The Phoenix Ch.8 - From the Ashes (Part 2)

Story by Bikendi on SoFurry

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#9 of The Phoenix

The Phoenix

Ch. 8 - The Phoenix Risen (Part 2)

It didn't take long for me to get dressed, my excitement was fueling me to move faster as I was eager to go to my new home, and so we practically ran to the camp, the only thing slowing us down was the rough terrain of the forest. Soon enough, the faintly visible lines of the shelters that had been built by Caleb, a thin trail of smoke rising from the campfire ring and disappearing in the gray cloudy sky.

"Guys, we have a better place to stay!" I yell as I approach the campsite, my legs moving me as fast as they safely could over the rugged forest floor.

"Really, did you find a log cabin in the middle of nowhere?" Caleb asks me sarcastically, doubting I had found a better area than the one he had found.

"No, I'm now the alpha of a pack of Pokémon, and they have their own large cave." I reply, almost out of breath.

"That's a load of bullshit, what proof do you have that you defeated an alpha by yourself? Besides, I thought that humans couldn't become the alpha of a pack." Caleb says.

I hold up the severed tail blade and reply, "This is my proof. This is the tail blade from the Absol that was alpha. Aqua, Mirabelle, and Kiara are my witnesses."

"He did in fact defeat the old alpha." Mirabelle confirms. "The tail blade is his proof of victory."

"There is no way in hell that you defeated an Absol in close quarters combat!" Greg replies, still not wanting to believe that I was now an alpha.

"This tail is proof." I reply, and show him the blade. "This is all the proof you need. We need to get moving though, I want to see the pack's cave."

"Alright, we'll play along with your game, but know I don't like liars. You better not be lying about the cave and you being alpha now." Greg says.

"Everybody, follow Aqua, and I'm not lying Greg, I really am the alpha of a pack now." I reply.

"Who's Aqua?" Greg asks with a look of confusion on his face.

"The Vaporeon," I reply, "Her name is Aqua, and she's the only one nearby who knows where the cave is at."

"Oh." He replies as he begins gathering up his stuff, quickly packing it so we could get out of the open of the forest.

Caleb does the same, packing up any personal gear he had, making sure to get the essentials. As they packed, my Pokémon helped them pack up, speeding the process greatly. We were ready in about fifteen minutes, all of our personal gear in our packs that were strapped to our backs. Now fully packed, we turn to Aqua and I say. "Let's go, we're ready."

"Alright." She replies as she begins trotting off to the stream once more, looking back every so often to make sure that we were still following her. "We are in fact a quite large pack, and that stream marks our territory."

"How big is large? How many pack members?" I ask, curious as to how much responsibility I had just obtained.

"Close to two hundred last time we checked." She replies. "The cave has ample room for the entire pack, and even then the den is about three-fourths full."

"Wow that is big, when was the last time you checked?" I reply as we reach the stream again. "How far away is the cave from here?"

"We checked last mating season, which was about a year ago. And to answer your second question, the den is not far from the stream, that's why the alpha could see you, he knew you where there the entire time, but if you wouldn't have entered the stream, he wouldn't have done anything about it." She says.

"So the stream is a boundary marker for the pack right?" I ask.

"No, the entire area, which extends well past the road is our territory. The stream marks the area that the alpha felt was secure. When you entered it he felt threatened, and so he came down here to deal with the problem, but as you know, he was unsuccessful." She replies.

"He said something about how humans had done something to him, what did they do?" I ask, curious as to what he meant.

"As a pup, he was abused and eventually his owner left him to die out here. We took him in and fed him, and he grew to be strong. So strong in fact that he was able to beat the old alpha." She replies.

"Ah, that's why he wanted to rip me apart then. If I was him I would want to do the same thing." I reply.

"Yes, he kindled a special hatred towards humans. He lets non-pack Pokémon

"You see that big rock formation over there?" She says as she points with her tail. "That's where we are going, that's just the entrance and the upper and middle areas of the den. The lower areas are where we get water and bathe."

"So the cave isn't entirely underground?" I ask.

"Most of it isn't. Don't worry about seeing, most of the cave is lit by fire and natural sunlight that filters in through crystals that block out rain, but let sunlight in." She replies "If there wasn't any light, it would be pointless having that large of a cave, because most of it would be unusable."

"Very true, what are the living areas like for the pack members?" I ask

"Portions of the cave are separated off by status in the pack. The higher up you are, the less crowded your commons of your living area is. The lowest members are in the main living area, which are long tunnels that go deep into the rock that holds the cave. They have separate rooms for every family. As for the bedding, everybody has straw bedding. Despite what it sounds like, it's actually very comfortable." She replies. "The alpha, and betas have separate rooms from the rest of the pack, mainly so they can have privacy with their mates, and so they can get together for a meeting faster should the need for an emergency meeting ever occur."

"Sounds like a pretty elaborate set up, but it makes sense to me." I reply as we continue walking. "How far away are the caves from the stream?"

"The caves are about ten to fifteen minutes away from the stream." She replies.

"Oh okay, so we should be there in a bit." I say as we walk past two dog-like Pokémon, one of them was a biped, and was blue and tan with black lines on it's face, the other was like all dogs, and was black on top and gray on the bottom. The biped looked remarkably like Destiny, who was currently being held by Caleb, except it had four dreadlocks instead of two like Destiny.

I assumed that they were part of the pack, and they didn't pay much attention to us, until the bipedal one spotted the tail blade in my hand and came running over to me. And bowed in front of us before asking "Alpha, is there anything I can do to be of assistance? I am a healer; you must be wounded from the fight." She asks.

"I'll be fine for now, thank you for asking though." I reply.

"Does alpha wish us to do anything?" The black and gray dog asks.

"Not right now, I'll be fine. I'm just on my way back to see the caves, and get settled in to my new home." I reply.

"As you wish alpha." The biped replies.

"I'd prefer it if you called me Charles, not alpha." I reply

"Whatever you say alpha, I mean, Charles." She replies.

We continue our track, the two dogs now in tow with us. "Charles, how did you defeat the previous alpha? I am curious as to this." The biped replies.

"It was difficult, but I managed to stun and choke him." I say "Do either of you have names?"

"I do, my name is Angelica." The biped replies. "I am the pack's head healer, and care taker of pups."

"What species are you? You look much like Destiny here." I reply, motioning to the young Riolu being held by Caleb.

"I am a Lucario, the evolved form of Riolu, which means she will evolve and look like me once she experiences great happiness." Angelica replies.

"That's why you look so much like her then." I reply.

"And my name is Mark." The four legged creature replies in a deep male voice. "I am a member of the pack's guards, and I am a Mightyena if you were wondering."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I say with a smile.

"I don't care how you beat the old alpha; I'm just amazed that you managed to beat him." Mark says. "He was pretty tough despite how old he was.".

"That's true, he has been alpha for at least ten years now." Angelica says.

"Ten years? I knew it was a long time for an alpha, but not that long!" Mark says.

"He has been around a while." Angelica replies.

By now the rock was near us, and it was huge!. It had to be at least fifty feet tall, and from what I could see, eight hundred feet wide, and who knew how long it was. This had to be a massive cave! "Wow...It's huge!" I exclaim as we approach my new home.

"Yeah it is, the entrance is right there." Aqua says as she points to a ramp that led up into the rock. A few feet into the entrance the ramp leveled out so that four Pokémon could guard the entrance effectively.

"The stairs are small enough for any Pokémon, but large enough to post guards on them." Aqua says. "It's how we protect the cave; there are two other entrances like this one."

"That's amazing, how was it made?" I ask, curious as to how exactly this magnificent structure was built.

"We used water Pokémon to carve out the rock with water up high, and we used the cave's natural cavities as much as we could, so that cut down on our work a lot." Aqua replies "It was a long time ago, and so the elements have also helped a bit. The entrances are designed so that we can post several guards just inside the entrance."

Sure enough, at the entrance were four Mightyena standing guard and blocking the entrance. "State your business with these visitors Aqua, you know the alpha hates humans, so why did you bring one here?" The one on the far right asks in a feminine voice.

"I'm bringing the new alpha to the den." She replies. "Charles, the human here, has defeated the old alpha."

"Impossible, the alpha would not lose to some weak human, you're a liar and will be punished as one by the alpha as such." She replies back.

"Really? How did I get this then? This looks like the tail blade of the old alpha" I ask as I show them my battle trophy.

Almost instantly the tails of all four wolves are curled under their bodies, and the one on the far right whimpers as she says, "P-please forgive me Alpha, I had no idea! We should have believed Aqua when she said you were the new Alpha."

"I'll let it go, and don't call me alpha, call me Charles please, unless you want to call me alpha." I reply with a sigh.

Hopefully they understood what a meeting was so I could explain to them collectively how I defeated the previous alpha, and to try to call me Charles. Otherwise I would be very tired from explaining the same thing over and over again by the end of the day. "Thank you for your kindness alpha. I am but a mere servant to you." She says.

"You are a member of what will hopefully become something similar to a large family. What's your name?" I ask her.

"I am known as Courtney." She replies.

"Then you are not my servant, you are Courtney, a guard of the pack." I reply.

"You are too kind alpha..." She replies.

"No, I'm just sane, I think." I reply.

Mirabelle giggles at my joke as we walk by them and into the cave. The stairs weren't that long, they went up at max ten feet, then opened into a short hallway that led into a room. Did I say this place was huge? I meant massive. This room could have easily fit half of all of the aircraft in my flight wing with no problem, and most of the airport. It was set up in a two-tier format, the upper tier being larger than the lower tier. The lower tier had eight different hallways that led off into the tunnels of the cave. In the center I could see at least twenty pack members lounging about.

"This is the meeting room; there is enough room for two packs of our size to meet here comfortably and without crowding anybody. It is one of our pride possessions of this cave." Aqua explains. "Your room is through that red ringed hole over there that has the door on it. There is a meeting room before your room so that if you and your mate are busy, they won't be blocking the path around the meeting room.. She says as she points to the said door, which had red paint around it.

I was amazed at how much light for a cave this place had. Sure enough, at the top was a crystal that looked much like glass that kept the room watertight, but let light in. I was amazed that animals could create something like this, and it took Mirabelle nuzzling my side for me to snap out of my trance in looking around the room. This place was so big, and so amazing. I felt puny compared to the sheer size of the cave.

"Wow, you said this was constructed by you all?" I ask.

"No, the cave was already here, the entrances were created by our pack, as was the ceiling. The rooms and stream were here naturally. This cave runs underground and we have special plants that emit light that help light the underground passageways. They also help with keeping our exhaled gasses in check." Aqua replies.

"That's cool. So they thrive in the darkness?" I ask.

"Yeah they do, they're like a moss that emit light." She replies.

"That's pretty cool. Who is allowed to call a meeting?" I ask.

"Whoever you say may call a meeting. I would recommend that you make it only captains and up, that way you don't go to a meeting every hour or so." She replies.

"That's a good idea. I think you're gonna be a good beta." I say to her.

"M-me...a beta?" She asks, looking at me with a mixed expression of joy and confusion.

"You've earned it, otherwise I would be lost, plus you seem to know this pack like the back of your paw." I say with a smile.

"Thank you Charles!" she replies as she nuzzles me.

"I though you said you weren't one for hugging and cuddling?" I reply with a smirk.

"This is an exception." She replies. "Let's continue our tour though, we need to get through this, I'm sure you want to get those wounds treated."

"I do, but we need to finish the tour first" I say.

"Let's go then." She says as she leads me to a room with a large entrance surrounded by green paint.

"This is the Nursery, you can drop off Destiny and I'll make sure she get taken care of." Angelica says.

"Alright, thank you Angelica." I say "Caleb let's leave Destiny here so you don't have to carry her through the tour."

"Alright, good idea Charles." He replies as he hands Destiny to Angelica.

Destiny didn't seem to mind too much, she saw that Angelica was a new face, and so she was interested in Angelica. "I'll make sure she gets fed also." Angelica says.

"Thank you Angelica!" I say as I follow Aqua through a hallway.

The hallway ended in another large room, this one a single story, but had several doorways that led into different rooms. When I went to them, I found out that they stored food, and inside them it was much cooler. "We keep them cool by ice. The water freezes on top of the rooms in the winter, and it causes these rooms to become chilly, which chill the berries and keep them good longer." Aqua says.

"Where do we eat the berries at? And is there anything besides berries we can eat?" I ask.

"You eat the berries in your quarters, and as for other foods, yes, we do have some hunters who hunt meat for the pack. The alpha always gets first pick of meats." Mark replies.

"Oh okay, I was gonna say that I could get used to eating just berries, but I'm glad you also have meat." I reply.

"Let's go back now, since this was the only thing that was out of our way." Aqua says as she turns around and walks through the hallway that we had just come from.

"So why are we going back to where we just came from?" I ask "What about those other doors that were in there?"

"Those lead to the residences of the pack. Everybody that doesn't have a leadership position lives back in those parts of the cave. The doors that have yellow around them mark the exits from the cave. There are three main exits, and half a dozen more other exits. The doors surrounded in white go to the leadership quarters for captain through beta, they stay next to the alpha. We can have up to seven betas along with all of the other leaders of the pack." Aqua says as she points out the doors that she could from where we were once we were back in the main room.

"So where is the infirmary?" I ask, wanting to get my cut disinfected.

"Follow me, any door surrounded by pink is a medical area. You have one next to your room." Aqua says as she heads to a room that had a door surrounded in pink paint.

Upon entering, a human like Pokémon gets up and walks over to us. 'Hello Charles, are you here to get your injuries healed?'

"Whoa, what was that? Everybody else hear that?" I ask, curious as to what that was.

It was like it was in my head, but I heard it. 'Everybody did hear it, this is telepathy. I am a Gardevior, a psychic type. My name is Mystique I could easily cripple you and become alpha if I wanted to right now, but I choose not to because I am a peace loving creature, which is why I am a healer. I will also accompany Greg when he is in need of a translator, as I can translate so he hears what they are saying, in his own tongue.' Mystique informs me.

"How did you know my name though?" I ask.

'Once again, I am a psychic type. I can read your mind.' She tells me.

"Oh okay...well then thank you, could you disinfect my wound?" I ask her, showing her the cut on my chest.

'I can and will alpha.' She replies as she walks over to a table that had various berries set upon it. She was so graceful when she walked it looked like she was gliding across the ground.

She returned to me with several small blue berries 'These are Oran berries. They have a chemical in them that speeds the healing process seven fold and it disinfects wounds.' She says as she squeezes the berries over my cut and rubs the pulp and juice into it.

It stung a bit, but if it was going to be this or an infected cut, I'd take this any day. "Thank you."

'Now you and Mirabelle don't play too rough' She says with a smirk on her face, and upon looking at Mirabelle, she turns her head away with me.

"Mirabelle, you are such a naughty girl." I say as I kiss her.

She looks at me with a smirk as she replies "You know I do it just for you."

"I know, but you're still naughty." I reply. "Especially because you plan your actions, and get others involved, who are equally naughty for going through with the plans."

This causes Kiara to smirk a bit, because she knew I was referencing her when I said this. "Once again, just for you sweetie, now lets go see our quarters." Mirabelle says.

"I need to do something first though." I reply "I need to let the pack know I'm alpha now."

'Good idea, do you wish me to call the pack and have them meet in the meeting room alpha? I can do it in an instant instead of having the guards go room to room.' Mystique suggests.

"Thank you, and yes please Mystique." I reply, glad I wouldn't have to wait for the guards to go room to room and get all residents of the pack.

'Go and wait out by your room, there is a raised platform for you to speak from there.' Mystique says.

"Thank you for your help Mystique!" I say to her as we leave and go to my room and the speaking platform.

As I stood on top of the speaking platform with the tail blade of the past alpha, I watched the number grow from twenty to seventy in a matter of ten minutes. There were Pokémon of all shapes and sizes, but most were canines. Some were painted every color a fire was, some looked like Angelica. There were even a few weasel Pokémon , some of which were on fire. "Is this everybody in the caves right now Aqua?" I ask.

"This is the majority, I would recommend starting now, they will fill the others in on the shift of power." She replies. "I will start you on your first meeting, but you must start the ones too follow. I will also help you through the meetings as beta."

"Thank you Aqua." I reply.

Nodding she steps out in front of me and yells out "You all have been called here to be informed of a very important event, the transition of power between alphas! That's right, alpha Chaos is now dead. It is my pleasure to introduce, as the beta, the new alpha."

This of course caused a stir among the pack as Aqua made her way off of the speaking platform. "They're all yours after you inform them that you are alpha, ask for the daily report." She says as she walks by me.

"Thanks." I say as I walk out to the platform.

"No problem alpha." She replies

"My pack, I am the new alpha, Chaos's tail blade in my hand here is proof!" I yell as I hold up the tail.

After I said that the pack went dead silent. You could have heard a pin drop on the other side of this massive room it was so quiet. "As alpha, I will try my best, despite me not being a Pokémon. Now for those of you who believe I am not fit to be alpha, I fought for this position just as any one of you would, and I fought hard. I have rightfully earned this position. My mate, will be Mirabelle, the zangoose. My beta is going to be Aqua the Vaporeon, and her assistants will be Kiara the Tyranitar, Greg the Human, and Caleb the human. I will lead us to being successful, and I will work alongside you when I can. I am not one to skimp on work." I announce to the entire pack. "Now then, I want the report over any issues that are currently going on in the pack, who was in charge of this before?"

A lone fire weasel climbs the closest of the four ramps that spiraled around the first floor of the large meeting room. "I was alpha." The weasel says with a feminine voice

"Do you have a name, and what is your species?" I ask the weasel

"My name is Mica sir, and I'm a Quilava." She replies

"You are going to remain in the same position Mica, now then, what issues are going on, and what is coming up?" I ask her.

"The Quilavas, Growlithes, and Lucarios will be going into heat in a few days, and our food supply has been a little low recently, but we have had a few members of the pack who were harvesters get sick so that is to be expected. The pack to the north is remaining peaceful after much time, however some of our scouts have reported them constantly trespassing into our territory." She replies.

"Alright, for those who go into heat and don't have a mate, what happens?" I ask.

"Sometimes they go to you sir, and get mated by you, other times they just stay hidden from the males, and a few still remain working through their heat, although that is rare since a heat will cripple a female greatly." She replies.

"Alright, thank you Mica." I reply

Smiling she nods and trots back to her location on the first floor. "I here by declare this meeting over, you may return to what you were doing." I say as I step off of the platform and back to Aqua.

"Now what do I do? Is there some sort of ceremony or something for the alpha and the mate after the meeting?" I ask

"Well now the alpha, and his designated mate that he chooses go into the alpha's chamber and mate, confirming they are in fact mates, but you are already mated to Mirabelle, as she's pregnant with what I assume is your baby. This is what they usually do when a new alpha takes over. If you wish to hold true with tradition and mate with her, you will not be disturbed if you decide to mate with her." Aqua says.

"I'm sure Mirabelle is dying to get me alone right now, aren't you?" I ask with a knowing smirk on my face.

Mirabelle nods as she smirks and rubs against me. "You know I am, how'd you know though?" She asks in response.

Smirking I turn to her and say "I knew you would like that, and you were trying to get me alone this morning. Plus I just became alpha of a large pack and you're the type that would reward me for something like that."

She nuzzles me and replies "You read me like a book."

"Let's get in there then." I reply "Aqua, your assistants and my team will be staying in the leadership quarters."

"Got it Charles, once again thank you for making me beta!" She calls out as she walks into the leadership quarters with the rest of my team and friends.

Mirabelle and I made our way to our room, and opened the door. Inside was a bed made up of leaves, sticks, and straw. For a bed made out of natural materials, it looked surprisingly comfortable. Continuing to look around the alpha's room, I notice that the old alpha's mate gone for now. This left just Mirabelle and I in a private room. I smirk as I start rubbing her fur, first her back, then lower and lower.

She smirks and says "Can't control yourself can you, Charles?"

Slowly her paws undo the button on my jeans before she unzips them and removes them, leaving me in a t-shirt and my boxers. My t-shirt didn't last long as that was the next article of clothing to be removed by her wandering paws. She then kisses me on my chin, then lower, and then lower still until she was steadily moving lower and lower on my body until she reached my boxers. "Can't have this in the way, better get rid of it." She says with a giggle as she pulls them off, exposing my limp member.

She then continued her kissing, kissing right before my manhood began, then with a last tender kiss she kisses the tip of my cock, causing me to shiver. She then moved back up, once again kissing back up my front, stopping at my lips where she kisses my passionately for a few seconds before breaking away from the kiss. Now I was standing fully nude in front of my mate, my cock beginning to stir and harden. "Come here you sexy zangoose." I say as I kiss her on her lips.

She kisses back, her tongue licking along my lips, then slipping in as I open my mouth and let her explore my maw with her tongue, my tongue doing much the same. Her saliva mixed with mine as we kissed, both of us slowly moving to the straw bed. My hand slowly made its way down wards until I was rubbing the underside of her tail. "Want to try something new?" I ask her as I start rubbing around that tight pucker below her tail.

"What is it?" She asks, obviously interested in whatever I had in mind.

"Let's try anal." I say with a smirk as I slip a finger into her tail hole, causing her to gasp at the sudden intrusion.

"Sounds good to me, I'm always up for trying something new." She says as she starts rubbing my cock with her paws, the soft pads getting my member to full mast, causing her to giggle. "Somebody is eager to play."

"Just for my fun loving mate." I reply as I start rubbing a finger along her wet slit, a little fluid leaking out as I applied a little pressure to my rubs.

"And I love it when you're like this." She says as she trails a claw up my shaft lightly, just pushing hard enough for me to feel it, but not hard enough to cut my length which caused me to shiver in pleasure.

"That felt good babe." I say as I kiss her once more, my finger still probing around her tight taint.

"I'm working on learning all your spots hun." She replies as she kisses me again, her tongue slipping into my maw once more.

I put my other arm around her and hold her close as we kiss, our tongues rubbing against each other as we enjoyed the closeness of our embrace. I could feel her soft, silk like fur teasing my manhood as I dragged her on top of me, our mouths still locked in our passionate kiss. "I love you Mirabelle." I say as I pull my finger out of her anal ring and move it to her cunny, which was now damp from my teasing finger and our kissing.

"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen you know that?" I say with a smile as I kiss her again.

"You're just saying that because I'm your mate." She replies as she kisses back.

"No, I really do mean that, I've never had a thing for human females." I reply as I slip a finger into her heat box causing her to sigh softly.

"You're too sweet." She says with a smile as I start moving my fingers in and out of her, causing her to moan softly.

"You are to." I reply with a gentle smile, my forehead against her as I continue to finger her.

Between soft moans she says "I want more than just you fingers in me Charles."

"You'll get more than just my fingers." I say as I rub her clit with my thumb, causing her to gasp.

"Just stick it in me already." She moans as her fluids start to run down my fingers.

"Not yet." I say as I turn her around, her back to me now.

"Why not?" She asks me as her tail brushes my hard length, causing it to leak some pre onto her soft tail.

"Because I don't want to yet." I say as I pull my fingers out and taste her fluids.

"When will you want to stick it in?" She asks as I clean my hand of her tangy fluids.

"In a bit, you'll get my thick cock in you, don't you worry about that." I reply as I return my hand to her slick love tunnel.

"You tease too much." She replies as she moans softly.

"You like it though." I reply with a smirk as I start thrusting the fingers into her again, once again causing her to moan.

"That's true." She says as she feels me lift her up, then position my tip at her mound.

"I'm gonna lube up before we try anal. I don't want it to hurt." I say as I push into her cunny, her fluids making my cock slick.

As I pushed in I could feel her silk like inner walls swallow my length, coating it liberally in her fluids as we both moan, me from her tightness, and her from the penetration. "I knew you couldn't keep it out of me for too long." She says with a smirk, her voice slightly pained from the intrusion in her anal hole.

"You were the one asking for me to stick it in you." I say as I start to bounce her on my length, softly moaning every time I hilt her.

"You still couldn't keep it out of me. Be gentle at first, remember this is my first time with anal." She replies back with a smirk, moaning at the bouncing.

"You do have me there babe." I say as I lean her forward, causing her to go onto all fours as I start slowly thrusting into the warm hole I had buried myself in.

She gasps as I switch positions suddenly, and then starts moaning as I start thrusting into her pussy. I could feel that tight hole get tighter as I hilted her warm depths time after time again, each thrust slamming my hips into her with a crude, wet, slopping sound.

"I'm gonna have to let you have dominance during sex more often, I'm loving this!" She moans out in pure bliss, obviously enjoying me controlling our lovemaking.

"You want sex to be more like this?" I ask her as I pound away at her sex, grunting every few thrusts.

"Yes! I love this!" She moans out in ecstasy as she gets fucked.

I smirk as I pull out, my cock now slick in her fluids then position myself at her back door. "You ready babe?" I ask as I apply a little pressure, my tip slipping in from the slickness of my cock.

She answers me by pushing back with a soft gasp as my head and a bit of my shaft enters her. Seconds later I push in to the hilt with a grunt, my balls resting against her cunny lips.

Slowly I pull out to my head, both of us moaning softly, and then I ease back into her, back in to the hilt where I pull out once again. Her ass was so tight; it was like it was trying to cut off the circulation to my dick. It felt amazing around me, my cock sliding in and out of that tight anal ring of hers. "Gods your tight babe, you liking this?" I ask as I hilt her a third time

"I'm loving this, you're hitting this spot in there that's making me feel really good, your cock is pushing on it right now." She replies with a moan.

"If it hurts, we can always go back to vaginal." I reply as I pull out and thrust back into her warm depths.

I could hear her gasp and moan at every thrust. She was in heaven right now, loving the feeling of my hard cock move in and out of her ass. I could feel her shiver and purr with every thrust into that tight ass. God she felt amazing! Every contour of her ass was a new area to be explored by my length as I rutted her, both of us in pure bliss.

"No, this feels good, don't stop. I might even want to do this regularly." She moans out as I hilt her again.

By now I was sliding in and out of her in a steady rhythm, both of us moaning to the heavens above as we made love. My pre helped to lube her tight ass, and by now it was quite slick with a mixture of my pre ejaculate and her sex fluids. "Good, because I like this, and if we're gonna get Ansgar or Kiara to play with us again, we want to be able to do a variety of things." I reply as I hilt her again and send another spurt of pre into her warm depths.

As I thrusted into that hole of pure carnal pleasure, I reach below her and search between her legs for the other hole that wasn't getting pounded at the moment. It took some searching since I couldn't see where my hand was. I found what I was looking for though, a damp patch of fur with a pair of hot, wet lips with a small pleasure button on the underside of it. I give that small nub a rub with my thumb as I rub her slit with my fingers again. She gasps and moans as her other hole gets stimulated, now both of them receiving pleasure as I fucked her.

"Charles, I'm gonna cum soon if you keep pleasuring me like this." She moans out as I slip a finger into her cunny, my cock still pounding her tight tail hole.

"Cum then, I want to make you feel as good as possible." I say as I start moving my finger in and out of her slick love tunnel in rhythm with my thrusts, her fluids leaking out around my finger.

I felt her tense up as she got closer and closer to orgasmic bliss, and then with a moan and a flood of fluids from her heat box, she climaxed. "C-Charles, don't stop!" She moans through her orgasm as I continue pumping my hips into her.

"I don't plan on stopping anytime soon." I say as I keep thrusting into her muscled ring, a second finger now sliding in with the first.

As I rocked her back and forth, I increased the speed of my thrusts a bit, the new, faster rhythm stimulating me even further as her walls gripped my fingers and cock like a vice. This was pure bliss, and it felt right to both of us, two lovers making love. I lean down and kiss the top of her head as I hilt her again and send another spurt of my clear pre cum into her depths. Her ass was so tight that I was in carnal heaven, my cock twitching in pleasure as I pulled out once again, my cock greeting the cool air, only to dive back into those luscious hips as it buried itself in her depths once again, causing us both to moan.

Every thrust caused another moan, every moan contributed to our song of two lovers, her fluids dripping to the ground below our hips and making a small puddle that dampened the leaves and straw that was our bed. I couldn't believe how tight she was, it was sending waves of pure euphoria through my body as I continued thrusting.

This was amazing, it was pure pleasure, and I was getting drunk with it as I continued thrusting, a slight pressure now building in my loins. I could feel every muscle in her vaginal cavity move as she came. I could feel her hot fluids run down my hand as they dripped to the ground after her orgasm. I kept thrusting my fingers into her, trying to hit all the spots that pleased her the most as I kept thrusting into my beautiful female. "Gods Mirabelle you're tight, it's driving me crazy!" I moan as I send another spurt of pre into her bowls.

I could feel her panting under me, she was loving this as much, if not more, than me. But I didn't care as long as she was enjoying it. This was amazing, and I felt like the luckiest person in the world, not only because I had a beautiful female beneath me moaning out as I fucked her, but also because that female was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, and she was my mate. "Mirabelle, I'm getting close." I moan out as I add more power to my thrusts, now going at her a hard and fast pace as I slid in and out of her tight bum.

As I increase the power of my thrusts she gasps again, panting out as her anal hole gets abused. "Cum in me Charles, fill my ass with your hot cum!" She moans as she starts bucking against me, eager to get her ass plugged.

I couldn't control myself as I neared my orgasm, and so I gave into my pleasure and started thrusting as hard and fast as I could, my hips almost a blur as my cock rutted her one way street. Every thrust doubled my pleasure, and I was already lost in euphoric bliss as my manhood took the plunge into her warm, tight depths time after time, almost every other thrust releasing a spurt of pre into her tight tunnel.

Then I felt it, my glorious release hit me like a brick wall as I sent rope after rope of my hot, sticky, white cream into her depths, none of it leaking out as it filled her. As I shot my load into her, I keep thrusting, milking my orgasm for everything it had and then some as her tight ass clamped down like a vice. It was amazing, I had never had an orgasm this hard before, and it felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders as my balls drained themselves in her ass.

I could feel her pant and moan as my cum filled her tight ass, every rope resting in her tight back tunnel like rocks in the desert, the semen only furthering the slickness of her ass as I continued to shoot into her. This had to be what heaven was like; pure bliss. Every motion heightened my pleasure, it was unbelievable how good I felt right now. Even as my orgasm slowed I continued thrusting.

I stop once I stop shooting my life-giving fluid into her, then I pull out and lay her on her side next to me as we collapse onto the bed. I rested there, the most beautiful female in the world laying next to me with my child in her womb and my seed in her ass. I smile as I say between breaths "That...that was amazing Mirabelle."

"We need to do it more often. I loved getting my ass rutted like that." She replies as she cuddles against me, her tail hole now resting against my tip.

We laid there for several minutes, two creatures of different species bound together by the tight death grip of love. I felt like we could have stayed like this forever, but Mirabelle had other plans for me. "You up for another go at me Charles?" She asks as she rolls over so we were facing each other, her wet slit resting against my cock.

"I'm not sure if I could go another round after busting a nut like that." I reply, a few tendrils of my afterglow still existing as we laid together, panting from our romp.

"Want me to ride you?" She asks as she kisses me. "I want some of your cream in both of my holes."

"If you want to ride me, I'm up for it, but you're going to have to junior back to attention again." I reply as I kiss her back, a finger teasing her lower lips.

With a smile she rolls me onto my back, then climbs on top of me and starts sliding my length along her womanhood, her fluids dripping onto my shaft and mixing with my semen and pre, creating a cocktail made up of our love juices. With a smirk she kisses my lips once again, then begins moving down my body, giving small licks to my chest, making sure to lick my nipples as she passes them, making them harden as she moves on, leaving them hard and standing up in the cool cave air.

As she moves down my body, she keeps staring into my eyes, her ruby gems entrancing me as she moves lower and lower until she was licking the tip of my member that was at half mast. She breaks eye contact as she gives my cum covered length a long lick from the base to the tip, a small wave of our mixed fluids pushing ahead of her rough tongue as it slides along my length.

As she licks I moan softly, my length still sensitive from my recent orgasm. When her tongue passed over my tip I felt my leg twitch, that part being the most sensitive part of my shaft. I could tell she liked the taste of our mixed fluids, she was purring the entire time she gave me that long lick along my prick. As she reached my tip she wrapped her tongue around it and pulled her mouth down onto the tip and nibbled lightly on it, being careful not to hurt me. Her teeth felt great on my length, and it showed as my cock began stirring again, slowly growing as she continued to lick and kiss my manhood.

She sucks on the tip gingerly, her rough tongue sliding around the head of my pride. She then lets the tip fall from her mouth as it slides down her tongue then lays flat against my stomach again, then gives small, quick licks down the length of my shaft until she's at the base once more, then wraps her tongue around the base of my shaft, her rough tongue teasing the skin as it curls around my girth. The entire time this was going on, I was moaning at the oral treatment. She had gotten really good at this, and it benefited me greatly. I was in bliss once again, and I couldn't help but buck a few times into her warm maw.

"You've gotten good at this babe, don't stop." I say as she continues to lap at my shaft, my tip leaking a bead of pre as she lapped at my cock like a cat would lap up milk from a bowl.

She purrs from the encouragement as she licks back up my length to my tip, where she licks around the tip and lowers her head to suck up the bead of pre that was resting on my tip like a drop of water would on a leaf. She lowers her head even more as my length slides into her mouth, this time sliding in half way at an agonizingly slow rate. She was making sure she was going slow just to tease me.

And I loved every second that my length was trapped in her mouth. It throbbed and leaked pre as she sucked on it, my entire length slowly sliding into her as she took more and more of my long manhood. Slowly she bobbed her head along my length, my tip poking the back of her throat as she sucked on my hard cock.

As she bobbed her length, she wrapped her tongue along my length and would swirl it around my girth, the rough surface only heightening the pleasure that was currently washing through me body as she orally pleasured me. As she sucked I put my hands on top of her head, encouraging her to continue as she sucked on my length like a straw, causing me to moan loudly, my head swimming in pleasure.

When I thought it couldn't get any better, she started massaging my balls with her paws, the soft paw pads easily sliding on the skin, causing me to moan out as she continued her oral assault on my loins. As she gave one of my jewels a light squeeze, I buck my hips upwards and send a spurt of pre down her throat, more evidence to her that she was doing a great job with blowing me.

Soon I could feel an all too familiar pressure beginning to build in my loins as she continued sucking on me. "Mirabelle...I'm getting close again." I moan out as she hilted my length in her, the first inch or so pushing into her throat causing me to send another spurt of pre into her belly.

"Then I guess you're ready for the next part." She says after letting my cock fall from her mouth, a strand of saliva mixed with pre still connecting her mouth to my tip.

Slowly she began licking up my body again, starting at the base of my length and licking up it, then my belly, then my chest, the entire time she was doing this she was also making sure that her soft, velvety fur slid along my shaft, teasing it with her soft furry coat. Upon reaching my mouth she kisses me again and I wrestle my tongue with hers, our tongues wrapping around one another as we passionately kiss, lust driving us onwards to our hot desires.

We kiss for what seems like an eternity, her tail teasing my throbbing member, causing it to spurt pre onto her rump and underside of her tail as it brushed my member back and forth with the soft, bushy fur that made up the majority of her thick bushy tail. As she breaks the kiss she once again starts rubbing her pussy along the tip of my length, her fluids dripping onto my pelvis and running down my sides and onto the bed. "You ready for the ride of your life hun?" She asks me as she pushes the tip of my length into her wet love tunnel.

"I'm always ready for anything with my sexy mate." I reply as I kiss her again, my hand moving back to her violated tail hole, rubbing circles around it as she slid back even further onto my member, my entire head and about half an inch of my shaft inside her warm and wet cunny.

I move my hand from her tail hole to her hips where I help guide her onto my length, and then sit up as she slides more and more of my thick, throbbing meat into her. It was about half a minute before she sat up, front paws on either side of my chest, legs straddling my hips with my cock halfway inside of her hot folds. I could feel every muscle twitch as she slid down my length, every inch bringing a new level of pleasure to both of us as we moaned loudly, my cock continuing to slowly push into her slit.

It was hard not to force her downwards onto my length, but I controlled myself, using my hands to guide her down to the hilt, lightly pushing her down to encourage her to keep going as less and less of my shaft was visible, until her tight love hole had swallowed my entire length, our hips together as she leaned forward and kissed me again, her tongue slipping into my mouth.

As we kiss I give her ass a light squeeze, encouraging her onwards once more. With a moan she places her paws on either side of my chest and begins lifting her hips, my member slowly sliding free of her and reappearing again as I help her lift up on my length, my cock getting chilled by the cool cave air, the temperature feeling it was colder than it really was because of her hot tunnel.

"Gods you feel amazing." I moan as she starts sliding down, every inch of her hot folds sending a flood of pleasure storming through my body.

I could feel her hot fluids running down my cock and over my sack, dripping to the floor as she slid back down, my tip sending a spurt of pre into her pussy. Her tunnel was so hot, it was like she was in heat again. I could feel every breath of her's, and every inch of my cock that slipped back into her sent another wave of pleasure through our bodies. We were both moaning in bliss, nothing mattered to me except her right now, we were both in heaven, lost in each others moans as she rode my cock.

As she lowered herself back down onto my cock, I moaned and started pushing her down, eager to feel her cunny swallow my cock entirely again. She was moaning loudly as I pushed her down, her breath coming out in shallow breaths as I continue pushing her down, loving her tight tunnel clamping down on my hard length, her slick walls easily sliding down my cock, swallowing every inch, causing me to send another spurt of pre into her already slick love tunnel.

I grunted as she hilts me again, my cock surrounded by the warmth of her walls, her slick cunny once again rising as she lifts herself once more, my length coming free of her pussy once more as I help her lift her hips off of me. She started to speed up her bounces, trying to speed us to our glorious releases as we mated. We both moan as she suddenly lets gravity take over while she moves down, my cock sliding in to the hilt in a second.

"Gods you feel amazing Mirabelle!" I moan out as I help lift her up once again, my cock sending yet another spurt of pre into her tight tunnel.

I decided to start moving things along, and so as she started pushing down, I thrusted upwards into her tight tunnel, sending me into new heights of pleasure as I hilted her once more, both of us moaning. Soon she was bouncing at a steady, fast rhythm with my help, my cock sliding in and out of her as she moaned out to the sky.

"Getting close again Charles." She moans after a few minutes of riding me.

I could feel her walls getting tighter and tighter as we kept going on, a pressure building in my own loins as well. "Me to babe." I reply as I start pushing her up and down, bouncing her harder on my cock as we drove ourselves closer and closer to our blissful climaxes.

Then it hit us suddenly, starting with me as I hilt her and start sending my load into her womb as I moaned loudly. She came seconds after I did, her sex fluids rushing out and drenching my hips as her walls clamped down tight on my length, milking it with rhythmic pulsations as her orgasm flooded her body with a tide of bliss. As we felt our orgasms, I held us close, my cum still shooting into her womb as I stay hilted inside her, her hot breath breathing down my neck.

I lay her on her side as we ride out our orgasms, and then bask in the afterglow. I kiss her cheek tenderly as lay together, panting from our orgasms. "That was amazing Charles." She eventually says, her breath hot against my cheek.

"Yeah that was, you obviously had fun." I reply as I lean my forehead against hers, smiling as we lay together, my length still inside her hot depths as I feel sleep beginning to take over my body.

"You want to sleep with your cock still in me?" She asks as she kisses me again.

"Yeah, I'm comfy in the position I'm in right now." I reply as I put my arms around her.

"Me to, I'm already drifting off to sleep." She replies.

"Sleep well my love." I whisper as I close my eyes and give her one last kiss before I feel sleep's black grip take a hold of me and drag me to its murky depths.

"I will, I love you." She replies, her eyes already closed and her voice fading off, and so we slept, us two lovers still linked together by my shaft.

The Phoenix Ch.8 - From the Ashes (Part 1)

Author's Chapter Notes: This chapter is extremely long, and I decided to make it less tiring to both you and I by splitting the chapter into two chapters. The original word count after proofreading to the end of the entire chapter was 18,605 words....

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The Phoenix, Chapter 7-Ding Dong Ditch

Turned out MUCH shorter than I would have liked it too, only about 2k words long x.x it is, chapter 7. Please answer the poll at the end of the story! I will not be submitting anything new for the next 3 months as I have a job at a...

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Why Me? Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

Why me? Chapter 1-The Beginning of the End "Why me?" The question had entered my head many times, and each time I came up with the same answer, I was the smallest of the triplets of which I had been born, even though I was the first hatched from the...

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