The Family Fantasy - Part 3 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#82 of Smut I Commissioned

Alex is taken by his girlfriend Maria to have lunch, and continue to learn about his lewd new world. Written by Draconicon, posted with his permission.

  • The Family Fantasy continues, as Alex, having explained to Maria the unique situation he's in, is taken out for a nice, lewd lunch. Just like the previous parts, this story was written by Draconicon, who was kind enough to allow me to share it here, so please, support him by following him on SoFurry and FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon, which allows you priority access to his commission slots. Let the lewdness continue.

The Family Fantasy - Part 3

Once he'd 'fed' the vixens that had come over to enjoy the show and the after-party in the park, Alex half-expected Maria to lead him along by his cock. Hell, she'd gotten him so dick-brained that it almost felt right that she would lead him along by it like some sort of fleshy leash, but she stopped short of that, leaving him to walk along beside her rather than taking charge. He wondered if that was just because he was the only stud around, or if she was actually that satisfied with him that she wanted to keep him in charge for the moment.

Either way, it felt good. Very good.

"So, you don't remember anything, hmm? Not even the least little bit?" she asked.

"I told you, nothing."

"Heh...I wonder how much I could mess with you."

"More than you should."

"Mmmm, tempting."

"Don't. Please."

"Don't worry. I'm not going to be mean about it."

She patted his back just over his tail-base, and then pulled herself a little closer. He wrapped his arm around the otter's waist, still getting used to walking naked through the park. The feeling of being stared at and enjoyed all the time was something that still took a great deal of getting used to, and he wondered if he would ever really be comfortable with all that. He hoped he would. It was hot, even if it was still a little embarrassing to think of himself as just walking around in the buff, showing off in ways that he would have only fantasized about before.

The otter led him through the park to a nearby restaurant, one that was open twenty-four hours. It had always been a bit of an erotic one - not quite a Hooters, but going in that direction with the type of women that they tended to hire - but as they walked in -

"Welcome to Quincy's," the hostess said, the rather boisterous mouse smiling wide, her breasts not covered at all and quite clearly, ahem, enhanced. She smiled as she leaned forward, her nipples poking over the edge of the stand that she stood behind. "How can we help you today?"

"Table for two," Maria said.

"Oooh, a date for the pair of you?"

"Heh, you can call it that."

"Lucky. You get the stud," the bimbo-esque mouse said, shaking her head. "Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in his bed for a night."

"He's more for the girls like me, heh. He likes us with a little meat on our bones."

"Come on, he'd love my tits."

"Maybe, but the rest of you?"

"Mmmmph...Come on, stud, don't you like the big titties?"

The mouse pushed her breasts together in an obviously flirtatious move, and Alex couldn't deny that his cock throbbed up a bit at the pressure to stare at her, to enjoy what was on display, and...everything else. His cheeks burned, and he looked at Maria.

She gave him a slight nod, gesturing at the mouse. He supposed that it was meant to tell him to reach out and do something, so...he did.

The red dragon grabbed the mouse by the breasts, squeezing them together. Oh, they were obviously enhanced, though he didn't think that they were implants. In this fantasy world, he wondered if those were even needed. As he squeezed her jugs, she moaned, obviously getting into it even more than the women in the old hentai pornos had done, thrusting her chest forward, putting her breasts more on display, wriggling as if she was on the verge of orgasm right then and there.

Just like at the park, there was no disdain or judgment directed his way. The other customers either ignored it - focused on their food or each other - or they turned with grins of their own. Some of the customers even looked a bit jealous at the attention that the mouse was getting, squirming in their seats, herm-cocks rising up and hitting the bottoms of tables and some pussy juice stains running out and over the benches and stools that they sat on.

In record time, just under a minute, the mouse girl spasmed, arching her back. He heard the soft squirting sounds hitting the floor, but he hardly believed it. The hostess had just cum...just from the pleasure of getting her breasts fondled.

He pulled his hands back, his fingers coated in milk, and the mouse panted as she struggled to get her legs under her again.

"Gimme...gimme a second...ho boy..."

"Told you," Maria said, chuckling.

"Mmmmm, he liked my titties," she said with a dumb giggle.

"Yeah, but who was the one that actually got to cum?"

"Wha - oh, oh. Oh. Sorry. Sorry, Mr. Stud."

"It's alright, seriously," Alex said, shaking his head. "Um, can we get a table now?"

"Oh, yeah, of course. Right away. Just - whoa!"

The mouse almost fell over, her legs still not working quite right. She grabbed hold of the hostess podium to keep her balance, fumbling for some of the menus stuck to the side. She passed them to Maria, and the otter nodded for him to follow along. After making sure that the mouse was going to be okay, he did as he was told, following her past the other tables to the booth that she'd picked out for the pair of them.

"Does that happen often?" he asked as they sat down.

"About half the time," Maria admitted. "Most of the ladies want to be with you, and so do most of the herms."


"Heh, it's a good place for you. You've always enjoyed it."

Certainly, it had always been an enjoyable fantasy, though this was the first time that he was confronted with what the reality of the fantasy would be. It wasn't a bad reality, so far as these things went, but having them all over him, giving him permission like that without a second thought - hell, actually initiating it - was something that he had never imagined actually happening. He'd always assumed that it would be consensual, yes, but this was sort of a hyper-consenting sort of reality, allowing all kinds of debauched behavior that he would never have assumed would be encouraged in public.

As they looked at their menus, he saw that they were just as 'scandalous' and casual as the rest of the world. Each item on the milkshake menu was supported with a pair of breasts, and even seemed to indicate that there'd be someone getting milked to allow for them to taste different with each one. He blushed as he imagined someone coming right to the table and milking themselves into the glasses for their pleasure, and wondered if some -

Oh, they were. Some of the milkshakes were made with herm-'milk' rather than breast milk. That would be...intense, he imagined.

He was still looking at the food stuff, trying to sort himself out, when Maria gently pressed her toes against his leg. He looked up.


"You're going to want to show off a bit later," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Stud duties. Gotta show off that cock for everyone."

"What, seriously? Here too?"

"Everywhere, Alex. That's part of what being a stud means. Everyone gets at least a view of you."

The dragon rubbed his forehead, trying not to get any stiffer than he already was. This was so much more fucked up than he had thought it would be -

You fucked your family. How much more fucked up can it get?

That...was actually a fair point. He was getting all worked up about the exhibitionism aspect when he'd already committed incest with his mother and both sisters. That was really pushing things, he supposed. But those had been in private, while this was all public, all open to him.

Their waitress - a well-endowed secretary bird, and a herm at that - came over to take their order. Maria put in a request for fish and chips, plus a caramel milkshake. He asked for a chicken sandwich, and skipped the milkshake. The otter gave him a pointed look, and he belatedly added an order for a vanilla one.

As the waitress walked off, breasts shaking as much as her ass, he looked back at the otter.

"Is that some sort of signature order or something?"

"No, just need to make sure that you give them the opportunity to show off for the stud, too."

"That's all?"

"Well, that, and you need to get used to seeing all this. If you keep trying to pretend it's not there, someone's going to figure out your secret, sooner or later."


"And besides, you want to look. I can tell."

"And you're not jealous?"

"Alex, I'm your girlfriend." She smiled, leaning forward in a way that made her smile all the more sultry...and gave him that much more of a view down her shirt. "I know what you want more than they do...and besides...I know that we were never going to be a monogamous couple. The best thing I can do is make it so fun that you can never get the same thing from anyone else, even if you do go out for more different holes later."

She kept saying that. Maybe he'd start believing it, eventually.

The secretary bird returned with a round-cheeked iguana in tow. They both put down chilled glasses on the table and proceeded to start kneading their breasts, milking themselves into their glasses. It was impossible for Alex not to stare at them, and they seemed to enjoy the attention. Certainly, they moaned more as he kept watching their fingers kneading along their tits. They were huge, too, big and heavy in the chest, and he imagined that they'd been 'enhanced' to be larger and more productive with their jobs. Either by the fantasy that had created the world, or something in the world that allowed the ladies to be that big and productive.

Seeing the white jets coming from their nipples was rather hot, and his cock throbbed under the table. He squirmed as he tried to avoid thinking about it, but it didn't get any easier to have his girlfriend reaching around under the table to fondle him, squeezing his cock from base to tip with one hand. She milked him as easily as the girls milked their breasts, squeezing out plentiful cream for the glasses.

They ended it with some ice cream, pulled in by a cart, and then offered their breasts to him and Maria. The iguana looked particularly eager for his touch, and he put on as confident a smile as he could as he leaned in and licked...and then sucked.

She moaned, alright, moaned and pressed her hand to the back of his head. Not to try and pull him off, but to keep him there, he realized, holding him there so that he could keep sucking and pulling at more of her cream. The heated milk was surprisingly thick, though a little on the sour side, and he kept licking and nuzzling with his tongue against her nipple for nearly a minute before he came to his senses.

As he pulled back, she panted, smiling, her nipples as hard as could be and very obviously aroused rather than just from the cold. She giggled.

"Looks like the stud likes the scalies, too," she said.

"Oh, he hasn't had mine yet," the bird said.

"Oh, but your client has already had her meal. Let's leave them to it."


They were both rather tittery as they walked away, and the iguana walked as if she had won something that the other had failed to get. He hoped that he hadn't sown chaos in the restaurant, and shook his head as he sipped his milkshake.

It was surprisingly good, though definitely different to the styles that he'd enjoyed back in his own world. There was that sourness, yes, but there was something else, something more natural and full-bodied about it that he'd never had before. He chalked it up to being something properly from a motherly figure rather than just from a cow off in the distance.

"And that?" he asked.


"Does that happen often, too?"

"Mmm, yep. They like to have their nipples licked clean before they move to another table."

"And with me..."

"Well, they get a little happier about being the one the stud picks. And I owed the girls here a favor, so I wanted them to actually get the chance to get your mouth."


"Girls gotta look out for each other."


They enjoyed their meal, though not without a few moments of awkwardness during it. The constant teasing beneath the table might have varied in form, but it never stopped. Whether it was just Maria teasing him with her hands, a playful employee dropping under the table to find some 'lost change' and giving him a few licks, or being asked to stand up to help with 'topping' someone else's dish, it was a constant reminder of just how much the stud was expected to do for the ladies in the world. It was...weird. Hot, but weird.

"Thanks for coming in today, stud," the secretary bird said when they were done eating and asked for their check. "I hope you enjoyed everything?"

"Very much," he said. "The food was great."

"Alright. And who will be paying the bill?"

"Uh, me, I guess," Alex said, reaching for his wallet.

"Oh, perfect!"

Before he could pull his card out, the waitress was on the table, leaning forward, tail-feathers up, showing off her pussy and her ass to him and the entire restaurant. Even those that had been rather absorbed with their own talks earlier turned to watch, and he realized that he had a different option besides cash payments. A very, very different option.

His cheeks burned brighter as the secretary bird and Maria both stared at him, realizing that he was being asked rather than just being required. He could say no. He could just offer his card and pay with it rather than with his dick, and there was a part of him that was tempted to go with that. After all, he was kind of shy about it, still, but...

But he had been teased throughout the whole meal, and he wanted to have some satisfaction after having to deal with all the stuff that they had been putting him through. His cock was so hard, and Alex needed some satisfaction.

Did he blush as he stood up from the booth? Yes. Did he have a hard-on to end all hard-ons? Also yes.

The entire restaurant went 'oooh' as he stood behind the secretary bird, the red dragon's cock throbbing and oozing all over those feathery cheeks. She felt softer, more pillow-y than his family, and there was something rather lovely about that, like she was constantly tickling his cock. She spread her thighs further, and his cock slipped down, resting the head against her puffy pussy, soaking it in her juices and feeling the invitation down there just waiting for him.

She really wants the stud...

And that was the thing that pushed him to move forward and take her. Oh, the teasing had helped, and there was a great deal of him that just wanted to be that sort of super-male, the one that took whatever he wanted and got what he liked from the females and herms around him, but there was something more to it here. She wanted him, and that meant so much more than him just having the right to take her. She wanted him, needed him, and that was fucking hot.


His cock slipped into her with ease, and she moaned under him, her eyes closing as he started rutting her hard right from the start. In, out, in, out, each thrust ramming into her womb or even further as he fucked her hard. In, out, in, out, her puffy slit oozing around his cock as she dripped for the entire restaurant to see. Alex leaned over her, his hips pummeling away, his tail high, and he could feel every eye in the restaurant on him and what he was doing, on how he was all but breeding this little slut.

And the secretary bird loved it.

"Mmmph...ah...ah...fuck me, stud, fuck me good. I want you. I need you. Cum in me. Cum in me!"

If there was a hotter thing than having a sexy bird under you, begging you for your cum in front of dozens of customers, he didn't know what it was. Alex sped up, his cock disappearing into her again and again, and he felt her squeeze down on him. She came, came hard on his cock, and moaned for more.

He gave her everything he could. He went up on his tiptoes, grunting as he grabbed her close, rutting her from above, pressing her down into the table with every thrust. He could hear the table creaking beneath her, knew that the stand it rested on was getting tested with each successive thrust from him. It was on its last legs already, but it was still holding up as he rammed her full.

In, out, in, out, and the squelching sounds of his girlfriend fingering herself to the show only added to the sexiness of the moment. It was one thing to have someone that supported an open relationship, and something quite different to be in one with someone that wanted to watch you fuck the world. He groaned, his eyes closing tight as he focused entirely on the feeling of that heated tunnel around his cock and the way that it was clenching, squeezing, milking his cock of everything that he had. He arched his back, his balls drawing up as he slammed in once more -


And then went over the edge.

He panted as he came, and came hard, his eyes rolling back in their sockets. Under him, the secretary bird all but screamed as she came, too, squirting over her thighs and blasting her juices all along his legs. She didn't even try to contain herself, just screaming her pleasure for all to see.

And as she came, so did he, spilling his juices into her. Each pulse through his cock felt bigger than usual, almost like he was being forced to fill her to the brim. Who knew, maybe he was, but either way, he could feel his balls rising, his cock throbbing, everything feeling so good and sensitive. Didn't even seem to matter that he'd blown his load in Maria just a half hour ago. All that mattered was the horny little bird just under him and how she panted for even more cum.

He groaned as he felt his cock swimming in his own seed, and he leaned a bit closer, grinding his shaft through the slippery mess inside of her. The secretary bird looked over her shoulder as he pressed down against her. He put a little confidence in his voice and a smirk on his lips as he whispered to her.

"How was that?"

"Mmmph...all paid...and a great tip," she said.

"Glad to hear it."

He patted her hips, slowly pulling back. It felt like she was trying to suck him right back in as he dragged his cock free, but the feeling was a pleasant one rather than an annoyance. Tight as she was, he could feel every inch of his cock as he pulled back, and it made him feel even more like a stud as he revealed himself in his full size to the entirety of the restaurant. All the eyes on him, all the horny intent focused on his body, only made his cock throb all the harder for them.

"Shall...shall we go?" he asked the otter, suddenly more self-conscious.

"Heh, in a - mmmph - in a second..."

She hadn't quite cum, he realized, and he watched as she pulled herself up from her seat. She had three fingers buried in her pussy, jilling herself good and hard as her palm slapped against her clit. Each thrust of her fingers pushed her further, and she panted softly as she worked herself up to a frenzy of pleasure. Wet smacks followed right up to the point of no return, and then -


She seemed to intentionally aim her squirt right at the secretary bird's face, and the other woman laughed as she was sprayed down with the otter's juices. She reached out, playfully slapping Maria along the thigh, shaking her head.

"Dirty slut," she said.

"Creampied bitch," Maria teased back.

It was a less than subtle reminder that they were friends, he supposed. It was nice, though, seeing that there were other ways for them to be casual and playful with one another that didn't have to involve him every single time. It was a way to make him feel like he didn't have to be that necessary part to every female or herm's life. They functioned without him, they just wanted him.

Once they were all 'paid up,' they got up and went for the front door. All eyes followed him, and some of the herms followed Maria, as well. They stared at her barely-covered ass as she pulled her skirt back down, and Alex was surprised to feel a slight burst of possessiveness for her.

As he put the growl back down, as he tried to silence it before the otter heard it, he realized that it was a little too late for that. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, a slow grin growing on her face. One of her hands groped him, squeezing his cock as she leaned against his arm.

"Oh, don't tell me that you're starting to get possessive of me..."

"I...don't know. Maybe?"

"I like that..."

"Mmmph...I shouldn't be, though."

"Oh, the old Alex wasn't...but this one? Oh, I wouldn't mind if you started hoarding me, you sexy dragon."


"Heh, but only if you want to...and only if you want to play around with that idea."

Play around with -

He sighed as they walked out of the restaurant. There was so much more that he needed to figure out, and most of it was still very confusing. He just hoped that once he got the foundation of it all figured out, he would be able to sort through the rest of it with less confusion. This was weird.


They walked for a while, and as they did, bits and pieces of the puzzle started to come clear for him. Such as the fact that he was in a world where, yes, they allowed all kinds of sex, but they were also very clear on the consensual side of things. No matter what else they did, it always had a guarantee that it was negotiated or at least agreed on before it went further than a look and a smile.

That meant that there were many families that had committed incest, and had even sired children that way, though it was less common than one might have expected. The whole genetic issue meant that most people were more keen on the taboo, but always made sure that it came to nothing in the end. Not just safer that way, but generally more fun and less mess in the long term.

"What about those enhancements at the restaurant?" Alex asked as they walked down the main street, downtown. "Those weren't implants."

"Oh god, we got rid of those years ago," Maria said, shaking her head.

"And...what did you replace them with?"

"Mostly pharmaceuticals. There's plenty of those around, all of them claiming to give you bigger loads, bigger breasts, bigger just about anything, honestly. It's harder to find the stuff that's good for shrinking, honestly. Most of us can only go up, not down."

"And...that's good?"

"It doesn't seem to bother most ladies."

"And it doesn't bother you?"

She arched her eyebrow, pointing down to her breasts. She gave them a very deliberate jiggle, and he felt his cock twitch as he watched.

"Doesn't seem like you want them to be any bigger," she teased.

"They're...a good size right now."

"And they're not going to fall out of my shirt, either, when I do the cheerleading stuff."

"I'm surprised that you're still wearing panties during cheer practice, heh," he admitted.

"Who says I do?"

He almost had a spit-take as he imagined her jumping up and down, her legs open and spread, her pussy on display for the entire class to see. His partial boner turned into a full one right then and there, and his cheeks only burned hotter as she smiled at him with a wink and a big grin.

"Oh, you like that..."

"Stop teasing."

"Oh, no. You're the stud, remember? That means that you're the only pure guy around, and if I can find buttons to hit, then I'm going to hit them."

"I thought you were supposed to be educating me on how this all worked?"

"I think I can do that and tease you at the same time," she said with a small smile. "How about we turn this into a mutual naked walk?"

He could only stare as she pulled her clothes off, dragging her shirt over her head and not only stripping, but tossing it off to the side, as if getting rid of the temptation to put it back on. His cheeks burned as he saw her tits bouncing, her nipples hard, and it only got worse as she pulled her skirt down and exposed her bare pussy and ass. Just like her shirt, it got tossed off to the side. She was completely naked, just like him, and the view was enough to keep him so hard that it hurt.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"I think that you look better than ever."

"The stud's favorite girl?"

"Mmmph...I'd say so..."

"I think we should get something to mark the occasion."

"What -"

"Come on."

She grabbed him by the hand, and once more, they were off. His eyes went right for her ass as it swayed back and forth with every step, her rudder of a tail barely hiding it, and his cock refused to stop throbbing.


They were in a store, this time with various different gear and supplies. At first, he almost thought that it was a pet store, but no. It was something for those that had a different...preference for the sort of pleasures that they had with their partners. He watched with wide eyes as Maria just walked up to one of the walls of collars, pulling down one of the leather bands and holding it to her throat before turning to face him. She smiled, posing with it against her neck as she said:

"Seems to suit me, don't you think?"

"What...the hell..."

"Come on, you said that I was your favorite girl."

"Yeah, but -"

"Are you saying that I'm not?"

"No, but...collars?"

"Heh, trust me. There's far worse things that I could wear for you."

He wasn't sure what those could be, but the idea was enough to send a shiver down his spine and a thrill through his cock. Maria offered him the collar to look at, and he took it, seeing the heart-shaped tag that hung from the band. It named the wearer 'Best Girl', and he groaned. It could have been something that either a dog or a person could have worn, and the idea of it being wrapped around Maria's throat...

Well, he wasn't going to lie. It wasn't unsexy, though it was definitely taking it further than he had imagined. He blushed as he handed it back, but she still held it to her neck, almost like she was still waiting for his final thoughts and permission. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.



"Fine, you can wear it."

"Ah ah." She chuckled. "Alex, you're the stud. That means that you can say what you want, not just let us do what we want. So, let's try that again. Hmmmmmmmmmm?"

As she wiggled the collar over her neck, it was hard not to imagine her wearing that and nothing else as they walked down the streets. The very idea that he might be able to ask his family to do that, too, also hit him hard. He might not be in a master/slave situation, but that didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to play some of that out just for the fun of it.


His mom, naked, in the garden, wearing a collar that called her the Milker...or the Breeder...

Oh, fuck that was hot.

And his sisters would only make it hotter as he asked them and found out what they were willing to do with and for him. Would they say yes? No? Which would make him feel better about everything right that moment? He honestly didn't know, and yet, he couldn't wait to find out.


"Um...wear it."


"...Wear it, you little slut," Alex said, putting a little more force into his voice there. "Wear it so that everyone knows who they have to live up to."

It was something almost out of a porno book or script, but it was hot to say it, and he rather liked the feeling that came with ordering someone around and knowing that they wanted to do it. Did he grin a bit? Yeah, probably, but he was pretty sure that anyone else would have, too.

And it was enough to get her to drop the subject and buy the collar. She put it on before they reached the cash register, and even leaned forward, shaking her ass as the clerk scanned it. He wanted to fuck her. God, he wanted to fuck her. He almost did, too, and only stopped himself with the knowledge that they still had most of the day ahead, and the fact that he didn't know what his limits in bed actually were. He might have far more to fuck when he got home, and he needed to be ready for that.

That said, he did grab her ass as they walked back out to the parking lot, and he did squeeze it repeatedly on the way back to the sidewalk. They had eyes on them for the naked walk, but he didn't care. The more they did this, the more confidence he got, and the better he felt about it all.

He was the Stud, after all. He was allowed certain...privileges.

By Draconicon

The Family Fantasy - Part 4 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

- _The Family Fantasy_ saga continues, as we change POVs to see how Maria views the world, and how she plans to help Alex get used to things. Just like the previous parts, this story was written by Draconicon, who was kind enough to allow me to share...

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The Family Fantasy - Part 2 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

- In this next entry in _The Family Fantasy_, Alex sets out to begin exploring this insane lewd world he's found himself in, and meets with his girlfriend, Maria, who is keen to be his guide. Just like the first part, this story was written by...

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The Family Fantasy - Part 1 (A Draconicon story; posted with permission)

- In this next entry in _The Family Fantasy_, Alex is faced with just now deliciously, insanely lewd his family is, just like he always secretly wished they would. Of course, it's all a bit overwhelming... and insanely sex. Just like the first part,...

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