Apex Alpha

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#47 of Story Commissions

After taking the unwanted advances of a group of jocks one time to many, it's time to turn the tables.

Commission for Rikika

'Alphas,' the snow leopard thought to himself. 'Why is it always the alphas?'

Whenever there were problems, it seemed like they were always at the center of it. At the same time, they never appeared to have to face any real consequences for the stupid shit they did. And for the ones from more affluent families, that sense of entitlement and lack of accountability only got worse.

Alphas had a natural authority to them, and people tended to trust that. At least until they were given good reason not to, and most alphas lived up to that respectability. Even so, it was still wise to practice a bit of basic caution around those you didn't know. The presence of an alpha could overpower the will of others, making them more likely to do what the alpha wanted, some even pushing it so far as to completely dominate them.

True, not every alpha abused their position or power. Just because someone was born an alpha didn't automatically make them any more capable than anyone else, or any more corrupt. Noah had known one alpha growing up that was super sweet, but unimaginably clumsy and about as smart as a bag of rocks; still a sweet guy though. And with only a five percent chance of actually being an alpha, the rest of the population wasn't overrun with them in their everyday lives. But it did seem like a disproportionate number of countries' leaders tended to be alphas. Hardly surprising, given how sought out they tended to be. Certain schools and businesses competed fiercely with each other to attract alphas to join them, increasing both the prestige and the power of those institutions. And in business as in life, it was so much easier to get what you wanted when you could impose your will over others.

It was hard to predict the alpha culture of a place from the outside. A person could only really understand it from within. Would the alphas abilities mean they were held to a higher standard? Or would they be revered to the point of thoughtless indifference to their actions?

Unfortunately for Noah, the answer was a little bit of both.

His older brother had helped him get admitted to a university that was well-regarded for the number of alphas in positions of power that had attended their institution. Noah had been eligible for a full academic scholarship that the studious feline was easily able to maintain, and he was grateful to his brother for wanting him to have the future opportunities attending a university like this could bring. Sadly, neither of them had realized just how toxic the school's alpha culture really was.

It hadn't even taken a full week after the first term had started before Noah saw alphas abusing their positions left and right. The faculty seemed more than happy to look the other way, provided the alphas weren't trying to manipulate them. When it came to other students, though... well, good luck getting them to side with you over the alphas. Of course, there were laws governing what alphas could or couldn't get away with using their innate powers of persuasion. If they made someone do something illegal, the alpha would be held just as responsible as if they had done it themselves. Again, if the school wanted to pursue it, or couldn't keep it quiet in the more severe cases.

Unsurprisingly though, within the university there was one circumstance in which the alphas were most likely to abuse their power over those around them.


While it was true that alphas using their ability to force someone to have sex with them was illegal, there was nothing stopping them from "persuading" others to do it. They couldn't outright command it, but if the alpha was able to push the other party just enough to get consent -- or in some cases just not an outright refusal-- then all bets were off. And as Noah had witnessed far too often, that the coercion of an alpha could get even those who clearly weren't one board to not resist, creating enough of a grey area in the eyes of both the alphas and the university to just assume they wanted the alphas to do whatever followed. That the victim's willpower had been worn down until they couldn't resist was rarely a concern to people who looked the other way.

In some cases, the sex of their conquests didn't seem to matter to the corrupted alphas Noah had seen. Whether it was from attraction to someone or for the bragging rights of banging the hottest guy or girl or making them submit to them, those misguided alphas tended to relentlessly pursue whoever caught their eye relentlessly until they got what they wanted. He'd been able to avoid them for the most part, but the snow leopard's luck couldn't last forever.

Sadly, some of the alpha jocks had started taking notice of the handsome feline, and lately everything had been starting to come to a head.

It wasn't like those jocks had never noticed him before. Noah was a good looking guy and he knew it. His fur was well maintained and he was in excellent shape, though he wasn't a permanent feature in the gym like they were. But whenever he did go in for some cardio, it seemed like at least one of them was always there, putting the moves on some hapless guy or girl that didn't know enough to avoid them. That the snow leopard seemed immune to their "charms" only seemed to make them pursue him more. In truth, he was immune to the aura they gave off as alphas, for one very simple reason.

Noah was an alpha himself.

The biggest difference between the snow leopard and those self-entitled pricks was that his alpha traits were dormant. All children get tested when they're young, and he'd known all his life he possessed the alpha gene, just like his big brother. But in his case, he didn't have the same aura of persuasion typical of other alphas. Which honestly suited him just fine; Noah had never been tempted to try to force his will on others, so the fact that it wasn't even an option made things much simpler. That his genes also gave him a much greater resistance to an alpha's influence meant he'd always been able to stand up to them in a way others struggled with.

Noah's patience had its limits though, and the constant sexual taunting and innuendo was fraying his last nerve. He'd come by the student gym to go for a jog, hoping to burn off some stress. Just his luck that all four of those horny bastards would be there at the same time. When he'd walked into the locker room, Jude had been working on getting a rabbit onto his knees for him, the whimpering bunny soon finding his mouth stuffed with eight inches of thick uncut bull dick. Either the big guy was really worked up, or the rabbit was really good, because it didn't take long before he was forcing the smaller guy to swallow his cum. Once he was finally out from under the bull's spell, the rabbit quickly dressed and all but ran out of the locker room. Unfortunately, that was the moment Jude and his buddies noticed Noah was there.

"Come on, pretty kitty," said Jordan, leaning against the locker next to Noah. The wolf's black fur was shining in the lights, and would have looked amazing if Jordan's personality wasn't so rotten. "All we want is to have a little fun."

"Yeah," added Cooper. The stallion flicked his mane out of his face. "We can all get something out of it. We get to fuck that spotted ass and you get to say you hooked up with four of the hottest guys on campus."

"Are you really going to turn down a chance to enjoy bodies like these?" asked Wesley. The orca's muscles stood out even more as he tensed, his diamond-hard abs easily visible.

"Or maybe you'd like it more if we were rougher with you," asked Jude, his semi-soft dick swaying above his balls. "That bunny sure seemed to enjoy a firm hand. Maybe that's what you need. Makes sense for a spotty slut to need real men to show him what he likes."

Noah was doing his best to ignore them, trying to get changed into his running shorts without engaging with any of the meatheads around him. Jordan had other ideas though, slamming the leopard's locker shut when he went to reach for his shorts, leaving the feline naked and surrounded by alpha jocks looking to make him their bitch.

"Jordan," said Noah. "I've told you all a thousand times -- I'm not interested. Leave me alone, and go bother someone else."

"Maybe I don't want to bother someone else," said the wolf. "Why would I when we've got a sexy little slut right here?"

"I don't think with the head between my legs," said Noah. "So explain to me who exactly is the slut here."

Jordan's hackles raised for a moment before the wolf was able to compose himself. Noah saw his ears darting around, and realized the lupine was trying to hear if there was anyone else in the locker room with them.

"Wesley, go lock the door," said Jordan, giving the snow leopard a predatory grin.

The orca left to do as his friend said, and Noah started to feel properly nervous. He didn't like where this was heading. He tried to pull his locker open, but Jordan held it shut.

"You're not going anywhere," said the wolf.

"Oh yes I am," said Noah. "Let go of my locker so I can get dressed."

"Clothes will only get in the way," said Cooper, his cock starting to drop from his sheath.

"No they won't, because I'm not doing anything with you fuckers," snarled the snow leopard. "Now stop being such a pain in my ass and leave me alone."

Jordan laughed. "I'll show you what a real pain in the ass is like once I've got your tight ass around my knot where it belongs."

The wolf grabbed Noah's wrist, trying to pull the feline away from the wall of lockers so he and his friends could get a better grip on him. Knowing that they weren't going to take no for an answer, Noah had to do something, fast. No help would be coming, and he had no faith in the university to do the right thing if he reported the group for what he knew was about to happen. Even if he went to the cops, it was four against one. Without serious proof, they'd never believe him.

The infuriating injustice of the situation, and the burning rage he felt at the guy's pawing at him caused something to snap inside Noah. Pulling against the powerful grip of the wolf, he snarled out a single word.


Amazingly, Noah was able to break free of Jordan's grip and step away from him. Honestly, the snow leopard fully expected the wolf to try to grab him again, but he was astounded by what he saw. Jude, Cooper, Wesley, and Jordan; all of them were standing still, almost like they were frozen in place. Noah could see them trembling slightly, like they were trying to move, but they didn't appear to be able to do it.

"Wh-What did you do!?" exclaimed Jordan. Every word out of his mouth was clearly a struggle.

At first, Noah wasn't sure what was happening either. But the more he thought about it, the more there seemed to be only one possible explanation. Somehow, someway, his alpha genes had finally become active. There was no other logical conclusion for the four jocks obeying him the way they had. That still didn't explain how he was able to overpower them to this degree so easily. The snow leopard had never seen an alpha overpower another like this. Not unless...

Apparently Wesley was smarter than Noah thought, because the way he gasped just as Noah's eye's widened in surprise showed he'd managed to work it out as well.

"No... way..." said Wesley, looking at Noah in shock. "I-It can't be! There's... no way a nerdy guy like you..."

"What?" asked Jude. "What is it? What did he do to us?" Apparently speech was slowly getting easier for them.

The orca looked like he wanted to scream in frustration. "You... you're a True Alpha!?"

Noah had come to the same conclusion. The odds of someone being born a True Alpha were only one in ten thousand. The persuasive powers of True Alphas were much more potent than normal, to the point of seeming almost like mind control. Some of the best and worst leaders in world history had risen to power through being True Alphas. But even so, the average alpha should be able to put up more resistance than this. The snow leopard had never heard of a True Alpha being able to control alphas so absolutely. The only way he'd ever heard of something like that to be possible would be if...

But no, there was no way. The odds were so astronomical as to be practically zero. And without another True Alpha to use as a test subject there was no way to be sure.

That was an issue for another time though. Right now, Noah had four arrogant jocks at his mercy. While the feline wasn't typically the type for revenge, the opportunity to finally put these bastards in their place was just too tempting to pass up.

"I'm so sick of it," said Noah, a hint of a growl in his voice. "You four walk around like you own this place. You think that because you're jocks, because you're rich, because you're alphas, that you can just do whatever you want. Can bed whoever you want whether they like it or not. That you can harass the rest of us without ever having to face consequences for your actions. That stops now."

The jocks withered under the venomous gaze of the snow leopard. They had never imagined that such a quiet, seemingly passive male would ever act like this. It was only now that they had pushed him too far that they were realizing their mistake. He was the kind of person they should have feared crossing the most. The feline had run out of patience, and that was going to cost them.

"Since you seem to enjoy making other people your playthings, let's see how much you like it when you're at someone else's mercy," said Noah. "On your knees."

While it was clear they didn't want to, the four jocks moved as one, getting down on their knees, looking up at Noah with fearful eyes. Just what was the snow leopard planning to do to them?

"Wesley, you stay right there and watch this." Shifting his stance some, Noah grinned. "As for the rest of you... Jude, get over here and suck my dick. Jordan? You'll be licking my balls. And Cooper," the feline lifted his fluffy tail, "put that mouth of yours to work on my ass. You three like to run your mouths so much, I think it's time you proved you know how to use them properly."

Despite fighting against his orders with everything they had, the three males were unable to stop their bodies from moving to obey Noah's will. Jude was the first to reach him, his snout slowly easing forward to pull the snow leopard's penis into his mouth, already feeling the uncut length start to stiffen as he began licking and sucking. The feline had no sheath, just like the bull, though at six inches Noah was as big. That was the only comfort Jude could take from the situation, even if the knowledge he was blowing a less-endowed male was eating him up inside.

With no other way to get around Jude, Jordan was forced down onto all fours as he squeezed under the bull. He tried to stop himself, but the wolf couldn't keep his tongue from starting to lick over the snow leopard's white-furred sac. The two of them already had Noah moaning, but the cat's cries got even louder when Cooper pushed his snout under his tail, rimming the leopard's ass and grunting when Noah reached back to grab his mane and push him forward.

"Get in there properly, Cooper," said Noah. "If you're going to do it, do it right."

Noah enjoyed their attentions for a few minutes, but he knew he wouldn't be satisfied just painting their faces. He wanted to humiliate them the way they had done to so many students. The only question was who should he start with?

A firm lick to his tailhole helped make the decision.

"That's enough," said Noah.

The feline stepped away from the jocks and turned to face them, his spit-slick erection pointing at them. It was also satisfying to see that despite the situation, all the males kneeling before him were starting to react. But he decided to hurry things along.

"Now that just won't do. Cooper, Jude, Jordan? I want all of you hard, right now."

The jocks groaned as their erections quickly grew under the watchful eye of the snow leopard. Jude's brown dick wasn't all that different from Noah's, just a bit longer and thicker. Cooper and Jordan were built much more like their animal ancestors. Unsurprisingly the stallion had the largest cock, ten inches of horse meat standing over a leathery sac. Dark at the base, it shifted to an alluring pink near the flaring head. Jordan's red dick was throbbing hard, his knot forming at the base of his seven inch canine cock. But to Noah's great surprise, Wesley hadn't needed an order to get hard. Unnoticed standing behind the other jocks, the feline got to watch as the orca's pink, tapered penis slid from the slit between his smooth, muscular thighs. Nine mouthwatering inches of whale penis just begging for attention.

Wesley would have to wait though. Noah already had a plan in mind for how he was going to enjoy this opportunity that had been dropped in his lap.

"Cooper," said Noah, seeing the panicked look on the stallion's face with quite a bit of satisfaction. "Turn around and get down on all fours. Time to see if your ass is as tight as it looks."

"You can't be serious!" exclaimed Cooper, even as he moved into position, his ass thrust back at the leering leopard.

"Oh, I'm dead serious," said Noah, getting down on his knees and grabbing the base of the horse's tail, pushing it out of the way to expose his ass. "You always like to brag about making guys take your dick, even if you're bigger than they'd like. I may not be as hung as you are..." the feline moved forward, kneeling behind the stallion and pressing his cock against the other male's tailhole, "... but I'm still going to make you my mare."

With that, Noah thrust forward, burying himself in the horse's backside. Cooper groaned loudly as the cat's penis pushed into him. For all the guys and girls he'd made squirm on his cock, the horse had never let anyone do anything back there. Which suited Noah just fine, because it meant that the stallion was good and tight for him despite the difference in their sizes. The leopard also couldn't fight back a smirk at the looks on the faces of the other jocks as they watched him start fucking their friend, making the horse wail as he took a dick for the first time.

It had been quite a while since Noah had gotten to hook up with another guy, and the thrill of finally getting some payback against these fuckers just made the pleasure even greater. Cooper was squirming as much as the snow leopard's commands would allow, obviously trying to pull away from him and escape the situation. It took only a simple order from Noah to bring that to a stop. Reaching around under Cooper, the cat gave his big dick a squeeze, laughing at the way he whined and humped down into his hand.

"Seems a shame to waste this cock of yours," said Noah. The horse looked back at him hopefully, but he just smirked. "Oh no, you won't be fucking me. That wasn't going to happen before, and it sure as shit isn't going to happen now." He let go of Cooper's penis and gestured at the jocks gathered before them. "Luckily, we've got some guys at our disposal right here. Jude!" Noah pointed to the floor in front of Cooper. "Get over here and let us get a look at your ass."

"Please, don't--"


Jude crawled over and turned around, lowering his head and spreading his cheeks, showing the cat and horse his tight tailhole. Noah grabbed Cooper's mane, pushing the stallion's head closer and closer to the bull.

"And you, my big mare, are going to use your tongue to get him good and slick." Noah smirked. "Jude's gonna need it for what comes next."

Cooper whined as he drew closer to Jude's ass. "No, don't make mmphf!" His words were cut off as he started rimming the bull, his body refusing to stop no matter how badly he wanted to.

As he forced the horse to rim Jude, Noah get right on fucking the stallion's ass, enjoying the way he could make Cooper whimper and moan as he worked his hips back and forth. Out of the corner of his eye, Noah saw that despite the situation, Jordan and Wesley's hands were moving towards their cock's, obviously with the intention of jerking off to the lewd display.

Well now, that just wouldn't do. These cocky bastards would only be getting off if and when he allowed it.

"None of that now you two," said Noah, glancing from Jordan to Wesley and laughing to himself when they froze. "You two are not allowed to jerk off, or even touch your dicks until I tell you so. Just stand there and watch. I'll get to you soon enough."

It was obvious neither wanted to obey, but under the force of Noah's will they didn't have a choice. Once that was taken care of, Noah resumed humping Cooper, leaning over the stallion's back and biting at his neck, letting the equine feel the prick of his fangs against his skin. The feeling made the stallion gasp and squeeze down on the snow leopard's dick, and that last pulse of pleasure was all Noah needed. Biting down firmly on Cooper's shoulder, the cat roared as he emptied his balls in the horse's muscular rump. He was careful not to break the skin, but he made sure Cooper felt it as he was claimed like a mare by the nerdy feline.

Pulling out of the stallion, Noah took a moment to enjoy the sight of his cum leaking out of the other male's rump before getting to his feet and giving Cooper's rear a slap.

"Time to reward my mare and punish another one of you assholes. Wesley, go into the showers and get them started, I'll be right with you." As the orca walked off to follow his orders, Noah looked down at the big boys still on the floor. "Jude, you better brace yourself and try to relax. Cooper?" The stallion looked up at him, uncertainty in his eyes. "Give your buddy a good hard fuck, but don't you dare cum or stop until I tell you otherwise."

Standing back, Noah watched happily at the way the bull struggled when Cooper grabbed his hips, the thick, flared head of his cock pressing firmly at Jude's pucker. The bull's groans as he was penetrated by Cooper's big cock were nearly drowned out by the stallion's own cries at the virginally tight tailhole being made to swallow his dick. If the two hadn't been so similar in build it would have been a rather painful experience for the bull, but Jude took it surprisingly well, even if he'd rather be the one fucking the stud already starting to hump at his ass. The bull's rear felt too good for Cooper to even consider starting slow, but Noah was confident the horse wouldn't be getting his release with the feline's orders.

Strolling casually towards the showers, Noah stopped to look at Jordan, smiling at how heavily the lupine's cock was dripping onto the tiled floor.

"You wait right there, Jordan. I've got plans for you."

And on that ominous note, Noah let the three of them behind and moved to the showers, unable to fight back a purr at the sight that greeted him.

Wesley was standing under the spray of the shower, steam already starting to fill the room. The hot water made his beautiful black and white skin glisten, to say nothing of the way water and pre were dripping from his cock. Noah had to admit, if the orca hadn't always been such an entitled ass, he might have made a move on him himself. He'd generally been the least abrasive of the four, though that didn't stop him from taking advantage of others; he just tended to be less of a dick about it. That alone was enough to make the snow leopard go easier on him, though he was still determined to have some fun with the big guy.

Stepping up beside him, Noah wrapped his arms around the orca, running his hands over his sides and tracing his perfectly cut abs with his fingers. He couldn't resist leaning in and licking at his big chest, even teasing Wesley's skin with his teeth, tracing along the divide between black and white that ran down his torso. Deciding to be mean, he lifted his water-logged tail and let it drape over the whale's penis, teasing him with his fur as his hand closed around the base, squeezing Wesley and fingering his slit. His other hand slid down the orca's back to cup his ass, slowly working under his tail.

To Noah's surprise, the whale didn't try to fight him off; quite the contrary. Wesley actually lifted his tail some, giving the cat better access to his ass. Apparently the whale enjoyed having his rear played with more than Noah had expected. Wesley moaned loudly when the feline's finger's found his entrance, pushing back against them without even being told to.

"Please..." said Wesley, his voice barely audible over the water even as close as they were to each other. There was no way the guy's out in the locker room would be able to hear him. "P-Please..."

Wesley mumbled something, the white parts of his face turning a brilliant pink. Noah knew what the whale wanted, but he wanted to hear him ask for it.

"Speak up," said the leopard, slowly stroking the whale's erection. "Tell me what you want, or you won't be getting anything from me."

Wesley whined, an adorable noise coming from such a big guy. Refusing to look at the cat, he said, "Please... f-fuck me. Let me cum! I... I need to cum!"

Either the orca was very desperate for release, or Wesley was as opposed to being on the receiving end as Noah had thought. Well, that was fine with him. He'd have to be crazy to pass up such a golden opportunity to fuck one of the finest asses on campus. Issues with entitlement aside, there was no denying the orca's good looks, and with a quick order Noah made the view even better.

"Bend over and brace yourself on the wall," said the feline, stepping around behind the whale. "Then get that tail out of the way so we can have some fun."

Wesley did exactly as ordered, his hands splayed against the slick tiles, spreading his legs and lifting his tail up and to the side, showing off his perfectly formed ass to the snow leopard. Noah could have stood there for hours watching the water slide down his back, but the sight of that firm ass was like a siren's song for him, and he couldn't ignore it any longer. Using the cum still on his cock as lube, Noah thrust forward, bottoming himself out inside the whale in one go.

Noah moaned just as loudly as Wesley did, hoping the others would hear them even over the showers. But even if they couldn't Noah could certainly hear the way Wesley was moaning and whining in pleasure as he started working his hips back and forth, the slap of furry hips on smooth backside ringing out through the room. Noah loved how he was able to go balls deep in the whale immediately, and rather than complaining about it the orca was happily pushing back to meet his thrusts, almost reveling in the feeling of the cat inside him.

Noah was almost tempted to give Wesley a reach around as a reward for being so obedient and enthusiastic about getting fucked, but decided against it. As much as he would have liked to feel that big dick in his hands, the snow leopard had a much better idea in mind. The perfect way to show the orca who was really in charge here. He was going to make him cum hands free. Even so, Noah was happy to take his time with the orca. Every time he felt like he was close to cumming, Noah would stop for a moment, letting himself back away from the edge and listen to the slutty moans of the horny, needy whale.

After a few rounds of teasing, the feline couldn't take it anymore. Slamming into Wesley's ass, Noah let out a roar, spilling his load for the second time that night and flooding the orca's ass. That first pulse of hot cat cum over his prostate sent Wesley over the brink. The whale's whole body tensed, his dick jumping as he painted the wall with a truly impressive load that was quickly washed away by the shower. When he finally finished, Noah pulled out, happily watching the whale sink to his knees, still shooting against the wall from the pleasure he'd been made to feel in his submission.

Leaving Wesley to get himself cleaned up, Noah returned to the main locker room, shaking the water out of his fur as he went. His dick was still hard, and he figured he had maybe one more round left in him. Which suited him just fine, because a certain wolf needed to be taught a lesson about trying to force guys to bend over for him.

What goes around comes around.

He was also happy to see that Cooper and Jude were still going at it, though it was obvious from the copious amounts of precum pooling beneath the bull that he was being teased to the limits of sanity by the stallion inside him. He wouldn't have to wait much longer though. There was just one more thing Noah needed to do before he'd let the bull cum.

"Get over here Jordan," said Noah, pointing to the floor behind the rutting pair.

The wolf was quick to obey him; not like he had a choice any more. Grabbing Cooper's tail, Noah yanked it up, getting a worried whinny from the stallion.

"Got him all nice and lubed up for you," said Noah. "Now I want you to fuck your friend here, and don't you stop until your knot is locked inside him."

"Wait, what!?" Exclaimed Cooper, still unable to stop fucking the bull in front of him. "No!"

"Oh yes," said Noah. "You like shoving something too big into other guys, so it's only fair that Jordan return the favor." He turned back to the wolf. "Get to it."

Jordan couldn't stop himself from moving into position behind Cooper, grabbing the horse's hips and pushing into him. Both males moaned as the stallion's ass stretched around the lupine's cock, squeezing him tight. Which made sense, considering that Jordan was only the second cock he'd ever taken. The wolf was only an inch longer than Noah, but that knot promised to give Cooper quite the stretching when it popped inside him. The leopard gave him just enough time to enjoy the grip Cooper had on his cock before getting behind Jordan and pulling the wolf's tail up.

"W-Wait are you doing!?" exclaimed Jordan, trying and failing to pull his tail down to cover his rear.

"I'd think that was obvious," said Noah, taking his dick in hand and rubbing his tip against the wolf's pucker. "I'm going to do to you what you were planning to do to me. Keep your tail up like a good little bitch."

He released Jordan's tail, and was happy to see him keeping it raised like a good boy, obeying the order of his alpha. Taking hold of his hips, Noah gave Jordan just enough time to process what was about to happen before growling in his ear.

"Now be a good little bitch and let me hear you moan."

Noah had no intention of being merciful to the male that had tried to force himself on the leopard. The feline slammed forward, burying himself balls deep in the wolf right from the start. Jordan was at least given a moment to adjust before the cat started fucking him; Noah wasn't being completely heartless. But he definitely wanted the wolf to remember this, so leaving him a little bow-legged ought to help with that.

"Hey Cooper, why don't you give Jude a helping hand?" said the leopard, grunting as he continued fucking the wolf. The bull's moans quickly grew louder as the stallion wrapped a hand around his cock and started pumping it hard and fast, both of them eager for their teasing to be over.

After two orgasm, Noah was rather sensitive, but he did manage to hold off long enough to enjoy watching the train of jocks come undone. Jude gave in first, the large flare hammering his prostate and the hand on his cock milking a heavy load from his balls that splattered wetly on the floor beneath him.

Almost like dominoes falling, the bull's orgasm caused a chain reaction. Cooper was next neighing and grunting as he emptied his balls into the bull, his flare swelling and pushing his spunk even deeper into Jude's backside. Feeling that cum-filled stallion rear clench hard on his dick drove Jordan wild, and with a helpful push from Noah's hips, his knot was forced into the stallion, a loud howl signaling his own orgasm. That thick plug of flesh kept his cum inside Cooper, filling the horse with his second load of the night. And just to add a little more insult to the evening, Noah grabbed Jordan's hips and pulled him back, forcing his knot out of Cooper and painting the stallion's rear with wolf cum.

Noah reached around, continuing to massage Jordan's knot, driving the lupine wild and making him squirm, milking the leopard's dick, Noah gave a growl as his penis jumped inside Jordan, one last load marking the wolf as his bitch for the night. When he finally released Jordan, the wolf collapsed on the floor, panting for breath, his knot still painfully hard. Jude barely moved either, though he did whine when Cooper pulled his thick flare though the bull's abused pucker.

"Well, Cooper, I'm actually a little impressed," said Noah, slowly getting to his feet. "I didn't think you'd still have any stamina left after all that. We're going to have to do something about that, aren't we? Wouldn't want you leaving unsatisfied and taking advantage of some poor guy."

The leopard turned towards the showers.

"Oh Wesley!"

The orca peeked out from the showers, and the leopard was happy to see he was still hard.

"Come over here and give Cooper another load up his tail. I don't think our friend is done just yet."

The stallion barely had the chance to resist before the whale hauled him to his feet, pinning the horse against a locker and holding Cooper's hands behind his back with one massive hand while kicking the horse's legs apart, leaving him helplessly exposed.

"After you've filled him up and he's painted these lockers, then you can all clean up and leave. And remember this - the next time I find out you've been abusing the other students, I might not be so nice about teaching you a lesson."

Noah got himself cleaned up, enjoying the sight and sound of Wesley giving Cooper's ass a good hard pounding. The stallion would be walking funny for days at this rate, but it served him right. After getting himself dressed, Noah took one last look at the rutting pair and the spent males on the floor before unlocking the door and leaving, strolling out of the gym and into the warm summer night.

'Things are going to be different now,' Noah thought to himself. 'I_t's time to clean up this campus._'


There was a loud banging on the door to his dorm.

"Open up you little fuck!"

Noah got to his feet, eyeing the door cautiously. Whoever it was, they obviously weren't happy. But from the sound of that banging, the door might get broken down even if he didn't open it. Setting his phone to record whatever came next, just in case, Noah slowly opened the door.

"Can I help you--Hey!"

The lion that had been standing in the hallway pushed Noah into the room, followed closely by an equally large tiger shark that stalked in and closed the door behind them. Now that he was getting a good look at them, the leopard realized who they were, even if he didn't know their names. The lion was the captain of the football team and the shark was the captain of the swim team. They also happened to be the only True Alphas on campus.

Until now, anyway.

"I hear you roughed up some of our boys," said the lion, a menacing growl in his voice.

"If by roughed up you mean gave them what they deserved for being creeps, then I suppose I did," said Noah.

"Little shits like you don't get to tell guys like us what to do," said the shark, towering over the leopard. He turned to the lion. "I think this runt needs to learn some proper respect for his superiors."

"I think you're right," said the lion. Glaring down at Noah, he put the full force of his will behind his words, using all his authority as a True Alpha. "Kneel."

Noah heard the words. He could feel the power of the lion's aura behind them.

And nothing happened.

The golden-furred cat glanced at the shark, clearly not used to meeting someone that could resist him. The next time they spoke, they did it together, focusing everything they had on the leopard.

"We said, kneel."

And still Noah stood.

"What the fuck is going on!?" exclaimed the shark.

The lion looked flabbergasted. "This isn't possible!"

Noah couldn't hold back his laughter. He never would have thought this could be possible, but it was. And it changed everything.

"Not probably," the leopard corrected. "But clearly not impossible. Who would have thought they still existed in the world?" He added, more to himself than to the lion or shark.

His eyes snapped up to theirs, and Noah stood tall, his small frame projecting an aura that had the other men shaking.

"I've got some questions for the two of you..."


"Man, I would hate to be that cat right about now," said Jordan.

The wolf was walking through the halls of Noah's dorm, closely followed by Jude, Cooper, and Wesley.

"What do you think they did to him?" asked Jude.

"If there's any justice, fucked him 'til he can't walk," said Cooper.

The horse was walking funny even a couple days after the incident in the locker room. Once they'd recovered, the jocks had reported what happened --with more than a little humiliation --to the only True Alphas they knew. With both of them going after the little leopard, there was no way that nerdy feline would be able to resist them. The group was on their way to the cat's room, where the swim captain had texted for them to come and get their prize.

Finding the right room, Jordan grabbed the handle and pushed it open. The four walked inside just as the lights came on, and stopped in their tracks at the sight that greeted them.

The lion and shark were completely naked, heads down, asses up, cum leaking from both their rears. Noah was lounging on his bed, sitting up when the jocks walked in and leveling his gaze on them.

"Shut the door behind you and stay still."

The jocks never stood a chance. Snapping his fingers, Noah gave them another order.


In seconds, all six studs were naked and hard whether they liked it or not. From his spot on the floor, the shark managed to speak, though it clearly took everything he had to get the words out.

"What did you fuckers do!?"

"Do you have any idea how fucked we all are!?" added the lion. It was rare to see the big cat so clearly nervous, which did not bode well for the new arrivals.

"How...how did you do this?" asked Wesley.

"He's not a True Alpha you fucking idiots!" exclaimed the shark.

"I'm an Apex Alpha," said Noah, slowly getting to his feet and starting to dress.

"That's... That's impossible!" cried Jordan.

Apex Alphas were so rare that they had become the stuff of legend. Creatures with a will that even True Alphas couldn't resist. All alphas heard stories about them as kids, but they never dreamed they could still be real, if they ever had been at all. But the leopard had clearly managed to overpower both the lion and the shark.

And that meant the jocks were in even more trouble than they'd realized before.

"I had quite the interesting chat with these two," said Noah. "And apparently you four thought it would be a good idea to tell them I'd tricked you and made fools out of you for kicks. I don't care that you bitched about what happened, but lying about me is something I'm not going to just sit back and take. I have no interest in running this campus. I'm not going to abuse my power like you all do just to get guys in bed."

Noah continued. "What I am going to do is make this campus safe for everyone that isn't an alpha. And if I have to put every last one of you entitled, power-abusing fuckers in your place to do it, then I will."

The leopard grinned wickedly.

"So here's what's going to happen. I'm going to walk the six of you down to the showers, and you're going to spend the rest of the night putting out for any guy that wants you. Your mouths and asses belong to them. You won't be topping anyone, unless they tell you to. And I'm going to record every last second of the six of you being a bunch of bitches for every nerd and twink I can find. That bit of dirt should be enough to keep you boys in line."

"You can't do this!" said Cooper. "It isn't right!"

"And in this case, that's what makes it justice." The snow leopard clapped his hands. "Alright boys, on your feet! It's off to the showers we go!"

Futilely fighting every step of the way, the jocks marched out of Noah's room single file, hands by their sides to stop them from hiding themselves as the leopard led them to their fate, a smile on his face.

Things were going to change around campus, for the better. And Noah was going to make it happen.