Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 10

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#10 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader! There are some major reveals in this episode, I hope you're ready for it! We just lived through a major event from the past, last episode, right? Well, now it's time to experience another, in a way I bet you never expected!

Oh, I'm really excited for this one, it's gonna be really cool, I promise! Also maybe a little sad, but I won't blather on and accidentally spoil stuff, but I do hope you enjoy it, my lovely reader!

Okay, let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader! There are some major reveals in this episode, I hope you're ready for it! We just lived through a major event from the past, last episode, right? Well, now it's time to experience another, in a way I bet you never expected!

Oh, I'm really excited for this one, it's gonna be really cool, I promise! Also maybe a little sad, but I won't blather on and accidentally spoil stuff, but I do hope you enjoy it, my lovely reader!

Okay, let's jump right in!


Episode 10:

Empathy, Love, & Sacrifice

I found myself in the small tribunal room the archangels used for, well, tribunals. That alone made me nervous enough but then Ichiro brought forth a gate that looked like it simply led to an open sky. "This is the only area in the citadel where we can access this gate, try not to let the location concern you."

"You say that sir, but..." I could feel my whole body quivering, you didn't just go meet the Seraph. Most celestial's spent their entire lives not even personally interacting with the commanders, let alone the Seraph.

"I sense your apprehension, Ryder. I'd like to tell you it's all fine, but I really do not know the pretense of your summons," Ichiro sighed the words then gave me a nod as he gestured towards the gate. "Well, no sense dawdling, off you go."

My eyes widened as I turned to look upon him and Toroah who had joined me. "Wait, you're not coming with me?"

Toroah shook his head. "The summons was for you specifically, Ryder."

"R-Right... well, uh... guess I'll be going then. If I don't come back, know I love you, and you know, let the others know I said the same." I rubbed the back of my head, trying to will my feet to move. After a moment I growled at my own hesitation and whirled around, forcing myself to march right through the gate, my nose poked up, looking proud. If I was going to march to my execution I wouldn't grovel like a pup.

The gate closed behind me as I swallowed hard, the sensation was odd. My boots were clearly on something solid but it looked as if I stood in the sky, deep blue and ever-present light all around. There was divine energy everywhere but it wasn't nearly as oppressive as I imagined it would be, more soft and warm.

"Welcome, our son." The voice called out, sounding fatherly or motherly, I couldn't put my finger on it, regardless it was everywhere and nowhere all at once.

I couldn't find a location to turn to face it, so I simply dropped to a knee right there, offering a deep bow of my head. "T-Thank you, your holiness... it's uh... an honor to be in your presence!" I felt my voice shaking as I tried to maintain my composure and speak respectfully.


I swallowed a lump in my throat as I stood. My mind was already racing with all the shortcomings I had committed in my celestial life. I was far from pure and innocent, counting four lovers. I had recently attacked an archangel, sided with an 'Archvampire', and cost the military one of their commanders by proxy, even if it was his own doing, I was the catalyst for it.

"Your mind races with anxiety, let us ease it, my son. You are not here to face judgment or execution."

Relief washed over me and my knees felt weak from the knowledge as I gave a shudder. "O-Oh... thank the gods..." My tail wagged a bit before I shifted back into a proper stance, offering a salute to the unseen entity. "H-How may I serve you then, your holiness?"

"Ryder, we would request you ease your posture, speak to us freely."

I frowned and shifted to rest a hand on my hip. "Your holiness, that is so disrespectful to you..."

"Yet it is our will, speak freely as if you were speaking to Toroah, Rachel, Charlotte, or... Lorelai."

I gave a deep frown, seeing they were well aware of what I had been doing, but I swallowed the lump down and gave a nod. "As you wish."

"Speak openly, how did you feel about our fallen brother, Hagen."

"If you ask do I mourn him, I do not. He was narcissistic to a fault, self-serving, and in my opinion, unworthy of his position. I meant what I said before this all went down. Had Lorelai and her sister not gotten to him first, I had every intention to execute him and would have with no hesitation."

"Thank you for your honest words."

"May I ask a question, your holiness?"

"By all means."

I threw my hands out as I growled, "Why? Why allow someone like that to be in our ranks at all, let alone at one of our highest positions? I know he was an apprentice of the former archangel Raphel, I know he was a capable warrior and leader, but... is ability more important than virtue or honor?"

"Look to your companion Ezekiel for those answers, young fox."

My arms folded and I frowned. "You're saying the war changed him."

"Hagen was always riddled with faults as he was in his mundane life, but yes, that is the implication."

"I suppose I've no room to judge the dead." I sighed then pushed a hand through my hair before calling out, "Why do I have the abilities I have, Seraph? Why do I have the senses I do, why do my healing prayers not hurt Lorelai or Val?"

"My son, like mundane, you are all cut from various patterns of cloth. How you led your life and your final moments can all play an influence in what you can do in this life. Look to your mate as an example. She was not born a seer to prescribe to some fated path, it is simply what she is."

"Couldn't you have just said it was a coincidence?" I frowned as I folded my ears.

"That would be a lie, my child."

"So it is intentional then!?" I barked out, the frustration clearly in my voice now.

"That is also not quite accurate."

"Gods... do you speak in circles to test me, your holiness?" I growled the words now, folding my arms.

"We apologize, it was not our intent. Simply put, your powers are not intentionally within you by any beings choosing but your own, but it has manifested with ramifications."

"I don't understand, there are greater more worthy members of our family who could put it to much better use. I mostly use it for self-serving purposes like finding my loved ones or using it for intimate time with Lorelai."

"Yet the power is yours to do as you will with it. You are not expected to use it in our service specifically, but you have many times used it in the name of righteousness as well, for example saving Lorelai's servants who are now members of their family proper. "

"Jeremy and Jennifer were embraced? Wait, then I just helped create more vampires, are you saying that's not a bad thing?"

"My son, how many evil and corrupt mundane have you happened upon in your time?"

I frowned and shook my head. "Many... why?"

"How many noble vampires and demons have you happened upon?"

"Well... a few, but I've not interacted with many. May I ask the point of this, your holiness?"

"None of them are inherently evil or just. They simply live a life outside the normal of the mundane world, as all of you do."

"I see..." I rubbed my chin as I contemplated the words.

"If you have no other questions, we will move on to the business at hand, young knight."

"I could be here all day with questions, your holiness. However, yes. You've been more than gracious in answering these." I gave another salute as I spoke out dutifully, "How may I serve you?"

"You have so much kindness and love in your heart, my son. You are worthy of so much more and you stand to lead us into a future of peace with our former enemies. Hagen was a necessity but was as you surmised, unworthy of his position."

My mouth hung open at the implications of the words and I barked out sharply, "Stop! Wait!" There was a pregnant pause and I continued, "Rachel and Ezekiel, they are more than worthy if you mean to replace Hagen! They are both more qualified in every way compared to me."

I clenched my fists as I snarled into the air, "Ezekiel may be a bit prejudiced, but he is loyal and a mighty warrior with a good heart that loves easily. Were you to explain to him about the vampires, I know he would listen to you and wipe that prejudice away!"

"Rachel is... gods... Rachel is just perfect, she is so deserving of more, a powerful warrior, and a beautiful soul! Why she would-"

"My son, neither of them are fit candidates to be a Paladin."

I took a step back, my eyes widening, my mouth open, and unable to form any words or thoughts at the statement. After several moments I shook my head to rattle my brain back into motion and barked out, sounding almost furious, "Are you mad?! Paladin's are... They are the pinnacle of our kind. I am so beneath that, calling myself unworthy would be the greatest understatement I could make!"

"Yet it is our will."

"... No. I refuse! I absolutely refuse to take such a position when there are so many others of greater merit for it! Toroah, Charlotte, Samantha, and even Rachel! You can't ignore their abilities and commitment in a matter such as this."

"Why did you not mention your brother Ezekiel just now?"

I clenched my teeth and looked away. I loved my brother, but I couldn't in good faith even remotely consider him for that, not with his current outlook with vampires and demons. "I- I do not-"

"We understand, we can sense your feelings and you are proper in your thoughts of him."

I frowned and just stood there, looking up at the nothingness of the blue all around me, finally the Seraph spoke once more, "If you were to choose one, who would it be?"



"She has a soul that is full of kindness and a willingness to relate to all walks of life. She is grounded and down to earth, yet not as aloof as Toroah. Samantha is quick to anger and easily swayed when her emotions are running high. Rachel for as much as I love her is inexperienced as am I. Charlotte is the most worthy."

"My son, do you even know what the most important qualities of a Paladin are?"

I frowned at the words, of course, I did not. The Seraph made them and the last one we had, fell nearly half a millennia ago. I simply shook my head in response to the question.

"Empathy, love, and sacrifice, to name a few. Traits you have in greater magnitude than any of the aforementioned. A Paladin isn't the greatest warrior or the most astute commander, and they are not the most pious of us."

"Then what are they, your holiness?"

"A beacon, a rallying flag. They are there to uplift their allies, to shine light in the darkness, and represent our interests. They- You, are as much a diplomat as you are a leader, Ryder. You would not die for your cause, but you would die for those that would. You would heal friend and foe alike when the battle was won, if you did not prevent it outright with your words, to begin with."

My teeth clenched at the words, I wanted to argue but they were right. I'd die to protect any of my brothers or sisters, I'd give everything to protect all my loved ones. I desperately wanted peace with our people and Lorelai's. "I- but I was so quick to draw my sword against Hagen! My own brother!"

"In defense of your lovers and friends, even then you attempted to simply detain him for a tribunal. You knew you could have struck there and then, finished it, but you still offered him a choice of peace."

"Yes, and it cost my lover one of her oldest friends and nearly plunged us into a new Crusade!" I snarled the words bitterly. "You talk of peace and sacrifice, but you did not have to hold her in your arms while she wept!"

"Empathy, love, and sacrifice."

"There is a difference between my personal sacrifice and that of the ones I love, Seraph!" I shouted the words, glaring upon the sky and feeling tears in my eyes just thinking of the pain she had to endure.

"You are worthy, Ryder. We beg of you, take up this role, you know deep in your heart you are the right choice, and that only you can guide our people to peace with our once foes."

I took a step back staring at nothing, tears rolling down my cheeks, thinking of the loss Lorelai felt, hearing her pained cries when Ras fell. Even feeling pain in my heart for Hagen despite how horrible he was to me.

My teeth clenched as I looked down at my own feet, feeling so very weak and unworthy. I didn't even deserve to be a first, yet here I was. I didn't deserve any of the love I had, yet I had it in spades.

All I could think of were my shortcomings and the pain I had inflicted just by simply existing. The vampires, demons, mages, lycanthropes, and even mundane I had struck down in the name of the gods. Then I thought of the ones I had counseled with, the ones that weren't mad, the ones I sent to Lorelai, or to the nearest circle or pack.

I pushed it all away and opened my eyes, tears still showing on my face as I spoke to the open air. "So be it, if I can spare others from pain and protect all of my loved ones, celestial or otherwise. I accept."

"Thank you, my son."

Pain coursed through my body as I dropped right to my knees, hands clenched in fists as my teeth grit. Tears poured forth from the sheer agony of it all as I yowled out in a scream, my wings bursting forth wide from my back, blood rolling down it as several more inches were added to them. It was too much, it was the greatest pain I'd ever felt in my existence and my body couldn't take it. My vision darkened and I collapsed into unconsciousness.

My consciousness returned to me eventually. My back felt weighed down more so than usual, my larger wings against it. My head rested upon something soft, a lap? I felt warm and full of comfort as if my whole being were just awash with the love of a new mother cradling her child that she had just given birth to.

I winced and started to open my eyes, then felt a hand pushed to them. "Leave them closed, my son, even for a Paladin, our visage would be too much..."

With a nod, I closed my eyes, feeling the sensation leave me as I came down to the floor gently. "You are fine to open them now," The voice called to me and I slowly sat up, giving a wide yawn as I rubbed my head, blinking at the still endlessly blue area.

"How long was I out?" I muttered the words, feeling very well rested as I slowly found my feet.

"Three days."

I barked out in shock, "Three days?!"

"Your body had much to endure and acclimate to, my son. Do not concern yourself, we reached out to Ichiro and relayed to them you were safe and well, so as not to worry your loved ones."

"I am grateful..." I looked back at my wings. Folded, they towered over me and when I spread them, they easily had a few more feet of wingspan to them. I frowned and saw several inches of them dragged along the floor when at rest. "How in the world am I going to move around with these things, can I even get in doorways?"

There was a long pause and I swear I heard amusement in the voice as it spoke, "Focus your senses, you can temporarily retract them at will now, it will require a conscious effort to maintain, but it will suffice for when you need to navigate indoors."

I bit my lower lip and looked back, focusing my mind and willing the wings to grow smaller, sure enough, I felt an odd clenching sensation in my shoulders and back, as if I were using muscles I never had previously. The massive wings contracted in and seemed to 'shrink down' as it were. It wasn't magic, I simply could compress them in to about the size they previously were.

Giving a nod I relaxed and they fluffed right back out to full size, making me growl in annoyance. Rolling my eyes I accepted it was just going to have to be something I'd get used to in time.

"So what happens now?" My hand shifted to my hip and I blinked as I felt cool smooth metal on me. I looked myself over, seeing I was garbed in pure silver armor, it looked like plate and chain, but it felt light as if I were wearing cloth. "Whoa... when did this get here?"

"It is the armor of the Paladin. It will afford you divine protection but will hinder you little. You may summon it at will and dismiss it as such."

"Really?!" I barked out excitedly and focused my mind, sure enough, the whole suit of armor simply popped right out of existence, leaving me fully naked right there in front of the most divine being I'd ever interacted with.

I gave a startled yip and shoved my hands over my crotch, growling as my tail thrashed a few times and I willed the armor back on my form. "Gods! I expected to still have clothes on under it!"

"It is of no concern, my son. We used the clothes you wore to craft it. In the future, any garments you wear will remain beneath, so there is no threat of exposing yourself unexpectedly."

"That is amazing, has my sword changed?" I huffed out curiously and drew my longsword, seeing it was now pure white as if made of ivory, but upon closer inspection, I could see faint streaks of greens and blues coursing through the blade.

"Behold, the sword of the Paladin, forged by our hand, infused with both orichalcum and adamantine. It will never dull or break and the wielder can never suffer a mortal wound while it is within their possession."

"Holy gods above! Wait- never suffer a mortal wound? So how did the last Paladin fall then?" I cocked a brow curiously.

"The body can still be slain, the sword will just begin to heal it and house the soul of the wielder until it can sustain them once more."

"That's incredible, but you didn't answer my question, Seraph. How did the last Paladin fall if this was a factor?"

There was a long silence and I frowned as I realized my question was not going to be answered. I clicked my tongue as I spoke out dryly, "If I am your greatest champion, is it proper form to keep things from me?"

"We apologize, my son. ... One must have a soul to return to the body, to begin with."

I felt a deep frown form at the words, looking upon the shimmering ivory blade before putting it away. "You mean to tell me, the last Paladin we had, lost their very soul?"


"How?! Where did it go, was it taken by force, sold, bargained for? Answer me!" I barked the words, feeling fury fill my heart. The taking of one's soul was one of our greatest crimes and not something that could happen lightly. There was no means to just casually tear someone's soul free from them, they had to agree or bargain with it, and call me crazy, but I didn't see a Paladin doing such a thing.

"We are not aware of the full details, my son."

"You're the fucking Seraph! How can you not be aware of the details!" I snarled the words and stomped my foot hard.

"We are not as omnipresent as you assume us, my child. Even the gods themselves have limits to what they can perceive despite what mundane mortals may think, so why expect us to have all the knowledge?"

I gave a frown at that but nodded. They were right of course, they were the messengers or hands of the gods as it were. We too often assumed the gods 'had a plan' and we just were along for the ride. That was largely not the case though, as had been said several times by the Seraph throughout the generations and relayed to us by the commanders.

"Let me be clear, I expect to have direct communion with you in the future if I am to keep this position," I folded my arms as I growled the words, wagging my tail and then looking down at it as I realized it now had flecks of gold within the black. I sighed and cocked a brow. "Also, you guys are big on presentation aren't you?"

"You will have a direct link to us, my child. Simply will to speak with us in your mind and we will answer you if within our power to do so. Also, it is simply something that happens with all Paladins, you will find gold hairs mingled into your blonde ones as well. Had you scales or natural plumage, it would have a similar effect."

"I think I've got enough plumage these days." I snorted as I looked back at the massive wings on my back, seeing there were golden feathers interspersed throughout them.

"So where do we go from here? Do you have orders for me, your holiness?"

"For now resume your life as normal, we will call upon you if the need arises and you may do the same for us. Continue your training, help the archangels with any tasks they need, but mostly just live your life and continue to strengthen the bonds you have created, for they will be your greatest boon in the days to come."

"Understood." I turned and out of curiosity tested it and sure enough, I was able to will a gate open straight to my quarters, seeing Rachel sitting there on my bed kicking her feet a book in her hands. I lifted my ears to see her wings were back to their size as a first, no doubt Toroah having gone through with the procedure.

"Uh... how do I rank now in comparison? Do I still answer to the archangels, or do they uh... answer to me?"

"You answer to no one but us officially, Ryder, you are our knight now. However, please continue to aid the commanders in all their endeavors. You may not order them unless it is through our will or during a crisis, otherwise consider yourselves equals as it were."

"A crisis?"

"Yes, my son. During emergencies or military engagements, the Paladin is the supreme commander, even Ichiro would follow your orders without question."

"Woah... O-Okay... I'll keep that in mind. Well, it was nice meeting you, your holiness. I look forward to working with you!" I barked the words and found my feet in motion, eager to see my vixen.


The Paladin:

The Paladin is the highest rank of Knighthood within the military and similar to Archangels, may only be granted the position by the Seraph or gods directly. Unlike Archangels which can be petitioned for ascension by the other Commanders, a Paladin may not be petitioned for.

While a Bishop represents the whole of the celestial military court, a Paladin represents the very personification of justice and has full command over the military, second only to the Seraph. There has only ever been a single Paladin at any given time and the position is not always filled. As of approximately 1400 CC(Celestial Calendar), there had not been an active Paladin in the celestial military in nearly half a millennium.


Rachel's ears sprang up as she saw the gate open and watched me step forth from it. She jumped to her feet and rushed to me with her tail wagging happily. "Ryder! I was so worried about- ... Wha?" Her eyes widened and shifted to gold as if on instinct.

I gave her a bashful grin and rubbed the back of my head. "Ah, hey Rachel, sorry to worry you!"

She slowly circled me, looking me up and down in awe. "Ryder, what happened to you... your very aura feels different..."

"I, well-" I gave a huff and shook my head, composing myself before I gave her an awkward grin. "It looks like I'm a Paladin now!"

The vixen offered me a perplexed look, her jaw slacking slightly before she shook her head, her eyes blinking back to blue before she furrowed her brow in focus. "I'm sorry, say that again?"

"Uh... the Seraph made me a Paladin, I actually argued with them quite a bit over it, but they begged me so uh... here we are." I gave her an awkward grin as my tail wagged.

"Is this real?" She growled the words, poking a finger at the armor and even running her fingers over the wings. "Goodness they are bigger than Toroah's!"

"I've been saying mine's bigger for years!" I barked the words out with a laugh but Rachel just gave me a fussy huff at my crude humor.

"Greater divinity has certainly not made you any less childish!" Her fussy glare softened as she gave me a smile. "I'd not have it any other way..."

My cheeks warmed as I moved to embrace her. "Thank you, Rachel... I'm so glad you love me for me."

I moved in to kiss her and the vixen threw her arms around me, pushing her mouth to my own first. Before I knew it our tongues were together, rolling and teasing one another as our hands started roaming each other's bodies.

"Hgn... your energy feels so different, but your touch and aura are the same that I've always loved." Rachel cooed the words, kissing along my chin to my throat while my hands moved over her soft curvy hips.

"Isn't energy and aura the same thing, love?" I growled the words as I moved for the sash in her robes and she started to unbuckle my plates of armor.

"It is not and you should know that! I will have to educate you further on- Ah!" She yipped in shock as I simply willed my armor to vanish, fully baring myself to her, my eagerness for her on full display as I gave a smug grin.

"What was that!" She huffed out even as I saw her eyes drift down to my length, her hips squirming eagerly.

"You should know this! I will have to educate you further on the matter at a later date!" I barked the words in a mocking tone of her voice as the vixen huffed from me turning her away from me and pushing her right down to the bed.

Her elbows hit the soft down mattress and her tail hiked right up eagerly, her robes parting to show her full round backside, no undergarment to be seen, just her eager petals and tailhole on full display. "You must think me a lewd vixen, already so eager, but I've missed you and my relief in seeing you return-"

"It's okay... the moment I saw you I was eager and my heart was pounding..." I snarled the words, my right hand gliding over her backside as I felt her ease and lay her wings out across my bed, fully exposing her shoulders to me.

"Oh... ha... I'm glad, my love... ha..." She started panting the words, fists in my bedding, clutching as I started to rub against her folds with my length, teasing that pearl while she panted out with her large brown ears folding.

"Here I come, my beautiful fox," I growl as I lined my tapered head right up with her petals, Rachel looking over her shoulder with an excited grin, then lolling her tongue out as I pushed deep into her, feeling her walls spread until I bumped snug to her core.

"Gods... T-they said you were safe... but I was still terrified..." She moaned the words, the tone almost sounding sorrowful as I leaned over her, gripping the bed sheets near her own hands, grinding myself deep into her while panting.

"It's okay, my vixen. I'm right here and we're together, I'll always..." She clenched on me and I snarled, feeling her give in, an odd sensation filling my soul as tears came to my eyes. I kept pushing, grinding at her core as she moaned out for more, sounding blissful.

She sighed happily, her luscious tail wagging and pushing against me as I loomed over her, grinding her own hips back eagerly, then her ears perked as she felt something wet hitting her shoulder. Her teeth clenched and she widened her eyes as she looked back seeing tears in my eyes while we made love.

"Ryder? Why do you cry, are you okay?" She barked out in concern and I shook my head before giving her a deep push, feeling a surge of renewed love for this fox as I groaned out while grinding at her core, Rachel's tongue showing again as she kept a look of concern on me even as I kept making love to her.

"I am fine! I am just so very much in love with you, my vixen!" I barked out and shook my head to focus, I was awash with memories that were long buried but I pushed them aside to focus on her, to focus on the fox that mattered most to me in my life.

She gave a soft howling moan as I drew her to release once more, then with a shift of our positions I moved her to her back, I wanted to stare upon her face as well.

Rachel laid out before me on the bed, her robes fully removed as we changed positions. Now she was beneath me and our arms were wrapped around one another, our noses nearly touching as we panted into each other's face, our bodies grinding and pushing in the same rhythm, desperate to feel one another.

"Ha... I- I love you so much, Ryder, so very, very... ngh!" She folded her ears as she gave in again while my knot pushed against her entrance repeatedly.

I snarled and gave a heavy push as she barked out and lolled her tongue, feeling me force the bulging knot deep into her, my tapered tip pushing snug to her core. "Ha... and I you Rachel... Ngh! My life for you!" I howled the proclamation, feeling my body give in as my love for this vixen poured into her again and again.

Her eyes shifted to gold as she cried out in relief while clinging to me, feeling my heat fill her. Finally, the last of my love was inside her and she kissed me with desperation, her nails digging into my scalp as my own did the same. We kissed as if our very lives depended on it, our tongues circling together through it all.

Apparently, my body was still recovering from the change as I grew light-headed and collapsed onto my side, pulling her with me as she draped a leg over my hip. "Can we rest a while, yet?" I panted weakly.

"We can my love... rest your eyes, you are safe in my arms, now and always..." She pulled me closer and I nodded, feeling my strength fading as I closed my eyes, content to sleep in her arms after our intense lovemaking.


"Sayana! Oktai!" I screamed their names as I rushed into the yurt, the smell of death all around me, my bronze saber drawn. My two closest friends lay in their home dead, looking drained of all vitality they once had.

"Oktai! S-Sayana!" I screamed out in rage, seeing the vixen I loved and her husband in such a state. My ears lifted as I shook my head, trying to calm the wailing in my heart and focus. "Sarnai! Answer me, where are you!" I pushed deeper into the yurt, hearing a snarling growl as I came upon the evil that had ravaged my home.

A fox like us, but with white fur that had been long ago marred with the blood and filth of the savage existence it no doubt lived. It snarled and hissed like a wild animal, hunched over like a beast, clawing at a large mound of soiled furs and clothing.

They had told me of their plan, I distinctly remember Oktai making me swear to protect his daughter if the worst happened, he knew my feelings for Sayana, told me if I loved her as I claimed, to protect her child as if she were my own. Of course, there was no debate to be had, I would do so even without swearing it to him.

"Monster, face me!" I roared out in challenge as the crazed fox turned his red eyes upon me. I snarled as I drew its attention and ran from the yurt as fast as my feet would allow me, knowing it would give chase.

The beast didn't use the entry flaps, it simply tore through the side of the leather wall. I had already readied my bow once outside and when the creature emerged I loosed an arrow right into its gullet. The fox made a gurgling snarl not even bothering to wrench it out before it dropped to all fours and charged me like a wild dog.

I quickly nocked and fired another arrow as he closed upon me, knowing it would be my last shot in many ways. The other fox howled in fury as I took his elbow out from under him, making him crash to the ground before rising once more with only his right arm of use for the moment.

"You'll not take her child!" I screamed the words as I drew my saber. The monster didn't seem interested in my dramatics and simply blurred before me faster than my eyes could track it.

I felt its usable hand shove into my abdomen with its large claw-like nails, tearing through the treated leather armor as if it were blades of grass. Blood erupted from my mouth at the strike but I clenched my bloody teeth and sent my saber straight through its chest even as it wrenched me from my feet.

The fox howled in agony and released me, blood pouring from my chest, stomach, and even my back from the large gaping wounds. My vision was already darkening at the edges and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, struggling to keep my blood pumping.

"Not yet! Die once she's safe!" I screamed the words, spitting up blood as I staggered forward while the monster was stunned, slashing at it while it was injured, the fox howling in pain and fury.

After what amounted to only a few seconds, the fox scrambled from my assault, open wounds covering him as he hissed out at me and darted away into the shadows of the night.

"Say...ana..." I saw tears fill my darkening vision before my body gave out and my heart stopped. I collapsed to the earth, my last thoughts being prayers to the gods that they would see her pup to safety.


"Nugai? Nugai?!"

"Nu- er! Ryder! Open your eyes!" I gave a startled bark as my eyes snapped open, seeing the vixen from that odd dream before me, but with blonde hair, blue eyes, and brown ears.

"Saya- W-wha?" I winced and rubbed my head, shaking it a few times to dislodge the odd dream before blinking again. "Rachel, what's wrong, why are you crying?"

"Because you were crying and sobbing in your slumber, you foolish dog! You had me sick with worry and you wouldn't wake up!" She growled the words, shoving at my shoulders, tears on her cheeks.

I brushed my own hand to my face, feeling the tracks there from my tears, and bit my lower lip. Maybe this was what was brewing in me while we were making love. The dream was vivid in my mind and though I would speak to the Seraph about it, I think I already knew the pretense of it.

"Sorry to worry you..." I whispered the words, rubbing my head, trying to process all of this. I guess Paladin's got to experience their last moments, regardless. Still, I was kind of heroic in the end, and was that truly Rachel? Then there was that child's name, Sarnai. Could it be a coincidence?

"You look lost in your own mind. Are you certain you are well, Ryder?" She pushed a hand to my forehead, moving my bangs away to feel for a fever.

"I am fine, I assure you!" I took her hand, giving it a few kisses, then stared hard into her eyes, feeling something stir deep in me, I had no doubt, it was her and that was me. Rachel stared back, her eyes widening a moment as they shimmered to gold.

"Ryder... why is my heart pounding so? It aches as if I have not laid eyes upon you in ages, though you are right here..." She pushed a hand to my face, it was trembling as she drew closer.

I snarled in response and simply wrapped my arms around her, drawing her into a deep kiss. Rachel took a breath through her nose but returned my kiss with just as much fervor. It was odd, to say the least, it was like we were two different people in that moment, as if two other souls were acting out the act within our bodies.

We parted as I panted out in her face, my eyes on hers, my own hand to her cheek. "I love you, I love you... I always have, I always will!"

"I love you too, Ryder! Please don't ever leave me again!" She sobbed out the words, tears in her eyes as I lifted my ears in confusion.

"What do you mean, again? I was only gone for like, three days, Rachel. We've had season-long deployments before." My hand brushed away her tears, her own eyes looking equally confused.

"I don't... know why I said that... it was as if it came from deep down and I had no control over it. As if I had lost you and now found you again... I don't understand." Rachel kept her own hand on my face, her eyes never leaving my own.

I pushed my forehead to hers, closing my eyes as I growled. "I'll always be by your side, Rachel, don't you worry about that."


Nomadic Tribes:

Nomadic tribes were common throughout the Khanates and persist even to this day. The members would consist of close-knit communities, often of the same species. They would travel multiple times a year to keep their grazing primitive animals fed.

Nugai and Sayana's tribe was just another small community of black foxes that time forgot the name of, if it ever had a name to begin with.


"A little warning would have been great!" I put my hands on my hips, snarling to the open air.

"We did not expect such things to manifest, my son. The former Paladin never had such an experience. Need we reminded you we-"

"Yes, you are not all-knowing, but still..." I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "That was so strange, and it seemed to influence Rachel as well! It was as if we were two different people in that moment."

"In a way you were."

"I- I wanted to tell her, but, I felt that wasn't my decision to make."

"Thank you, my son. You are correct, it is not time for her to know such things yet."

"When is the time? I thought you didn't have some all-knowing plan?"

"It is time when we deem it worthy, our knight. For now, it does not need to be shared. She is better off without the knowledge, especially if she continues to interact with her daughter."

"So that WAS the same Sarnai!" I barked out and rubbed my chin in thought. "Gods... what should I say to her..."

"There is no need to seek her out, we would humbly suggest avoiding the encounter. She, like her mother, may not be ready for such knowledge, it could have grave ramifications, young Paladin."

I growled as my arms folded. "Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on her! I still have my word to keep, after all. Me having been reborn doesn't change that!"

"Your sense of duty is admirable, my son. Please do as you see-"

"What became of her husband, of uh... Oktai?"

"He was offered the choice, he chose to rest."

"Interesting... and what of that vampire? I assume it survived those attacks it received."

"That is knowledge we do not have, my son."

"Tch... if he's still kicking around, I owe the bastard one." I grumbled as my hand rested upon the hilt of my sword. "Alright, I'll not reveal my knowledge to Rachel or Sarnai, but what should I do if these situations keep coming up? Call me selfish but I do not wish to give up my lovemaking with my partner if I can avoid it."

There was a long silence before the voice answered me sounding slightly awkward, "... we would surmise it was a unique situation. Should it happen again, please address us and we will see what can be done."

"What became of Hagen and Ras souls?"

"What would you desire of them, Paladin?"

I gave a snort and put a hand to my chest. "Is that even my call to make?"

"No, but we would weigh your opinion. You are a judge after all."

I folded my arms, rubbing at my chin as I thought of them. "Lorelai spoke much of her fallen brother that night, he was instructing his home to adhere to a no-killing policy and was quite a noble leader. I feel we would benefit with him in our ranks, as well as those that were lost in Lorelai's former home. I say offer them enlistment if they wish it. You should probably do so with any of the fallen vampires so long as they are not evil."

"And your former brother?"

I gave a snarl at the question before looking away. "Let him return to the cycle and try again. Toroah, Samantha, and Charlotte all endured the Crusade as well. Did they come out so vile and jaded? No, I'm sure they have their own scars but they didn't let it interfere with their duty. Do not plunge him into the underworld, but do not offer him ascension again until he has proven himself as a worthy mundane. That is my opinion on him."

"Thank you for your insight, tell us, Paladin. Do you feel there is a proper candidate to ascend to an archangel? We have only four now, when before we had six."

"You already have my answer to that question."

"Very well, is there anything further you wished to discuss, my son?"

"I wish to know what became of the other Paladin eventually. So if you find out, tell me. That is all for now." I threw my hand out, a gate to my quarters opening as Rachel looked up at it, her ears lifting and tail wagging.

"Until we meet again, my son, our hope."

I turned and folded my wings before returning to my room, though as much as Rachel and I were together these days, I should simply call it our room. The vixen rushed into my arms and we held one another tightly, sharing a few kisses before I gave her a nod. "Come, my love. Let us go out for the evening, I wish to take you on a flight."

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