I think that my stomach is firm because I have food in that wants to talk to you but it doens't matter what I write so long as I write

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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I shouldn't post this online but I want to. I have food in my stomach that wants to talk to you. I mean, I think that the chicken that I ate wants to talk to you. I was ignoring it earlier when it was grumbling and gurgling there. So please say hi!

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I think that my stomach is firm because I have food in it that wants to talk to you but it doesn't matter what I write about so long as I write.

I shouldn't post this online but I want to. I want to tell you the quick five minute story of the chicken I ate. I wrapped it up in a tortilla like a blanket. I loved his feathering and it was plumed in greens, reds, yellows, in a striped pattern that followed the contour of its body. I ate it and it wanted me to tell its story.

No, it didn't commit suicide.

I still have it in my guts. It was a brilliant wrap in some kind of sauce. I let it eat cabbage and black beans and then I ate it good. It made my stomach sto firm and he kept talking to me while he messed around inside my stomach.

So firm.

He kept talking to me while he messed around inside my stomach but now he isn't talking. I still feel he is firm in my abdomen but maybe I should let him out soon.

He was so delicious.

I had him with other food. I don't think he took a cell phone. Maybe I'll eat another chicken wrapped up the same way with other food and see how it work out when he has company.

I drank some water so its probably like a sauna in there. I'm actually envious. I like saunas.

Say Maam you are such a gorgeous yellow

She seizes you and picks you up in both talons up to her snout and beams at you with closed eyes nuzzling you, "Ooooo.... you're such the adorable. Can I take you home with me, treasure?" She sits you in the crook of her arm like a hammock while she...

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You don't say the word but you project them in thought to the mew. Its cheeks appear to grow redder. -I am just a mew. I am called Kit Kat. I am only one. There's another. I don't know where she is. Do you like cats?- The mew's thoughts waft through...

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Say I like dragons

The dragon's cheeks turn a shade greener. At that moment, a storm roars up and in a flash of thunder and lightning a blue dragon descends from the sky to swoop in. She huffs when she lands and the sky goes clear soon after. The jackalope runs out...

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