Yinglet Tails 1: Outcast

Story by Tremerre on SoFurry

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#1 of Yinglet Tails

A Yinglet's Tail is the story of a outcast who upon arriving in a distant land, finds out that sometimes being the new kid on the block has its benefits. It is the first in a series exploring Yinglets, and how they evolve a multispecies society. Yinglets belong to Valsalia as a concept, as well as their world. Fortunately, Valsalia has Yinglets as a open species, so thanks, from a Specific Yinglet.

Thunder followed the footsteps of the outcast, as his Footsteps stirred up dust, he looked over his shoulder at the approaching storm. It was fairly common for these storms in late spring, and he Kept his feet moving forward, no matter how hungry he was. To stop, would be to accept Death, to accept his Exile was justified. No, he was not in the wrong, and his "Forbidden Knowledge" had kept him alive so far, his knowledge of Making deadfall traps, or crafting fishing hooks from bones the scavengers left. They had kept him alive, but not comfortably so.

He crested a hill, and took out the last of his water, draining the flask, before adding it to his slung stick that he dragged behind him. With it, he only needed to lift half of the weight he carried, but the downside was he had to drag one end. He had tied his clothes into bundles that were slung over the stick which held his items he had collected, not that Yinglets were uncomfortable nude, but it made him feel less a person in doing so.

He saw the smoke of the small town before the storm reached him. He kept on walking, like taking each step was an act of faith as the ground at first ate up the fat raindrops, and the smell of Ozone permeated the air. He kept going, not knowing if the town ahead was even friendly to Yinglets, or that he might be a delicacy there. This was the danger of exploring new lands, one really did not know much about things until one was in the middle of them.

The formerly smooth dirt road soon turned into mud, and he was forced to all fours to pull the stick through the mud. Its end collected more mud, and weighed it down, while making it wider too. His bundles drug in the mud as well. It could not be helped, and even as the temperature started to drop, he pulled with a will not often seen in his kind. Not that he didn't get the distracting voices that others had, telling him to drop the stick, or to run so fast the rain would not touch him, or to eat the mud, it looked delicious.

His anger at the voices, each dumber than the next gave him fuel to carry on, as he shivered, and pulled, until his forehead batted into the city gates of the town, and there, he could go no further, and collapsed against the stockade, the small shelter against wind, and rain small comfort as his mind went to the place of dreams, where the voices were quiet, and he warm and safe.

He awoke to three pairs of Eyes, two like his own, one Humani. The soft words of the Humani were in an unfamiliar dialect, and the Yinglets too, were fluent in this. He had been transported to a room, and placed in a Yinglet bed. He felt better than he had in days, until he started, looking around in panic, for his belongings. He had not talked much in the past months, and even if he had, he did not know the language of these strangers. He looked for an exit, but when he tried to get up, he just did not have the energy, and passed out again.

He awoke a second time to the smell of warm food. His eyes opened slowly to the form of a single Yinglet, tending to a small stove in a small hut he was now in. It had smooth earthen walls with a brick wall facing the outside, the brick stove/fireplace being built into it. He sat up, as the nude Yinglet turned around. It was a Female! And here he was, an outcast in the presence of a breeder. Surely his fate was sealed now. He moaned as he sat back down, defeated in a way he could not escape. She said more things in her language, a liquid string of syllables that he could not make heads or tails of. He sat there, not knowing when he would be dragged out, and executed for this crime, though now, seeing a Female close up, he now knew why it was the death penalty to do so. She was beautiful, strong, and lean. Each movement she made was controlled with precision and grace. And he was torn as to which smelled better, the Cooking, or the Female.

She sauntered over to him, carrying a bowl of something he did not recognize. It was not the live prey from the Kindergarten, or meat from a hunter's catch. She used a tool with a concave end to hold a liquid, and made to put it in his mouth. He really thought it smelled good, and opened his mouth wide enough that his shelltooth was not in the way. She turned the spoon over and he braced for whatever it was, and was entirely surprised by the flavor. He whined as his stomach gurgled, reminded of his lifestyle of late, and the many days of hunger. He surprised himself by taking the entire bowl, before sleep hit him once again.

He awoke, now in the company of two yinglets, one the female he recognized, and a Second one, a older male, obviously wealthier, wearing a Tabard trimmed with silver around his neck. The two were doing something with pieces of paper, and his curiosity got the better of him as he stood, noticing the fist sized pieces of paper having Humani numbers on them. Each picked up another piece of paper in what looked like a ritual of some sort, placing one down in exchange. Both of them conversing in that mysterious language.

"Elder, excuse me" He whined, groveling in the appropriately pathetic way he had been taught to behave. "I have seen the Female, and deserve death, oh merciful one, but why feed me first?" He said, forehead touching the dirt of the floor, shivering in fear of the answer. The answer was a paw placed on his shoulder as the female talked to her companion. The male answered "I do speak de Slave Cant, young one." He said this in a truly barbaric accent, one that formerly would have caused him to do without food for days.

The older male continued "You are no longer a slave, nor do you need to grovel and scrape on the ground like you are as worthless as Tiplod shit." The female and the male both exchanged words, before a pair of paws lifted him from his groveling. "If you are wanting me angry, keep de groveling up. Plus, it is disrespectful to Lauanna here." The Male said with growing unease. The female chirped more in their dialect, and the male sighed, then translated for her "She wants to know your name, if you have one, outcast. " And there it was, they KNEW! The young male wanted to do nothing more than run away, or Kow-Tow to this male, and the voices in his head were going crazy with unhelpfulness.

"Elder, zis exile be called Kryss, the one who read forbidden zings" He said, only meeting the other's eye with effort. Surely seeing a Female unclothed had already warranted his death, at least they might sing his soul back seeing they knew his name now. The two chatted, undoubtedly translating his shame to the female, and his long ears twitched hearing her say his name, once, then twice. "Exile Kryss, my Daughter is pleased to meet you, and you being a guest in her house, you are protected by our laws until you leave, or ask to join a Guild." The female nodds, smiling, her ears perked straight up as she Places her handpaw pointing to herself, saying her name, then pointing to her father "Seliro'' then back to him "Kryss" He mimics her, and she nodded, then shoos the male out the door, shutting it behind him with the two animatedly arguing, even through the door.

Kryss sat down, thinking if the Male was not lying, he was not to be killed. This Female had fed and tended to him, and even extended some form of protection over him. Now, they were alone, and she started to undress once more, taking off her copper bordered dress. She sat down in the nest the room offered, having picked up a instrument of some sort, and started to sing, accompanied by the stringed instrument, a pleasant sound, to his ears, and he wondered if there was indeed magic in the world as he relaxed against her, listening to a song he could not understand, yet in a strange way quieted the voices in his mind, the stupid insane ones, until only her voice remained, and he knew he would earn a place in her world, if only to hear her sing again.

The song was a simple one, but infectious, and greatly daring, he added a harmony to it of his own, wordless, and not overly loud, but desperately trying to harmonize with her. Her playing was at first only to her singing, but the second round he sang, she added into her melody his part as well, playing with a handpaw and a footpaw too. The third round, he mimicked the words she sang, stumbling, but they were simple sounds, easy to reproduce. She stopped playing and clapped her fore and hind paws together, happy at his effort.

He lowered his head, happy to have pleased her, but unsure what to do next. He was astonished when she leaned over, and picked up a book, which taking a piece of charcoal, she started to write in. His look of astonishment must have been something to see, as he watched her write in plain Humani letters in what had to be a book she was writing. He could not understand what was written, but that he already understood the letters was a head start.

He watched as Lauanna wrote in the book, then played a stretch of their song, then wrote again, trying similar variations until apparently satisfied. She closed the book, then turned to Him, snuggling closer to him in the nest. He wanted to look away, but she took a finger of her handpaw under his chin, and lifted his eyes to meet hers. He swallowed, feeling the voices return with a vengeance, however, when she rubbed along his longer fur between his legs, they suddenly went silent. When her hand touched his maleness she giggled at his reaction, but prevented him from pulling away.

He groaned as Lauanna played him as expertly as she had her instrument, touching, nibbling, and placing his paws on her body to do the same. He felt her smooth torso, marveling at her breasts, and how soft they were. He felt along her neck, the fur there velvety, and under it, he could feel her heartbeat. When she pulled back, he almost fell over, being so intoxicated in her pheromones that he stumbled, then catching himself on her tail, upraised, as she had turned around, and was baring her slit at him. His hand ran down her tail, as he stepped forwards, following an instinct he only thought to share with his brothers.

She cooed, as he touched her in her intimate place, rubbing a finger over it, then smelling her scent on him. He lined up and entered her, her sweet heat surrounding him blissfully as he took a moment to register how it felt. He realized the voices were gone, as he started to move in her, rocking his hips as he grasped her tail to him. He started to sing the song they shared and to his delight, she joined him, singing as they made love. They sang two verses before he felt the need to hilt in her, and as he did so, he orgasmed sweetly, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever. As he came, she reached to his handpaw, and held it to her waist, and to his delight, he felt her inflate modestly as he filled her. She twisted her head on her long yinglet neck and kissed him as he finished, panting in his exertion. He never wanted to move away from this spot, but she stepped forward, exposing his maleness to the cool air as she turned and rubbed her tummy, rubbing it against him as she spoke to him words that he failed to understand, before knocking at the door, and unsurprisingly her father being there, she left, and when he made to follow, Seliro blocked him.

He watched as Lauanna took the hand of a Yinglet Warrior, and the two went into a different cabin, and he felt his heart die. "Your first time with a female in heat?" Seliro asked, not unkindly, but matter of factly. Kryss simply nodded, the emotional roller coaster a little too much to process. "She needs more males for her eggs to be healzhy, and will likely return for you again, if not twice. It's how you were made, and the rest of us too. If it makes you feel better, you were her first, and my child's first child will be as much yours as anyone's." Seliro went to the stove, and set out to making more of that stew Lauanna had made him.

Kryss sat, and thought, peppering the older male with questions until he handed him a bowl. He looked at it, and the tool that was provided. Seliro laughed "I'm not going to feed you, but if you want a second time with Lauanna, you need to eat." And so, Kryss learned how to use a spoon, and how he was staying in a Village called Mael, on the outskirts of a place called the Duchy of Kelme, in the Kingdom of Algamar. As they spoke, Seliro's accent got better, from practice, and they chatted about His and Lauanna's home in a place called "De Hive '' and the apparently nearby town of Kelme. He was in the middle of learning about cards, and the game Lauanna and Seliro were playing, when Lauanna made another appearance, her stomach rounder than before. Seliro winked, grinning as she all but purred, ready for another round.

Round two was not at all what he had expected however. Seliro stayed as she pushed him down into the nest, then climbed onto him, her belly rubbing along his belly fur had him excited, but she held onto him, taking his rod into her, she rested on him, and he in return felt none of the excited compulsion as before as they cuddled, entwining tails. She spoke to Seliro, as she gently moved her hips, and gave Kryss a kiss. "She chose you for her bedmate tonight. It's a great honor." Seliro said, as he got a funny feeling in his groin, altogether different than the orgasm of before, this being more of a happy, blissful feeling as they kissed. "I'll be joining you in the nest soon, so do be careful as to whom you grope, tonight." Seliro teased as he lit the wall sconce and finished his meal, watching the two get comfortable in the nest.

Seliro was good as his word, curling up to the both of them, before falling asleep, a welcome warmth shared between the three of them as Lauanna and his body reacted to eachother in a way no male would do for him, but Lauanna herself was unaware of doing, as she fell asleep, and he was left to his own thoughts as he bred her in hours of slow, steady pulses of her heat triggering him in a much softer way, like she caused him to build up and then release that pressure, but without any input from his conscious mind. It felt wonderful, truly. However, it was late, and he too closed his eyes, hugging Lauanna to himself as instinct took over as he too fell asleep in a pleasure he would have never dreamed of before that night, but would return to him many, many times later.

He awoke to Lauanna playing with the fuzz between his long ears. During the night, they had remained attached, and indeed was still so. Lauanna's belly was noticeably rounder now, and he was noticeably thirstier, indeed as thirsty as he had gotten walking across the plains. Seliro called out, and she answered, her voice being transmitted into his groin, causing the insemination that had been building to arrive a little early, and in response she growled threateningly, her face bunched up in anger or pain as her belly tightened above him. She clutched the bedding before relaxing, panting to relieve the effort. Seliro brought over a slice of Slug, and she ate it from his fingers. He gave her another, which she shared with Kryss before talking to Seliro "Her body is getting ready to make an egg, which is why she stretched that way before. She is sorry if she scared you" He translated for her. He then explained how to massage her belly, which she enthusiastically took enjoyment of. He felt happy too, feeling the welcome food re-energise his body as well as feeling a shift in his outlook on life, unable to quantify there having been a hormonal shift in himself.

"We will be leaving for de Hive dis morning, so enjoy a bit as I pack." Seliro said, as he started to do just that, only leaving the nest itself undisturbed as the two occupants enjoyed the end of a successful mating. Her body cramped a couple more times before she sang out, as Kryss rubbed her belly as she had shown him. He felt her belly pulse, tightening, then loosening. As she came, she bent backwards, her head now touching her tail as she came around him in a new way, causing him to violently orgasm into her. As she came down off her fertilization, he felt it, he softened in her, for the first time in half a day. As Kryss shrank from her, they kissed, hands on her belly as certain as they could be, that new life was on the way.

As they started to leave, Kryss stopped at the door "You said, I would be protected as long as I stayed. What does that mean if I go through this door? Kryss said, seriously. Seliro looked thoughtfully for a moment "Certain Dead, no doubt." Kryss, took a step backwards before Lauanna came from behind him with a ribbon, a white one. She said something in a serious tone, and placed the ribbon over his head. Seliro said something in a ritual way as in answering. Kryss looked at the Ribbon, then kissed Lauanna as she smiled at him. "The ribbon marks you as being within her house. Remove it, and you denounce her protection." Kryss nodded, rubbing the soft fabric between the pads of his handpaws.

Soon, they were packed, his few belongings included and Seliro had harnessed the Tiplods. but he was in for a surprise as they left the town. Instead of traveling along a road, they entered what looked like a cave. It had sentinels, both Yinglet and Humani which waved at the familiar Seliro and his Silver rimmed tabard as Kryss looked back at a small patch of sky, that soon was lost, as special baskets glowed on each corner of the cart, lighting their way as they traveled underground towards the HIve, where Lauanna would lay the eggs they had made together.

As they traveled, they played cards. Taking turns learning about, then driving the cart, he learned many new words and songs and of course rubbed Lauanna's tummy, feeling for movement, and swearing to himself that indeed, an egg was in there as the cart traveled well worn tracks towards their destiny. The voices he heard in his head were still there, but quite a bit of the time they were recommending doing very interesting things with Lauanna, as apparently the voices loved her too.

Yinglet Tails 2: Predator

Lauanna had woken up that morning, a little cranky due to her breeding cycle's timing. She had gotten up before the changing of the guard at the town gates, basket in hand to collect some herbs for her needs. As she approached the gate after collecting...

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The Sand Castle

Here I stand on a parapet alone looking over the waves. I roar into the wind, and each time my heart waits to hear a voice answer in return. I look out at the Waves and roar at them, but like time, they continue despite my wishes. I roar at the sky...

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Final Eggnancy VII: Epilogue

It was a Month after Cloud's unanimous win at the Glamorous Hen Show, and also a couple of weeks after Tifa was lifetime banned from Chocobo racing due to the use of "performance enhancers". Tifa remained bitter about this while brooding the eggs they...

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