Predator becomes prey - Wolf vs Rams(In the line of Duty)

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#6 of Predator Becomes Prey

What would you do for justice and to protect your loved ones?

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

Edward "Eddie" Hoyle was a lucky man and he knew it. Barely twenty-three and one of the top detectives in the district, already married to his high school sweetheart Emma with a kid on the way. The young wolf felt like he had it all nailed down, in a couple of weeks they'd be foreclosing on their dream house in the suburbs not far from where he and his wife worked.

He'd come from a long line of Police stock, those whom knew Eddie had always said it was in his blood, so it was almost expected of him to follow in his father's footsteps. Even after his folks got divorced due to being too committed to the job as well as suspected infidelity on his father's part, Eddie still looked up to his old man. Despite everything he had been a great father, loving and supportive of whatever Eddie wanted to do in his life, even encouraging Eddie's brief dalliance of venturing into the acting world which didn't pan out. His father had actually seemed more upset about that than Eddie had himself had at the time.

Any rumors that Eddie had gotten where he was just simply because his dad was the Captain of his precinct were quickly squashed by Eddie's impressive arrest record, often despite his father's protests against some of them. Eddie on his own was a force to be reckoned with, but when he was paired with another brilliant mind in the form of his partner, Lucas Berry a former football player turned lawmaker, there was no stopping them. Despite his size, Lucas had a keen intellect that worked amazingly well to compliment Eddie's and vice versa. The wolf and tiger had become fast friends and admittedly sometimes felt like brothers more than just mere partners, Eddie was even considering asking Lucas to be the Godfather of his unborn child.

Other long time detectives jokingly referred to it as "The Shining" due to how creepy it was the duo figured out the nearly impossible so easily, some even thinking it had to be a supernatural gift. With their incredible track record growing, it wasn't too surprising when the higher ups specifically requested for the duo to begin investigating an infamous crime ring run by twin brothers. Simply known as "The Crayzees", the organization was run by two large white rams that looked better suited to be hired goon muscle instead of infamous crime bosses. So far every attempt at indicting the brothers had failed, every case brought against them just didn't stick. Ronald and Reginald Cray, they had quite the reputation in the crime underworld, known for being ruthless and brutal with harsh indoctrination rituals in order to get into their gangs inner circles. No matter what tactics they tried, Eddie and Lucas just could not get any informations to speak, either they didn't know what happened or they flat out refused to say.

After months of investigations turning up nothing and pressure starting to mount, Lucas and Eddie grew desperate and began bending the laws a little here and there. Slowly but surely over a period of time they started getting some momentum in building a case where it looked like they might actually finally get something to stick to the Cray twins. Or so it looked, until Lucas began to behave rather odd, almost withdrawn out of the blue. The investigation stalled again as the Cray's always seemed to be one step ahead of them, much to Eddie's frustration. With victory so close at hand, he began taking chances he really shouldn't have, being very careful and meticulous as he planted evidence and coerced witnesses to push the investigation along. Like Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill, Eddie could almost taste victory as evidence began to mount against the brothers again.

Then it all came crashing down around him the morning a mysterious package was delivered to his home while his wife was out with friends doing some last minute maternity shopping. Eddie sat in his study as he opened the package, his heart pounding in his chest and blood running cold as he saw dozens of photos, documents and all other recorded evidence of his and Lucas' wrongdoings. Not only was this box full of enough evidence to blow their investigation out the water, there was more than enough to put both him and his partner in jail for a long time. Knowing what happens to cops in jail knocked the breath from his lungs, Eddie clutched at his chest as he gasped for air, finding it suddenly hard to breath. His first thought was of his unborn child having to grow up without a father, this was not something he could bare. His mind began spinning a hundred miles a minute as he played out various scenarios in his head, trying to think of how he could get out of this situation when he noticed one last item at the bottom of the package he'd missed earlier.

At the bottom of the package was a simple white note with gilded lettering, it was an address and a request for his presence at a specific date and time so they could "negotiate" his situation.

Time seemed to stand still for Eddie the following day, even his wife had noticed something out of the ordinary with the usually upbeat wolf. Eddie just affirmed it was the case getting to him and that she shouldn't worry, which mollified her for the time being thankfully. As the hour drew closer and closer to that of the requested meeting, Eddie felt a sour weight growing in the pit of his stomach. He knew what was currently happening had to do with the Cray twins, given their reputation he did not want to imagine what they had in store for him as surely whatever it was would be far worse than he could imagine.

The hour finally arrived and Eddie parked outside the warehouse as directed, being shown inside and directed down the passage to an office at the back by a pair of grinning bulls. They had patted him down and ensured he was not wearing a wire or packing a concealed weapon, they'd been extremely thorough, perhaps more than was needed and especially when they felt over his crotch with rough squeezes.

Even before Eddie made it to the door at the end of the hallway he could hear and smell what was going on, true to form the Cray brothers were "busy" with someone in their office. Multiple grunts and snorts could be heard, each very distinguishable from one another due to their pitch and frequency. The Cray's snorted and grunted in pleasure while whomever was in there with them was clearly not enjoying themselves. His hand trembled an inch over the door handle as he heard the unmistakable sound of flesh on flesh contact, Eddie actually hoped he might walk in on someone being beaten to a bloody pulp just on the other side of the door instead of what his nose was clearly telling him was happening in the room beyond.

As much as he tried to steel himself for what he was about to walk in on, nothing could prepare him for what he found. As he swung the door open he was met with a pair of large firm white buttocks clenching and flexing as the large ram with his back facing the door was very clearly fucking someone over his desk. The constant slapping of his hips against the strangers ass filling the room over and over again, punctuated every so often with a pained grunt or whimper. A louder pained mewl drew his attention over to the right where two more bodies were currently located, the sight causing Eddie to stare in abject horror as he watched a familiar tiger being spooned by the other large ram. With his upper leg lifted, Eddie could clearly see the rams thick ebony shaft thrusting just behind the tigers own large soft furred balls and up his striped behind.

"Lucas?" Eddie asked with a suddenly dry mouth and wide eyes as he found he couldn't look away, no matter how much he wanted to. The tiger whom had previously had his eyes screwed shut tight before now opened them to look at the wolf standing a few feet away.

"I'm so sorry, Eddie..." the large tiger tried to say, but his words quickly devolved into a pained groan as the large ram behind him reached down from his lifted leg and painfully gripped his balls while bucking harder under the tigers flicking tail. Eddie stood in stunned silence as the twin rams fucked his partner and another person to climax, almost in a comical imitation of the twin mental link, both large brutes bleated out nearly in unison before they emptied their heavy balls in their respective partners. Eddie felt his cheeks become warmer as he blushed, seeing the rams heavy pendulous balls twitch and jump with every shot of seed inside their unwilling partners.

The ram standing by the desk was the first to withdraw, grinning at Eddie while he panted softly as he held aloft a fluffy tail for Eddie to admire his handiwork. The ram showed off a roughly fucked tail hole already leaking white mess, slightly agape and Eddie could see why from what the large ram was packing. A thick dark cock that put him to shame, almost as thick as a soda can hanging over a pair of large white balls, only showing a slight sag after having just climaxed. Eddie was transfixed as he watched the pearlescent white mess trickle from the abused opening down over a pair of decently sized and soft furred balls to drip to the floor below. Without warning a large hand came crashing down on the persons behind as the ram commented "Where's your manners, Harv? Say hello to your kid!"

Eddie's blood ran cold as the person on the desk weakly turned around, their face bore unmistakable shame and embarrassment. "H...Hello Eddie..."

"Dad!?" Eddie almost shouted out as he saw the man he'd admired for all these years naked and bent over the desk, having just witnessed him getting fucked by a criminal.

The voice was so weak and uncertain Eddie almost didn't recognize it as coming from his father. A flood of emotions washed through him, pieces of a puzzle suddenly fitting together, but too late for Eddie to do anything about. All those mysterious late night calls his father used to get, leading his mother to think he was having an affair and costing his parents their marriage. This is what was really going on, but for how long it had really been going on, Eddie wasn't certain.

Eddie's attention diverted by Lucas grunting in pain as the ram behind him gave one last squeeze to his balls and a rough thrust under his tail before finally withdrawing and moving over to stand beside his brother. Lucas just remained laying motionless, unable to meet Eddie's gaze, his cheeks stained with tears and glowing red with shame as he could already feel the sticky mess under his tail creating spider webs every time his tail lowered and lifted again which flicking about in agitation.

"Detective Eddie Hoyles, it's a pleasure to finally meet the person that's been such a massive pain in my ass for so long!" Reginald said with no small measure of hostility in his voice, still standing beside Eddie's bent over father and unceremoniously jamming a couple of fingers under his tail to force another whimper from the Captain. Reggie's choice of words not lost on his brother Eddie noted as the other ram leered almost hungrily at the smaller wolf, looking him over as if he were a buffet.

"It seems you're in quite the predicament, mister Hoyle. The way we see it is you have two choices, either you try be a hero and go ahead with your case where we destroy your career with our mountain of evidence against you, or you come work for us..." Ronnie offered with a grin, looking over at Lucas whom cowered under the glare.

"Oh and before you think that little box of goodies is all we had on you, think again...pretty wife you have there. It'd be a shame if something happened to her" Reggie mocked, nodding at a screen on the wall behind Eddie. The young wolfs heart sank into his shoes as he turned around as saw a live feed of someone following his wife around, easily within arms distance of her. For once his mind was quiet, there was nothing he could think of to do or say to get him out of this. Slowly he turned around to face the two large grinning white rams.

"Please, don't hurt her...I'll do anything you say, just leave my wife out of this" Eddie almost begged, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him.

"Good boy, just like your old man. He fell into line just as easily when we threatened to visit you at University" Reggie mocked, licking his lips as he looked Eddie over again. "Pity though, pretty sure young Eddie must've had a nice tight ass before all that Uni experimentation ruined it."

"Fuck you, I never..." Eddie began to growl out, only to be cut off by Reggie.

"You haven't? Excellent, this will be extra special for you and dear old dad then" the ram plunging his fingers under the old wolfs tail to make him whimper again suggestively.

"Hear that, Harv? We're gonna finally break in your kids ass after all these years" Ronnie laughed while clapping his large hands together and rubbing them in glee.

"You two sit over there and watch as we welcome Eddie to the family" Reggie ordered Eddie's father and partner. Sufficiently cowed, they both tucked their tails against their aching behinds and moved over to sit on the two sturdy old chairs, hands clasped in their laps as they tried not to make eye contact with Eddie while watching as told for fear of further repercussions.

Eddie was made to strip, helped along by the twins as they manhandled him and ripped his clothing from his body when he took too long to remove anything. Large hands explored and touched Eddie all over, making him shiver in revulsion. Thick fingers squeezing his ass, groping between his thighs and over his chest, no inch was left unexplored. He wasn't sure which twin it was, but they even stuck a finger under his tail to confirm his virginity making the young wolf wince uncomfortably from just a single digit under his tail, sharing a knowing grin between themselves while commenting "He's mint, untouched back he's never even had so much as a rectal thermometer up his ass!"

"Suck us clean" Reggie suddenly demanded of Eddie as he pushed the nude wolf down to kneel before them, the temptation to just bite down on their exposed cocks was immense, but he had too much to lose. His nose wrinkled at the idea, not just of sucking another man's member, but specifically these two which had just been inside his friend and father alike. For someone with no skill or experience in such things, the young wolf would battle substantially to do as told. When he took too long to get more than a couple of inches into his maw, the brothers had no qualms about gripping the back of his head and forcing him down onto their eager cocks. Every time they did so Eddie felt like they might just suffocate him and be done with it, part of him wished they would so this humiliation would end. With his jaw and throat aching from being so stretched, he hardly had a moment to breathe let alone relax. The grip on his head became rougher as the Cray's started to finally reach their peak, unsure which one it was that held his maw down over their cocks as they unloaded a fresh torrent of slick hot seed down his throat. Eddie was unable to see as the other brother finished himself off with Eddie's hand on his cock, making the wolf stroke him to the finish line before firing his own load across the wolfs face and muzzle. Eddie trying to jerk his head away in revulsion as hot spatters of ram seed spurted across his cheek and muzzle, but the grip on his head was absolute, being forced to remain where he was and swallow the rams load.

"Good start pup, hope you're taking notes Harv. You could learn a thing or two about sucking dick from your boy" Ronnie mocked the old wolf sitting and watching with growing shame as they abused Eddie.

Eddie wasn't given a chance to rest let alone clean up before he was lifted off his knees and guided roughly over to kneel on the sofa Lucas had been laid upon earlier. Dipping his head down to wipe the sticky mess from his eyes against his upper arm so he could at least see again, Eddie felt the heavy weight of someone climbing on the chair behind him. The large shadow looming over him was unmistakable, Eddie beginning to tremble with dread as something hot, hard and thick pressed under his held aloft tail threateningly.

"Are you watching Harv?" Ronnie mocked as he gripped the older wolf by the hair and forced him to stare straight ahead at his son kneeling on the seat, the large ram looming over him with his thick ebony shaft poised right at his virgin opening.

"Y...yes..." Harvey weakly muttered, just before Reggie's hips began to descend like the blade of a guillotine and his cock stretched Eddie wide to force inch after unrelenting inch into him. The young wolf tried to grit his teeth and bear it, but he couldn't and soon let out a loud long whine.

Reggie's hips met Eddie's rump with a firm plap sound, grinding against the squirming wolf beneath him and holding his hips up by his firm grip on Eddie's tail. "Atta boy, took it like a champ. Your old man squealed like a bitch the first time, didn't you Harv?" the ram said mockingly without looking back at the old wolf.

Harvey could do nothing but watch as Ronnie gripped him by his hair painfully, watching as his son went through the same pain and torture he'd endured for years. He'd tried to protect Eddie from this fate, but his son was just as stubborn as he'd been all those years ago. Every loud clap of Reggie's hips against Eddie's backside accompanied by a pained yelp or whine, Harvey knew all too well what his son was feeling right now.

"Damn he's a tight little bitch, tighter than his daddy, that's for sure" Reggie continued, already starting to huff and pant heavily despite having cum twice already not so long ago. There was just something about breaking in a new ass he couldn't get enough of. It was predominantly the reason he and his brother performed this act on anyone wanting to become a part of their inner circle, also because no one wanted to admit in the criminal underworld that they got ass fucked by their bosses on the regular either, it was also a form of insurance policy to ensure silence.

With a loud bleat Reggie raised his muzzle to the ceiling, giving one last rough and deep stroke into the uselessly clenching pucker beneath him as he once more emptied his balls in a nice tight hole. Stirring his hips around and grinding against Eddie's aching ass until his balls stopped twitching, Reggie finally pulled himself free and wiped his slick cock against one of the wolf's rump cheeks.

Reggie panted and collapsed onto the sofa beside the still kneeling Eddie, his softening cock laying against his belly as he grinned over at his brother. "Your turn, Ron. He's got a sweet ass, you'll love it!"

Ronnie grinned and winked at his brother before releasing his grip on Harvey's hair, trotting over to the couch and climbing in beside Eddie to lay down with his back against the backrest. Eddie found himself tugged down to lay with his head in Reggie's lap, the softening cock rubbing against his cheek as Ronnie gripped and lifted his upper thigh. In an imitation of what they'd been doing to Lucas earlier, Eddie felt another thick shaft being pushed into him with little care. His eyes closed as he opened his mouth to again yelp in pain, but instead he found his open maw pushed back down onto a familiar cock. As Ronnie began pistoning in and out of the smaller wolf from behind, Reggie painfully gripped his ears and worked Eddie's muzzle along his shaft once more. Out the corner of his eye Eddie could see his father and Lucas still watching with looks of sadness and shame, also a hint of relief as they weren't the ones being fucked for once.

Just as Eddie began to think it couldn't get any worse, he felt a large hand reach down and roughly grab him by the balls. His eyes going wide for a brief moment before screwing shut tight as he whined painfully around Reggie's cock. Just as they'd done to Lucas, now they were doing to him as they roughly squeezed at his sack, a pleasured snort coming from behind him as his body clenched tight at the wave of pain, clearly what Ronnie had intended. Every time he'd withdraw from Eddie, his hand would squeeze and make the wolf tense up before bucking back into him.

One small mercy was it seemed to help the bastard get off faster as not long after the new torture began, Eddie heard him bleat loud before a fresh wave of heat spread through him. The grip on his balls vanishing as Ronnie instead gripped his hip, bucking roughly into the wolf a few more times before finally pulling his length free with a wet slurp.

"Nice ass you got there pup, gonna enjoy fucking it up every chance we get" Ronnie commented with a rough slap to the wolf's behind.

"My turn again..." Reggie snorted while leering down at Eddie with his mouth still wrapped about the ram's cock. Eddie's maw was pulled from Reggie's shaft as the ram easily hoisted him up into his lap, the wolfs' back against the broad and muscled white furred chest while his thighs were pushed wide to be either side of Reggie's. This left him with no real leverage to try resist, not that it would've made any difference if he had, as Reggie guided the wolfs aching behind back down onto his waiting cock, now returned to fullness thanks to Eddie's maw. Eddie could feel his dad and Lucas' gaze on him even without looking at them, having a direct view of his behind swallowing every thick dark inch of Reggie's cock again as the ram began bouncing him in his lap like a cheap sex toy. Thankfully his vision of his dad and friend was soon blocked, though not quite how he'd like it to be. Instead Ronnie loomed before him as he stood up on the sofa, slick messy cock in hand as he grabbed Eddie by the hair and forced his mouth down onto his waiting shaft. As Ronnie bounced the wolf in his lap, his muzzle too would be worked up and down the other rams shaft.

Eddie just wanted it to end, but an ice cold feeling began to grow at his core as he realized this is what his life would be like from now on if he wanted to keep his family safe. A small part of him hated his father for putting up with this, but a bigger part of him loved him even more for enduring it all these years just to protect him. Knowing all this only made Eddie more determined to do whatever it took to do the same for his own family. Even if that meant taking countless loads of these bastards seed in his mouth and ass just as he was doing so again. Both rams bleating in unison again as the wolf felt heat under his tail once more while his mouth and throat were flooded with salty cum once more.

Eddie was tossed aside like a dirty rag once the Cray's climaxes had subsided, leaving him a quivering mess on the couch as they moved to lean against their large desk. Both brothers were breathing heavily, finally their dicks seemed to be showing signs of softening after plowing the poor wolf for so long. Just as Eddie thought this torment was over for now, their next words made his blood run cold as they ensured the torment would continue.

"Your turn Harv, get in there and show us what you got. You too kitty!" Ronnie demanded in a tone that left no room for argument.

"Yeah, we've prepped his tight little ass for you two, so why don't you both see if you can fit under Detective Hoyles tail?" Reggie chimed in with a sinister grin.

The room went deathly silent, Eddie shared a pained and panicked look with his father knowing they had no choice. "It's okay Dad, just do it, for Kate and your grandchild's sake" he managed to say even though his mouth was suddenly dry.

"Atta boy, that's the spirit! Now go get them ready" one of the rams ordered, Eddie wincing as his body ached when he tried to move. But he forced himself to move however, there was too much riding on this for him to back out now. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever have thought he'd be in this position, but here he was, crawling over to his father and best friend about to give them head before they fucked him. Lucas mouthed an "I'm sorry" down to Eddie as the wolf moved between his thighs, reaching out to grip his friends soft length and starting to stroke it. Thankfully Lucas was nowhere near as hung as the brothers, Eddie having an easier time working his muzzle along the feline's shaft. As much as both of them hated this, Lucas would soon find his cock stiff and throbbing, his cheeks burning with shame as his best friend's mouth bobbed up and down his length sucking softly.

Once Lucas was ready, Eddie moved over to the older wolf. He couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with his father as he reached out and grasped his sheath, starting to stroke at it reluctantly. Shame burned brightly in his cheeks as he leaned forwards to wrap his lips around the slowly emerging cock that'd given him life twenty-three years ago. His ears folding flat as unbidden images of his mother doing this very same thing flashed in his mind, trying to block out the sounds of his father's soft groans as he bobbed his lips along the slowly growing shaft. Eddie wanted to be ill, but he forced himself to keep going even when his father finally reached fullness and touched the back of his throat.

Wanting this nightmare to be over, Eddie quickly pulled his maw off his father's cock. Getting up off his knees before turning around to face away from his father, thinking he could pretend it was someone else he was about to let fuck him. Unfortunately he would find it incredibly hard to imagine someone else, anyone else beside his father, as being the person behind him as he sat down and guided the thick throbbing shaft under his tail. Wincing as his aching pucker stretched anew to take the thick red length as he sunk down into his father's lap, resting his back against the older wolfs chest. Eddie shuddered hard in revulsion as he felt his father's knot press against and threaten to enter him, quickly lifting up a little to prevent it before looking over at Lucas and giving him a pleading look.

The tiger reluctantly began to move, kneeling between both wolves spread thighs as he guided his cock under Eddie's ball sack, his cock brushing against Harvey's knot and making him groan unwittingly from the contact before Lucas found his friends opening. Eddie grit his teeth as Lucas began to push in alongside his father, stretching the young wolfs aching asshole wide again. Eddie felt arms wrapping about his chest, a soft loving touch as his father hugged him tight while his hips began to roll and buck up gently from below. Likewise Lucas stared at Eddie with a mixture of sorrow and shame as he too began to slowly thrust in and out with counter strokes to Harvey.

Eddie wished they'd just fuck him hard and fast to get this over with, but he didn't dare say as such as he didn't want to give those damned grinning ram assholes any further ammunition. But this slow tender fucking after being rutted hard for so long was doing a number on Eddie whom soon found his own cock betray him and getting hard. With his prostate being constantly massaged by the cocks inside him and Lucas's soft belly fur rubbing against his trapped length, Eddie began to pant and whine softly through clenched jaws as he tried to fight off a growing and embarrassing climax. But there was no stopping it as there was just too much continuous friction both outside and inside him simultaneously.

Lucas would be the first to climax, snarling as he screwed his eyes shut tight and gave a few last twitching thrusts into Eddie before withdrawing his slick cock from the wolfs ass, collapsing back onto his own backside panting heavily. His thick cock starting to flag in his lap as it dripped the last few drops of his cum not inside his best friend to a small puddle between his spread thighs on the floor.

As Lucas withdrew, Harvey would be on the upswing, hearing a startled yelp from his son as he accidentally sunk his knot in the now almost vacant tail hole gripping around him. Eddie whined and squirmed, uselessly trying to stave off the inevitable. But with his father's knot suddenly lodged inside him and grinding against his prostate, it was hopeless. With a pitiful whine and jerking of his hips, Eddie came and came hard. His untouched cock throbbing and pulsing with every shot of his seed as it arced through the air to land with soft patters on the ground between Lucas's thighs and joining the tigers mess already there. With how Eddie was bucking and squirming in his lap like that, Harvey wasn't far behind from his knot being tugged on. Instinct making him bite down on the scruff before him as he bucked hard a couple last times before he finally emptied his balls into his son. Even before his climax began to fade he heard the sound of clapping coming from the opposite side of the room. When he opened his eyes he saw the Cray's grinning and clapping like fools.

"Bravo, quite the finish! Really glad we got that all on tape!" Ronnie said with a note of seriousness. Turning to flip on the large screen behind them which showed a camera angled right at the three dirty cops, it had been carefully positioned not to capture the rest of the room, making it appear as though the two wolves and tiger were just having some taboo fun in a random room. Ronnie pressed a button on the remote and the image zoomed in to focus on Harvey's knot firmly lodged in Eddie's rump as the pair of large balls below twitched and pulsed with every shot of incestuous seed up his sons backside, or so the video made it seem.

"Welcome to the family Eddie" Reggie all but growled out with heavy malice in his words.