Sit, girl

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Monica is tired of playing fetch in a stuffy office, and resorts to a canine companion to relieve stress. The new toy proves extremely effective, sort of... too effective.

(F tf Dog)

Monica came home again from work exhausted. She is the personal secretary for the boss of the company, but that means she also needs to collect the papers all of his underlings submit and file them for the boss. So instead of sitting behind a desk chewing gum and occasionally answering the phone, she is constantly running back and forth around the office trying to badger people into handing over their work on time for once. Her body is so physically tired and sore, but she doubts she would be able to sleep this early, even for a nap. Unfortunately Monica is also so busy at work all the time that she does not have a boyfriend, so there is no one to cuddle or to relieve tension in... other ways.

Monica went to make dinner and grabbed a huge tome off the shelf. Monica had to move to this new apartment to cut down on commute time to work because gas prices were getting asinine. Unfortunately that meant it was not fully furnished at the moment- she has no kitchen table. To help her out; Monica's friend Connie let her borrow a great magic tome on conjuring objects! With the spells inside Monica can summon whatever objects she needed to use. The only down side is they are not real- if she ever depleted all the mana in her apartment the objects would just vanish into thin air. But she only needs them here and there and Monica doesn't cast any other spells so the odds of her totally wiping out the ambient mana are slim. She took the tome out to summon a table again but then paused, biting her lip and flipping through the pages instead. The book says that is an exhaustive collection of all conjurable items, so unless it is false advertising, there should be at least one of basically anything. Does that mean it has... sex toys?

Yup, sure enough there was a single dildo summoning spell- though it also came with a slew of modifier runes she could use to customize it. She was feeling frustrated and stressed from work, so she decided she wanted to ride a beast- she used a summoning for a canine phallus rather than a human one. It appeared on her counter, standing in its seven inch glory. She sort of wished it was bigger, since the knot is included in that seven inches but there was no modifiers for size in the tome. Monica blushed as she grabbed the taught rubber knot and popped it off the counter- it has a small suction cup base. It has a good heft to it. She turned it around in her hands examining the new toy and is impressed by the amount of detailing on it. There is even a deep divot on the tip that made her wonder for a moment if it was one of those dildos that could actually ejaculate, but there is no other hole for the pipe to inject the fake cum through, so that can't be the case.

Monica dashed to her bedroom with the dong in hand, and as soon as she approached her bed, her heart jumped into her throat when she heard a deep, smooth man's voice!

"Not going to turn the lights off? Easier to set the mood in dim or dark lighting."

She spun around in fear looking for the source of the voice but there was no one there. But the voice sounded close by, there isn't anything to hide behind, so where is he?!

"Sorry, were you not expecting me to talk? I will be quite."

"Where are you?! Who are you?! What do you want!?"

"I am in your hands, my dear."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"N-nothing, it was literal."

Monica slowly looked down at the dildo in her hands. "Wait... you- the dildo can talk?!"

"If you wish it. My sole purpose is to pleasure, so if it bothers you..."

"N-no! Well... I don't know! I didn't think the toy I summoned would have a mind of its own!"

"All to better build the fantasy. The purpose of a false phallus is to imitate the real thing, no?"

"But wait, you don't have eyes, so how do you see? Do you... feel through it?"

"I can feel everything, and I can see things within a limited range of the phallus. But enough about me, what about you? You seem very tense. You have gone too long alone, you need some time to enjoy yourself fully. Someone to treat you like how you deserve to be treated."


She slowly got undressed and the phallus said nothing, just waited patiently.

"What is your name anyway?"

"Whatever you wish it to be."

"Well, I dunno.... how about Rex? You are a dog dick."

"Then thus shall I be named."

She got into bed nervously, though also a bit giddy from the toy's smooth-talking promises of pleasure. His voice was heavy and smooth like honey.

Monica held him over her nethers. "W-well, ready to go?"

"I am ready whenever you are."

She slowly slid the tip in and suddenly against her nethers it felt warmer! It felt almost hot- like it was alive! Monica's eyes went wide as she actually felt it pulse! The veins and shaft itself actually throb! Against her hand it still feels like stiff rubber, but against her pussy it feels like flesh! She slowly dipped Rex in, a little deeper each time, but after several bobs into her vulva- Rex took over! Monica let go in surprise- the dildo was moving entirely on its own! He only waited for her to guide him in so he could match her speed. Rex started slow and went only to the base of his shaft. Only when he picked up pace did he start to use the knot- in comparison to her human pussy, the knot could not tie her, but it did stretch her further when it popped in and out, which put more pressure onto her clit above and sparked her pleasure. He even made a few dog sounds, and it caused Monica to giggle breathlessly- his voice still sounded human so rather than an actual low bark it was more like a handsome man imitating one. Monica bit her lip and closed her eyes, imagining an actual dog there fucking her. It isn't something she would normally fantasize about at all, but with Rex plowing her it seemed appropriate. Rex knew when she was approaching climax.

Normally if Monica was doing this alone, she would have to lay off a bit with the dildo because the orgasmic pleasure kills the strength in her, but Rex obviously had no such issue. Monica shrieked louder than intended and thrust her hip off the bed, grabbing up the bed sheets in her fists and scrunched her face up as a thin burst of female ejaculate arched across the room! When she was about to climax, Rex's shaft started throbbing as if he was also going to cum, and that also caused his knot to swell larger- he rammed the knot in just as she climaxed which pinched the base of her clit! Monica was overcome with so much pleasure she flopped over into a shuddering heap for several minutes, her mind whited out in shock. Rex slowly slid out on his own and stood on his suction cup bottom; standing in attention for whenever he is next needed.

Now Monica resumed her evening, having her now-late dinner. She could not for a moment stop thinking about Rex waiting in her bedroom though. That enchanted dildo just put every man she had ever slept with before to shame. Heck, even his voice is sexier. Rex made her squirt! She hasn't done that since she was in her early teens! She also found imagining an actual dog doing it to be very sexy. Just to be extra lewd, doing something truly perverse in the name of exotic pleasure. She imagined being in a narrow alleyway in a high traffic area, getting fucked by a big stray mut, hidden just barely enough from all the people that she doesn't get caught. After dinner she watched a bit of television but could not concentrate on it at all. All her thoughts about the new fantasy and Rex was causing her to be just as horny after him servicing her as she was before! When she got into bed later, she glanced at him a bit nervously sitting on the bed where she left him without putting him away.

"Uhm... do you think..."

"You require my services again?"

"W-well, I was just... wondering if you were up to- er, I mean how often do you normally...?"

"As often as I am requested, my dear. I am a toy of pleasure- I do not go flaccid. It is only natural you require so much after going so long without. You deserve more!"

Monica slowly reached over and picked him up by the knot, bringing him above her privates again.

"Oh, and I should have asked before but, do you want me to cum too?"

"Y-you can cum?! You don't have balls!"

"I don't have a body either, but I still have a functioning phallus. If you want me to, I can. As much as you want, in fact."

Monica's voice got real small and she softly nodded. "Y-yea..."

This time she just guided Rex's tip in and let go- the dildo remained hovering exactly where she held him and then slowly sank in on his own. It felt so weird having something that felt so much like a real dog penis thrusting in and out of her, yet there was nothing else there. She could cup her hand over her pussy. She could stand, lay, or squat into literally any position and Rex could continue to fuck her completely uninterrupted. Monica closed her eyes again and fantasized about being in the alley getting fucked by a stray. Maybe there was other strays too, lined up, waiting their turn- their heavy dicks bouncing under them in anticipation. Monica put her hand around her neck and imagined she was wearing a dog collar- and the dog fucking her had the leash in his mouth. She is getting walked by the dogs! Using her other hand to hold herself up, she rolled over and got up onto all fours so Rex could plunge into her doggy-style! As this was the natural mating position of many animals- this gave him more room to work with... but we can't have that, now can we? No wasted space. Rex started to grow, changing proportions to better match her insides in this new position! His knot swelled up bigger and then the later portion of his shaft also started to swell wider, while the overall dong got very slightly longer- he had mostly increased in girth.

Monica hit another orgasm and this time her sudden shout almost sounded like an 'ARF' followed by a long moan she deliberately tried to make sound like a howl. As soon as she started her climax, Rex had his. He crammed the knot into her once again slamming her clit from the inside, but this time his knot swelled large enough at orgasm to completely plug her- tieing her loosely. He blasted a massive amount of cum into her, coating her insides and then bloating the sides of her pussy outward, squeezing all her pleasure nerves even more! Monica looked down to see her lower gut and crotch bloating up with internal pressure and then finally there was so much pressurized cum in her that Rex blasted himself out! The bottom of the bed was blasted with a deluge of white goo! Monica flopped face-first into her pillow with a goofy, tired smile on her face.

"Promise me one thing my dear?"


"Do not let yourself go so long without pleasure again? These are the sort of nights you owe yourself."


Monica passed out and did not wake up till her morning alarm! She swatted the alarm clock and flipped over quickly. Ah crap, she did not clean up after last night- now it will be dried on like cement! When she looked at her bed though she had to blink several times to try and adjust her eyes. There was no mess.

"Uh... Rex? You awake?"

"I do not sleep, so, yes."

"Did you already clean up somehow?"

"There was nothing to clean up, my dear. My ejaculate is magically generated- once I stop channeling the effect it simply stops existing." He chuckled. "I would not leave you to clean up my messes."

Monica had a day off today thankfully due to a holiday basically no one remembers what it is for- but are all glad it exists. She would have another two days of work after today though before the actual weekend. Monica felt so good today and so... refreshed! Memories of last night with Rex made her almost giddy. Monica is almost sad he isn't a real guy, or dog. She wants to show him off, shout out to the world that she has found the best fucker in existence! As she was eating breakfast though, she noticed the nails on her hand were oddly thick, and much longer than when she went to sleep. They also seemed narrower? She had to get ready after breakfast anyway to meet up with her friend Connie, so she went to the bathroom to get a better look at her nails in the bright light of the smaller room.

"REX!!" He could hear her feet stomping rapidly toward the bedroom before she burst in. "What did you do to me?!?"

Both of her tall pointed ears were pulled back in fear, and her little nub of a tail completely still.

"Helping you immerse yourself in the fantasy? You were having such a good time, there is no need to stop."

"You made me part dog?!"

"Well... not really, but sort of? Like my ejaculate it is just an effect- a very realistic illusion. Unless you change completely the effect will just evaporate once the spell ends."

Her human ears had transformed into tall triangular ears of a doberman- the super-short black fur on their backs matching her black human hair. Like a doberman, her tail is a large nub above her butt; too short to wag, it vibrates when she is happy. Her fingernails are part way transformed to the blunted claws of a canine, and her toenails are fully transformed. Her big toe isn't big anymore- it shrank and pulled back from the others having regressed partially into a dew claw, but because her actual foot did not reshape at all, it was still relatively close to the others still. Her outer labia were very puffy; her pussy almost looked like she had been using a pump on it, but that was just its default now. All of her teeth were pointier, and she has a six-pack of nipples on her midriff! Her areola on her breasts had shrank to tiny dots barely wider than the nipple itself as if trying to match the newcomers.

"Okay, but, we aren't having sex right now!"

"Fantasies are not restricted solely to sexual acts, even if you use them for sexual acts." His calm and rational speaking was at least calming her down again.

"But I am about to go meet my friend Connie at the park! I am supposed to go jogging with her today!"

"Well then... have fun! The weather is divine outside at the moment. Spending time with friends helps make a tedious task like supersize into a memorable time."

"...I can't go out looking like a dog!"

"Oh gosh, no. You should definitely put a hat on."


"Your ears, my dear. They point straight up, so you can put a hat on to cover them entirely. Your tail is so small that the back of your shirt will cover it. Your shoes will cover the claws on your feet... what else is there to fret over? Unless Margery plans to undress you in the park, no one need know anything- unless you wish for them to know. You see, you mix pleasure into your daily life to make everything better. It does not need to be an isolated occurrence. You hang out with a friend to make getting fit more tolerable, yes? You can keep your fantasy alive while you are at work or with friends to make your day to day life more thrilling, more fun. Is that not what you wish?"

"Well... I mean, yes but... like THIS? I don't even know about the whole dog fantasy thing... it was sort of an accident in the first place."

Rex chuckled. "The discovery of Penicillin was an accident, too. Well, just try it out. If you do not like it I can very easily revert you later. We can keep on experimenting with things till we find what works best for you."

"Hrrrm.... I guess. Okay..."

It was hard to argue with logic. So, Monica got dressed, very carefully. She could not wear anything with too tight of a waist or she would pinch her little tail. She needed a hat to cover her ears, and she could not wear any top that exposed her midriff even though she was going jogging- because then she would expose all her extra nipples. Monica gave one last look at her erect friend on the nightstand before sighing and heading out.

Monica was obviously very nervous when out jogging and glanced around constantly at other people, wondering if anyone noticed. She was worried and distracted at first, but she wanted to catch up with Connie on life so talking to her friend as they jogged helped get her mind off it a little. After a while; seeing no one noticed anything off, she started to see the appeal in her secret. It actually reminded her of her fantasy the other night, being banged in an alleyway while people passed by just outside on a busy street. Being lewd and bestial in plain sight. Everyone else is too wound up living their own lives to notice what she does in hers- which gave her more freedom of what she could do with hers than she would have expected. It was a good thing she remained moving, because you could see the back of her shirt fluttering around from her tail wagging at the bottom.

She was also having a hard time keeping pace with Connie- she kept pulling ahead on accident.

Connie shook her head and huffed as Monica had to slow down for her again. "I will have whatever you are on. You got more bounce in your step today than I can muster in a month. Something happen?"

"N-no, not really. I am just full of energy. Heyyy.... that magic tome you leant me?"


"Did you know it has a spell for.... dildos?"

"REALLY? That old thing? Dayum. I don't know if I would trust that, haha."


"That tome has been passed down in my family for a few generations- it is pretty damn old. Older spells were not really optimized and a lot of the more powerful spells had an inverse reaction. Like, a spell that made fire would freeze something else in order to do it- something like that. Well. My family has been using that tome here and there for generations and we are fine, so I guess it is alright. I don't know if anyone used that particular spell thoug- ew."


"I just thought about possibility of my family members having used the dildo conjuring spell." Monica scrunched up her face. "Yea, exactly."

Connie ended up tiring out and heading home for lunch, but Monica still had plenty of energy to burn so she decided to stay in the park and run a bit more. It wasn't till a dalmation ran up to her that she paused. Its tail was wagging and it was smelling her quite a bit, did she forget a snack in her pocket or something? She pet it and the dalmatian did a little hop, trying to get up on her. It was then Monica noticed the front of its red rocket peeking out the sheath! He was smelling her because she smells slightly like a female dog herself! The dalmatian wanted to mount her! She held her hand out to prevent it from jumping up onto her while his owner ran up, apologizing for his dog yanking the leash out of his hand and bolting. Monica said it was fine, but her face was bright pink from blushing. Now men and dogs think she is hot. That sort of turned her on. But she needed to get home before another dog pounced! She only wanted one canine cock in her and that was Rex.

Monica moaned at the heat between her legs as she burst back into her tiny apartment and discarded her clothing quickly as she crossed it to the bedroom. When she looked down at herself her blush renewed- it was a good thing no one was paying close attention to her because you could see ALL of her nipples. She was so flustered getting dressed this morning she never wore a bra. Her sweat from running caused her baggy white shirt to turn translucent- you can see both human nipples and all six canine nipples through the fabric! She tossed off the sweat drenched shirt and immediately hopped up the bed and skittered to the head of the bed on all fours.

Rex chuckled. "My, frisky, are we? That is good to see, so I take it you had fun then?"

Monica grabbed him and popped him off the smooth wood of the nightstand, but then paused, looking over the details of his surface, licking her lips. "Hey, you... feel like rubber, but when you are... inside, it feels real?"

"Yes, well I am made of rubber but I am still a sort-of life, and can imitate the real deal well. It is my job, after all."

Her voice became heavy and breathy. "S-so... what if you were in a different hole?"


"What does it... feel like in my mouth?"

She kissed the head, and while the rest of the phallus did not move, she felt him throb against her lips. She pushed just the very tip into her mouth and pulled back and forth in short, quick movements. Every few seconds she took a bit more in and a bit more. Against her lips and tongue she could feel veins throbbing below the surface- the faint beating of a heart and the more prominence throb of arousal and pleasure over it. As she pushed Rex deeper she could feel the soft projected urethra dragging a trail of hot, mildly salty fluid across her tongue! He was burbling up precum! Monica's eyes rolled back in her head. Man, if a dildo can be this good, why did real men even bother existing? Her lips slid down and pushed up against the top of the knot, and then in a slight forward jerk Rex moved- pushing the knot against her lips. She loosened her lips to try and slide further but a moment later he thrust forward again and surprised her, popping the entire knot into her mouth! She wasn't even sure if it would fit past her teeth without scraping it, but apparently Rex was more confident than her. The small suction cup at the base was pressed against her lips, covering her mouth.

"Imagine being under a huge, powerful dog."

"Mmm. Mhmmhm." She could not talk with the phallus stuck in her.

He gently thrust in, using small but rapid movements, much like an actual dog once the knot is in. "The complications of a human relationship do not exist. Only your pleasure, at letting him have his pleasure."

"Mmm-mmmh!" Her muffled moans got desperate, her drool and his pre pooling in her mouth, trapped inside by the knot and suction cup.

"Feel how I throb, so desperate. You make me feel so good I cannot hold back. Your body reduces males to their bestial urges."


Her pussy clenched in a mini-orgasm, but his dick throbbed powerfully in a massive orgasm. Thick, hot cum exploded down her throat! His huge dick was long enough that he bypassed her throat entirely and was ejaculating straight down her throat! Monica flopped and rolled around on the bed, her throat bulging with each massive jet of cum. As he finished Monica was laying on her belly with her arms at her sides. He shrank slightly so he could pop back out easily- all that flowed out however was a few strands of drool. Even though he had cum what felt like gallons into her, she felt no more heavy. Once again the cum just vanished entirely after the fact- it was never real in the first place.

Monica was love-drunk at this point though, and as she lazily got up onto all fours she burped and smiled as she noticed her breath smelled like cum. She quickly turned around and wiggled her tushy for Rex to get in again. He once again popped into her pussy and started thrusting into her. He had a lot of strength behind those thrusts, for not having a body. Her nails continued to darken and thicken till they matched the claws on her feet. Her toes compacted a bit, getting plump looking as the bottom of her feet ballooned into thick, black pads of skin! Her toes slid down the bed as Rex thrust into her and the soles of her feet became longer and longer, causing what used to be her big toe to be left further behind, till her feet devolved entirely into paws! She yelped and yipped like a bitch in heat as her teeth turned completely into fangs. Her areola continued to shrink and vanish and then her nipples did the same as her breasts regressed into her, the skin pulling taught over the diminishing mounds. Her six breastless nipples on her midriff however stood out even further, into erect little nubs. Her labia started to project even further out from her, changing shape. Her slit became a Y shape on a large triangular pillow of flesh that her labia became- swallowing her clit entirely into a pocket inside the top of the triangle. Her labia blushed darker red, then grey-red, then continued to darken all the way black- though you could still see pink on their innermost curvature. The fur that only covered her tail started to advance up, forming a large triangular patch on her back! Her pubic hair transformed into fur as well, but also changed color to base brown to match the underbelly of a doberman. Fur grew on her toes as well, but for now just tapered off over the body of the paw.

They both had an explosive orgasm to finish off again, but then Monica had a bit of a panick attack when she realized she turned even more dog!

"I can't bree l-ark this! Ack! I made dog sounds!"

Rex chuckled. "Adorable dog sounds. You look lovely my dear, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Rrrex! I can't be a dog! I have to go to wrrrrk tomorr-rr-RAH!"

"Your face is still completely human, just dress up like you did on your walk? I did not intend to change you more, myself. Your fantasy triggered the further changes- you got more into it so my magic helped you get more into it. My powers exist to please you, so when you demand more- consciously or otherwise- I will always provide."

"So if I don't want this?"

"You wouldn't have it in the first place if you did not want it. Like I said- I did not consciously influence your second changes. If you actually encounter problems with this form, you will legitimately dislike parts of it, and it will automatically adjust. So I would recommend just living as normally as possible and your form should automatically adjust to whatever you need it to be. I could remove it entirely, sure, but, again- where would that leave you? Back to being sexually frustrated and run down by day to day life? I think the pros outweigh the cons here by a substantial amount."

Monica was really worried about getting caught now. Her body felt so good, and the fantasy was so erotic. She loved Rex, he made her feel so good, so sexy. It was no wonder she couldn't make herself want to resist these changes. They are associated to everything that makes her feel good, while the only thing holding her back is also the thing that made her feel so shitty that she resorted to summoning a dildo in the first place.

Monica was chewing her bottom lip the whole rest of the day, trying to hold herself back. She still felt horny, and wanted to ride Rex again but was afraid she would become even more dog. She had work tomorrow anyway, she would have to get her mind out of the gutter. Thinking about having to run errands around the office all day again was enough to temper back her arousal for now. She would rather help Rex bury his bone than play fetch at the office anyway. Or go for walkies with Connie in the park again! She can tease all the other dogs with her looks! All the dogs she means, not other dogs. Or... none of the dogs! She doesn't want actual dogs! She went to sleep easily enough that night, but her dreams were a wild blur of scenes and throbbing knots!

Monica woke up the next morning grinding her thighs together. Her pussy felt so hot! She let out a very canine sounding whine as she got dressed for work. She had to hide her ears though. She placed a baseball hat on... maybe that would be okay? Definitely not something she should be wearing to the office, but on the other hand... who actually took the time to look at her? They bark orders at her- they don't actually look her in the eye or TALK to her. She might as well just be a conveyor belt to carry their papers around on. Monica noticed her panties getting wet as her legs trembled. She scuttled over to the nightstand and pulled her skirt and panties down.


"Certainly my dear, but do not lose track of the time, either. You are due at work soon and you do have at least a bit of travel time."

Rex shoved into her and her entire body shivered. It felt like he just scratched some unreachable itch. The heat dulled considerably and she felt so, soooo much better with his big dick inside of her. But she did need to go. Did she even have enough time to let him fuck her?! And what if she turned more dog?

She whined again, both of her ears tucked back. "Wur- w- what do I dooo? Monica carr in sick? The boss would probabry flay me for it. Rrr-right after a hurriday, it wirrr rook rike I am faking ARK- it fur sure. Monica... need..."

"W-well, if you really need me you could always just take me with you."

"Wur?" One of her ears perked up.

"Well I mean- I have no body. I am just a phallus, you can fit my entire form inside of your body and just take me to work with you. No part of me sticks out for anyone to see in the first place, so I could be thrusting into you right in front of someone and no one would know."

As if to demonstrate he pushed the rest of the way into her, so the suction cup on the bottom even sunk somewhat into her overly plush labia. Monica barked and almost fell over forward from the pleasure. After a moment to stabilize herself she pulled her panties and skirt back in to place- with Rex inside of her. He has no voice after all- what she hears is telepathic, which means no one but her can hear him when he speaks. Rex gently thrust into her as she walked on the way to the office, which caused her to walk faster to stay balanced, so he made sure to stop well ahead of any crosswalks at risk of unintentionally sending her into traffic. She was making plenty of lube but thanks to how plush her labia is and how wide his knot is- none of it could escape to mess up her clothing. She looked very odd in a woman's business suit with a baseball cap on and got a few raised eyebrows on the way to the office. As predicted however; once at the office no one looked up from their papers or monitor long enough to notice anything amiss. The boss could not even see her past the mountain of paperwork on his desk and knew it was her simply by the fact she is the only one who would dare just waltz into his office unannounced.

"Monica, get Franklin to give me his fucking budget report. I don't care if his house is burning down, I need those papers two days ago and I am tired of getting excuses! Guess how much of this company I can run on excuses? Fucking nothing!"

"RIKE eh r-right. urf." Even her sigh sounded dog-like.

"And can you make sure Joseph actually knows what the fuck he is doing? Mary was supposed to train him a week ago and I was telling him to pick up the pace on shit yesterday and he is just looking at me confused like no one told him what the fuck to do in the first place!"

"ARK get rrr-right on ert..."

Rex softly pumped into her during the entire conversation then picked up pace as she left the office, causing her to fall back against the wall outside the door to steady herself. The boss raises her stress- Rex melts it away.

"You are such a good person for putting up with him. Who's a good girl?"

"Ah... hah. M-me... ah... M- ARK- Monica is!"

Monica was starting to pant, half because her body was so hot from having sex in public but also because her lungs were shrinking- forcing her breath out as their capacity shrank! Her entire body was getting smaller, causing her clothing to become bigger and looser on her! She started to look like a child attempting to wear adult clothing.

"Okay, you should get those papers now, I will stay still."

"N-no more! More neeeed." She whined again.

"Er... alright, if you are sure. I will... go slow."

Her nose started to turn black and cool to the touch on the end. Monica walked with more of a hunch as she shrank, and held her hands out in front of her as she walked, as it felt more and more unusual to walk on two legs. Her hands started to compress and stretch.

She arrived at Franklin's cubical, panting with her enlarging tongue dangling out of her mouth- a bead of drool forming on the end of it. "Rrrr-report fur boss, now, Monica want."

"Jesus Monica, is that how you ask for things these days. Look, I need to double check the numbers because too much time has past between submission and transcription- discrepancies could have arisen in that time, and I am sure he doesn't want the report unless it is actually accurate."

Monica rolled her eyes back in her head and braced her deforming hands on the sides of the cubical as Rex thrust into her, slow but hard.

Franklin furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you even liste-" He turned around in his office chair and actually seen her. "What the FUCK is wrong with you? Are you some sort of werewolf?!" He stood up and grabbed his phone. "I am calling security!"

Monica furrowed her brows now. Someone trying to stop her fun? Nope. She stumbled forward and bit the hand holding the phone making him drop it! Monica kicked the phone under the cubical wall.

Franklin looked over the wall of his cubical at Linda. "Linda, call security, Monica is a werewolf!"

Linda looked up at him with the most tired of eyes. "Frank, you're a big boy now, you can make your own damn calls."

"But Linda-!"

"Frank, you have to the count of ten to either get your head out of my space or I am either gunna bust my monitor over your sorry ass or call HR- I will decide which one when I get there."

By the time Franklin turned around again, Monica was gone- though her shoes were still there, and her leggings, and then he found her skirt a few feet away from that. Monica was in the hall between the offices and the meeting room but everyone was busy working so no one was in the halls.

Her top did not even come close to fitting- it was only holding on because the collar caught on her elbows. She had her hands up on the wall as Rex fucked her rigorously. She watched them deforming, stretching and turning into paws- her thumb regressing into useless dew claws and her upper palm swelling into black pads. She knew that was a problem, but it felt too good right now to think about it- she would worry about that later. Her body shrank so much that Rex now felt gigantic inside of her. He fucked sooo good. It felt too good to feel bad about anything else. It felt too good to think about anything, really.

"Mrrrr-ARK, morrrre, haRKderrr!"

"Aren't you worried about not being human? The magic only wears off if the spell isn't completed... and you-"

"Hrrdrr-ark! Morrr, fuck mrr mor... latrr thrrnk."

And so he pounded her even harder, causing her to be slightly winded with each thrust. She was confused by a loud pop in the bridge of her nose, and an odd pressure in her face. Slowly her head started to click and crack softly as her face stretched out! She moaned and groaned and her voice distorted even worse. Her tongue too large and her lips too long now to pronounce anything human!

"You certainly know how to treat yourself, at least. Such a good girl."

"Mrrnic-ARK grrd grrrl." She trembled in mini orgasms from being called a good girl and her face continued to push out further.

Rex popped his now comparatively giant knot out of her and then back in- thrusting just enough either way to pop it in and out, causing her pleasure levels to spike repeatedly. "Good girl, enjoy your fantasy! I will make sure no one can break you out of it, and you can go on being the bitch you wanted to be." The shadow of a doberman's fine fur started to advance around her entire body. "You wanted to be fucked by a dog more than you wanted to be human?"

"Ruhwr? Wruuff, ar....rah!" She tried to ask him what he meant but her head was too swamped with pleasure to think about it for long and her voice no longer worked to ask anything.

The last of her recognizable facial features were stretched into the face of a doberman and she became completely unrecognizable. Suddenly Rex fell out, plopping onto the floor standing on his suction cup again. Monica looked at him in a panic, not wanting him to stop. Her thoughts did not stop spinning when he stopped.

"Now, do you want to obey the fantasy, or your reality?" The itch returned, and the heat flashed through her driving her nuts, she needed to be fucked! "Sit, girl."

Monica immediately obeyed without even thinking about it, and skewered herself once again on his shaft! She felt a powerful pleasure throb through her entire body and an odd feeling- the spell cementing itself in place, making this her new default body. He started shooting his illusionary cum into her and she climaxed, having her plush triangle stretched around his huge throbbing knot! Her iris started to widen, causing her eyes to look darker, and her human hair started to rapidly fall out!

By the time anyone found her again, Monica was wandering around the front of the building, sniffing at the corners to see if there was any dogs that had been around here recently that could fuck her. She remembers that she is supposed to be human, but finds herself unable to act or really think much on the matter- her canine mind no longer had the capacity for complicated matters like that, and in truth she subconsciously avoided the thought knowing that she had semi-willingly thrown her humanity away herself anyway. Her level of concentration right now was almost non existent- she could only think about what was currently happening and her train of thought spun around on a dime whenever anything caught her interest. Franklin and the other workers eventually found and rounded up all her discarded clothing, but obviously never figured out what happened to Monica. She went missing and they found her ditched clothing so the running theory was that she went insane from being overworked, stripped naked and ran screaming into the hills. Franklin however was convinced werewolves were real now and had a pushpin note covered wall at home he used to map different theories and occurrences around the area, trying to reveal the secret of the were-people in his free time, going a little bit nuts himself.

Linda stopped and stared at the canine phallus stuck to the table of the meeting room. "What the fuuuuuuuck." She opened the glass door and looked it over- it looked brand new. "Someone bring this sucker in as a joke? Who the heck would use something like this?"

She heard a deep, honey smooth voice. "Someone who knows how to have a good time."

"Huh? Heh, I guess... damn I wonder what.... something like this would....?"

"I feel as good as you want me to. Come, have a seat."

Goozilla VS Mothim

(M tf Goodra, F merge Mothim, both liquid inflation & growth) Grey was a pokemon trainer, once. In his old age he has long since put his years of battling behind him. He never looked at trainer battles the same way again after a fateful...

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(F Goat TF M Wyvern) Asha dashed across the yard, kicking up dust behind her. She has a lot of energy to burn- though her erratic movements cause the nearby cows to be leery of her. She is tiny compared to the large dairy cows, so when she...

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(M/M tf Zebra, mental) Hardy is a pretty average guy. Wasn't particularly fit but is not fat either. He never stood out in a crowd, but was friendly and got along well with most everyone. His hair is black, short, and forward swept, and he...

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