Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 5

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#5 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's tough following up off that love scene last episode but I must continue on! Of course, I'm going to follow up with more sex, because I can't just neglect our lovely fox's favorite bunny!

Oh, but rest assured, there will be some interesting drama to be had this episode. It's always going to make sparks fly when you've got the hots for a vampire and your best friend dislikes them on principal, yeah? Also, perhaps Ryder will finally come to call so he and said vampire can finally work out that tension they've got going on, eh?

I hope you'll enjoy it, my lovely reader! Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I want to take a moment to talk about something before we dig in. You know, I've been told it's taboo to mix too many kinds of sex scenes into one story. I know not all scenes will trip the trigger for all readers, and that's okay! There's nothing wrong with liking what you like or not liking something, it doesn't make you a bad person if you're not into something.

That being said, I was nervous adding straight-up boy love to this story, because I've got a history of types of couplings already with the first two B&C's. However, I appreciate that it seems the stories are still being well received! B&C has always been plot first, sex second, and I guess what I'm saying is, I appreciate you, my lovely reader, for enjoying my little world, even if a sex scene doesn't line up with what you enjoy! So, Thank you, and now on to the actual intro blurb!


It's tough following up off that love scene last episode but I must continue on! Of course, I'm going to follow up with more sex, because I can't just neglect our lovely fox's favorite bunny!

Oh, but rest assured, there will be some interesting drama to be had this episode. It's always going to make sparks fly when you've got the hots for a vampire and your best friend dislikes them on principal, yeah? Also, perhaps Ryder will finally come to call so he and said vampire can finally work out that tension they've got going on, eh?

I hope you'll enjoy it, my lovely reader! Let's jump right in!


Episode 5:

I'll have that drink you promised

"What a terribly fascinating tale," Toroah hummed the words as he sat at his desk, giving me a relieved smile to see I had made it back in one piece.

My arms folded as I looked away awkwardly. "Sir, I'm surprised-"

"Hey now, business is concluded, you can be informal, Ryder." The rabbit wagged a finger at me, his ears flicking about lazily.

"I only just gave my report how- ... forget it." I put a hand on my hip and gave the rabbit a level look. "Toroah, I gave my word to an incredibly powerful vampire, are you not upset? Doesn't this break several of our laws?"

"Laws can be malleable, Ryder. I think it is not such a dreadful thing." The Archangel gave me a knowing grin. "And, it seems you made a new friend. Oh, won't Rachel be jealous?"

My teeth snapped together, my tail going rigid at the thought of her. "W-well... it's not like we're committed to one another, and... well, it's not like Lorelai and I are anything right now but acquaintances."

"An acquaintance that grinds on your lap and feeds upon you?" Toroah fired back with a knowing smile and I growled as I looked away.

"How was it? I've never been fed upon." He looked at me curiously as he stood and moved over to me, his stride graceful and elegant as always.

I rubbed my chin in thought, then answered him, "It was... scary, but also kind of nice? I think if I return and know she isn't going to kill me, I'll enjoy it more."

"I'm sure you will, especially if you're being ridden by that sheep while she-"

"Toroah! I am not some sexual deviant that seeks to traipse around sleeping with everything I come across! I love Rachel, and... I very much care for you! I don't need more." I snarled the words, my fists clenched as I gave my foot a stomp.

"Huh... It's not always a matter of need, but how dutiful of you. You can't say you love me, Ryder?" The rabbit moved close, brushing his lips along my black-furred ear that flicked against them, his familiar scent growing stronger.

"Tor... it's only been like a week or so, I'm sure in time I will, but-"

"Ha! I only jest with you my dear fox, but I agree all the same. You are, very special to me." He flicked his white ears and tail up, his grin spreading as he saw the annoyance fill my gaze. "Oh relax, you can be fussy in bed later with me."

I gave a huff at the words and put my hands on my hips, staring hard at the rabbit. "Who said I'd stay in your bed tonight?"

"Hmm... Rachel is away on an assignment, will you return to your quarters and sleep alone, just to make a point?" The bunny showed me a cocky grin, his nose poking up in a haughty display that made my tail wag.

"Damn it... Y-you already have my number it seems. Fine, I can't say no to that haughty little face. Rachel and I have been working it out of our systems, but I've missed you as well," I growled the words with a bit of confidence as I moved a hand to his hip, pulling him closer.

The rabbit gave me an excited grin at my display and was quick to push his mouth to my own. I accepted his kiss and before long, both our tongues were flicking together, his hands pressed to my chest, both our wings folded along our backs, his nails digging into my tunic slightly to feel the definition of my muscles through it.

"No time like the present, let us retire to my chambers then." The rabbit hummed the words as he snapped his fingers with a dramatic flourish, the gate to his personal bed chambers coming into view.

"Not even going to let me wash up before you drag me into bed?" I huffed out as he pulled us through the gate, the room brightly lit thanks to the skylight above. All of the quarters had this basic design but of course, being the high commander, his quarters were a little more opulent than mine or Rachels would be.

"Not to worry my self-conscious fox, I think you smell just fine. A lovely mingling scent of your own musk with the faint odor of an eager ewe." Toroah gave me a wicked little grin, his fluff of tail flicking about as he walked with me to his bed.

"I think you get worked up over the idea of others pawing all over me, that's what I think!" I growled as I gripped the front of his robes twisting and pushing us down to his bed, Toroah's wings spreading out as I landed atop him, the rabbit lifting his ears as I went right for the sash of his robes. My mind recalled I owed him for that thump the other day to my forehead, so I'd have to be extra rough on his little bunny butt this go around.

"Oh, I won't deny it's a nice spice to add to the dish," He cooed the words as I pulled the sash free, then my ears lifted as he grabbed my wrists with surprising strength and showed me a playful if not childish grin.

"Tor, what are yo- Gah!" I yipped out as he deftly rolled us, my own wings slapping the large bed and fanning out as the rabbit climbed over me, licking his lips as he hummed and flicked his ears about.

The Archangel gave me a surprisingly confident grin as his hands moved to grab the front of my trousers. "Don't misunderstand my fox, I'll not always let you be the dominant one. I'm a versatile rabbit both in and out of the bedroom."

"You're as bad as Rachel with your shifting between dominant and submissive!" I bark out then grunt as he pulls my trousers down, my tongue showing slightly in a pant as my length springs forth, reeking of my musk.

"Versatile partners are more fun, Ryder. You should count your blessings," He hummed the words in a sing-song voice and moved right down to drag his tongue along the tip of my length. I shuddered and let out a throaty groan as I felt him take it right into his mouth and begin to gently suckle upon me.

My teeth clenched as I looked down at him, seeing his blue eyes shining with mischief as he hummed while holding about half my length in his maw, feeling the vibrations from the sounds he made as he worked.

He worked me like that for several moments, then with one hand gripping my base, he popped his lips free with a sigh, his tongue still rolling at my tip, his bunny-saliva slicking my length as he lapped up another drop of pre that formed. "Huff... your musk is dangerous to taste and smell, Ryder... mmm, my adorable fox..."

I wasn't sure if it wasn't something she liked, or if we were always too eager to get right to the sex, but not even Rachel had used her mouth on me yet. I sat up after a moment and gave the rabbit a pleased huff, moving a hand to rub one of his long drooped ears, growling with approval as his cute little tongue worked my tip.

Toroah pulled away to sit up as I gave a grunt from one of his hands grabbing my shoulder to shove me back down onto my back. My wings snapped out and smacked the mattress again as I barked from the impact.

"Stay put, I told you, not this time, Ryyyyder," He hummed the words as I watched him take a small vial of that liquid from his half-open robes that were hanging off his lithe but well-built form, most of his chest and the faint showing of his abs on display. Toroah gave me a knowing grin as he finished the job I started, parting his robes but leaving them hanging on his shoulders, fully revealing his own throbbing length to me.

I showed him a hungry grin, my black tail wagging against the bed as I huffed up at him as he popped the cork on the vial. "Huff... wanting to ride this time, bunny rabbit?" I showed him a challenging grin even in the face of his own dominance.

"Teeeempting... but no." Toroah cooed as I saw him coat his own length in the lubricant and my ears peaked at the implication, especially when he then grabbed under my knees and hoisted my hips up slightly, my own length twitching in response.

"N-Now wait just a minute here, Tor!" I snapped out my protest, a bit of anxiety in my voice to be sure, after all, I'd never had this done to me before.

"Oh, I'll take more than just a minute, my fox." The bunny hummed the words and even as I squirmed my hips in resistance he pulled me closer with surprising strength and my tongue couldn't help but loll as I felt him push right at me a few inches below the base of my tail.

"Hey! I-I'm not even ready yet!" I barked out, then gave a yip as he ground against me, clenching my teeth as I felt him working past the tight entrance, the lubricant already slightly warm. My teeth snapped together and I gave a huff through them as I felt his tip finally push past my tailhole after several moments of working me. My tongue lolled as I felt him slowly push into me, every inch slowly filling me.

I couldn't help but whimper when he finished entering me, then blinked up at him, my tongue out in a pant as he climbed over me now, his hands bracing on the mattress near my head. He looked down at me with that smug haughty look as he ground his hips gently as if letting me get used to it.

"There there my fox... ngh... see, not so bad, is it?" He cooed the words and I felt him starting to move, making his length of rabbit-cock stir and bump deep inside as I barked out softly with each push he made.

"T-that's debatable..." I groaned out, panting as he started to pump against me in earnest, a relieved sigh escaping his throat, his large white ears bouncing with each push he made into me.

"Oh don't fuss, I know you like it." Toroah sat up slightly, pushing his left hand to my chest to brace, his right moving right down to grasp my length that had been pressed against his belly and abs.

The Archangel sighed as he ground against me, his own head digging deep into me as I winced but also groaned out, it wasn't the most comfortable thing I'd done, but he was hitting me in spots that I'd never felt before, and my body was eagerly responding, precum spilling from my tip and rolling down his fingers which were now pumping at me.

"Oooh look at you go... ah, I wish I could go down there and lap it up, but well, that would be difficult, now wouldn't it?" He panted the words, his hips getting a little more eager as I barked out, feeling him grinding and pumping more intently now, his fingers playfully teasing the showing bulge of my knot that was rapidly swelling.

My tongue sagged out as I moaned from his stroking hand and pumping length, feeling myself rapidly losing myself to the pleasure. Toroah's own breath was coming forth in heavy eager pants now as well, then I felt him violently push into me as I gave a sharp bark of protest from the impact.

The rabbit just gave me a smug grin at my response to his forceful final push, my tongue hanging out as I felt him violently throb, then heat erupted into me as I tucked my tongue and snapped my teeth together hard. My hands scrambled to find something to grab as I gripped his wrist on my chest, the other grabbing a fistful of his bedsheets as I jerked hard from the heat, my back arching.

"Gooood boy... ngh... good dog..." Toroah cooed the words of praise as I felt him erupt, again and again, then with a shocked bark, I felt my own tension finally break forth. The rabbit looked like he had expected it and leaned back, holding the length of my cock towards his chest.

My teeth clenched hard as I watched the haughty rabbit pant as my own heat erupted forth, spattering against his ivory skin, spilling over his lithe muscles and abs, even as he finished filling me and kept pumping my knotted length, coaxing me to keep giving in to him.

Toroah spread his massive wings as he finished and gave a throaty confident sigh of relief as I bit my lower lip, feeling all of his heat inside me, then gave a whimper as he pumped me a few more times to milk the last of my own onto his belly.

"See, Ryder... there's merit in being submissive too..." The rabbit sighed the words, his chest rising and falling in a labored pant, sticky thick trails of my adoration for him rolling over his flesh as his wings gently folded back into a resting position.

"Fuck..." Was all I could muster as I panted and felt my ears folded to my head, still reeling and trying to jar my brain into motion from it all.

"Yes, we just did that, and lucky for us, I've already had a bath drawn," The rabbit cooed the words while lazily dragging his fingertips through the fox lust on his chest. "And, since I don't knot, you won't be subjected to being stuck with me, my fox."

I grunted at his words and looked away awkwardly, feeling my cheeks burning. "Tsk... I mean it's not like I mind you inside me Tor, it was just surprising. Obviously, from how your chest looks, I enjoyed it."

"Yessss you did, my fox... very much so, and I'm sure you felt how much I did as well." He hummed and lazily leaned forward, bumping his nose to mine before moving in to kiss me. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him down atop me, feeling his length slip free from me in the shift, my tongue lazily rolling with his as he sighed against my lips, returning the kiss with as much eagerness as I was giving.

We stayed in our sticky embrace for several moments kissing before eventually going to bathe together and clean up.


The Magi:

While commonly used by stronger demons and celestials. The force of magic is very much real to the mundane as well, though few know the proper way to harness it and fewer still are born with a glimmer of natural power. Most born with the spark will go their entire lives without knowing it, just simply having bizarre happenstances throughout their lives.

The few initiated that do learn to harness their latent powers tend to gather in circles, a common term for groups of mages. Circles can be as small as just a set of siblings, to sprawling schools of greater magical learning.

Celestials view the magi with extreme caution and concern over the prospect of mundane harnessing such power. If at all possible, it is not uncommon for angels to intervene with newly discovered mages and attempt to coax them to the mundane church so their talent can be put to safer uses as powerful clerics or faith healers.


My wings snapped out hard to counter the force of the blow, catching Ezekiel's fist in my palm, the sheer power the lion exerted, forcing my body back several paces. I pulled his fist down with my grip and threw my own punch towards his jaw as the lion snapped his teeth together hard and caught my own strike, both of us tangled up in a grapple.

We bore our strength against one another for a few moments before I felt him overpowering me, but of course, he would, we had a very stark size difference. I pivoted and broke from his grip, bounding back several paces before setting my stance once more. "Oh no you don't, I'm not letting you get me in a hold," I barked the words playfully while panting.

"Hmph... You just know it'd be over if I did." He snarled back as he set his own stance, then bound forward in a lunge. We met with another flurry of punches and kicks until he swept my feet out from under me, but I simply snapped my wings out and took to the air.

"Ha!" I called out, then lifted my ears as he quickly grabbed my ankle before slinging me back to the ground as I yelped out.

"Ha, yourself!" He roared out as I yipped from crashing into the ground with a heavy displacement of dirt and rocks, groaning as I shook my head, picking myself up a little slower than that last dozen times I'd ended up like this.

Ezekiel showed me a wide grin and offered his hand as I staggered to my feet, rolling my shoulder as I felt the aches already starting to ease. He was no doubt channeling his own healing into me as our hands were clenched.

"I appreciate you training with me in hand-to-hand like this, Ry," The lion broke grips with me as he spoke, rolling his own shoulder.

"Hey, it makes us both better knights, yeah? We can't always rely on swords, I'm already feeling more confident from these months of training." I punched my fist into my open palm, giving the lion a cocky grin.

It had been a few seasons since my debacle with Lorelai. Though I won't lie, I was eager to see her again, but I knew she had a new family member she was breaking in as well. I didn't want to get in the way of whatever process they had to go through.

"You've got that distant look in your eyes again. You daydreaming about Rachel or Toroah?" Ezekiel showed me a playful grin.

"Oh, I was actually thinking about Lorelai." I gave a shrug in response to his playful words.

I saw the frown form on his face as he folded his arms. "That vampire you told me about? I don't think you should waste your time thinking about that, thing, Ryder."

My teeth showed as I growled, we had fought about this a few times over the months. Ezekiel hated vampires of all walks because of the friends he lost in the crusade wars. I had tried to explain the situation but his prejudice wouldn't see past my words. Then again, I couldn't blame him if I thought about it. I had one example out of all the bloodshed he had seen.

"Well, I have her word, and I trust Lorelai," I huffed out and folded my arms, mimicking his stance and giving him a stubborn glare.

"You're going to get yourself killed, then I'll have no one to spar with, you stupid fox," The lion snarled and shook his fist at me, his wiry tail whipping around.

"I'll be fine! I trust her, she already could have killed me twice if she wanted." I gave a nod as I thought back to the two encounters I had with the ewe. I loved Rachel and Toroah, but I couldn't forget her scent or the feel of her embrace, it had stuck with me all these months.

"You've got a good thing going with Rachel and Toroah, why jeopardize that with some vampire whore you met?" He snarled the words, his insults earning a bark of anger from me in the process.

"I've spoken at length with Rachel and Toroah about this situation, you need not worry about that! Furthermore, I'd request you still your tongue on the insults. She is an honorable sheep that cares about her family's well-being."

"A ruse I'm sure. Their kind knows nothing but killing and death." He sneered the words and my ears perked up as I stomped towards him and shoved a finger into his chest.

"I'll acknowledge your loss, brother, but your prejudice is bared before us as well. You need not lump the whole into the same lot with the bad." I couldn't explain why I was so angry, but hearing him insult her just got the fires roaring in me.

He hissed out in response and I felt a stinging ache as he slapped my hand away from him. "Do not assume to know how I feel, Ryder. You may outrank me now, but-"

"But what? Rank has nothing to do with this. We need to get past this, we need to talk more and kill less!" I clenched the hand he slapped away into a fist, both our tails rigid as we stared hard upon one another.

"Will you two be coming to more personal blows over this?" A calm voice filled my ears, I had already felt his presence as I eased my stance.

"No sir," I hissed out through my teeth as Toroah walked between the two of us, each stepping back several paces before offering a salute.

"Ezekiel, I understand your fear, but I feel Ryder is perfectly safe." The Archangel gave the lion a gentle smile as he attempted to take my side of things.

The lion growled for a moment before looking around to see no one else was present, Toroah acknowledged the body language and preemptively spoke out. "You have permission to speak freely, Knight."

He grunted out before pointing at the rabbit. "Do you not feel the slightest responsibility for this? Your lover risking his own tail fraternizing with such abominations?"

Toroah lifted his chin, his ears folding behind his head. "Ezekiel, I feel Ryder is perfectly safe in his interactions with Lorelai and her family. He is the bridge that can help our people cross over these troubled waters, a diplomat if you will."

"Why would we ever need to talk peace with monsters!" The lion snarled the words furiously but the rabbit looked at him unflinching.

"Perhaps in their eyes, we are the monsters, brother. What would you do if you woke up one day and were cursed to drink blood to survive?" Toroah tilted his head curiously.

"I'd fall on my sword and pray the gods took mercy upon my soul before I'd commit such an act!" He spat the words out bitterly, thrusting a hand out as he spoke.

"Even if you could do so without killing?" The archangel fired back.

"You speak of a fantasy, sir."

"You cloud your judgment. I have witnessed first hand the act of them feeding upon willing subjects and only taking enough to sustain themselves." Toroah quirked a brow as he saw the lion's jaw gap at the words.

"S-So we let them treat those we protect as mere cattle then?" He snarled and clenched a fist.

"Of course, I do not, they were willing donors. It's an amusing view to take though, seeing as we refer to them as our flock, would you not agree, Ryder?" Toroah showed me a grin as he dragged me back into the conversation.

I met Ezekiel's annoyed gaze and shook my head. "There are those willing to do so. It's not like they keep them as cattle, brother. I for one would offer you my throat if you needed it to survive."

"I'd rather you offer your sword in my belly!" The lion snarled and spun on his heel. "I'll speak no more of this nonsense."

"You'll speak of it until I say you are done, Knight." Toroah spat the words out in a tone we both recognized, his will coming with it as we both straightened to attention.

Ezekiel clenched his teeth hard as the rabbit circled around him to look right into his eyes. "See here Knight, you are valid in your pain. I also lost many friends during that mess, but you must learn to open your heart. We are supposed to be protectors, not executioners."

"Sir." The lion gave a salute, but I could see the annoyance in his eyes and so could Toroah.

The rabbit sighed and shook his head. "As you were, but do consider my words, Ezekiel. The times will find us one way or another, whether we like it or not."

I watched Ezekiel stomp off, no doubt en route to the pub to start working on some mead. My attention then shifted to Toroah as I frowned. "Sir, there was no need to involve yourself, I can fight my own battles. We have come to blows a few times over topics, bruises and knocks just make friends stronger."

"It is a sentiment I share, so I simply wished to defend my own outlook upon it, it had nothing to do with rescuing my lover's fine little foxy rear." Toroah showed me a smug grin as he patted my backside.

A fussy bark escaped my throat as I felt my cheeks darken. "Sir! We're in the middle of the training grounds, anyone could see!"

"No one is viewing us, I would sense it." Toroah clicked his tongue as he looked off into the distance. "When will you go see her again?"

I grunted at the question and shook my head. "I'd not set a date, I felt she'd want to focus on her new family member."

"You saw her last as the winter snows started to fall, yet now autumn is nearly upon that region. Perhaps it is high time you went to call?" Toroah showed me a playful smile as he looked into my eyes.

"Toroah... I've told you before. If I went to call, it would be of a friendly nature only. You and Rachel are all I need. So, do try to stop acting like some cherub." I felt my cheeks darken at the prospect of it. I wasn't lying, they were all I needed. However, wants were an entirely different matter and I had never forgotten that sensation of her upon me.

"He speaks as such, while clearly thinking about the ewe." Toroah huffed out right in my face, seeing the distant look in my eyes as I barked out in protest.

"Tor! I don't look upon Lorelai like that! I-"

"You respect her, I know."

I swallowed hard before nodding. "Yes."

"Like you respected me?" He showed a grin as he wagged a finger.

My teeth grit as I huffed through them. "Y-yes..."

"Do you still respect me now, Ryder?" The rabbit showed me a knowing smile.

"Of course I do!" I barked out and growled, seeing where he was going with this.

"Uh Huh... so I guess you can still have an intimate relationship with someone you-"

"I get it, okay?!" I growled and shook my head, pushing my hand to my forehead. "I just... she's a vampire, and-"

"Rachel and I have spoken one on one a few times now over you, Ryder. Neither of us expects you to be monogamous, follow your heart in the matter."

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks grow hot at the idea of both my lovers sitting down to tea and talking about me. Finally, I composed myself and nodded. "Are you asking me to see her as a diplomat, sir?"

"I am not, as by your own word you gave, I cannot request such a thing. I humbly suggest that you go speak with her, to strengthen our bonds and your own." Toroah gave me a knowing grin. "You may have leave from the citadel for a few days, I suspect you will need them."

I looked down at my feet and frowned, already playing multiple scenarios in my mind over meeting her. Rachel was away on a season-long assignment so this would be an opportune time if I had Toroah's blessing.

My eyes met his and I gave a resolved nod. "Fine, I'll take your suggestion to heart, I'll go there to talk but that is all. I've no intention of-"

"Yes yes, whatever you say, Ryder." Toroah huffed the words with a haughty grin and snapped his fingers as a gate simply opened behind him to his bathing chambers. "Come along, I need to get it out of my system before you go, I'll even wash your back when we're done."


The Circle of Shadows:

One of the more notorious of the magi circles; The Circle of Shadows is not only an academy for magic, but also trains mages in the art of assassination. All members are taught rudimentary spells to assist in the hunting and slaying of various creatures.

The circle has existed in one form or another since the iron age of mundane society. Its reputation is largely one of rumors and even those within the proper channels of magical society debate if it exists.

All magi circles are looked upon by celestials with caution, but the Circle of Shadows garners particular concern, as they frequently have dealings with the vampire councils, demons, and even the denizens of the Faemarch.


I questioned if my power would be weaker since it had been close to a year, but sure enough, when I thought about her and focused, I felt that gentle tug towards her. Of course, I had assumed she'd have a home near that large city we had been near on our last meeting and I wasn't mistaken.

Finding her home was a simple matter and once night had fallen, I took a steadying breath before landing in front of the mansion. The citizens that happened to see me wouldn't see the wings, just a regular mundane fox. Granted, given my celestial blood, they'd find me rather lovely on the eyes, but mundane all the same.

Composing myself I strode to the large double doors, grasped the large knocking ring, and gave it a few heavy raps. Several moments passed and I was about to use the ring again when the door dislodged with a heavy groan and I saw a small servant mouse peek through the partial opening at me.

He had semi-long brown hair and his dark eyes widened at seeing me, a hand moving right to the small dagger at his side. He looked to be a teenager at best and very much mundane, but the way his eyes tracked over me, I could see him clearly making out the wings upon my back.

I raised a hand quickly as I spoke out to him, "Peace, I mean no harm."

With some hesitation, he eased the grip on the small dagger as he spoke out softly, "What business do you have here, celestial?"

I offered him a smile as I spoke as diplomatically as I could, "Please tell the lady of your house that Ryder has come to call."

"She already knows," A voice called out from above as I looked up to the second story of the building, seeing Lorelai standing there on a balcony, a white dress upon her that hugged her chest beautifully as it flowed down over her lower half. I felt my breath catch at the sight of her again after nearly a year.

The sheep calmly hopped right off the balcony, holding the dress so it wouldn't billow up to give me a view of her thighs. My tail stiffened as she calmly sauntered over to me, a grin showing on her face, her large sharp canines obvious. "Jeremy... shut the door and speak of this to no one, not even your sister."

I felt the domination of her will flow with the words as the servant mouse gave a quick nod and the door closed, leaving me standing there in front of the large house, staring right upon her. Lorelai gave me a predatory grin, like a primitive cat that had cornered its prey.

"L-Lorelai... uh... Y-You look great in that dress," I stammered to say anything, awkwardly averting my gaze from her.

The ewe gave me a smile as she looked herself over. "This old thing? Just something I wear on nights I've nothing to do with myself. I suppose it is a better sight than trousers, tunic, and armor though."

She looked upon me, seeing I was in robes, not having bothered to don my own armor or travel wear. "Though, I must say I enjoy the sight of you in those as well, Ryder."

I felt my cheeks darken at the words and offered a smile, then swallowed as I saw those large teeth in her own returned grin. "I- I apologize for not giving you warning of my visit."

"Given our circumstances, it hardly can be helped. I am happy to see you again, angel-fox." She cooed the pet name at me as she turned on her heels and I could see she was barefoot on the cobblestone before she casually hopped up to the second-story balcony once more.

I just stared at her, my brain seeming unwilling to think now that I was here in her presence once more. The sheep looked down upon me and rolled her eyes. "Do you expect me to pick you up? Use your wings and come here, Ryder."

My body seemed to respond before my mind caught up, even though she didn't use any compulsion. I quickly snapped my wings and took flight to move to her balcony. Lorelai gave an approving smile and opened the door that led into a large study with a sturdy oak desk, several bookshelves dotting the walls. There were tapestries and even a few paintings decorating the room.

I looked around at the room that was bathed in lamplight, admiring the elegance of it and thinking it very much suited the ewe. She casually slid into the large ornate chair behind the desk, offering me a somewhat childish grin. "Have you come on business, or is this call of a more... personal nature?"

That damn lump in my throat wouldn't go down no matter how hard I gulped, but I eventually spoke out as calmly as I could. "Come now, Lorelai. You know I couldn't be here on business, I can't be ordered to seek you out."

"A fair statement, but perhaps you came here on a suggestion as it were. I'm no fool, Ryder, I know that word-play can easily be used to circumvent a bargain." She gave me a sad smile as she continued, "Though I do hope that's not the case this night."

I shook my head quickly and spoke out with haste, "No, not at all! I- I came here to see you, nothing more, no ulterior motives."

Her eyes sharpened and she seemed to mull over that before I saw them change right there as I stared upon them, shifting from soft brown to red. "Oh, is that right? That makes me happy to hear, angel-fox."

That pet name again, I wanted to grumble, but hearing her say it actually made my heart beat a bit faster. I offered a grin and rubbed the back of my head, my wings awkwardly folding along my back tightly, as if to make sure I didn't bump something off a table or knock down a painting. "I'm really glad to hear that."

Lorelai stood from her chair and moved over to a small cabinet, taking out two glasses along with a bottle of wine. The sheep smiled as she set them down, brushing some dust off the bottle before uncorking it. "You'll have to pardon the dust, I don't get many visitors, especially of the variety that would enjoy drinking it, but I assure you the vintage and flavor should be pleasant to mundane pallet."

She poured me a glass while looking at me out of the corner of her red eyes, a look of hunger in them that sent a shiver up my spine. Once half-filled, she passed me the glass and corked the bottle.

"You won't be having any, Lorelai?" I huffed the words and took a sip of the wine. It did have lovely aromatics, but given I drank things like mead and brandy, I couldn't tell you how fine or elegant it was.

Lorelai gave me an amused smile and I returned it, already having known she would get nothing out of drinking the wine. She moved to return the bottle to the cabinet and as she turned to me I collected the empty glass, admiring the crystal it was made of.

"These are quite nice, I'm used to drinking out of wooden tankards," I spoke the words calmly even as she moved right back over to me, giving me that same ravenous look as I took another sip of wine.

I let the tension build, seeing her red eyes focused on me as I finished off the wine, then showed her a grin. "Are you waiting on me to pour you a drink in return, Lorelai?"

She gave a small gulp, as if clearing the saliva from her mouth before she spoke out in her usual cool and controlled tone, "If you would be so kind, that would be quite lovely"

My tail wagged and my wings fluffed out slightly at her words, it made me feel empowered to hear her say it. Humming to myself I reached into my robes. "Let me just get my dagger and-"

I barked out as she pushed against me and grabbed my hand. Her smaller body pressed against mine as she brought my palm to her mouth, giving it a few kisses. "Do not use a blade upon yourself, Ryder."

She kissed down to my wrist and pushed her tongue right against it, feeling the pulse throbbing along it. I bit my lower lip and moved my palm to her cheek, forcing my wrist from her right as she had started to part her lips to bare her fangs. I watched the ewe give a frustrated huff before her crimson eyes met mine, a faint snarl showing as she gave me a fussy glare.

"My apologies... I just wanted to look into your eyes. I've thought about you quite a lot over these months." I showed her a playful grin and watched her eyes sharpen in focus.

Lorelai sighed and shut her eyes, pushing both her hands to my chest. I could see her focusing before she opened them to their brown color once more, but a faint crimson still lingered in them. "It is impolite to tease, Ryder," the words came out sounding haughty and fussy, making my heart pound in my ears.

"I wasn't trying to tease you, Lorelai. I simply wanted to enjoy your company before-"

I gave a shocked yip as she pushed my forefinger right into her mouth and I felt a small jolt of pain. The ewe then stared upon me hard, her eyes slowly turning blood-red once more as I watched her sup from my wound, drinking down the small dribbles of my divine blood. Of course, I had been focusing my healing prayers this whole time to touch her without hurting her.

She suckled upon my finger for several moments, then parted her small mouth, giving me a good look at her large sharp canines as her tongue dragged over my fingertip to halt the bleeding as her hot saliva rolled down it. I shivered at the display, biting my lower lip as she pulled back and met my eyes with a strong gaze.

"Do you know how the hunger affects us, Ryder?" She cocked a brow as she pulled from my grasp and took a few paces from me.

"I just know you need it to survive, yes?"

She lifted her drooped ears and I saw her tail also lift slightly in the confines of her dress, as she had turned to look out the balcony window. Lorelai gazed at me from the corner of her eyes which were still red. "We commonly refer to the hunger as our demons or monsters, Ryder."

"So it isn't just-"

"No. Every time we taste blood, there is an urge in us, a little voice that cries out for more, to drink and drink until there is none left." She showed her sharp teeth in a hungry grin as she turned to face me fully, pushing a hand to her chest. "We are every bit the monsters your kind thinks we are, deep down, Ryder."

"But... you said you hadn't killed to feed in over a century." I'm sure I looked as confused as I was at this point.

"I have not. Oh, I've killed plenty over this last century, Ryder, but mostly the wild ones of my own kind. You see, we are very much like the mundane in that respect. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that some mundane can be more vicious than the most brutal demons."

The sheep casually moved to me, her white dress flowing at her knees as she moved a palm over her desk. "Yes, we have to focus to drown out that voice, it's a battle each and every time, for all of us. We have to remain vigilant too, because when we think we're in control, that is when it will strike, and that... is when we kill."

I swallowed and gave a nod as she met my eyes. Lorelai gave me a long hard look, then gave a nod. "You wanted to talk because you thought once I started drinking, I'd simply lose myself, yes?"

My ears folded as I averted my eyes. "My apologies, It was not an implication of you being weak..."

I felt her grab my chin and then flinch from the pain that came with the gesture, but I quickly focused my prayers and the burning halted as she jerked my gaze back to her. "I would lose myself in a way, but not to a point we couldn't enjoy each other's company, and certainly not in a way that would put you in jeopardy, my angel-fox."

My cheeks grew dark at her words and I bit my lower lip at the pet name. She seemed to acknowledge my response and gave me a surprisingly childish grin. "Rest assured, I'll control myself as much as needed, but... you have a decision to make, Ryder."

"Y-Yeah? What's that?" I huffed out, the nervousness in my voice plainly evident now as she raised up on her toes to meet my eyes more directly.

She moved in and brushed her lips along my throat, dragging her tongue up my flesh to feel the pulse, noting my pounding heart as her hands pushed to my chest. "I will lose myself when I start to drink of you, my angel-fox, how much I do is up to you."

Lorelai's blood-red eyes looked upon me as I stared back, her teeth looking razor-sharp as she spoke, "It's been over a century for me, I will keep it in check if that is your desire, but if you wish to open that door... I expect you to keep up. Either way, I'll have that drink you offered me."

I hope you've enjoyed this episode, my lovely reader!

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