The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 4

Story by GRYPHandMAHI on SoFurry

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#4 of The Chronicles of Sethros

I grinned as I awoke holding Zephira, murring in delight before licking her as she woke up. She mewed softly, licking me back. We lay, squeezing each other softly as we kissed each other in short but passionate kiss, nuzzling as we broke it. Zephira slowly stood up, what was left of our juices trickling down her soft furred, luscious thighs.

"Mmm...Let's quickly go for a swim before we head out..."

I suggested as I got up, grinning as Zephira nodded in approval. Before I could react she took off in a sprint before gracefully diving head first into the crystal clear water. I growled playfully and took off after her, tucking my wings in as I swan dived into the water. I surfaced near her, using my powerful legs and tail to help propel me through the water. She giggled and swam playfully with me, weaving and diving under the glimmering surface. After a good ten minutes we got out and lay back in the long grass, the warm sun not even close to being overhead. After my scales dried I got up and went for my pants, getting dressed in them and what little else I had before securing my twin dagger's sheaths to my belt. I stretched my arms slightly as I glanced at Zephira, donning her elegant green dress before pulling her long black hair back around her ears. She quickly joined me as we headed towards the road, her stunning white fur and black strips teasing my eyes to stay locked on her. We kept to the side of the road, the village gates just barely visible in the distance.




My brother, Ferox, growled in rage, nearly striking out the bandit and nearby guard. He stared at dragon bandit, who seemed unfazed despite there was a nearly boiling over king in front of him, threatening him with all sorts of unimaginable and inhuman punishments for bringing him such news.

"Well...not such a big deal....however, I offer you and magister friend a reward if you can kill him, track him down or whatever, as long as he's dead I will reward you two handsomely."

Ferox said, indicating to the small wolf that stood near the corner of the room, looking uninterested as his mind worked away.

"You've got a deal...We will bring Sethros's head, in return...We expect to be made nobles..."

The large dragon replied, giving an evil, toothy grin.

"That's outrageous! Why would I ever give you something like that for the head of a petty thorn in my side!?"

"Because you're going to need all your men to take on the humans from the south, that is of course if you're planning to carry out what's written on those papers of yours...Pretty ambitious I have to say. The humans will undoubtedly unite against you and they will defiantly not make your fight an easy one...They are more resourceful then one might think"

The quiet wolf chimed in from the corner of the room, grinning and almost chuckling at the look on Ferox's face, quickly wiping it from his muzzle as the dragon king's growling filled the room.

"Just remember, we have a deal..."

The wolf said before the two bandits exploded in a flash of light, leaving the king to stew in his rage and now persistent paranoia that his brother may yet return.


Zephira and I smiled warmly as we walked through the village gates, greeted by a few of the shop keepers as we headed toward the Inn, I eyed a few things in the shops, making a note to come back later when I had some money. How I would make that money I had no Idea. I held the door open as we walked into the Inn, glancing at the few tavern occupants. The local drunk, a mangy wolf lay in a chair near the fire, either asleep or unconscious. The tavern keeper, a large equine went around serving drinks too a few other customers. I sat down and thought about getting a room before realising we had no money.

"Uhh...hey Zephira, would you be fine here for a bit, I need to go out and take care of a few things."

I said as I stretched a little. Zephira grinned and sat down next to me.

"No problem, I can handle myself."

"Alright, glad to hear that. I'll see you in a bit..."

I said before getting up and stepping outside. I looked around, trying to think of a way of getting some money. I couldn't let people know who I am so the local banks, if there was one, was no use. Begging was no good as well. I sighed as I realised what I had to do. I looked around for a target, wondering how I was going to pull this off. I slowly made my way just outside of the gates, slipping into the forest as I think of if I could even do this. I wasn't against fighting but stealing from innocent people, my own person was a thought that shook me to the core. It dawned on me that whoever I stole would have to die as well. I couldn't risk there becoming a wanted man, knowing the guards would eventually make the connection of who I was. I drew my daggers and looked at myself in the reflection as I tried to almost null my emotions. I turned when I heard someone coming; my eyes widening slightly as I saw it was one of the many nobles who had betrayed me. His name escaped me but the sight of his chubby face and pathetic body could never be forgotten. My eyes bulged as I stared at his bulging coin pouch. He only had two escorts as well. I furrowed my brow, my eyes seeming to darken as I readied myself.

_Money and revenge...what more could I ask for right now? _

I though as he neared, walking since he was obviously too heavy to fly. As soon as his guards passed I leapt out of the trees, using my wings to propel me high into the air with a mighty flap. I made sure that I was high enough so that when I landed on one of his escorts my claws went right through his half helm, nearly crushing his skull all together. The second guard stared in horror as I withdrew my claws, stepping off the corpse into a growing pool of blood.

The second guard stumbled back, trying to say something as he stared in horror. Just as he started to form a logical sentence I drove the blade of one of my dagger through his throat, letting him fall back as he tried to pull the blade from his wind pipe. He twitched on the ground as he died but I was already long gone, hunting for the chubby dragon. He ran through the forest as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. He stopped mid stride, crashing to the ground and crying out in pain as he clutched the dagger in his back. For any other target I would have missed by a mile, throwing knives never my strong point but how could I miss such a big target. I calmly walked over and grasped the dagger firmly before wrenching it sideways, severing his spine just below where his neck met his back. I quickly picked up the purse and head back to the guards, dragging them into the forest and retrieving my dagger from the one guard's corpse. Once I had hid the bodies I made my way back to the Inn as it started to rain again, soaking my cloths and washing away the blood. I made sure to sheath my knives and tie the coin pouch to my belt as I walked through the streets.

II grinned as I enter Inn, glad to be back where it was warm and dry. I looked around, finding the Inn empty with signs of a struggle. I looked over the bar to find the Inn keeper groaning in pain as he clutched his head, looking like he had been beaten badly. I turned to face the stairs as I hear an ear-piercing scream coming from the hallway near the rooms.


I said under my breath as I quietly stalked up the stairs to find the mangy, drunken wolf struggling to pin Zephira down. He managed to force her hands behind her back, keeping them in place with one hand as he flipped her dress up over her rear and pulling her panties down. She yelped in plain and thrashed violently to get free as he tried to force himself inside her, to uncoordinated to find his mark. She struggled wildly as he bent over slightly, whispering in to her ear.

"Shhh...Just enjoy it my dear...It will make this more pleasur-"

He could barley yelp as he felt my arm wrap around his wind pipe in a chokehold, ramming my fist into the small of his back to make him release Zephira. I started dragging him down to the main Inn area, Zephira watching from stairs as she made herself decent again, looking utterly terrified. I pulled the struggling wolf around the corner and pushed him against the wall, ramming my clawed fist into his gut over and over until he coughed up blood.

"Give me one reason why I should let you live..."

I growled under my breath as I let him fall from my iron grip, crashing onto the floor. I drew one of my daggers and placed it under his throat in one fluid motion. The blade cut in slightly as I made him cry out in pain. I was about to kill him when my world exploded, throwing me to the ground just in front of the stairs as I groaned in agony. I forced myself to my feet and drew my daggers, turning to see the wolf and dragon bandits from before standing in the door way as the drunk scampered out. The wolf stood, a fireball forming in his paw as the dragon drew his large, two handed long sword which looked recently acquired. I growled loudly as I drew my second dagger and took up a fighting stance, watching as the pair did the same.

There was a quick pause before the dragon and I charged simultaneously, our blades ringing as I caught his over-hand with my crossed daggers before pushing him back and dodging another swing. This time the dragon left an opening and I closed in, stabbing his sword arm where it met his shoulder. The dragon roared in searing pain before twisting around and breaking my grip on the dagger still lodged in his shoulder. I leapt back and spun my dagger into a reverse grip, parrying the flurry of slashes he sent towards me. He raised his sword to try and break my guard. I took the opening, getting close and driving my dagger between his ribs to his heart. His roar of pain and anger filled the Inn as he dropped his sword and started clawed at me, drawing blood on my upper arms and chest before he crumpled to the ground, dead as I wrenched both my blades free and started hunting for the wolf.

I was about to tell Zephira it was safe when I felt a blast of air throw me against the wall, followed up by a hail of razor sharp ice shards, coating the wall as I dashed by. I charged towards the wolf when I finally located him, using the nearby table as a spring board. I brought my daggers back in reverse grip again; ready to end the wolf's life when I was froze mid air and slammed against the back wall, held so my feet couldn't touch the ground as the wolf calmly walked over, his forearm and paw were engulfed in ice, narrowing to a razor sharp spike at the end. I struggled and thrashed as I tried to break free while the wolf drew back his arm. I uttered a silent prayer for Zephira, hoping she would be able to push on. I had closed my eyes while I waited for the strike which never came, only to fall to the ground. I groaned as I went sprawling, opening my eyes to see a cloaked figure wrenching his long dagger from the back of the wolf, letting him slump to the floor as I went unconscious.