can't say I promise, though"

+3 17 882 1203: "Þanks ???? when are ye free?"

"I think I'm gonna text you when I decided"

+3 17 882 1203: "Ah fél well then. Again, þanks! ????"

"Also dude c'mon pick one language to use and don't mix them. I'm fine with either"

+3 17 882 1203: "Right, sorry sorry"

After that, Kevin put his phone down and closed his eyes, leaning back on the backseat. He would see about that. Hopefully, he wouldn't need to, though. Today was Sunday, so he was in for a busy day at work. Depending on how busy it would be, he might take a day off tomorrow.

The bus stopped and more passengers got in. A medium-sized elk with big antlers then asked him, making him look up. "Bið, mæj siten?"

"Jo jo, gá en sit."

"Þanks." The elk sat down beside him, and after a bit of shifting, managed to adjust his antlers. Kevin watched him curiously. Usually, elks and deer with big antlers like him avoided buses and trams. The elk then sighed. "Bið bið, í wenlij nim nan buses. J'wit, þa hårns e."

"Ah jo, í reken."

Their conversation stopped at that. Kevin wouldn't mind more conversation, though, if that meant it could take his mind off his thoughts for a bit.

Well, at least he could take a quick nap.

Looking down at the sheets of paper and his phone on the side, Kevin huffed in frustration. He cut all the corners that he could, even making a circle instead. Now, he could only give a heavy sigh of defeat and lean back on the wall. What he had would not last till the next payday with his usual spending.

Though, that shouldn't be a surprise. Right now, he only had 23,20 euros in total. Once again, he berated himself for spending too much on last month's pay. He pretty much went on a spending spree because it was a ritual to spend one's first pay on whatever the hell one wanted. Yet another instance of him acting before thinking.

Looking at the kitchen area, he recalled what he had in the cabinets. He had enough food in the kitchen for a week, but those were mainly pasta and instant noodles. He needed to eat at least one serving of meat per day. That was the absolute minimum he set to maintain his muscles. So, that alone took 12,60 euros for one serving of chicken per day, the cheapest he could find.

He also wanted some snacks, preferably boba and ice cream.

Gripping his muzzle, the wolf groaned. He couldn't expect Octo to take him on dates and buy him meals for seven days straight. Actually, Octo seemed to still be a bit angry at him, so even more reason not to expect him to feed him for a week.

That left him with...

He stared at his phone. Should he really do it? It would give him more than enough money for a week--heck, he could even last a month if he kept things frugal. Octo might--would be even angrier, but... what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Yeah, it was just a job. He did not want to do this because he simply wanted to. He looked up at the clock, then at his phone again, then at the sheets of paper. Yes, it was just a job.

Taking a deep breath, he couldn't hold back the disappointment in himself as he took his phone. Apparently, he still couldn't fully give it up. Opening Telewire, he looked for that chat with that white wolf. The white wolf didn't send him any other message after his last one three days ago. Kevin's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he stared at the screen. The white wolf was online.

Fucking damn it. I hate myself. He began typing, "Hey, you still up to meet?"

The reply was quick. +3 17 882 1203: "Yes yes, I'm still up ????"

"Can you do tonight?"

+3 17 882 1203: "Sure. Half to 19 sounds good?"

"Yeah sounds good. Feel free to choose the place"

+3 17 882 1203: "How about at everdale mall?"

+3 17 882 1203: "At sa grøte etninger?"

Kevin furrowed his brows. That sounded like an expensive restaurant. However, the white wolf said it would be his treat, so Kevin complied. "Sure"

+3 17 882 1203: "Alright, thanks! I'll text when I'm there. Am gonna be wearing a red jacket. White wolf"

He looked up at the clock. It was already past 18, so he should get ready now lest he be late. Suppressing a groan, Kevin crumpled the sheets of paper and threw them into a bin near the door. He had no time to be impressed at his accuracy when all he could feel was hatred at his own self.

After putting a casual not-too-tight t-shirt and a jacket on, the wolf looked around. His flat was rather messy, so he tidied up. That white wolf was the one offering, and Kevin already decided yes, so it was no question what were they going to do later tonight. He kind of wished it wouldn't be in his flat, though.

After his flat looked tidy enough, Kevin grabbed his phone and went outside, locking the door.

A bus ride later, he was in the mall. Going inside, he checked his phone and it showed a new message from 5 minutes ago, "I'm here". Kevin grated his teeth and pocketed it back. Hopefully he didn't screw this up by being too annoyed or angry and scare him instead.

After a bit of looking around the mall, he found the restaurant. Walking closer, he saw that it didn't really seem like an expensive one, well, not for him anyway. Inside was rather packed and sitting in a corner was a white wolf in a red jacket. Taking his phone, Kevin sent a text while still staring at the white wolf. "Where are you?"

That white wolf jolted a bit, then took his phone, then typed something with his tail enthusiastically wagging before putting his phone on the table. Immediately after, Kevin's phone beeped. +3 17 882 1203: "I'm inside, in the back against the windows"

That's him.

Walking towards the table, he noticed the wolf began to look around. When he saw him, he froze for a moment, his tail began wagging again, then he looked away. Kevin put his signature grin and put his hands in his pockets. The white wolf looked at him again, and when he realised that Kevin was walking to him, his tail wagging intensified.

Kevin pulled a chair in front of him and greeted him smoothly. "G'evening."

"Y-y-yeah, g-g-good evening..."

He seems so giddy, Kevin noticed as he leant forward on the table. The white wolf wasn't really muscular in the way he liked, but still kind of hot and cute. He seemed a bit taller than Tom. He also smelled nice, unlike many of his clients. Kevin would prefer fresh flowers over musk, with some exceptions.

"K-Kevin, right?" the white wolf asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, Kevin here. And you?"

The other wolf took a deep breath before answering. "Sebastian. Call me Seb."

"So, Seb." Kevin nodded, making sure his gentle tail waving was visible to help ease the white wolf. "I'm here."

"Y-yeah, and thanks." Sebastian gave an awkward smile. "W-well, how about we order first?"

"Sure. You decided?"

"I've decided. Feel free." Seb gave him the menu, then called the waiter. "Excuse me!"

Kevin took the menu and furrowed his brows. Yeah, definitely a restaurant to visit only when he had money. This was Sebastian's treat, though, so he decided to get something he wanted. "I'll get a roasted duck. Thigh."


He planned not to get any drink, but eh, he was offered. "An avocado juice."

The waiter came after that, and Sebastian was quick to give him their orders.

"So, Seb," Kevin started since they had been silent after the waiter went away. "tell me about yourself. How old are you?"

Sebastian scratched his cheek. "I'm 22. I'm in university, fifth semester."

"Mhm. What're you taking?"

"I'm taking civil engineering."


They went silent again.

This time, Sebastian was the one who asked. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

Kevin gave a light shrug. "I'm 24."


"How do you know about me, anyway?"

"Uh... from a friend..."

"And who is this friend?"


He waited for him to continue.


Holy fucking hell, thank you, Esteban. "Oh, him. Wait, you're friends with him?"

"Well... not exactly. He's an uncle of a friend. It's a long story, but basically one day we both got so drunk. We, uh, talked about... stuff... it turned to other stuff, and he gave me your number, saying that you're pretty much my dream guy."

Kevin mrf'ed at that.

"He gave me a photo of you, but minus the head, and... well... y-y-you're my dream guy."

Giving a light chuckle, he shook his head softly. "But why me, though? You're in Barrowisle, in university, even. There's gotta be someone you like."

"W-well..." he scratched his nape sheepishly, then leant closer and said in a lower voice, "I... I want my first time... to be special."

Kevin scoffed. "There's nothing special about having sex with," he almost stopped to look for the right word to describe himself, but they all tasted bitter. "an escort."

"I know, but i-it's... it's my fantasy since... well, forever." He pulled back and gave a sigh. "I-I mean, well, I've been in Barrowisle for two years now and I just... wanna explore myself, y'know."

He nodded, then something hit him. "Wait, your first time? Does this mean you've never did it with anyone?"

Sebastian's ears went down. "Yeah..."

"Shit, dude, that must've been hard."

He deflated. "I know, and where I'm from, it's very hard to be myself."

"I see."

"So, yeah... would you... do it? Please?"

Crossing his arms, Kevin contemplated his options one last time. He had not enough money, he couldn't ask Octo, and this wolf was willing to give him money in exchange for one night. "I can't say I was looking forward to this." He saw Sebastian deflate even more. "What's your offer?"

He then jolted up and his ears straightened in surprise. "Uh... 650!"

This time, Kevin's ears straightened in surprise. "Damn, wolf, you fucking sure about that?"

"Yes! Yes, please."

"Did Esteban tell you about his offers?"

"Yeah, but... uh..." He looked down and fiddled with his claws. "I figured since you didn't seem to... y'know, so, please? Is 650 enough?"

Holy fuck, this is more than easy money. Kevin kept his posture and forced his tail to stay waving, though. Who knew, maybe Sebastian had some weird kinks. That would explain the high price he was offering. "What do you want to do?"

"Uh... I... I want..." His voice dipped lower. "I want that you ram me into the bed all night."

He waited, but the smaller wolf didn't elaborate. "Just that?"

"Yeah... a-a-and maybe let me... uh... explore you?"

Kevin nodded. Another sub, so this might be easier than he thought. He should probably stop asking about those things right now in public, though. Good thing they were in a rather secluded corner of the restaurant. Taking a breath, he shifted on his seat. "Okay, I agree with 650 for one night tonight." He couldn't help but smile when he saw Sebastian's tail begin wagging madly, so much so it could knock an empty chair behind him down.

The waiter from before then came with their food. He put the food on their table and said, "Here you go." before walking away.

After thanking the waiter, Kevin looked at the food. He wasn't hungry before, but the food smelled so amazing. "Thanks for the food." He said before digging in.

They ate mostly in silence. Looking at the white wolf, he seemed to still be anxious and was eating slowly. Kevin could sympathise with that; it must feel almost the same when he first did this.

"Uh... Kevin?"


"Um... do you, y'know, er... are you also in university?"

Giving a chuckle, Kevin swallowed his food. "Nah. Graduated last year." Sebastian seemed polite, and his efforts to make small talks were cute. "Not gonna lie, I feel a lot better in university, so just enjoy it while you can, wolfy."

"Yeah, some of my seniors also said the same thing." Sebastian smiled. "What did you take?"

"Management. Kinda wished I took something else, though."

After finishing the food, Kevin found himself feeling comfortable. Sebastian really did try to make honest talks with him, and that was something he appreciated. Usually, he was the one trying to do that with less confident clients. He did softly warn him not to get too attached, though, because it might come back and bite him in the tail, and Sebastian understood it.

After paying for the food, they stood up and exited the restaurant. Outside, Sebastian asked him. "Uh, so... we're gonna do it?"

Kevin nodded. "Yeah. Your place or mine?"

"How about yours? I have a roommate."


The bus to his flat was silent. Even though they were sitting next to each other in the rather cramped seats--though it was more like Kevin was taking too much space--Sebastian kept his hands to himself. He had people already groping him the moment they met, so he really appreciated this.

He cocked his head towards his flat when they arrived at the bus stop near his flat. He knew he shouldn't do this, but as he led this younger wolf into his flat, he couldn't fight it.

"So, Seb," he said to the younger wolf as he unlocked his flat. "One last question, still wanna go with this? I'm big and it might hurt."

"Fuck yes!" said the white wolf. "I-I mean, yes, please."

Kevin just smirked at his enthusiasm as he opened the door to his flat. "Well, make yourself at home."

"Nice place you got here."

The bigger wolf shrugged and took his jacket off. He wasn't sure whether that was a genuine compliment or just a greeting. "Not the worst place to spend your days, I think."

"Yeah, it's comfy. I've been wanting to move out of the dorms." Sebastian said, plopping down onto the bed after a nod from Kevin, still with that wide smile. He then turned to look at the bigger wolf and that nervous grin was back, but he looked away. "And, well, uh, things here really are different from Hampstertown."

"Hampstertown?" Kevin sat down next to him on the bed.

"Yeah. You've been there?"

The red wolf shook his head. "No. I don't really travel a lot. What's it like there?"

Sebastian let out a small chuckle. "Like a giant hide and seek game."

"A giant hide and seek game?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "You know, gays aren't exactly welcome there..."

"Oh." Kevin simply said, not knowing how to react. He heard of Hampstertown several times on the television, but he'd never been there. The city seemed like a more friendly version of his hometown Ausalt-on-Haye, but he never thought the city was... rather intolerant.

Sebastian straightened again and shook his hand away. "But I live here now. Still miss it from time to time, and I visit my parents there sometimes, but never have the intention to go back."

"Welcome to Barrowisle, then." He said with a small laugh.

"Thanks." The white wolf laughed along. "Now, uh... um..."

He snickered. "You wanna go right at it? We have all night, don't rush it."

"W-well... uh... well..." Seb nervously reached out. He put his hand on Kevin's thigh, then up to his midsection, then up to his chest, all the while Kevin watched his hand slowly moving up. "Can... can we kiss?"

That question came back to him again. Should he really be doing this? Octo might get angry. He had his first proper boyfriend now.

But as the hand moved up, he couldn't fight the feeling of he needed the money. With this, he did not need to worry about next week's food. He was a grown man, and he should work his arse off.

That was it. This was just a job.

The bigger wolf reached out and took hold of Sebastian's muzzle. "Yeah." He then leant closer and kissed the smaller wolf. Sebastian's tongue nervously met his own as he deepened the kiss, moaning softly.

They broke the kiss, and the white wolf's hands reached up to touch his torso, exploring the muscles under the thin t-shirt and soft fur. Kevin let out a sigh and let the white wolf feel him. "You... uh, really are hard everywhere."

He gave a grin, then pulled the white wolf to sit on his lap as he leant back on his hands, quenching the guilt down his gut. "Do whatever you want. I'm yours tonight."


"Bið, mæj siten?" = "Sorry, may (I) sit?"

"Jo jo, gá en sit." = "Sure sure, go (ahead) and sit."

"Þanks." = "Thanks."

"Bið, í wenlij nim nan buses. J'wit, þa hårns e." = "Sorry, I don't usually take buses. Y'know, the horns/antlers eh."

"Ah jo, í reken." = "Ah yeah, I reckon."