An Arcanine's Warmth [CM]

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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#30 of Short Story Commissions

On a cold night at the end of summer, Jacob huddles up in his tent to try and preserve his warmth only for an Arcanine named Nova to catch his attention, offering to share her warmth with him. With his new pokemon at his side, he introduces her to his world and discovers her love for him. Her teasing only grows as time goes on and when they set apart a day to focus on the both of them, he finds he may have chewed off more than he bargained for with this new fiery companion.~

This is a commission for SkullReaper134 Thank you again for a wonderful commission with a new character of yours! I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to writing more about them in the future!

Link to SkullReaper134's FA:

The wonderful art above is drawn by Fr0stbite3 Thanks for the wonderful art to go along with the story!

Link to Fr0stbit3's FA:

This story focus on loving vanilla sex with a hot pokemon (literally).

Enjoy the cute little story and look forward to more stories soon!


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The soft crackling of the dying embers whispered among the family as they all prepared for a good night's rest, zipping up their tents with a few friendly jokes and a smile. The laughter from one of his younger siblings rose above the chirping of the crickets from the lake nearby, his head leaning out of the flaps of his tent before closing his as well, nodding to Jacob as he observed them all. With only his head peeking out from the small space, he sighed softly, moving his knees off from the wet grass below him, wearing only a black t-shirt and some sports shorts to try and fight back the heat. The summer had only seemed to grow hotter, making him wonder if winter would ever come back, but after the past few weeks, it seemed to quell from the worst of it. Even now as warm as it had been, as he sealed himself inside his temporary enclosure, he could feel the chill of night brushing up over his exposed limbs, giving a small shutter before crawling up to his sleeping bag he'd laid out on the ground earlier that day.

The fabric was cold to the touch and while he was happy to have it, he had to borrow it from a friend. He could tell from the little holes and frays of the thin "bed" that it had been used for quite some time but he made the best of what he had. He twisted his neck a little to release the tension built up, rolling his shoulders to try and relieve some strain before glancing back at the entrance to his little home and reaching his hands down to the bottom of his shirt before pulling it over himself. He wasn't one to sleep nude, mind you, but he had grown accustomed to sleeping with his top off. Regardless, as he pulled it over his head and placed it on his lap for the moment where he sat, the chill seemed to envelop his body, causing him to let out a groan through gritted teeth as he placed the fabric beside his sleeping arrangements before crawling inside of the enclosed sheet.

As he pulled the covers over himself, hoping to find some comfort or warmth if given enough time, he turned his head on the pillow he brought, shifting himself in the sleeping bag. He grumbled as he could feel the roots from the trees outside right under his arms and back, the flooring of the tent not protecting his body much from it. It took a while until he found a semi-decent position, pulling his headrest a little lower to cover the wood beneath him as he closed his eyes and waited for the warmth to come.

The time seemed to drag on despite how fun the trip was, the heat he hoped would circulate within the confinement never arriving as the material seemed to only breathe in more of the outside air. 'Ugh... does this thing even work? I guess that makes sense why they gave it to me...' With a disappointed huff, he curled himself up a little more, bringing his legs closer as he tried to preserve some sort of warmth. The cracking of the fire slowly dying outside was like torture to him for the next long while, remembering how much warmer he'd been when he was roasting marshmallows and hotdogs with his family just about an hour ago. But it didn't matter, this was what he had. He just hoped the shivering would go away soon enough if he just gave himself some more time and let his mind drift. "Why does it have to be so cold..."

Just as he began to wonder if he should ask if he could sleep with one of his family members instead, the rustling of bushes and padding of steps outside his tent reached his ears. He let out another groan, raising his head as he stared towards the zipper, wondering why someone would be out so late. 'Maybe they need to use the restroom?' It was a thought that crossed his mind, but as the movement drew closer to him, a shadow slowly grew over the side of his room. The embers created a glowing orange outline of the creature in shadow, pausing for a moment as he tried to wonder if his brother wanted something from him. He rubbed his eyes, trying to see clearly in his cold state before deciding to take a look. Heaving himself out from the cocoon, he undid the front of the tent, pushing the flaps aside before poking his head and bare shoulders outside as he looked around.

At first, it all seemed quiet, normal even, the wood simmering down with only the faintest of light casting off of it. But when he looked over the other tents he tilted his head in confusion to find them all zipped up, noticing the sleeping shadows of some of them inside from the lanterns they had left on. "What..." He muttered groggily, blinking before turning to look to the left.

And just as he shifted his focus, his eyes locked onto the icy-blue gaze of a both unexpected and yet familiar canine, their furred muzzle resting only inches away from him as she looked him over. He let out a startled gasp at the sight, nearly falling over at the sight of the animal, his heart picking up the rhythm for the moment as he looked over them. In the dark, he wasn't sure what kind of animal they were at first, but as his vision cleared he could make out the sheer size of the pokemon, much larger than him, standing on all fours as they let out a soft feminine chuckle at his reaction. He stumbled over his words, looking her up and down as her caring eyes watched him curiously, "H-hey there. I, um... C-can I help you? You scared me."

She blinked back, her long dark brown mane covering her back as the fluff moved with the cool breeze. It was only at this moment that he realized she was an Arcanine, feeling his cheeks flush a little at the epiphany as he found himself unable to say anything. She filled the silence, her voice smooth as butter as she spoke, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I just heard you were cold, and well..." She then looked down at her paws, thinking to herself for a moment. "I thought maybe you could use some company?"

He paused at first, wondering how she'd known before assuming she must have heard him mutter something while he was trying to fall asleep. He would have been frightened by the size of the pokemon but he couldn't deny that he'd developed a very particular "fascination" with the species for quite a while and meeting one like this who was offering to help him... It certainly only made his nervousness grow. "I, uh, you r-really don't have to. I didn't know anyone was listening." He then waited for her to say something, but instead, she just smiled, taking another step forward before sitting down on her furred rear, her back to the fire. He shivered some more as the wind flooded his skin, gazing at her thick fur as ideas popped into his head. Then, after he gained enough confidence, shaking his head in annoyance and mild arousal, he added, "Y-you really want to... cuddle with me? Is that what you want?"

She raised her eye at him, giving another cute little laugh despite how much larger she was, looking down at him, "I think the real question is what you want. I don't want to bother you if you feel uncomfortable with the idea. I just thought I could help, if you would like." He gulped at the proposition, rubbing one hand over his arm as he considered it, gazing back at his tent as he wondered if she could even fit inside with him. But in reality, he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep easily on his own and she seemed friendly enough. It couldn't hurt.

"I... Okay. I think, uh. I'd like that. Thank you." He blushed, glancing up at her before looking down at his feet.

"You're welcome, hun. Now get inside. You can't tell me you aren't cold and I don't want you to catch a fever." He grinned at her words, feeling a fluttering in his heart as she bent over to press her snout into the flaps of the entrance, trying to quickly tidy up the area as much as he could, pushing his discarded shirt to the side and trinkets in the corner. She took a sniff of the air as he moved his sleeping bag to the left side of the room, wondering if he should get inside it now or help her somehow. Instead, she met herself at home, squeezing in her muzzle and head, her dark brown fur brushing the top of the tent as she maneuvered her body. He could feel his cheeks heating up as the beautiful pokemon eventually pressed her backside in as well, her body rubbing against his unknowingly as the space between them quickly diminished.

Once her entire body had been squished inside except for her tail that she kept poking out through the flaps, his face was pushed against her furry chest and neck, letting out a flustered chuckle as she made herself comfortable. She then glanced down as she curled herself around him, asking, "How's this? I hope you don't mind being smothered in an Arcanines fur?" He huffed, the warmth of her body covering each strand of her hair, wrapping around his bare chest as he found himself unsure how to handle it all.

He had always had a fascination with the relationships between humans and pokemon, the acceptance of such couples in society slowly becoming more modernized. Of course, there were laws in place around such things, regarding the sentience of the creature and the possible harm of reproduction and even then some people continued to look down upon such couples. But out of all the species, he had found himself drawn to Arcanines, frequently daydreaming about having one to call his own. But it had always been a dream he'd put into the back of his mind, unsure how his family may feel. Though as he was smothered by the female, her soft rumbling purr soothing him, that same warmth that surrounded his form seemed to delve into his heart, pulling at the strings that made his cheeks flush.

He shook his head soon after, trying to ignore the shifting in his loins as she brought one of her forepaws around to his back, the underside caressing him softly. He could feel the smooth yet leathery texture of the padding, his fingers absentmindedly holding some of the furs on her body as he closed his eyes in the embrace. "I uh, didn't expect my night to go like this but... I certainly can't complain." He looked up for a moment into her sky-blue eyes before dodging them in embarrassment. "Sorry, I just... I'm not used to cuddling with someone else, let alone an... Arcanine." His last words came out in a hot breath, cutting himself off from saying more.

She paused the rubbing on his back, the brown tail swaying softly enough to let in a cooling rush of air over his exposed shoulder, the rest of his body awash in the sea of fluff. "Oh, is that so?" She hummed softly, resuming her reassuring touch as he pressed his face into her to try and hide his blush. "Then let me comfort you. Besides, we should both be sleeping. You don't have to talk. Let's just rest up for now and we can chat more in the morning, hun."

He could feel her skin somewhere beneath it all, pressing the palm of his hand against her, the distant beating of her heart thumping against his ear as he held his head near her chest. His member in his shorts only now got his attention, feeling it hardening at the closeness as he let out an annoyed grunt, trying to move his leg to conceal it between them. She didn't seem to notice thankfully, but as he lay there with her, the crickets outside the tent whispering them to sleep, he spoke up, "I uh, never got your name. I'm Jacob."

She purred at his words, tugging him a little closer with her body, wrapping her hind legs around his lower body as she responded in an angel-like soothing voice, "And I'm Nova. You seem like a very sweet human. Thank you for letting me comfort you tonight. Now, let us sleep." She then leaned down, his heart pounding even more as she gave a soft and caring lap of her tongue over his head, his toes clenching as he tried not to make any noise before she then began to rumble softly in her deep breaths. He followed suit a while after, waiting for his pulse to calm down before his weariness returned. Once it did, his mind quickly lulled into a wonderful dream of comfort, his new companion around him providing the best rest he'd ever had.


They awoke the next morning to the sun piercing through the opening in the tent, Jacob held closely in her arms until he was met with another small lick as he arose, taking the moment to get situated before walking out with her to introduce her to the family. At first, he wasn't sure if Nova was wanting to stay with him or just wanted to help for the night, but when she insisted on her desire to join him on his journey he accepted happily. Despite the small worries about how his family may have felt about the matter, they surprisingly supported the decision, reminding him that one of his distant relatives was married to a pokemon as well. He blushed at the mention of it, reassuring that this wasn't what he meant at all and that he just simply wanted to have her tag along, but the chuckle from both Nova and his dad only made him grumble in heated annoyance.

They decided to return home earlier than intended as the cold had seemingly gotten to others as they slept, figuring he could show Nova their home as well when they returned. Luckily for her, Jacob's room was fairly large with a big bed passed down from his parents when they had gotten a new one, he and his new pokemon drifting off together on the queen-sized bed when the night came. It was certainly different having to share his private room with her, setting aside the fragile items of the end tables in case her tail would sway and knock them over as they slept. It was tight but they managed to fit on the bed together, cuddling up to one another as they had the evening before.

He had hurriedly cleaned the floor of anything embarrassing before he first showed her the room, picking up any underwear or 'toys' that he'd left beside his bed. He huffed deeply at the Arcanine masturbator he'd left lying on his desk, trying not to imagine what hers must be like as he stuffed it into a drawer with the others, double-checking the room before letting her in. It wasn't until he'd looked over at her computer when he saw the tabs of pokemon porn revolving around her same species that he yelled out and quickly jumped up to close them, hearing her amused chuckles at the sight. He wasn't sure if she had seen exactly what he was looking at or not but he wasn't about to ask.

Since then, he could swear that every night they cuddled together that her feminine scent was growing stronger, her nudges and rubs from her paws moving from his back to his rear as they cuddled, the heat of her body only heightening his temperature as he told himself he was just imagining it. Besides, he'd only known her for a few weeks at this point and while she wanted a companion he had no idea if she desired more than that with him. Still, she frequently began teasing him whenever he'd get on his phone, noticing the Arcanine screensaver he had on the front. He tried denying his obsession with them but she saw right through it, eventually acting more and more sensual around him with the swishes of her tail and hips as they walked beside one another.

He couldn't be sure if his family suspected them growing closer despite Jacob's nervousness, but that only made him more embarrassed when she spoke louder than he'd like while they were in private in their room, knowing his parents may hear her. He knew if they heard him being teased like he was that they would likely start asking more embarrassing questions than they already were about getting with her. Still, he wasn't able to hide his arousal for long as she advanced every so often on him, holding him a little lower on her body one night, stealing a glance at her nethers between her hinds as he prayed she wasn't looking.

After a while the two of them decided to spend some one-on-one time together, Nova suggesting the idea of going to a drive-in theater that he mentioned happened once a month in the area, grabbing the keys to his dad's pickup truck as they drove out together later that night. He couldn't help but steal side glances at her anthro form as she sat in the passenger seat, leaning her head out the window occasionally to enjoy the rush of wind through her fur. Her white shorts and black tank top held her frame modestly, her breasts beneath the fabric pressing outwards, gazing over the c-cups before looking away as she pulled her head inside the car again.

He smiled, mind racing with thoughts of what the two of them would do tonight all alone together. He hadn't been out with her without his family before and while he knew they'd be semi-in-public, Nova had shown to be a bit frisky when around others and he was sure this night would only bring that further out of her. He looked over at her once more, catching her gaze as she raised an eyebrow at him, her previously large form now only slightly shorter than his. It was crazy at first when he'd first seen her like this, unaware she was able to change forms as she did.

He remembered her saying she was going to wash off one night, assuming that maybe she'd ask him to help hose her down outside or something, but it was only until he went to use the bathroom before bed that he realized what she meant. The sound of rushing water didn't catch his attention as he was half asleep at that point, his mind on other things. But as he pushed the door open, his vision caught sight of the silhouetted display of her behind the shower curtain, brushing her paws through her fur as she hummed to herself. He apologized profusely, looking away and stepping back outside the door, hearing her reassure him it was fine and that he could have just asked to join if he wanted to clean off as well. He shook his head, telling her it was okay, heading back to bed to try and get off some steam while he had privacy as the tent in his pants refused to go away as he thought about her.

He didn't intend to fall in love with her at first and certainly didn't want to push it on someone so caring as she was, but the more she seemed to tease him about his fantasies with Arcanines and prodding about the porn she'd seen on his computer, the more couldn't deny that she wanted the same thing as him. 'What am I supposed to do though, just ask her? God, why am I so nervous?' He could feel his finger twitching slightly as he held the steering wheel tight as they turned into the parking lot in the large patch of grass, the big display across a billboard flickering in the distance as previews for other shows played. He checked his phone he'd set down, only five minutes away until the premiere as he tried to find a more secluded place to park.

They ended up parking further in the back, turning the vehicle so the trunk faced towards the 'screen' so they could sit in the back and watch inside it. As she pulled out some of the blankets and a small basket of snacks from the back seat, he quickly tuned the station to the channel on the bottom right corner of the display of the screen, squinting his eyes to see it before turning the knob until he reached the designated numbers. Turning it up slightly to hear it faintly in the background, he then got out of the seat and straightened himself, shaking his body to try and calm his mind as he watched her lay out the blankets in the back, running a hand through his hair. 'I've got this. Just... have fun.'

After mustering up the little confidence he had, he walked over to the back and hauled himself over and into the bed of the truck, noticing how she'd set up pillows against the back of the car for backrests, sitting on the left as she looked over at him and motioned to the seat she'd saved for him, "Come on, the movies about to start! You aren't gonna leave a girl waiting, are you?~"

With a deep breath, he crawled over to her, turning his back towards the pillow she'd set up as they watched the opening for the movie. He had given them both space between each other when they'd sat down, but Nova scooted closer in response, giving that same purr she always did when she was trying to get to him. He huffed softly, his erection slowly coming to life in his boxers as he crossed his legs and attempted not to notice her advances. That didn't stop the racing of his heart though as she leaned her head on his shoulder, his mind drifting to all the scenarios that could play out, the porn scenes he'd imagined with Arcanines. It made it hard to focus at all, staring blankly at the screen as she pressed her furred body against his side. He was thankful most of the cars were closer to the billboard, giving them some privacy as he thought they'd need.

They remained close to one another in silence much longer than he wanted to admit, his sanity hanging in the balance as he tried to stay aloft on the tightrope in his mind that made him so anxious and excited. Eventually, though she spoke up, sitting straighter as she mentioned, gripping the bottom of her tank top, "Damn, it's hot tonight. Do you mind if I take off my top?" He blinked, the innocent look she wore on her face acting only as a facade to tease him further as his length hardened at the thought.

"I uh, yeah. I mean, no! I mean, I don't m-mind!"

She raised an eyebrow, watching as he moved his hands to his crotch, shielding his mound from view as the pokemon slowly lifted the hem of her shirt up and over herself. He couldn't help but watch as she exposed her smooth abdomen, noticing the soft curve of her hips as she pulled her top up to the start of her breasts. At first, he was curious as to what color bra she may be wearing on a night like this, assuming from the small number of clothes she'd bought to have in the house whenever she was in an anthro form that she may be wearing something she'd gotten recently. But to his shock, the only thing beneath the confines of the thin material was an absence of clothing, her breasts flopping out casually as she tugged the shirt up and off her head.

The boobs were a slightly lighter colored fur than the one on her chest, pink nipples pointing out, the line of her cleavage forming a V. He had been so focused on what she may do with him tonight that it wasn't until now that he realized he'd seen her nips poking out from her shirt briefly as he drove earlier. But now as he stood there, the beautiful lady beside him topless, throwing her shirt to the side of the truck, he could've sworn his nose was bleeding.

"AHH! Nova, what are you doing?! Did you not..." He stuttered, telling himself to look away but finding it hard as she turned to him as if asking him to look further.

"...Not wear a bra? Well, sometimes you gotta let the girls get some air, you know?" She raised her head, pulling out the band in her hair, giving her body a shake as she ran her fingers through her locks.

"But, what if someone sees you?! You can't just be naked in public!"

She chuckled, looking him up and down, "Oh? I guess you'll have to just help me cover it up then, won't you?~" Then, without much warning, she moved in front of him, using his hand to quickly try and flatten the erection in his shorts as she moved between his legs, setting her rear on the floor. She then scooted back against him, her head resting on his shoulder as she looked up at him expectantly. "Well? They aren't gonna bite. Gotta hide them somehow. You have any ideas?"

He let out a soft whimper, praying she didn't feel the nudge of his cock against her rear as he hesitantly raised his hands up and around her to her belly. Her fur pressed around his digits, holding her belly gingerly as he gulped. She looked down at him, letting out a purr at the sight. "That's it. A little higher." He huffed out through his teeth, legs beside hers as he traced his fingers over the curved undersides of her boobs, feeling how they dipped and pressed out towards the soft pressure of his touch. He gazed down at them, the hair on them much thinner and softer, eventually giving way to the skin of her nipples as he brushed over them. He could hear her inhale at the contact, her tail flicking once against his bare leg, the feminine scent of her hair wafting into his nostrils as he tried to contain himself.

She then continued in a sultry voice, her paw roaming down his right leg, sending a tingle through him, "There you go. All covered up now! I guess we'll just have to sit like this the rest of the night then to make sure no one sees anything they aren't supposed to. Think you can do that for me?~" He moaned softly under his breath, holding back the urge to beg her for something more as he couldn't deny that her teasing made his heart race. He nodded, relishing in the softness of his pokemon, gasping as she pressed her backside closer against his crotch, undoubtedly noticing the throbbing length within now crammed between them both. She let out a playful growl, raising her hand to her cleavage, cupping his hand in hers as she made him give a soft squeeze onto her mound. "It's alright to feel around and have some fun. After all, you're gonna be like this for the next hour, your hands acting as my bra. Might as well have some fun while you're at it."

It was hard to think straight, his head feeling a little light from the sheer arousal of it all as he gave some experimental clenches, feeling how her breasts moved with each caress of his digits. Her hard tits against the palm of his hands were ever-present, her quiet huffs showing her enjoyment, noticing her left paw drifting down to her crotch, giving soft rubs over the fabric as she leaned back against him in heat. He then softly pinched her nipples, marveling at how soft and small they were and yet how even those tiny little pleasure zones caused her to arch her back slightly against him, watching the digits in her hind paws flex in response to his touches.

After a while he just softly cupped her breasts, the sexual tension between the two slowly brewing as he fondled her in the bed of the truck. The movie merely became background noise as the rush of blood through their veins quickly took their full attention. He worried that maybe someone would see them, a car driving up only to discover the two of them acting like this, but for some reason that only spurred on the pleasure that pulsed in his nether regions.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed like this before she suddenly raised her paws and pulled his hands off them. He glanced at her face, her eyes on her breasts as she moved her temporary 'coverings' to the side before sitting up straight once more and turning around to face him. He spread his legs for her so she'd have enough room, letting out a moan as she held his thighs in her grip, suddenly pressing her exposed boobs against his chest dominantly, muzzle inches from his lips. He could see clear as day the lust in her eyes, the glare she bore, showing she would get what she wanted from him. "You know, I was thinking: I've been watching the movie half-nude since we've been here. I was wondering if your little friend might want to come out to play as well. It's only fair after all that you lose some clothing as well, don't you agree?"

He hadn't even realized where her hands had gone until they were playing with the fly of his shorts! He gasped, body pressed up against the back of the car as she sat over him on her knees, forcing him to look up into her eyes and back down at his crotch as his dick throbbed in anticipation. "N-nova! I... are you sure?"

It only took a moment longer until she'd undone the zipper, pressing her wet nose against his as she finished, "Certainly.~"

He inhaled sharply as her warm fingers touched his cock inside his clothes, feeling the smoothness wrap around it so tenderly before carefully pulling it through the holes in the front. He shivered as his member was brought into the open, gazing down at it with her, bobbing in eagerness as the brush of wind caused his veins to alight with its own rush of exotic desire. But to his surprise, instead of playing with it in her hands, she quickly moved down his body, telling him to lie flat on the bed of the truck so she could have some fun with him.

He could only watch as she brought her breasts to his shaft, feeling those two mounds press up and over the sensitive underside, using her finger to catch the leaking pre he'd developed to lube her inner breasts before softly grinding them back and forth on him. He glanced around, hearing the sounds of the night and other cars in the distance, so out in the open despite how lewd they were both being. He had to hold his moans in check, softly huffing as she moved slowly up and down on his length, hotdogging him, gripping each breast in one of her hands to help the motion. It felt so soft and malleable, parting around his dick and yet pressing back just enough to send shivers through his body. At the same time, she began licking and nibbling on his neck, pressing his head back against the pillow, clenching the blanket beneath them as he stared up at the stars.

Despite how wonderful the feeling was though, she stopped only a few minutes after, causing him to let out an annoyed growl of his own as he had only now hoped that maybe he'd be able to get something more out of her than just a tease, a big one at that. As she got herself situated again though, the movie coming to an end as the credits began to roll, she promised she would give him some proper attention back at home. "Besides, as wonderful as it is to see you quiver and moan at my touch, I want more than just some hand play with you and I think having a proper bed for it would be much better than here."

After regaining his bearings and putting himself back into his pants, she pulled her tank top back on and they set off back home. The ride back was awfully quiet other than the radio playing some casual hip-hop in the background, the smell of both their musks filling the car as their excitement for what lay ahead clouded their minds in a lustful fog. Before they knew it they'd arrived home, Jacob unlocking the front door and walking with her to his room in the back. Luckily most of his family was asleep at this point, but that only reminded him that they'd both have to try and remain quiet here as well, telling this to Nova as she shifted back into her feral form in front of the bed on the carpet, watching the process from anthro to feral take place seamlessly with a swirl of magic around her.

He could feel his cock throbbing in anticipation as he watched her change back, mentioning earlier that week that he'd like to try making love to her in her feral form if that was something to ever happen so seeing her remember this made him blush. Her eyes met his once it was complete, tail swishing softly behind her as she made her way over to the end of his bed where he sat. She then placed her soft muzzle onto his lap, the warmth comforting him as he brought his head down and pet her. He knew he couldn't hide the scent of his musk though for long with her so close, noticing her sniff curiously before letting out a little chuckle, raising her head once more off his shorts. "Well? Don't try and hold back now. I know you've been dreaming of this moment for a while now from the porn I've seen on your computer. I'm assuming this is your first time with an Arcanine?~"

Before he could say much, she leaned forward and gave a firm lick across the bulge pressing out in his clothes, gasping before nervously pulling those off along with his underwear, the cool air in the room rushing to meet the exposed skin on his crotch. She purred at the sight, taking a step back for him to kick it off before looking over the stiff length. He stuttered, heart racing as he watched, "I-it is. I honestly think y-you're... really hot and uh, sexy..." He breathed out, feeling like he was starting to sweat as her hot breath wafted against his loins, her feminine scent of arousal mixing with his as she leaned forward and began using her tongue to play with his member.

He spread his legs to make access easier, trying to keep quiet to not alert his family, pulling his shirt off his head and throwing that to the side before holding back a moan at the touch of her appendage. It happily lapped over the underside of his shaft, the surface of her tongue large enough to fit his entire member within as she, without warning, closed carefully over it, sucking softly. He lowered his hands to hold her fur on her forehead, the pre on the tip of his member quickly gulped down by the eager pokemon as her tongue pressed and rubbed in all the right places. He could feel how moist his crotch had become, her saliva coating him thoroughly as he pushed as deeply into her maw as he could, huffing at the feminine noises she made while enjoying her treat.

Before he knew it she drew herself back, releasing his dick now dripping with her natural lube, the length bobbing up and down as if calling her back for more. He mirrored the disappointment with his face, giving a small groan of impatience before she continued, "There, all wet and ready to go. I know you wanted more but I don't want you to lose your stamina quite yet. I'd also be lying if I didn't admit that I've been wanting to feel you inside me as well..." He couldn't be sure, but from the way she glanced to the side, he swore her cheeks must be flushed below those layers of fluff, pausing for a moment as she seemed to wait for something.

It was only as he looked at the bed that he realized she wanted to get on top, apologizing before stepping off to let her climb on. She did just that, placing her paws onto the side before hopping up, the once well-made blanket ruffling as the large creature made herself comfy. He double-checked the side tables to make sure nothing could possibly fall over if things got intense later, wiping his brow as she quickly turned over onto her back, exposing her nether region to him as she looked him over with her head resting on a pillow. "Whenever you feel ready know that I'm excited to spend this time with you. Sure, I do like teasing you and all, but I also care for you and don't want to force this on you if you aren't comfortable."

It was dumb to consider that after all this time of wishing and waiting for a moment like this that he would say no to it, but in reality, the pounding in his chest only signified how terrifying this was for him. Not scary, but it made him unsure, holding his legs together and while he clasped his hands, "I'm just... nervous that maybe I won't please you? I mean, I'm much smaller than you. What if you don't... enjoy it?"

At the display of his inner emotions, she smiled back, gaze softening as she reassured him, "I can promise you I'll enjoy it no matter what you do. For me, and many other girls, we aren't trying to reach any sort of peak, we just enjoy the feelings washing over our bodies. But in the end, I'm doing this not just because of the pleasure, but... because I care about you. I want to share this moment with you and no matter how it goes it will be something I treasure because I got to share it with you."

He felt warmth cascade over his body at her words, a fuzzy feeling coming over him as he hummed in embarrassment, biting his lip slightly shaking himself mentally. Then, with a deep breath, he took a step forward, holding the confidence within himself that she had helped to awaken. He crawled up between her legs at the foot of the bed, his hands on her inner thighs as he thanked her for her kind words before looking over her sensual bits.

The first thing that met his eyes was her soft and plump vagina, the light brown lips wet with her arousal as the smell of her grew so much stronger this close up. He took a deep breath of it, letting it channel his dominant side as he leaned down and gave it a strong lick as she had done to him, happy to hear her pant at the touch as he then slowly crawled over her body to line himself up. As his hands brushed over her lower belly, she inhaled sharply in a held-back moan, stopping as he gazed down at the nub he'd touched, gazing over the teats she had right above her slit. He chuckled, giving them a soft rub with his left hand for a moment before gripping his girth, pressing the tip into her entrance as he asked her, "Ready?"


As he pressed inside, the first feeling was the slick grip of her walls, grasping his tip hungrily as her own heat showed how much she desired this despite how passive she seemed to be about it. Not long after, the sheer heat from her vent caught his attention, the fire pokemon reminding him that she could be dangerous if provoked to be, huffing as he pushed deeper until his entire member was lodged inside. He panted at the occasional clench, laying his body over her fluff, purring at the paw on his back as she rubbed him encouragingly. He purred softly before raising himself, slowly pulling back before beginning his thrusts at a steady pace. He could hear the squelch as their hips met, feeling the urge to fuck her harder raging in the back of his mind as the masculine drive accompanied by her scent drove him wild.

Her vagina mimicked the pulsing in his cock, stroking him deeply as he humped into her, occasionally hitting what he could only assume was her G-Spot from the way her limbs would tense up and the whimper she'd let out in ecstasy. He was encouraged by this, thrusting faster as his own orgasm started to rise, focusing on that heat encompassing his dick that he'd always imagined but never truly felt until now. He could feel himself sweating, not helped by the thick coat of fur she wore, thanking the lord that his bed didn't creak with their movements like he worried it might. He also made sure to rub softly over those exposed nipples between each movement with one of his hands, the other stabilizing himself, loving the lustful look painted over her face.

Within time their motions sped up, feeling her press back onto him as their instincts drove their passion. He could feel the swirling of sugar within his groin, building up like an overflowing sink, pressing out against the lid as it begged to be released. He gripped her hips as he grew close, moaning softly as he tried to keep his loudness in check for as long as he could, taking a deep whiff of her scent once more. He could feel the texture of her canal gripping him, pressing against those veins in his member, ready to drink up every bit he'd give her. Her tail whipped behind him, wagging in bliss as she threw her head back and closed her eyes, begging, "Please, breed me. I want to be yours, Jacob."

He could feel his body awash with love, fucking hard and fast in response as he focused on that rising tide in his crotch. Thinking about her and her teasing and how it had all built up to this point, each slam of their crotches only making that feeling skyrocket. He could only hold it back for a moment longer before a deep and lustful moan of ecstasy passed through his lips, his first jet of semen shooting through his dick, spurting into her vagina as he collapsed onto her underside. She quickly went to work on massaging it out of him, spilling forth his cream in one spray after another, the warmth within welcoming him to rest inside as he focused on that honey-coated sensation rushing through every inch of his body.

The two lay like that for what felt like minutes, panting in one another's embrace as she held him close, his thick loads slowing down into trickles as she drained him of his essence. She then leaned down and planted a kiss on his head, purring in addition as she spoke, "That was wonderful... You really got into that."

Jacob huffed back, looking into her eyes more confidently than he'd done before, smiling happily, "I couldn't help it, you're just... so beautiful. I'm really happy we did this."

The rest of the night was spent together like this, their bodies quickly growing weary from the endeavor as he nuzzled into her fur. She continued softly pressing her padded paws over his back, soothing him to sleep as he found the world around him fading away. He hadn't felt so happy or at peace like this for a long time, and since Nova had been in his life things had gotten so much better that he couldn't imagine his life without her, and she was right. It didn't matter what happened or if things may get in their way in the future, whether that be friends disapproving of them or certain members of society questioning their relationship. In the end, they had each other and that was more than enough for them.