Armageddon(test story)

Story by Rhys Foxx on SoFurry

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The music pounded in his ears as Cel waited for his band, Armageddon, to reach the point of their least known song The Valley of Shadow where he got to sing. True this was just a warm-up for the main set, but the band treated it as the real deal. Cel was lead vocalist and song writer he knew he was important to Armageddon, but sometimes he wished that he had never signed on with the band it was beginning to take its toll on his life. True the band got paid well enough, the twenty-three year old Snow Leopard wore designer clothing after all, and the fans loved him, but he had just grown tired of it all. To top it all off Cel's love life had been reduced to nothing due to the tour the band was on. Without someone to inspire him he hadn't even been able to write any decent songs for the band and let Chris and Jack write some. He just didn't have any drive to write anymore, and had no idea who or what would give him some. Suddenly he heard his cue to start singing, and he blocked out all thoughts of anything but the rest of the show.

Standing in the crowd listing to Armageddon was one of Morgan's dreams. When the eighteen year old fox had hear that they were coming to his home, he had made sure that he and his closest friends had tickets before the had even gone on sale. Sometimes having a father who owned half the city's building, including the one that Armageddon was playing at and even the hotel they were staying in, had it's perks. His dad had scored backstage passes for him and his friends, and even managed to make it so that Morgan was allowed to go back to the hotel with the band as a surprise. What Morgan's father didn't know was that he had a huge crush on the Lead singer Cel Evans, and that he hoped that he's get to know him better. If Morgan's father found out that his son was crushing on Armageddon's lead singer the results would be disastrous. Mr. Stern didn't mind that his son was gay, but his having a crush on one of his clients was unacceptable. He would have done all in his power to keep Morgan away from Cel, and would have most certainly not have given him the option of staying with the band. Walking in to the backstage area, Morgan and his friends Mike, Anna, James, and Mike's girlfriend Sarah decided to take a quick look on stage to see what Armageddon was up to. When the group saw that they were warming up, they went and grabbed chairs to sit in while they listened to the set.

Morgan couldn't believe his luck! They had walked in on Armageddon warming up for tonight, and they were currently playing his favorite song as part of the set. Almost no one knew about the song as it was kept in not liked by many Armageddon fans seeing as it was so different that their normal style of music. It had a softer beat which was more akin to a love song than their normal Alternative/Techno style, and the song always made him think of Cel whenever he heard it. With Cel being right in front of him, Morgan couldn't help himself. He began to sing along with Cel once he started.

Cel was singing The Valley of Shadow, but he couldn't shake the fact that something was wrong with it. Signaling the rest of the band to stop, he heard a voice over to his left singing as well but stop when it realized that the music had cut off.

"Who's there? Come out here," called Jack Andrews the guitarist, a Lion.

"Yeah this is a closed rehearsal, only those who part of the band of crew for the show are allowed to be here," Said Will Mathews the drummer, a Husky, as well.

"Come on guys don't be so hard on who ever it is, I liked the way he sounded," Rebecca Wells the bassist, a wolf, called.

"Look I'm Morgan Stern, and these are my friends. We didn't mean to disturb your rehearsal guys," said Morgan walking on stage with his ears flat.

"Stern... Hey isn't that the guy who owns this place? He did say his kid was coming by with some friends who are huge fans," said Will.

"Yeah he did," said Cel. "But what I want to know is what you were doing singing while we warmed up... Morgan was it?"

"I-I love that song is all," Stammered Morgan paling under his red fur. "It's my favorite and I couldn't help but sing along."

"Well it kind of threw me off Morgan, if you want to sing the do so when I know you are going to next time," said Cel.

"Next time?"

"Becca said she liked your voice so I'm willing to give you a shot at singing back up of you want to try."

"Wait," said the rest

of the band. "What!?"

"Cel can we talk to you for a minute over there," said Rebecca pointing to the other side of the stage. When they had all gathered she said, "Um, Cel sweetie, you've never listened to me before. What's going on?"

"It's simple," said Will. "Cel is in a funk and thinks that this kid will do something stupid to make him feel better."

"Will I'm not you for Goddess' sake," Cel laughed. "I listened to Becca because I thought he sounded good as well, and besides we could use a back up singer or two for when I get tired."

"Fine," Jack chimed in. "Just don't blame me if something goes wrong." With that the four band members went back to the others and Cel explained what was going to happen.

"First off Morgan is going to sing any of out songs, other than The Valley, and then you all are going to get a chance to try if you want to," he said.

"No thanks, were gonna just leave if that's alright," said Anna. "We'll be back for the show though."

"Fine cutie," said Will with a wink. "can't wait to see you again."

"But I can wait to see you again Will," laughed Anna. "You're not my type." Anna, Mike, James, and Sarah left with a wave to Morgan.

"Does it have to be one of your songs? Cause I have a song I'd like to sing instead if that's alright," asked Morgan quickly.

"Fine, sing any song," Cel said with a sigh. "Just make it short and we may ask you to sing one of ours afterwards."

"No problem," Morgan said with joy. "I'd like to sing Dreams of an Absolution, if you don't mind."

"Bold move seeing as it's my favorite song Morgan," Cel teased. "You sure you're up for it?"

"Of course," he cried and began to sing. When he finished he looked over at the other band members who stood with shocked looks on their faces. Slowly he faced Cel afraid of what he'd see in the older fur's face and what he saw shocked him more than he thought it would. Cel's eyes were closed and he was swaying back and forth in time to the beat that would have finished out the song in a state of bliss.

"Damn Becca," he said at last. "The kid does have a great voice. What do you guys think?"

"He's in," came the reply in unison.

"Well Morgan looks like you're gonna get to sing with us tonight and maybe longer if you do well," said Cel. "Now, lets get you into something more appropriate for tonight."

"I'm in charge of that Cel," said Rebecca. "he's kind of cute."

"Don't scare him," laughed Cel as he noticed Morgan's look of shock. "He's just a kid after all."

"Relax Cel," Rebecca said giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "I'll be good." And with that she led Morgan off the stage and into Cel's dressing room.

"Now, you seem to be about Cel's size so we'll use his clothing," she said reaching in to a closet and pulling out a few items. Holding out a pair of black jeans, a white shirt bearing a winged skull, and a light grey jacket she turned to Morgan. He took the clothing with a look of awe in his eyes, which of course, Rebecca noticed. With a smile, she turned back to the closet to continue looking for an outfit.

"Um, Ms. Wells?"

"If you ever call me Ms. Wells again I'll hit you across the face with a bass," she said turning to face Morgan. "It's Rebecca or Becca, but never Becky. What did you need?"

"Um is it really alright for me to wear these? I mean, It's just," he couldn't even talk coherently he was so shocked that he was holding Cel Evans' clothing in his hands.

"Yes it really is, besides judging by your current wardrobe issues you seem to be having you could use something to show off in."

"What do you-" Rebecca just indicated for him to look down. He happened to be sporting a large hard on which he didn't even realize he had. "Oh fuck! I didn't. I'm sorry. I-I-I."

"Relax Morgan, I get it."

"You do?"

"Yep I know I'm hot. A lot of guys have the same issue around me," she laughed.

"Oh, um... hey Rebecca?"

"What? Now you're all embarrassed it's kind of cute."

"Are you and," Morgan asked. "Are you and Cel together? I mean cause you gave him that kiss on the stage and I was just wondering."

"Sweetie Cel's gay. We try to keep it hidden from the public because most furs don't like a gay lead singer, especially one as hot as Cel. However I'm not going to go...out... with," Rebecca said then stopped after look at Morgan's face. "Aw hell don't tell me that you hate gays Morgan. I don't think I can be with someone who does."

"What? Oh, I don't hate gays," Morgan said quickly. "That's de kind of hypocritical seeing as I am."

"You're gay? Oh just wait till I tell the others we added another gay to the band, they'll love it," She cried. "I just have to take you shopping with me!"

"Rebecca please don't say anything! I-I don't want Cel to know," Morgan begged.

"Let me guess, you have a crush on him huh?" Morgan just nodded. "In that case I'll help you two out. Cel's been down lately due to not having someone so I think I can get this to work out. In return though, you have to do something for me," Rebecca said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Wh-what do I have to do? I don't want to do anything I don't feel is right," Morgan stammered.

"You have got to let me take you shopping for new clothes, and bring that bunny friend of yours."

"James? But don't wolves generally stay away from dating animals that they would normally prey upon if they were animals? What if he gets hurt?"

"I've found that bunny boys are tougher than they look, and besides I'm not a full wolf. I'm part Husky so that particular instinct is less powerful. In fact, Will is my step-brother. My mom remarried when we were about 16, and we've been friends ever since."

"Ok, I'll bring him along."

The Beginning

I'm considering making this into a series depending upon how this one is received by the public. If it goes well there will be sex in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy the story ad that you guys want...

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The following story contains acts of an adult nature between to male furs as well as acts of a sexual nature between a younger male cub of around age seventeen and an adult male. If such content offends you please stop reading now. If this does not...

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Ash's Birthday Experience

Warning the following story contains a sexual act by a teenage male fox. if this offwnds you, or you are under age (as if that part matters to you) stop reading now. There boaring legal this is over and if you havent stoped reading yet... Enjoy! if you...

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