Night in the life of a stripper

Story by Mordecai Singvogel on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for a friend ( Dyna, an exotic dancer and the show she gives to her audience. The cover art is used with their permission!

The dim lights of her dressing room lit her surroundings, showing the dark hues of her sparsely decorated dressing room. The only colour to be seen was from her rack of clothing; blacks and purples coats, green and yellow bikinis, stockings and lingerie of all colours. All for the work she loved. All contrasting with her beautiful pink and purple scales. She couldn't think of her life without her passion, even when so many had called her names of all kinds when they heard about it. Or more often than not, caught her shows. But she didn't mind.

In the middle of doing up her makeup, the snake sat entirely naked before the mirror, applying the finishing touches to her lips. Barely visible, being but a shade darker than her natural scale, but the subtlety of it is what made it so important. The serpents fingers patted the makeup, taking off everything extra, showing her slightly coloured claws in the mirror. And once perfect, she wiped the remainder from the finger on a piece of paper.

With a smile, she looked to the time. Her time was nearing, but there was no hurry to it. The stage hand hadn't called her yet. With a smooth movement, she got up and turned around to look for the clothes for the night. One by one she took them off the rack, and checked them before the mirror. None fit her mood on the day, until she got to lime green bikini. It was tied together like ribbons on the hip, and behind her neck. It was perfect! She'd have the audience go wild by the end.

Grinning, she pulled them on, shaking her hips as she did, careful not to loosen the fit. And then came the bra. She had no choice but to undo it, and tie it up all over, thank to her natural hood. Then, she was almost ready. While still adjusting her clothes, making sure everything was good and hidden, she looked over her markings. The swirl, filled with a triangle and surrounded by three more, on her forehead and on the back of her head had to be spotless. Not that the audience usually noticed them, but she wanted everything to be perfect. And it was.

Smiling, she turned to the door. It was a few minutes off, but all she'd have to do was inform the DJ she'd be early, and everything would be settled. As she was about to take the doorknob, it was knocked. "Are you ready, ma'am? It's your turn soon" The young voice on the other side called out. The serpent opened the door, and smiled to the small fox before her. He was one of her favourite co workers. A cute little guy, but too young for her to consider as anything but friend. That didn't stop him from being less than subtle about his own feelings. "Alright, I'm ready now. Please be a dear, and tell the DJ I'm coming out now" She replied, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as a reward for all his hard work. The boy, grinning from ear to ear saluted, and ran off on his next job.

It didn't take her a minute to reach the curtain. All she had to do was wait for her to be announced, and she could walk on the stage. Each second seemed like a year in her eagerness for it. And then, she heard it: "And for today's main event, please welcome our very own Dyna!" the announcer's words had the effect it had every night. The patrons started yelling her name as she walked past the curtains, onto the stage.

Before her was a large club. Two stories, and she was visible to all the lower one, and to the edge of the second. The club, full of life every night, was the most popular one for the people in town. And it showed. It was the biggest in the city, and had something for everyone. All set by the time and day. The furniture was all deep red, and the curtains dark purple. The satin fabrics seemed to line every surface that the patrons would sit or lean on for long time. Or to just make something pretty.

Just as the DJ was about to start the music, Dyna lift her hand to stop her. All the DJ did was nod as acknowledge her request. With a sway on her hip, she started walking forward. With each step, she crossed her legs, just to make the shifting that much more pronounced. She smiled to her audience, as her chest and rear bounced ever so slightly with each step.

As she reached the pole, she caressed it for a moment before stepping forward, and addressed her adoring fans. "Today, I'm feeling good, so how about we make today special? And if everyone's nice to me, I might be convinced to give one lucky person here a parting gift~" Her voice, sweet like honey, giving a promise to everyone made them go wild. With a nod to the DJ, she took a step back, pressing her back on the cold steel of the stripper pole, and gave the audience one more tease. She pulled at her bra and panties, and winked "I'm gonna let you guess what that gift will be~."

The crowd went wild at the promise, and started cheering while Dyna took a step back with a wink at a man she's seen a few times when doing her set. Back pressing against the pole, she nodded to the DJ, signaling that the reptile's ready to start her set. On cue, the music started playing.

Dyna took a deep breath with a smile on her lips. And after tasting the air with her tongue, enjoying the hints of alcohol and copious amounts of perfume that hid it. She loved it all. With her back tight to the pole, she started moving her hands up, reaching towards the ceiling, coiling around the shining steel. Once they're as far up as they go, she starts slowly walking around the it. Her legs cross, tight against each other, crossing with each step. Her slightly damp lips rubbed against smooth fabric covering them. She kept walking, til she faced the backrooms again. She pressed her rear against pole, making her ample cheeks bulge around the pole.

The beat started ramping up and she started her dance proper, suddenly dropping down. Her legs spread as wide as she could spread them, showing her bikini to no one. Her hips started moving, back and forth, touching the pole before she pushed them forward again, twerking to get the audience behind her pole. The crowd, being denied the view, started yelling, wanting to be on the other side of the pole. Some even trying to lean over the rail to see her better. But even the most daring in the audience were denied, when she started straightening her legs, standing back up while throwing her head back. She couldn't help but chuckle quietly to herself at the reaction.

Looking back, the dancer smiled to the people. She blew them a kiss before she started walking forward while keeping her upper back staying on the pole. Her back arches, as her head gets lower and lower. Eventually she moved her hands to the floor, making a bridge on the stage. Her breasts shift higher on her chest, giving the audience the first real eye candy for her audience, almost flashing them as the bikini top strains to keep them constrained.

The view wasn't there for long, however, as Dyna quickly kicked her feet, standing on her hands for a second before wrapping her legs around the pole. She pulled her top up, giving a small push off the ground, so she spun slightly to once more face the crowd. And by the sound of it, they loved it. She arched her back again, getting right way up, still on the pole and twisting her hands around the pole once more. Her legs crossed behind the pole, and hands high above her head, she started to roll her belly, making the breasts bounce ever so slightly.

Looking up, Dyna sighed happily, enjoying the cheers from the crowd, and the fact that she was on full display to them, save for the lingerie, that was getting wetter between her legs. She was almost excited for the grand finale coming closer and closer with each passing second.

Bringing one of her hands down to her breasts, Dyna gave herself a quick squeeze. She moved to pull the string connecting cups of her bra, until her nipples were peeking from behind the green fabric. All the while she revealed herself to her old and new found fans, she loosened her hold on the pole, slowly getting down from the high position. And once her feet touched the stage again, the dancer let go of the bra, and put her arm over her chest, using it to pull the cups back up. Winking at the audience, as they let out disappointed pleads for her to get further. They clearly hadn't forgotten about her promise, and seems like they were hoping that she'd go topless during her show. Well, while they weren't wrong, she was planning something so much more. She chuckled at the audience, noticing a familiar face. She hooked her foot behind the pole and leaning forward. With her other hand she extended towards the young fox in the audience, apparently enjoying his break to the fullest.

The furs before Dyna, trying to get her attention, tossed money before her, a few even ignoring the tipping rules and throwing them to the stage. Usually, this wasn't something she was a fan of, but tonight she was feeling generous. Looking towards an older man, about to throw a bill towards her, she shook her head, and dropped to her knees before him. She pushed her hips forward while arching her back and leaning backwards, wordlessly telling the man to put them in her bottoms instead. And the man seemed to be more than happy to oblige, pushing a few bills on the side of her bikini.

While there, on her knees, she started spreading her legs again, this time close to her audience and more importantly while facing them. With one hand, she supported her weight, and the other, she moved to her groin, spreading herself over the green thong, pressing against herself more, making the dark, damp spot even more obvious, before pulling the hand up, and over her slightly glistening scales.

The serpents hand moves over her stomach, slowly trailing towards her chest. And once there, she pulls at them again, but instead of covering herself immediately, this time once the nipples are peeking out, her hand keeps moving towards the back of her neck. With a quick flick of her wrist, her bikini top is undone, and the fabric falls from over her breasts, revealing them entirely. While the audience were busy cheering and staring, she removed the other strap as well. With a gentle, lewd smile, she tossed the bra to the man that had tipped her directly, as a thanks for his patronage.

Topless, she got back to her feet and blew a kiss to the people enamored with her. Dyne's tail wraps around the pole, and leans forward slightly. Her breasts hung there, on full view of everyone, as she moves her hand over them, squeezing them slightly, before moving down towards her bottoms. She hooks her thumbs under the strings, and pulled them down slightly, almost revealing herself before giggling and pulling them back up.

Her foot went behind the pole as well, and uses them both to pull herself against the pole. The serpent smiles and goes back to dancing, spinning around the pole before dropping down, letting her breasts bounce as she went down into splits on the stage. She turns her torso and bends her legs at the knees. Once there, she pushed her fingers under her bikini, rubbing her feminine folds for a few seconds before pulling out. Her eyes met her favourite help, as she pulled her fingers out, and brought them to her lips. She licked the feminine fluids from her fingers suggestively, promising things that would never happen.

Then she started moving her knees together before her. Pulling the knees up once they touched each other, and she leaned back, hiding everything behind those legs. As she sat there, she pulled the strings at her hips, opening the last piece of clothing she was wearing. Lifting her hips slightly, she pulled them off. The money stuffed in the pants clung to her scales, but as she moved, they eventually fell down to the stage. And with them off, the serpent started moving forward, moving her tail to hide her rear and between her legs, the tossed in money bunching up under her hands and knees. The crowd once more let their disappointment be known, as she wasn't fully on display after all. Dyni put the bikini in her mouth as she crawled on all fours forward, shaking her hips from side to side as she got closer to her audience.

At the very edge of the stage, she stopped, and pulled herself on her knees before beckoning the fox boy sensually to come forward. Needless to say there were more than a few disappointed grunts as they weren't chosen for the nights gift. But as she spread her knees, and used her tail to pull her pussy lips apart, most seemed sated with the view.

The young man, clearly flustered and sporting a less than covert erection, started his less than easy way through the crowed. Most were busy watching the show, and the snake on display for them. But eventually he managed to step forward to the stage, only to get a kiss on his forehead, and the panties pressed on his nose. The panties, perfumed with floral scent, clearly having been prepared for in advance, mixed with the scent of her excitement, pressed tight against the nose. He breathed in deep, and the scent and the excitement of the moment made his eyes flutter slightly. The boys hand went to hers, as she kept the panties on his face. Dyni was almost surprised the boy didn't faint from it all.

And with that, she gave his cheek a little caress, and winked to him. The fox took a step back, oblivious at the jealous glares some of the other younger audience members. Grinning, he took the panties. Eyes closed he breathed in the scent, and the tent in his pants twitched.

Her show was over. Gracefully, she got back to her feet, and blew a kiss to the crowed gathered around her stage, before spinning on her heels, and starting to walk towards the curtains from where she came. Her hips swung from side to side, obviously exaggerated, but a sight none the less. Her breast and cheeks jiggled with each step, and as she reached her exit, she looked back one more time, giving them a wink, and used one of her hands to spread her rear slightly as a last treat for her loyal audience.

After that, she disappeared backstage of the club. She'd surely hear from the owner, and what seemed to be her number one fan later. And she wouldn't mind hearing from either, though, with one the tone might be a lot more professional than pleasure, than with the other.

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