Bathroom Break

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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Heyo! Just a little short story I wrote this very morning! It popped into my head and I just couldn't focus on anything else until I got it written. And since I think it came out so well I'm sharing it!

Aiden slips away for a simple piss during a family gathering, until to find himself cornered by Jessica, who's looking for a different kind of relief~

Aiden let out a deep breath as he slipped into the family bathroom and found a moment's peace. The Snowtail family gatherings were always so hectic, with plenty of aunts, uncles, and cousins to catch up with. And while it was always great fun, after a few beers the family's sociability made it tough to sneak away for a simple bathroom break. "One more baseball camp story and I'd have needed a change of pants."

The tall fox pulled his dick out, eager for relief as the seal opened and the stream finally flowed forth, splattering loudly in the toilet. His groan was almost orgasmic as his over strained bladder began to empty, losing himself in the sweet relief. His relaxation was short lived as the sound of the bathroom door latching shut snapped his attention back to his surroundings.

"Jess? What the fuck?"

"Shh." His younger sister pressed a finger to her lips. "I gotta piss super bad, and somebody forgot to lock the door."

"Then wait outside!" He snapped, the distraction cutting off his stream prematurely as he tried to block her view of his junk. "I'll only be another minute."

"Aw, but that's no fun." She pouted, and he heard the door lock click behind her. "What? Can't piss in front of your own sister?" She took a couple steps closer, her short skirt swaying about her thighs. "Hurry up and finish, then. I'll go after you."

"I'd prefer some privacy." He snorted. "But I guess that's too much to ask, huh?"

The younger vixen rolled her eyes with a playful giggle. "We're all adults here. Take your time."

Aiden snorted again but knew it wasn't worth trying to kick her stubborn ass out now. Especially with his bladder screaming for further relief. So he closed his eyes and tried to pretend he was still alone. After just a few seconds the familiar sound of piss splashing in the bowl filled the room, sweet relief flooding his body was more.

A soft hum brought his attention back to his surroundings. A quick glance showed Jessica's eyes were locked onto his cock, watching with a soft smile as she swayed her tail and hips. He could help but notice the hungry look in her eyes, and pick up a subtle, musky scent partially masked by his own piss. The attention, her attention, had another fluid rushing through his cock. His member began to stiffen, slowing the stream a bit though he pressed through it and tried his best to ignore his nosy, bratty sister.

The older fox let out a final, heavy sigh of relief as his stream slowed to a dribble and the last of his piss splattered into the bowl. "Oh god that felt good."

"Looked good, too." Jessica hummed with a lick of her lips. "Now step back before I piss my panties."

With a roll of his eyes Aiden moved to put his dick away, but Jess's hands were quicker, grabbing his stiff member with one hand while her other pulled her panties down. The musky scent grew stronger in the room and Aiden couldn't help notice the wet stain in the crotch of those cotton garments, his dick pulsing stiffer despite himself.

"Jess, c'mon."

"But you got all hard." She teased, slowly stroking his length as she sat on the toilet, legs spread just enough to show off her fluffy bush. "And it's probably my fault, right? So, I should take responsibility for it."

"But... oh..."

Aiden gasped in spite of himself as Jessica gripped his length with both hands, gently pulling back his foreskin and giving the tip a soft kiss and a lick. "Still salty." She hummed before wrapping her soft lips around the tip, slowly bobbing her head along his cock.

"This is kinda fucked up." Aiden moaned though did nothing to stop her. He could faintly hear the voices of relatives on the other side of the door, but his focus was on his sister as her tongue swirled around the tip of his cock, teasing him around and under his sensitive foreskin. She hummed hungrily in reply, her full attention on the smell and taste of her brother's throbbing cock.

Aiden's ears twitched as the sound of water splashing filled the room around the soft moans. He glanced down to see a powerful stream of piss gushing from his sister's heated pussy, the rich smell adding to the musk in the small room and causing his heart to beat even faster. He wasn't sure what it was but something about his little sister sucking his cock while pissing filled him with a naughty lust he couldn't shake. "Oh, Jessica..."

She moaned as he uttered her name, and with a lust driven look in her eyes she slide down the entire length of his cock, burying her nose in his own soft fur. She held it there, Aiden shivering uncontrollably as the heat of her maw enveloped his dick, her soft tongue squirming under his length, teasing him as she emptied her own bladder.

"Oh fuck..." Aiden groaned as his body tensed up, his cock throbbing even faster in his sister's maw as she pushed him closer. He was so lost in the pleasure he didn't hear the stream of piss slow down to a dribble, and felt more than heard Jessica's grown of relief as her bladder finally emptied.

And just as suddenly she pulled back, several strands of spit pulling from his cock to her lips as she took a deep breath. "All done." She gasped with a wink, rising to pull her panties up.

"But... But..." Aiden glanced down forlornly at his throbbing cock, standing stiff and in desperate need of another kind of relief. He'd been so close, too. What a cock tease.

"Aww, did I go to far?" Jessica asked with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Were you hoping to nut down your little sister's throat? But then I'd spoil my appetite for dinner. Of course, I suppose I can't just leave you like this."

She put a finger to her lips, acting is if in deep thought. Then her eyes lit up and a mischievous grin spread across her muzzle. "Oh! I have a deliciously naughty idea."

The young vixen pulled her panties down again, just enough to expose her bush and pussy. She stepped up close to Aiden, taking hold of his cock once more and placing the drooling tip against the already stained fabric. "Why don't you cum right here?"


"Yeah, cum right here." Jessica cooed, her voice thick with lust as she started stroking his cock. "C'mon Aiden. Cum in your little sister's panties. Shoot your load all over by bush and pussy."

Aiden groaned as she jerked him off faster, teasing the tip of his sensitive and eager dick with the soft cotton. He was too close to stop her or pull back at this point, as desperate to relieve his aching balls as he had his bladder just moments before. "Fuck... Jess!"

"That's it, do it." She teased. "Cum in your sister's panties. Cum on your little sister."

He gasped suddenly, grabbing hold of her shoulders as his hips bucked against her hand. His cocked pulsed as thick ropes of seed erupted against her already musky bush, further soiling her panties, clinging to her fur and drooling pussy lips.

"Oh god, there's so much." Jessica moaned hungrily as he finished, tugging the panties away to get a better look. "And it's so thick. God you smell so fucking delicious."

Jessica visibly shivered as she pressed her stained panties against her crotch, pulling them up tight and rubbing the stained fabric against her body. "It's so warm. Fuck. I'm gonna be smelling your cum all night now. Gonna enjoy this later."

She shivered and moaned as she patted at her stained panties, then slipped her skirt back down with a giggle and moved to wash her hands. "Feeling better now? We should probably get out of here before anyone gets suspicious."

"You gonna head up to change, then?" Her naughty smirk more than answered his question, his cock pulsing at the very thought.

"Take your time to wash up." She winked one last time as she slipped out the door and back into the crowd of family, leaving Aiden to catch his breath and his wits.

He waited a few minutes longer before washing up and slipping out himself, just to make sure no one got suspicious. The rest of the evening went on as one would expect, though every time he caught sight of his sister, she'd give him a knowing smirk and a subtle gesture to her skirt, taking every opportunity to remind and tease him about their dirty secret. He was glad once the party was over and everyone had gone home, eager to collapse into bed and rest after all the socializing, and other activities. Once in bed, he found a little surprise waiting for him under his pillow; a familiar looking and heavily stained pair of panties that appeared to be freshly soaked in his sister's heavy musk.

"Oh fuck..."

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