Chapter 9 - Role Reversal

Story by TyrsBackalley on SoFurry

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#9 of Ritual Matings

Ryan gets a surprise after the talk they have in the car to the shocked viewing of all of Tyr's subs.


Turns out my mother overcompensated on what we'd need for moving sending 6 movers and a truck large enough to fit the entire house in it with room to spare. With all the extra hands and a cleaning service attached we've handed over the keys with direction for them to return them to the real estate and are out of there by 9:30 a full hour ahead of time by my expectations.

Giving Darren the address for the tailor as he tosses the last of his suitcases in the car we head off. Both Darren and Ryan are in good spirits as we leave their house possibly for the last time as I have no intention of returning to Ifrit at this stage. Yet we're all jovial about the future as a cute little dragon lies down in my lap on the back seat soaking up my attention while Ray sits next to Darren up front.

I had to insist that he sit in front ending the almost argument by saying how I wanted a cute little dragon muzzle nestled in my crotch and I couldn't get that if I was up front. It was only an excuse but soon as we sat down Darren was laughing as my fly got unzipped and my sheath was invaded by the tongue of a very eager little dragon. Relaxing back arms above my head I played it off. "Well what are you waiting for Kitty? Shouldn't you be driving?"

Still chuckling as he starts the car he pulls out of the driveway. "Yes I should Master. I'm asking if you could please keep it down. I'm still only new to driving on my own and I don't want to crash from the distraction."

"No promises Kitty. Eyes forward Ray, Darren needs you to pay attention to the road." He's bent around looking on almost drooling to the sight of our dragon laid out as he is, his wings are all twisted giving my sheath a licking that any sub should be proud of giving. "Master I'm sure Darren will be fine. Can't I please watch?"

Growling at him I repeat my first order. "I said eyes forward Ray. When I say that your eyes should go forward to your horn understood?" I'm not angry at all my growl being pretend, but he winces anyway as his eyes do indeed look forward now taking in his horn.

"Slave understands Master." Turning around to face the road he pays strict attention to the pavement as he continues. "Slave really liked watching that though master. Ryan looks so cute nestled into your crotch like he is."

"Ohh I have no doubt he does indeed but no accidents today if we can help it understood boys?"

Both subs in front answer in unison with a simple 'Yes Master'. Satisfied with them I pull Ryan up out of my crotch, giving him a saliva heavy kiss, passing my spit to him as he moans in contentment. "That means you too Little One, so sit back with your seatbelt on. I'm not having us distracted in the car today with anything but conversations, so let's instead talk between each other."

Ryan grins as he sits back licking his lips of the saliva as he speaks. "I like that idea master. The others are now so jealous, me being the only one tasting your cock as we speak."

Brakes slam on as Ray jerks around his head almost twisting off his neck in the process. Darren once stopped does the same glaring at Ryan as if it were his fault while the little dragon sits there with his grin trying to look so innocent and with the job he does I burst out laughing. "God I should have left your muzzle in my crotch little One. Darren just breathe for a second then refocus on the road okay?"

You can see the steam rising in the car as the two of them turn back to face the road taking steady breaths. On the move once more I hold my fist out to Ryan to give him a fist bump. Grinning like the kid he still is he bumps before sitting back down awaiting our conversation.

Not wanting to lead the conversation I lean back with my arms behind my head once more content just to listen. Closing my eyes as I hum to myself, I wait for the feeling of all the eyes turning toward me in nerves dissipate as they all slowly get the idea. Ryan eventually starts the conversation with a great question. "So Ray, what did Tyr mean when he told you to look forward at your horn?"

I can't help but think how this is going to be a great trip even if we've only got 10 minutes left. Coughing at being asked so directly, almost choking he starts rubbing his horn to calm himself. "Umm, well you see, umm..." Everyone can tell he's having trouble getting words out as he rubs himself down. "It's going to be easier if you feel it first. Darren can I borrow your paw first?"

Holding it up Darren acts casual about it focused as he is on the road. "Yeah sure Ray." Pulling it toward his face Ray curls it around his horns base making sure to run the fingers across the carving at the back. "Ohh, your horns carved. That's pretty cool what did you get done to it?" He takes his fingers back placing them back on the wheel.

Ryan leans up next. "Ohh, can I feel it too Ray?" Leaning back he tilts his head so Ryan can do just that. Finding the carving easily Ryan strokes for a little while tracing the letters before he gasps. "Ohh my god. You got Slave carved into your horn? That's so cool, can you read it placed where it is? Ohh did it hurt or anything?"

Excited as he is it takes my paw to calm him down as Ray sits there blushing from the questions. Darren's now sitting up straight as an arrow, the shock visibly running through him. Eventually Ray answers my Little One's questions if a little slowly at first. "Yeah, master carved it in my horn yesterday. Him saying eyes forward was an order to pay attention to what I am, what I let him name me as. His Slave. I'm proud to wear my horn in a way I never was before. Don't get me wrong it's a little embarrassing as he cut almost 4 inches off the top of it so he could round it into something that suits a submissive rhino like myself, yet I'm so proud to wear it as his mark."

I can feel his eyes on me now so I open mine to let him know I'm paying attention. "I never would have understood the pride I had in being our Master's Slave if he hadn't taken my horn and marked me as his like this. Giving him my horn for me was more than accepting his collar or this harness as much as they complete me, my horn was the symbol of an independent rhino. A strong rhino and him taking it gave him my strength and with it gone I gained his pride in my ownership."

"So, as embarrassing as it will be to see people who knew me before yesterday, the name carved into my horn reminds me of that pride I feel and focuses me when I need it. I imagine it would be kind of like your mane Darren, am I right?"

Having heard how my slave's pride has grown in two days I'm trembling myself with the same feeling. Pride is exactly how he should feel about his submission, just as I feel humbled by his gift of it. Watching Darren scratch at his neck as he drives, I wonder how his answer has changed in just the last few moments hearing Ray's own experience.

"I guess so. I have to admit I'm dreading running into anyone I knew before and I don't want to see my family as a lions mane is considered his strength. When master first started taking it I was in shock, appalled by the thought of losing all that. He asked me in the shower to explain that experience and it was like reliving a terrible nightmare yet enjoying it."

Breathing he takes a slight hold of the scruff left at the back of his neck as he purrs. "But you're right in that too Ray. I gave my mane to our Master and all it symbolized and he gave me a place to belong. Something I will forever be grateful for and prideful of. I'm our Master's Kitten but I'm not sure I feel like it just yet. I think I'm still fearful of being teased for it too much to really appreciate it or something. I'm just not sure what I feel but I do know I'd beg to lose it again if it suddenly grew back."

Grinning I can't help but add something before anyone else does. "That's good Darren, but your mane's also not complete yet. How about we revisit that question when we get back into the car?"

Seeing his muzzle drop in the rear view mirror I give him a small grin as he refocuses once more on the road. "What do you mean it's not complete Master? What more can you do to it?"

"You've got about an hour to imagine all that Kitty as I have my plan set for the moment. Now boys focus on something else." Closing my eyes once more I pretend to ignore the next couple of questions before they settle on the topic of Ryan and his new penis.

Ray broaches that topic when he asks Ryan "So what did Tyr mean last night Ryan when he was talking about giving Darren's cock length to you? I didn't follow all of that at the time. Was there something hidden in all of it?"

He's quiet and I can guess he's contemplating his childhood. With how dragons are, I doubt it would be nice memories, so moving over I throw my arm around him to comfort him as Darren speaks up. "Yeah I was a bit confused by all that as well. It sounded strange as if dragons could do that kind of thing already without Tyr's help."

Gripping his shoulder harder, I'm not surprised when Ryan lashes out at them. "They damned well can alright. Reds are evil twisted bastards that use that to dominate others, our whole society resting on our cock size from a young age." Crying, Ryan curls up into my shoulder as he sobs. "My father thought it was funny, a white in a red family. He used to laugh as he hit me ordering me to do everything for him. My brother was allowed to make me do anything for them, including cleaning, cooking and beat downs."

Holding him closer I let him go into my shoulder as I feel the car come to a stop. Butting heads I wait for him to finish, "I was lucky though. Small as I was, most dragon families would have raped me if I was part of theirs."

Ray and Darren are horrified by the revelation, knowing a half-dragon myself, the only part of Ryan's story I'm shocked by is the 'would' have raped me part. Stepping in as neither of the others are capable to I try to comfort him through the story. "It's okay Little One, you're safe with us, safe with me no matter what now. Let it out and remember so we can understand your pain."

I'm not sure if I said the right thing but it has him opening up a little, enough to choke his story out anyway. "I was 16 when I ran away, terrified by the whole world when I did but I couldn't take it anymore. They slowly were making it worse for me and a day hardly passed without being bruised and covered in cuts. The day I did, my dad and brother were laughing, cocks out and pressing them against me laughing. I thought they were going to do it then, actually rape me, but I couldn't let them."

"Out of my mind with fear, after they went to bed I just ran. Not far but far enough. Turns out other races are totally against dragons like them so I was taken in by police and I got a little help in a boys home where I honed my computer skills before advancing to University on a grant. I got more than lucky and when I met Darren my life was on track for once." His tears finally stop as his claws brush them off his muzzle. Smiling a bit now, he reaches out for Darren taking his paw in his own.

"Meeting you made me hope for the first time ever. Although I did kind of expect our third to be a red dragon with how submissive we both are." Nuzzling me to show his own affection and his sheer joy in that not being the case he laughs the next part out. "I was so happy to be wrong when you summoned our Master Darren and Ray alongside him. It turns out one day is enough for me to change my entire perspective on life and accept everything that is between us already."

"It is weird though. You see in Dragon culture, the giving of one submissive's cock to another dragon is hardly ever done." Eyes whirling with the thought of what I did, he tries to understand it from a dragon perspective yet remains unable to process it. The others don't either so I choose now to speak up.

"It's basically forbidden boys. While Red dragon's have that power they rarely use it believing cock lengths indicate ones station in life and that it should not be changed." Growling to let them all know my thoughts on the point I keep going. "Which is complete crap as they take a little from everyone they meet at a young age to gain station themselves. It's utter garbage and to top all that crap off when they give that length to someone else, they expect servitude in payment for it. Total servitude I might add, which is not something I ever want from any of you unless you choose to give it, just so you all understand."

Looking down into my Little One's eyes I get to see all his love and adoration reflected back to me. "That is awful." Ray interrupts our moment by speaking as we both turn around to face him. "No one can help what they're born with so it's basically a bullshit lie telling them they're nothing. I'm almost glad I never knew a dragon growing up because if one acted so damned superior like that I would've knocked the bastards teeth out. Nothing against you Little One, but I hate that your family treated you like that, it's disgusting."

That one comment has done more for my dragon than anything else to win Ray over to his side. "Couldn't agree more Little One. You're perfect no matter how big you are and let no one tell you differently." Darren adds his own encouragement as Ryan decides to jump up, which even as small as he is, my Little One's wings fill the car suddenly as he hugs everyone in it.

You'd think we just married one another with how he cries, mumbling his thanks until we all finally get in position to hug his little body, giving him our warmth and protection. None of us break the hug until he starts squirming, getting uncomfortable with all the attention. Laughing we all move back, when I do I make sure to take him with me. Opening the door of the car I drag him out into the carpark.

Standing him upright before me as the other two join us I growl possessively in his ear. "Now my Little One, it's time to get you dressed up so let's walk." Firmly I grip his tail as I give him a good lick up his exposed neck which he shivers at. "Make sure to keep what's under this for me Little One. I want another go and I do not want anyone else ever touching you under here is that understood?"

The scales on his arms have goosebumps from how much he shivers, upon feeling and hearing my possessiveness. Rather than giving him a sense of fear though, we can all smell the sudden musk permeating the open air as his lust sky rockets from being manhandled in such a way. "I will keep my tailhole for you and only you Master, I promise."

Still growling as I lick him eager for another round as I play with his tail I get a thrill shoot through upon uttering each syllable, "But clean my other subs, you still will Little One. Cum, blood and one day soon our piss." Each word makes him moan, none more than that last. Giving him a firm bite before I turn him to face me I speak directly to him now. "Only ever my subs and myself Little One and only by your choice, understood?"

Stoned on lust, he manages to get his words out past mumbling lips as we all watch a wet spot appear on the front of his pants. "Only for you Master. Only for you and yours Master." The wet patch is still small as I quickly look around the carpark only to not find anyone but us in it. Unzipping his pants I let his cock out into the open air, 15 inches of rock hard dragon cock springing up before me.

Looking about wildly he goes to make a protest. Quickly grabbing his muzzle I shh him shaking my head as I do. Winking as I let go I kneel before my Little One, Ray and Darren looking on, unable to figure out what to do. Grabbing my phone out I open the camera and start recording only to toss it to Darren as I keep kneeling there waiting for him to focus it on me.

Leaning in I bypass Ryan's cock altogether as I lick his slit pressing my tongue down into the depths of his sheath not bothering with foreplay. Hearing him moan as my smooth tongue makes contact I get my first taste of his youthful essence. Lapping it up to swallow I sniff into the crevice below him sorting out each different scent and taste, the salt of his cum, the sweetness of vanilla in his body wash and this rich subtle aroma of oak and honey. Fuck, he's going to be the sweetest smelling bitch when he doesn't shower for a week. Nothing will compare to this.

Enjoying the feel of his parting skin over my tongue I lean in deeper, forcing my tongue further in as I squash it between his walls and the oversized cock hanging above me only forcing more moans out of him. Trying not to smile too much as I press harder to get more of that delicious musk onto my tongue, my paws reach around him to above his tail.

Finding the button there I undo it. Pants falling to his ankles I grin past my extended tongue and his cock, making sure he and the camera sees. Cleaning him out a little more, I make sure to get every bit of filth in his sheath lapped up before I pull back, licking my lips like the vicious predator I am of his remnants. Sadistic grin in place as I kneel there I grip his pants under him. "Step out of the pants Little One."

All three of my subs are pretty shocked by this point but with that one order they all remember who is in charge. "Yes Master." My Little One is responsive as he pants in lust, pantsing himself too as he steps back out of them, cock bobbing before him.

Picking up his blue briefs out of them I give him a dangerous smile as I unzip my own. Having forced myself to remain soft through this I don't give too much of a show but for this idea I need to be soft anyway. Balling his jocks up into a ball I place them at the entrance to my sheath before I speak. "Little One, this is so you know I'd never ask you to do something I don't know how to do or haven't done before until you all trust me. So don't interrupt me or I'll stop and these briefs will immediately be placed back on you."

"Yes Master," Hearing his confusion I just grin more. "Good Little One. Now if you make it through this next part once we're all on the plane you'll get these back. They'll be your little in flight meal shall we say. So be a good boy and watch." Turning to Darren with the camera I make sure he's filming me, before I wink and tilt my head back. Relaxing my control, I let my bladder loose onto the briefs under me marking them as mine.

The rank earthy smell of piss wafts about the carpark as my stream hits the cloth soaking it in one blast. Not having much in me as I emptied in the shower earlier I still have enough to coat the fabric in my paw to lubricate it. A couple of drips hit the ground as I finish, most of it has been soaked up by the briefs in my paw however. Leaning forward I use my second paw to stretch my sheathe open a little exposing my tip for just a second before covering it with the briefs.

Still making sure the camera and all my subs can see I start pressing the briefs into the opening. Moaning as the piss soaked cloth invades my nethers, my tongue lolls out the side of my muzzle in pleasure as I slowly work them in. Feeling myself stretched by the underwear I look down to see how I'm doing.

Small as the briefs are it's a tight fit with my cock as hard as it is in there. Slowly, they make it deeper as my fingers stuff them in. Having them all in there I make sure I've lodged them firmly enough with my fingers before removing my paw gripping the end of my sheath closed as I do to avoid unnecessary spillage, groaning now from the pressure.

Giving myself a few seconds as I come down from the high I look back to the camera and Ryan. Slowly and deliberately I bring my paw up to my muzzle, the one covered in piss from holding and stuffing the briefs in my sheath. Sniffing it, I act curious around it before I give another wink for effect and extend my tongue. Licking my paw I taste myself for the first time in months, not having forgotten the taste of salt and rust, devoid of any sweetness in its acrid flavour yet like usual the act turns me on a little.

Facing Ryan while giving Ray a brief look to make sure he's listening I give a little speech. "Now Little One, we're going to play a game. It's called role reversal. It's a game where the sub becomes the dom and the dom becomes the sub."

Being true to my last order he stands there still not interrupting me as I grin from my knees. "I see you remembered not to interrupt me, which is good as we haven't started yet but we will shortly." Slowly I raise my no longer dripping paw to his length which I stroke for him to help him focus back on his pleasure. "Now when I play this game with any of my subs, it's usually with a script of choices to demonstrate a point or to get them used to something."

Gesturing about us to the carpark and down towards my crotch I keep going. "Today it's for all of you to watch. Now we're in public and expected at our appointment in about 20 minutes. I like to get to places early so let's call it ten minutes shall we. Now in that ten minutes Little One I'm giving you an order so you can see something that you will be expected to do for me quite soon. If you don't follow through I remove your briefs and you put them back on for the fitting and for lunch understood?"

He gulps nervously as he gives me the stock answer I want which I love. "Good. Now Little One this is to show you the pleasure behind such an act as you want to do. Cleaning up for your Master. Which very soon for this you will be the Master and I will be the cleaner Understood?"

"Yes Master." He sounds a little more sure of himself with each order I give, enough so that I think he can do this now.

"Then here's what you are to do Little One." Taking a breath I settle down into a submissive posture as I give my order. "You will piss and mark my muzzle as I swallow it until you finish. After you will let me give a blowjob to you so you can cum for your reward. Then you will kneel down and place your head under mine, thanking me for the privilege." Checking his eyes to see if he got that I wait for the fear to show as his cock wilts a little I grab his legs to prevent his escape acting like it's a hug. "You now have ten minutes."

Everyone can hear him above me as I let my eyes cast downward not making full eye contact as he whines a little in fear. Whimpering a little I flick my eyes about playing the little submissive that I've done many times before. He can't help his confusing which for his first time playing this game I expect as he starts with his pleas. "Master, please, what do I do?"

Flinching back I hug him a little more acting like I'm fearful which I am a little knowing he could bolt through this. Hearing him beg again I whimper down into him more as his eyes fill a little with tears. Deciding he hasn't run yet I sit back and let go of his legs. Changing my tact as a minute has passed I meet his eyes for a second before dropping them again in a forced show of submission as I beg. "Master Ryan, you promised. You promised before to feed me your piss."

"Please Master Ryan, I need it. Your Little One needs to be your cleaner. He's begging Master Ryan to swallow your piss to please you." Grovelling I prostrate myself raising my own tail right up high behind me as I press my lips to his feet before me. "Your Little Slave is begging you Master Ryan to be your urinal, please don't disappoint your Little Slave Master Ryan. Please order him to raise his head and accept your piss Master Ryan."

Kissing my little one's feet I watch as every muscle in his legs tense up, not knowing what to do in this position at all. Still kissing and licking over them, I debase myself under him hoping this will push him over the edge.

Having given him the words I get a thrill hearing him utter them. "Raise your head please." Okay not as forceful as I'd like, but a good step in the right direction I think. Having had enough of his paws anyway I sit back and face his cock, eagerly licking my lips at the sight of it. Not knowing if I can push him any more I sit my head back a little from his urethra and open my muzzle wide directly under where his stream will fall.

Holding his own cock to aim it we all watch as his face relaxes. Without giving me much warning, his courage at its breaking point now, he let's go. Unable to watch his urethra, I silently wait for his stream to start now that he has given his own 'order'. Feeling the first trickle drip into my muzzle I eye off the camera to my right making sure it has a good view of the scene while the lion behind the lens stares transfixed by the sight.

Flicking my tongue about inside my muzzle as the trickle picks up speed slowly filling my maw I get a taste of my Little One's urine for the first time. Youth has its advantages for this, as the stream that hits me has so little scent, just smelling like the sea from the salt being dripped into me. My tastebuds almost find it pleasant unlike any other time I've done this act, tasting like a warm mouthful of sea water mixed with an aftertaste of vitamins. Tilting my head I slosh the liquid around inside me careful not to spill it still putting on a show for my subs and the camera.

Taking a gulp with my mouth open, the stream from Ryan's cock really picks up now as he loses control of his bladder. I swallow my mouthful only to have it fill to the same point in half the time. Sitting up I feel for the cock head swaying above me with my teeth as I swallow my next muzzleful. Hitting the tip with my jaw the pressure doubles once more, unable to stop it with my Little One having no control now, I close my lips on the head of his glans.

Mouth now closed swallowing is made so much easier as my eyes focus on the muzzle of my dragon. Tilted back as he is, lost in the act of marking my muzzle he looks trapped in his own head. Like he wants to roar his claim out but remains totally clueless of how to begin, which is the exact feeling that I'd bet is running through him as I chug the salty broth being pumped down my gullet. With each swallow I feel just that bit fuller, my thirst actually getting sated by how diluted his piss is. My head overrun with the pleasure behind this act I'd grin if my muzzle wasn't so full.

Unknown to me as I swallow in a haze of bliss, the eyes of my dragon slowly drop to meet mine blinking in confusion with what he's doing. His stream slowing I keep working my throat as his cock hardens to the sight of me on the end of his endowment. When his stream ends I hold the last mouthful as I clean him up enough to pull off. Tilting my head down I give Ryan and the camera a shy little smile with my cheeks bulging.

Deliberately I slowly sit my head back so I can open my mouth and show my full muzzle off. Swallowing once more just so they can watch as the last of my Little One's steaming hot load of piss makes its way down my throat to my overly full belly. Smacking my lips afterwards I resume a full submissive posture with my arms pinned behind me so I can give a full show of begging for Ryan's treat and my own.

"Master Ryan, thank you for using me as your urinal. Can I please be permitted to give you the blowjob you promised me for swallowing like I did? You did promise after all Master Ryan so please can I?" I wince at how generic that sounded, almost robotic in its tone barely even submissive at all, yet I do actually want to suck him off. Hoping my terrible attempt at begging is enough to get Ryan out of his head I stay kneeling before him, my sheath full of his briefs and my muzzle still damp from the piss he just fed me.

Ryan's cock is harder than ever as he contemplates what I just begged for. Probably never having had someone beg him for anything it takes him a while to think it all through. Just as I'm ready to give it all up and revert out of the game for another time my Little One takes a step forward. Shy in his movements his tip bumps my nose in his haste to get closer but no more than that as his arms mirror my own getting placed under his tail.

Unsure yet determined I get to watch the whole decision play forth across my Little one's face, chest heaving and his cute abdominals tightening in fear he speaks up. "Please Tyr, could you give me a blowjob?" Howling in triumph when I hear that I pounce onto his length engulfing half with my tongue in a second. He reached an impasse just then, unable to order me to suck him off, but he compromised and asked.

It's not much but that is a huge triumph for my little one. And for me.

Licking my way down I finally get that howl out of my Little One I've been waiting for. Uninterested in delaying this for long I smile at the camera as I swirl his head about wrapped in my tongue. Swivelling as I add suction with my long muzzle I pull back as he gasps only to push down swallowing his length til it hits my throat.

Groaning in pleasure I use the vibration to egg him on. He barely needs the encouragement as he tries to hold himself up on his shaking legs. Developing a rhythm I bob, spiralling my tongue on each thrust to get Ryan really moaning. His moans are musical as they reverberate out into the carpark from his lungs, yet deepening down through his own body into his phallus. Into me.

Each moan jolts me back, encouraging my pace, pushing me faster into my movements. Ryan quickly turns into a drooling mess above me revelling in the motions I make under him as his pleasure ramps up. With each breath he gets closer as I swallow every bead of pre now streaming from his shaft. Having had my fun with him I push more of his cock into my throat as I grab his ass and hold him there.

Groaning from the new pressure of my throat pulsing on his tip, his head snaps down to look at me. Eyes meeting for the first time since I started I give him a little clench of my paws as my eyelids drift shut to give one little swallow. Ryan's body jerks back as he groans, having been brought to the edge and beyond it in that moment. His scales themselves twitch as his orgasm is ripped from him in a massive surge of force.

Choked by the shot of semen I cough not expecting the sheer volume of seed to be deposited at once into my orifice. Unintentionally I swallow a little of it in that first blast, with the power he had behind it, my little one just jettisoned it down my gullet past all signs of resistance, the rest though I keep. Still sucking as I hold him there by his pert ass I bulge my cheeks to hold most of his load in wait.

Quick as his orgasm started I feel him finish just as suddenly. Shaking in exhaustion my Little One slides to his knees spent as he curls into my chest. Both of us are sucking in deep breaths from the moment we just shared as my subs still stand there looking on at the scene both hard as rocks. Loving the power of denial I have right now, I'd laugh them off if my muzzle weren't so full as my Little One pants to get his breath back to thank me. "That was awesome Master. Thank you Master."

Ohh he has no idea. I still have five minutes left until we need to go in. Standing up I take up a whole new persona, one none of them have seen yet. Total sadism carved into every line of my face I grip my Little One by the throat, not too hard, just enough to affirm a point. Glaring down at him as he tries to swallow past his fear I grip a tiny bit harder as I shake my head telling him in no uncertain terms, No!

Using my other paw I open his scaled muzzle for what I have planned. Seeing his rows of sharp teeth, I feel the need to show him my own, cum dripping from them only to settle in my gums. Leaning in I allow a drip of cum to splash down onto my Little One's tongue. Tasting himself, my little One intuitively tries to swallow only to once more be stopped by my paw. Confusion crosses his face as he tries to understand what I'm about to do.

He understands not to swallow however as he displays the drop of cum on his tongue. Grinning more I drool more out letting it go slowly into the muzzle of my Little dragon. Emptying the contents into him I finish by leaning in giving his nostrils a lick leaving a trail of cum and saliva so all he can smell is his submission. "Good Little One for not swallowing."

Holding my paw still on his throat I run the fingers of my other paw over the tongue flailing about in the sticky contents of his muzzle. "You wouldn't have liked disobeying Little One as your Master wants to taste your true submission."

Pulling my fingers out with an exaggerated movement I scent them. Groaning in pleasure from the scent I lick them only to suck the goo off of them once more. Giving the fingers a flick to get the saliva off them I look down on my little One and his mouthful of dragon cum. Feeling more dominant than ever I laugh as I relax my paw from his throat giving him a break. "You look good like this Little One. Paused in the moment as my cleaner so I'll give you a choice. Don't act until you hear them both though."

Not bothering with checking if he understood as I know he's listening I give his options straight away. "Now Option 1 you can swallow that load of yours and we can be finished, going inside and getting our suits fitted with you knowing that option isn't what your master truly wanted of you, yet lacking the energy to continue, you had to take that option."

Resisting the grin I feel as I word my option correctly, knowing he will choose option 2 now no matter what, as he won't disappoint me, his Master. "Or you can dig deep and choose option 2. Choose not to swallow and just sit there as I use your muzzle as a glass for my drink. The drink being your cum of course. Good Luck Little One."

Bending down now with the camera still on us in Darren's paw I take the first lick of my Little One's lips digging the taste of his essence. "Fuck you taste amazing Little One. Now remember hold there if you can to please your Master. He's quite thirsty after that blow job he gave you in reward for your behaviour Little One."

Scales blushing in that adorable way of his, Ryan keeps his muzzle open as he kneels with his tail lying behind him. Grabbing his wings I extend them a little until they touch the ground too behind him, holding him up as if he were an exquisitely carved goblet for me to sample. Grinning I grip his own mouth and extend my tongue slurping up the first bite of cum from him.

From that first taste I knew this was something to savour. He tastes so good, better than the sweetest candy or my favourite food. His essence is something I will drink one day like the finest wine but today I want to devour him. "Fuck you taste so good Little one. This is going to become a regular occurrence so prepare yourself for that."

Delving back in I suck more out only to swallow in a repeated act. Every swallow of him I moan at enjoying every subtle different flavour of him until I'm done. Gripping him in my paw I lick every surface of his muzzle making sure to get it all with my flexible tongue before I stand up once more. Adjusting my own crotch I make sure he sees and swallows in fear of what I have down there.

Smiling once more I haul my little one to his feet giving him an actual kiss for the job well done. "You did amazing Little One. I'm so pleased you're mine and you gave me the right to do that. You can get dressed though as we're almost late understood? We'll have to leave fast now."

He's a bag full of happy as he kisses me back stepping out of his old shell as he laughs grabbing his pants. Slipping back into his pants once more still laughing he gives me another round of thanks as I take my phone back from Darren stopping the recording. "That was so hot Master. Being used like an object like that is incredible, can we please do it again sometime. Please, please Master."

Slipping my own pants back up I give him the assurance he wants. "Ohh we will be Little One. With how good you taste I may be forcing you into a milker so I can have your cum on tap." Seeing the horror on his face I give a little laugh. "Joking little One. I'm more likely to do that with Ray than you. He'd enjoy it."

All of us look at Ray to see him consider the idea as a lot of that show I just put on was for his benefit. "A day ago I wouldn't even have considered it Master. Today it seems like you're going to be right given a small adjustment period. Could we talk about it first Master?"

Gesturing for us all to move out once were presentable I give the best grin I can. "Ohh yes Slave. We'll talk about it, then you'll beg for it."

9:55am we walk into Mayan's Mensmaker. The tailor Kiryu wanted me to see for our suits. Bell jangling as I enter the shop first we're greeted by an exceptionally well dressed Gray Hare. "Oh you must be Kiryu's 10:30 with that company. He did say you'd likely turn up early for it. So Tyranist if I'm correct?"

Laughing I bounce and shake his paw. "You most certainly are my young hare, which if you know that you must be Mayan am I correct?"

Getting a smile from him as I mirror his mannerisms he gives a grand bow that nobody could help but laugh at. "That is correct my young wolf. I am Mayan owner and grand tailor of this establishment as I have been for the past 45 years. I am today at your beck and call, here for any service you so desire so long as it pertains to apparel. Now Kiryu has agreed to foot the bill yet has asked me a strange request if I could ask you about it before we begin."

Still getting over his bow I can only gesture for him to ask away. "He has instructed me not to skimp on anything for you young Master and your three subs, but to inform you that my services while not cheap are fairly priced by his accounts. Strangely he has asked me not to tell you any prices for the articles you choose today and to smack you if you even think of paying for it." I growl a little at that as he back pedals. "Just relaying a message young master. So if you would like I'll happily let you know someone more affordable if that is your issue as I won't cheat someone if I can help it."

Not happy by the actions of Kiryu I decide instead to take my revenge in a better way. "Ohh, no worries on your part. Which if that's the case and he has already paid the bill he can get the shock later breaking a deal like this do you understand Mayan?"

Light breaks about the room as Mayan's wings flare, showing himself as the angel he was born. "Yes I do indeed. A demon breaking a deal to a demon is fun business for an angel like me." Sheathing his wings once more and letting the light fade he gives me a grin found more typically in hell than heaven. "Shall we have some fun young one?"

"We shall indeed Mayan." Clasping hands with him Mayan quickly takes our measurements before running about choosing the most suitable set of suits for each of us. Having a bit of fun with each different cut that he picks out, we settle on base colours before moving on to the finishings. In less than 5 minutes we're measured and have our choices picked with him having to alter but not create new suits for 3 of us while Ray's he has to start from scratch.

Having just stayed quite plain for each of us, in the choices I get directions for a shop while we wait, for Ray's to be ready for adjustment. Leaving Ray and Ryan to themselves I take Darren out, to the salon so I can enjoy his company a little. Stepping in I ask if they can make an appointment for Darren and luck prevails today. They haven't got a busy day so we plop my sub in a chair.

Telling the hot young cougar what I want done as I pet my little Kitty, she gets the full scope of our relationship as he doesn't say a word. Sitting there blushing, I don't think he could speak even if I ordered him to. Having explained everything I finish as I grip the little Mane behind my lions head. "So can you do all that for me Miss Cougar?"

"For a cute little thing like your Kitty I sure can. Hell I'll even offer you a discount if you'd be kind enough to let me take a photo displaying the work here in store at completion."

Growling as I grip my Kitty's fur harder I tilt his head back growling my dominance. "Ohh, Kitty would be thrilled to be on your wall. I'm sure he'd beg to have his submission displayed up on your walls for everyone to see wouldn't you Kitty?"

Throat displayed, chin tilted back in his submissive posture he doesn't quite complete the act, "Umm, I guess so, if you insist." Not moved by his anxious behaviour I study him a little. Ohh he wants this, I can smell it and the way he's been acting all morning makes a little more sense as he tries to turn away a little to hide.

"I guess I'll have to insist then. Now can you be still for the process Kitty and would I be able to get a copy of the photo once you've printed it young miss?"

"I'll be still, I promise."

Turning to the cougar I wait for her to agree too before I step back. "I can do that easy enough. Now you said blonde didn't you?"

Teeth flashing above my sub in threat I growl "That will do for now."

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