Huntresses of the Woods

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#267 of Commissions

Story for Bandel!

A nap in the woods seemed like a good idea, but even a big drake like Bandel isn't safe from the huntresses who roam it. Caught, coiled up, and relentlessly teased by the snake and pantheress pair, he's going to delight in sliding down into those crimson coils by the time they're done with him.

Contains: Coiling/captivity, dubcon/mostly willing sex, femdom, willing vore, and digestion.

A little nap by the lake was the best way to spend the afternoon, as far as Bandel was concerned. His hike had grown a little out of hand, but if he ended up spending the whole day in the woods, exploring a new path, a new horizon, then he considered it time well spent. It was out of sight, out of mind, and well away from the usual everyday hustle. He probably didn't have to worry about any sort of woodland predators, either. What did a tall drake like him have to worry about?

Curling up beneath a particularly tall tree for some good shade, he stripped himself down to nothing, letting the blue of his bits glow beneath the shadowed sun. Nothing seemed to move at all for a time, but for the faint breeze. It carried his scent along and brought another in return - something pleasant and flowering that helped him drift into pleasant dreams. There were no alarms, no schedules, just a naked drake and the soft grass beneath him while he snoozed in the shade.

They didn't even disturb him while they slept. Such was their skill at stealth. It wasn't until Bandel felt a wet, scratchy stroke along the back of his neck that he opened his eyes again to find himself locked into the intense gaze of an immense serpent. Her purple tongue matched her eyes as she flicked it in his face a few times, wiggling that work near his nose, but that wasn't the slurp he'd felt. Instead, there came a rumble and the squish of a spectacularly ample bust against his back to clue him into the fact that there was someone behind him. Yet even then, he didn't take his eyes off the crimson snake for a moment.

A scan down along her body let him know she was just as naked as he was. The naga-like upper half of her body hefted a pair of taut breasts that of course drew his attention for a while. Such was his fascination with her elegantly scaled body, it didn't even immediately occur to him that she already had him in her clutches until he traced his gaze down to where her upper body met her coils and realized they were tightly wrapped around must of him. They were gentle, yet still unrelenting when he squirmed a little. His arms were pinned to his sides. Her reptilian hide brushed against his own in such a way as to make him blush before they even spoke a word.

"Such a deep sleeper," came the voice from behind him. He couldn't turn around to look. "I think he rivals even me."

"No one quite equals you in that regard, dear Mira," came the snake's voice. Despite her somewhat savage appearance, all naked and dressed in flowers and handmade beads and other adornments, she spoke plainly and politely. "Now, what do we have here?"

As for how to answer that exactly, he had no idea. He shifted his eyes, at last tearing his gaze from the snake herself, and finally just told them his name.


There was a soft little laugh from behind him, and then a pair of teeth wrapped around one of his ears. Those steady rumbles never ceased.

"Well, that's one way of answering that," teased the unseen assailant, apparently called Mira.

"It seems that way," the snake spoke. "Very well. I'm Alice, this is Mira, as you may have gathered. Did you come here looking for me, perhaps?"

Bandel gave a few blinks and shook his head. "No ma'am."

"Hmm." The naga rested her head upon a palm. "Very curious indeed. And here I thought such an elegantly fuckable, edible thing like you laying yourself out naked for us to find was as good as a gift."

The way she so calmly delivered those words left Bandel even more rattled by them. He recoiled, but found his motion still limited by the grip around his body. Alice squeezed a little tighter, though she stopped well short of restricting his breathing. It was a comfy captivity, one that was starting to make him a little wet. Only then did he get another glimpse of the snake's assistant, or whatever she might have been. The pantheress revealed herself with a swift motion around to his front, applying her rumbles to the side of Alice's upper body while she grinned at what the snake had dragged in.

"That's what I was thinking," the black cat said. "I mean, just look at him. He's obviously completely taken with you. I think he knows exactly what tends to happen to interlopers around here."

"In-interlopers?" Bandel stammered. He didn't mean to sound so nervous

"Mmm. I would like that," Alice said, seemingly ignoring him, at least until she leaned in even closer, bumping her snout right up against his. "What do you say, dragon? Are you the veritable snake slut my lovely cat seems to think you are? Have you come all this way in hopes I might hunt you down and consume you, perhaps?"

She lingered so very indulgently on that one word for extra emphasis, adding an exaggerated little hiss to it that was more likely intentional than a snakeish accent. It echoed through the drake's mind. Consume, consume, consume. Could it have really meant what he thought it did? He didn't get much time to consider it any longer before he was overwhelmed and blanked out by sheer sensation, by the excitement of all the affection they suddenly laid upon him. Or he assumed it was anyway.

It just so happened he'd been caught by two talented kissers. They both came at him from two sides at once, laying their lips against his blazing cheeks as if to smooch him directly on the blush beneath his hide. He didn't know what to do but to softly smile, letting them toy with him as much as they liked. It all got him so very excited, to the point he was certain he was getting Alice's scales wet. Especially when they licked him. More than just kissing, they ran their tongues up along his neck, swiping into some of his fluff. The snake's was lean and nimble, able to jab forth and wriggle against his skin, while Mira's had the full, merciless texture of a pantheress to it, slathering him up with that scale-scraping surface, tingling with every stroke. They worked him over until he couldn't help but notice just how much saliva was left clinging to him.

"Oh, he is tasty," Mira purred, right near one of his ears. "You're going to love him."

"Of that I have no doubt. But let us not rush to such conclusions." The naga withdrew from his face, and instead dipped down to where his neck and shoulder met. "He does seem terribly excited now, doesn't he?"

While she spoke, projecting that tranquil aura despite so dominantly holding him in her coils, he flinched from the sensation of her fangs dotting against his throat. A quick mental scan through his clouded mind couldn't dig up the knowledge he was looking for. Was a snake like her venomous or not? Well, what did she have fangs for if not? She didn't go so far as to actually bite though, instead just teasing him with a slow, smooth stroke of those frightful things along his most vulnerable place, as if tracing the veins beneath his skin.

It was one thing and then another. Just as he managed to settle himself down a little from the teases at biting, he was given a shock of pleasure when a rather intrusively prodding digit dipped between his thighs to explore the rather drenched depths of his glowy blue pussy. Alice had conveniently left an opening in her tight wrapping of snake body for Mira to get down there and play with him. She ran her finger along the edges of those petals, soaking up some of those excess juices. Her rumbles seemed to pass all the way down to where she touched him, which only served to make Bandel all the more horny for the two possessive ladies.

She wasn't content just to touch. After working the drake up a little more, she smoothly inserted that single digit into him right down to the knuckle. Burying it deep, she wiggled and stroked while Bandel tried not to moan too desperately. Though he certainly couldn't suppress the squirming. Alice kept him mostly confined in her grip, but left just enough room for a little wiggling. Mira was merciless. The more he thrashed about in pleasure, huffing, groaning, trying not to whimper, the harder she fingerfucked him, pushing in and out faster, and faster, and faster, until he was locked into toe-curling, jaw-clenching ecstasy. If she kept up like that, she was going to make him cum, whether he was ready or not. Instead, she slowed her pace to let him breathe a little.

"Oh, he is just soaked, too," the pantheress commented as she withdrew from him at last. Then she slipped that juice-coated finger between her lips and gave it a suckle, loudly enough for him to hear her do it. "Mmm. I think he's almost ready for you. Just one more thing first."

The pantheress dipped back down, but this time, she didn't go in with her fingers. She pushed her whole feline face beneath the drake's fluffy tail, and soon he felt a smooch right where he was most sensitive. She nosed up against his clit and then caught it with her lips for a gentle little nibble. What might have seemed a small gesture was enough to make him gape his jaw in a shuddered gasp that almost became a scream. He caught it just in time. And it was getting harder and harder to keep from crying out once that scratchy tongue got introduced to his tender folds. The black cat slurped him firmly, deeply, digging in to taste his inner lusts while he clung to the very coils that constricted and confined him, aching with need after just a few good licks.

Mira managed to lap up enough of those juices to well them up in her mouth and swallow them down. Bandel could hear her gulping. It was enough to put his mind back to what they'd been teasing him about. Even while getting so generously, ravenously eaten out, he found himself wondering how Alice's swallows would sound. If she really did eat him, anyway. Maybe it was all just a way they liked to ease people to get them all squirmy and certain. It was definitely working on him, if the dripping mess that was his cunt was anything to go by.

She even went so far as to shove her tongue right inside of him. The extra tingly stimulation that came with that was enough to finally bring the whimpers out of him. There was no suppressing it anymore. Not with a big cat's tongue shoved all the way inside him, wriggling and touching all his most sensitive spots, making him clench and shudder around her while she feasted upon his entire sex at once. She had her whole mouth wrapped around his folds, dotting her own fangs against his skin while she tonguefucked him to oblivion. He tightened, he contracted, he soaked her whole face in the juices of his heated inner ache, but before he actually trembled his way to a finish, she withdrew at last.

A lick of her lips and a wipe of her chops with the back of a hand, and she spoke, wearing a proud, juice-soaked grin pointed at the snake.

"Now he's ready."

"Excellent," came Alice's sultry voice.

Soon, Bandel was on his back again. Or the equivalent of such at least, with a bed of coils beneath him as the naga laid herself over his trapped frame. He wasn't sure what to expect at first. She loomed above him, flicking her tongue a few more times, then laid the spot where her belly met her coils between his thighs. He was surrounded by her bulk, immersed in her scent, and it just grew more richly enticing the more she rubbed against him. He expected some slit-to-pussy stroking, and would have been content with that. Instead, he got something so much more stimulating than that.

Enough grinding, and Alice began to firm up. A smooth dark tip pushed from her slit, prodding against those immensely tender folds of Bandel's. Then another. It was equally as girthy as the first, pressed just beneath it as it slipped out with a layer of lustful snake juices coating it. Such extra lubrication was hardly necessary when Bandel was already providing so much. He was flooded with need, and warm and ready, puffy with lust for those slickly revealed snake cocks. Alice took her time, settling into penetrating him, laying her bust against his chest, licking the underside of his chin while she sank sweetly into his azure depths at last. Her satisfied hiss was hardly audible over the extended moan that escaped him as he got stuffed full of both serpent shafts at once.

"Ohhhhh, yes, Alice ..."

Mira gave a little chuckle and ran her fingers along those winding coils.

"Isn't she just wonderful? Go ahead, relax Bandel. Let her pleasure you as she does best. Before she eats you, of course."

There was that casual teasing again. She mentioned it like it was no big deal, like he might have already forgotten about it. If it was all a bit of elaborate dominance, a well-weaved illusion to keep him excited and nervous all at once, then they were very good at it. If not - well, he could think about that when the time came. For the moment he was far too transfixed by the pleasure of getting double-penetrated by the smooth and slippery shafts of the sultry serpent, stuffed full and soaking them in the deep, drenching depths of his aching azure folds. He kneaded tight, he squeezed and clenched, already quivering within before she was even all the way inserted. It wasn't a question of whether she could make him cum - instead, he wondered just how many times he'd squirt for that lovely naga going slit-deep in his sex.

The way Alice moved her body was ever-elegant, winding and twisting those coils all around him to squeeze in such tantalizing ways. She never crushed or harmed him in the slightest. His breath came steady, if shaky even with the hefty snake body kneading inwards on him while she fucked him. Even her thrusts were complex rolling waves of her upper body rather than simply jabs of her hips. She pleasured him from angles he'd never managed even with his own fingers, jamming him full of those flexing shafts while she made sloppy forest love to the horny drake. He had no idea just how badly he_needed_ to be just wrapped up and held down by someone ready to pump him full of spunk. It was enough to make him not just moan, but to sigh his relief as those stiff shafts schlicked inside him with every juicy hump.

They produced enough of a mess together to send juices pouring down the inside of Bandel's thighs, or to run right over the crest of his hips. It all dripped down onto those thick coils. Sometimes he swore he felt a little rumble from within the naga's heavy lower body, as he was squished down firmer and firmer to those wet, glistening scales. Mostly though, he was focused on the grinding, driving plunge of her twin shafts while she fucked him senseless. He kept trying to form words, kept stammering and staggering all over her name, but he never got farther than the first syllable. Alice didn't bother saying anything either when the slurp-schlick of her cocks slipping in and out of Bandel was a conversation all its own.

He still couldn't pry his arms from his sides. She kept that loop around his middle, flexing on him while she rutted him dumb. He was drooling, jaw gaped, eyes a little glass as he fought with the urge to just pass right out from pleasure. Now and then she gave a yawn-like stretch of her jaws right in front of his face, introducing him to another glimpse of her violet maw. Sometimes she let a little saliva dribble down onto his face. He saw it all through blurred vision, but those little teases, those hints at what was to come as soon as she made him squirt all contributed to him more swiftly shaking his way to a twitching, quivering, trembling climax that he simply couldn't fight off any longer.

Alice didn't relent for a moment even when he started clenching down on her tightly enough to slow her strokes. That just meant she had to fuck him harder. He made another attempt at calling her name, but all he actually got out was an elongated whine that made him blush all the harder just to hear it escape his lips. There was no better way to express how good he felt surging, peaking, gripping her hard while she gave a shuddered hiss of her own. Finally, after erupting into a series of clenches, clamps, and contractions all around the serpent cocks shoved inside him, he peaked in a tight, messy squirt, and felt his immediate reward warming his innards right back.

The naga came inside him in what felt like a constant stream of snake spunk. One shaft shot and then the other, alternating to keep him constantly pumped full of her rich, thick jizz. His own gushing could hardly compare to how much she unloaded within him, grinding that wet slit up against his pussy lips until he felt his belly getting a little taut with how much she put into him. There was plenty of sloshing with that bloated feeling, but burdensome as it might have been, he felt nothing but lingering ecstasy even once the fires of released died down and he was left writhing, puffing, floating away on a cloud after that unexpected rut beneath his napping tree.

She held him like that for a time, running her fingers along his shoulders. Then she gave him a little kiss on the forehead. His heart was already pounding, but it gave another flutter when she came so close like that. It was nothing more than a quick peck, a gentle touch of her lips before she withdrew to let him recover. Her cocks stirred within him, giving another twitch or two as she began to pull back from the creampied drake. Such suckling sounds it made, the sloppy slurp splurching out as she pulled her twins from within him, letting cum pour over the same trails made by all the juices they'd milked out of each other in their messy mating.

Finally, after teasing him with it for so long, inching along until there finally came that titillating POP followed by the squelching of all that snake cum cascading from his stretched sex. The inner blue was entirely blotted out by all the jizz flooding his well-fucked cunt. With his hands pinned near his hips, he managed to just barely stretch out and rub against his middle some. He was absolutely brimming with the snake's cream. It was still pouring out of him long after she actually pulled out. Only after he'd let off a significant amount of pressure did he stop gushing thick ropes of her seed, settling instead on a constant drip, streaming in the aftermath of coiled-up sex.

"Ahhh ..." he finally sighed, feeling that inner need doused at last.

"You are just as I thought," Alice spoke, her voice still mostly as steady as ever. "Thoroughly, exceptionally, admirably fuckable."

Reaching out, she ran a finger slowly along one of his cheeks, curling under his chin to lightly tickle him. Then she gave a sharp hiss, suddenly enough it startled him from his growing trance.

"Of course, there remains an important question," she went on, and let the statement hang in the air a while as he leaned in, eager to hear the rest. She waited until he was fully attentive, clinging to her every word, and continued in a soft whisper. "That is, of course - could you possibly be as edible as you appear?"

His hopes that it was all one elaborate tease were getting thinner and thinner. As for his hopes that it was all true - that wish seemed more and more likely to be granted. She bobbed back and forth, perhaps in an attempt to hypnotize him, or maybe just to enthrall him with her perpetually elegant serpentine movements. His eyes traced her every single shift, watching that dark tongue flick, those fangs drip with what he hoped was just saliva. A firmer squeeze around his entire body from shoulders to ankles was enough to completely suppress his squirms. His muscles flexed against her taut coils, but he couldn't move in the slightest.

It was enough to squeeze a little cum out of him too. Another juicy squelch of all that accumulated spunk cascading from his snake-creamed cunt was enough to wriggle over, though he couldn't do much more than send small ripples through her coils with the effort. She had him. And she used that grip to pull him closer and closer to her open mouth, until he was swimming in her breath, and could feel the drips of the snake's saliva accumulating on his face like warm raindrops. A full-body shudder ran through him, not out of any sort of dismay, but simply because he didn't know how better to react to that impressively broad serpent gape sprawled open and vast before his face, ever closer by the moment.

He didn't expect it to feel so good. Maybe it was just his own excitement amplifying every single little sensation, but the constant kneading of her coils ensured he was ever so receptive once she really started doing it. She slipped her yawning maw over his face, over his whole head, and engulfed him in darkness that only got deeper the further she pushed him towards his throat. A heavy glurk swallowed nothing more than her own saliva, carrying his flavour down into her distant belly. Her moan came mostly unmuffled even with all that food in her mouth. He heard it resonating up from within her, projected right into his face as if to ensure he didn't miss just how much she enjoyed tasting him.

"Ohhh, look at him wriggle ..." came the black cat's moan from nearby.

Mira lingered close, though Bandel could hardly see her. He did think he heard the sound of her fingering herself to the sight of the snake eating someone whole though. There was something so oddly flattering about it all. To think his own devouring was sexy enough a sight to make someone get off on it - there was something about that he liked. The pleasure of being wanted helped him adjust to the constricting hold of Alice's throat wrapping around his face as she finally began to gulp him down, little by little, bathing him in the excess drool he helped her create in the process.

It was all so effortless for her, despite the slow pace. She probably could have stuffed him away in moments, but instead she chose to savour him, lavishing every single inch of his body with her forked tongue while her fangs stroked along his shoulders and down his upper back, combing through his fluff all the while. She never bit him. There was no need for venom to subdue prey like him. If she was even venomous. He still didn't know, and it didn't matter. She swallowed him all the same, making his face into a bulge beneath the light scales of her gullet.

He let out something of a cry, something of a moan that was barely heard even by him for how tightly those fleshy walls hugged him in the process of kneading and undulating him down. She was gulping, heavily too, tucking a little more of him away with every shuddering swallow. His shoulders were more of an obstacle, stretching out her cheeks for a few minutes while she worked them into her slavering maw. Soon after, she slipped smoothly over them and pushed them into her throat to make for a fine silhouette on the way down into her body. His head vanished down behind her bust while she walked her teeth down his spine, vertebrae by vertebrae, nibbling all the way. The little pokes and prods were oddly pleasant, contrasting nicely with the smooth, slimy confines of that constantly clenching gullet overtaking his entire being.

"Need a little help?" came the pantheress' voice.

Alice certainly didn't, but she responded by slowly unfurling her coils around her meal. Not all of them, of course. She still kept one firmly about Bandel's middle to hold him in place while she slowly dragged him down into the humid darkness of a snake's insides. He could finally squirm again, though soon found his efforts partly halted by Mira's hands gripping his ankles. She didn't overpower him, but having her holding onto him naturally calmed his wriggles. Even once she started shoving him inside, purring all the while, pushing his chest over the crest of the naga's maw to slip more deeply into that hungry serpent.

The panther was free to grope him all she wanted while she fed him to the snake, and she was happy to slowly walk her grip up along his legs, squeezing his thighs, his butt, even tugging on his tail. Alice's maw slipped hungrily over his slightly engorged belly until he could feel the flicking of the very tip of her forked tongue tickling at his clit. She found it even through the layers of her own cum, not shying from her own taste in the slightest. Neither did Mira, but that was no surprise to him for how affectionate the two huntresses seemed. He felt her tongue beneath his tail soon enough, while her fingers dug into his thighs to keep him from kicking while he got a double eating out.

Soon, both those tongues met in the middle as they shared in that fine meal of drake pussy. Bandel's cries of sudden ecstasy were muffled as he dipped right down into Alice's gut - her first one anyway. She kept on swallowing him down to the waist, unfurling him from her coils and framing his hips in her maw for easy access for both those relentless predators. A snake tongue jabbing and rubbing on all his sensitive spots mingled with a feline slurper stroking him with that familiar scratchy texture. Together they tidied up the mess Alice had made of him, sharing in as close of a kiss as they possibly could with the snake's maw full of prey. Mira guzzled down as much of that cream as she could, though there was still plenty left inside the drake by the time she was done.

Even once he was all relatively pristine again, they simply refused to let up. He ended up struggling against Mira's grip just so he could express his pleasure in some kicks. She wouldn't even let him do that. Alice joined in to hold him all but perfectly still, grabbing his legs and simply clutching him while they ate him to another peak just as powerful as the one before. It came suddenly, possessing his body with the shudders and convulsions of pleasure that were entirely beyond his control. A pleasured arch of his spine was the best he could do while he flexed and clamped on those two tongues that pushed inside him in the final moments before utter bliss overtook him.

From there, it was a squirting, messing gush of a finish they milked out of him with their slurping, stroking tongues alone. Maybe the constant squeeze of the naga's gullet, or the ominous gurgle of the gut around his head contributed to that. It felt good to get eaten by a snake. Mira wore the proof of that, getting her fur nice and wet as she wore a sheen of his juices. Some of them she swallowed, the rest just slathered down her tits and made her coat extra shiny as it dripped. She squeezed her breasts together with both hands, kneading the lovely drake fluids in between them, squishing and squelching in such lovely, luscious ways that he didn't get to appreciate. He was busy getting swallowed whole.

After another shaking orgasm, getting gulped was like an extended sigh. Alice laid her head back on her own folded arms, relaxing in the shade of the branches above while she let Bandel finish his long slide down her throat. Mira still helped him along, urging him along with a few firm thrusts of her hips between his thighs, humping him down. When the naga overtook his rump and started work on his legs, the panther took hold of them and helped feed him to the snake, pushing, urging, shoving. Sometimes she was a little insistent, as if she simply couldn't wait to see the drake as nothing more than a bulge beneath the naga's scales, nestled comfortably somewhere beneath her bosom.

There was just a little bit left of him to eat. He felt Mira's touch upon his soles, urging him along, pushing his feet right into the snake's mouth until she was getting her hands suckled. Alice held on for a short time, teasing the black cat with her lips and tongue, then she released so Mira could watch the last of the drake disappear. It was nothing more than the cresting of two wiggly drake paws over the back of Alice's maw, but it was a climax all its own. Mira moaned at the sight, and Alice hissed her sighing satisfaction as Bandel finally fully settled down in the bottom of that first belly, confined in her upper body, getting cupped and cradled and groped by the pantheress before he even had time to get comfortable.

There was a little room to move at first, but it soon sealed up tighter as Alice gave a modest belch, covering her mouth with the back of a hand. Mira kissed her on the lower lip and snuggled close, letting Bandel feel her rumbling right through the layers of snake that separated the two of them. Four hands admired his curled up form as he got his knees pressed up around his head. He was plenty flexible, at least. There wasn't any discomfort, just the lingering, tingling bliss of release while he got all curled up within the gurgling chamber. He thought snakes were supposed to digest their meal slowly. It was already starting to slosh in there.

"Mmm ... mmm!" Mira moaned, as if she was the one who ate him. "God. He went down so good."

"As pleasing to the palate as he is a satisfying swell." Alice patted the tightly outlined shape of the drake in her first belly. "And ever so delightful to digest, I'm sure."

Bandel heard that word even deep down in her gut. Digest. It wasn't just about swallowing him. It wasn't some sort of dominance thing, as he'd been playing through his head right to the very last gulp. He really was just food to her, in the most casual, erotic way she could. Reaching out, he pressed his palms into the walls of his new dark, fleshy prison just to see if they had any give. The response was another gurgle and a firmer clench around his form, nearly crushing him on the spot. A little tighter and something would have broken. She wasn't toying around with him anymore. She was going to turn him into snake fat.

Yet for all the weight of that sinking in, he couldn't bring himself to worry. There was no panic, no fear but for a bit of nervousness once he felt those juices trickling over him. The snake's belly was utterly empty, dormant right up to the moment he arrived. She'd been saving herself for someone just like him. If she really had been that hungry, it was a wonder she even managed to take her time with him, he found himself thinking. The gentle strokes of those lovers admiring him, the constant rumbles of the contented feline pressed against the bulge of prey inside the snake, and the tingling but painless churns that slowly rocked him back and forth were all enough to keep him content without any complaint while Alice processed him.

Mira kept her hands on him, and soon, her cheek, nuzzling up to the shape of the drake's body while she sat snugly on the naga's thick coils, slowly grinding on those scales. She felt him up and groped deep into the outline he made while he gurgled away, testing for any softness that might have been showing already, even though it had only been minutes. So far, he was still intact, but the pressure clamping down on him with every hungry squish and squeeze of those compressing, churning walls around his trapped form made him wonder just how long he was going to last in there.

"Do you think he loved it as much as we did?" the panther quietly asked.

Alice wiggled herself into a nice cozy rut in the dirt, right around where Bandel had been resting not long ago. "It certainly felt like it. Such a succulent morsel was he, going down so very wet, so very tender. I could feel his lust radiating. Now it is mine to absorb. Along with the rest of him."

For someone so flowery and elegant, she could speak so very bluntly. Bandel still heard every word, but it was getting louder in there. From resting to full force digestion, Alice relaxed while her insides sprang to life, taking up all her energy in the effort to digest the drake and make him hers. Just in case Mira thought for even a moment that she had anything to do for the next few hours aside from rubbing and adoring on her beloved serpent, Alice made sure to coil up the black cat's lower body and pull her even closer. The pantheress' purrs said she was quite fine with that turn of events.

So Bandel simmered, sloshing and sometimes stirring when he felt a particularly energetic clench or churn. The minutes rolled by with the big cat's hands tenderly kneading him all over, helping soothe him as much as she helped work those juices into his scales like she was rubbing in lotion. That helped move things along, but the process was still a gradual, relaxing, nearly imperceptible one. At least until one of Mira's squeezes sank a little deeper into the figure beneath the scales. A wide, toothy grin spread across her features as she felt that drake start to squish. He was getting soft. His body was weakening. Yet for all the destruction, all the gruesome details concealed in the dark, he was never anything but comfortable. It was nothing more than sweetly submitting to the hungry serpent, dominated a little more with every juicy glurrrrn around his trapped frame.

With that softening there eventually came great consequences. The pressure was starting to be too much. Mira got more and more excited, her rumbles intensifying as she kneaded into the doughy form of the digesting drake. Alice's gut tightened inwards, compressing harder, harder, squeezing him tightly, showing what remained of his distinguishable features, outlined in her bright scales. The pressure built until there came the first of many crunches, crrrrnching loudly as some part of him gave in. He couldn't tell exactly which, but the numbness spreading down from his left shoulder, all the way to his fingertips told him some damage had been done.

His response was to squirm a little more, feeling the pleasure building between his thighs once more. Was he going to cum from getting digested? Maybe he would edge, at least. It felt so good to become someone, even as the occasional crackle grew more frequent. Alice's belly got more fearsome in time, forcing him into a tighter and tighter ball, and the noises were like someone treading in a forest strewn with fallen branches. His body was crushed, compacted, and shaped into something resembling a ball. He assumed it was for more easily digesting up there in her naga belly, but she had other plans for him. His journey had only just barely begun.

Getting forced through a tight passage only furthered the crackling running through his softened, partly digested form. Alice's upper stomach was nothing more than a preparation chamber, a place for tenderizing her prey for the travels through her coils to come. Mira laid her palms upon the slightly shrunken bulge of drake while the snake's middle flattened over once more. Bandel got worked with those firm muscles, forced much deeper into the darkness, into the humidity of the naga's body. Stretched out once more, numb all over but still feeling enough to enjoy himself, he found himself dipping snout-first into the bulky shape of her coils. Mira wriggled free of Alice's grasp so she could follow him all the way, riding him like a pony, grinding her lust-drenched sex against the outline of his body while he worked and twisted through Alice's accumulated coils.

He swore they went on forever. Just when he thought he must have been reaching the end of his slippery trip, he found himself winding back around for another loop through her coils. Mira humped him all while, absolutely growling with pleasure to feel the shape of all that drake outlined beneath the thicker naga scales. Finally, she sprawled herself right atop him as he reached the bottom at last, settling into Alice's second stomach fully stretched out, twisted and mangled in ways he couldn't fully perceive. He was already in bad shape. Unable to curl up or protect himself from the juices pouring over his naked form, he knew he wasn't going to last too much longer. Even a drake like him was fodder for the strength of a snake's appetite.

"Yessss, yesss ... digest already. I wanna feel you padding out her coils ..." Mira fiercely rumbled to him, nearly snarling her commands in her peaking lust.

There wasn't much he could do either way. He couldn't melt any faster, nor could he squirm much more than the occasional wiggle. Those motions were more like twitches before long. That new stomach filled with caustic juices and half-immersed him before long, leaving him splashing about in the loudly bubbling, burbling slime. Mira's pressing palms helped squish down the parts of him that were softening, helping the shape of him grow more and more indistinct while she rubbed her whole naked front side against the shrinking shape of the drake. Only when Alice gave a sharp hiss did she relent.

"Nf. Do be careful, dear. He's a lot to melt."

"Sorry. Just, you know. Excited." Mira lightly chuckled. "God, he must feel so gooooood in there ..."

"Heavenly," Alice simply said, and she sounded like she meant it.

That was the last coherent word Bandel understood before all else was drowned out by the cacophony of sloshing, smacking, and groaning. There were more crunches too. While there might have been more room in there for him to all stretch out, the walls closed in on him harder and harder the longer he lingered in there. The cacophony was deafening, and plenty audible even from the outside. Mira couldn't help a back-arching moan when she heard one of those particularly juicy crackles of the drake getting smashed and crushed by the powerful contractions of the naga's digestive system. She gave a few sharp humps to Bandel's shrinking form, before just pressing her pussy firmly to those scales, soaking them in her rising pleasure.

One hard jolt of those broad cat hips squished Bandel down almost completely flat while she mrowled out her ecstasy over the barely-moving bulge of drake inside Alice's coils. She gushed herself into a yowling frenzy, drenching that lower belly in a glistening layer of splattering feline juices. As much as the black cat tried to roar her bliss, she couldn't get out much more than a feline scream as she soaked herself and the snake alike, all without much input from Alice aside from her relaxing as she digested the drake down to something more easily absorbed. She hissed her satisfaction and Mira gave a hiss of her own, doing her best to imitate the lovely naga all sprawled out on the grass.

The cat's excitement combined with his weakening, softening state finally finished Bandel off. He slumped down with an extended sigh. It was a calm acceptance of his gurgling fate. There were always more of him to be found. Not that they knew that. As far as Mira was concerned, she just got off on Alice digesting the pretty drake out of existence, and that was precisely what got her so excited. She set to kneading that indistinct swell in the naga's lower coils while she caught her breath in the post-orgasmic haze.

"Ahhhh ... I think he's gone," she finally said, prodding Bandel a few more times to be sure.

"I feel his final twitches. But there is no life left in the meat that he once inhabited." Alice gave an extended sigh that became a yawn. "He endured longer than most. Such pudge he shall make. Now come here, my sweet feline. I think he had the right idea about something."

"What's th- ooh!" Mira began, cutting herself off with an excited gasp when those coils lazily enveloped her from behind. She happily squirmed while she got wrapped up from top to bottom, with just her face left uncovered so Alice could bring her close for smooches.

They made out for a time, tongues intertwining while the pantheress sought to steal all the leftover drake flavour from the snake's tongue. After that, they settled into some more relaxed pecks on the lips and cheeks. Only after they'd indulged in one another for a good while did Alice answer that interrupted question.

"Why, a nap of course. This seems like the perfect spot to me. You'll keep me company, won't you?"

"Of course I will," Mira purred, putting her full, conscious effort into rattling up against the serpent as loudly and pleasantly as she could. "Love you, snakey."

"Adore you, kitty."

They remained interlinked in slightly sweltering, soaking contentment, sharing in their increasingly sleepy hisses and purrs while they drifted together. Mira couldn't even get her arms around Alice. The snake squeezed her far too firmly, far too thoroughly for that. And that was how she liked it. Her rumbles persisted even as she started to fall asleep. The two of them could stay like that for a good, long while. Hours, at least. Maybe the whole day. All the while, what remained of Bandel got siphoned further through the snake's digestive system, swirling through the entirety of her bulky coils. For all the distance they needed to travel, those nutrients still found their way to her whole body, ensuring she grew curvier while her coils thickened with the added pudge he made.

A more shapely, ample bust than ever before awaited her when she finally awakened. As did some extra padding around the gut, a little jiggle of fat there where she'd been trim before her meal. Some of that added padding was more imperceptible at first glance, simply thickening those already-thick coils with some added layers of soft squish. They were going to be all the heavier to drag around, slowing her slithers to come, but such a meal was so completely, utterly worth it. Knowing that he took pleasure in being prey right to his very last moments melting in her digestive juices just meant Alice could sleep all the more easily.

Not that it would have changed her mind much about eating him. The huntress needed to be fed, and there was nothing that satisfied her deeply-rooted instincts quite like a whole, living, breathing meal tucked deep down in her ravenous coils. No one truly owned the woods, but she considered them her own when every lost soul, every wanderer or explorer who stepped between the trees was another potential candidate for a thorough melting beneath her scales.