[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 2)

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Unbeknownst to Teryx, another possessive entity lurks in Bheni's house. The green goo monster's found the perfect body to call its new home... permanently. (2.8k words)

Commission from SerathinGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/serathin/

The next morning Teryx awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking, the rain dragon sniffing the air as he slowly rose up from the couch he had slept on. When he looked outside he saw that it was still raining as hard as ever, which meant that there was no real reason to rush out anyway. He let out a loud yawn as he stretched his body, scratching at the pair of briefs he had borrowed from Bheni once he had taken the living suit off of him. As he looked down at his usual blue coloration he couldn't help but remember his encounter with Danny last night, his body shivering slightly from the reminder of the pleasure he had gotten as he wrapped the comforter around himself.

When he looked around the living room he saw that Bheni had taken his now dried clothes and laid them out for him, the rain dragon breathing a sigh of relief as the other dragon was a bit smaller then him. While the stretched fabric outlined his package quite nicely, they were a little constricting and he would be thankful when he got into a pair of his own size. As he went over to the chair in order to grab them however he could see into the kitchen and realized that it wasn't Bheni that was cooking, or at least not entirely Bheni. A small grin played on the muzzle of the rain dragon when he saw the familiar shine of red latex as Danny stood in front of the stove wearing nothing but an apron.

"I suppose it would only be fair to return the favor..." Teryx thought to himself, imagining that Danny would feel the same way with Bheni inside of him to experience the same sensations they had. He wasn't quite sure how it worked with those two though, was Bheni the one in control when he wore the rubber living suit, or did Danny take it like he had with him? He was about to find out however as he let the comforter fall around him and he snuck into the kitchen, watching the nearly naked rubber dragon continue to cook the food without him being aware that the rain dragon was sneaking up behind him.

Already the tight briefs on the rain dragon began to stretch tighter against him as he imagined Bheni inside of the rubber creature, both him and Danny getting the same arousal as they made out. Perhaps they could even go a little further, Teryx thought as one of his hands went down to stroke the tent in his briefs. When it got to the point that he was ready to rip right through the fabric he decided to just discard them completely, going up to the suited dragon with a full erection. Though it might have been fun to play around with those bare globes of his shiny butt he didn't want to be too presumptuous, instead waiting until Danny and Bheni had taken the eggs they were cooking off the stove before grabbing them, spinning them around, and kissing them deeply.

As Danny let out a muffled moan he was quick to return the favor, immediately reaching up in order to stroke the handsome form of the dragon kissing him. But while Teryx had been right that he was making out with the rubber dragon, it wasn't Bheni that was wearing him around this time. Unbeknownst to the rain dragon there was a third entity that resided in the house and had Teryx taken a second to look at Danny before he went right into their makeout session he would have seen that there was a green tint behind the eyes of the living suit and that green goo was leaking out of the corners of the red rubber dragon's mouth. The one inside of Danny was a ooze creature whom the two dragons called Jello, one that was very keen on their newest guest as he felt the thick tongue of the rain dragon push inside of their maw.

With Teryx distracted by fondling and groping the rubber dragon, which he failed to notice had far more give to his form then when he wore him, Jello found this as an opportunity to take advantage of. He had already learned from Danny the rain dragon didn't mind being taken over by another, in fact the rubber living creature said that he seemed to quite enjoy the sensation. While this wasn't technically the same thing the goo creature wanted to see what it was like to have a real body to possess, especially since Bheni didn't allow him to do it himself. This one appeared to be eager enough that he probably wouldn't even notice until he was already inside the other creature as he formed around Danny's tongue to push himself into Teryx's body.

Though Teryx could start to feel the appendage start to lengthen and actually start to slide into his throat he believed it was an ability that Danny could do, and he was also far too horny to care at that point as he felt the rubber dragon reach around and grab his naked rear end. With Jello being essentially a liquid he was able to leave the latex suit in a variety of ways, green globs of his body pushing out of the palms of the rubber dragon and spreading over the one pressed against him. As his form slid down deep through the rain dragon's maw he started to get a little excited, especially when he could feel himself being absorbed into the other creature as he began to move out of Danny faster.

Teryx suddenly broke the kiss as he felt something oozing over his body, and as he pulled his head back he would have gasped in shock if a thick green tentacle of goo wasn't connecting him with Danny's rapidly deflating body. This was definitely not Bheni, the rain dragon thought to himself as he began to feel something pushing under his tailhole as well while his skin tingled where the ooze had already spread over it. Danny rapidly sank to the floor like a pooltoy that was being deflated as smaller tendrils broke off of the main one in the maw of the rain dragon and pushed into his nostrils and ears, which immediately went numb as they stretched to allow the creature inside of him. He couldn't believe it, he thought to himself as he felt another presence in his mind growing inside of his own, he was getting possessed again by a completely different creature!

By this point most of Jello had already transferred himself onto or into the rain dragon, Danny lying on the floor in a heap as some of the green gel wrapped around Teryx's cock and began to shift around on the sensitive flesh. As the creature continued to seep inside of him Teryx began to feel... sluggish, like he was moving through mud both physically and mentally. Unlike when Danny had taken control of him, covering his limbs and moving him around like a puppet, as his muscles bulged to accommodate the goo invading him it somehow made him look even stronger. He felt his arms flexing despite themselves, his brain feeling like autopilot as his skull was filled with the goo creature while the last of Jello pushed inside of him.

Not again... Teryx thought to himself as he struggled to take control even as the last of the green gel slipped inside of him. Even as the creature, who he somehow immediately knew was named Jello and was a symbiote-type goo entity, had started to worm its way into his thoughts even more invasively than Danny when he decided he wasn't going to let this one win. He found himself taking a heavy step forward as his eyes began to droop, his face slackening as it became harder and harder to give commands to his own body. The rain dragon managed to make it to the table before he fell forward, catching himself with his hands as his still completely erect maleness began to leak with a green goo while a similar substance drooled out of his passive muzzle. The rain dragon stopped completely and closed his eyes as the alien sensations continued to persuade him with pleasure and whispers of how good it felt when he gave in and to just do the same once more...

About a minute later Teryx's eyes opened once more, but as a smirk formed on his muzzle the intelligence behind them was not the rain dragon as Jello glanced around with new eyes. A new body, the symbiote thought to himself giddily as he squeezed the firm arms of the one that he had successfully taken over. He could feel the owner underneath still able to feel and see everything just like Danny had done, the gel creature feeling the sensations of having a solid body for the first time in a while as he stretched and flexed his body. While Danny was fun to fill being a goo creature inside of a rubber suit had its limitations, and since Teryx already had a form he could build off of it as he shifted some of himself in order to make the rain dragon look even more muscular while adding a few more inches to other places.

"I could get used to this..." Jello said, his new, slightly longer tongue licking his lips as he felt the rain dragon squirm at that. "Don't worry Teryx, I'm going to take good care of you while I'm in charge, and you can just stand back and soak it all in. After all that's what you're good at, letting others take control of you, at least that's what Danny said."

Jello found himself chuckling when he could feel a ping of both arousal and embarrassment at the accusation. The rain dragon couldn't hide such a thing from him though, the only reason he was able to fill up the stud of a creature was because some part of him allowed him to infiltrate him. But the symbiote didn't have long to concern himself with such things when he heard a ding that told him the toast for the breakfast Danny was making for Teryx to make up for taking him over so unexpectedly was done. When he looked over at the rubber dragon on the floor the grin on Jello-Teryx widened as he believed he could put that breakfast to far better use, walking over and grabbing onto the apron that they were wearing to put on his new body...

Meanwhile Bheni had also became aware of the smell of breakfast coming from downstairs, the blue dragon slowly opening his eyes when his brain processed that someone was making food that wasn't him. With him still in bed that only left Teryx, whom he assumed wouldn't do such a thing since he didn't know where anything was, and Danny, who couldn't move without a host. Thinking that somehow the living suit managed to get hold of their guest once more he sat up to get out of bed and see what was going on, only to see Teryx standing there wearing nothing but an apron and holding a tray of food. Bheni wasn't sure what he was more surprised at, that his houseguest had made them food or that other than the apron, which had a sizable tent in it, the rain dragon was completely naked.

"Thought that I would help whip something up for you," Teryx said as he took the tray and set it down on the nearby nightstand. "Of course, if you don't like what I made then I can think of something else that might be more fun to have this morning."

"Oh! Uh..." Bheni said, at a loss for words since he wasn't sure how Teryx felt after his encounter with Danny and the two of them having a particularly enthusiastic make-out session on the couch. "I have to say that I'm interested, but are you sure you're not still maybe feeling a little bit of the lust from Danny? I don't want to deny you, but I want to make sure you're in the right headspace for something like this."

"I can guarantee you that I'm in the right head for this," Teryx said as he grinned, though Jello found himself trying not to slip out of the host he was pretending to be as the other dragon stared at him. "I've been looking forward to something like this for a long time, just needed the right person to come along that I can share it with. Now that we're here I think it would be a shame to waste it."

Bheni found himself swallowing hard as he felt his desires starting to get the better of him, though as he watched the rain dragon leaning in and putting his arms to either side of him there was something... not quite right about the entire situation. With the fog of lust clearing from his curiosity he began to see that Teryx looked slightly different then he did last night, not only did his arms and chest seem thicker but his entire visage seemed wild and almost feral in nature. Even his muzzle and teeth looked longer, and as the rain dragon went in for a kiss he saw something that caused Bheni to go from confused to furious in a heartbeat.

"Jello!" Bheni shouted, causing Jello-Teryx to stop and back away slightly as that evil smirk only grew on his face. "Are you serious? First Danny, now you?! Teryx is never going to want to speak to me after the way you two are treating him!"

"First of all, I assure you that we're enjoying ourselves quite fine," Jello-Teryx replied, pulling back and rubbing his hands against his face and mane. "It feels so good getting into a real physical body and it turns out that we're very fond of being like this, when I took Teryx over he practically popped right there without my intervention and the more we're bonding the better we're feeling. I've never met someone that got so turned on by subjugation like this, I want to keep him, I want us to feel like this as much as possible."

"Well, you can't just keep someone because you like the way he feels," Bheni exclaimed, crossing his arms across his chest. "Even if Teryx isn't completely opposed to having someone else controlling him-"

"We do," Jello-Teryx stated, once more a bit of green goo drooling out of him as gave Bheni a fanged grin. "We really, really do. Gods, even when he struggles against me I know the things he wants me to do to him..."

"ANYWAY," Bheni said, getting the lustful bonded pair to look back at him. "As I was saying, Teryx has a life outside of this house, I don't think he wants to be your personal meat puppet just because you make him feel good and you enhance his body."

"Ohhhh, someone is getting a little lustful themselves," Jello teased, Bheni becoming flushed with embarrassment as he used the covers of his bed to hide his midsection. "Plus, while Teryx has been practically drooling in pleasure over what I'm doing to him I've found that his lease actually ends very soon and that he isn't opposed to taking the spare room that you've been using for storage. It's quite the win-win situation if you think about it; you get to have some help with the payments and a sexy roommate, I get a body I can have since you won't let me into yours and Teryx gets to have us play with him as our new pet."

Bheni found himself biting his lip as the offer tempted him, especially as Jello-Teryx continued to sway about and show off his body. "Alright, on one condition," Bheni said as he held up a finger. "You let me talk to Teryx to make sure he's fine with the offer."

Jello just grinned and nodded, then as Bheni watched some of the goo from the symbiote pushed down from the head of the rain dragon towards his neck and chest. A few seconds later the cocky grin on the face of the fierce rain dragon turned to one of pure pleasure as Teryx's head reverted to normal. "So good..." he said as he looked up at Bheni with a pleading look in his eyes. "Yes... yes, I want to be your roommate! I want to be his host, inside of me... inside my head..."

That was enough for Bheni as Teryx's eyes widened, groaning loudly as the thick tendrils of goo pushed back up into his head and Jello took control once more. After making sure that Bheni was satisfied the possessed rain dragon practically leapt forward, pushing their muzzles into a deep, passionate kiss. The breakfast that had been brought up was quickly forgotten and left uneaten as the two dragons soon both found themselves under the covers, Jello ready to put his new body through its paces in order to properly thank both him and Bheni...

[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 3)

A few weeks later YongSeop rang the door to Bheni's place, the blue dragon inviting the orange-scaled dragon to lunch so that they could catch up. The older dragon hadn't seen his friend in quite some time, the blue dragon dropping off the map a bit...

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[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 1)

The sunshine that had been promised for the entire day had suddenly ended in the early afternoon when a thunderhead that took over the entire horizon drifted quickly towards the small city, the wind picking up with greater intensity as it got close....

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[Certified_GSD] A Dragon Doesn't Need to Ask

A dragon doesn't need to ask, he merely takes what he wants. At least, that's what the rain dragon thought as he led the way to the shepherd dog's home and punched in an access code to open the front door. The heavy steel door slid open as gently as a...

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