Beaver Bothers

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Commission for Kent FA: WomblesFan Badger, featuring his two beaver OCs, Maple and Hickory!

This Vignette-sized commission mostly serves as an introduction to their domestic lifestyle and some of their characterization :3

Contains: Casual Cartoony Undress, Ample Description of Big Bellies, Externalities of Being Huge, Weight Gain/Loss and Reformation References, Saliva-snaring Reference, Vacuum Oral Vore, Implied Digestion/Reformation and Huffy Regrets.

Maple and Hickory belong to FA: WomblesFan

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Maple set the last dish on the drying rack, before draping the dishtowel along its side to dry. The beaver fidgeted on the stepstool at the sink, wondering when his much larger housemate would return home. He was a profoundly round rodent, his cream-furred belly having been compressed against the edge of the counter the entire time he was cleaning the dishes.

His white undershirt rode all the way up to the top of that tummy's curve, and the yellow button up tee he wore over it had not seen use of its buttons in years. The open panels rested leaving nearly his whole chest only covered by the base layer of knit fabric. Those two were his only attire, missing only the cap he customarily put on.

Unbound from its normal hat prison, his ruddy-brown hair was a tussled mess, covering most of his forehead but not quite passing his brow. That color continued into the dorsal pattern of his fur, covering his arms till just past the elbow and his thighs below. His chubby cheeks, forearms and shins shared the same lighter tan coloration, while his paws were nearly the same color as his chocolate brown skin on his nose pad and flat paddle tail.

The door into the cabin opened. In trundled a far larger beaver. In contrast to Maple, he wore only a pair of overalls, of which the chest panel didn't even make it to the top of his belly due to the strain of such a ventripotent figure. Even more so than usual, his gut tried to spill out of its confines, slightly muffining-out the sides and between the suspenders. The front pocket of the denim garment was patched with a cartoon beaver that looked like neither himself or his housemate.

Further standing apart, the larger rodent's fur was a near uniform dark-brown color, darker than his larger paddle tail. His arms and sides showed slight variation, his dorsal pattern a slightly lighter, redder color than his ventral fur, but one had to really look at him to notice that. This was Hickory, the owner of the cabin they shared.

Maple carefully turned around on the stepstool, his broad tail getting pinned against the counter as he kept his balance. Even with the height augmentation the stool afforded, he still had to look up to meet his housemate's eye. "Welcome home, Hickory."

Smiling warmly, the larger male made his way over to the kitchen, the dishes rattling lightly with every step, the floorboards creaking in protest at his mass. Hickory came to a stop, settling into a wide stance to distribute his weight a little more kindly on the old construction of their home. "Thanks. How was your day, Maple?"

The smaller beaver beamed. "I refreshed our stock of herbs and berries from the area around the cabin."

"Always good to do." Hickory rumbled approvingly.

"And three people reformed at once while you were out." Maple continued.

This brought a belly-shaking bark of a laugh out of the darker beaver's chest. "I thought I felt myself slimming down faster than usual..." He slapped the sides of his belly where they protruded to either side of the 'chest' of his overalls. He paused, turning his head and looking over his shoulder at the living area, then sniffing the air. "Where are they now?"

Maple planted his fists on his hips, the position jutting his own light-furred belly forward. "I made them lunch!"

A sly look came over Hickory's features as he leaned down towards his housemate. "Oh, you made them lunch? No wonder your tummy's looking plump." He grasped Maple's stomach and gave it a squeeze. "One, maybe two people add a lot when you're that short."

Blushing furiously, the shorter male fidgeted. "I fixed lunch for them and sent them on their way. They all wanted to get back to their lives, even if that chipmunk did look... awful... tasty." He admitted, a little flustered by how much he started to drool thinking back on the prior guest.

Laughing at this reply, the dark-brown beaver shook his housemate's belly gently before releasing it.

Clearing his throat, Maple started down the stepstool. "H-how did your rounds 'round the woods go?"

Hickory patted the side of his belly again while lightly stepping back to give the smaller beaver more room, creaks and rattles accompanying his movements. "Oh, since I slimmed down, I figured I had to make up for it..."

Maple chuckled, blush still on his cheeks. His gaze was clearly fixed on the larger male's belly as he fully got off the stepstool. Standing flat on the same level as each other, the outermost curve of the dark-brown gut was directly in line with the top of his normally cap-clad head.

"So, I spit-trapped a couple trespassers." The massive rodent chuckled. "Maybe three. Or five. Didn't count. They were practically twigs, though... I really could go for something more..." He licked his lips as he gazed down over the curve of his belly at his rotund housemate. "Substantial~"

"N-Now, Hickory," The shorter beaver stammered. "I only just reformed yesterday from last time you ate me..." His blush had returned, despite himself.

Hickory's playful grin spread, the pale pink flesh of his inner mouth exposing itself as his tongue lolled out. His gut strained at the suspenders as he began to inhale, powerfully.

Maple's eyes widened and his hand grasped the first thing it felt when he reached out for an anchor. He gripped the handle tightly as what had momentarily been a pleasant air-flow turned into hurricane force winds rushing around the cabin. The dishes rattled, the curtains flared away from the windows, the small beaver's button-up fluttered... then he felt his feet slip out from under him.

Against all logic or reason, the butterball beaver was lifted into the air, dangling by that arm, grasping the handle tightly. Suddenly, he slid towards that vacuum-powered gullet without his hand letting go. Maple realized his mistake. That was a drawer pull in his grip.

The drawer jolted to a stop as it reached the end of its track, the sudden movement enough to break Maple's hold. With a yelp, the smaller male tumbled through the air, carried upward on the swirling funnel of rushing air, straight into his housemate's jaws.

Hickory snapped his mouth shut, his fleshy cheeks getting stretched out broadly by such a chubby meal trapped behind his pursed lips. He tilted his head back and swallowed firmly, a round bulge dropping along his throat as his face returned to its regular plumpness. His gut bounced down powerfully, finally popping the latch on the big beaver's straining overalls.

Maple found himself curled up in the very familiar warmth of his housemate's soft stomach as the bouncing settled down. He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I really should have eaten that chipmunk..." He muttered to himself as he felt Hickory's large paws rubbing down on him, preparing him for another stay as part of his grand mass.

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