Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part Six

Story by vampwolf21 on SoFurry

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Jason thought he was a normal black cat and his best friend/lover was a normal tiger. However on the last day of school everything starts to change. New things come to light and new changes start to happen as this pair of lovers go from being two 17 year old teenagers to something more. And get quite the surprise on top of that.

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut.

Part Six

Jason and Luke lose track of time as they watch a movie. After the end credits are rolling, that is when Luke looks to see that it has been almost two hours. It is still early enough in the afternoon but if he wants to make sure they are able to help prepare dinner, then they will need to start to plan out what they are going to make.

Jason is almost dozing off safely curled up against Luke's side. It makes the tiger smile as he gently says, "Jason, we still need to plan what we are making for dinner. Come on, baby. I promise to let you cuddle up to me later to make up for moving you now."

Jason pouts cutely as he says, "You better keep your word. I want my cuddles with you later." His green eyes are full of love even as he gazes at his mate with the pout still in place. Jason knows his mate will always make sure to keep a promise. So the cat lets the pout fade just in time for a gentle and loving kiss from the tiger.

Luke smiles after the kiss before he says, "You know I keep my promises. What are you in the mood for? Any cravings I should know about?" His tone is teasing as he takes the chance to tease his mate. It seems to work because Luke sees Jason smirk as if trying to come up with something.

Jason decides to try suggesting something he once heard on a TV show for what a pregnant woman wanted. The cat says, "I want a pickle, ice cream, tuna, and peanut butter sandwich." He pretends to look serious about the request to see what his mate will say to such a gross sounding combination.

Luke just grins as he says, "If that is what you want then I will make it. Shall I go make it now?" He knows his mate is not being serious but he starts to move from their spot on the couch as if he will really make such a gross sandwich.

Jason's eyes widen as he shakes his head, "No, I wasn't being serious. Please don't really do that." The reaction is enough to make Luke laugh as he looks at his mate. Jason has no idea what is so funny about his shocked look. Honestly he has no idea that in a couple of months such a request could be a legit one.

Luke kisses Jason's forehead before he says, "I know you were not serious. I like shocking you like that though. I bet when you do get pregnancy cravings, they will be even weirder than the ones on TV." The tiger to reassure his mate holds him close.

Jason pouts again but this time it is just for the thought of him ever having pregnancy cravings. The cat lets it go though, since his mate is cuddling him instead of trying to move off the couch. Jason can be easy to please sometimes when it comes to cuddle time with his mate.

Annie comes down while they are cuddling and smiles at how cute they are. She sniffs the air and notices the slight change to her son's scent. She has a feeling they will be asking her about scents soon, so she plans in her mind to make time for the young couple when they are ready to talk.

Jason notices his mom first and doesn't move as he is too comfy where he is in Luke's hold. Annie says, "Hi boys, don't worry. It is okay that you are cuddling. I came down to work on some of my paintings. But I get the feeling there may be something on your minds too."

Luke nods as he says, "I guess moms really do know everything sometimes. There is something on our minds but we can wait if you would rather get some painting done for now. We are going to make dinner for you and Bennie. So that should give you time to work."

Jason agrees with his mate as he knows how important art is to his mother. However, Annie surprises them both as she says, "While my art is important and I love it. I love my son and his mate much more. So if I can help then I will be glad to give you two all the time you need from me. By the way, thank you. I will look forward to dinner made by the two of you."

Jason watches as his mother settles onto a chair and just smiles at them waiting for them to choose if they are ready or not to discuss what is bothering them. The cat looks to Luke to see if they should start to ask their questions or if they are still too scared to find out the answer to his changing scent.

Luke whispers to Jason, "I think we should find out sooner rather than later about your scent. If it is true that it means you are carrying our son or daughter, then it is better to start mentally preparing for what awaits us. But if you are not ready or too scared, I understand. This is about your body and your scent, so I leave it up to you."

Jason is really happy to have such an understanding mate. As much as his mind doesn't want to admit it, the logic in what Luke has said makes sense. The cat knows that if he really is pregnant then that means learning what needs to happen to make sure their son or daughter is born healthy. Also Jason knows that thanks to how scared he is the time to mentally prepare would really help.

After a couple of minutes pass Jason says, "I guess now would be a good time. I would rather it just be the three of us for this discussion." The cat is blushing as this is more embarrassing than he thought it would be. How does a son bring up something like his scent to his own mother? Let alone what it means if he is giving her a grandchild after having sex with Luke. Jason has no idea how to broach this subject without making himself blush.

Annie chuckles softly at her son's reaction well aware that he is blushing because of something about whatever is bothering him. She says softly, "I know it is not easy to talk to a parent about things like sex, pregnancy, or other matters sometimes. If you are not feeling up to it, we can wait until you are. I am here for you, whenever you want to talk."

That seems to help as Luke is blushing too about this. But he knows Annie is telling the truth. It is something he admires about Jason's mother. It is great to know there are adults they can talk to about this stuff no matter how much embarrassment it leads to. The tiger doesn't want to push his mate so he just holds Jason close and rubs comforting circles on his mate's back.

Jason relaxes from the slightly tense pose before speaking. The cat says, "Luke told me my scent is changing to take on a sweeter note to it. I...I still am scared of the whole idea of being male and pregnant. So I...." His voice trails off as the fear and embarrassment takes over.

Luke knows his mate has started to explain so he says, "We were both wondering if you knew if that proves he is pregnant or not. I only know what the books my mom gave me said. Jason told me that you told him about a male omega you grew up around."

Annie admires them both for being willing to face the fear or try to face it when such a confusing unknown happens. The fact that her son has such a good mate willing to wait until the subject is started by Jason first before speaking helps. The fear is easy to see in both young males.

Annie remembers how scared her friend was about his second gender. So she understands how this must be a confusing time adding in the fact that while not fully mentally accepting of what he is now, a child is going to be on the way. Annie says softly to them both, "I know you are both scared. As for the scent, I do notice a sweeter scent to you Jason. When my omega friend was pregnant with his first child, there was a sweeter scent on him too. I know this is not what you want to hear Jason, but that scent is only going to be more noticeable as time goes on. It means you are pregnant but only in the very first days. It is more clear in a couple of weeks."

Annie's eyes are full of concern and worry for how her son is going to react to this. Jason's eyes start to tear up like they used to do when he was little and scared. Luke keeps the gentle comforting circle motion on the male cat's back. The tiger's books prepared him partially for an answer like that but still hearing it scares him too. No one in either family should forget they are still only seventeen years old and in Jason's case he only turned seventeen a few days ago.

Jason turns to hide his face in his mate's neck and lets himself cry a little because his mother confirmed what scares him the most. He wants to be in denial but he is not foolish enough to risk his and Luke's baby. Annie gently says, "You two need time to mentally work through all of this. If you want to still talk I am here. If you two just want some time alone, let me know."

Jason is not ready to talk more and Luke is not sure what to say to ease his mate's fears. Annie gets up and pats Luke on the head before saying, "I can see you two need time alone. Luke, just being there for him and comforting him is what he really needs. You two are only seventeen. You both have people here to help. I am here for you too, Luke. Any time you need one on one time to talk."

Luke is relieved for the advice and is really glad to have a second person he can talk to about this one on one sometime. The tiger just keeps trying to comfort the cat as Annie leaves the room to let the couple think over things. She won't be far in case they need her.

Jason whimpers as he says, "Mom...she is not joking. Why is this happening? I...I..." Until now Jason has not let himself fully break down enough over what this means for him and his life. Luke gently rubs the cat's back while letting his mate get his thoughts out.

Jason looks at Luke and asks, "Luke...what do we do now? We talked about what if plans if it turned out to be true. But...but...."

Luke says softly, "Baby, I know you are not mentally ready for this level of change. I am not ready for it either but it has happened. What we talked about, we did so while it was still almost like a joke to us. So if you just want to break down and cry for a bit, I don't mind letting you cry on me. As for what we do now, we take time to think about what this means. We plan and I want to make sure you see a doctor."

Jason is relieved that his mate doesn't mind if he just breaks down to cry over this. He has been holding back most of the breakdown since finding out he had changed to a male who can carry kids. The fact that it means the parts has always been part of his body to make this possible all along.

The cat starts to cry onto his mate's shoulder again as his body shakes from the sobs coming from him. The fear, the shock, the whole mess that he is in now is far more real with a solid confirmation from his mother. Jason knows his mother would not lie or joke about something as serious as this. That is what makes him cry even harder trying to come to terms with the truth that he has been denying since yesterday. In fact, part of his mind still denies it even after the truth has been confirmed enough.

Luke says nothing as he just lets his mate cry it out. His own fear is more for Jason and what this will do to his mate. The books are only going to help to a point on getting them used to the changes this means for both of them. Parents can only help so far on what this means too. The tiger knows this is where they need to learn and mature to match what they are dealing with. However that doesn't stop the fear and confusion that comes from this change.

Finally after a while of crying Jason's weak voice says, "You are right. I want to see a doctor. I...I want to have it confirmed by a doctor. Then I...I want to talk to you about what we want to do. I...I want to keep the baby honestly."

Luke smiles at his mate glad to hear his honest thoughts. The tiger says, "We will talk to your mom about setting you up with an appointment. I will be there with you if you want when you see the doctor. And thank you for being honest. I want to keep the baby too. You are my mate, that baby is ours."

Jason gives his mate a small smile as he does feel a little lighter now that he has cried it out some. He slowly wipes his eyes before he says, "I want to get my mind off of this for now. Can we go start the dinner planning?"

Luke nods before he gently kisses Jason's forehead. He replies, "I agree, making dinner will be fun. Let's get into the kitchen and start planning." The tiger slowly gets up while guiding Jason up as well. Once he is sure his mate is stable, he starts to get them to the kitchen so they can focus on the dinner.

Annie waits until they are in the kitchen to peek out of her art room which is near the living room. She smiles as she has heard part of what they said. The fact that they are trying to mentally wrap their minds around what is happening is a great start. Annie is proud of them both as she closes her art room door so that she is once more shut in her art room with nothing but paint, easels, and her brushes.

Suddenly Becoming an Omega an Omegaverse Story Part Seven

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. Author's Note: Sorry for such a long wait for this part. As an apology I am posting two new chapters. The story is slowly coming...

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Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part Five

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. Part Five Luke loves holding Jason close to him as he carries the cat to the bathroom across the hall from Jason's room. The...

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Suddenly Becoming an Omega an Omegaverse Story Part Four

WARNING: This story is only for those of legal age to view it. It contains adult content such as male pregnancy and smut. Part Four Jason buries his face into Luke's neck just taking in his mate's scent. It is so strange to him that they didn't get a...

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