Scoop N’ Twirl

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#162 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Fourth vignette for Caudle, another cute slice of life thing of bat-Caudle and his draconic boyfriend Hershel.

The bookseller doesn't usually get a chance to be the one in charge. Partially because his boyfriend is so much larger than he is, but also, because he's easy to turn the tables on. And turn he does...

Contains: Ample Descriptions of Heavy Southern Anatomy, Surprise Scoop, Affectionate Attentions to Tail, Playful Possessiveness, Turnabout, Squeaks, Tail-Coiling and Cartoony Flustration

Caudle and Hershel are FA: Caudle

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Often Hershel opted to sit on the ground, for a few reasons. One, most of the furnishings in the Belfry Bookstore were not scaled to his draconic figure. Two, with the girth of his thighs, anything more than a couple cushions under his backside would bump his lap right into the table. On this day in particular, he was leaned forward so that his soft midsection gently bumped and conformed to the edge of it through his sweater. With one elbow propping up his head by his palm nestled against the side of his throat, his eyes traced back and forth along the open book beneath his snout.

Occasionally he'd slide his other arm along the tabletop to turn the page. His tail rested on the rug behind him in the nook, taking up much of the floorspace. In its resting state, the powerful limb's cross-section settled somewhat trapezoidal, base splooted out on either side all the way down to his plush spade.

It was this sight that greeted Caudle as he returned to the nook with his freshly brewed tea. The bat looked down at his boyfriend's fifth (or perhaps seventh, depending on if his wings were out or not) appendage. With his large ears, he could tell that Hershel hadn't even reacted to his arrival, perhaps too engrossed in reading to notice just yet. The steady filling and expelling of his lungs, the subtle waltzing lilt of the massive male's heart he could just make out if he was keeping totally still...

Silently, the chiropteran set his tea down on a shelf in the entry of the nook. He carefully stepped over the spade and walked over to the right side of the relaxed rear appendage and knelt, looking over its girth. Especially with how its ventral side spread under its own weight, it was wider than any one part of the bat. He trailed his eyes along it back to its owner's ample hips. The spot he chose was far enough that he could lay down in that direction and only his ears would meet the dragon's body proper.

Caudle decided to act on his impulse at last. Placing his fingers against the floor, wing-palms up, he slid them forward and under like a double peel for a particularly large pizza. A very thick pizza indeed. It was heavy, though the smooth scales meant he had little resistance apart from the pressure to scoop. In one single motion, the bookseller had gotten his elbows against the side of his boyfriend's tail. He flexed at the hip, lugging the serpentine limb up to his chest and scooted forward to get his knees under all that weight.

Hershel's ear-fins spread at that initial touch, the chains on his piercings swaying afterward from the motion. He raised his attention up and away from the book, sitting more upright as his tail was lifted. He felt something pressing into the topside of his tail as well within a mere moment. Twisting slightly, he looked back over his shoulder curiously.

There was the small bat, nuzzling into the top of his tail with his whole face.

The dragon's bemused expression melted into a warm smile as he recognized this. As the chiropteran relaxed and merely rested his head upon the powerful limb, Hershel spoke. "Did you get your tea?"

"Mmmhmm..." Caudle didn't look back towards his boyfriend just yet, his fingers starting to knead into the soft underside of the girthy length in his grasp. The supple, banded scales of the ventral surface gave lightly, letting his free digits work into the relaxed muscle. The bookseller momentarily thought of the way gummies and sugarplums give when squished between thumb and forefinger.

"Getting awful clingy on my tail back there..." Hershel commented playfully. His spade was starting to curl and slide along the rug near the entrance of the nook, coinciding with the dragon's hips gently shifting his weight from one cheek to the other.

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