
Story by danath on SoFurry

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Jimmy the mink "borrows" some size from his clumsy, ever-growing roomie.


By Danath

Characters © Salgrus

Written during Freebies Vol. 86: Open Menu Edition

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Jimmy's pink nose and white ears twitched in unison as he felt the entire dorm building shake with the heavy thuds and stomps of someone climbing the stairs. He scowled, then looked down at himself. The mink's short, velvet-soft white fur covered his entire body head to toe. Skinny and lean and only five feet tall, Jimmy had a bad case of 'little emperor' - a natural chip on his shoulders for anyone bigger than him, which was, well, most everyone. Barely 100 pounds despite eating like crazy for as long as he could remember, Jimmy just couldn't seem to grow no matter what he tried naturally.

So the mink took to studying the supernatural methods. And boy, were there interesting things out there.

The door to the twin dorm room that Jimmy shared with his roommate, Bradwick, swung open, and an enormous gold head with two long, pointed horns poked through, leaning below the door jamb to fit.

"Uh, sorry, Jimmy," the massive oryx grunted, an apologetic look on his huge head and muzzle. The oryx's face was covered in white hair save for a round circle on the center of the bridge of his long, flat muzzle. His horns were each about as thick as his wrist and probably close to as long as Jimmy was tall at the moment. His shoulders were huge and bulky, absolutely packed with muscles and a few remnants of a shredded t-shirt. "It happened again."

The mink ground his teeth together and reached for his headphones as magical sparks and other mystical nonsense flew from around the massive oryx's midsection. He was nearly ten feet tall, but more than half that in width, making him a mountainlike vessel for hundreds of pounds of solid muscle that undulated and flexed beneath the hooved male's golden hide.

"What was it this time?" Jimmy snapped. "Getting coffee and bumped into a genie? Tripped at the library and knocked the book out of the hand of a witch? Got caught staring at-"

"Yeah, the second one," Bradwick said. His enormous arm bulged as he lifted it and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I was clumsy and the witch cursed me, so I grew again."

Jimmy's jaw fell open. This was at least the tenth time this semester alone that someone made the oryx grow. Jimmy, on the other hand, couldn't get the attention of a single person, magical or not, interested in seeing him develop into a big studly jock. What a rip-off! Who planned this magical shenanigan stuff anyways?

Bradwick lumbered into the bathroom, dragging six and a half feet of magically-enhanced oryx-dick along with him. Jimmy was extremely good at judging sizes thanks to the experience of living with someone so prone to magical growth mishaps. Almost as soon as the door closed, there was a loud buzzing noise and the lights flickered. Something exploded in the bathroom, and Jimmy jumped out of his bed to run to the door and yank it open.

"Ouch... what the..."

Bradwick occupied most of the bathroom already, but started to visibly swell anyways. At the window, the head of a nerdy-looking squirrel with thick glasses appeared.

"Woops, sorry about that! But at least we know the Enlargination Ray is a success!"

Jimmy slammed the door shut and ignored the thick wave of jizz that seeped beneath as the oryx's pleasured bellows echoed through the whole dorm. The skinny mink jumped into bed and pulled his pillow over his head, trying to drown out the groaning. Just how lucky could one oryx get?

The mink's eyes snapped open. No, no sulking. There was a solution here. Bradwick was always complaining, "Oh, being this big is bad for my sports career, I have to get new uniform numbers so often, oh, it's hard, waaaaah," but Jimmy saw only opportunity. While he'd be unable to find a spell or sigil or blessing or anything that could make him grow, he had found a workaround that might just do in his current situation.

As the oryx's groans followed him out of his room, past the curious students wondering what all the racket was, Jimmy headed for the library. He needed a book or two and some supplies.

As it happened, Jimmy needed more than two books. For weeks, the white-furred mink studiously looked for the right combination of magic he could use. He questioned other students, followed Bradwick around, even witnessed the oryx's incredibly lucky brushes with growth throughout the day, like when the villains robbing the bank shot him with a growth gun, or when the football team was served drinks spiked with a growth serum that only Bradwick drank before realizing, or a whole riot of other insane situations. Bigger and bigger, even if he did shrink a little bit as the magic faded, the oryx loomed in Jimmy's mind. How to tap that potential...

Luck-based magic? A way to redirect the growth? A way to charm Bradwick? Anything and everything he could try he looked into, digging deep into long-forgotten volumes in the back of the university's huge library. He'd emerge for only a few hours at a time, sometimes raving about hooves and gold pelts, other times quiet and seemingly defeated.

Bradwick didn't seem to notice the mink's mood. He was daily growing, being charged up bigger and bigger with muscle to the point he hardly fit in the room anymore. Clothes were out of the question, so the massive oryx resorted to bedsheets as loincloths, not that they hid the enormous maleness that draped permanently from his sheath, far too large to fit, and down past his knees, over the plump, massive orbs that bounced off the floor with each step. The oryx's thighs were like tree trunks, iron pillars as big around as a regular-sized person's hips. They had to be strong to carry so much powerful muscle piled onto the oryx's taut belly, slab-like pecs, and immense shoulders that left little to no neck showing, only the long, broad muzzle sticking out from the behemoth-like torso.

Between draining his overcharged balls as often as he could and getting his homework done, plus still going to practice and games, the oryx worked harder than ever - and still managed to get grown by one means or another at least twice a day.

It wasn't until the day before spring break that Jimmy found the breakthrough he needed. And it was so, so simple. It was a spell he'd already tried, but he hadn't considered all the other magic already layering up on the oryx. If he kept that in mind, then...

The mink's short leg kicked open his dorm room door. Bradwick was there, bent over his bed. His huge belly was round with muscle, incredible ridges that flexed and contracted as he stood up, careful not to puncture the ceiling with his long horns.

"Oh, hey, Jimmy! Are you getting ready for spring break too? Were you coming to the beach with us? We leave tomorrow! I'm real excited - it's gonna be great!"

The enormous oryx's deep voice reverberated through the room as he chattered on.

"I got a new pair of trunks to wear, but I think they're gonna be too small after that wizard caught me stealing his mail today... it was for a dare, I didn't think he'd get mad if I just took a catalog!"

Jimmy's eyes glowed and his fur stood on end as he raised a palm towards the oryx and chanted under his breath.

"Anyways, I can still fit partway into the bathroom, so I shouldn't flood the room again. Sorry about that. Oh, hey, we need a substitute player for the team next week. Would you mind helping out?"

The mink's white fur crackled with energy. A light glowed from within him and shone through his open muzzle, eyes, and ears.

"Oh, look, my school hoodie! Remember when I used to fit into this? I was about the size you are now! Haha! Those were the days, right? Phew, I hope I shed some of this weight already!"

A beam of purple light shot from Jimmy's paw as he finished the incantation. The mink's eyes remained wide open as the light enveloped the enormous golden oryx, who stiffened, then sagged. A huge black tongue rolled from his muzzle, over his lips, and his eyes lidded over. Jimmy sagged as well, gasping for breath as he felt the drain of power from the spell.

"Nnnggghhh... Jimmy... I feel... fuuuunnnyyy..."

The oryx's cock, thicker than a telephone pole and several feet longer than Jimmy was tall, rose upwards and erupted, painting a stripe of thick white seed across the wall of the dorm room, drenching one of the beds. His huge hands wrapped around the base, clenching into the slick flesh as it lurched and flexed, fully and unconditionally hard in mere moments as the purple light glimmered around him.

Falling to his knees with a tremendous thump, Bradwick's swollen testicles spread between his thighs. He pumped his hands rapidly, stroking up and down as far as he could reach, as another potent rope of seed webbed across the wall opposite.

The purple glow around his body intensified as Jimmy approached and the pleasure he felt inside grew too. Bradwick moaned, deep and long and loud, as he leaned over on one arm. His other arm wrapped around his immense shaft and squeezed it from below up into his chest. Thrusting his hips, he pumped between his huge pecs as each wobbly grunt released another load of pent-up magical seed.

Jimmy was hard, too, though he wasn't feeling the same intense energy as the oryx. Not yet, anyways.

The mink's white fingers trembled as he reached out, then pressed both palms flat to the oryx's immense length. A shock of pleasure surged up his arms and he gasped, but kept his paws clenching at the bulging maleness. The purple light flashed and glowed brighter than ever as he made more body contact and leaned into the oryx's shaft with his entire upper body.


A wave of cum washed around Jimmy's ankles. The mink's breath came ragged and quick as he felt the potent magical energies surrounding the oryx resolve together into a new spell altogether... his spell...

The mink moaned, eyes going wide, when he felt his cock thicken. It was noticeable, the way it hung lower, heavier, pulling on his thighs. He gasped as his balls fattened, slow but steady, dropping down along the insides of his thighs the longer he held onto the oryx's lurching, spurting shaft. Jimmy grinned, panting hard, as he slid lower, legs spreading around Bradwick's huge balls. The oryx ignored him, unable to do anything but jerk himself off as much as he could in the face of the overwhelming need welling up inside of him - a need engineered by the spell, which would release all that merged magical power and transfer it to a more appropriate host: Jimmy.

The mink's white pelt trembled as he flexed his arms around the oryx's arousal. His fur stretched as the biceps bulged thicker, growing along with the rest of him as he drained Bradwick. It was a slow process - he couldn't rush it. Too much power could whiplash and be dangerous. But as it was, so far, the spell was a success. Jimmy's muzzle opened and his face pushed into the oryx's stalk, smearing the stray dribbles of seed that pulsed every few moments from his cock as the unending orgasmic bliss fully enveloped them both.

Jimmy moved along Bradwick's stretched out body. The big oryx was still on his knees, leaning over on one arm as he thrust into his arm. The mink's hips bounced as additional mass grew under his velvet fur, enhancing his formerly flat rump. His thighs squeezed together, forcing his cantaloupe-sized balls in front, beneath the sheath now as big as a 24-ounce can. The weight of it swinging off his hips made Jimmy moan with delight. It was just as he'd imagined... the feeling of power, strength, virility surging through him as he helped himself to a little of Bradwick's lucky growth streak was incredible. He made sure to keep at least part of himself touching the huge oryx at all times as he moved around to the back.

The big oryx bull's round backside bounced and jiggled, each hard glute shining gold and bright in the light through the window. The mink's eyes widened and his teeth came out as unfamiliar urges surged inside of him. The fat mink cock hanging from his hips pumped free of his sheath suddenly, making his knees tremble, even as his chest inflated with several more pounds of raw, unadulterated mink muscle. The thick pink length, already twice the length he had before, slapped across one of Bradwick's flexing rump cheeks, then slid over to the center, easily falling into the valley between the two. Both sides ground together, clenching automatically, and the mink fell forward, gasping, paws and arms stretching out to wrap around the bull's huge hips and wide belly. He could feel the tense, hard muscle under the golden hair as the twin cheeks milked his growing arousal mercilessly.

"Nngggghhh... ooooh, yeah!" he groaned. The mink's muzzle spread into another toothy grin as he heard his own voice. It was deeper now. "Mmnnnhhh... I better take advantage of this thick ass while I can, huh?"

Where had that come from, he wondered. Yeah, he wanted to be huge, but he wasn't really the type for dirty talk. Shrugging it off as excitement, Jimmy found it easy to refocus his attention back where it belonged. He leaned over and around the oryx, then lifted his paws and grabbed hold of the tips of both of his long, elegantly curved, pointed horns. Bradwick grunted, lips parting as the gasp rose from his throat. His cheeks tightened even more and Jimmy smirked. Seems like he found something Bradwick liked.

Holding tight to the horns, the mink's legs tensed. Cords of thick muscle tensed outwards against the white pelt where previously there'd been none. The mink's stance spread as he grew in height as well, making it easier to hot-dog the overwhelmingly muscular oryx. The broad, wide length of his pink mink shaft began to appear from both ends on its way through as the length increased and, more than anything, fattened up. Warmer, harder, with each passing moment sending even more pleasured signals to his brain. Jimmy's fingers dug into the wide hips in front of him, claws latching into the thick golden hair as he dragged his huge length backwards until the tip lodged beneath the oryx's tail. A pulse of pre-cum spat from the tip as he shoved forward, eagerly and brutally working his thickness inside the tense, tight hole.

"Ffffuuck! You're a tight one, huh?" he gasped, his low, rough voice filling the room above Bradwick's eager moan. "Don't worry, though... we'll make it... fit! Hnnggh!"

The process accelerated. Jimmy could feel the power flowing into his growing body even quicker as he thrust deeper into the wriggling oryx in front of him. Bradwick was noticeably smaller by now. Though still incredibly buff, he was almost the same height as Jimmy. As Jimmy's larger paws wrapped around the oryx's middle, holding him steady, the big hoofed male let out a surprisingly sharp, high-pitched cry of pleasure.

Panting hard with the effort, Jimmy leaned back and looked down at his broad new torso. His white fur stretched beautifully across acres of thick, hard pec meat, while his abs were showing clear signs of intense definition in the shadows of the ridges. At the base of his belly, the furry sheath was pushed all the way down by Bradwick's tight hole, and he watched, tongue hanging out, as his massive cock visibly swelled. Bradwick wriggled and moaned as though he were being pummeled, but Jimmy wasn't even moving. The mink grinned, eyes narrowing, brow furrowing, claws flexing. He wasn't moving. He was just growing.

The oryx's belly began to bulge outwards and down. His huge cock still reached past his head, but was significantly thinner - only as thick around as both of his biceps put together now. Bradwick's cock erupted constantly, pumping an endless stream of thick, warm oryx jizz across the mattress and floor. His balls bounced, jiggling as he gasped on the fat arousal inside him. The huge nuts were shrinking slower than the rest of him, staying nearly as large now as when Jimmy first cast the spell, making them appear even more massive now that his hips were down to a more reasonable size.

The opposite was true for Jimmy. The mink shuddered, groping and flexing and humping as the energy surged inside of him, flooding him with magic. His muscles bulged from his shoulders, swallowing up his neck, then spread down his back and sides, filling out before his whole figure bloated in all directions with even more cords of dense, powerful fibers. He groaned, long and loud, as his arousal flexed hard enough to force Bradwick to curve his back upwards.

"Nnnggghhh... yeah, that's it... take it all, cutie... gonna show you... mmfffh... how a real male does it!"

Jimmy's eyes gleamed. Maybe dirty talk wasn't so bad judging from the reaction it got out of the squirming, gasping, wriggling oryx in his clutches. The mink was bigger now. He was the big one. He was in control! And he was just getting started.

Bradwick's thickness erupted harder than ever as his belly surged outwards. His neck craned back and a lewd whine ran past his plump, open lips when Jimmy tugged on them. The formerly gigantic male was down to less than seven feet now, closer to six probably, and though his cock remained epically sized along with his enormous sac, Jimmy couldn't be happier with how much muscle he'd managed to drain off his roommate.

Jimmy stroked a paw down his chest and shuddered. He could feel his biceps surging, so big that it would be hard to fully cross his arms anymore. His pecs pushed outwards, round and hard, each capped with a fat and plump pink nipple. The big mink's wide stomach dimpled and rippled further as it expanded, deepening the impact of the rigid mountains of abdominal power beneath the white fuzz.

And his cock. Oh, yes, his cock. The magnificent tower of virile minkhood slumped deep inside the gurgling oryx, clearly stretching his belly well past his head by now. Jimmy groaned deep and loud, again and again, the wet backspray rinsed down his flexing thighs each time he buried himself to the hilt in the shrinking, ever-tighter male beneath him.

Over and over, deep and hard. Neither male could sate themselves as they pumped and thrust, smacking their changing bodies together as hard and fast as they could to try to ease the magic power surging through their veins. Bradwick's neck no longer bulged with power, no longer surrounded his shoulders and head. Instead, it took on a lean, graceful appearance, long and sleek, while his horns remained close to the same length, just like his cock and balls, shrinking only slightly. That was just fine with Jimmy, who found the cute oryx would wriggle and squeeze even better if he spent a little time paying attention to the plump, fat oryx-sac draping from between his thighs.

"Nffff... you got a nice dick, Bradwick," Jimmy groaned. He was leaning over the smaller male now, legs spread around either side of the oryx's thighs, hips still regularly and repeatedly slamming forward. "Too bad mine's so much bigger, huh?"

Bradwick groaned and his eyes rolled back in his skull as the mink's velvet paw slipped around his aching length. A single stroke was all it took for the twitching oryx to really lose it, and Jimmy moaned, eyes closing tight, as he felt the furious clenching and wriggling that went on after that.

And still he grew bigger. His fat cock was now thick as a telephone pole and stretched the small oryx's hips wide in all directions. A flood of thick cum squeezed back out around the tight seal as Bradwick's full, sloshing belly spread across the length of his own huge arousal and floor. His muzzle hung open, drooling, a dazed and greedy look on his muzzle as the continued humping and thrusting kept jiggling him back and forth. Sloppy and wet, Jimmy's claws kept the oryx in place as he kept pounding and pumping, dragging half of his huge length out each time before refilling the small male's insides completely.

"Yeah... fuck, you're tight... mmmph... heh... Bradwick, you look so cute when you're this full of my cum, you know that?"

Bradwick gurgled as a trickle of mink seed drooled out of his muzzle, welling up from within. His paws hung down by his sides as his whole body lurched back and forth, completely controlled by the huge white paws clenching in and digging deep on his tight, plump, thick backside. His stomach smoothed out, ending up lean and sleek were it not for the incredible, potent loads currently being thrust inside him, and his arms and legs shriveled into elegant, lean sticks. The oryx squealed again and again, higher than ever, as the now immense mink fully abused the difference in size. The enormous maleness sawed through the smaller male as Jimmy's teeth glinted.

"Mmmmhhh... fuck, I'm so much bigger than you..."

Bradwick's backside flattened against Jimmy's thighs. The mink's body squeezed down, shoving the small oryx into the ground. His horns pricked at his own hips as the full weight of the supersized mink pinned him down, only for the biggest load yet to erupt inside of him. The oryx's nostrils opened along with his muzzle as three streams of thick white seed sprayed out, but that still wasn't enough to stop his belly growing rounder, fatter, fuller, as more than eight feet of powerfully hard mink shaft claimed him completely.

Sighing and finally relaxing, Jimmy leaned upright and draped his huge paws over Bradwick's spread cheeks. The mink shivered as he felt the cords of muscle along his arms, his belly, surrounding his torso and hips... he was so big... so powerful... so huge! The magical purple glow brightened around them one last time before fading. Jimmy shuddered and groped at Bradwick's plump backside until the oryx squealed and squeezed again.

"Mmfff... that's right... milk it all out, little boy... that's all you small males are good for anyways."

The corners of Jimmy's muzzle curled upwards into a vicious little grin as he curled his biceps and flexed, loving how huge they felt against his pecs. He pumped his hips a few times, and as he listened to the cries and gasps from below, he licked his lips.

Surely there were other big males with too much meat on their bones... perhaps he could help them out, just like he'd helped Bradwick. The wriggling oryx, now just over five feet tall, was filled as big as a couch with the length of minkstalk stretching his belly, but moaned and mewled for more like a good little male ought to, even as pulses of seed continued to well up his throat. Jimmy grunted, then licked his lips again. That's right. That's what he'd do. He'd help all those males suffering from too much size...

And take it all for himself.

The end