Irresistible Temptations

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His friend had lived most of their life without knowing they were a nano until recently. But he did his best to help them through the rough realization. He had even adopted their whole nanoscopic civilization to take care of, himself, to ensure the safety and comfort of all of the nano that lived there; his friend included. But when he finally finds a way to visit his friend face to face for the first time they don't realize the temptation they've laid before their friend. After all, who could possibly pass up an opportunity to become a God?

It's been brought to my attention that I have a bad habit of randomly blurbing out what effectively are entire short stories to people on twitter via twitlonger all the time and that I should actually start posting some of them as full stories instead of just leaving them as twitlongers. Well I decided to take their suggestion to heart and this is the first of those. A 2,500 word short story following a bear who's nanoscopic cheetah friend takes something of theirs that they never even considered could be taken, much less would. And now they aren't sure what their friend is capable of. Or if they'll survive what the cheetah decides to do. 

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Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]

All rights reserved.

No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited too, the distribution of patreon-exclusive content or early access content distributed during the exclusivity period.

This was a joke. It had to be just some prank his friend was pulling. At least that's what the bear tried to convince himself of. The Size Displacer had cost him almost three month's salary and it took him over a year to save up enough to get it. He had owned the nanoscopic civilization on his desk for a couple of years now. One of his online friends had confided in him that his county had discovered they were a nano civ only recently and the cheetah was still coming to terms with that. The bear had done his best to support his friend through coming to terms with their new perspective on reality. More than once the cheetah had gotten rather morbid about all the dangers this meant their entire population was constantly in. So the bear had tried to surprise him and the rest of his people by getting licensed at the Office of Miniscule Affairs then tracked his friend's nano civilization down and taken it home! He had sprung for as many of the amenities as he could afford; he had gotten the best protective case they had with the high-grade extractor fans and air circulators. The bear had even paid extra for civ-wide high quality Wi-Fi and for the connectors the nanos could attach to their power grid so they didn't have to run their own power plants and pollute their air anymore.

His friend had been at a loss on how to react at first. It hadn't helped that the bear had surprised him with the news rather than warning them BEFORE their entire world, at least as far as they knew it, had wound up in a high tech glass case on the bear's desk. The cheetah hadn't exactly been mad but they were very distant for the first week or two. Eventually things seemed to settle back down and go almost back to normal. Well, at least until he had finally acquired and used the size displacer to surprise his friend at their front door instead of being a living continent looming over their entire existence. It had been a fun night, overall! Even if he occasionally got strange looks from the cheetah that he didn't quite understand the significance of, the two of them had finally been able to spend some time together in the same room without one of them being the size of a continent. What the bear hadn't expected was to wake up the morning after just in time to see his friend pulling the recall device on the Size Displacer out of his discarded jeans pocket and activating it. Now his friend, the tiny little near-microscopic cheetah, was the one filling the sky over the entire country. And it was the bear that found themselves looking up at a friend-turned living land mass.

"I have to be honest with you." Came the familiar voice of the bear's feline friend; each syllable accompanied by muted, dull roar that caused the ground to shake slightly under his feet. "I have been so fucking jealous of you since the moment I found out that we were a nano civ. Not even because we were tiny, or that I'd spent my whole life not even knowing insignificant we all were. No, I was jealous of you. You, the guy that I had talked to online for years like you were just another guy while having no idea that you could come along and wipe out entire cities with a single toe. That you could have gotten down on your hands and knees and licked entire counties off of the map like it was a smear of chocolate or ketchup on one of your fingers. I was jealous of the absolute, utterly overwhelming and terrifying amount of power you had over all of us. You could wipe us out, all of us, anytime you wanted. You could just flick a switch and turn off our entire power grid and our internet service. Fuck, the entire world I'd known for my whole life is basically powered by one of your damn 9 volt batteries! We can't even communicate with you without a phone or a video call or something like that. I mean you can hear me right now? The low roll of thunder that's feels like its shaking the very air itself? That's what we hear all the time when you talk! Even when I talk to you on the phone or in voice chat and even if you're on the other side of your room I can still hear and feel that rumble in perfect sync with what you're saying on the call. It's barely even sound! It's more like an earthquake that anything else. Do you have any idea how intimidating that is? How terrifying that is? Even if we're constantly reassured and confident that you're a good guy that would actually take care of us all just the fact that you have that much power over us is humbling in a way I don't think you could ever understand. You don't have any special supernatural powers or anything. You just proved last night that other than the size difference you're no different from me whatsoever! But because of that one difference in just about every single way that matters you are basically a god to me and everyone I've ever met! Or, at least you were."

"So think about all of that. Really take a moment to let it all settle in." The cheetah's tone of voice became dreamy and wistful before sharpening to an ominous edge that piled on the bear's growing panic with each sentence his friend spoke. "Now can you imagine how absolutely fucking beyond turned on I am right now to have all of that power for myself? Dude, I am rock fucking hard right now and leaking like a faucet. This is hands down the closest I've ever been to getting off entirely hands-free. Everything down there is so tiny I can't even tell where my city, much less my house, is supposed to be. I can do literally anything I want right now not just with you but with every single person in what had been my entire world until a couple of minutes ago. And there's not a single thing any of you could do to stop me. I could flip this switch and turn off all of your power and leave you stuck in the dark ages for the next month. I could pull off one of my socks and lay it down next to the air vent so that all of the tens of millions of people down there, including you, are stuck breathing the scent of my paws for the next week. Fuck, dude. I could just open the case right now, pull out my dick and could probably flood half of the entire god damn nation with a couple of drops of pre. And trust me, man, there's a lot more than a couple of drops coming out right now. I could drown you and everyone else in that entire pathetic little continent just by jerking off on it. Maybe this feeling is not as extreme for you since you're used to being big. You've never had your entire world turned upside down and learned you just one of millions of literal germs living in a plot of land that fits on a dinner plate. You've never experienced what it's like to be that tiny and powerless. But for me, dude? I told you that you were a effectively God in pretty much every way that mattered as far as we were concerned? But now I'm the god. I'm their God. I'm YOUR god. I get to decide whether there is light or not. I get to decide whether you all live or die. I get to decide whether or not there's a white flood to wash away the world. And if I did I wouldn't have to bother giving you guys time to build a boat and load it with two of every animal. For fucks sake, dude just talking about all of it out loud like this is making it so much worse. Fuck. I know we've jokingly talked about this kind of size interaction stuff but I knew you wouldn't actually do most of it because you'd be afraid of hurting us. But holy fuck now that I'm up here and I'm the one that can actually do it? I legitimately don't know if I can control myself. You have no idea how much I want to just open the case and drop my cock down on top of all of you down there and then watch what part of the world isn't crushed by my dick get drowned and washed away in precum. All just to show you and everyone else down there how absolutely, hilariously inferior you all are to me now. I bet you've never even thought about it but do you have any idea how hot it is that my dick could literally be a weapon of mass destruction to all of you down there?"

And with every though he voiced the cheetah's breathing got heavier. The bear could hear the rolling thunder of his friend's voice becoming more drawn out and labored like lightning that strikes too close and leaves the thunder lingering around to rattle your walls. He, along with everyone else in the nanoscopic civilization also had begun to smell an extremely powerful musk that was filling the air. Just by your friend being so close to the nano civ's container when he was this turned was allowing tiny wisps of his sexual musk to drift over from where they can only imagine there was a growing wet spot on the front of the impossibly massive cheetah's pants and into the air vents on the side of the container. And even just that tiny third hand exposure to his musk was like the aphrodisiac equivalent of a punch in the face for the bear and everyone else in the sprawling near-microscopic country. The bear had gone from soft to painfully erect without even noticing until he shifted his stance and the steel rod in his pants pressed against desperately against his zipper. The two of them had roleplayed things like this before online, if maybe not to this extreme. Yea it had been sexually thrilling to imagine some of these things. But none of those conversations and fantasies had never been this real. Even when the bear could actually do all of these things he had never seriously even considered doing any of them. The cheetah had also had his turns fantasizing about being the big one and while he had been more eager to 'play' with the tiny people in his fantasies he had never sounded as serious about it as the voice coming through the bear's phone was now. The bear was genuinely becoming concerned that the temptation really would be too great for his upsized friend. Hell, he wasn't even sure if all of this hadn't been the felines plan from the moment he had showed up on their doorstep the same size as them. It was concerning how easy it was to imagine the titanic spotted cat indulging in all of those fantasies and more one by one. And he weren't sure if he could survive one of them much less all of them.

This had been all his fault. If he hadn't showed them the recall device for the size displacer. If he hadn't egged on his friend's perverse fantasies about being in his place so much. If he hadn't taken the nanos home with him. There were a thousand things he reflected on that could have avoided a situation like this if he had handled them differently. But he hadn't. And now he was standing here in his friend's home after having his size stolen from him with the cheetah getting off on how helpless he and everyone else was before him. And there was nothing he could do about it.

"Now then..." The cheetah's voice purred through the phone, drawing his attention back to them. "Lets start with something simple. I want to hear you say it. Because its not you anymore. You're not the one with all the power. You're not the one who gets to decide if or how long you all get to survive down there. Its me. I'm the one with that power. Now I'm God. And I want to hear you say it."

The bear hesitated. He wanted to believe it was all a big joke. That they would yell 'got you!' any moment and they'd both have a laugh over it. But he knew that even if it had started as a prank, it wasn't anymore. His friend had a taste of that power he'd taken for granted and was unlikely to ever give it back. And that left the bear with only one option.

"You are a God. My God. All of our's God."

The cheetah let out a throaty, lustful growl that shook the entire world around his miniscule little friend and everyone else down below. "Yes. That's what I want to hear from my little toy." The sounds of rustling denim and an unbuckling belt came through the phone mirrored by the thunderous crashing of metal on metal rumbling through the sky as the cheetah pulled down his pants, then his underwear. A second later his shirt was tossed across the bear's bedroom and he stood before what had been his entire world not ten minutes before with his curvy, lean twink body and raging, impressively sized erection on full display. A single drop of pre leaked from his tip and fell down onto the glass cover of the nano civ. That single drop splashed down with the force of a small lake and if it hadn't been for the protective glass ceiling it would have flooded a half dozen cities all by itself. The phone was tossed behind him so that his real voice was the focus of everyone's attention. Each syllable thundered out with the kind of volume that threatened to collapse buildings all aross the miniature nation. But it was the bear that had caused all of this that was the only one that understood what was said; still able to faintly hear his friend's voice through the discarded phone.

"Now then, germs. It's time to worship your new God."

Accidentally Infinite

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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Fluffy Destruction

* * * **Pokémon is the property of Game Freak** Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as...

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Expired Magic

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...

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