Story by marrla on SoFurry

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A coyote in need of some extra cash starts her first live stream. There's a whole world out there of folks eager to watch a furry degrade herself on camera - right?

Special thanks to my dear friends for their encouragement & help to write this. Thank you ;3

[2 minutes until you go live ...]


Sandra stares at the webcam nervously. It's night, the trailer she lives in is empty, and the laptop's glow is the only source of light in the stifling heat of her room. I... shouldn't do this. This is a mistake. She stares at the preview of her webcam on her laptop, displaying the skewed view of her dark room. It's inset on a website - - the world's most popular camsite for ... people like her.

This is a mistake.

But instead of shutting her screen, she reaches a paw forward, adjusting the open laptop for a better view. At first, her slender, predatory face is reflected on the website's interface. Triangle ears. Tan fur. A coyote's slender muzzle, and golden eyes that reflect the light of the laptop in a disturbingly intense manner. She looks like a rabid dog. A bit scared, a bit nervous, a bit... feral. Sandra raises her lips in an experimental 'snarl', but she can't stop her ears from pinning.

I need the money. Gotta move out. This is just once. You can do this Sandra.

[1 minute until you go live ...]

Sandra takes one last look at her eyes. They're scared, submissive - a cringy coyote girl looking back at her on the screen. Adjusts her laptop again. L-lower, so it only shows her slender shoulders, breasts, and just a little bit of belly. She's sitting cross-legged on her messy bed, dressed in a pair of panties and a comfortable tank top that's more holes than cloth. Should I move to the desk? Too late. She uses her paws to try and smooth down the wrinkles on her pillow behind her, anything to keep her mind off of...

[30 seconds until you go live ...]

Ten people waiting, but the counter is trickling higher by the second. She adjusts the screen again. Should she show a bit of paw? M-maybe a bit of her undies. Nervously, she leans forward, adjusting the screen down just a bit more. That's what they're here for, right?

Nervous, she types into the void, not knowing what else to do. "Hi everyone!"

[20 seconds until you go live ...]

"My name is -" Fuck. Fuck. Sandra stops, claws resting on the keys to spell out "Sandra". I can't use my real name! Her eyes flick around the room for inspiration, before she quickly types: " - Stacy. Tonight is my first heat."

[15 seconds until you go live ...]

The coyote winces at the words immediately after sending it. A lie, of course. It's not her first. But.. gods. What cringe. Still, it's what they're here for, right? She continues writing: "I'm a bit nervous. This ... is my first time." A truth. "I hope you all can help me!"

She stares at the timer, heart hammering in her chest.

[10 seconds until you go live ...] - the coyote stares at the website's name, then lifts the bottom edge of her t-shirt slightly, exposing the fluffy tan fur of her belly. That's what they want, right? That's how she gets tips? She knows the vast majority of people on this site are perverted humans who get a thrill seeing girls like her. Hybrids. Furries. It's more than faintly humiliating; there are laws in some states banning the practice, claiming it perpetuates discrimination. But she needs the money, needs it bad and... it's not like anyone will recognize her, right?

She leans forward, typing quickly into the otherwise empty chatbox, staring in panic at the waitlist of people. 34. Only 34? "What do you all want to see tonight?"

[5... 4... 3... 2... 1...]

'Stacy' winces as her laptop plays a cheesy wolf's howl, an animation of a snarling muzzle slashing across her screen. Then, just a tiny blinking red message above her video as the chat window floods with messages.

[LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! - 36 viewers / $0.00 earned...]

The coyote takes a trembling breath, staring with a mix of shock, disgust, and horror at the flood of comments that fill the chat box. That LIVE icon keeps flashing, and her microphone automatically unmutes, allowing the horde of anonymous viewers to hear her panicked breathing. All they see is her chest, belly and arms. She'd been sure to arrange her tanktop so that at least a hint of nipple was showing through one of the holes, along with as much bust as the petite girl could manage.

The fuck is this

new whore

Beautiful fur


does she have mange?

swollen cunt she's in heat

Hi babe

Show us your tist


naw bro u mean clit

Been waiting for an hour

shit shes cherry

she even speak english?

probably just a bot

She opens her muzzle, but words don't come out. Instead she's staring at the screen, frozen in panic, the comments growing more and more rude in her silence.

The fuck is this

scared bitch

is this filmed in a mill somewhere

tiny fucking tits

told you its a bot - shes not moving

dunno shes panting

looks fucked out and old

come on dog give us a show

"I'm not a dog." she blurts out at the screen, then leans forward to press the 'ban' button next to #945201. But the second her slender paw appears, and the lower part of her muzzle, there's a small flood of 'likes' and the first little 'ding' of a donation.

[DING! $0.50 has been added to your account.]

50 cents?! Fuck.

"I'm not a dog," she repeats into her empty room and the leering eyes of her anonymous audience. "I'm a Coyote." The female lowers her muzzle just enough until the tip of her black nose appears, whiskers and slender muzzle visible in the reflected glow of her webcam. Her glowing eyes flicker briefly up to the top of the screen again.

[LIVE! .. 47 viewers / $0.50 earned ...] They are here to see... Animals. She swallows, then opens her muzzle slightly, letting her long, pink tongue slip out between her lower canines for the camera. Then, she lets out a tiny sound: "Grrr."

oh fuck


cute puppy

come on bitch give us a howl

[DING! $0.50 has been added to your account.]

[LIVE! .. 52 viewers / $1.00 earned ...]

'Stacy' almost winces at the sound, but despite herself, her bushy tail gives a little twitch. More. They want more. Can't give it all away though, a girl only has one 'first', right?

So instead, the young coyote draws her hindpaws towards her crotch, holding the pads of her feet against her panty-clad sex as if to hide it from the camera. Her vulva is swollen -she really is in heat after all - and she carefully arranges her toes so that her little claws press into the fabric, making her mons dimple alluringly and creating a wet cleft as her body's natural arousal responds to the touch.

She wiggles her toes against her sex, then gives a shaky whimper for the camera, before giving another pathetic, puppy-sounding growl. "Grrrrrr... I'll show you my tits, but a girl's gotta eat." Her ears pin, and she spins for the right words. "Y-you don't want a coyote like me to start killing sheep again, right?" She winces, but blinks as the donations start rolling in. "G-grrrrrrrr..."


come on howl

ur so cute stacy

animals like you are only good for fucking

take your shirt off, come on

The chats come in faster and faster, the coyote responding as best she can with a trembling voice of confusion, begging her viewers to be patient. "This is my first time, sorry. I don't know what to do."

[LIVE! .. 56 viewers / $3.00 earned ...]

fucking puppy slut

wow she is cherry

c'mon show us your cunt

is she even legal

Posted link on reddit lol

you're fucking adorable

yeah im spamming this on telegram gonna be GREAT

its ok girl, just sit. Sit. good girl.

Seeing those donations, the girl fumbles around where she's sitting, trying to be sexy, giving those cute puppy-like sounds that they seem to like, pushing through the burning humiliation of the act, validating every nasty comment ever made against hybrids like herself.

Trainable. Good girl.

"Good girl?" she repeats, then blushes. Trainable? How do you respond to that? I shouldn't. But instead, she bites her lips cutely between her canines, making her whiskers puff out as she leans forward towards the camera and whispers: "Uhm. I'll do anything for the right - uh - owner. Tip me. Grrrrr..."

[LIVE! .. 62 viewers//$12.50 earned ...]

She doesn't have to fake sounding submissive, she's too nervous, but the donations keep coming as she starts directly addressing some of the less abrupt comments. It's easier to fixate on one request than read them all.

Someone asks to 'touch your tail'? Strange, but it's easier to respond than overthink. She lifts it up in her paws, pulling the bushy appendage across her lap, telling the viewer about how sexy it feels to have someone touch your tail. "I... I like it when folks scratch me above my tail too. It makes me whimper."

Sandra, embarrassed, feels the heat rising to her cheeks but she presses on with barely a pause. She lowers her muzzle back into the view of her webcam, and leans forward to whimper with intimate clarity into the microphone, then licks her pink tongue out, lashing it across her lips, before whimpering again.

Oh gods yes

[DING! $3.00 has been added to your account.]

Puppy bitch

Thats the sound we like to hear

Adorable, dear

ready for breeding


ur Daddy there? Would pay to see him knot you

[DING! ...] [DING! ...] [DING! ...]

[LIVE! .. 133 viewers / /$38.00 earned ...]

Daddy? - a whimper catches in her throat. no, ignore that. She blushes deeper and instead scrolls back, reading what does it feel like to have a tail? She doesn't respond at first, thinking. What kind of question is that? She gives a little half-giggle, then lifts up her tail slightly, exposing one of her clawed hindpaws. They're animal in form, paws, with big, clawed toes made to run. They'll love this, she thinks, staring at the counter - $42.50 made, and only 20 minutes in. "I dunno... kinda like this?"

The girl shuffles forward a bit, and its no accident that the movement causes her panties to ride up into the cleft of her sex as she lifts her hindpaw in her paws towards her webcam. There's a flash of pink, and for the moment that the webcam is focused on her crotch everyone can see with sharp clarity how wet and swollen her cunt really is. Then the webcam focuses in on her splayed toes, and her tail falls back to cover her lap. "Uhhmmm... like, y'know how you can feel yourself pinching the tip of your toes, but not really like, feel them? Kinda like that." She laces her fingers between her pawpads, wiggling them at the camera, watching the mix of appreciation, catcalls, and appalling abuse roll into the chat.

Fucking animal.


So cute

The fuck is her collar

C'mone stacy play with your tits, please


Fuck yeah

Legal to rape the shit out of you hybrids here in KY hehe

--- the autoban kicks in, and boots that user immediately, but not soon enough for the coyote not to visibly wince. He'd probably just make a new account and be back in five minutes, but at least he was gone for now. Sandra glances at the counter.

[LIVE! .. 243 viewers//$62.50 earned ...]

Two hundred and forty-three!!

Her eyes flick back to the other frequent request to show your tits. "... Uhhh. Ok. But, uhm, my tits..." She keeps glancing up at the last post of the user that was banned, but all it does is serve to remind her what her audience wants. Animals. So, quietly, carefully, she lifts up the hem of her tanktop, blushing all the while.

"You guys... l... like this? Uhm."

On her lower belly, there are two spots, just like any feral animal. Her lowest pair of nipples, dark pink, small, but perked hard as rubber.. She can feel the eyes of her leering crowd, but also reads the appreciative cheers of her watchers, along with a fresh flood of tips. The "breeder" comments she tries to ignore, but there's a lot of nice 'cute girl' and 'good, good girl' comments that she responds to with a blush. "Y-eah mister 'do they feel good'... they're super sensitive. All of them. Especially when I'm in heat."

She raises up her shirt a bit more, showing one row, then another, until finally her breasts pop free from below her tanktop..

six tits? Lol

ewww six? disgusting. animal. what a turn-off.

yeah lol ugly


So how many pups can you have

Fuck that guy, she thinks, but instead of banning him she sees a healthy $2 tip appear and hesitates. "Uhm. Ok. mister- 'So how many pups can you have'. Uhhhhhh... M... my mom had a litter of five," Sandra whispers into the mic.

[LIVE! .. 283 viewers//$66.50 earned ...]

Why the fuck am I saying this? This is beyond humiliating. "I guess mom's had, uh, three litters so far? I'm the youngest. Y... Y... yes- I think all my nipples lactate. That's like, produce milk right?" LOL like a cow. Wince. "... They all lactate, i guess, i mean my mom did at least and uhm.. "

She's burning up with utter humiliation, but despite herself her cunt's growing thickly wet event thinking of breeding. Fuck. "No.. I don't know why I only got breasts only on the top and.. Uhhhmmm.. Thanks sir.. Yes... uhhhhmmm.. You could suck them." She's reading the questions by rote now, they're coming in so fast, she's not really thinking, just answering, until that one user pops up again and she sees the chat.

See thats why its legal to harvest these hybrids here. He's smart enough not to use the ban trigger - rape - again. Gotta keep the population in check. Love neutering the males and listen to them howl.

Fuck this. Sandra blushes quietly, but she finds her body still intensely aroused. She tears her eyes away and instead looks at the counter, before whimpering again and raising up her paws to her tits, touching them.

"G-get me to a hundred bucks and I'll show you my ... uhhmmm... what do you humans call it? My cookie?" She doesn't actually have an animal vulva, that's just a vulgar misconception, she's as smoothly formed and perfectly 'peach' as any human, as her girlfriend at school verified. Multiple times. Despite herself, Sandra squirms in the seat at the thought, more than a little aroused, smelling her estrus thick in the air. She glances at the screen, then whispers again: "I'm so wet. My panties are soaked. I think I need a- breeding tonight."

Sandra winces again at the words, but doesn't stop. Instead, blushing, she spreads her legs just slightly and lifts her tail to reveal the wet, swollen sex, still hidden behind her panties.

"... s... sneak peak? Ok. K.. keep the tips coming. I gotta get out of this trailer park before, uh, d- daddy breeds me."

Wince. Fuck. This is horrible, cringy, but... the chat loves it.

She presses one paw down to the top of her vulva, then traces a clawed finger along the elastic gusset, showing the camera in graphic detail how she has to peel it away from her sex. She keeps pulling, until half her swollen labia is fully exposed, along with a slash of drooling, messy pink. Sandra moans then gives a teasing little giggle, opening her eyes to keep monitoring the chats.

Fuk yeah you know what we want

Come on. cunt

Love to see my coonhound breed that pussy

spread your legs at least

Howl for us.

so cute

Good girl

She chooses another request, and whispers, leaning forward: "Ok Mister... Howl for us," The coyote eyes that request, then gives a falsetto giggle, then another cute whimper that instantly gains her another dollar fifty.. "Ok ok I'll finally howl for you, since you ask so nicely." She's not quite ready to take off her panties, but this is safe ground.

'Stacy' straightens up in her bed, then lifts up her muzzle to the ceiling, forgetting herself in the moment as she closes her eyes and tries to take herself to a different place. To the outdoors. To the desert night, imaging herself with her family out camping during their yearly sojourn to the hills.


The sound rings against the walls, and 'Stacy' gives a little giggle, leaning forward to whisper into the microphone: "Like that?" wow. Hahahahaha. Trainable. GOOD GIRL! $20 roll in. $20! Then another $2, $5, $1.50, until just like that she's over $100.

She blinks, then starts to growl a playful 'thanks' into the microphone when -


A deep, masculine voice that everyone can hear as Sandra's heart stops in her chest, her brother's voice growling. "Sandra, keep it down! Damnit girl, I was on the phone!"


[LIVE! .. 312 viewers / $112.50 earned ...]

the fuck is going on

... did she OUT HERSELF? Sandra?

Find her

was that a dude

holy fuck

is that her dad


Fucking gold

Holy shit


Sandra stares at the chat window framing the still-live video feed of her nude torso. Then she lunges forward towards the laptop, hitting the 'DISCONNECT' button on the window so fast she almost bowls the laptop over onto the ground. In response, the laptop gives a loud error noise, popping up some window. Gripped the raw panic of her older brother catching her nude, in heat, and camwhoring. The coyote only just comprehends the warning message that pops up, right as her door opens and her brother barges in.

[Animals who leave early FORFEIT their donations! ... Confirm Disconnect? Y/N]

The screen is still open, clearly illuminating her sandy-cololoured fur, three rows of teats and panties that're plastered lewdly to her wet, swollen sex. Her brother's tall, lanky form is backlit by the light spilling in from the hallway, but she can see clearly his own shocked expression as he sees her. Astonishment, anger, and arousal flicker across his expression, and she winces as he almost shuts the door. Almost, until the raw scent of her estrus hits him, thick, wet, and nasty in the air. "... The FUCK is this?" He doesn't close the door. Instead, leering, he steps inside.

Staring at her brother in absolute mortification and horror, Sandra's unable to move, and the entire world of eager watchers can hear with vivid detail the petite coyote's panicked, feral whimpering.

"No no nonononoonnoonononoo..." She runs out of breath, pants, then finally gives an ear-splitting yelp, grabbing at the sheets and bowling over the laptop backwards, exposing its contents to the gaping eyes of her sibling. "AREN!"

"What is that - porn? HA! I knew it! You were masturbating?" Her brother's tall, lanky form is clothed in a dirty white wifebeater and loose shorts that hang low enough to expose half his ass. The front hem of his shorts, she notices with vivid clarity, appears to be held up exclusively by his thickening sheath. Her brother's cock. His growing cock. She can barely tear her eyes away from it, but finally manages as he steps forward again, leaving the door wide open as he gives a nasty little snicker. "Little fucking whore. Is this why you wanted me and dad out of the house tonight?"

"No no no nononOOoo! GET OUT!"


Sandra, coyote, South Dakota

Doxxx the bitch

theres two

fuck is this happening

i def got a screenshot of her face


guys look at the school pages

Find her



"What the fuck are you doing here, Aren!?" She continues, but her brother doesn't stop moving forward. His cocktip suddenly pops free from the waist of his shorts, slipping out wet and thick, a thick red lump of promise that seems to throb with every step.

"You were supposed to be out - with At the game!" To late, Sandra remembers that the livestream is still on, and this entire conversation is being broadcast.

Too late, she shuts up. YOU WERE PERVING ON ME?! She mouths angrily at her brother, then with a violent pointing motion she JABS at the door, again and again, whilst her paw reaches out towards her laptop, angling it back away from her brother and towards her hips once again. "get the fuck out of here!" she screams in a whisper.

To his credit, Aren stops, but only to squint closer at the laptop, then wrinkle his nose, sniffing the air. His tail wags. His cock grows another wet inch from his sheath. He smells so good. Rich, musky, like fresh cum and -.fuck.

"Why the fuck are you whispering? Dad said I could come home, and good thing too." Aren's face is a lecherous smirk. Her older brother was never one to be shy about sex, although he'd never been so forward to barge in.. "Knew you were in heat but fuck, you're fucking sloppy. Nasty, sister, nasty. I heard all the noises and I.. uhhmm... and.. Like, wait, what the fuck were you masturbating to?"

Scrolling in the chat catches Sandra's attention briefly, her heart thudding in her chest as she flicks off her brother silently, staring at her laptop.. She should just shut it down. Close it. Be done. But behind the error message and all the hateful, excited, horny messages she spies a single blinking popup:

[LIVE! .. 1312 viewers / $512.50 earned ...]

Five hundred and twelve!? She can't give up now... right? If I close the window I'll lose it all.

Do it

fuck him you animal


pop the mangy bitch's cherry

$200 tip if you lift your tail

Suck him off

im recording

I think she's the Gonzalas bitch, down in Watertown.

Yeah it the rec school

" It's a - um - stream site," she mouths at her brother in desperation. "I'm live. PLEASE LEAVE!"

Aren blinks.

Sandra flips him off again, desperately, whimpering quietly as she begs him to leave with her eyes, staring up at him with her small paws held up to cover her breasts and swollen sex in a weak, innefectual movement.

Aren smirks.


"... You're live right now?" He growls.

Sandra nods.

"... they see you?" She nods again, biting her lip.

He leers. "Isn't that a violation of their terms of service." Sandra glares at him.

"They can hear me?" Sandra growls. It's not a cute grrrrr. It's a real growl, and her laptop dings with the confirmation of another $20 tip earned.

Fuck him.

Holy fucking shit, this is real

Her brother

Sandra Gonzolas, must be her

Bitch said she'd show us cunny at $100

Lol fucking lol look heres her tiktok



Fucking liar show her cunt she owes us x6

"Get out Aren," she whispers desperately, growling again. "Let me just finish this hour. I- don't get the money if I disconnect early."

Aren just smirks back at his little sister. He stays just out of the webcam's view while reaching forward, then, meeting Sandra's eyes and leeeeeering the entire time, the older male turns the laptop towards himself. He's careful to only show his shorts and the lewd red slash of wet cock that now reaches halfway up his belly. He starts scrolling back through the chat, smirking, his cock throbbing wetly against his bellyfur as he reads the horrible comments.

"She promised you that she'd show her cunt at a hundred bucks, huh?" Aren speaks directly to her audience, while angling the webcam back at his little sister, before returning it to that vivid view of his cock. "Looks like she still has her panties on. She lie to you?"

Almost instantaneously, there's a flurry of DINGS from her laptop, indicating more tips, and she can see the rapid scroll of chat messages that her brother reads with obvious glee. "Fuuuuuuuck. Sandra. They're angry. And you've made us like, $634 bucks. You shouldn't hold out on your audience. That's mean. That's being a bad girl."

Fuck yeah


oh no poor thing

Show us her cunt

C'mon fuck her


"What a bad animal." He snickers, then he reaches out towards her trembling body, placing a knee on her bed with a squeak.

She meets his eyes, horrified, but also knowing this must be exactly what her audience wants. An animal. Vulnerable. In heat. Sandra pins her ears back submissively, then swallows...This is a HUGE fucking mistake. I should shut this down. Instead she closes her eyes, takes a deep, trembling breath, then spreads her legs subtly. She glances at the laptop, swallowing hard. Her voice catches in her throat.

"I'm in heat," she says, voice trembling but loud enough for the microphone to pick it up clearly. Her... her brother. "This is wrong, Aren. What if dad.. Uhhhhhh... daddy came home?" She winces again, it sounds so corny, but her brother is mounting her bed, and this has already gone way, way, waaaay too far. She blushes hard under his leering gaze, looking with predatory intensity at her face, then her sex. She mouths, "Play along?", the small 'yote begging with her eyes. Sandra knows her brother, eager, cocky, and he doesn't disappoint.

"Dad? Bitch, you're a bitch in heat in a trailer park full of family," The familiar, sharp, snarling tone makes her wince and peek open her eyes. "You're lucky our uncles haven't fucked the living daylights out of you already." He *winks* back once, mouthing 'don't worry, I'll play along' - then crawls forward on her bed, snags her ankle, and yanks the squealing girl back towards him with violent certainty.

"A- AREN!" She squeals as the older male gives a decidedly coyote cackle, sitting up on his knees and hauling her up in the air by one ankle. "You're a bad girl," he snarls, "You lied to these good people, and that's bad." He dangles the girl in front of the camera, still clad only in her panties, her tank top falling to bunch up around her head and arms as she yammers and squeals in protest. "F- UCK OFF AREN - TOO FAR!"


His paw connects with her ass, a firm tone that's accompanied by a sharp SQUEAL from the girl.




Four sharp spanks, and the lanky male gives another breathless laugh, his ears perked up to soak in his sister's outraged sobbing. "A- AREN! AREN! AREN!" Her heart pounds in her chest in a mixture of shock, outrage and fear, and she struggles with her shirt, trying to shove it back up her chest as she kicks and squeals. This earns another painful SMACK against her ass, made with enough force to send her swinging. In echo, her computer indicates a rapid succession of rewards. DING! DING! DING!

[LIVE! .. 1664 viewers / $786.00 earned ...]

Sandra's too shocked to do more than blabber out her brother's name as he continues to hold her hindleg up high in the air, his paw lowering to briefly scratch her above her tail as he starts reading her chat window with a snickering growl. "Shut the fuck up. They love it. Wow, Sandy, you're making a shitload of money. You were just gonna take all this money and run?"

She'd manages to get her paws around the hem of her t-shirt, pushing it up against gravity, but the first sight she sees is the leering expression of her brother, then his paw grabbing her shirt out of her paws and and peeeeeling it off her body with a firm snap across her muzzle and ears.

Aren laughs, a sound that brings a flush to Sandra's freshly exposed tits. Her older brother considers his little sister hanging from his grip, glances at the computer, then back down at her now mostly nude form.

The casual brutality of her older brother's treatment is shocking, and she feels another thrill of fear as he raises his paw again, poised to give the girl SMACK. Her crotch is still soaked, panties clinging to her lewdly exposed to his gaze, and the smaller coyote squirms under him, letting out an entirely genuine, puppy-like whimper, like a cub begging for her mom's tea. "B.. Brother, please. Stop." [DING!]

Aren takes this as his cue, smirking down at her before drops her ankle, sending her tumbling to the bed in a heap.. "Promised to show your cunt, eh? For a hundred bucks? Lets not disappoint..."

Sandra's world shifts again as she feels his broad paws gripping her hips and lift them high in the air again, until her toes just barely touch the bed. The older male's carefully positioning her so her exposed ass is facing directly towards the computer, tail arched high above her. "Touch your toes, and don't fucking move," he snarls, gripping her scruff and pressing her head towards her toes firmly.

"Aren... AREN... this is too far." She gurgles in panic, but the sensation of being scruffed sends a fresh stab of pleasure down her spine and right to the base of her swollen sex, squishing a humiliating load of slimy arousal into her panties. The next time her brother chuckles, she can hear his own intense, trembling need, right at the edge of snapping.

"F- Fuck, sis," Forgetting about the camera, he leans his muzzle down and sniffs deeply, nosing under her tail to lift it in an arch. "Keep touching your toes and spread your legs, little slut. Animal. Breeder. Fucking deserve this, gonna take all your whore money and run from your family..."

Another trembling growl from the larger male that sends a sharp thrill of fear and arousal through her. Then, vividly, she feels him touching his finger against her inner thigh, eliciting a yelp from the little coyote as loud as when he'd first spanked her. "AREN.. Aren... nnnfffff..." He ignores her, staring at the sight of her panty-clad sex clenching rythmically as he traces a paw up her inner thigh, then hooks his thumb under the elastic gusset right at the cleft of her swollen cunny and thigh.

"Fuck, you smell delicious. Betch'yall are hungry to see this, eh?"

The claw snags at the elastic edge of the crotch, then starts draaaaaaaaging her panties down the cleft of her ass, peeling it with a wet, sticky smack from her lewdly gaping sex. He can't contain an animal growl at the sight. His little sister's swollen, drooling, fertile cunt... inches from his muzzle!

"Check this out, guys. This is a bitch ready to be bred."

He's sickeningly casual about it, shoving her face into the bedsheets again, still holding her by the scruff and forcing her to expose her cunt directly towards the webcam. He takes a brief moment to glance over at the comments, and she is hauled even closer until her swollen labia and drooling pink slash are inches from the webcam. Her sex is thrust apart by his prying fingers, giving them a deeply personal view far more intimate than she'd have considered giving them, herself. "Sis, you're still a virgin, right? What'ya think, boys?"

Sandra's eyes briefly focus between her legs, staring at the chat window upside-down.

Oh fuuuuuuck

I cant believe this is happening



Fuck i just dm'd her instagram

This is fucking wrong

should call the watertown cops

Lol no

Bru its an act

Poor thing

Sandra this is the best stream here

Fucking howl again animal

God damn she NEEDS this rape -

The autoban again, but it doesn't matter.

[LIVE! .. 1931 viewers / $834.00 earned ...]

She's startled back to reality again as Aren gives another light SMACK against her ass, then gives her scruff another brief shake. She still feels his fingers spreading her labia lewdly wide as he whispers into her ear., "It can't hurt to have a taste, right? You do fucking deserve it. Whoring yourself. Exposing our family, our clan, to this human filth."

Slowly, Aren tightens his grip on her scruff, sending another helpless thrill of pleasure down her spine, gripping so tight her head's pulled back and she's almost choking. Sandra's head is immobile, the air burning in her lungs as she whimpers, gurgles, and begs up towards her brother, her eyes meeting his in a blind panic as he casually leans forward and kisses her exposed sex, right at her drooling gape.

YELP! "AREN!" Sandra's whole body goes rigid as her brother's lips touch her pussy. It's a sensation that's both thrilling and horrifying at the same time for the young bitch, and it only grows worse. Sandra's legs wobble and she tries to collapse to the bed to escape, but all it earns her is a rough shake on the scruff, and instead the older male hooks his elbow under her waist, bodily supporting her as her sibling leans down for another kiss, licking his muzzle lewdly. "Fuck.. you taste good."

He kisses her pussy again. This time, Sandra SQUEALS, because her sibling adds just the hint of tongue, scooping out a bit of her gruel before he starts digging deeper, deeper, deeper with a series of licks, penetrating her with his broad, canine tongue until with gut-wrenching clarity she feels him licking her hymen. Her body SPASMS with raw, horrifying pleasure.

"A- A-- A--" Her eyes bulge, then he does it again... the tip of his tongue catching the tiny hole at the base of her cherry, as if to dig into her untouched sex. It sends powerful waves of pleasure through her body, causing the little bitch to give a helpless gurgling moan before her legs struggle to clench tighter, but of course, that makes it even worse. She squiiiiiiirms as he growls, then flicks his tongue against her hymen, again and again, until her belly's spasming and she doesn't even hear the nasty snicker her older brother gives in response.

Her toes splay and her muzzle opens, wide eyes staring at nothing as he digs into her further. His chin and lower lip makes contact with her clit, causing her to almost instantly lose control - soooo close to an orgasm that she's seeing stars. New muscles she never knew she really had are spasming deep in her cunt, and she's overwhelmed by the humiliatingly intense pleasure that her brother's dragging from her body. THIS IS WRONG.

The laptop's going crazy, a rapid series of dings that neither coyote registers. His cold nosepad squishes against her pink asshole, but he's just diiiiiigging into her, slurping her cunny's wetness and scraping dangerously against her cherry with every movement of his face.

"F-FUCK!" For the first time, the audience can hear a tremble in the older male's voice. He's panting, matching Sandra's pathetic whimpering gurgles and increasingly feeble jerks of her paws. Don't stop don't stop don't stop... I'm so close. He stops, panting, "S-Sandra.. You think they wanna see me rip your cherry out? What'ya think, folks?"

Sandra's heart is thundering. He's stopped licking her, riiiiiight at the edge of her orgasm. She can hardly see, but his words cut through her orgasmic haze. "Wanna see a trashy little trailer trash whore coyote get knocked up? She's gonna need every cent you give her. She's got six teats, right? Think I can breed her a whole litter?"

WHAT? It's no longer an act, if it ever was one. Her brother's gone mad, the scent and taste of her fertile cunt still wet on his lips. L- Licking her is one thing, but - "A- AREN! You can't - you can't - fuck this - l - let me GO. TOO FAR!" She lifts a hindleg, desperate to clamber over her brother's arm and drag herself away from him, but all he does is snicker and haul her bodily up in the air like a puppy. As soon as he lets her down, she struggles again, SQUEALING out another desperate - "SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP!"




[LIVE! .. 2232 viewers / $1,234.00 earned ...]

With a tremendous effort, Sandra JERKS her body forward, yanking her thick-furred scruff out of his grip and launching herself over his arm in a wild panic to get away. Her gangly legs lift and scrabble over his arm, then the bitch somersaults over it and lands on her back on the bed, staring up at the leering face of her brother who's calmly unbuttoning his shorts. Her heart is hammering in her chest as she realizes how she must look. A desperate, skinny, submissive little bitch in heat, naked as the day she was whelped, stinking of sex and fertility and fear.

I've gotta escape. I- I'm going to get raped. On camera. He's going to breed me.

Sandra makes one last grab, rolling over onto her tits and lunging forward towards the keyboard, squealing for someone to help her as her paw lands on the keyboard, smashing the keys and interrupting the chat briefly:

Your Animal says: "@#($)!!@#!@!#5(DSKVWDPASD!"



poor thing

H.. Holy fuck

Im recording

They're fucking breeding

I knew it

Mother fuk this is the best


She drags the laptop towards her, the frame filled with the image of her teary face and erect tits, before her brother's paw comes into the frame, wrapping around her neck in a smooth motion. "Shhhhhh," His muzzle dips forward, and the moist heat of his panting tickles along her ear. They're perfectly framed in the webcam's image, his muzzle next to her eyes and her terrified, crystal-clear face. Sandra smells her own sex thickly on his breath, the fur on his muzzle spiky and soaked with her gruel. "C'mon, girl, let's give them a show."

Sandra's eyes shut as her brother's paw clenches around her throat, almost gently choking her. A light pressure at first, but increasing his grip on her as he adjusts her hindlegs so they're splayed apart. As the pressure grows, her ears are filled with the dull rush of her own heartbeat hammering in her chest, red tinging the edges of her vision as her breath is choked to a desperate nothing. "-- HHnnnk.. Nnnggk!" She chokes.

"Spread your legs, dear. Spread your legs and beg."

He releases his hold on her just long enough for her to drag in a gurgling gasp of air, smirking in satisfaction as she scrambles to obey. Legs spread, ass high in the air, her brushy tail forming an arch over her back. Sandra manages a choked, "A.. AREN.." Her voice, puppy-like, begging. "P-Please s... stop... "


He reaches down and pulls the laptop between her spread legs, folding back the screen so the webcam has a clear view of her gaping cunt, inner thighs, and the lowest row of tits on her stomach.

Sandra starts to squeal for help again, but before she can do more than squeak he's wrapped his paw around her throat again, choking her until stars blossom and her entire body spasms. "Y'all wanna know how us animals work? How we breed?" Her brother's voice comes into sharp focus as he releases her, but as she's gasping for desperate breath she feels his teeth at her neck. Gripping her scruff. BITING.

"... b..b.b..b..brrooooother..."

The webcam captures a clear view as her body jerks helplessly, a wordless squeal as he wedges the tip of his cock between her legs, catching the puffy wetness of her labia easily. He doesn't respond, he can't, he's biting her so hard it almost pierces her thick scruff. Sandra gives a wet gurgle as she feels the head of his cock sawwing wetly up and down the entrance to her sex, spreading her drooling arousal around before slipping inside with a wet plop. "N.. stop. Pppp.. please!"

Despite herself, she feels her body responding again, a sharp thrill of pleasure that soaks right up to her womb with squishy arousal. Her inner thighs are flexing, her cunny nibbling at the head of his cock as waves of heated pleasure thrill up her spine. Her body wants it, needs it. She starts rocking back and forth in a tiny movement as he keeps pressing forward, back arching dominately over her prone body. Oh fuck.. this is wrong..

Suddenly, her brother releases her scruff. "FUCK, I knew you'd come around," he huffs into her ears. "I feel your tight little cunt nibbling at my dick, you little whore. Your body doesn't lie! Gonna fuck your cherry out on my cock, c'mon, give'm a show."

Her brother's voice is the affirmation of every horrible comment she'd received that night, but despite herself, Sandra moans. She's biting her lips, tears streaming down her cheeks to soak into her fur, but the little coyote starts rocking back and forth, impaling herself on her brother's cock, the webcam capturing every little movement in vivid detail. She has no choice, right?

A brief pause as his cock reaches her hymen, causing a stab of pain as his canine tip stabs her. Aren's not moving, remaining pressed tight against her back, letting her do all the work of ripping her hymen out for the enjoyment of the crowd. Sandra presses back, but almost immediately that stab of pleasure and pain hits her again. She tries again, this time harder, enough that she lets out a whimpering YELP as her cunt spasms around his cocktip, eliciting a satisfied growl from her brother. Her hymen stretches, the girth of his cock right at the edge of being too big, slowing her down too much to rip her innocence on her own.

"It's... It's too much. P... Please just do it." Her voice comes out submissive and begging. She's struggling to do it, but the pain always stops her, millimeters away from tearing her hymen but so, so far.

"Hrrrmmm? Do what, sis?" She can feel her cunt drooling still, her womb ripe and needy, belly filled with lust.

"Uhm.. uhhh.. F.. Fuck me? Pop my cherry. I can't do it alone!" Despite it all, she's painfully aware she's broadcasting.

Her rows of nipples are perked up, incredibly sensitive, so she gives an appreciative -gasp- as her brother's broad paws slip up against the grain of her fur, sliding from her soaked inner thighs and up her belly, until he's got both paws wrapped around her chest possessively, as if to mock her petite frame. He squeezes her breasts, then rolls her nipples between his index finger and thumb.. "Good bitch," he whispers, then grips her under the shoulders and hauls her up again, the big coyote flopping back on his rump and settling her on his lap again.

Not just his lap - no, he's got her back to his belly and her legs spread - he's spearing her on his cock which slips back inside the entrance of her gaping cunny with disgusting, slippery ease - followed a sharp sting of pain and pleasure.

"There you go, girl."

She feels so small. She is so small, settled dangerously atop his lap with his cock poised to impale her. He's still got his big paws wrapped around her entire chest, the small female whimpering again. "This should make things easier, right? A lesson in gravity. And besides, now we can see the screen. You gotta check how your devoted audience is doing."

Aren briefly reaches to where the laptop's been showing a haphazard view of the ceiling, dragging it in front of them and positioning the view so they've got a perfect view of her spread body, perched dangerously above his cock. Her eyes roll, and briefly focus on the screen.

[LIVE! .. 3432 viewers / $2,234.00 earned ...]

Sandra stares, uncomprehending. $2000?


it really is her brother

I can't believe

mother fucker

brother fucker hahahaha

That must go halfway up her belly

pop! hahahaha

The messages have slowed down, her audience's paws busy elsewhere. But before she can say anything, she feels Aren's satisfied growl as he takes her small body and starts shoving it bodily down, impaling her on his shaft as he bucks up his hips in a single, sharp little motion.

"A-- A-- Ahhh--" Her eyes bulge, the breath ripped from her body as surely as her cherry. Her toes splay and her back arches, the girl's tail frizzed out and twitching as her belly spasms down so hard on his cock that she elicits a happy snarl from her older brother.


"F.. FUCK!"

Sandra feels his paws squeeezing around her chest, then he gives another buck up, stealing another yelp from deep in her throat as his cock penetrates another two inches, until it's pressed right up against her cervix. That hurts, but her body is so fucked up and confused that it interprets it as another raw stab of pleasure. She can't see how much cock he's got left to feed into her, but her audience's appreciation of her plight is loud and insistent.

Aren starts grinding his hips up against her, grinning at her breathless, whimpering reaction. It causes the tip of his cock to undulate against her cervix, rubbing and stretching her fertile cunt, enticing it to accommodate his girth, size be damned. It sends electric thrills of pleasure that keep the young coyote gasping for breath, unable to recover from much less protest the loss of her innocence.

"What do you smell, sis?" She feels one of his paws leave her breasts, to trail down her belly, then bellybutton, then... fffffffuuuuuuuuuuck, he's fingering her again, pressing her clit between two fingers, making it bulge out obscenely before rubbing its base and her labia andddddd ... "You're ready to get bred. Hungry for cock."

"Fffff... Aaaaaaaaa--"

Aren edges the poor bitch right to the brink of another orgasm, before he rips her off his cock with a sudden jerk and an almost audible pop as her pent-up arousal escapes. Crouching forward so the webcam has an intimate view, he plunges his two fingers into her gaping sex, pumping them in and out and palming her clit in a violent series of motions that has her convulsing violently, again and again, Sandra's eyes rolling into the back of her head before she gives another blood-curdling HOWL.


The sound rings against the walls again, as Sandra cums around her brother's fingers, the stink of her torn cherry a distant memory compared to the heady rush of hormones that are released in the middle of her powerful orgasm. Again and again, her belly convulses. Her toes and fingers are splayed, twitching in the air as her brother holds her up by the cunt and keeps finger-fucking her again and again and again, nonstop through her orgasm, his entire paw soaked with her juices, a wet, noisy mess of raw sex as he pumps her mercilessly with three-fingers. "Fucking animal! Cum for me again, sis!"

squish squish squish squish -



3,642 people see Sandra's body release a gush of clear fluid with such humiliating force that it almost splashes the laptop. 3,647 people see the moment, mere seconds later, when Aren's paw pulls from her soaked and gaping cunt. He then slips those three fingers into Sandra's open muzzle, pressing her dead-eyed, fucked-out face back against his chest as he whispers, "Suckle it down litle a good little puppy."

Then, without another word, he impales her on his throbbing cock in a single, smooth motion, right up to the hilt.

If Sandra could make a sound, it'd be a scream. It should be a scream - he's too big, a mature male, five years her senior, and this her first time? "FUCK-" he snarls, then bucks up, lifting her bodily off his shaft, before he fucks her back down with a violent motion that makes her gurgle and her teeth clack together.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck - he's pistoning her nonstop, leaning partially over her side as he keeps her legs splayed so the camera can capture the vulgar union of his thick, canine cock and her overstretched, soaked cunny. They're sitting in a growing warm, wet stain on her bed, bedsheets now stained with a faint pink of her torn innocence, and only adding to the mess as she feels his cock squirting happily inside her with the wet, squishy mess of his pre.

It's a new scent in the air, but she barely registers it as Aren snarls again. "Suck, girl. You made a mess of my paw." Her muzzle's filled with the three fingers which suddenly push back against her broad canine tongue until she almost gags. She can't think. She's not allowed to think. She just sucks on his fingers obediently, her humiliatingly whorish whimper making her audience go wild while the tips keep rolling in.

[LIVE! .. 4902 viewers / $3,344.00 earned ...]

Holy fuck look at his knot

He's really going to do it

this is r4p3

her bulge fuck

nasty animal

She keeps trying to say his name, but her brother's fingers press deeper into her muzzle and his cock stabs her womb and drives the breath out of her with every fucking motion of his hips as she bounces up and down on his cock. "Nnfff- shut up - be happy it's not our DADDY -" he grunts again, as his knot starts swelling, catching at her distended sex and elicting sharp YIPS from his little sister as it snags against her lips, again and again, rubbing her clit raw.

S- She's been knotted. Her brother's tied. He- Oh fuck. She feels so full, painfully stretched as he YANKS at her tie, lewdly bulging her cunt out as her sex strains to contain his cock, to hold right where it needs to be. It's squirting pre wildly into her spasming cunt, but she's so sloppy-wet she barely registers the iron-scent of her brother's seed. The violence is breathtaking, and he keeps fucking her. He's stabbing her again and again and JERKING at the tie, which obviously is bringing the older male enormous pleasure to feel her squeeze in panic, tightening her grip on his knot - her brother's knot.

She's inches from orgasm despite it, but then she feels him SNARL against her scruff. It's unexpected, then suddenly she feels his jaws opening around the side of her neck and he's biting down - hard.

It's not just another scruffing- it's almost a killing bite, the same he'd serve a rabbit, with his jaws encircling her neck and digging against the base of her skull and throat and jaws.. The coyote's canines flash bright right against the thick fur of her neck only to disappear down through it, squeeeeezing against her throat with choking pressure as he gives a feral SNARL. Then, he jerks his head back, YANKING her body between the firm tie of his knot, her painfully stretched cunt, and her skull as he tries to lift her off his knot just one- last- time- forcing her cunt to clench in response, as if struggling to keep him inside.

Hope she whelps a big litter

more to hunt right? hahahaha

i wanna taste her so bad

lol i got a bitch sucking my cock right now

She hates this

fuck he's breeding her

Never seen them tie before

like my dogs LOL

SQUIRT - This time, it isn't her making the mess. She feels his cock jerk once inside her faintly, filling her body with hot, slimy cum. Jerking again and again, even as his teeth start to clench down even tighter around his little sister's neck, utterly dominating her body as he breeds her. YEARS of pent-up sexual frustration leave his body in a series of jerking squirts into her fertile body, right against the stretched barrier of her cervix and straight into her womb.

Sandra's also jerking, although more feebily with every second that passes, her brother still choking her with that violent bite around her throat. She's staring up at the ceiling, her vision swimming with stars and an encroaching darkness around the edges as he pinches off her spine and jugular, barely letting her breath, much less able to express the mind-shattering orgasm as her body conflates this extreme abuse and the raw pleasure of being bred. Pain? She doesn't know pain. She only knows her brother in that instant, and his complete and utter domination of her, mind, body, and soul. She cums, hard.

"... FUCK..." He yanks his fingers out of her muzzle and releases the bite as soon as he feels her SPASMING body start to fade into a series of dangerous, synchronous twitches as she keeps cumming and cumming around his cock, despite the fact her mind's gone blank. Fucked out. Unconcious.

He catches her sagging body under the armpits easily, her head flopping forward loosely, but still breathing in a series of wet, ragged gasps, knotted to him so firmly that not a single drop of cum seems to have escaped, despite the fact that his sack is still twitching violently, sending ropes of cum deep into her fertile belly.

Even Aren can hardly keep things together and upright, truth be told. He's panting loudly, tongue lolling out over his sister's neck and sending wet flecks of drool down to join her thoroughly chewed-upon ruff of fur. Her eyes are only half-lidded, the whites of her eyes reflecting in the camera's harsh glare as he picks up her muzzle in one paw, raising it up so folks can see. "There's a fucked out animal for y'all."

Aren gropes her chest one last time, then he shoves her forward towards the laptop to flop with a wet splat against the wet puddle of her bed. He makes to half-stand, dragging her ass up in the air by his knot as he grips the base of her tail and uses it like a handle as he starts rolling his hips against her barely-unconscious body, slowly, just enjoying the pleasant tug of her fluttering cunt as he uses her to milk him of every last drop of seed he can manage. He holds it like this for several minutes, watching the tips roll in, until her counter finally shows:

[1 minute remaining ...]

"Right, you fucking animals." He addresses the camera directly now, the webcam showing only his lower chest and belly, and his sister's twitching ass as he keeps cumming in her. "Gonna give y'all a choice. What do you wanna see? This fucked-out bitch ain't staying in my dad's house no more, not after this. She needs a new home."

He grunts, adjusting his sister's barely-conscious body down. He's scratching her right at the base of the tail, just like she likes it and an almost loving gesture, causing Sandra's hips to roll obediently in pleasure as a result. He hooks two thumbs behind her asscheeks, then spreads them firmly, causing her lewdly distended labia to bulge and spread as well as he starts digging out his knot with a wiggle of his hips and soft groan of pleasure.. A wet squirt, then a nasty wet GUSH of his cum follows as he manages to peel his knot out of her cunt, until his cock suddenly slips free and pops into the view of the webcam with a wet SLAP against his belly and corresponding wet splash of cum against her already soaked bedsheets.

"... F... FUCK..."

The male pants, then flops his cock down across her lower back, letting a few wet squirts of cum drool out across this last-remaining dry surface of her pretty fur.

[ 30 seconds remaining ...

"... Anyways. Some of y'all know where she goes to school, eh? Maybe some of you are her classmates? Or can let them know. Anyways, she's got three days before she's out on the streets, and you're welcome to pick up the whore and have her stay at your place instead. Think I've shown you what an obedient animal she can be. Or maybe y'all want to see her seduce her daddy?"

[15 seconds remaining ...]

"I'm not completely heatless though, I'll give her half the cash once it comes through, so you better be quick. Betcha she'll try to run off with her girlfriend, Casey Larisha, some human bitch - they've been saving for years to go to... Canada I think?"

[10 seconds remaining ...]

Aren's wiping his cock against the base of her tail now, smirking, watching her gaping cunt drool out a mess of cum that dribbles up her soaked bellyfur and tits. Sandra's just barely moving, trying to lift her head from the puddle of spunk her muzzle's fallen in. "Do make sure to stream it if you manage to grab'm before they make it over the border. Sure everyone here'd love to hear an update, eh? Kentucky sounds pretty rough though, especially for a knocked-up bitch ready to whelp a litter."

[5 seconds remaining ...]

A pause, and the male grins, adding slyly: "Or, y'know, maybe this was all just a show, and I'll give her a good cuddle and some cookies once she 'wakes up'? What do you think?"

With that, he gives her ass a wet SMACK, releasing her tail and letting her fall with a wet splat into the mess of cum on her bed. "When she wakes up, I'm sure she'd love to see what you really think of her, uh, performance. So? What's your vote?"

[Stream Ended!]

[STREAM ENDED! 6,202 total viewers / $7,346.00 earned ...]