Knightly Feather - Anthro Corviknight TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A little thing I did with a friend of me becoming an anthro Corviknight :PCorviknight (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

Night had fallen over the neighborhood Peter lived in, and for the moment he was sitting at his computer and chatting with his friends. Night had settled in, and while there was still a fair amount of stress in the world, moments like this helped keep him calm. At the moment, he was talking back and forth with Alex, who seemed to be dancing around something, though in a playful manner.

"Oh trust me, you'll like it when it arrives!"

"You really think so?" Peter responded, sitting back in his chair as he took a drink from a can of cola. "Cause trust me, after the last few days I've had, I feel like it'd have to be something that'd knock me off my feet!" He chuckled.

"If I read the description right, it'll do that and more." Alex responded, the cursor going idle for a few moments before he kept going. "This'll definitely make up for the past few days and then some. I can promise you that. Tracker says it should've arrived, so if you want to take a few minutes to check it out, I'll go take care of some other stuff."

"Gotcha, well I'm gonna hold you to that now!" He smirked, getting up from his desk as he went downstairs to check if Alex's item had been delivered. The post had already been and gone at this point, so anything else would be delivered by courier or another service, and sure enough, he heard the sound of something screeching away as he opened the door.

A quizzical look formed on his face as he did so - was there a bird around? If so, it must've been pretty big, going by how loud the screech was, but he didn't see it. Shrugging, the package was sitting before him, about the size of something that would contain a small paperback book. It wasn't too heavy, either. There was also no label saying where it came from, outside of a small graphic of a bird's feather in front of a wand and a potion bottle.

"What's this, then?" He thought, taking the box inside, closing the door behind him. He brought it back to his room, placing it down on the computer desk as he messaged his friend about the item's arrival and that he was about to open it up.

"Have fun with it! And be sure to swing by for a visit later!" Alex's anticipation could be all but felt through the screen, though the request for a visit wasn't unusual. They often hung out when time and everything else permitted.

"Right... well let's see what this is, then." He turned his attention back to the box, carefully lifting up the lid - where the box was so light, he felt that any sudden bit of force would probably result in the box flying from his hands and into something.

The lid came off with little effort on his part, revealing inside a single feather. A very large one at that, compared to what he normally saw on birds. And while Peter wasn't a hundred percent certain, it seemed to be glimmering in the light of his living room. Moreso than one would expect from a glossy black feather, at least. A corvid of some kind, easily. But none got as large as this, did they? Ravens were big, but not that big.

"Huh, that's curious..." He looked over the feather - the way it was presented in the box, it was apparent that the utmost care had been put into ensuring that it arrived to him in one piece, and not a single bit of the feather looked damaged. "Wonder what they were feeding the bird they plucked it from?"

The feather naturally had no response for him, but there was a lot of temptation to pick it up and examine it. Carefully, naturally - he was a fan of all things avian and wanted to make sure the feather was well-taken care of, though Peter would need to think on where to put it. Still, it was a thoughtful, if slightly unusual, gift.

"I wonder if they included a stand for this underneath all the fabric?" He pondered - whilst it'd be nice to keep it in the box, he'd have to stand it at an angle for it to be visible to other people. He picked it up gently near the base of the quill in his left hand.

As his fingers made contact with the base of the quill, a small, but rather potent, shock leapt up from it and ran up through his arm and then down the rest of his body. Despite the surprise, he didn't drop it, but he also was soon struck by another feeling. Two, in fact. One, he was starting to feel incredibly warm under the collar, and two, that he was hornier than he'd ever been before, his cock tenting almost immediately as a strangled cry that sounded like a human attempt at a squawk left his mouth.

"Aaahh...hrhrrwwrrkk...." He huffed, nearly toppling the chair over from the shock. "What was... wwrrr... that... oohh..." He could see the obscene-looking bulge in his pants, his other hand drifting idly towards it.

As Peter watched, his hands began to rapidly grow in size as the skin on his fingers turned a dark black, more scaled than flesh, his nails rapidly sharpening into lethal, metallic-looking talons, the process duplicating itself on his other hand. The scales climbed up past his wrists and up to his elbows, where glossy, black feathers rapidly began to sprout, bringing with them significantly increased muscle mass as his arms began to throb with inhuman power, only turning him on more. The feathers looked exactly like the one he was holding in his hand - or rather talon - still as delicately as if he were holding an egg, despite the monstrous strength he was rapidly gaining. His cock twitched inside its cloth prison, a wet spot heralding a spontaneous orgasm, as if his body was trying to rid itself of human seed.

"Nrhhhfff... fffuuuuucckkkk~!"

He placed the feather down back in the box for the moment, his left hand moving to feel his scaly, taloned right hand before moving to check out the growing plumage. His right hand pressed against his trapped cock, feeling the seed ooze through the fabric and onto his digits.

"Rrrrwrrrkkk! Ffffucccckkkkk!" Peter huffed as his body began to grow taller, the feathers spreading up his arms and onto his shoulders as they broadened, his muscle surging with inhuman bulk. He could feel the feathers growing down his chest as with every breath, it broadened, his pecs manly slabs of muscle, still visible through the tough, almost metallic feathers covering him. His shirt was tearing further as his abs pulled into a tight eight-pack that you could bounce a coin off of.

"Skkrrwwrkk.... This feels so.... Coooorrrrvvviii...." He chirped, pulling some of the torn fabric away with his talons, running his hand over his increasingly bulky frame. The strength filling him was only serving to make him feel wilder still.

A pair of bulges appeared near his shoulders, but his attention wasn't fixed there as he tore the shredded remains of his pants and underwear off, sticky from his human seed. As they came free, his balls plumped up to the size of apples inside of their dark sac, his cock growing larger and larger with every pump as ridges lined the underside of the now shiny black member before it came to a point.

"Knnniiiggghhhhttttt~! Oh, hell yeah...!"

He gripped his dark, prehensile shaft in his claws, his hands quickly becoming slick as he pumped his monstrous spear up and down, revelling in the changes and the sensations that they brought. He glanced over at the feather on the desk, quickly realizing that it was the source of the changes befalling his body right now. He had a small feeling that some people would try to resist what was going on, but it felt too damn good - he wanted to free the beast from its cage.

He wanted to fully enjoy this, and if possible, not keep it to himself. Self-pleasure was all well and good, but he had so many friends his twisting mind could now only imagine as monstrous, buff Corviknights like himself. Pre streamed like a river from his avian shaft as his legs swelled with powerful muscles, his metallic bones no barrier to flight. Peter's socks were soon reduced to tattered strips of cloth as his feet grew, toes merging as his nails became wickedly sharp talons, his big toe sliding backwards to create a fourth talon for gripping - both his intended fellow Corviknight and more.

His cruelly curving talons dug into the floor, leaving deep gouges as he continued to pleasure himself, dark, lustful squawks and pants leaving his mouth. He almost didn't want the changes to end, but he had to turn further, to leave his weakness behind.

"Corrvvviiiknnniggghhhtttt~!" His squawking grew deeper in pitch as his neck widened, the bulges in his back expanding outwards into a massive pair of wings with the same pitch black feathers covering the rest of his body, scattering more feathers everywhere. His lips went numb as some drool leaked, his teeth merging together into two solid masses, forming into a powerful beak, taking his nose with it as his ears shrank away into his head as the feathers covered his head entirely, eyes turning a glowing crimson. But Peter didn't notice - or if he did, care, as every stroke of his thick spear send waves of ecstasy through his body.

"Just a.... Skrkrraawwrrkkk.... little more...!" He crowed, seeking to push himself over the edge and past the point of no return. The floor beneath was being thoroughly damaged by the deadly talons that clicked against it, opening and closing, as if gripping onto some invisible prey. His wings flapped restlessly, as if eager to be put to use.

His massive chest rose and fell as he found a rhythm to pump his shaft, squawking and chirping loudly, more pre spurting from his cock, mind awash with the fantasies of turning every single one of his friends into beasts like he was. Playing with breasts, having his cock buried deep inside of someone's lower folds or ass, he was going to have so much fun, and so were they. It wouldn't take them long to see things his way. This gift had been truly wonderful, and soon, he could feel it coming. Throwing his head back, he let out a piercing, raptor screech of absolute bliss.


As his change locked itself in, he came hard, his new potent seed splattering against the wall and making a huge mess. But he didn't care. This felt WAY too damned good.

A good deal of his spunk managed to hit the ceiling, in turn dripping back down onto him, the gunk sliding cleanly off his metallic down and armour. He leant back in his chair, a part of him amazed that it was still able to hold his increased weight, though the sounds of the metal frame buckling clued him in that it probably wouldn't last too much longer.

As he turned around to send a message to Alex, it finally gave way and broke, though with his armour and everything else, Peter barely noticed that he'd hit the floor, his height such that he could sit cross-legged and still comfortably reach the keyboard, though he'd need to be careful to not actually damage it. Still, Alex had seemed to have an idea of something happening - or maybe he didn't and simply wanted him to swing by.

"Heheh.. guess I won't be needing that chair anymore. Fuck... for a single feather, this packed one hell of a whallop!" He snickered and looked at the mess he'd made. And with how he felt his balls churning already, it was clear that he could go a second round VERY soon.

"I might just do that soon..." He smirked, his hand moving to caress his balls, groping them, his dick growing hard once again. Before that, he should check in on Alex. He positioned his claws above the keyboard, putting the gentlest amount of pressure on them as he typed a message out.

"Hey, I just got around to checking out your gift~"

"Guessing it met with your approval?" His friend responded with more than a little eagerness in his words. The website's description had seemed a bit hokey, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to get his friend a genuine Corviknight feather.

"Oh, MORE than just approval, my friend... I made quite the mess thanks to you. A very nice, sticky one at that..."

"A mess? How do you make a mess over a feather?" Alex responded back, ignorant to what had happened, at least for now.

"You'll be finding out soon enough! Hopefully you don't have any plans to go anywhere for the rest of the night... or day tomorrow~" Peter responded playfully, fully intending on making good on that visit as he idly stroked his avian cannon with one talon, having to be careful to not wreck his computer in more ways than one.

"My evening's pretty much free for the most part outside of maybe having to do some D&D stuff with friends a bit later on, so if you wanna come by, then by all means, swing on over!" Alex typed back. Peter grinned at the response, moving to type as he leant forwards, taking his prehensile cock into his beak.

"Oh, excellent! Trust me, Alex, the sort of appreciation I'm going to show for this wonderful gift is something you'll rather enjoy~" He gave a muffled chuckle as he began to bob up and down on his shaft, his tongue teasing it to get the most out of it. Peter could hardly wait to be balls-deep in Alex, watching as he turned into a massive, handsome beast of an avian like he was. And maybe some of their female friends for company to boot.

"You don't have to go too nuts, now!" Alex chuckled. He had sent Peter gifts from time to time before, but never anything to elicit a reaction like this. "Must be a damn good feather if you like it that much!"

"The best damn feather, I can say that honestly! Just need to wrap up some... business here and I'll be over in the shake of a tailfeather!" Peter grinned as Alex said his goodbyes for the time being, leaving him to his self-gratification, teasing his balls with his talons as he sucked himself off, another potent orgasm sending his seed rushing down his gullet and sending more waves of pleasure throughout his body. He didn't know where Alex had gotten the feather FROM, but he intended to see to it that Alex had a matching set of his own.

"Wait for me, my friend... you'll be sporting fine plumage yourself soon enough!"

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