Blood-Bond Ch7 (conclusion)

Story by Demi Azurewing on SoFurry

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#7 of Blood-Bound

Last one! This is the conclusion to the story, just some love and talk.

After this I'm planning on entering the story contest, That story will probly come out highly detailed, too!



Ch7 (conclusion)


=One Month Later=

Steam rose as I submerged the hot pan in the sink, rinsing the surface to remove small bits of caramelized fruit. A door down the hall opened, the sound echoing quietly through the home. The morning sun rose in the distance, the light diffused by the glass walls, sounds entering through the open wall that led to a small new patio.

I breathed deeply and sighed, the day's warm wind rolling across my feathers. Winter was approaching, but it was never cold in this part of the continent. Those who lived here their whole life may have thought so, but after three weeks to the far north, I now enjoyed the late fall heat.

"How is my little jay this morning." came that wonderful, musical, voice. "I see you made breakfast. What wonderful fruit dish have you made today?"

I turned and took in the lovely hawk before me. After being together for over a month we had become engaged, erring to the side of dragon customs. Soon we would be life mates, sworn to each other for the rest of both our lives. We would preform the ceremony in two months, but until then we had free time to go anywhere we wanted.

"They are similar to dumplings, my lovely hawk." I said, using my own pet name for him. "I felt inspired by the beautiful sunrise of the southern continent to make something new."

"So," Tiran said, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling against my beak. "Does that mean you did not appreciate our trip to meet my family?"

He ran his hand through my crest, making it stand up higher, the tips having gained a slight green tint, making them appear teal. "It was wonderful, and so was your family. It was nice to meet them all, and to know that they accept me. I don't think those three weeks could have been more wonderful. Next time, though, they are coming here."

"B-but, how? Where would we put them all?" Tiran stuttered out, eliciting a soft giggle from me.

"We'll renovate. Add another hall that goes to the other side of the baths, put four or five rooms in, and another door to the baths themselves. Unless my lovely hawk doesn't enjoy spending time with his family as much as I thought?" I said, putting a sad tone in my voice as I asked the question. "We already turned that useless balcony area into a nice patio. I'm sure we could finish the rooms by the time of the ceremony so they can be here for it."

Tiran just sighed in defeat, he knew when he was beat. He took the large platter in his hands and led me out onto the patio in question. The dining room furniture from inside had been moved out here, giving it a nice sophisticated feeling. We still had yet to decide what to make of the large amount of space inside, but I knew we would come up with something creative.

Tiran sat himself in a chair, popping a dumpling into his mouth. He smiled and closed his eyes, tilting his head back. Giggling, I slipped myself into his lap, resting into his chest as he placed a dumpling in front of my face. I took it gingerly, running my tongue across his fingers before he moved his hand away.

"You truly are a great cook." Tiran said, happily enjoying the food I had made.

"And I'm you little cook. As long as I don't have to cook meat, I will be fine." I said, shuddering in revulsion at the thought of raw meat being cooked till it gave off that disgustingly bloody smell. Becoming a bird had made it even more revolting, the smell being stronger. I couldn't even eat it anymore.

Many avians were either carnivores or herbivores. Most being unable to stand the taste of one, yet loving the other. Tiran was just as repulsed from meat as me, taking after his mother. She was a beautiful parakeet, her bright plumage cheering any area that she entered. She had been the most welcoming of me, treating me as if I were her own son. Although, technically I would be soon.

Tiran's father was a hawk, the same as him. The only feature that Tiran hadn't gotten from his father being his golden eyes. He had been the least accepting, though had given no outright comment against it, and had grown to like me the time that I had been there.

Tiran's many siblings were spread across a long range of age, the youngest was five while the oldest had been thirty-seven. All welcomed me with open arms.

"I don't think your father would be happy if he couldn't eat his meat, but I don't think there is any way I could stand having the smell of it in here."

"Don't worry about him." Tiran said, feeding me another dumpling. "He'll take my two brothers out to dinner every night they're here. They have been in houses before that didn't cater to the love of the stuff."

"Not to change the subject or anything," I said, truly wishing to change the subject, my tone completely agreeing. "But I think the next place we go to should have some furs."

Most of the world was separated marginally by species. The southern continent wasn't as bad as others, there being a wide range of furred, scaled, and skinned people, but in the north where Tiran's parents were, it was almost all birds.

At first the views had been amazing, but I had started to miss the sight of other species roaming the areas where only birds could reach. My wings had ached constantly the first week, but had grown stronger than they probably would have otherwise.

The rest of the food was finished off in a comfortable silence as we watched the sun rise higher, its heat beating into our feathers. I sat watching the city come to life below. All sorts of people were walking the streets, going to work or just out to enjoy the wonderful day.

To the far left was the castle. It was magnificent, the structure being carved centuries ago from the cliff. A small royal family resided there, the King and Queen having helped the economy and livelihood of the inhabitants tremendously. Starting from the base of the castle, tall mansions rose, the wealthy of society living close.

Straight out from us was the shops and restaurants, catering to all of society. Near the end of the city turning into wharves and warehouses. Large ships resided in the cove, bringing passengers and goods to and from the sprawling landmass.

I could still see the ship that had docked the day before I had met Tiran floating gently in the waves. Its high masts held a variety of flags, the colors and symbols meaning nothing to me. I gazed out to the sea, wishing that I could fly over it and see nothing but blue in any direction. My stamina for flying wasn't that high though.

To the right were the good sized homes of the middle class. Each had a small rocky yard, most grasses and plants being unable to grow in the city. A few, though, had lush green yards that sprawled to their neighbors.

I sighed happily and leaned further back into Tiran, enjoying the moment and our love for each other. My hands ran back over his sides and along the shorts that he wore. I had convinced him to give up the vests he had worn, enjoying the view of his bare chest whenever we were together, which was mostly all the time. Near his knees I found a rather large feather that was gold near the base, the very top of it darkening a little. I secured it between my fingers and pulled it out, getting a yelp from my love.

"What was that for?" Tiran asked, rubbing the side of his leg and looking at me, hurt. I felt bad that I had done it now, his expression making me sad.

"I did it for this." I said, a little bit of my sadness going into my voice as I tucked the feather into my crest, most likely having it contrast nicely against the blue and faint teal highlight.

Tiran's expression immediately changed, a smile turning up on the corners of his beak. He leaned forward and ran a hand across my face, then kissed me. I opened my beak and let his tongue in, placing my own in his mouth. I caressed his back as I turned in his lap, facing my lovely hawk. Our beaks were held together tightly, no air getting past as we breathed through our nose holes.

I moved my hands up, wrapping them around the back of his head and pulling him in as far as I could. Small musical moans reverberated in the backs of both of our throats.

After nearly ten minutes I broke the kiss, no longer able to get enough oxygen into my lungs through my nose alone. We cuddled close and wrapped our arms and wings around one another. Tiran released one of his hands and reached into his pocket.

I backed a little ways away to see what he had gotten and saw two somewhat shiny slips of paper. They were gray and blank on the side I saw. Tiran slowly turned them over, building suspense at the slow movement.

Gasping, I hugged him tight. He had two boat tickets in his hand, and not just any boat, the boat. The boat I had seen for the first time an hour before I had seen Tiran. I felt tears of happiness running down my face. It would be the perfect trip, the tickets being for a month long cruise.

"We leave tomorrow." my lovely hawk whispered in my ear.

I backed up again and smiled, wiping the tears from my eyes. "We will have to start the remodeling after we get back, and it will be close, but this trip is going to be perfect. Just you and me and the open sea!"

He laughed and hugged me close. "Don't forget all of the other passengers and the crew."

"With you there, when will I have time to notice them? I love you, my lovely hawk."

"I love you, too, my little jay."

Life is good.




Blood-Bound Ch6

**First chapter with yiff, and also the first time I have ever WRITTEN yiff. Any reviews are greatly appreciated and I want to send out a huge thanks to all those that have reviewed, favorited, and watched!** **If your under 18 don't get caught...

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Blood-Bound Ch5

/ / Ch5 / I tugged quickly, my last tooth coming out painlessly. Setting it aside I sighed and leaned back in the chair. A small pile of teeth sat on the table in front of me, having been steadily falling out for the last hour. My...

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Blood-Bound Ch4

/ / Ch4 / I hummed lightly, warmness covering me as I woke up. For a second I started, the strange feeling of feathers unnatural, but then I relaxed. I lifted my hand and rubbed it along Tiran's, only to feel a scraping sensation. It was...

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