[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 3)

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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With Teryx under his control, Jello wants another body to play with together. (3.7k words)

Commission from SerathinGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/serathin/

A few weeks later YongSeop rang the door to Bheni's place, the blue dragon inviting the orange-scaled dragon to lunch so that they could catch up. The older dragon hadn't seen his friend in quite some time, the blue dragon dropping off the map a bit after the rainstorms that had moved through the area. In fact, he had been thinking about heading over there just to make sure he was alright before he had gotten the sudden invitation. When the door opened he saw Bheni standing there, smiling and motioning for him to come inside.

"Ohh, nice suit!" Bheni commented as YongSeop walked in, looking at the black rubber bodysuit that covered the other dragon. "When did you get it?"

"A few days ago," YongSeop replied with a grin as he gave his body a turn around so that he could show it off. "I was actually going to show it to you earlier but you were off the grid for a while, in fact I was starting to get a little worried. Are you alright?"

"Never better!" Bheni replied happily as he motioned for YongSeop to follow him into the living room. "In fact there's someone that I would like you to meet. You know how you kept telling me that I was losing out on having that empty extra room being used for my boxes? I actually cleared them all out and got a new roommate!"

YongSeop looked over at the couch to see another blue dragon sitting on the couch, though his markings were more complex than Bheni as he was introduced to Teryx. Teryx just gave him a grin and flipped his mane back before saying it was a pleasure to meet him, YongSeop doing likewise. Bheni then explained that he just needed to clean up the kitchen a bit and wait for the last of the food to fully cook before they were ready for lunch. He told YongSeop and Teryx to get to know one another before he went into the kitchen, closing the door behind him so the two could talk alone as YongSeop went over to a nearby chair and sat down.

As Jello watched YongSeop sit down the symbiote could feel his host ping in arousal at the body of the other male, especially the fact that his muscular form was clad in the shiny black latex that made it hard to focus for the both of them. While Jello was completely in control as usual, they had pulled back on the modifications the goo creature had done to their shared body... though with how easy it was for him to manipulate the rain dragon now it was practically his. While he enjoyed Teryx as his thrall and his time with Bheni this was something new... and Jello-Teryx really wanted to play with this one. It made the symbiote wonder that since there was so much of him inside of the rain dragon, his mass added with the time he spent with Bheni, would he be able to claim this one as his too?

There was no time like the present to find out, Jello-Teryx thought to themselves as they motioned for YongSeop to come over and join them on the couch so they could talk better. They knew that Bheni would be in the kitchen for at least half an hour to make final preparations and with how quickly Jello had possessed Teryx he couldn't imagine he would need more than that to do the same. The only problem was that even though he was catching glances of desire from the other male they could sense that he wasn't going to be one to receive, especially when they started to flirt with him. Though they had taken the other dragon by surprise at first it was clear when they asked if they could touch his latex suit that he was used to being the dominant one... though for them that wasn't going to be a problem.

"I love the way that this suit just contours with your entire body," Jello-Teryx said as he took the shoulder that he had initially touched and ran it down YongSeop's chest, causing the bigger dragon to shiver slightly from the sensation. "Aren't you worried that something so skintight might get you in trouble walking around?"

"I will admit at first that it was a little daunting," YongSeop said with a chuckle, motioning down between his thick, rubber covered thighs. "But as you can see there's a bit of padding around the groin area so that it's more of a bulge then an outline, that way I don't have to wear anything special and I'm not flashing everyone where I go."

"I see..." Jello-Teryx replied, their anticipation growing as they went down and squeezed the padded bulge of YongSeop's cock, causing him to jump slightly. "It's quite big though still, I can't imagine what it looks like. I think I want to see for myself..."

Though YongSeop was slightly apprehensive about it he made no move to stop the possessed rain dragon as he grabbed the zipper and pulled it down, the ridged length springing upwards. It appeared that the symbiote's ministrations had already done a number on the dragon, watching his chest heave slightly as Jello-Teryx began to stroke the length up and down. "You are... definitely an eager one, aren't you?" YongSeop huffed, Jello-Teryx just grinning as he found his plans coming to fruition. "You sure... we should be doing this? With Bheni in the next room..."

"I won't tell him if you won't," Jello-Teryx replied, pulling back only to undo his pants and pull them down, moving forward and wiggling his bare butt at the other male. "I'll tell you a secret... when Bheni told me about you I prepared myself just in case, so go ahead and slide right in. I am paying here to live after all, just make sure it's hard and fast."

Thankfully as a goo creature Jello was able to lubricate the rain dragon's tailhole since they had not intended on going this route, and as he looked back, he wondered if YongSeop was going to go all the way or back out at the last second and tell them that's not right. Fortunately for them lust won out and after a quick look around as though to make sure no one else was there the bigger dragon leaned in and had Jello-Teryx lay on his back on the table while he got between his legs. It appeared they were right that he was the dominant one, the juicy globes of the rain dragon's rear too enticing for him to pass up. For the symbiote the plan was simple; exhaust the dragon and collect his essence, then use that to continue to build himself up so that he could take his new host.

With the back of his legs pressed against the latex chest of the other male Jello-Teryx let out a small gasp of pleasure, not only from the sensations of the rubber against their body but also reminding them of their time with Danny. With a clock on their efforts YongSeop wasted little time in getting started, taking the head of his member and slowly pushing it into the tailhole of the male beneath him. Though he made a comment about the coloration of the lubricant it didn't stop him from spreading the rain dragon open, the symbiote shifting about to make sure the penetration was not only pleasant but allowed the bigger dragon to get inside him fast. The symbiote had gotten excited about this new idea and with the combination of lust their shared body was getting they could feel their muscles expanding slightly from it.

Even as Jello-Teryx shifted in appearance YongSeop was already lost in the haze of lust to really notice. He hadn't come in to Bheni's house just to have sex with his roommate, yet as soon as those fingers ran along his rubber body he couldn't help but take advantage of the offer. From the look of pure bliss on the rain dragon's face it appeared that he was enjoying himself just as much as he was as those tight walls clamped against his ridged member. The feeling was exquisite... like tiny tendrils were massaging every inch of his member as he shoved it deep inside the dragon below. Once he was at the hilt he immediately began to slide back out, giving the rain dragon no time to rest as he began a hurried pace to pound into the male beneath him.

As Jello-Teryx rode the waves of pleasure that came from the thick cock inside of him Jello began to prepare himself, ready to takeover once the time came. Though their cock began to leak a bit of his green goo it was merely pre, not letting them cum until the time was right. They weren't going to have to wait long, especially as Jello felt his own body growing stronger with each thrust from the other male. Teryx was practically bulging with muscle at this point as his feet and hands grew larger as well, the symbiote trying to find places to put himself without looking suspicious while still dealing with getting pounded in the tailhole.

Just as YongSeop had gotten into a fervent pace he suddenly stopped when he heard a loud pop, quickly pulling out of Jello-Teryx and zipping himself back up as the possessed rain dragon pulled up his pants. The two quickly went back to the couch and tried to act natural as they heard Bheni curse, then come out of the kitchen with his shirt covered in what looked like some sort of jam. "Sorry guys, might have a little delay on the lunch," he said as he wiped off the thick substance with a towel. "Just let me go get changed into something and I'll be back down to clean up the mess."

Both Jello-Teryx and YongSeop nodded, telling the blue dragon to take his time as they watched him leave. When they both looked at one another after Bheni left Jello tried to resist the urge to frown when he realized that the intrusion had prevented the symbiote from doing what he had wanted. It also appeared that anything YongSeop had towards him was put on the backburner, the other dragon not even looking at them as they continued to make small talk. After a few minutes passed Jello-Teryx felt frustrated, not only because he was about to get a new host but because he wasn't even able to finish.

With no more progress happening down there Jello-Teryx told YongSeop he was going to check on Bheni and went up the stairs to where their rooms were. Just when he was about to enter into Bheni's room and ask if he was alright, he stopped when he saw that the blue dragon was looking in the mirror while wearing Danny from the neck down. "It should be fine, YongSeop is wearing rubber after all..." the blue dragon mused before seeing Jello-Teryx in the reflection and spinning around to face him. "Oh, Jello, uh... I was just thinking of what to wear for lunch and I happened to see Danny in the corner."

"No need to tip toe around us," Jello-Teryx replied as he saw an opportunity to at least get the relief he didn't get with YongSeop. "I think that you should wear Danny more often, it's rather fun when the two of you get together. In fact... since YongSeop is busy on his phone at the moment why don't we have a little fun ourselves?"

Jello-Teryx could see Bheni blushing as he looked down at himself in the rubber dragon suit, particularly his crotch as he saw that his already half-hard, rubber covered member was starting to rise up even more. "Jello... we can't do that with YongSeop here!" Bheni said. "Last thing I need is him realizing that my roommate is... more than that, plus you have to be more careful who you reveal yourself around."

The grin on the possessed rain dragon's face fell slightly as he was denied, though he quickly gathered himself and went over to Bheni. "You'd be surprised what your friend is into," Jello-Teryx said as he leaned in, tracing a hand down the red rubber of the suit. "C'mon, you're already in the suit, let's have a little fun."

There was a moment where it looked like Bheni was going to accept, but at the last second he just shook his head. "No... not with guests here," Bheni stated simply. "I mean... I want to, but at the same time... I... you know..."

Jello-Teryx just sighed in frustration before he saw something that caught his eye, causing him to grin. "Well, I'm not going to wait all day for you to make up your mind to rut me," the possessed rain dragon said, Bheni tilting his head in confusion before he saw Jello-Teryx reach behind him. "I know someone who's ready and willing to go."

Before Bheni could react he felt the rubber hood of the suit get pulled over his head, the rubber immediately sealing shut around the seam. The head and muzzle of the suit shifted around for a bit as they heard muffled words coming from it, but a few seconds later everything settled down and a grin formed on the lips of the rubber dragon. "Thank you for that," Danny said as he took control of the shocked Bheni, moving forward and grabbing onto the hard cock of the other dragon. "I heard that you wanted to have some fun, anything in particular?"

"You bet I do," Jello-Teryx replied, hopping on the bed on all fours with his tail in the air. "Don't forget we have lunch though."

"Don't worry," Danny replied with a smirk as he got up behind the rain dragon, taking his rubber cock and easily pushing it, along with the one sheathed inside it, into the waiting hole. "I'll have Bheni out and ready after, but I'm definitely going to enjoy this first."

Jello-Teryx wasn't in a position to argue, especially as the unfinished pleasure they had experienced with YongSeop came back two-fold. The symbiote and rain dragon allowed the rubber living suit to take charge as they felt his hands grab their hips, using them as leverage so he could push in hard and deep. With the combination of the gooey insides of the possessed male and the rubber cock of the other it didn't take long for the two to get into a rhythm, once more Teryx becoming slightly bigger. With Danny feeding off of Bheni there wasn't much transferred to him, but this was purely for sexual release as Jello-Teryx bucked backwards to get that latex shaft as deep in them as possible.

The two continued like that for a few minutes, Danny and Jello enjoying taking those that they were in control of and using them to have sex with one another. They could tell that the ones inside of them were loving it too, though for the living suit the idea that they weren't paying attention to their lusty guest was starting to get in the way. The rubber dragon finished up however and brought both of them to orgasm as Jello-Teryx muffled themselves with goo in their maws as they climaxed. Though they weren't sure if they were going to get another run at YongSeop Jello decided to keep it a dry orgasm, which helped Danny to make sure that he could get Bheni out and ready after they had taken some time to recover.

About half an hour later Bheni was once more out of Danny and sitting at the table with Jello-Teryx and YongSeop, the three of them eating silently with little conversation between them. It had turned out that both Bheni and YongSeop had heard the other having sex with Jello-Teryx, which made for awkward table conversation as they couldn't even look one another in the eye. This was not how the symbiote wanted this day to go down, he thought to himself, but at this point there was nothing that could be done but power through it. They mostly felt bad about ruining Bheni's chance to catch up with the other dragon; they knew that they had been monopolizing a lot of the blue dragon's time with the move and getting Teryx set up to be Jello's plaything, whether the rain dragon realized it initially or not, and he felt like he had put himself in the middle of what should have just been a nice lunch.

Eventually midway through YongSeop asked if he could use Bheni's bathroom, wordlessly getting up and heading up the stairs once he had been told where it was. As the minutes passed the guilt continued to eat away at Jello-Teryx and they soon excused themselves as well, telling Bheni they were going to their room to get something quick before heading up the stairs themselves. The hope was to talk to YongSeop privately and apologize for what they had done and that they would stay in their room to allow him to talk to Bheni privately. When he got to the bathroom door, they heard something that prompted them to open the door and look inside.

YongSeop looked up at them in shock, his crotch zipper undone with his hands wrapped around his cock in mid-stroke. "Teryx... I..." the bigger dragon got up and went over to the possessed rain dragon, kissing him deeply in the muzzle before he broke the embrace with both of them panting. "I thought I could get through this without needing to do it, but I am so horny right now."

"Well... my bedroom is right there," Jello-Teryx stated as he pointed to the open door. "You sure you want to do this with Bheni downstairs?"

"I don't care," YongSeop said, already walking towards the room. "I haven't been able to stop touching myself even underneath the table, and if I don't do something soon I'm going to lose it."

Jello-Teryx hadn't realized what sort of effect they had on the other male as they watched them walk into their room, his cock still erect and jutting out of his rubber suit as they followed close after. When YongSeop asked how they wanted to do it the possessed creature grinned and told him to lie down, and after he had done so Jello-Teryx quickly climbed on top of him. Even after having sex with both males once today, he found himself hungering for more, especially with his prize now between his thighs as he arched up his back to allow the cock pressed against his rear to push inside of him. Jello-Teryx was not going to let this opportunity slip by them again as they began to slide up and down to clamp their tight tailhole against the bigger dragon's shaft.

YongSeop's eyes practically rolled into the back of his head as the pent-up need that he had was finally getting addressed, the lust that had been building inside of him coming to the forefront at he grabbed onto the rain dragon's thighs to try and spur him on to go faster. Jello-Teryx was more than happy to oblige, feeling his excess goo starting to build right behind his cock. So close... Jello-Teryx bit their lips as they hilted YongSeop deep and rolled their hips back and forth to move the thick member inside of them while still keeping the entire thing inside of them. Eventually it was more than enough to push the orange dragon over the edge, the dragon practically frozen in the throes of orgasm as his essence added to the already almost overwhelming symbiote inside the rain dragon.

It was enough for Jello to enact his plan as he triggered the climax in Teryx as well, his lust-drunk form eagerly obliging as jets of bright green goo flooded out of his cock and onto the chest of the semi-conscious dragon they had just had sex with. With YongSeop still in the throes of his orgasm he failed to notice his chest getting nearly completely covered with the goo as the symbiote inside of Teryx created another Jello just like the first. There was no way that the symbiote was going to give up such a delicious host that had already given himself completely to him, feeling the bliss radiating from Teryx as he realized he would retain his status as Jello's pet, but with the second version of himself coalescing he definitely wanted a second. For Teryx it was the first time he had seen Jello in its natural form, watching the goo creature rise up to form a smooth head and shoulders that went forward to look at YongSeop.

"You... are mine..." the second Jello hissed, the same comment reverberating through Teryx's lips as well as he remained firmly planted on the cock of the other male. "Give yourself to me and together we can have so... much... fun..."

YongSeop was so delirious from the force of his orgasm he hardly realized he was getting kissed as the goo creature seeped into him, Teryx watching as it invaded him in a similar aspect of himself. Green goo leaked out of the rain dragon's muzzle as he watched the orange dragon getting taken over, his latex suit bulging as Jello slithered inside of it and caused more pleasure to the already lust-drunk male. Though the symbiote enjoyed kissing the other dragon deeply soon he began to push further in, YongSeop's throat bulging as the thick green substance oozed over him until it was completely absorbed into his body or pushed in through his tailhole or head.

With the last of Jello disappearing Jello-Teryx watched and waited, YongSeop's eyes closed as he could feel him twitch and quiver from the goo inside of him. Eventually when they opened they saw a green film over them briefly, a grin spreading on his muzzle as he slowly rose up from the bed and looked at himself. "I daresay this one is almost more obedient than the first," Jello-YongSeop said as he shifted the goo around in order to perfectly accentuate his new form, feeling his cock throbbing inside of the other possessed creature that was still on top of him. "Two hosts... I didn't think it was possible, but I'm definitely going to enjoy this."

As the two Jellos began to rub and kiss against one another they realized something; though Bheni often resisted, perhaps two of them could convince him to become a third host as green goo leaked from both their maws...

[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 2)

The next morning Teryx awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking, the rain dragon sniffing the air as he slowly rose up from the couch he had slept on. When he looked outside he saw that it was still raining as hard as ever, which meant that there was no...

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[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 1)

The sunshine that had been promised for the entire day had suddenly ended in the early afternoon when a thunderhead that took over the entire horizon drifted quickly towards the small city, the wind picking up with greater intensity as it got close....

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[Certified_GSD] A Dragon Doesn't Need to Ask

A dragon doesn't need to ask, he merely takes what he wants. At least, that's what the rain dragon thought as he led the way to the shepherd dog's home and punched in an access code to open the front door. The heavy steel door slid open as gently as a...

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