The New Portal

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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Only limited to 4k words on this one. Again, this is sort of an idea dump, but this one is much easier to follow. Did I mention that I hate the fact that I have to put in either m/f, m/m, f/f, etc in order to get an adult rating? What, does everyone assume things are porn?

...don't answer that.

Theme is Corruption

"See? I did what you asked..."

Two individuals stood near at a burning pile of straw and other burnable material. The one standing on the left with his face buried into his claw (he was a wolf) had a more royal and powerful look, with a flowing robe that seemed to be made of fire along with shoulder pads and a cape of the same make.

However, the one of the right with his back turned was a bipedal dragon that was as black as night. He wore more gothic clothes. His were almost similar in terms of they flowed with energy, but the power of darkness raged inside with some red spots. Just where the neck could be seen, a silvery vein could be seen rising over a scarred over bite mark. His cape was even darker than the rest of his clothes and hid his wings. Red tinged the inside.

"Nithran...turn around..." the older dracidon said as his fiery orange eyes poked out of his furry claws.

The younger one, Nithran, looked puzzled, "What? All I did was light it, like you said. It's not like anything bad happened." His voice had a tremendous amount of malice in it. A cold and sadistic smile formed on his black reptilian muzzle, revealing long needle-like fangs while his pure red eyes flashed. Pure was the official title for eyes that the pupil was the same color as the actual eye color.

"Oh you lit it alright..." Nithran watched his master sigh and pull his hand away, revealing a short goatee on his lupine face. His 'master' was a bit shorter than him. Placing his withering claws on Nithran, he was spun around to find that the little pile he had lit was now a fully fledged fire.

"...That wasn't there," Nithran frowned, looking down at the smaller pile which he had thrown a vial of pure flame at telepathically.

"Maybe if you had turned on the light, this wouldn't have happened!"

"In case your forgot, light doesn't work well with me. Plus you just found me a year ago, so I don't know how these things work..." Nithran responded nonchalantly.

"Enough with that excuse! You have been in civilization for about a year!" Fenrir waved his arm around and water started to pour from his sleeve and onto the burning pile. Nithran pouted. "Your other excuse...well..."

"I thought we were supposed to be one with fire or something, not shooting water beams onto the element we are mastering. You contradict yourself often," the dragon was suddenly blasted in the face with the water.

"We are magi; we master every element and work with them, not let them run around casually. You are arcane as well as blood, so you fall under the same category," Fenrir reprehended as Nithran ran closer to the flickering flames for warmth.

If there was anything Nithran didn't like, it was water. He didn't have any special weakness to it, he just hated it. Tasteless, bland, made his scales crawl. Admittedly, it was fun to watch water elementals swim around as he had no idea where they were going to surface next and randomly attack.

Nithran was a loner. He lacked the social skills to be friends with anyone and he really didn't care too much. Everyone called him a feral child and they were correct. He once blew up and sent fireballs everywhere. That was amusing to see the ones who taunted him burn. The only one he would bother to get close to friendly to is Fenrir.

Some attempted to get close to him, yet he just shoved them away. He didn't need their sentiments or pity. Worthless emotions. After all, he was much stronger than any other student that he had the misfortune to be with. Then again, it was a good thing, as he was near a surplus of food.

The thing was...Nithran was a vampire.

"Master, I am going to have to feed soon," Nithran announced. Master was something he called Fenrir sarcastically. He could see the tail flicker under his robes. The scent of Fenrir's blood made him not want it. This was the first time that he had this.

"I know...but I am trying to think of who is slated for death. None this week..." Fenrir placed a claw under his jaw.

To the council of magi, Nithran was a necessary evil. He hunted down any criminals and, usually, brutally brought them down. His identity was kept hidden thanks to magic charms and he was able to go into light thanks to them. He didn't have any on at the moment, so light would scald him. Nithran also was an executioner, giving them a bite of death, effectively draining all of the blood out of his victim.

"My own 'slave' is almost out of blood. It is all I can do not to finish him off. He's been down there for a few days and I am growing bored of his blood. Hopefully the next one I taste will be a virgin's. Much better..." Nithran's mouth started to open and salivate in anticipation. It's been a month.

Blood was his life's essence. While he could eat what the living could, it didn't satisfy him. Virgin's blood was like the finest wine; sweet, addictive, and ever so satisfying. Thanks to the recent scroll being published in which vampires are potrayed as sparkle freaks, it had never been easier to grab someone. While he was strictly forbidden to kill someone outright, he had a loophole.

Muttering something, a coin instantly landed in his outstretched claw. It was made of pure silver, matching the color of his horns and shoulder spikes. Arcane creatures had the ability to control a metal; his was silver. His vampirism didn't interfere with his normal abilities at least. The side that it landed on his claw had a picture of an angel of death. The other side had a regular angel. Should it land on the death side, Nithran would kill his victims. Life, he would leave them with enough blood to carry on.

"What side did it land on?" Fenrir asked.

"Death," Nithran's smile grew sadistic and bloodthirsty, "I guess I am going to have a small snack out of him. Shame, he was a quiet one..." as Nithran started to walk away, Fenrir stopped him. His wild red eyes glared at him.

"Don't kill him. I just remembered that there is an uprising going on," Nithran grinned even further at what the elder wolf said. He could tell that Fenrir was getting unnerved as his blood was flowing like a river. It was so very thrilling, "I want you to investigate and scare them. Kill the leader. That should do it. They are plotting to attack the party tonight."

"You just want me to go..." Nithran replied in a deadpan tone. He absolutely despised parties. It required socializing. If he could, the place would be a bloodbath. Still, if he was allowed to drain someone entirely...who was he to complain too much?

Fenrir chucked, "Well, that would be an added bonus if you tried fitting in. You know, there are some females who are attracted to you."

"How? I drive them away! Besides, it is not like I can do anything with them; I lack blood flow unless I drink a lot," Nithran commented, appalled. This was the most horrifying revelation yet! Damn his dad; Fenrir told him that his dad had an alluring aura that had been passed down to him.

"I understand. I am not asking you to ask someone to go. I just want you there to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior. You can hear heartbeats and blood, so they will be useful. If someone has an erratic heartbeat, you can single them out."

"Oh, because that isn't going to be difficult. I mean, if this is a party/dance/whatever, everyone is going to be nervous as they are going on a date and are hoping to-" Nithran was waved off by his 'master'.

"Enough, I get the point..." he sighed, "Thankfully that the holiday of fear is coming. This is supposed to be themed around that, so you can blend right in. No need for any protection, as the lights, if any, will be low."

Nithran gave a cold laugh. This was his favorite season. It was supposed to reflect on the time when demons burst from a gate on the opposite side of the world, but that was fifty years ago. The gate had long since been destroyed. Although, creatures like him still stalk the world.

Nithran was bitten about five minutes before anyone found him in the forest outside the city two years ago. Thankfully, he had fully grown and he had apparently also inherited his father's massive height. However, had it not been for the silver growing on the scales where his heart was, he would have died. It was some sort of magical device that had bonded to him like a parasite. It kept him alive while being fed the power in his body. It was slowly killing him due to silver growing him, especially turning him into a living statue. He didn't mind, as his frail body couldn't take his own ninety five pounds without it.

"I think I may go as how my ancestor vampires looked," Nithran said as his robes suddenly fluctuated and became transparent. He now wore some royal tuxedo-like outfit. His cape expanded and looked almost leathery. In truth, they were his wings. Some silver areas were supposed to represent the metal and his wind membrane color. Inside was still blood red. It completely wrapped around him and left only areas where his claws could walk.

Amusingly, no one had ever seen his wings, so they assumed he was just a regular lizard instead of a dragon. Dragons were supposed to be almost extinct with only five thousand left. The last Great War crippled them. Even though they were no longer hunted for their blood (literally), they were still hated. Not that Nithran cared enough to pay attention to the timeline.

"Yeah, that isn't going to draw attention..." Fenrir muttered sarcastically.

"Like you said, no one is going to know my identity unless they try and stop me from my goal. And if they do, no one lives long enough to tell," Nithran held up the coin, showing death.

"If you kill everyone, I will kill you. I know how, remember?" Fenrir threatened. Nithran growled.

"Whatever," Nithran turned away and his cloak turned into a pair of wings. They were very spiky and hallow, meant to absorb blood if any of the spikes hit. His favored tactic was to lure someone close and then attack with his wings. Every part of his body was meant to draw blood. So long as his opponent was bleeding, he couldn't be beaten.

Looking down at the outfit, he could sort of see where some could get attracted to him. The tux had an opening that revealed his chest. However, as the wings were going to him for the most part and if anyone were to see it, they would think he had a weird birthmark. Nithran didn't feel the need for anything to cover his claws. However, despite all of this, something was missing...

Then, it came to him. A small yet durable red piece of cloth formed at the back of his head, going past the width and curling backwards. It started to form a collar, but stopped an inch or two around his neck. Some vampires that he knew had large collars (Nithran frowned upon them), some sort of mask, or whatever suited them. Royal suited Nithran. Plus the spikes made it seem like an impenetrable fortress.

Deciding that the tuxedo wouldn't fit well with that, he changed back into his regular 'corrupted' robes and formed the shoulder pads so his wings actually looked like a cape.

"Make up your mind and go. I'll meet you there in a few minutes," Fenrir snapped. Nithran rolled his eyes (not that anyone would have noticed) and flew off, his retracting to normal size.

He may have been lying when he said that he didn't care about the war. There was one thing that interested him; The Creator. Little is known about him other than his title and the fact that he created this planet. Rumor has it that he dwells in the center of the Ger'Ra, the planet's name. Nithran had read everything he could about him and found little.

Frowning, he flew faster to his destination. Why did tonight feel so erratic? If his heart still beat, it would be going at a rate far beyond normal. Was it the dance? Only one way to find out...


So far, Nithran was in hell. Too many dracidons. He was starting to freak out. It was a good thing that he didn't need to breathe or else he would have issues controlling it. No one, thankfully, recognized him. Hiding in a dark corner, he had a good view of the crowd. He had a fear of crowds.

Who was he supposed to look for, anyway? Everyone looked normal. Their blood was normal as well. Lots of virgins here. Nithran really hoped that his target was a virgin. If not, he may have to hunt without Fenrir noticing again. Had he not accepted Nithran and made him try and fit in, he may have slaughtered everyone. He had the power.

Looking at a group of dracidons who noticed him, he realized his night was about to turn for the worst.

"Is that you, Nithran?" a male tiger asked. Contrary to Nithran being a biped, he was on all four limbs. Also, he was annoying with his sense of courage that would suddenly run off when danger came. Oh, if he only knew...

"Go away..." He responded. Once he said that, he may as well have been wearing the brightest colors.

"Yup, it is him..." a female iguana confirmed. She was one of the ones who was attracted to him. Maybe if he needed to feed he would sink his fangs into her neck.

"What is it you want? I have shoved all of you away again and again. Am I really that fascinating because I am a feral? That I need love and compassion? Pah, don't make me sick," Nithran snapped in attempts to drive them off. They flinched. He could hear their hearts pound like a hammer against metal. Lovely.

"N-no, we just wondered where you got that costume," Some vixen said. He had never seen her before. Wonderful, he had another stalker. She was undead this season. He would really make her one if she didn't go away.

"It is custom made," Nithran answered dismissively, "Now be gone. I am not here on my own will. I have no time to waste on idle chatter. Unless you have something in which I am interested in, which you do not might I add, then go away."

"Cold..." the tiger whistled. He was some sort of demon. Maybe if he jumped out of a dark area, he would scare little hatchlings.

"Yes, I am, cat. Now go away before I really get angry. Do you remember the last time I got angry? I do. That was fun," He cackled manically, successfully driving them away.

He never understood them. All Nithran wanted was to be alone and he made that perfectly clear on multiple occasions. Caught up in his own thoughts, he almost missed something of interest. A ferret was trying to skirt around the outside of the party. Focusing on her, he could feel her nervousness. She was a lead.

Going after her in this form would be foolish if he wanted to know their plans. Instead, when no one was looking his way, he transformed into a pool of blood. it took a bit out of his reserve power, but now he could pass by with no one noticing. The lights were dimmed, so anyone would assume it was water. Plus, there was no way that he would simply go around as a large puddle.

Nithran extended tendrils that snaked over to where the ferret was. Realizing that she was no longer there, he directed his power to any cracks. There was a hidden door somewhere. He had seen it. After a few moments, he found it. He sent his entire mass towards it and now slithered down the side of the wall, avoiding anyone who may be walking past. No one did.

Instead, at the end of the hall, he found two guards. If he flowed past them, they may know. There was something odd with how their blood pumped. Almost as if it was tainted. His curiousity was sparking. Getting to the edge, he went into shadows and transformed back into his regular form. They didn't see him. Taking out his coin, he flipped it.

Again, it landed in death.

With that in mind, he levitated the silver coin and flung it at the further guard, swiftly moving to the other one. The coin went right through the guard's head and he crumpled, blood slowly dripping out of his eye. As the other guard reacted, Nithran grabbed him with his trident-like tail and pulled him into the darkness, sinking his fangs into his neck.

Some sort of residue was indeed in this guard's blood. It had some sort of power. While he wasn't a virgin, it tasted better than normal. His wing cape hid them perfectly and only the other guard remained. The struggles ceased as the blood stopped flowing. He still wasn't sated. He craved more. More he shall obtain. He felt stronger and he couldn't help but laugh as he released the husk.

Licking his fangs, he turned into blood again and seeped through the door. He was in an abandoned building and he recognized it instantly; this was his nest! The fools thought that they could set up operations under his muzzle without him noticing? They would pay dearly.

Looking over, he saw a miniature portal and two sorcerers keeping it up. A group of five was talking in whispers in the corner. The power coming from the portal was unbalanced. Almost like a stronger version of the residue in it. Now he understood; this was a demon portal.

Are they trying to summon another gate? Damn, if only this wasn't in my nest... he thought bitterly. Perhaps if he harnessed the power of the gate... He may as well give them a nightmare before moving onto that step.

Creeping up behind them, he made sure to cast them in complete darkness by making a small dome. They freaked a bit. Their blood moved swiftly. The anticipation was killing Nithran. Rising slowly out of the pool, he made the most sinister laugh he could to attract their attention. They screamed.

Nithran wasted no time in cutting them in half with the wings. blood spurted everywhere. Instead of absorbing it though, he started to weave it around, canceling the dome. He condescended it into a small ball and hardened part of it, forming a bloody sword. While he was not great at physical combat, this sword was a siphoning weapon; every time he cut someone, the blood would automatically

Weilding the blade in his left claw, he shot the remaining blood at the nearest target. Superheated, it scalded the target and the flesh bubbled and melted, slowly escaping the bones. Everyone had a small hint of delight in the other's suffering and looked to the source. Nithran recognized the iguana in the group.

"Nithran...what are you doing here? How did you do that?" she asked, fascinated.

"Why am I here? Why, you opened your damned portal in MY nest! This area belongs to me, and no one else!" He shouted, starting to slowly advance. They didn't look that scared.

"Nest? You high, dude? No one lives here," some ape said. What he didn't realize was that he was standing on silver. Nithran formulated a cruel death.

Stopping for a moment, he lifted up and a large spike of silver impaled him and came out of his mouth. His body twitched and quivered as life escaped him. Nithran expanded his claw, having been in a fist, and suddenly silver exploded out of him, throwing body parts everywhere. His heart landed in front of Nithran. He picked it up and used a vein to tap any hidden blood out.

The survivors stared, "What?" He asked innocently, "Never seen a vampire? Oh, and remember how I said that the costume was custom made? Well, it isn't that was me. Now, you are asking yourselves why I am not sparkling in any light or anything; well, true vampires don't do that. That filthy whore who wrote the scroll is on my list to kill."

"You killed...." A female avian started but couldn't. She was the least tainted. Oh well, she is going to die.

"Don't worry, I intend on none of you leaving here tonight..." Nithran cackled and vanished in a dark beam, appearing behind her and stabbing her with the sword. All of her blood energized him. She was a virgin. His eyes started to glow and power rippled through his body. She slumped to the ground.

The other two bolted. There was no escape. Nithran decided to chase after the ferret, shooting bolts of blood after her. He wanted her to run. To scream. To know that she was powerless and inferior to him. No matter how much demon power she had, it would never top his.

Nithran laughed at her stupidity. She was hiding in some box instead of bolting to the exit. Not that that it would do her any good. Crystals blocked the door. So long as he willed him there or if he were to magically die, they would not disappear. Turning into blood once more, he crawled through the holes of the box.

Then, he struck.

Half forming, he bound her in blood and dug sharpened tendrils into any major vein he could find, leaving only the neck in which he dug his fangs into. Within seconds, she died. He was at full power. The iguana had no chance. She should have known the price of evil. This is what she gets.

Leaving the ferret, he saw her foolishly strengthening the portal. He stopped, sensing another presence within. She noticed him and swung hysterically around. She was the least threatening now. What really took his attention was the fact that the portal seemed to shimmer and something was rapidly approaching. She didn't seem to notice, so he took a step back to enjoy the show.

A massive mouth grabbed her and pulled her through the portal. Nithran blinked. He had not been expecting that. It was no less amusing, but if it was going to stay in there, what did he care? Then, a voice started to come from the portal.

"Ahh...a vampire. I had thought that they all had vanished and yet, there is one in front of me..." The voice sounded exactly like his. A clever ploy to mess with his head.

"Clearly not, imbecile. Why should you care?" Nithran retorted as the voice chuckled.

"Oh nothing, just that you may be useful after all. You have such an interest in The Creator..." Something faster than he was struck him in the wing. It hurt a little. "We will speak again soon, Nithran..."

With that, the portal simply closed. Nithran walked over to where it was and inspected where he was struck. A small wound was there, but it was healing over. He would have to investigate this further. As of now, he needed to return to Fenris to tell him that the threat against his life was over.

This day kept getting more and more interesting...