Suddenly Becoming an Omega an Omegaverse Story Part Three

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Jason thought he was a normal black cat and his best friend/lover was a normal tiger. However on the last day of school everything starts to change. New things come to light and new changes start to happen as this pair of lovers go from being two 17 year old teenagers to something more. And get quite the surprise on top of that.

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. This chapter also contains lots of touching family moments.

Part Three

Morning arrives and the tiger looks down at his sleeping mate as he thinks about how crazy last night went. He blushes again as he remembers at one point being caught balls deep into Jason by his future mother in law. Luke sees that Jason is starting to stir. Jason says sleepily, "Good morning, my mate. What time is it? I am hungry."

Luke chuckles as he kisses his mate good morning before he speaks. The tiger responds in a soft voice, "It is just after seven a.m. and I bet. After all that sex we had last night. I still can't believe your mother really walked in on us after I gave the mating bite. How am I supposed to face her as your mate after letting her see me in such an embarrassing position?"

Jason giggles with a blush as he says, "If you think that is bad. Think about me, she is my mother and I still have to face her after letting her see me being taken like that. Though, honestly I don't care who would have saw us. I love you and now that you have marked me, you are mine. I am also yours."

Jason is still not fully aware that their risk last night has in fact changed their lives more than a mating bite would. But the tiger is aware enough to notice the scent of his mate has changed very slightly. The scent of heat is gone and heat doesn't disappear that fast unless a baby has been made. Luke remembers reading about the scents and why they change in some of the books.

Annie is awake and downstairs at this point. She is making breakfast for her husband as they discuss what their son did last night before he came home late again. The gray furred older male cat is helping where he can since it is a Saturday. Bennie, Jason's father, is surprised by the news that his son has become an omega and to top that, a grandchild is likely.

Annie says, "I did try to warn him but he was really shocked which I understand. So I am not surprised that Luke managed to find his way over here with the intent to comfort Jason. However, I had hoped they would wait a few more years before risking making us grandparents." Her voice is soft and full of worry for her son.

Bennie nods but says, "Your friend almost had a similar situation didn't he? Only he was not lucky to have his fated mate living next door to him. I remember we talked about the risk of this happening once they came of age for the second gender. For now all we can do is talk to them with Luke's mom over here too. From there we will discuss their options so they can still have bright futures together and if a child has happened, then we can deal with helping them since they will be young and probably scared about raising a child."

Jason's parents have always been very understanding and have worked hard to encourage their son to follow his heart. If this is what is meant for him, then all they can do as his parents is support him and aid him the best they can. Annie knows that Lula, Luke's mother, understands as they talked on the phone last night about what might be going to happen in the next few months.

Bennie yawns as he is still worn out from his overtime but he wouldn't give up this time with his wife for anything. Annie says, "I think we should take a nap together later. I know you are tired and I want to lie in your arms as you sleep some more."

Bennie's emerald green eyes light up with joy at the idea of just sleeping with his wife in his arms. Jason gets his eye color from his father but his black fur is all from his mother. Annie is a black cat with purple eyes.

Jason hears this part of what his parents are saying about his dad needing a nap later. He motions to Luke that it is all good for them to head to the table for breakfast. They are both dressed in a pair of loose sleep pants and tank tops. Luke keeps a couple outfits here for when he spends the night.

Annie hears her son and Luke's footsteps. She just smiles at them because she can see how Luke's arm slides around Jason's waist. That is truly a good pairing and she can see how much love there is between the two of them. Bennie says, "Morning boys, I hear you got up to some mischief." He chuckles a little to show them he has no anger towards it. Worry is clear but there is no anger.

Jason is relieved that his dad is not angry. He chuckles a little and leans into Luke's touch as he says, "I know we did something stupid. I know we are in for a lecture and worried concerns. I promise you both this, before Luke's mom shows up. I love him and no matter what happens, I am happy to have him in my life. I will tell her the same thing."

Luke blushes at Bennie's comment but loves that his mate is standing up for them even though it is clear that it is not really needed. Annie chuckles as she says, "Well Bennie, we raised him right. He is defending his choice already with the strength of love we could only hope for him before Luke moved in next door."

Bennie nods as he cleans his hands off from some egg yolk that ended up on them. Then he goes over and hugs them both to show his support of them being a mated pair. Bennie says, "I am worried and a bit disappointed that you may have made a child already. But I am also proud of you both for choosing to be together no matter what. I made the same kind of vow to Annie when I choose to marry her. So as for a lecture, you both are in for a dozy of a lecture. But it won't be as bad as you probably feared. None of us are angry with you for going with your instincts."

Jason tears up a little from how happy his dad's words make him. He honestly has always known they have been supportive of him and his choices. So to know that his dad is proud of him despite what possible outcome this may lead to, it really means a lot to him.

Luke says in a soft but slightly choked up voice, "Thank you. That means a lot to know that everyone is at least supportive of us and our choices. You two have always been like second parents to me. I remember being just about five moving here after my dad walked out of my and mom's life. I was such a brat back then, but Jason here still welcomed me as a friend and you both welcomed me as a son. Now I get my mate as well as this amazing family."

Annie sniffles a little and says, "Okay that is enough sappy for now. You are going to make me cry before breakfast is even on the table." That brings a round of chuckles to help ease the last of the tension out of Jason and Luke.

Breakfast goes like most mornings where they all enjoy a great spread of eggs, toast, bacon, and some other options like fruit. Jason and Luke volunteer to do the dishes to give his dad a break on his day off. Jason laughs, jokes, and teases Luke while they do the dishes, which is bringing gentle smiles to Annie and Bennie. Lula has even arrived by now and is catching up with the couple while her son helps his mate in the kitchen.

Lula is a beautiful tiger with the same orange fur as her son with black stripes. Her eyes are warm golden brown like her son's eyes. The only difference between mother and son for coloring is their hair. Lula has black hair that flows down her back free most days unless she feels like styling it.

Luke heads out of the kitchen first when the last dish is put away and goes over to hug his mom. He says, "Mom, I am sorry for worrying you yesterday." Lula just hugs back and gently rubs her hand over his blonde hair. She says, "Well you are in trouble for that but I know you were needed by your mate. Now, go get him so we can get our parent right to lecture the two of you."

This brings a round of laughter from the parental side of things as Luke just grins at his mom's choice of words. He knows she is teasing him a little but knows how serious it is to mate too. Luke is ready to defend his right to his sexy cat.

Jason comes out not long after and says, "So I heard the comment Lula. I am ready for what all three of you have in store for us." He means it too as he goes to stand by Luke so they can support each other for this part of the day.

Lula waits for them to sit before she says, "Luke, I warned you what would happen if you came over here last night. I knew when you told me that you needed to go to Jason that something was going to happen. I was so worried because you are still in high school. Once the summer is over, you will be in your senior year and off onto your future. I always knew your future is with Jason but I had hoped that you wouldn't add risk of a child into this before you two were old enough to be settled into a life as mates."

Her tone is gentle but full of her worry for them. She can tell there is a difference in Jason's scent that wasn't there before. It is hard to say for sure, but she suspects what Annie thought has happened. Lula is excited about being a grandmother but this does affect Luke and Jason's future choices as now that means a child will be involved as well as figuring out how to deal with the school since Jason will not likely give birth until sometime in the school year.

Luke understands what his mother is saying. He says, "I did try to resist at first once I knew what was causing my mate distress. But once the instincts kicked in, I didn't want to fight it no matter what happened. We did during moments of calm discuss what could happen but by then the risk was already happened so we decided that we will do what it takes if we are meant to be parents this young. Jason, do you want to share what we talked about? I know your parents are worried about a lot of what my mom said too."

Jason nods as he lovingly holds his mate's hand and says, "We talked about how if it is true that I can bear a child. Then if I am pregnant, we will still finish high school and still figure out college. There are some good local colleges that could work. We know what we have done is not reversible. I wouldn't wish for anything like that. We will still focus on learning so we ask that you please don't be too hard on us as we try to figure out what life will bring to us as young parents. I am already scared enough at the idea of possibly having a baby."

Annie motions for Jason to come over to her as she knows how much this is going to scare her son. Jason does as asked of him and feels his mother's warm embrace as she says, "My sweet son, I had no idea you two talked about this now that the risk is there. I am proud of you for admitting that you are scared. I think Lula covered most of what we are worried about. Your future is going to change now, but you know you will have us to help you."

Annie's tone is soft and full of worry. But there is also the reassurance as well as love of a parent despite their child making a life changing choice that could one day be seen as a mistake or regret. Lula hugs her son seeing fear in his eyes as well because other than Bennie, Luke has not had a decent father like figure to look up to. Lula has tried to move on and find love so that Luke could have a full family with a father and maybe siblings.

Life doesn't always work out that way though. So she is doing her best to reassure and comfort her son. To be honest, the parental side of this could lecture for hours on how stupid it was for them to risk getting Jason pregnant. But what would that change? None of the parents there want to drive a wedge between their children and them. So all they can do is hope for the best as they support the new couple.

Jason asks, "The only thing we haven't discussed is where we are going to live. For now, I know we are not legally old enough to move out. But if I am pregnant, which I am still not sure is possible. What happens then? I don't know anything about this omega and alpha stuff besides what Luke has told me and what mom told me about omegas."

Luke admits, "I am confused on a lot of it too. I know it is true that omegas male or female can get pregnant according to the books I read. But we really could use some guidance on what happens next."

Bennie says, "We can discuss more of that in a few weeks once we know if you two are going to be parents or not. I have no issue with you staying with us every night Luke or with Jason spending the night over at your home. Lula, Annie, do you have any issue with them doing that for the living situation?"

Annie sees nothing wrong with them keeping things as they are with basically just allowing sleepovers at either home until they need to help the new mated couple figure out what comes next. Annie agrees as she says, "I think that is fine for now. It is fine with me to let you two basically sleepover at each other's homes until we need to worry about anything."

Lula agrees as well as she smiles at Annie. The smile is full of mischief as she says, "Well it is not official but we are now in-laws. So I am looking forward to seeing how things go. You two are mated but there is no rush to add a wedding ring to it. So for now focus on your relationship and if anything worries you both, talk to us. Honestly I am just glad we can officially be family. I love having Jason as part of our family, Luke."

Jason's father is looking exhausted so they all agree to end any lectures or discussions to another day. There is the promise to take a day very soon to go over everything that goes with being an alpha and omega pair. Jason just wants to cuddle with Luke as this has been a lot of strain on him going through changes and now there are more changes in his future because he still is not sure about the whole pregnancy and if it happens. It scares him on how to deal with it.

Luke brings Jason over to him once Annie follows Bennie upstairs to the master bedroom. Lula heads home to give the new couple some time alone. She already figures her son is going to either come home with Jason later or stay the night in Jason's room.

Alone and able to just be worried and in love teenagers, Jason kisses Luke. Luke kisses back before gently carrying his mate up to Jason's bedroom. He is starting to feel aroused at the idea of being free to basically do what he wants with Jason since none of the parents seem to object to the two being together this early in their lives.

Suddenly Becoming an Omega an Omegaverse Story Part Four

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. Part Four Jason buries his face into Luke's neck just taking in his mate's scent. It is so strange to him that they didn't get a...

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Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part Two

Warning: This story is for those of legal age to read it. Part Two Jason's emerald green eyes land on those worried golden brown eyes of Luke and he runs right to the tiger. He hugs him even as he hears what the tiger is saying to him. Jason...

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Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part One

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. Part One One fine afternoon as a young male is coming home from school. It was the last day and he was excited for a summer of...

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