Chapters 1&2: The beginning

Story by Angel712 on SoFurry

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#1 of Wind bourne destiny: a vagabonds fate


if your not old enough to read this then dont; You have been warned if you get caught its not my fault You have been warned.


For as long as I can remember I have been alone, wandering from place to place living off of others. I work in exchange for food and a place to stay. I have been ran out of towns because they don't want "my kind" around. I don't stay in one place for long I don't allow myself to become attached, bad things happen when I do. I have come across a promising town with stables and farms to possibly work, and even a local inn.

Closing his small book and putting away his pen the stallion stands underneath a large apple tree on a hill overlooking a small town. The wind blows the black and silver mane of the vanner mustang mix. His body is muscled his dark coat fades to silver as it approaches his hoof tufts. The stallions icy blue eyes focus upon an apple which he picks up and takes a bite out of it. Starting down the road he adjusts his jeans, a gift from the last family he worked for. With a sigh he situates the pack on his shoulder and walks into town. His first stop is the general store. He is greeted with smiles from the workers there.

"Well now what can I do for you traveler?" asks a older grey fox.

"Im looking for work" says the stallion frankly

"well what can you do?" the shopkeep asks adjusting his glasses.

"Anything you need" the stallion states in a serious tone

"Well I could use a hand." says an older horse who has just walked into the building.

The stallion looks at the older horse who has just entered, the horse is an older quarter horse his hands rough from years of work.

I suppose you could use a place to stay too huh? Call me Thomas? Says the older horse. "Come." he motions out the door.

The stallion follows Thomas out the door and down the road "hm. I wonder if this will be any different from the rest." the stallion thinks to himself. Thomas leads the stallion to a house on the edge of town. Behind this quaint block home there lies stables and a rather large fenced in field lying beside fields planted in various grains.

"Now" Thomas says sternly. I have a daughter, you aren't to be too close to her you hear. Or my son either." Thomas shakes his head. "Ya never can tell about people these days but I still have to be sure you know"

the stallion shakes his head signifying his agreement.

"So what's your name traveler?" Thomas asks

the stallion looks to the ground and sighs. "I prefer not to tell my full name" the stallion looks back up at Thomas and says "call me Ashton."

Thomas gets a puzzled look on his face and nods "all-right then ashton it is."

Thomas showed ashton out to the stables and into a room, the room was small and closed off with a wood stove in the corner that doubled as a water heater. Thomas pointed to the bed and said "ill get you pillows later, but mean while I need your help". Ashton nodded and followed Thomas out the door.

"Grab that." Thomas said pointing to a spool of fencing wire. Ashton simply obliged, and followed the aged stallion toward the fence line. Ashton helped Thomas mend the break in the fence pounding the new post into the ground and wrapping the wire around it.

"Very good" Thomas said looking over to ashton "I see you work well follow me I have more for you".

Ashton followed Thomas to the shed was handed a garden hoe and shown a plot of soil.

"Here break and weed this ground we have some potatoes to plant later, all-right?" Ashton nodded and began his work after nearly half an hour a mare made her way over to the two.

"Hey pop I have some lemonade here for you and your help". The mare was different in color from her father and looked to be about 16 years old, her light brown base coat was painted with white spots, which accented the soft brown hair of her mane and tail.

"Thank you Kara", the stallion said grabbing a glass and handing the other to ashton. Ashton nodded to the mare and thanked her for the drink. The young mare merely blushed and held the dish to her chest blushing. At this Thomas merely frowned.

"So what's you name sir?" Kara said looking over at ashton

"his name is ashton and he will be working for us for a few weeks". Thomas said before ashton had a chance to talk.

"And don't call me sir" ashton said" besides im not much older than you".

Kara gave a cute laugh, turned and ran back into the house, causing a slight chuckle from ashton.

"Remember what I said ashton", Thomas said. "She is still young and doesn't really know the errm facts of life if you get my meaning."

Ashton nodded, "well sir she's no the only one", at this Thomas just tilted his head. Leaning oh his hoe and looking toward the dirt, ashton siged and continued, "I have never been around to smell a mare in heat much less ever know one, to tell the truth you daughter is the first mare I have seen in ages. I have spent so much time wandering around away from any villages that I haven't had much contact".

Thomas nodded, "well still please just be careful, I don't know why but I already trust you don't betray that".

"I wont I promise" ashton said solemnly.

Later on that night ashton sat down to the supper table, across from him was Marcus, Thomas' son who was colored very nearly to his father. The colt seemed to be about fifteen and kept looking over at ashton seemingly embarrassed,

ashton looked to his plate with a meal of oats, corn, Lettice, and potatoes this was by far the best meal he had eaten in months. He looked up to Kara and said "this looks very good thank you", without hesitation he scarfed down his food trying to maintain what little manners he had, all learned piece by piece throughout his years as a vagabond. After finishing his plate he turned to Kara and thanked her for the meal.

"Let me help you with that" Kara said, taking his plate from him.

With that he bowed and left the house making his way to his room in the stables. He laid on the bed with fresh linens and pillows and sighed a sigh of relief, wow this is a comfortable bed, wether it was the fact the bed was exceptionally comfortable or wether it was his lack of a warm soft sleep in the past months he nodded off to sleep rather quickly.

Three weeks passed y quickly with ashton continuing his work, and getting to know this family better. For once he felt at home, sadly though he new the months were fast approaching. He knew he needed to depart but something was pulling him tugging at his emotions, something made him want to stay, a feeling he could not explain but a warmth in his heart.

Ashton woke up as normal a cloudy Thursday morning, he knew the rain was about to come so there would be little work today. He started his morning routine feeding the horses and the cattle. Upon leaving the barn a pain crossed his heart, this was his last day here the last day he would spend with this family.

"Hmm, fitting" he said looking toward the sky, realizing he had slept late.

The smell of fresh breakfast crossed his nostrils and his ears perked, the aroma was of pancakes and oatmeal, his favorite breakfast. Upon entering he issued a good morning to all in the room, Kara smiled slightly at him from across the room, after blessing thier food he sat down to the table. Though he thought it was for the best he couldn't help but to feel attached to this place

"Well it doesn't look like much work today ashton", Thomas said

ashton simply sighed

Kara knew something was wrong but dared not ask him amongst the rest of her family. The day was spent with the family asking Ashton of his travels abroad asking him what the eastern lands were like, though he couldn't remember much he described best he could. Something that was unusual for he never said anything to anyone of his past. When night fell Kara went to start supper which was done quickly. Around the table the some talks continued, till a question caught ashton by surprise.

"So Ashton you have been with us for a while you've worked pretty well and, well we moved things around and we now have room for ya in here". Thomas said kindly.

Ashton paused that phrase shot though him like an arrow." I.. I'll have to think about it, thank you Thomas". He said softly.

Upon finishing his meal ashton stood up and thanked everyone for the meal and headed out the door.

Ashton walked into the stables and past the horses stalls to the shower stall that was on the other side of the storage room. This seemed like a improvised stall with only one shower head with a wooden water heater outside the barn. Since the heater had been started before supper there was plenty of warm water. Since the walls of the stall didn't touch the floor nor the ceiling one could easily tell when one was in the shower. The shower didn't have a door except for the one leading the whole room. The stall was easily large enough to comfortably hold two full size horses.

Ashton walked into the room and over near the shower head. There were seats incorporated into the walls on which to put clothes or cleaning supplies on the left wall of the shower. Sneakily Marcus came and peered around the corner at Ashton. Ashton slowly pulled off his clothes starting with his shirt then his pants. Marcus let out a slight bluster at Ashtons physique, this caused ashtons ears to perk as he turned his head to look for what made the sound, he dismissed it as one of the non-anthro horses in the stable. Marcus had darted back around the corner avoiding ashtons gaze. This excitement caused the teens phallus to drop from it sheath and begin ti harden. Marcus slid down his pants and underwear to his knees showing his growing member. He looked back around to ashton who had now begun the shower, the steam was building as the warm water flowed down his muscular chest and back. The sight of this made Marcus' member become fully erect begging for attention. He obliged it taking it in his hand he began to stroke imagining every inch of Ashtons body imagining what he would do to him and what ashton would do back. He imagined his pucker as he wanted it to be, experienced but tight, warm, winking and begging for his cock. Marcus stroked harder nearing climax pre slowly leaking from his tip his flair growing preparing to let streams of his seed loose. Soft blusters escaped his lips and he lurched froward, then bucking wildly he let himself go a flood of pleasure overwhelming him as his seed shot from his flare and landed on the floor. As soon as he had his scenes about him sr scrambled to find a towel grabbing the nearest thing to him to sop up his seed. After he cleaned it up he got dressed and ran out of the stables toward his room.

And odd scent crossed ashton nostrils ad he turned off the shower knobs. Looking around he could neither identify the scent nor pinpoint its direction. The scent smelled familiar yet he could still not place it. He reached for his towel but it was nowhere to be found. With a sigh and a puzzled look he just went up to his room toweled off got dressed and begin to pack his things.

Gathering what he had into his pack he threw it over his shoulder and walked outside. He planned to go quietly by the back gate and simply disappear, but something caught his ear.

Yea, I think he is pretty sweet he nice and a god worker, we should let him stay. Kara said to her father whilst she was hugging a pillow in her room.

Ashtons eyes peered into the window, and at that moment his and Kara's eyes met, Ashton turned around quickly and put his back to the wall.

Well I guess I could stay a while he said to himself, walking back to the barn.

While putting his sack down he heard someone come into the barn after him.

You weren't planning on leaving now are you ashton? Kara said timidly.

Ashton paused for a second. Not anymore. He said with a smile.

Good, Kara said blushingly, because I don't want you to.

Why not, said ashton tilting his head slightly to the left.

Kara blushed, 'cause 'cause I think I like you,, she said forcing the words and blushing from embarrassment. "I.. I know I like you"

Ashton chuckled

what? Kara said quickly

nothing, ashton said slowly, its just... his voice trailed off.


Well no one has ever told me that before Kara. Ashton said

Kara smiled. Really?

With a smile ashton said simply, really.

Their eyes met and for what seemed like an hour though it was but a few seconds they just looked into each others eyes.

Kara broke off the look and looked down and tho her right. "Do.... do you like me too?"

"I do but.." Ashton stopped

"but ..but what". Kara said seemingly startled.

"Well it just".. Ashton paused." I have never been around a mare this long, and im falling for you, but I don't know what to do or say, I mean I have barely even seen any mares lately, much less liked one".

Kara smiled.

Around the two the feral stallions began to get a slight bit antsy. Mean while ashton sniffed the air with an inquisitive look.

Kara blushed, what's wrong?"

"What's that smell" ashton said, "its different I don't know what it is it smells strong but it smells good."

Kara blushed and pulled her left hand to her chest and rested her right shoulder on it and the tip of her muzzle on that hand. "It... its me" she said blushingly.

"What do you mean, what is it", ashton said

"you never have been around a mare long have you?". She said shyly

"no, but still what is the smell". He said

"its me, its my scent", Kara said quietly ans shyly, "im in estrus".

Ashtons eyes widened, "I im sorry I didn't know I didn't mean to Kara I im sorry". He said quickly

"its okay", Kara said with a smile. "You didn't know".

Ashton simply nodded.

"Well I need to get back to the house before dad says anything", Kara said , and quickly ran closer to ashton and kissed him on the cheek then bolted off toward the house.

Ashton put his hand to his cheek and stared at her as she ran off.

That night thought rushed through ashtons head. Not erotic thoughts like most stallions would, though he did have a noticeable boner, rather the words, "I know I like you" etched Their way into his mind. And slowly he nodded off to sleep.