The Lusty Weremilf Of Stoney Brook Falls: Part 2

Story by Charlie Writes For You on SoFurry

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#2 of Lusty Weremilf Series

Ginger and Ian are back for part 2!

Ian's older neighbor Ginger has spent the summer teaching the finer points of lycanthropy. Now they're ready to add a new member to their pack. Ian's ex Jenny has returned from her summer abroad, just in time for the full buck moon. An arranged meeting by a secluded forest pond leads to a transformative night of feral delights for all three!

The Lusty Weremilf of Stoney Brook Falls

By Writer Wolf

Chapter 2: Homecumming

A chorus of cicadas and the drowsy calls of crickets fell thick in the early evening air as Jenny Hightower walked down the well trodden forest trail, the cacophony of sounds around her mirrored the heavy unease in her stomach. Every step the petite raven haired girl took towards her destination was laden with hesitancy. Each stride forward nearly became a hastened retreat back towards the parking lot she'd come from. Almost unconsciously, she put her hand to the side of her jeans to make sure the folding knife was still in her pocket. Jenny didn't think she'd need it, the boy she was going to meet had always been sweet to her, but both the location and nature of their meeting left her more paranoid than usual.

She'd barely unpacked her suitcase after returning from her post graduation trip to Italy when her phone chirped with the familiar ringtone she'd used for Ian, her ex. The curt, formal message looked strange compared to Ian's long pleading response to Jenny's own break up text above. It felt like it had been sent by a completely different person.

I would like the family heirloom I gave you back. Please meet me at our favorite spot. Tonight, 8pm.

After a few unread responses asking why he wanted to meet at the pond so late instead of his house a few doors down from her own, and a few calls that went straight to Ian's voicemail, Jenny responded with a simple: Ok, I'll be there at 8. She couldn't blame Ian for acting cold towards her. After nearly a year of dating and a lot of promises about their future together, Jenny's father had put his foot down, forcing her to break up with him a week after graduation. Her father's cruel words still echoed in her guilt ridden mind.

"The boy comes from nothing and he's going to be nothing. Either you rip the band-aid off now, or you can pay for Harvard yourself!"

Jenny hated her father for many reasons, but forcing her to break up with the only boy in Stoney Brook Falls that had ever treated her with kindness topped the list. He wouldn't even let her do it in person, saying it was easier to have a clean break through text. Jenny couldn't bring herself to respond to Ian's heartbreaking reaction. Instead, she left him on read, then left for Italy. She'd hoped the trip to her cousin's villa would take her mind off the guilt, but instead it just gave her more time to dwell on it.

After a hastily concocted story about staying the night at a friend's, Jenny walked out of her house and towards whatever fate had in store. As Jenny clutched the precious locket Ian gave to her the night they promised each other their virginity, she hoped tonight's meeting would be a chance to begin making amends. The knife in her pocket was in case it was some sort of trap. She'd listened to far too many true crime podcasts to not prepare for both possibilities.

The giant full buck moon had already started to rise when Jenny entered the large clearing containing Stoney Brook Falls number one destination for wayward teens. "The Pond" as it was called had been an escape from the suffocating expectations and conservative culture of the uptight suburb for decades. To Jenny and Ian, it had always been a respite from the drama of their home lives and the pressure cooker of their affluent high school. The pond itself was little more than a puddle, a runoff pool from the surrounding neighborhoods with barely enough water to support a small population of frogs that had just recently completed their nightly ode to the mating season. Fireflies created thick waves of bioluminescence in the clearing providing the only light, save for the rising moon and the small LED lantern Jenny carried in her hand. She sat down on a rusting bench near the edge of the pond, no doubt stolen from the town's park during some drunken rager that had long since been forgotten to time. Nervously, she checked her phone for any response from Ian. He'd seen her message, but had said nothing. Just as Jenny was starting to consider leaving, she heard a masculine voice come from the trees directly behind her, almost causing the young woman to jump out of her skin.

"Hey Jenn..."


Jenny spun around nearly falling off the bench and stood up quickly. Lit by the rising moon, she saw her ex emerge into the clearing from the trees, at least, she thought he was the same boy she'd unceremoniously dumped earlier that summer. As Ian came into view, Jenny could tell something dramatic had changed since the last time she'd seen him. Even in the darkness she could tell that he must've spent the last month doing nothing but working out. Thick, sinewy muscles pressed against the cotton swim robe he wore, his shoulders had widened so much he looked like he could be a varsity linebacker, a thick 5 o'clock shadow covered his face which was Impressive considering he'd struggled to even grow a pencil thin mustache throughout highschool. Whatever late teen growth spurt he'd gone through had even added a few inches to his already above average height, even his voice sounded deeper.

"Ian! You look uh.. you look really good."

The young man gave a wan smile.

"Thanks, it's been an... interesting summer. Lots of time to focus on myself. You look good too."

They stared at each other for a second, each not knowing what to say to the other until Jenny produced the silver locket from her pocket that Ian had given her last christmas as a symbol of their commitment to one another.

"Um, here you go." She said handing Ian the locket. "I'm sorry I held on to this for so long, I should've given this back to you as soon as I..."

"As soon as you broke up with me?" Ian said flatly, finishing her thought.

"Yeah..." Jenny said hesitantly. "Look Ian, I'm sorry for the way things ended between us. My asshole dad threatened to cut me off if I didn't."

Ian didn't respond, his stoic demeanor unflinching.

"I mean, most couples break up after high school right?" Jenny said. The words sounded hollow even to her.

"My parents were high school sweethearts." Ian responded.

"Oh come on Ian, that's not fair!' Jenny screamed, "You know how my parents are! They were never going to accept you. What we had was... fun, but at the end of the day I have to think about my future."

"Fun? Was that all I was to you, a bit of fun?" Ian scoffed. "Was it fun to promise each other our virginity, a promise I sealed by giving one of the only pieces of my father I have left, just for you to break up with me over text and leave me on read for nearly 3 months!?"

Jenny didn't have a good answer. Shame boiled in her stomach, this wasn't how she'd wanted this conversation to go, deep down she loved Ian, he was maybe the only person in her life she could truly say that about. The truth was she could care less about Harvard, but she saw it as her only path to escaping their oppressively dull suburb, and her even more oppressive parents. Jenny looked up at her former boyfriend. Even in the dim moonlight, his deep blue eyes pierced the darkness and straight into her heart. Maybe it was guilt, or the fact that Ian had somehow gotten even hotter over their time apart, but Jenny started to feel like she'd made a terrible mistake.

"Well if it's any consolation" Jenny said softly, "It's not too late to keep our promise. I'm still a virgin. I had a couple of opportunities in Italy, but all I could think about was how much I'd hurt you."

Ian smirked and let out a dry chuckle.

"Well it might not be too late for you Jenn, but it definitely is for me."

Jenny was floored. Ian had always been such a shy boy. It took them a month of dating before he'd worked up the courage to even kiss her. Now he'd managed to find someone else in their small town to bed down in the span of a summer?

"Who?" Jenny asked, trying to hide her hurt.

Her question was answered, not by Ian, but by a husky feminine voice directly behind her.

"Sorry hon, I'm afraid I beat you to the punch this time."

Jenny spun around. She recognized the voice instantly but still couldn't believe it when Ginger Tillman, Ian's neighbor and family friend, waltzed into the moonlight wearing nothing. Her alabaster skin and the self satisfaction in her cheshire cat smile were almost as bright as the moon itself.

"Are you fucking serious?!" Jenny exclaimed as she turned back to Ian.

"Isn't she your mom's best friend? And isn't she like, fucking 60 or something!?"

"Young lady, I'll have you know I'm not a day over 50!" Ginger said in mock indignation.

"I may be older, but at least I know a good catch when I see one. You broke poor Ian's heart. It was only natural for him to seek comfort in someone who's been a dear friend to him and his mother since they moved here."

"Lady!" Jenny said turning back towards Ginger, "I don't know what the fuck your problem is but this is between me and Ian!" She turned back towards her ex. "What the fuck is she even doing here!? Why is she naked?! Is this some sort of ambush to make me feel bad about dumping you? What the fuck is wrong with both of you!?"

Ian had been stoically silent during the exchange, but inside he felt the moon starting to go to work on his body. He'd held off the change as long as he safely could, but he could push it off no longer.

"I'll show you exactly what's wrong with me." Ian growled. He then doubled over, grunting in pain as the change started to overtake him.

"Oh my god Ian! What's wrong?"

Jenny began walking towards him only for Ian to put a hand up and scream,


The frightened girl froze, not knowing what to do, she turned back to Ginger saying,

"Aren't you going to fucking do somthing?!"

The nude older woman simply stood there, her arms crossed, smiling her Cheshire smile.

"Fuck you then!" Jenny exclaimed in frustration. She took out her phone and tried dialing 911 before remembering the pond was a notorious dead spot for cell signals. One of the reasons it was so beloved by the teens in town. No cell service meant no invasive tracking by parents or surreptitious live streaming of potential illegal activity by other students.

Jenny looked back at her ex, trying to keep the terror out of her voice and said,

"Ian baby, just stay where you are, I'm going to grab help."

The former highschool track star turned and started sprinting back towards the trail, only to be intercepted by a blur in the dark. Ginger had grabbed her by both shoulders and spun her back around towards Ian before she had time to react.

"Now sweetie, don't run off so quickly, you're going to miss the best part!" Ginger hissed into Jenny's ear

The girl was speechless, how had the middle aged woman moved so fast? What the hell was she talking about? She struggled violently against the woman, but it was like trying to fight a brick wallf. Ginger's grip on her shoulders never faltered and when she tried kicking the older woman, she felt both of her legs get swept out from beneath her by a swift move from Ginger's own tree trunk like lower limbs. Jenny was pulled down roughly onto her haunches. Before she could blink Ginger knelt down behind her and wrapped her elbow tightly around the young woman's neck, not enough to restrict her airflow, but enough to let Jenny know that she could at any moment.

"Now that I have your undivided attention," Ginger growled, "pay close attention to your ex, trust me you're not going to want to miss a second of this."

All the stunned girl could do was stare straight ahead as Ian continued to bend over and grunt in clear discomfort at whatever was happening to him. Jenny's eyes grew wide as she saw thick dark brown fur begin to grow sprout on his arms and legs.

"Sweetie" Ginger called out to Ian. "Don't forget the robe or you're going to end up ruining another one!"

Ian looked up and to Jenny's astonishment, he smiled. Even from a distance in the dark she could tell something was wrong with his teeth, they had all sharpened and lengthened becoming almost too big for his mouth. Ian stood back upright, undid his robe and let the terry cloth fall to the ground. He was completely nude underneath. Fur was growing in patches all over his body. Ian kicked his sandals off just in time for the fur to reach his feet. His nails lengthened out into black claws. Jenny could hear the pops and cracks as Ian's bones morphed and realigned themselves. Toes fused and bones lengthened until with a final series of cracks they completed their change into digitigrade canine paws. Jenny let out an audible gasp as she watched her ex's generous manhood become enveloped by a furry canine sheath. All over Ian's body, his already toned muscles bulged out. He grew taller and more massive until in Jenny's estimation he stood nearly 9' tall.

Despite the sheer insanity of what Jenny was seeing happen to her ex, there was something familiar about it. As Ian's fingers hands grew thick black pads and his nails became threatening looking black claws, realization began to form in her fear-addled mind. A bushy tail with a gray tip appeared behind him and began swishing in excitement. Ian cocked his head towards the sky and opened his mouth wide letting out a low growling moan that soon became a blood curdling howl as his face lengthened into a lupine muzzle and his ears became pointed and moved to the top of his head. Jenny's heart nearly beat a hole in her chest as she watched her ex complete his transformation. Though her mind couldn't comprehend it, her eyes more than confirmed it. Her ex boyfriend had just transformed into a werewolf.

"" Jenny's mind overwhelmed by fear and the pure incomprehensibility of what she'd just witnessed struggled to form words.

"Don't worry sweetie, all your questions will be answered soon." replied a dark husky voice behind her. It sounded like Ginger's voice, but deeper.

Jenny looked down at Ginger's arm, still around her neck, and saw with horror that it was now completely covered in reddish brown fur similar to Ian's. She craned her head to look towards the source of the voice. The lupine visage that smiled down at her through sharp canines and translucent yellow eyes looked nothing like the middle aged woman that had been restraining her a second ago. Somehow, Jenny had been so hypnotized with Ian's transformation, she'd missed her captor undergoing a change of her own. Jenny tried to scream but the only sound that came out of her dried throat was a series of terrified squeaks.

"Oh, no need for that love, we're not going to eat you." the wolfess said, smiling.

Jenny felt hot breath on the side of her neck and then the sensation of Ginger's warm wet tongue caressing her nape, before she pulled her muzzle away and whispered in her ear,

"Well not in the way you're expecting at least." then calling out to the other werewolf, "Isn't that right Ian?"

Ian, still caught in the ecstasy of his change, looked down at the pair. His yellow eyes glistened in the moonlight as he watched his alpha restrain his struggling ex. He let his tongue out relishing the taste of his mate and the fear soaked sweat of the one they'd soon be adding to their pack, heavy in the night air. Arousal soon flooded his consciousness in anticipation of what was coming next. His shiny red shaft soon began to emerge from its sheath. Ian licked his chops like a dog smelling something tasty and began to move towards the pair on the other side of the clearing.

Watching the leering werewolf moving towards her with a growing feral erection began to activate long suppressed desires in Jenny's mind. When she was eight, she'd gone to her first sleepover. That night they binged all four of the twilight movies, something Jenny's uptight parents would have never let her watch at home. The other girls at the party all fawned over Edward the vampire, but Jenny fell instantly for Jacob the werewolf. Something about seeing him transform into a strong lupine protector of the main character left a deep impression on the young girl. From that moment on Jenny became obsessed with werewolves, reading every fantasy novel and watching every movie she could sneak into her house. She even convinced her mom to buy her a gray wolf stuffie she'd cuddle with, and sometimes hump, at night in her bed. As she matured she began seeking out and reading werewolf erotica online. Her first proper orgasm was from reading a story about a young woman being seduced and then turned by her werewolf boyfriend. The scenario became her go to sexual fantasy until her parents looked at her search history. Her father berated her until she nearly had a panic attack then took away every piece of werewolf paraphernalia in her room, including her favorite stuffie, and burned them all in the backyard. Since that day she'd buried her desires as far inside her as she could. Jenny hadn't touched herself in years because of the shame.

Now, watching her ex's glistening canine phallus emerge from its furry sheath was bringing every hidden desire to the surface of her mind. Jenny's heart pounding fear was momentarily overshadowed by deep primal desire for a fantasy she thought would never be fulfilled. As she watched Ian get closer she began to involuntarily moisten between her legs.

Both Ian and Ginger could taste the slight hint of Jenny's arousal in the air.

"Well well." Ginger said with some surprise. "I do believe we have ourselves a lycan fangirl! Is that big, strong wolf getting you wet sweetie?"

Jenny pushed lecherous thoughts from her mind. How could she be getting horny for a monster that was likely about to rip her to shreds?

"Ian, baby I know you're still in there." Jenny began pleading as calmly as she could manage. "I know you wouldn't ever want to hurt me, right?"

The male werewolf stopped for a second and cocked his head to the side, and then to Jenny's shock, began to laugh.

"Oh come on, give me some more credit than that!" Ian's gravely voice rumbled "I may not look it, but I'm far from some mindless beast, thanks to Ginger's training of course."

Jenny was shocked. She turned back to Ginger,

"Are you the one who did this to him!?"

"Yes," Ginger responded cooly. "Ian's a part of my pack now, and quite enjoys it I dare say. Don't you my love?"

"Very much so." Ian growled as he began walking closer to the pair.

"See? He's happy with me." Ginger teased. "But I must say you're a very lucky girl. He still cares for you very deeply, enough that he wants to share our gift with you. But first, you need to relax!"

Before Jenny could respond, The wolf woman grabbed the front of her shirt and in one quick motion ripped it open, taking her bra with it, exposing her perky c cups to the chill night air. Jenny gasped in shock at being so roughly and suddenly exposed. She began to protest but her voice soon caught in her throat as she felt the simultaneous stimulation of Ginger's warm tongue gently lapping at the sensitive parts of her neck and the soft pads on her paws teasing her nipples. Her resistance began to falter under the skillful touch of the mature werewolf. Jenny closed her eyes and let out a moan despite herself.

Watching his alpha please his ex drove Ian's arousal higher. As he stood in front of the pair of females, tasting their arousal, his cock twitched as it extended to its full length. It took all the self control he had to not take Jenny right then and there. Despite the intensity of Ian's primal urges, he resisted. He wanted to draw this out and savor every bit of the process. He got on his knees and began pulling off Jenny's sneakers and socks.

Jenny came out of her revelry just long enough to see that Ian was now kneeling right in front of her, fully erect, and in the process of removing her remaining clothing. She fought her rising lust just long enough to half heartedly ask Ian to stop. The logical part of her mind was no longer doing a good job making convincing arguments against letting the pair of lycans dispose of her virginity. Once Ian had removed both of Jenny's shoes and socks, he began slowly licking the arches of her bare feet, savoring the sweetness of her musk. Simultaneously, Ginger moved her muzzle down to the young woman's chest and began sucking and licking both of her flushed pink nipples until they were fully erect. The raven haired girl began moaning uncontrollably. Her mind was subsumed by the pleasure of two tongues hitting so many of her erogenous zones at once. She barely registered when Ian ripped off her jeans, instead she opened her now bare legs to him sending a fresh wave of her arousal laden scent into the nostrils of both lusty lycans.

Ian's senses became overwhelmed by the scent of the virgin's arousal. He put Jenny's legs down on the ground, then moved his muzzle between them, gently licking the sensitive skin on her upper thighs until he reached his target. He began lapping at the already soaked fabric of her cotton panties teasing Jenny until her whole body began writing and begging for release. Ian gleefully obliged and ripped the cotton fabric away with his teeth exposing Jenny's smooth blushing labia already slickened with arousal. With little effort, he found the swollen jewel at the top of her pink lips and Ian began working his tongue in circles around it, before he pushed his muzzle in, taking the entirety of her clitoris into his maw.

Jenny squealed in ecstasy and rocked her body back against Ginger's, wrapping her arms around the wolf woman's neck and digging into her fur. Ginger, with Jenny's nipple still in her maw, let out a moan of her own. Feeling her soon to be pack daughter filled with such need started to set flame to her own desire. She released the girl's breast from her mouth and her arm from around her neck. There'd be little chance of the lust filled virgin trying to run at this point. Ginger sat back on her haunches and laid Jenny's head gently on her lap. She continued massaging her breasts with one paw, while she put the other under Jenny's head, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Any resistance in Jenny's mind was a distant memory as she wrapped her hands around Ginger's head pulling her tighter into their oral embrace. Their tongues danced like figure skaters on an rink of pure liquid bliss. When Ginger broke the kiss, she looked down into the blushing, starry eyed face of her soon to be pack daughter and smiled with satisfaction. Her saliva was already doing its work, flooding the young woman's body with hormones prepping it for the change to come. Ginger could just let nature slowly take its course, but she wanted to seal the deal while also taking some pleasure for herself.

"I think you're more than ready." she cooed to the teen in her lap.

Jenny had no idea what Ginger was talking about, but between the flood of oxytocin and dopamine now coursing through her veins, and the unearthly pleasure of Ian's tongue against her clit, all the young woman could respond with was a breathless,

"Yes, please!"

Ginger laid Jenny's head down gently on the ground between her legs, and crawled forward until her hips were over Jenny's face. She lifted her tail and presented her swollen, dripping, sex to the moaning girl writhing beneah her. Jenny gasped when the wolfess' warm ambrosial scent penetrated her nostrils. Ginger slowly lowered her haunches onto the girl. Jenny's mind swam with desire as the heat from between the wolfess' legs enveloped her face. Suddenly, Jenny wrapped both arms around Ginger's legs, while she tightly wound her own thighs tightly around Ian's neck. She pulled herself off the ground and buried her face into Ginger's sex, teasing the wolfess' opening with her tongue while she pulled Ian's muzzle tightly between her legs and began grinding her clit against his tongue.

The two wolves gasped in surprise at the eagerness of their young conquest. Jenny explored Ginger's folds until she felt the wolfess' entire body shudder as she began grazing her tongue against Ginger's glistening clittoris. Sweet floral tasting juices began drenching Jenny's face. She began greedily lapping up as much of the sweet tasting liquid arousal as she could manage.

"Oooooh my goodness!" Ginger moaned "Quite the, ahhhh, thirsty little human aren't you?"

Jenny's only response was to momentarily pull her face from between Ginger's legs to let out a low pleading moan before taking a big breath and pushing her face back into the werewolf's leaking sex. The girl's mind was overwhelmed with the ecstasy of being used by both creatures. It was every one of her deepest fantasies coming true at once. Jenny barely registered the new feeling in her stomach. A tingling warmth began to spread from the center of her torso outward in all directions, but the buildup towards a mind shattering orgam masked the sensation.

Ian moved his snout down Jenny's soaking wet labia until his tongue found entrance, as he pushed it deep into her and began lapping at every inch he could reach, Jenny squealed in pleasure. Her whole body began to spasm in rapture. Ian felt his tongue squeezed harder and harder by the pre orgasmic contractions of Jenny's vaginal walls until she let out a wailing howl of pleasure and gushed warm arousal into Ian's thirsty maw.

Feeling the young female began to spasm in orgasmic bliss beneath her sent Ginger over the edge. She let out her own howl and pushed her sex back against Jenny's open mouth spraying a warm jet of her bold floral arousal down the girl's throat. The two female's writhed in ecstasy as they simultaneously climaxed.

Jenny relaxed her hold on Ginger's legs and Ian's neck and fell on her back onto the grass. The girl was panting at the intensity of the climax. Her body spasmed with aftershocks. It was unlike anything she had ever felt. As the post-coital bliss began to wear off, Jenny began to notice other sensations. The tingling warmth was beginning to spread down her arms and legs. She opened her eyes and gasped in shock as she saw her chest and most of her extremities were now covered in a rapidly thickening coat of gray-ish white fur.

Ginger and Ian moved to opposite sides of Jenny and laid down next to her on the ground. Both wolves began gently stroking Jenny's new fur and licking the soft, still exposed skin around her neck. Jenny's skin felt electric. Every touch from the lupines sent shivers down her spine.

"Oooh.. what's happening to me?" Jenny gasped breathlessly between moans.

"You're starting to turn sweetie." Ginger murmured as she continued licking Jenny's neck and began massaging her now fur covered breasts with the soft velvety pads of her handpaws. "Soon you'll be a part of my pack, just like Ian. The two of you are going to help me save our species. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

"Oh my god yessss please!" Jenny almost screamed. "I've wanted this for so long!"

Ginger and Ian both looked at each other and smirked.

"Guess I was right about her being a fangirl" Ginger said smugly.

"Those Taylor Lautner pinups in her locker should've been a sign." Ian chuckled.

"Is it going to hurt?" Jenny asked.

"Not if you don't fight it." Ian said reassuringly. "The first time is a little uncomfortable, but it gets easier."

"And both of us will be here to guide you through it." Ginger added.

As if on cue, the gray white fur racing down Jenny's legs reached her feet, and the warm tingling sensation began to turn into a cramping tension as bones began to shift and elongate, Jenny gave out a small whimper as her two smallest toes on each foot fused and her arches began to elongate. Ian moved in front of Jenny and began to massage them, he pointed both feet outward like a ballerina, this eased the tension allowing the shift to happen more quickly. Her toenails grew into thick black claws, the skin on the tips of her toes and the balls of each foot blackened and swelled into tough spongy pads. Ian began licking each pad, encouraging its change and sending waves of pleasure through Jenny's body. Fur covered both feet and her arches continued to stretch until with two quick pops, the joints in her heels cracked back into a digitigrade orientation. Jenny moaned in relief! She stared in wide eyed amazement as she wiggled her toes and flexed her new paws.

As Jenny marveled at her transformed appendages, she began to feel the tingling warmth spread to her hands. She brought them up to her face and watched as fur raced down her palms and fingers. Ginger moved her handpaws from Jenny's breasts and began massaging and licking Jenny's changing hands, her saliva encouraging the change. The skin on her palms and the tips of her fingers ballooned up and hardened into velvety pads. Her manicured nails hardened into claws.

Ian spread Jenny's legs and began to crawl between them. His throbbing cock twinged with anticipation. It wouldn't be long now. He could taste the miasma of hormones emanating from every pore of Jenny's changing body. The wolf watched in pleasure as his soon to be mate began to grow and stretch beneath him. Muscles bulged and ligaments stretched and her body began to quickly add mass. Ian positioned himself over her and began to tease her clitotis with the tip of his canine cock.

Jenny's consciousness was wrapped in a wooly cotton blanket of pleasure. She felt new power coursing through her every cell. The feeling of her body growing and stretching into its new form was intoxicating. The added stimulation from Ian's cock began to push the thinking part of her mind to a far corner as new instincts began to take over. Fur began to ripple up her neck. Her face began to push out into a canine muzzle and her teeth began to lengthen until they became too big for her mouth. Jenny let her tongue fall from her maw and began panting heavily. An ocean of new smells and tastes began to overwhelm her, dominated by the intoxicating musk of the two other wolves. She looked up into Ian's deep yellow eyes that nearly glowed in the light of the moon. Jenny became overcome with a feral, fiery desire for the werewolf. She began salivating as she watched the tip of his phallus massage her swollen needy sex. Ginger released Jenny's handpaws and began gently nibbling her nipples driving the virgin's desire to new heights.

Ian moved his cock down and began teasing Jenny's sopping wet opening. Suddenly, in a surprising display of her new strength that caught both of the other wolves off guard, Jenny pushed both Ginger and Ian off her, causing Ian to fall onto his back. In a blur of gray and white fur, Jenny lept on top of the male and positioned her leaking sex over his shiny red member. For the first time in her 18 years, Jenny felt dominant, powerful, and completely in control. Ginger and Ian may have taken her humanity, but Jenny would be losing her virginity on her own terms. She wasn't just some submissive bitch to be bred. Her mate would need to fight for his prize before she'd give it to them

Ian let out a low growl at the challenge. Jenny's sudden display of strength only made him want her more. He tried to roll Jenny onto her back, but the female was now nearly as strong as he was. She used the momentum of Ian's roll to throw him off her causing Ian to once again land on his back. Before he could react, Jenny had pounced on top of him, clamping down on his neck with her still growing canines in a show of dominance. She began grinding her sopping wet sex against his cock, causing the male to howl in need. The pair began rolling on the ground like a couple of puppies engaged in play fighting, taking turns growling and nipping at each other.

Ginger watched in satisfaction as the couple tussled on the forest floor. Jenny hadn't even fully completed her transformation, and she was already giving the bigger male a run for his money. The fledgling werewolf matriarch had picked well for a second time. Jenny was going to be a great addition to her growing pack.

After a minute of play wrestling Jenny rolled back on top and pinned Ian between her legs. The pair looked at each other panting before they both leaned in and began passionately making out. Satisfied with her display of dominance, she gave the rutting wolf what he wanted and slowly lowered herself onto his quivering phallus. Ian growled in pleasure as he felt Jenny's velvety walls consume and begin to squeeze his cock. Jenny felt the smallest twinge of pain as Ian broke her hymen, followed by a wave of unrelenting pleasure as the rest of his girth filled her up. She began grinding her hips against him. Ian responded matching the rhythm of his own hips with her.

Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Ginger padded over to the pair of rutting lupines and positioned her hips over Ian's head. The scent of his Alpha's sex so close to his sensitive nose drove Ian to new dimensions of arousal. His knot swelled to its full thickness. Ginger lowered herself onto Ian's open maw and his tongue immediately began plumbing her depths. After daily sessions over the past month, Ian knew just what spots to focus on to work Ginger into a sexed up frenzy.

Jenny began bouncing up and down on Ian's cock, each thrust driving her arousal and her transformation towards completion. A bushy white tail blossomed from a furry nub on her tailbone and began swishing with excitement. Jenny's ears became pointed and started moving towards the top of her head, gray-white fur began to cover Jenny's face as it continued to push out into a muzzle. As pressure started to mount on her jaw bone and skull, Jenny momentarily winced in pain. Ginger leaned forward and gently licked the side of Jenny's face.

"Look up, and try to yawn." Ginger panted into Jenny's lengthening ears.

Jenny obeyed and looked up at the moon and opened her maw. Her nose grew damp as it's skin turned black and leathery. The emerging snout extended to it's full canine length and her deep brown eyes turned a vibrant yellow. Finally, Jenny's long locks of raven black hair turned a shocking white to match her fur as her ears completed their journey to the top of her skull. With a joyous high pitched howl Jenny completed her transformation. As Ginger watched her new daughter gleefully announce her induction into her pack, the matriarch felt a twinge of bittersweet nostalgia. It didn't feel that long ago when she was brought into womanhood by her own matriarch and her matriarch's favorite mate. She reminisced fondly on the feeling of her skin singing with desire and the cathartic release of her first mating. Now she was the Alpha, spreading her gift and bringing a new generation into the glory of lychandom.

"Welcome to the pack my love." Ginger said once again leaning forward and licking her new daughter's face. They locked maws and let their tongues tango in the humid musky darkness. When they broke the kiss, Ginger leaned forward embracing Jenny as she continued gyrating on her mate.

"Now fulfill your duty, let Ian fill your womb as he did mine, and give your body to the pack!"

"Yessss!" Jenny moaned breathlessly as she began bouncing harder and faster on Ian's causing the male to increase his pace. She wanted his knot. She wanted his seed. She wanted to be bred and birth litter after litter, for the honor of her matriarch and the future of their pack.

With one final bounce Ian's knot popped through her threshold locking the couple together. Ian dutifully continued to orally pleasure his Alpha, even as the sensation of Jenny's walls squeezing and massaging his knotted cock became almost too intense for him to focus on anything else.

Ginger was about to boil over. Ian knew her body so well and between his tongue and watching Jenny's luminescent yellow eyes slowly roll back into her skull as she continued grinding against Ian's pelvis, the werewolf matriarch felt herself losing control. She reached out and grabbed both of Jenny's fur covered breasts, and began massaging her nipples with the pads on her fingers, coaxing the younger female closer and closer to orgasm.

Jenny's tongue fell from her maw dripping saliva down her chest and onto Ian's stomach. Her mind was almost completely blank, save for the overwhelming ecstasy of being fucked raw by the pair of werewolves. The sensations crescendoed into an orgasmic sympony of tingling pleasure that filled every cell of her body until with a final heaving, gasping howl, every muscle in her body tensed and released. A wave of electric gratification washed over her body leaving her unable to even draw breath. At last, like a deluge bursting through a leaky dam, Jenny's entire body quaked with tension before giving way to an unrelenting mind numbing orgasm overriding every sense and thought.

Ian too could no longer hold back the flood of pleasure pent up in his body and as he felt Jennifer's walls begging to pulsate around his cock, signaling her climax, he began to release a torrent of thick peralesant seed sending his fast swimmers racing towards his mate's pliant womb.

Feeling her mates cross the precipice also sent Ginger over the edge. She gushed arousal onto Ian's muzzle drenching him in her sweet musk and increasing the intensity of his own pleasure. The threesome let out a trio of howls in unison that tore through the night air temporarily silencing the chirping wildlife of the forest around them. When their rapture dissipated Ginger removed herself from her squatting position and laid down next to Ian as Jenny collapsed into his arms, still knotted to him. The three lay panting, awash in the afterglow until Ginger rolled over and murmured to Ian,

"Rest up big boy, because after your knot deflates, I fully expect a second round from you."

"And I want to see what else that tongue of yours can do" Jenny said, still panting.

"Ladies, please, there'll always be enough of me to share" Ian said with a sly smile.

Throughout the rest of that night, wild shrieking yips and howls could be heard throughout the small hamlet causing the residents to pull in their pets and bolt their windows and make not a small amount of concerned calls to the local police department.

A cacophonous jumble of sounds and smells assaulted Jenny's perception as her mind floated slowly back to consciousness the next morning. Her mind struggled to process the input from her newly enhanced senses, and her stomach grumbled like she hadn't eaten in days. She instinctively put her hands over her face to try and block out the noise.

"Uggghhh too loud" she muttered before her hand brushed against something that felt like flesh.

Her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. She saw Ian laying next to her on the grass in the early morning light, completely nude and fully reverted to human form. Jenny turned and saw Ginger laying behind her in the same condition. Suddenly a tidal wave of fever dream like memories from the previous evening flooded her mind. Jenny looked at her hands just in time to see the last bit of grayish white fur melting back into her flesh. She let out a loud gasp causing Ian to stir. He rolled over, opening his eyes. Looking up and seeing the look on her face, he grinned.

"Yeah the first morning after is pretty rough huh?"

Jenny didn't say anything at first, she just looked back at Ian, her eyes widening by the second as her mind processed the impossible. Finally she said in a small halting voice,

"So... last night... that actually happened?"

"Afraid so" Ian said, still smirking.

"And I... then you... and then we..." Jenny said, struggling to find the words.

Ian sat up and put his arm around her.

"I know it's a lot to take in at once, but you're going to be ok."

Suddenly Jenny pounced on top of Ian and started kissing him between bouts of ecstatic laughter. When she finished all the words she couldn't find a moment ago began flooding out all at once.


The spate of excitement caused Ginger to stir.

"Mmmm come on kids, mama needs at least another hour before she's ready for this much excitement." she grunted sleepily as she sat up and began brushing leafs and twigs off her.

Jenny and Ian both looked at Ginger, in awe of her raw beauty in the early morning sun. They both took in her delicious scent for a before both pouncing on her and burying her in licks and kisses. Ginger giggled uncontrollably under the assault before she playfully pushed both teens off her.

"Now, now, there's going to be plenty of time for that later, trust me. Right now we need to get both into some clothes and out of these woods before someone sees us!"

As if on cue, the trio suddenly picked up the sound of a car door shutting and the tittering of a family starting to make their way towards the trail head.

"Oh my gosh my clothes!" Jenny exclaimed looking over at the pile of shredded cloth that had formerly been her outfit from the previous night.

"Don't worry about it honey, I've got you covered." Ginger said getting up and walking to the edge of the clearing. She grabbed a canvas back from behind a tree and returned handing Jenny a swim robe similar to the one she and Ian had been wearing the night before and a pair of black leggings.

"Luckily your beau still remembers your size" Ginger said smiling at Ian.

The group quickly dressed themself and began walking down the mile long path back towards the parking lot.

"So... I have a few questions" Jenny said to Ginger as they strolled along the forest path. "Most importantly, why do I have such an urge to make out with you right now?"

"Well sweetie I am your alpha. It's only natural." Ginger said with a smirk.

"Alpha?" Jenny said, confused.

"I'm the wolf that turned you, just like I turned Ian. Because of that you both have a, shall I say, strong natural affinity towards me. If you turn anyone, they'll feel the same towards you."

"I've got a lot of catching up to do." Jenny sighed.

"Don't worry about it, Ginger is a very good teacher." Ian said

"And from your enthusiasm so far, I think you'll be a quick study!" Ginger said encouragingly.

Jenny moved between the pair and grabbed each of their hands.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch last night" then turning to Ian, "And for the way things ended between us before."

"It's ok" Ian said, squeezing her hand "I know your dad pushed you into it, and besides, we get to start over now." He then reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out the locket. "This still belongs to you by the way." Ian said, pressing the locket into Jenny's hand.

"Ian, are you sure?" Jenny asked softly.

"More than anything in my life." Ian responded by kissing her cheek, "This is a family heirloom, and you're a part of our family now."

"Speaking of family," Ginger said slyly, turning to Jenny "Your father is still the head of the council right?"

"Yeah, for whatever that's worth." Jenny scoffed.

Ginger broke into a wide grin then said,

"Kids, I think it's about time to bring your parents into our little family unit."

Ian and Jenny stopped dead in their tracks gawking at Ginger. Ian had always figured they'd eventually add his mom to their pack, but never thought it'd be so soon. Jenny on the other hand broke into a mischievous devil grin.

"I like the way you think Miss T!" she said gleefully, "But I get dibs on my father."

"I knew you'd be a good addition!" Ginger said mirthfully "It's a deal but you'll need some training first. How about we all have a proper breakfast at my place and discuss the details?"

Both teens nearly swooned at the mention of food. Their bodies were still calorie starved from last night's transformational antics.

"Yes please!" they both said in unison.

They continued down the path, hand in hand, as the blazing golden sunrise came to fruition around them. Jenny couldn't be more satisfied as she held the hands of her lovers and walked towards the trail head, and into their shared destiny.