A Damsel's Potential 3

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#61 of Commissions

The draconic Roxanne wants to make sure that Artemis is prime material for the Xanthous Queen's establishment. That means a complete total examination, leaving no stone unturned.

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This is a collaboration with MackJarston23 and his characters. Artwork is by chi_piie

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Before she even says anything, Roxanne reaches down to herself, unhooking her own armor. Artemis watches with a gasp as the Serulan dresses down, letting the plate clang to the floor and lifting the undergarments up over her head. This serves to reveal the piercings she has all over her muscular body, as well as the streaks of blue that ring around her, highlighting her snout and abdomen.

Roxanne smirks and steps out of her pants as well, standing totally nude before the Attarus woman. "Like what you see, little girl?" she asks. "That's good, because that makes my job easier."

With that, she grabs Artemis by the shoulders, yanking her hood and cowl away from her, tossing the garment aside. She tugs on the rabbit's top, and Artemis follows her lead to avoid facing any damage to her clothing. In an instant, her chest is made bare, revealing her bright nipples and her creamy-colored fur underneath.

"Nice coat you got there," Roxanne says in admiration, "You should show it off more often. No doubt her highness will be more than happy to allow you the opportunity, eh?"

The Xanthous Queen merely smiles and sits back, her llama guardian standing beside her with an approving nod.

Artemis tries to cover her chest, but Roxanne grips one wrist and then the other, holding them up over the rabbit's head, making her ears twitch. "Not so fast. I still need to inspect the goods!"

"W... what are you planning to do, then?" Artemis finally asks.

Roxanne snickers. "All that is necessary."

The Serulan slides a foot along the floor, triggering a hidden plate, which opens up a secret compartment in the ceiling. From there fall links of chains ending in manacles, which Roxanne tugs down to get to the elevated levels of the rabbit's wrists. With a practiced professionalism, she locks each wrist to the chains, forcing Artemis to stand there, half naked and exposed, facing the queen and her other companion.

Standing up behind her, the naked draconian presses pierced nipples against her back, reaching around and copping a feel at the rabbit's perky breasts.

Artemis' frown flickers when she feels this, shifting and standing on her toes, trying to look away at the other observers.

"Not bad, not bad," Roxanne says, one hand moving up and caressing under her chin. "Some people like the smaller chests. I'm one of them. And just look at that face--the patterns are naturally beautiful, and the fur is so soft."

Artemis bites her lip, her knees coming close together.

"And her back... mmm, look at that mark. A crescent moon, huh? Is this natural or dyed? Either way, it's remarkable." Her hands slip down along Artemis' sides, squeezing gently, making the rabbit gasp.

"But I gotta wonder what you have hidden underneath," Roxanne chuckles. "It's all about the goods for some people." With that, she hooks her fingers under the leggings and tugs down.

"Oh, damn!" Roxanne says, cupping and groping at one butt cheek. "Now, this is an ass, boss!"

"Indeed?" Asks the queen, her eyes fluttering once more. "But you really must see what's going on along the front."

Roxanne says, resting her chin upon Artemis' shoulder, peering downward. She whistles, letting a hand run around to the front of the rabbit and allowing fingers to slide down. "That golden fur flourishing at the hips... it was like you were meant to work for us. Yasmina. You didn't see this girl before, did you?"

"I just have a sense for these things," the llama admits. "Besides, anyone who comes into a brothel as covered as her has something to hide. Since she's a nobody, it has to be her beauty."

"You like having lovely ladies look at you?" Roxanne says, tilting her head to press against Artemis. "I can hear your breath quickening. Your heart is beating faster. Yes, surely you love it!" she says this, snickering as she gets another squeeze of the rabbit's chest. "It's just thump-thump-thumping away!"

Artemis tries to look away from the others, stumbling on her leggings which bind her ankles together, at least until she steps one foot and then the other out.

"Beauty isn't the only thing that one needs to test," Roxanne says, her hands moving back up to the bunny's tits. "Some of our clients can be a bit rough, and even our softest girls can handle things." Without any other warning, thumbs and index fingers pinch at the bright blue nipples.

Artemis tilts her head back, pushing her chest out, gasping, a groan rising from her throat.

"That's a good bunny. Sing for Roxy." She chuckles, but takes one hand away from the bunny's chest and pushes her cheek, turning her head.

Their lips lock, and that's when Artemis becomes familiar with the length and the piercing on Roxanne's tongue, dominating her mouth, rubbing that stud along her inner maw, tasting her and enjoying every moment of being within her.

Artemis' fingers twist and twitch uncontrollably, as she's unable to focus on anything else.

When Roxanne steps back, Artemis' tongue hangs out for a moment, before the rabbit finally pulls it back into her mouth, looking down and away, hunching over as much as she can in her tied up state.

"Not bad, not bad." Roxanne says.

"I take it you approve?" Asks the queen, knowing her guards intimately enough to expect the answer.

Roxanne bows, snickering, and says. "Yasmina. Would you mind reaching into the chest and grabbing my crop?"

Artemis has to wonder which are glowing brighter under her fur--the cheeks on her face, or the ones on her rear? After all, Roxane is having quite the time giving her a whap here and there with that crop of hers, tracing it along her thighs and then suddenly slapping her again.

Each time, the warmth of the pain throbs through her butt and the rabbit squeals, panting in high-pitched gasps.

"She really can endure, can't she?" Roxanne says, tapping the crop onto her thigh. "But, let's get you something to really enjoy, my lady."

The queen nods, motioning her permission towards her fellow Serulan.

Roxanne clicks over to face the rabbit, gauging Artemis with a discerning eye. Holding her hands in front of her, she examines the rabbit. The mystery of why she's doing this ends when, with a wave of her hand, a glimmering spectral phallus appears between her legs, quivering and standing tall, ready to take any hole that she has her sights on.