Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 17

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#17 of B&C 2

Good to see you again my lovely reader.

Well, there is a pretty interesting love triangle forming in the wake of that drama from earlier, now isn't there? Hmm, I wonder how our favorite cat is going to take all this.

Of course, there's also the issue with the angels to attend to. Lots of drama and even more questions needing answered it seems. Our vixen certainly has a full plate these days, doesn't she?

You know what always helps me when my stress levels are up? Fu fu... well maybe I'm thinking too much like a certain rabbit these days. Still, I'm sure our vixen could use a little stress relief, maybe she'll find a creative place to get that.

That's enough rambling from me, let's jump right back in and see how Katrina is doing.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Good to see you again my lovely reader.

Well, there is a pretty interesting love triangle forming in the wake of that drama from earlier, now isn't there? Hmm, I wonder how our favorite cat is going to take all this.

Of course, there's also the issue with the angels to attend to. Lots of drama and even more questions needing answered it seems. Our vixen certainly has a full plate these days, doesn't she?

You know what always helps me when my stress levels are up? Fu fu... well maybe I'm thinking too much like a certain rabbit these days. Still, I'm sure our vixen could use a little stress relief, maybe she'll find a creative place to get that.

That's enough rambling from me, let's jump right back in and see how Katrina is doing.

Episode 17:

Threads of Fate

"Then you broke her nose? Damn, you're vicious my fox." Katrina showed me an amused grin, her arms folded over her ample chest, black tail curling and flicking.

"She was no worse for wear, it was healed soon enough," I grumbled as I thought back on it. "She certainly broke a few of my ribs in that bear hug of hers, so it was fair."

Katrina gave me an angry scowl that I knew was at the idea of me being hurt. I stepped closer, pushing my forehead to her own, a palm resting on her hip. She blinked into my eyes, those hues of copper and green slightly shimmering to maroon as my scent hit her nose.

"Such a defensive cat... my cat," I growled the words, brushing my lips to hers, seeing her eyes shift fully to red before she closed them and threw her arms around my neck, both of us pushing into a deep kiss.

"Oh!" We heard Gloria call out as she rounded the corner, we had just been standing in the hallway after all. "My apologies, I didn't mean to-"

"You're fine, Gloria," Katrina huffed the words out as she pulled from my grip, her eyes slowly shifting back to their original state.

I gave a controlled growl, my own eyes slowly returning to brown before I met the retriever's blue ones, and gave a smile. "Yes, I was just calming my cat, she was getting angry over me getting a little injured with my meeting with Samantha a few days ago."

"Yes, I was looking for you over that. The archangels have summoned us to return to the citadel, preferably within the hour," Gloria awkwardly spoke the words then gave Katrina an apologetic smile.

Katrina met Gloria's eyes for a long moment, then gave a nod. "That's fine, I'm due to meet with Kazemde soon anyway."

"Oh! Will you be joining us when we go meet with them tomorrow as well, Katrina?" Gloria tilted her head curiously, giving the cat a gentle grin.

"Yeah, I'll be there," She spoke out pointedly, then cut her eyes to me. "Sarnai, are you and Gloria a thing now?"

I frowned at the words and the retriever gave a surprised bark, as if she had been caught sneaking cookies from the jar. Katrina frowned at my reaction and looked over at Gloria as she spoke, "Suppose that's a yes."

"No. We got a little touchy-feely the other night, but we don't know what we are or are not. Near-death experiences together will do that sort of thing." I clicked my tongue as I met Katrina's eyes directly. "We've not had sex or anything, if that's your concern."

My cat shifted her gaze from mine to the retrievers, then put a hand on her hip. "But something is brewing, I can tell. Is Alex in on this?"

Gloria lifted a hand, her tail wagging about nervously. "Ah, Katrina... I wanted to talk to you about this, but now really isn't the best time, we need to-"

"Yeah, you gotta get to the citadel, I know." She looked back at me and cocked a brow. "I'll tell you like I tell Alice, Sarnai. I won't restrain you. I love you, but I won't restrict whom you choose to be with."

"Thank you, Katrina. Know you mean the world to me, come what may." I took my cat's hand as I spoke the words, giving it a gentle kiss.

"Katrina, you are very selfless." Gloria smiled and clasped her rosary gently.

"Hmm... is that what you think, Gloria?" She called out as her palm moved over my cheek, her gaze meeting my own. I could see the tension in her soul over the prospect of what we were discussing.

I gripped her wrist and gave it a kiss. "Katrina, we'll talk about this at length once we're back, all of us."

"All of us? What's there to talk about?" She almost hissed the words and I could feel she was getting more irritable. I could imagine her train of thought, what with Alex and her ignoring their feelings for Gloria, yet here I was, looking primed to do something with them.

Gloria frowned and shook her head as she reached a hand towards her. "Katrina, I've been unfair to you and Alex. No... it's more accurate to say I've been unfair to myself as well. We've fought together many times, you've been at my side at some of my worst moments. I don't want to-"

"Hey! Toroah is bellyaching about holding the gate, I normally find his whining endearing, but can you guys hurry up?" Alice's voice called out from the entryway of the house.

Katrina frowned at both of us, then gave my lips a quick kiss. "Go take care of your business, I'll be around." The cat quickly disengaged from the two of us, as if she knew we'd try to stay and explain things more thoroughly.

I took a deep breath, her scent lingering in my nose before I gave Gloria a nod. "One issue at a time, let's go." She gave me her own nod and we both made our way to Alice.

My head tilted in confusion as I saw my husband standing there with Alice and Toroah. "Darling, why are you here?"

He gave me a smile and then shrugged. "Toroah says I'm involved but that he can't elaborate further than that."

"Interesting..." I growled as I moved over and took his hand in my own, then watched Alice shift to take my other hand, offering me a childish grin.

Stepping through the gate we were back in the meeting room, another gate already open on the other side, Samantha and Rachel standing by it. My mother's eyes met my own and she gave a simple nod in greeting.

"Ichiro is on the other side already. I, uh, well this is only the second time I've met with the Seraph, so just... try to be respectful, okay?" The bovine frowned as she looked upon the three of us, as if pleading for us to do as she said.

I gave a haughty smirk as I tilted my head, "I'll try my best, so long as they don't get mouthy with me," I hummed the words as I started walking, pulling both my lovers along, leaving the other angels in the room shocked as I strode right through the gate.

Keeping a dignified air was my goal, I had no intention of acting like my people were lesser or inferior before any of the celestials, certainly not one of such high standing. That being said, it was hard to describe what we walked into.

Imagine stepping out into the sky and feeling it was solid beneath your feet, but also feeling devoid of any sort of tangible surface, that's what it felt like. The whole area felt nondescript; there was light but it was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I couldn't really begin to describe the surroundings. If Ichiro wasn't already there, I'd have no other description of the area but just grey and empty.

The four angels came in behind us and I felt Alice grip my hand a bit harder, looking up at me with a nervous look in her eyes. I couldn't blame her, the realization settled upon me and I'm sure my husband as well. We were in a place with what was once our former enemies, a location where their power was at its absolute. Why, if this being wanted to, it could probably ignore what deals and treaties we'd have made over the years, easily charring us to ash with a snap of its fingers equivalent.

"Children, I am here." The voice called out from everywhere and nowhere all at once, as if in my mind but also in my ears while they flicked to try to discern its direction. The sound was gentle like a parent's tone would be while speaking with a loved child.

All of the angels took a knee, including Gloria, leaving only the three of us standing. Alice frowned as she glanced over towards me and Elias as if waiting for our lead. I snorted through my nose and defiantly stood, lifting my head slightly.

"Be welcomed fallen children, and know that no harm will come to you on this day." The words filled my mind as I released both my lover's hands, putting my grip on my hips.

"On this day? Do you say that out of comfort, or as a threat that your kind will seek hostility with us again in the future?" Elias growled the words and I gave him an approving nod, having planned to say something similar had he not beaten me to the punch.

Toroah looked shocked and spoke out in a respectful whisper, "Elias! Please, show some respect to the Seraph."

"It is just, Archangel Toroah, we take no offense and we understand."

"Do you? Then you understand why we are here?" Alice called out gently, her voice sounding a little unnerved at the situation. I couldn't blame her, she was young and we were basically talking to a demi-god or possibly multiple ones. The power they gave was gentle and soothing, whereas Triallia's was crushingly oppressive. However, it was monumental and something to be respected, like staring down a tornado or tidal wave bearing down upon you.

"Fallen child of black wing, please rise and speak your name."

Gloria stood and lifted her head as she called out in a proud voice, "I am Gloria Blackpaw, former knight in division twenty-seven of the western front."

"Division twenty-seven?"

"Beg your pardon, oh holy one. With the advancement of society, it was easier to command our numbers by establishing modern style military procedures," Ichiro spoke the words out respectfully, his head never rising.

"Understood. Fallen, state your-"

"Gloria, not fallen. Her name is Gloria." I growled out the words, clenching a fist. "Don't just ask for someone's name, then not use it."

"S-Sarnai, it is okay..." The retriever frowned as she put a hand to her chest, giving me a worried look, all three of the archangels giving me shocked stares at my brazen words.

"We are guests here, do we not have the right to that small level of respect?" Elias spoke out as he shrugged. "Our people practice the right of hospitium, a guest is promised protection and respect when they come to call. She may be a child of this realm, but she's our family now."

"We are not your kind, Elias of the divine flame!" Samantha hissed the words, showing us a glare.

"Clearly." Alice huffed out as she shifted her own hands to her hips, her confidence seeming to feed off mine and Elias's. "I agree with my lover Sarnai. Please address my angel by name, and we will do the same with you if you desire it. We need not make this meeting tense. Also, do you plan to come out, or stay how you are?"

"Your angel?" The voice called out, clearly confused by the statement before a long silence followed. After several awkward moments it called out once more, "I understand, you all share a thread of fate as it were. The duty towards your family has been noted. To your other question Lady Blackpaw, we fear a manifestation of our physical form may be too intense for your kind, please understand."

I put my hands back on my hips, trying to relax my stance, feeling Alice move to grip my arm, that feeling of her will pushing to my own, trying to comfort and relax me. Soon enough Elias had done the same, both my fox and rabbit clinging upon me.

A pause lingered before the words came out again, "Gloria, a former knight of our cause. You have fallen in our eyes and yet now you seek ascension to one of the greatest of our positions?"

"I do."

"And you also petition us to consider the high bishop for such a thing, Yes?"

"That is correct, your holiness." She gave a sharp nod, her gaze shifting to my mother who's head had not lifted since entering the room.

"High bishop, please rise."

"I am not worthy to rise in your presence, your holiness. Please do not ask me to disrespect you in such a way." Rachel barked the words out like a soldier responding to a commanding officer.

Another pregnant pause from the voice. "Ichiro, please?"

The saint bernard grunted and met Rachel's eyes. "Do as the Seraph says, Rachel. That's an order."

My mother gave him a nod and slowly rose to her feet, her knees clearly looking weak as she stood.

"High bishop, do you feel worthy of such a boon?"

"No. I am unworthy and only humor this proposal out of the sheer need for it. I am centuries from having the knowledge to even remotely be considered."

"What of you, former knight Gloria? Do you feel you are worthy when you have fallen so far from your divinity and grace in our eyes?"

"Hey!" Alice snarled out and released my arm, stomping towards nothing in particular. "Gloria is a good dog, and she's done more good as-"

"Alice," Gloria spoke out sternly as the rabbit stilled her tongue. "I love you, and I thank you for your defense, but this is my question to answer, not yours."

Alice frowned and stepped back as the retriever spoke out proudly, "I am fallen, yes. However, my love and dedication for my flock, my family, and this world have never wavered. Am I worthy of the power? Certainly not by celestial standards, but I am one of our strongest warriors now. My family, both my families, need me!" She clenched her teeth and thrust her hand out, blue flames rolling off her fingertips. "I am Gloria Blackpaw, and unworthy I may be, but I and Rachel are the only ones fit for such power in the face of our current foe."

"It can't be done." The voice called out pointedly.

Gloria folded her perked ears and gritted her teeth, growling at the rejection.

"What the hell? You called us out here just to tell us no to our faces or something?" I snarled and stomped forward, feeling my own flames come to life, rolling off me in red wisps.

"Sarnai, my child, please calm yourself." Rachel huffed out to me with a frown, putting a hand to her chest.

"We cannot just make beings into archangels as the need arises, there are requirements."

"What kind of requirements?" Elias called out in a calm diplomatic voice, a foil to my own anger-filled one.

"The petition cannot be made by celestial's, it must be made by the heroes and champions of the mundane world."

"There isn't going to be a mundane world, or celestial one for that matter if you don't do something, you stupid bastard!" I barked the words out furiously, firing a lance of hellfire out into the void.

"Sarnai, please calm yourself!" Ichiro and Toroah both spoke the words in unison to me as I growled at them.

Alice cleared her throat as she called out, "Beg your pardon holiness, but what do you mean by champions of the mundane?"

"One who has stood and defended our flock, one that has done so with no reward promised."

My rabbit had of course heard all my stories and a small cocky grin spread on her face as she trailed her fingers through her hair, twirling a blonde lock of it lazily. "Oh, you mean like a champion or champion's as it were, that may have prevented a cataclysm from befalling the mundane, oh... some hundred and fifty years ago or so?"

"That is correct, young rabbit."

Me and Elias shared a look, then looked at Alice's smug face. My husband hesitated before calling out, "So... you're saying we were called here because of that time?"

"Correct. The two of you saved an incalculable number of our flock."

"Perhaps even the modern world of the west. A disaster like that would have set the mundane back decades if not a century," Rachel spoke out respectfully towards us.

"I get that, but why is Rachel not considered in this?" I called out skeptically.

"I was doing my duty, my pup. That is not something warranting of a boon." My mother spoke before the Seraph could explain to me.

"Well said, my child. I am proud of you."

My mother showed a small smile, her tail wagging slightly before she bowed her head.

"So me and my husband, you owe us one basically."

"Correct Lady Blackpaw."

I and Elias looked upon one another and nodded before he spoke out pointedly, "I humbly petition my sister, Gloria, for the sake of both our families and the world."

I thrust a hand out as I spoke, "I petition my mother Rachel. None is more worthy than she is. The world would be lucky to have her as a guardian."

"Gloria. Your situation is highly unorthodox, you must understand the position this will put us in."

The retriever took a deep breath as both her hands rested on her hips. "Your holiness, I simply wish to have this power until my family and the world is safe again. Once that is done, I will gladly relinquish the power back to you, even at the cost of my life."

"You're not relinquishing your damn life, angel!" Alice huffed out and moved towards her, grabbing her hand with a glare. "I'll slap that damn fox down myself before I lose you!"

"You have strong love as a pillar of support, my child. In a way, we envy you."

I lifted my ears, the words seeming odd, this was after all a being that lived off prayers and devotions, but then again that's an entirely different kind of love.

"I thank you for sacrificing your boon for your loved ones and the world. Truly we have underestimated the worth of your kind. We looked at you as simply beings of death and calamity, parasites we needed to guard our flock against."

"Cool, pass some of that ideology along to your flock, because I'll still kill them in droves if they hurt my family," I snarled the words, folding my arms as I glared at the void of nothingness.

There was a long pause before the Seraph spoke out, "For what it is worth, you have my apologies. We, of course, can only guide our flock in so many ways. We will do what we can, but if our followers begin hostilities with your kind, all we can promise is that we will not intervene."

"That's more than enough then." Elias gave a nod as he looked towards Gloria with a small smile.

"I will request the three of you to leave us now. The process will unleash truly potent divine energies that I fear even your reinforced forms would not withstand."

"Gloria will be okay right? Her being fallen isn't going to be a problem?" Alice called out, clutching her angel's hand with a glare.

"I'll be fine, love." Gloria moved in and gave the rabbit a quick kiss, then offered a gentle smile before shifting her gaze to Elias and me. "Thank you, brother and sister. Thank you for sacrificing your dues for me."

"Yes, thank you, my daughter. We've had an interesting road the two of us, but know it is one I cherish, as I do your love." Rachel walked towards me, her hands reaching out as I clasped them in my own.

I pushed my forehead to her own, taking in the moment, feeling her warmth and trying to drink it all in, especially after what had recently transpired. "I'll see you soon mom," I huffed the words and pulled away, giving her a cocky grin.

"Please give us about an hour or so, then we will call upon you," Ichiro spoke out to us as the other archangels gave us respectful nods. The three of us stepped through the gate, leaving them to their task, feeling it blink out of existence behind us.

We appeared in the simple nondescript room from before, a long desk and a few chairs dotting the landscape. They had forgotten to leave the portal to Toroah's home open, so we were now readily stuck in this room with nowhere to go until the ritual was complete.

"Guess we're waiting around in here. Pretty lame waiting room, there's not even any magazines." Alice hummed the words as she paced around.

"It's hard to think our sister will be an archangel soon," Elias spoke out towards the two of us conversationally.

"Same with Rachel, I wonder how the power works. Does it simply fill you all at once, or does it gradually blossom?" I rubbed my chin as I contemplated things.

Alice folded her arms, looking introspective as well, rubbing her own chin as she looked between the two of us. Elias saw she looked deep in thought and called out to her, "What weighs on your mind, my lady?"

She gave me a small haughty smile and I knew right there and then, it was nothing good. The rabbit looked between us and brought a finger to her cheek. "Sarnai, my love. You once told me quite proudly you and my master had made love upon a field of battle, your enemies corpses strewn all around, yes?"

Elias barked out at the words and I gave her a proud grin. "Indeed, why the very battle that apparently now won our sister and my mother their roles."

"Alice... what are you thinking?" Elias asked her cautiously.

"On a train... on a ship... even on a battlefield of your own self-made carnage," She hummed the words as she moved to the desk, bracing as she made an elaborate bend forward, arching her back as her small white tail lifted in the snug jeans she had worn. "But what about in an angelic citadel?"

I heard my husband give a shocked huff at her display and I wanted to reprimand her, but truth be told, I had always enjoyed unorthodox places, as was shown with my history. My eyes shifted to my husband, showing clearly they had flushed to blood-red before I moved to my rabbit's side.

Alice gave me a grin as I moved in, pushing my mouth to her own, both of us kissing deeply, our tongues clearly showing as they rolled against one another, giving our white fox a good look. We stood before the desk, both our hands moving to explore our bodies, her own moving behind me, drawing the flowing gown I had worn up, giving Elias a clear view of my backside. The crimson panties showing as my own dark tail lifted for his view.

"You two are mad..." He snarled the words but moved over to us, eyes already red and his eagerness showing. I broke the kiss and lolled my tongue as his hand slipped over my hip and pushed right to the front of my panties, rubbing there, deftly finding my pearl in the fabric and teasing it while he snarled in my perked ears. Of course, my husband knew my body better than any other, he knew what I liked and touched me with supreme confidence.

I whimpered out, panting as he worked me quickly, my own hands eagerly unbuttoning Alice's jeans before I unceremoniously sunk my fingertips down the front of her own panties which happened to also be red. My rabbit made a cute little huff of a groan as she clung to me, kissing at my lips while I worked her as my husband stoked my own desires.

His hand deftly plunged down into the front of my panties, stroking me intently now; circling, pinching, and grinding at my spot while I did the same to my lover. I crested for my husband, giving a soft throaty moan of relief, pinching lightly on Alice's spot as well. The rabbit clung to me, giving her own blissful moan, her honey slicking my fingers while I rubbed at her, as my husband did the same to me.

"Gods..." I huffed the word out, leaning back to kiss my husband's lips while I felt him peeling my panties down, dropping them to the floor as I stepped out of them around the modest set of heels I had worn. I normally wasn't a heel kind of fox, but I had tried to dress decently since it was an important meeting.

My grip slipped from the rabbit as I grinned, feeling my husband grab my hips, turn me, then hoist me up, setting me down upon the large desk facing him. "Alice, lose the jeans and panties," Elias growled the words in commandment, the rabbit showing an excited grin as she hastily started peeling her more casual outfit off.

"Desks, tables, and counters. What is with you, husband?" I cooed the words as I watched Elias eagerly tugging open the silky black pants he had worn, his length springing forth, swollen and dripping with eagerness for us. My tongue lolled slightly and I readily spread my legs, lewdly displaying myself for my husband, enjoying, seeing Alice watching me intently as well.

"You know I'll have you any way I can get you, my wife. Any time, any place, just like my rabbit and cat." He snarled the words confidently as he held my legs under my knees, rubbing at the slick folds with his tip before pushing it into me firmly.

I clenched my teeth, folding my ears as I felt him plunge deep into me, my walls squeezing with each inch that passed until he bottomed out. I opened my red eyes, meeting his own as I panted from the snug bump to my core, feeling him get right to it, pumping himself back and forth while I jerked against the desk.

"Ohh, Master... I love watching you fuck my fox," Alice sighed the words, already bracing on her elbows, bent over the desk next to me, grinning up at me, her rear wiggling, her tail perked straight up and eager.

"You mean our fox," Elias huffed the words, pumping hard into me until I barked out, feeling myself pushed past my limits again, moaning in defeat as my honey slicked his intruding length. "Yes, that's a good girl..." He cooed the words, kissing my lips, again and again, growls coming from my throat over the words.

"Such disrespectful words, huff... do you expect me to call you master instead of husband?" I growled the words, then shuddered as I felt him withdraw, his length sliding free as I whimpered, feeling empty without him inside, my body still burning with need.

"Maybe once in a while in bed, that sounds quite fun. I'll even trade-off with you sometime and call you mistress." The fox hummed the words as he shifted over to Alice, the rabbit showing an excited grin. Her backside wiggled eagerly at the prospect of her turn.

Elias slid his length along her rear, bumping at her flicking tail at the base, hands resting on her cheeks as he spoke, "Hum... still not quite level, we may have to get creative with the logistics."

"Well, you were having to bend at the knees slightly with me. Guess you'll have to pick that rabbit up and-" I grunted as Alice simply climbed over me, straddling my hips as she pushed forward, making me rock back on my palms.

"There you go master, that should be just riiiight," The rabbit moaned the words as she stared into my eyes, her folds nearly atop my own. She clenched her teeth, her eyes rolling up as he obviously pushed into her, her tongue lolling in relief once her small body gave a jerk from his impact.

"Yes, perfect my creative rabbit!" Elias growled the words as Alice sighed with pleasure, then drew me into a deep kiss while being taken atop me. I barked out my protest against her lips, despite her hands already squeezing and grasping at my breasts through my silky red gown.

"I am not-" I barked out as the rabbit moaned against my lips, then gave a disapproving groan as my husband withdrew from her and pushed against my own folds once more. I clenched my teeth glaring upon Elias over Alice's shoulder as I barked out, "I am not a mattress for you two to mate upon!"

My teeth showed but my ears folded as I felt him sink deep into me once more, groaning out as he struck my core once again, shivering at the deep strokes he was making. Alice sighed as she watched my resolve crumble in the wake of my husband's skill, her palms pushing against my chest as I fell to my back on the table.

Tongue lolled, I moan out after several deep strokes before giving in to my husband while he held my legs under the knees. I was now clutching Alice's shoulders, panting up into her face and shuddering as I felt him withdraw again. I watched my rabbit give me a blissful sigh before pushing into another deep kiss as she was filled once more.

Her small body jerked and rocked against mine while our tongues rolled together, my husband now taking his due of her as he had done with me. I felt both their energies rolling through me, then gave a shocked huff as I realized I was doing it as well; not just sharing, but adding to the pool of it.

My thoughts scattered as my husband took another turn in me, my tongue lashing against my girlfriends while we clung together, each of us being taken in this sacred place by our fox.

After a few more passes, I felt my husband bottom out hard into me, my tongue showing as I gave a sharp loud yip, feeling his love finally erupt deep inside me, moaning out in relief, the thick tide of heat almost soothing on my aching core he had repeatedly struck.

"Ha... jeaaalousss..." Alice groaned the words into my face as I blinked up at her, then gave a shocked bark as he withdrew mid release, my rabbit giving her own eager huff as my husband obviously pushed deep into her.

"Nonsense... ngh... I've enough for both the fox and rabbit I love!" Elias barked the words and I watched Alice shudder at the word 'love' before she jerked a few more times from my husband's eager final thrusts.

Her relieved sigh filled my ears before she fully collapsed upon me, nuzzling at my throat while I held her. I stroked her hair and looked over her shoulder at my husband. "Do you feel sufficiently 'alpha' my husband?"

He gave me a childish grin as he spoke, "I wasn't trying to-"

"Like hell, you weren't!" I huffed out at him, then gave a satisfied smile as I rubbed my girlfriend's drooped ears. "It's alright, but I'll be taking you up on that offer later tonight, so you better be ready."

Elias gave me a playful grin as he rubbed at my hips. "Whatever will please you, mistress."

Ichiro pinched his fingers at the bridge of his nose, as he sighed out, "It wasn't even an hour."

"Yeah, but I mean, I'm still a sex demon, you trapped me alone with my two lovers with nothing else to do, what did you expect?" Alice hummed the words with a smug grin, lounging on the large desk, her legs crossed.

We of course were fully dressed again and as cleaned up as we could make ourselves, but the small room obviously now reeked of sex. They probably expected to come through the gate in a solemn procession, not get slapped in the face by the smell of us and realization of what we had done.

Gloria looked back, trying to lift her larger set of wings to keep the tips from dragging upon the ground as she spoke out casually, "I would have only been surprised had I returned and it not had happened. I warned you about leaving the gate open Toroah."

The platinum blonde rabbit smiled and folded his arms. "The gate to my home? And have them do it on my bed? No, I think this works out better."

"So you allowed them to... to... desecrate this holy area willingly?!" Samantha snarled the words at the other angel with a glare.

"Oh come off it, Samantha. Nothing a little air freshener won't fix. Open a gate to a damn flower field and let it air out." I growled the words, waving my hand dismissively. "More to the point, Mom, Gloria, how do you two feel?"

My mother frowned as she looked back at the massive set of wings on her form. "In truth, I don't feel much different other than the wings. I can feel the power in me, but it feels muted."

"It takes decades to fully harness the potential of our power, but we only have weeks to bring you up to speed." Ichiro frowned and folded his arms as he looked to Gloria. "Gloria, though it pains me, we should begin training right away. We will try to muster through it."

I growled at the words, though I knew he was speaking the words literally, not figuratively. Gloria gave a nod, awkwardly folding her raven-colored wings against her back before speaking out dutifully, "I understand, and know it grieves me to put you all in such levels of discomfort."

"So you're not coming home, love?" Alice tilted her head with a frown.

Gloria smiled and moved to clasp the rabbit's hands with her own, giving them soft kisses. "I will, I just need to also focus on this."

"It will be fine, I will show you how to use our gate power, then you can come and go at will." Toroah gave her a smile as he looked over towards me and Elias. "You two, uh..."

Elias frowned and folded his arms, "Yes, Toroah? Have you words for me and my wife?"

"We've just been through a lot over the centuries, and I want you two to know I'm thankful to have you as allies in these coming days." The rabbit gave us a nod as he spoke the words to us.

"My how the times have changed..." I hummed the words as I smiled upon the archangel. "Toroah, I never properly thanked you. You helped my husband through those dark days, I know I'd not have him now if it were not for you. So, thank you."

He offered me a bow. "Sarnai, we all have our parts to play, I simply was doing what I felt was right. I also thank you for your understanding over the years. I knew deep down you were a good fox."

I barked out a laugh as I rolled my eyes. "A good fox indeed... I've plenty of blood on my hands. However, let us dispense from this trip down memory lane, just know I am also thankful you all stand with my family now."

Ichiro and Samanth gave me a nod as we all fell silent for several moments. Finally, Alice spoke out, "Gloria, love, will you still be joining us at the magi circle later?"

"Yes, I'm sure Kazemde will be keen to study a fallen archangel since I don't think such a thing has existed in some time." Gloria gave a nod at the question, then smiled upon the other angels. "I'll return for training once I'm finished though."

Ichiro seemed to have to make an effort to lift his sagged ears as he spoke, "The magi, what do you plan to do with that lot?"

Alice shrugged at the question. "They are the greatest source of knowledge and information in our realm. If anyone has some kind of information on Triallia or her kind, that could hedge the coming conflict in our favor, they would."

"I distrust the magi on principal, mortal mundane have no business wielding such power or knowledge. I... however, cannot dispute they may be of use in this matter," Samantha grumbled the words as she folded her arms.

"Huh, look at you being open-minded. Maybe I knocked some sense into that thick skull after all." I showed the largest archangel a cocky grin as I tapped a finger to the temple of my head.

"Are you trying to pick a fight, Sarnai? Because this is how you pick a fight with me." The bovine hissed the words, shifting to a more aggressive stance as if she were ready to will her hammer back into existence.

"I thought you two sorted this out?" Torah sighed and gave me a frown as he spoke directly towards me, "Sarnai, please stop instigating my sister, she is quick to temper."

"As am I, but fine. I apologize for prodding at you Samantha, old habits and all." I huffed the words as I folded my arms and stuck my nose into the air, my tail whipping about in a haughty display.

The bovine gave a low grumble before huffing out, "It is fine. Regardless, I think it's a fine idea, as you have all said. We need all the help we can get for this."

"Indeed, we should be on our way back then." Elias gave them a nod as did the rest of us in the small group.

Torah summoned the gate, the energies forcing reality to part like a curtain, showing the front of our home reflecting on the other side. "I'll come by tomorrow after your visit to the magi and show you how to do this, Gloria."

"Thank you Toroah. I am truly grateful for all that you have done for me and my family." The retriever gave a respectful bow, her large black wings spreading slightly at the movement.

We moved to the gate and Toroah stepped over to my husband, gently placing a hand upon his arm. "Elias, may I speak with you privately for a moment?"

The white fox lifted his ears, tilting his head curiously. "Certainly, old friend." He looked to me, seeing me already looking cautious and skeptical of leaving him alone with the angels. "It is fine, my wife. I'll catch up with you soon."

I clicked my tongue as I gave Toroah a long hard gaze. "Rabbit, you and your kind have only recently won my trust, if any harm befalls my husband at your hands, know that Triallia will be the least of your concerns."

"Sarnai, I go way back with Tor-"

"I know that already!" I barked the words, clenching my fists as I glared upon my husband, then looked over the gathering of four angels. I huffed in frustration and pushed a hand to my forehead, shaking my head. Of course, I knew he was safe, but after what had happened, after only recently having him back in my life.

"I apologize." I snapped the words out and stomped through the gate before any of them could respond, my tail thrashing about in frustration.

Alice found me a few minutes later, brooding at the overlook outside of the manor. "Love, are you okay?" The rabbit asked me in that soft, gentle tone she used when she knew I was angry.

"I am fine." I hissed the response out, not wanting to dig out the packed lunch that was my own drama and issues.

"Talk to me, what was the point of that display?" She clutched my arm, that comfort of will pushing into me.

I growled at the sensation, I didn't need her to placate me with her comfort every time my emotions flared up. Still, she only was doing what she thought best. With a resigned sigh, I shook my head before speaking out, "I just fear for his safety and everyone else's. I've no intention to roost on my own self-pity, but to know how close I came to losing him at my own hands..."

"Sarnai, Elias is a strong fox, both physically and emotionally, doubly so now that your love is with him again. You can't let self-doubt bog your mind down. Why, next to Lorelai, you two are probably our greatest warriors, I even question if Harold could keep up with you if you were serious."

In truth, the thought had crossed my mind. I trained with Harold several times throughout the years and still went to call every season to brush up on things. He was several centuries older than me, but not on the level of Lorelai. Still, I had been tempted to ask him for a full-on no holds bar duel, just to fully test myself. Perhaps that was what I needed, brutal life or death training that pushed every fiber of my soul.

"You are lost in thought once more." The rabbit prodded me gently, pulling me from my thoughts.

Lifting my ears I gave a light grumble before moving my hand to grip hers. "You are right, I am just fearful these days. Fearful of my ability to protect and what I stand to lose."

"Sex leaves you quite introspective, doesn't it, Sarnai?" She gave me a coy grin, her small tail flicking as she gripped my hand.

"Perhaps so, it was never a thing I took lightly and everyone I've ever been with, are ones I've held..." I put my free hand to my chest, frowning as I felt my heart beating. Where did I draw the line now? Certainly, I cared about Gloria and Alex, but did a year warrant these feelings for them?

"Love doesn't have a time requirement or an expiration date, my fox." Alice huffed with a smug tone in her voice as if she were reading the words on my soul.

"How did you-"

"Chimera title aside, I'm still mostly a succubus and vampire. Sex and love go hand in hand, I can't read your mind, but being a sex demon, I can feel your emotions plainly, I am touching you after all." She shrugged, pulling my hand up with her own, our fingers still interlocked together.

I gave her a small smile. "Well, at least you don't accidentally flood everyone you touch with the desires as my brother does."

Alice's eyes seemed to shift right to red as she cooed out, "Oh, I love when Val floods me with his desire..."

"I walked right into that one." I barked out with a grin and shook my head before pulling from her grasp, taking a few paces away to put my palms on my hips. "Thanks, love. You keep this up I'll have to start paying you by the hour."

She hummed and slipped into my field of vision once more, standing in front of me before grasping the fabric at the front of my dress to pull me down to her. "Well, you know my preferred payment method..."

I grunted out as she shoved her mouth to my own then rocked back, pulling me atop her as we both tumbled down into the grass on the small outlook. My tongue rolled against her own, my hands tangling into her hair and rubbing at her drooped ears before I pulled back with a huff, "You just got some and you want more?"

"Of course I do, especially from one of the foxes I love so dearly. Also, see above about being a sex demon," She cooed the words before wrapping her arms around my neck and drawing me back down, kissing me eagerly.

My worries drifted as her scent and touch overtook me. I'd like to think she instigated another lovemaking session out of her desire to comfort me, but I'm sure her being perpetually horny had a hand in things as well.

"Well, now you have the summary of the events. It seems our family now has a fallen archangel within our ranks." I sipped on my glass of blood, giving a sigh as it filled me, the rabbit had taken quite a bit of my stamina, seeing as we rolled around in the grass until nearly daybreak.

You gave me a knowing smile before asking and I gave you a level look before huffing out, "Do I not give you enough? I need not go into detail on every sexual escapade I find myself on."

I smiled at your pout before we both grew silent in the moment. Eventually, I clicked my tongue as I stared upon the fire rolling, "My child, it grieves me that you had to come into our family during such tribulation."

My ears lifted at your optimistic words and I gave a nod to them. "Yes, of course, adversity does build character. This ordeal will steel all of us, you may be a fledgling, but you have my power within you, never forget you are an elite amongst our kind and I'll expect many great feats in the future, my progeny."

You responded with eagerness and I showed my teeth in a proud grin before stepping to you and embracing, pushing my forehead to your own. "You will be fine... I- we all will be fine, somehow it will work out." I whispered the words aloud, as much to you as to myself, trying to take in your scent and reinforce my will, knowing what was at stake in the days to come.

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