Chapter 2- The Beginning

Story by Sentai on SoFurry

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Chapter 2-The beginning My mother gave Cobalt a very quizzical look. She did not move from her spot however, and after several moments she flashed that soft smile I knew so well. With a shake of her head she replied to my brother's statement. "Oh, it is probably just the woodcutters coming in late. You worry too much Cobalt... try to relax if you can," She said quietly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A grunt was given from the guard who was standing near the bushes at the edge of the forest, a small annoyed glint in his eye. He had been standing there for nearly three hours, waiting on permission to go ahead and begin. A wolfish smirk spread across his face as he saw a few of his comrades begin heading out towards the village. "It's about damn long does the captain have to take before he just says 'go on'?" The silver wolf said with a slight venom to his words. He cracked his neck, an almost sick pop echoing from the action. A larger navy blue wolf sighed and shook his head, a soft growl emitting from his throat. He didn't turn his head, but simply responded with much annoyance. "If you HAVE to keep asking then we will simply have to wait longer. Get a grip and keep your pants on..." The guard gritted his teeth, his silver paws delving into fists, and his claws digging into his pads. A combination of anger, bitterness, and jealousy all made him want to turn around and swing a punch right into the jaw-line of the larger canine, but his instincts, and his life told him otherwise. Just at the edge of the forest was what seemed a large band of soldiers. These soldiers however, were not the same as those who served to protect the village. Death encircled these furs, most of which were wolves. Stained blood and dried tears were drenched in their unforgiving paws, paws that stole life from others who had wronged no one. To count, there were roughly ten soldiers. One of which, seemed to be the leader. A young, midnight blue wolf who stood tall and proud, a long even darker blue cloak draped along his broad shoulders. On his face, he wore three deep red scars from an apparent scratch. His eyes were a golden and turquoise, shining brightly, but with a dimness to them that even made the darkest shadows seem like mere shade. On his torso was an impressive navy chest armor, depicting a symbol that was in the shape of a flame, but with patterns engraved into it. His pants were worn from what seemed to be many years of turmoil, and three swords were strapped to his body. Two lay on either hip, with the other strapped across his back. With a soft growl to his throat he leaned up against one of the ageing trees of the forest, his eyes closed in deep thought. His claws lightly tapped along the rough bark, not so much of a sound emitting from either of them. After several moments, his head lifted, and he began to walk over to the crowd of soldiers, the swords clanking at his sides. "We can give the go ahead in just a few minutes....I want three of you to ride ahead and tell me what you see," He said gruffly. The selected three nodded and glanced around, almost as if to make sure that there was no one watching them. Slowly they began marching, muttering to themselves about how finally they were able to make some sort of headway into their mission. Of the three, a smaller black wolf with white front paws peeked from behind several tall trees, and focused on the town as it settled down for the night. A sneer rose across his muzzle, those white teeth which tasted blood almost hungering for more. Giving off a sickening chuckle, he backed up and withdrew his sword. "Go tell him that everything is set....the town is settled down for the night, they wont suspect a thing...." He said quietly. The other two wolves nodded, making their trek back up the hill to inform their captain. Neither of them spoke this time, their minds spinning at the thought of how they were going to claim their prize. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My brother continued to stay quiet as his eyes glanced out the window, almost as if he were waiting for something. It had been a while since we had come home, and my mother had already prepared dinner for us. Her food was some of the best I had ever tasted, and at times I long to taste the recipes she invented. My favorite would have to be the pot roast. I remember the meat being so tender, and the gravy she poured on top being nice and thick. My father always came home early when he knew she was making it, so I think she made it on purpose just so we could have more time with him. When I think about it, I sort of wish that the last meal we had was just that, so I might have been able to see my father one more time before it happened.... "Mother....why is father so late in coming home....he has been gone for many hours..." Cobalt said in a soft, almost dry tone. My mother lifted her head from her recipe book, and sighed in concern, but also in slight reassurance to my brother. Cobalt was always one to look out for someone, even if it was my father. He felt the need to take a step up, to be the male of the house if need be. I admired him for that, because no matter what happened I knew my brother would always be there for us. "Do not worry Cobalt...I told you that everything is going to be alright. You know how your father is when he gets involved with the other males," She said calmly. With a shake of her head and another soft smile, she looked back down to her book and continued taking notes. As the time drew on and on, and minutes passed by with the blink of an eye, sleep began to find my heavy eyes, and I found myself wanting to lay on the floor and rest. With my age at the time, bed was something I always dreaded, though my eyes would surely disagree with me. There were times when I remember sitting on the floor, and simply falling over in exhaustion. Sometimes I would think I could make it, but I always would wake up in my bed beside my brother. As I felt myself beginning to fall asleep, I felt the arms of my mother pick me up, and begin carrying me off to our small bed room. My eyes lidded constantly, not being able to hold their own for very long. My mother smiled at me and purred to try and sooth me, something that she had done since I was very small. Upon reaching our room, she pushed the door open with her foot-paw. Usually our floor was littered with toys of mine and Cobalt's, but sometimes my brother would just feel the need to tidy things up. I like to think that it was apart of him that was maturing early for his young age. She made her way over to our smaller bed, and placed me in the middle. Cobalt usually stayed up late when my father wasn't home, so she did not usually worry about him needing space until later. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked down to me with those soft blue eyes, and ran her gentle paw along my furred cheek. "Mama....would you please tell me the story.... of how the stars are born?" I asked with a small, but lengthy yawn. My mother smiled down to me and nodded her head, taking a small breath. "When the earth was new....and the sky was dark....a lone lioness wandered along the darkened ground. She would ask herself everyday, why there was such darkness surrounding her. A voice told her in her sleep one day...that the darkness did not have to be. If this lioness truly believed that there was light in the world, then her voice when she woke up would have enough strength to make it so. The lioness woke, and the moment she opened her muzzle, beautiful, light filled notes began to echo throughout the sky. Her voice was so pure, that it gave new life to the stars that shined in the sky. Every night she would sit on a hill, and sing to the clouds, asking them to please make room for one more star. After hundreds of years, she finally filled the sky with pure light. To say thank you, the stars built a replica of her in the night sky, shimmering brighter than any other. This is how we think of her, and when we see her constellation, we pray and say thank you for giving us new light and hope. So Shiyana...before you close your eyes....thank her for giving light to our darkness...and showing us that we do not have to wander alone in the path she once did. That is her gift to you...." I smiled up to my mother and nodded my head with a very sleepy gaze. I could almost see the stars shining brightly for me, telling me secrets and stories. My mother bent down and kissed the top of my head in a goodnight, but just as I was about to fade off into my dreams, I heard a slam. My mother's head shot up, and I saw her run over to the bedroom door. It was not to my knowledge until a little while later, that someone had kicked my front door off the hinges, and that my peaceful life would soon be disturbed forever more. to be continued.