Chip and Dale and a Visit from Mom (A Jeeves Disney Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#85 of Smut I Commissioned

Chip and Dale's mom comes over for a visit. Copious amounts of depraved incest ensues. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • The literal, actual only good thing to come out of that weird movie/parody of Rescue Rangers on Disney+ was that they showed Chip's mom, and she was a true MILF. So obviously, me and Jeeves decided to make smut. It's the small things. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

Chip and Dale and a Visit from Mom

For some adults, a visit from their mother was a terrifying prospect. At the very least a chance to feel judged for their independently made life choices and to feel treated like they were still a child, and at the worst running the risk of them finding out deeply personal and still private secrets about their personal lives. Goodness only knew how many porn stashes had been moved to some insanely hard to find spot, or outright deleted from hardware just on the off-chance that a visiting mother might ask to use their offspring's PC or phone for some purpose, whether well meaning or actively seeking an opportunity to snoop.

Thankfully, Chip and Dale didn't feel that way about their mom's visit. Not just because they knew she wasn't the type to be a busybody in their lives, but because far from judging them or being appalled by the obscene volumes of pornography saved to their electronic devices, they knew in advance that their mother would only have one comment regarding that content.

"Ohhh, boys... you've got to send me the link to this video."

Their mom moaned as she sat between her boys on the couch, their heads resting on her shoulders as she masturbated their rigid cocks in unison. On the screen a chubby feline woman probably around their mom's own age was yowling and moaning progressively louder as she straddled her lover, grinding her puffy pussy back and forth against the length of his erection where it lay pinned down against his crotch and lower belly. His shaft was already soaked with her arousal, and as she began to shriek and shudder violently while continuing to rub her clit desperately down against the male's cock, a gush of orgasmic ejaculate flooded out and began to darken the light sheets upon which they were entangled.

"Aaaah, mom!"

Chip gasped first, his eyes widening as he stared at the screen and his ears twitching as the whole of the living room tucked away at the rear of Rescue Rangers HQ echoed with the heartfelt and frantic orgasmic screams of the videoed woman. With a warm smile, his and Dale's mom just picked up the pace of her stroking a fraction more, and it took less than five seconds for Chip's cries to almost equal the ecstasy displayed on the screen as he began to shoot hot ropes of cum across his belly, chest, and all over the paw relentlessly pumping at his cock. Dale squeaked, moaned and thrust his own hips up into his mom's embrace a few seconds later, and the older female chipmunk gave a longing moan of pure satisfaction as for the first time in far too many weeks, she felt the deliciously familiar, familial pulsing of her two beloved boys' cumming cocks within her grasp.

"Mmmmhhh... yesss. Ohhh, boys. My sweet boys..."

Her pussy ached and squeezed, longing for contact. For pleasure of its own. The bliss of the two younger men was more than enough to send her arousal skyrocketing to new heights though, and their mom gurgled and gasped happily in the knowledge that even if these particular orgasms passed by without any stimulation directed her way, there were still many, many more yet to come.

Sure enough, barely half an hour later, Chip and Dale's mom lay spread over one arm of the couch and clung to the fabric from dear life as she felt Chip holding one of her legs at an obscenely stretched angle, Dale grasping the other, and her two sweet boys bucking their hips in deliciously arrhythmic greed as they each fucked her at once. Chip was in her ass, holding her left leg up against his torso and lavishing breathless kisses over one of her feet, while Dale was humping her pussy as he held her right leg off to one side, keeping her exposed enough for them to both thrust inward at an angle and achieve the penetration they craved. For a few moments the older woman held her hands desperately over her mouth to stifle her screams, but then she remembered who she was with. These weren't random dates from a bar. She didn't have to act demure and mature in front of them like she did most other lovers to keep from intimidating them with the intensity of her libido. These were the offspring of those needy loins, and in their adulthood they had not only proven themselves to possess sex drives to rival their mom's own, but also libidos which had finally granted their mom the shameless indulgence she had spent her entire sexually active life craving without restraint.

"Hahhh... harder, boys. Fuck me. Fhh-hahhhhh... fuck mommy's cunt!"

Her pussy and ass alike clenched hard around both men's shafts as their mom grunted those words. She loved being filthy. Being crude and utterly unabashed in her horniness. And god, she loved reminding her boys that she was their mom while they fucked. She loved reminding herself of it. Not just during sex, but always. It had been years since she had thought of herself as anything but Mom, using her given name only in official circumstances and with friends not close enough to know the real her. She was mom, first and foremost. She was their parent. Their guardian. Their most trusted confidante in all the world, ideally. And to their mutual elation, she was the mindless slut who couldn't get enough of their incestuous relationship.

"Yesssssss! Yes! Ohh, Chip. Fuck my ass like you fuck your brother. And Dale, oohh... ohhhgod, my sweet Dale! Fuck the pussy you came from. Make me squirt like the night you were conceived. The night I knew my life would never be the same again, bhhahh... because I wasn't just a woman any more. I was gonna be a mom!"

Her wailing cries grew louder, more mindless as Chip and Dale gave her everything she asked for and more. They fucked her so hard that her eyes couldn't focus because they were being rattled around in their sockets with such force. They gripped her legs so tight and pounded her stretched, spread crotch with such force that the musculature of her whole midsection would have been aching were it not consumed by the white hot fires of sexual pleasure. Her muzzle fell slack. She felt saliva trickling out of her mouth as her tongue extended and flicked at the open air, greedily seeking a muzzle to make out with, a cock to lick, cum to taste. Something, anything to give her more stimulation. More pleasure. More sex.


Orgasm tore through the older chipmunk like a tornado through a corn-field. It ravaged her not without warning, but with such force that there was simply nothing she could have done to prepare, thus it seemed to catch her entirely off guard. She screamed. She drummed her fists and scratched at the couch's fabric, idly feeling her fingertips scrabbling against pre-existing, stitched up tears where she and perhaps others had lain before in a similarly frenzied state. She fought with all her might to remain conscious, to keep feeling, keep processing ecstasy until she felt her boys cumming inside her. But, the fact they hadn't cum yet and were still rutting her violently even as she climaxed around them both was too much for the boys' mom. A second consecutive orgasm wracked her already thrashing, screaming body. The cocks in her pussy and ass continued to fuck her, on and on and on, and as she heard Dale whimper in pleasure...

"Ohhhgod, Chip... she's so fucking wet. You've gotta feel her pussy gush over you."

...her eyes fluttered, her brain short-circuited, and even as she silently and wordlessly begged herself not to, the older chipmunk could already feel her brain overloading and kicking her into a temporary state of unconsciousness.


Thankfully, her boys knew how to look after her. They knew how to make their mom happy, even after she'd missed out on her beloved sons cumming in her because of her own frustratingly limited ability to process endless orgasmic pleasure. Thus when their mom awoke, the first thing she felt was weight on her body, and cocks pushing into her. Chip's cock was now inside her pussy. She could feel it was his in a dozen different ways, the easiest of all being the way he gripped her thighs so tight like he was terrified by the idea of their bodies parting for even a second. Even if that most clear clue hadn't been there though, her situation was made doubly obvious by the pumping of another cock into her mouth even as she only just began to rise back to consciousness. Her boys had been using her, pleasuring themselves with her while she had lain on the couch passed out from pleasure, and now the female chipmunk was huffing and gurgling as she began to actively suck on Dale's erection while its owner humped gently but enthusiastically at her suddenly more responsive face.

"Mooo-oohhh... mom... I'm gonna cum again..."

She didn't know how long exactly she'd been out, nor did she care. All that mattered was that latest fact which Dale moaned to her as he clearly felt her conscious response to his face-fucking, and gripped the sides of her face to begin bucking more aggressively against the chipmunk woman's toothy maw. She gurgled encouragingly, and wrapped her legs around Chip's waist, hearing him giggle before he piped up too.

"Soon, mom. I'll cum again too, real... aahhh, real soon!"

Even around the muzzleful of Dale's cock and beneath the weight of his body astride her face, she gave a happy sigh. She let her body relax, those last few orgasms having really taken the edge off her desperation and allowing her to more consciously indulge in the nuances of the pleasure her boys were granting her. The males' mom could feel Chip's cock throbbing and twitching against the upper wall of her pussy, grazing her g-spot with every straining inward stroke. She could taste Dale's pre-cum. So sweet, so rich compared to Chip's ever so distinctively more salty, tangy profile. She was the luckiest woman in the world, to have access to those two cocks. Those two fuzzy sets of loins with their eternally excitable cocks and seemingly endlessly refillable balls. And though she knew she needed to give her boys room to live their own lives, it still brought her such joy to hear them clamouring for a chance for her to visit. A chance to hug her, to talk with her, to share the latest goings on in their lives with her... and then to drag her into their apartment for the rest of the weekend or however long she was visiting, and show her the truest expression of their love by making her squirt and scream over an endless parade of their cocks and cum like the shameless, insatiable slut she was.

"Mmhh... mom! Oh, fuck! Yes! I'm cumming!"

Her eyes fluttered and her body convulsed yet again as Dale grunted to her and began to paint the back of her throat with hot ribbons of his desire. It was his brother's actions alongside his however which tipped the older woman over the edge into her latest, all consuming climax. Not just Chip and Dale fucking her in unison. Not just Chip wailing, driving his cock to the hilt and starting to cum inside his mom as Dale pulled back and finished himself off painting her gurgling, panting face with sticky strings of white. But on top of all that, hearing Chip moan breathlessly to her at the immediate onset of his orgasm.

"Cum with me! Oh, mh-hh... mom! Cum w-with... oh god! Oh! Ohfuck! Yes! Mmh-mhaahhhhhhhhgod, mommy!"

By Jeeves

The Family Fantasy - Part 4 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

- _The Family Fantasy_ saga continues, as we change POVs to see how Maria views the world, and how she plans to help Alex get used to things. Just like the previous parts, this story was written by Draconicon, who was kind enough to allow me to share...

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The Family Fantasy - Part 3 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

- _The Family Fantasy_ continues, as Alex, having explained to Maria the unique situation he's in, is taken out for a nice, lewd lunch. Just like the previous parts, this story was written by Draconicon, who was kind enough to allow me to share it...

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The Family Fantasy - Part 2 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

- In this next entry in _The Family Fantasy_, Alex sets out to begin exploring this insane lewd world he's found himself in, and meets with his girlfriend, Maria, who is keen to be his guide. Just like the first part, this story was written by...

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