02 - Rachel and Clair - The show

Story by Madmann135 on SoFurry

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#2 of Rachel & Clair

This story is a Work in progress. Unless an independent party goes over my work and fixes my errors it will stay a work in progress.

Disclamer: This story depicts charactors in extreme acts of violence. Some people will be uncomfortable and if you are put off by extreme acts of vore then do not read this.

Rachel, a 10 foot 2, muscle bound hermaphrodite tigress, walked into her home carrying an unconscious teenage female wolf. She quickly carried her catch to her basement, upon entering the basement shelves with various items on it and a rather large containment cell were the only things in the room, except for the cell's two occupants, adult male and female wolves. The elder wolves begged to know what was going on, why they were kidnapped from their home and what was happening with their children, Rachel ignored them and placed the teenaged wolf into the cage with the adults. Rachel locked the cell door and quickly returned upstairs. She raced to her car and pulled out two more teenaged wolves, one male and the other female, siblings. She locked the car, locked the door behind her and was grateful she had a garage, if the neighbors saw how many sapients she ate in a week they would freak.

With her two meals in her grasp she carried them into the kitchen, deciding how to eat them she placed the male in restraints next to the island and the female on the island. Looking at the girl she decides and says just as the girl wakes up, "Wolf soup!?" The girl looked at the giant tiger, only to scream in fright and wake her brother. Rachel smirked and said, "Don't worry, I won't cook you, I'm going to eat the both of you raw." As the girl saw she was unrestrained she tried to get up only to be halted by Rachel holding her down. Reaching for a drawer she soon found what she was looking for, a long white bladed knife. Just as Rachel was about to decapitate the girl, the phone rang.

Looking at the girl she sighed, let her go and went to the phone. The wolf wasted no time and ran for her life, until she saw her brother and tried to free him. Rachel picked up the phone and started talking, "Clair! ...Oh, no just preparing my lunch. What ya want to talk about?"

The wolves herd the conversation and yelled, "Please, Please help us!"

Rachel ignored the cries and said, "Oh my lunch does not want to be lunch. ...Oh you want to coming over? ...No, not necessary, come on over anytime, and thanks for the heads up. Don't worry, there won't be a mess." Hanging up the phone, Rachel looked at the knife in her hand and the two siblings, with a smirk she said, "Your lucky, I was going to carve the two of you up. Now I'm going to eat you alive. Saves you the pain of feeling my blade flay your flesh." Rachel moved quickly, re-capturing the loose female wolf, returning to the kitchen she placed the knife back in the drawer, sat down on the island and opened her mouth.

Saliva dripped from her teeth as she looked at her food, Rachel stuffed the wolf's head into her mouth, screaming, cries, begging and wining was her dinner music. With the wolf's head in her mouth Rachel sealed her lips around the wolf's neck, tilted her head back and at the same time raised the wolf up so that she had a straight line into and down Rachel's throat. Rachel swallowed quick and hard, engulfing the wolf's shoulders and bust in seconds. Her neck stretched to the outline of her meal and soon Rachel swallowed hard once more. With just a pair of flailing legs out of her muzzle Rachel grabbed them, then at the same time pulled and swallowed. With just the wolf's feet in her muzzle Rachel closed her mouth, swallowed a couple of times and finished off the wolf she was eating, just half of her meal.

Feeling the struggling wolf in her stomach Rachel stood up, went to the refrigerator and pulled out a large pitcher of water, drinking a fourth of the pitcher she replaced it and went to the cabinet, looking for something, "oil... oil... where is that flavored oil?" The wolf was too horrified to say anything, fear silencing his throat as he watched his sister eaten alive and now probably drowned, he knew he was next.

Rachel quickly found what she was looking for, an elegant bottle with a few herbs in it. She walked over to the wolf and smiled as she undid his restraints. Picking up the wolf who now started to fight back she placed him on the island then poured oil over his head and shoulders then said, "Don't worry about your family, they'll be joining you soon enough." As she finished oiling and flavoring her meal the wolf panicked and tried to run, only to be stopped by her muzzle wrapping around his head. She hoisted him into the air, the same as his sister and started swallowing hard. He slid down into her stomach much faster than his sibling, when Rachel only had his feet in her muzzle she closed her maw, swallowed and went in search of something to wear for when Clair came over.

A knock on the door followed by, "Rachel I'm going to use the key you gave me," told Rachel everything she needed to know. She was now wearing workout shorts and a sports bra, much to Clair's enjoyment as it showed off the body of her lover.

Entering the house was Clair, a nine foot six golden tabby tigress of average figure. Clair looked Rachel over, the belly from her large lunch still showed and worked against one of Clair's favorite muscle set, her abs. Clair looked around and said, "Rachel... Next week, Saturday a long time friend of mine is coming over. I want to show him around and take you along. ...Please don't eat him."

Rachel looked at Clair and did her best to put on an offended face but her gut filled with two young wolves told a different story, Rachel responded, "Clair, anyone who eats friends or family of a friend when it is convent and without permission is no true predator in my opinion. I won't eat your friend or try to eat him. Besides, you gave me that tasty stallion to chew on."

Clair nearly sighed in relief and said, "He may hit on you, he's a bit of a slut."

Rachel smirked and said, "Maybe I'll fuck his ass in front of you," doing her best to be playful, but much to her surprise the look on Clair's face was more embarrassed than surprise. This started Rachel thinking along an interesting train of thought.


Clair knocked on the door, early as usual, something Rachel was starting to get the hang of and was very surprised about when she thought about it. Opening the door Rachel was wearing a black oilskin duster, dark denim jeans, running shoes and a tight gray shirt that showed the outline of her bra. Clair showed up wearing another one of her dresses, this time it looked more business than ballroom. Rachel looked at Clair, for a moment her heart skipped a beat and she was thinking of how nice the dress would look on her bedroom floor. Pushing that thought aside Rachel smiled and said, "Early as usual."

Clair smirked and said, "Fully clothed I see." Clair knew that Rachel was proud of her body and didn't mind showing it off. Off to the side of the door and partially hidden by Clair was a seven foot tall brown bear. The bear was average build and wearing a designer shirt and slacks.

As Rachel looked at the bear she though he must have been intimidated by her that was until he got a look at her and gave a lust filled smile.

The bear walked up to Rachel, extended his hand and said, "Name's Thomas, Tom for short." Looking Rachel up and down he then added, "...All the hot ones are taken."

Clair glared at Tom for a moment then said, "Let's go."

Rachel closed and locked the door behind her, she followed Clair and Tom to Rachel's car, a red convertible. Rachel's vehicle was one of necessity, she drove an SUV with tented windows, one large enough to hide her meals in until she got home. Rachel was grateful that she ate the other day and would not have an appetite for a few days, bears were one of her favorite snacks. Getting into the car Rachel sat down in the back seat as Tom and Clair took the front two. That was until Clair asked Tom to take the back seat, Rachel was cramp but did not say, trying to be polite, Clair knew it. As the two switched seats Rachel could see Tom checking out her ass. She ignored it.

As Clair drove off Rachel asked, "Where are we going? You didn't say."

Turning the corner an merging onto the expressway Clair replied, "First we are going to a nice restaurant."

Rachel looked down and said, "I think I am under-dressed."

Clair smirked and said, "Nonsense."

Tom added, "I think she's overdressed."

Clair huffed and said, "And I bet you want her to take her top off?"

Tom laughed and replied, "You said it."

Rachel smiled and added, "Maybe later."

This caused Tom to jump in his seat, he gave Rachel a shocked look and mumbled, "No way!"

Clair merged with traffic and added, "Rachel is a bit of an exhibitionist."

Tom's mouth was open for a moment as he said, "Damn... all the good ones are taken. Hay Rachel, got any sisters?"

Rachel smirked and replied, "Just a brother who's a prude."

As Clair drove off of the expressway she arrived in the business district, minutes later she drove up to a five star restaurant and parked the car. As they entered Rachel looked around, she was not used to such high class eating establishments, and normally she would feed in secluded areas. As they were directed to their seats Tom smiled and said, "On a date with two hot ladies."

As Clair and Rachel sat down Rachel gave Clair a look, followed by a French kiss, this both shocked and excited Tom who for a few moments was awestruck. As the kiss broke it took Clair a minute to ask, "W-what was that for!?"

Tom looked with his mouth agape for a moment and said, "Clair, didn't know you were serious about being bi. I thought you were experimenting."

Rachel smirked and said, "Experimenting!? We've been dating for over a year now." Rachel didn't want to add that she was going to ask Clair's hand in marriage. Rachel then looked at Clair and said, "Why would I need a reason to kiss a hot girl like ya?"

The waiter finally came around and took their orders, much to Clair and Tom's surprise Rachel ordered a light meal. Tom looked at Rachel and said, "So how's a big girl like you stay does fed on a diet like that?"

Clair gave Rachel a worried look which was intentionally ignored by Rachel as she said, "I left my appetite back home. I decided to have a filling meal before joining you two. Big appetites run in the family and I didn't want to embarrass anyone." What she didn't say was that she ate two full grown wolves two days ago, she also brought home her next meals yesterday and she didn't like the taste of cooked meat, probably an acquired taste after a lifetime of eating her meals raw.

As the waiter brought the meals Tom asked, "So how did you two meet?"

Clair spoke first, "By accident actually."

Rachel smirked and said, "I bumped into her as we were shopping. She was looking for a new cell phone, I was window shopping looking at cell phone features, and it started from there."

Tom chuckled, "Cell phone!? You two met because of a cell phone?"

Clair looked at the food in front of them, sliced off a piece of her prime steak, eating it she watched as Rachel nodded. She watched as Rachel carved her Cornish game hen and started eating it as Tom worked on his prime steak. Tom was about to say something until Rachel raised her hand, placing it over her lips and motioned him to silence, how she predicted that Tom was about to speak Clair couldn't guess. The three ate in relative silence, Rachel finished her hen first, mostly because it was on par with something that would fill someone of Tom's size.

As the meal ended they continued to talk on various subjects until they left to continue their tour of the city. Returning to the suburbs Clair took Rachel home and was invited inside with Tom. For a brief moment Clair was worried for Tom's safety especially after Rachel wanted a few minutes alone with Tom.

As they entered the bedroom Tom looked around and was interrupted by Rachel who asked, "You've been friends with Clair for a while right?" Tom nodded in response as Rachel continued, "Tell me has she ever been caught in the mists of voyeurism?"

Tom paused a little embarrassed and said, "Wait... what are you asking?"

Rachel bent down, eye to eye with Tom and asked, "I am asking do you think she gets off on watching people having sex?"

Tom started to blush, his ears burned red as Rachel was blunt with the question. It took him a moment to respond, "Maybe... y-yes I saw her watching me with my girlfriend a few years ago and... there was that time earlier where I thought she was watching but..."

Rachel stood up, paw cupping her muzzle in thought and said, "Mmmmm... I can use this." She looked back to Tom eye to eye and said, "Thank you Tom, you have been greatly helpful. That's all I needed to know."

As Tom looked into her eyes he saw something that chilled him to the bone, despite she was talking to him on his level the look in her eye was that of an animal looking at its prey. In her presence Tom felt less what he was. Leaving the bedroom Tom went into the kitchen to get something to drink, looking at Clair in the living room he wanted to ask her something but as the question burned in his mind he didn't have the guts to say it. Opening the fridge he saw that it was not filled with meat but fruits and vegetables, odd for a carnivore, and beverages, grabbing a large beer, he smirked to himself at the size of the thing and started to open it. Just as the tab on the thing broke he lost his grip on the can that was easily three times the size of something he would normally drink and it fell to the floor.

Clair saw the beer fall and huffed as she said, "Rachel has a keen sense of smell. You mop it up and I'll get the cleaner. The mop's in the pantry." Rachel watched as he went to get the mop then she went off to the basement. Opening the door quietly she walked down the stairs, the first thing she saw a rather large family of zebras in the cage. Clair ignored their pleas for help as she went for Rachel's cleaning supplies, industrial grade cleaning chemicals. After picking up a spray bottle she noticed a small box behind it that caught her eye. Reaching for the box Clair noticed the notes in Rachel's hand writing and started reading them.

"You're the apple..." the rest was scribbled out. "Clair ever since I met you..." The rest was scribbled out again followed by question marks. "Will you marry me," the side note said, "to blunt." "I want you in my life. I want you to be my wife. I can't imagine life without you. Will you marry me?" Clair looked at the last part, in both shock and excitement. Opening the box she found an elegant platinum diamond studded ring. As much as Clair wanted to try it on she closed the box and put everything back the way she found it. She raced back upstairs with the spray bottle in hand and started cleaning up the mess. Only after they couldn't smell beer but the faint scent of lemon did Clair realize that Rachel would be able to pick up her scent on the papers and box, maybe even the engagement ring. With her paws carrying the bottle and a few damp towels, she waved to Rachel who watched her enter the basement.

Once in the basement she continued to ignore Rachel's next meal's cries for rescue and thought on how to cover up her scent, then it happened. She tossed all but one towel into dirty cloths hamper and let the last towel fall on top of the box in a careless manner. Clair knew Rachel was a neat freak and an accident like this would divert her attention. Clair would say yes but she wanted Rachel to ask. Leaving the basement she noticed Rachel was cleaning up the remainder of the mess and putting everything back in place. In a fit of excitement Clair hugged and kissed Rachel on the lips. Rachel returned the hug and kiss, closing her eyes she relished in the moment, her grip just barely holding onto Clair.

Though the kiss was only a minute both didn't want it to end, Clair had to pull away and finally said, "Looked like you needed that." Rachel had a silly smile plastered over her face as Clair continued, "I have to get Tom back to his motel and I should get home, Work tomorrow. Not everyone can telecommute to work."

It took Rachel a moment to collect herself as she replied, "Enjoy your day at the office."

Tom was out the door faster than Clair, as they were in the car driving back it took Tom a while to ask, "Rachel... She looked like a predator..."

Clair was focused on driving trying not to lose her thoughts in being engaged soon. Hearing Tom speak snapped her out of her daze and she replied, "Yes she eats sapient."

Tom felt a cold chill, he didn't know if it was because the top was down or because how casual Clair told him of Rachel's eating habits. Tom then looked at Clair and said, "W-would she eat me?"

Clair merged into the expressway and replied, "I don't think so. I made her promise me she wouldn't and she keeps her promises." Tom was quiet the remainder of the trip, even when they arrived to the motel, he only nodded to Clair as she dropped him off.

Clair drove home, an apartment building in the city. She thought to herself, "Rachel owns her home, her house is three to four times as big as my apartment but it's in the suburbs." Shaking her head she cleared her mind, picking up her tablet she went to the book she was reading, the title was "Predators and what you need to know about them." The book was not well known, in fact she found it by accident. She skimmed through a few chapters, "Predators live in a violent world where only the strong survive... weakness can be fatal... Predators are animals pretending to be civilized..." She then found the chapter she was looking for, "Predators and relationships... Predators have Family, friends and food. Friends can become food to a predator... A predator in love tends to protect their mate with their life... They tend have high sex drives... sexual relations with food is not uncommon... A predator's mate or marriage partner is one of the most valuable individuals in a predator's life." Looking at the last part Clair inhaled and deleted the book from her tablet.

A week later.

Clair got home from work, she was a little irritated at how difficult her job was, no how difficult one specific person in her office was. A male giraffe was hitting on her and was a few steps away from full blown sexual harassment, she hated the guy and was about to wash up until the phone rang. Picking up the phone she herd Rachel speak up, Rachel sounded calm but somehow Clair new she was nervous, "Clair, hay. Have a nice day at work?" Clair would have been shocked until she remembered that Rachel has her cell phone GPS frequency.

Clair relaxed a bit and said, "Some bastard at work is bugging me."

Rachel smirked and replied, "You could give him to me." The thought went through Clair's mind, in fact she liked it, and Rachel continued, "Oh, right I called because I want to take you out to dinner Friday night, after work." Clair found this odd because for Rachel a meal involves someone dying, then she remembered the ring and it came to her, Rachel was going to propose to her.

Clair sighed, thinking '...finally.' She finally spoke up and said, "Sure, where are we going?"

Rachel paused for a moment and said, "Le Restaurant des ninjas."

Clair paused for a moment and said, "A French ninja restaurant!?

Rachel smirked and replied, "Five stars, you don't see any of the staff and I hear the food is second to none."

Clair chuckled, and blurted out, "The name's silly."

Rachel added, "Truth in advertising."

Clair relaxed as Rachel's casualness showed even in the engagement and her choice in restaurant was starting to become clear. Thinking quickly she asked, "So what should I wear?"

Rachel paused for a moment and said, "If you have something similar to that lovely number that we went to town with Tom that would be great. The attire is semi-formal, the restaurant wants their customers to be as relaxed as possible."

Clair relaxed and continued, "sure, how about I pick you up and you drive us there?"

Rachel smiled and said, "I get to drive your convertible!? This is going to be one great night!"

Clair could barely hold in her excitement as she said, "I'm sure it will be." Hanging up the phone Clair jumped in excitement and nearly forgot about the shower.


Rachel drove over to Clair's place, exiting her SUV she was wearing a simple black suit that did a poor job of hiding her figure. Walking past the front desk and finally getting to Clair's apartment she knocking on the door. Rachel took a deep breath, the ring in her pocket felt heavy and she felt more nervous now than any day in her life. Clair invited Rachel inside, Clair was wearing a lovely dress very similar to the one she wore a little over a week ago and had her hair loose. Rachel wanted to claim Clair as her own right then and there but held back that urge as she had something more important to do this day. As Clair handed Rachel the keys to the car Rachel accepted the keys and said, "You look magnificent."

Clair showed off her body a bit and said "thanks." Clair could read Rachel as good as if not better than Rachel could read anyone and Clair knew Rachel was nervous. This excited Clair as she thought, 'Tonight I'm going to be engaged!'

Trying to cover her nervousness Rachel extended her arm, Clair accepted the gesture and they walked out of the apartment and to Clair's convertible. As they arrived to the restaurant, the building looked plain, the valet at the door accepted the car keys as Rachel said, "Rachel and Clair dinner." They walked inside and Clair was a bit impressed, the tables were nice the music was soft enough that it blended into the background. They walked to an empty desk that had instructions to their table.

As they walked to their table Clair asked, "So how does this place work?"

Reaching the table Clair sat down only to have Rachel help push her to the table, Clair thought 'chivalry is not dead.'

Rachel then sat down and said, "Personally I don't want to know. As long as they live up to what they advertise I'm happy." Rachel then noticed a pair of menus off to the side and handed one to Clair. She quickly ordered and watched as Clair made her selection.

Rachel was nervous, she was nervous for the last two days, the gazelle she ate yesterday didn't settle her stomach but it did fill her up. She relaxed as Clair made her selection on the touch screen menus and placed it down. Clair gave Rachel a curious look and said, "you seem nervous."

Rachel was nervous, she was going to ask Clair the biggest question of her life and it was making her nervous, Rachel responded, "I'm not used to places like this." Though it was the truth she hoped Clair would accept it and not pry.

Sometime between their short conversation the menu's were taken away and replaced with appetizers. Both Clair and Rachel looked at the table in awe and confusion. Clair looked at the table and said, "How!?"

One of the restaurant's customers spoke up, "First time here? You get used to it."

Rachel shrugged, took a slice of garlic bread as Clair said, "I know you like my convertible, Why don't you get one?"

Rachel relaxed as Clair started talking, it eased her mind and she responded, "I plan to after I finish the mortgage on my home. By the way things are going for me, I say a year or sooner." Rachel took a bite of bread and added, "And you, still thinking getting a loan for a home of your own?"

Clair smiled to herself and said, "Yes, unless something better comes along."

Rachel was confused about the last part of her sentence and their casual conversation continued until their food appeared at their table. Rachel paused for a moment and said, "OK, now I've got to figure out how they did that."

Clair looked at the food and she opened her mouth to say something, got quiet then said, "you know what... there's good food in front of us, let's eat." Rachel nodded in response.

As they finished their meal Rachel whipped her hands clean, reached into her pocket and said, "Clair... There's something I need to ask you.

Clair looked Rachel in the eyes and said, "Yes."

Rachel took a deep breath and said, "Ever since..."

Clair interrupted Rachel and said, "No you don't understand. Yes, I will marry you."

Rachel paused for a moment, the shock was still on her face but it soon faded as a smile replaced it. Rachel laughed then said, "Yes! Thank you." Digging through her pocket she pulled out the ring, walking over to Clair she put the ring on her finger then they kissed.


Clair was at work and showing off her ring to her co-workers. She was excited and had plans in store for Edward, the giraffe that was bothering her. Edward, a twelve foot giraffe walked over to the small group of women, noticing the ring on Clair's finger he said, "Who's the lucky guy?" He did his best to hide the fact that he was angry.

Clair produced a picture of Rachel and said, "Who said it was a guy?"

Looking at the picture one of her co-workers blurted out, "Damn girl you like em big!?"

Edward looked at the picture and said, "Let me guess, professional bodybuilder?"

Clair was already angry that Edward was there but this was part of their plan as she thought back. Rachel handed her the picture and said, "They can fire you if it looks like you directly led him to his demise. They can't fire you if his own actions were the fault. Don't tell anyone about my diet it could bring unwanted attention your way. Put this note in his pocket, do a poor job in covertly giving it to him and deny any involvement in the letter if he brings it up."

Clair accepted the note, reading the note it said, "Rachel and I want to invite you over Friday, bring condoms and tell no one." It had Rachel's address under the forged signature of Clair.

One of the office co-workers asked, "What's her name?"

Clair spoke up, "Rachel. She's one of the gentlest souls I know." Clair thought to herself, 'if she's not eating you.'

As their manager showed up he gave them a look and said, "Break's over, back to work!" With everyone leaving Clair bumped into Edward, slipped the letter into his pocket and walked away apologizing.

Edward felt her reach into his pocket, reaching into his pocket he noticed that she didn't take anything but put something in it, a note. Reading the letter he confronted Clair who denied that the letter even existed. This excited Edward.


As quitting time came around and Clair quickly finished her last few assignments for the day she raced over to Rachel's place their plan was in motion, she saw Edward's car following hers before she lost him, she guessed they had a few minutes before he would arrive. Parking her car in Rachel's garage and entering her home Clair asked, "So what should I do?"

Rachel who was wearing just a robe replied, "Do!? You don't have to do anything. Watch if you want, I don't mind. Remember I will have sex with him ...when I am ready I will crush his windpipe between my teeth and eat him. Well eat my fill, there will be leftovers, I'll finish those tomorrow if he's as big as you say he is." Rachel hated leftovers but loved the taste of raw meat, she licked her lips.

Clair was nervous, while Rachel was calm about what they had planned. Rachel hugged and kissed Clair only breaking the kiss when the doorbell rang. Rachel went to the door, followed by Clair as they opened the door Clair was leaning against Rachel and said, "I see you took me up on my offer."

Edward looked down at the two, he was a bit surprised at how muscular Rachel was and how thin Clair seemed against her. Looking at the muscular tigress Edward felt a bit intimidated he spoke up, "I was curious who wrote this." He produced the letter, which Rachel invited him inside.

As Edward was inside Clair closed and locked the door then said, "Excuse her bluntness but she likes to go straight to the point. Hope you don't mind being ridden by a herm."

Edward was momentarily upset that He wouldn't be fucking Clair, a part of him told him to leave the house but he decided to stay when Rachel said, "It's been a long time since I had a real man in me."

Edward watched as she disrobed, revealing her naked body, her length was large for a tiger, on par with his, that was the only thing that really disappointed Edward about Rachel's body. Watching Rachel disrobe he felt overdressed, taking his shirt off he asked, "What is Clair going to do?"

Rachel looked back, smiled and said, "She's going to watch. You may not know it but Clair gets off watching others having sex in front of her." Rachel then motioned Edward closer, he was eager to respond.

Clair felt a bit embarrassed and more importantly surprised, she didn't tell Rachel that, in fact she was trying to hide and outgrow that fetish. Then a moment later she realized why Rachel said it, to lure her meal into a false sense of security by thinking that this was not the first time they did this.

Rachel led Edward into her bedroom as the two left the room Clair picked up Edward's shirt and threw it in the trash with a smile. Racing into the bedroom Clair was a little upset that Rachel was already riding Edward. Rachel was moaning, enjoying the moment, even as Clair entered the room. Clair bit her ego and sat down in the chair that was overlooking the bed, to her relief Rachel managed to slip a condom on Edward. Clair didn't want any of that dirt-bag anywhere inside Rachel except her digestive tract.

Clair watched as Rachel rode Edward for all he was worth, though she was far stronger and far heavier than the giraffe, he didn't notice it. Rachel purred and said, "Why don't you feel my tits?"

Edward was in heaven, this big busted Rachel was riding his dick like a pro, her insides were wet and tight, and any moment he felt like he would explode in her. For minutes he was underneath the powerful woman, getting his shaft ridden and milked like never before then it happened. A grunt escaped his lips as he said, "I'm-..." He couldn't breathe as Rachel's jaws were tightening around his neck. He managed to get out, "H-Help."

With her mouth occupied by crushing the life out of Edward, Clair spoke up, "Edward, she's going to eat you. Once she crushes the life out of you she will feast and I will be rid of you." Rachel couldn't help but smile, something about this made her laugh that or it was his shaft still in her twitching as she continued to ride him as she was killing him. Edward tried to fight, Rachel didn't bother to hold his arms down and he tried to beat her off of him to no avail. Edward's attacks got weaker and weaker as his air starved body couldn't keep up with the demand he needed.

A few minutes later the last signs of life slipped out of Edward and Clair loosened her crushing bite from around his neck, by this time he had already filled the condom with his seed and she was enjoying her afterglow. Licking her lips of the blood that trickled from the fresh wounds on his neck she got off of her kill and said, "Not bad to lay with a real male again... not bad." Picking up Edward Rachel then carried him out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Laying the carcass onto the stainless steel island she pulled out her white blade knife and chopped off his arms followed by his legs. Rachel quickly dismembered Edward and prepared a large plate containing his un-opened torso and head.

Clair stayed in the bedroom, she watched as Rachel crushed the life out of Edward, Clair knew right now Edward was being eaten by a hungry carnivore. For the most part watching him die was one of the night's highlights. The highlight that made the night worth wile was watching Rachel playing with her food. Clair got up and quickly changed the covers and pillows that were on the bed, desperate to get the scent of Edward out of the room. She contemplated if she should go downstairs to where the animal was feeding on its latest kill. She thought for a few minutes then went to the living room.

Rachel was gorging herself on her latest meal. She had just eaten most of the flesh in the torso, a clean ribcage broken open by brute force showed half of the internal organs were gone, devoured. Rachel dipped her bloody hand into the chest cavity and ripped out his heart, eating it within a few bites. What Clair didn't see was the intestines discarded.

Clair watched for a moment as Rachel feasted the sound of flesh being ripped apart and torn by both claw and fang filled the air. This was the first time Clair heard these sounds but not Rachel. Walking into the living room Clair turned on the TV, partially to drown out the sound of flesh being torn apart and partially because there was a viewing special of bridal gowns on. As the program went to commercial Clair checked in on Rachael, she had eaten the torso down to the bones and was bloody from her feast. She watched as Clair started carving up the legs and one arm of her kill so that they would fit her refrigerator. She watched as Rachel put the three limbs into the fridge and started eating the fourth as she walked to the shower.

Clair paused for a moment, wondering what she should do. The sound of running water filled the air, right now she could tell that Rachel was taking a shower. Still excited from watching Rachel work she mumbled then walked into the bathroom. She watched as Rachel stood in the shower, she was even brushing her teeth and there was no sign of the arm in the room, Rachel must have eaten even the bones. Watching Rachel in the shower, water dripping down her body, Clair thought for a moment then took her clothes off and joined Rachel in the shower.

Rachel had her eyes closed, letting the water wash the blood and bits of gore out of her fur. Her belly was happily full and right now she was starting to get horny, she knew Clair was watching and there was something about chewing a meal that occasionally excited Rachel. It probably was the power she had over her victims but at the moment what she wanted a woman, not just any woman she wanted Clair. Rachel did her best to restrain herself but when Clair hugged her, then groped her shaft, all her restraint started to fade. Rachel took a deep breath and said, "You know what you're doing right?"

Clair nearly chuckled as she turned Rachel around and replied, "Yes, Yes I do."

Rachel grabbed Clair by her hips, pressed her against the wall and said, "...And you call me an animal!?" Rachel had Clair right where she wanted her, pinned to the wall, her hard shaft was squeezed between Clair's cheeks and pressing against her tail. Rachel made Clair gasp as she kissed her neck. Clair looked down at Rachel, reaching down between her legs Clair found Rachel's shaft. Taking hold of the hot member Rachel lifted the lighter woman and with her guidance slowly impaled her.

01 - Rachel and Clair - Pillow Talks

This story is a Work in progress. Unless an independent party goes over my work and fixes my errors it will stay a work in progress. Disclaimer: This story depicts characters in extreme acts of violence. Some people will be...

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