Freaky Friday

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#47 of Shorts

When a mother and daughter fail to see eye to eye, fate intervenes to give them a much better understanding of each others lives than they ever could have hoped for.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

Yes, it's based roughly off "that" movie, so I make no claim to the idea. I'm just adding my usual pervy touches to it. ;3


From the outside the Coleman's looked like the average happy American family, Curtis Coleman was the hard working dad and Tess Coleman the happy stay at home mom. Their twins, Lee and Lindsay both taking after their parents in being good at academics as well as sports had earned full scholarships to their local University of Kent State.

Where Lee was academically smart and had earned a full ride, well on her way to being a chemical engineer; her brother Lindsay was a top notch football player and looked to be headed pro in a couple years. The kids were a mixture of their parents, getting their tenacity from their father's wolf heritage while getting their friendly personalities from their mother's husky side. Both young adults were also rather good looking in their own right, the dark fur with brilliant blue eyes always caught people's attention, along with a fluffier than usual curled tail that seemed to be perpetually wagging.

Lately though Lee's grades had been slipping, along with her developing a bit of an attitude Tess just could not abide. At first Tess had assumed it was just a teenage rebellious phase after starting at university and hanging with the wrong crowd, but by the time her twenty-first birthday came and went with no improvement, she feared this was whom her daughter was going to be the rest of her life.

On the evening of the Coleman's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, it all boiled to a head. Despite Curtis working long hours during the week, he'd still managed to make time to take his family out for a nice dinner at the fancy new authentic Chinese restaurant in town. Even though it should rightfully only have been the two of them, he thought it might be nice to make a family outing of it seeing as they didn't get to spend much time together lately. However all through dinner Lee would only pass snarky comments and sit glued to her mobile phone screen. The display and attitude making Tess's hackles raise even with her husband soothingly stroking her side.

Lee got up and left the table without warning not long after their food had arrived, again staring only at her phone screen and typing away furiously as she headed toward the bathrooms. "That's it!" Tess growled and stormed after her daughter, glaring at Curtis as he tried to stop her; but the wolf knew better than to argue with his wife at this point.

"Lee, what is your problem!?" Tess growled as she caught up to her daughter just outside the bathroom door.

"Stop treating me like a child, I'm an adult!" Lee instantly snarled back.

"You sure as hell aren't acting like it, you're behaving like a spoiled brat!" her mother continued.

"You have no idea what's going on in my life, so don't lecture me about acting like a spoiled brat!" the young husky hybrid growled out.

"Enough with the drama, your life is not that hard. University should be a breeze for someone as smart as you," Tess sighed.

"You couldn't last one day in my University," Lee smirked back.

"Actually I could, and I would do it without getting in trouble all the time and dropping my grades," Tess persisted in her typical mother tone.

"Oh I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry that I'm the one thing in your life that isn't perfect!" Lee blurted out, suddenly looking hurt with tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

"Perfect, you think my life is perfect?" Tess was honestly surprised by her daughter's words, even a little hurt by them.

"Oh I know your life is perfect! Your perfect stay at home life, perfect husband, perfect family and friends who worship the ground you walk on! You're such a boring stick in the mud, stay at home mom that doesn't know how hard the real world is anymore!" Lee continued on, tears starting to stream down her cheeks as she growled out the last few words.

"Oh honey you need a serious and bracing reality check if you think my life is perfect or boring!" her mother sighed and shook her head.

"If you could cut me some slack, just this once, mom!" Lee begged, her ears lying flat against her long dark mane of hair, another trait she'd inherited from her mother.

"No, I am beyond cutting you slack Lee. But you are not going to continue giving me and this family your shitty attitude anymore, enough is enough!" Tess stated firmly, wanting Lee to understand she was deadly serious this time.

"Yes I am!" Lee retorted like a rebellious teenager.

"No you're not!" Tess almost shouted in anger and surprise.

"Why not?" the young husky asked with a smirk, folding her arms beneath her bust and staring back at her mother defiantly.

"Because I said so!" Tess growled and took a step towards Lee.

"Cookies?" came a sweet voice of the old red panda woman whom ran restaurant. Standing beside the arguing women holding out a silver plate with two fortune cookies upon it and smiling up at the two taller women.

"This isn't really a good time," Tess replied with an apologetic look at the old woman whom had obviously heard them arguing and had come to try calm them down.

"Now good time!" She insisted, holding the plate out between the mother and daughter.

"Okay, okay!" Tess sighed as the old woman forced her and Lee to take a cookie each before beginning to wave her hand about back and forth between them while babbling in a dialect neither of them could understand. Once the mother and daughter had taken their fortune cookies, the old panda woman smiled and nodded before wandering back off into the restaurant. "Lee, for one evening the entirety of our life is not going to be focused on you."

"Yeah, it's all about your stupid anniversary tonight, isn't it?" Lee grumbled before turning on her heel and heading into the bathroom; locking the door behind herself. Sighing as she leaned back against the wall just inside the bathroom, looking down at the fortune cookie in her hand; on the other side of the door her mother was doing the same thing. With curiosity the both of them cracked open the fortune cookies to read their fortunes at the same time.

"A journey soon begins;

Its prize reflected in another's eyes

When what you see is what you lack

Then true understanding will change you back" both Tess and Lee read softly to themselves, both jumping in fright as the restaurant began to shake suddenly as if there were a tremor.

"Lee, are you okay!?" Tess suddenly panicked, the door opening and the younger husky bolting out into the safety of her mother's arms.

"Yeah, I am. What was that, an earthquake?" A shivering Lee asked.

"I don't think so thankfully, maybe just a tremor" Tess affirmed, giving her daughter a gentle hug. "I think we best get back and pay the bill so we can leave."

"For once, no argument from me there" Lee smiled and followed her mother back to their table.

After settling their bill and having their remaining dinner packaged to take home, the Coleman's left the restaurant with an awkward smiling wave from the old red panda woman at the door.

"What was that about?" Curtis asked his wife, nodding back at the curious interaction with the old woman.

"Oh nothing, she just caught Lee and I having it out by the bathrooms is all" Tess noted before hopping into their van. The drive home was mostly silent, not that Tess minded after all the arguing earlier. Back home it was much the same, just a cursory wishing each other goodnight before everyone went to their separate bedrooms.

"Not tonight honey, I have a headache...we can do that special thing you want tomorrow, okay?" Tess mumbled already half asleep as Curtis cuddled up behind her and began wandering his hands along her form. Though he was disappointed he wouldn't be getting lucky that night, the promise of a special treat the following day did at lease placate him for the moment.

"Probably just as well, have to be up super early to get Lindsay to football practice anyway. Big game tomorrow night," Curtis yawned, suddenly feeling rather tired himself. "Goodnight, love"

"Goodnight...Daddy" Tess teased, squealing a moment later when Curtis reached over to give her behind a firm swat.


Lee awoke first the following morning, bleary eyed and yawning as she reached over to try grab her mobile and check the time; but she must've dropped it during the night as she fumbled around and couldn't find it. Sitting up in bed and stretching with a yawn before slipping out from the covers, her eyes barely open as she stumbled out her room and headed to the bathroom. Grumbling as she walked straight into a wall instead of the door opposite her room, maybe she was more asleep than she'd thought.

With her need to relieve herself she fumbled with her underwear, blinking as she stared down between her feet at the ugly granny panties. She didn't remember putting those on, must have been laundry day and nothing else to wear. Once her bladder had been relieved and was no longer screaming at her, Lee stood up and kicked the ugly underwear into the hamper, soon followed by her long top. Mumbling and scratching behind an ear as she stepped inside the shower, growling as she found the water only warm instead of hot. "Fucking Lindsay...used all the hot water again, goddamn son of a bitch" Lee grumbled as she stood under the warm water and began to wash herself, frowning as she felt her curves felt more pronounced. She'd been meaning to get back to the gym soon, but it looked as though she'd have to go sooner rather than later considering how big her ass and even her tits felt.

Once she'd washed herself as well as she could, feeling more awake now thanks to an only warm shower, Lee huffed into a hand and sniffed her breath, wrinkling her nose as she still smelled the Chinese food from last night. Grabbing her brush from the sink, she loaded up her brush with some of the extra minty crap her brother used after a night of drinking to mask the smell. Scrubbing at her teeth until she could feel the foam forming around her mouth like she had rabies, Lee stood up and wiped a hand across the steamed mirror. At first she thought she was seeing things, staring back at her was her mother's face. Tilting her head to one side and then the other, even pulling a silly face, the reflection did everything she did.

"What the fuuuuck!?" Lee screamed out aloud.

"Honey, what's wrong!" a voice called from the suddenly open doorway, standing staring wide eyed was Lee. "What the shit..." Tess balked as she stood staring at herself wrapped in nothing but a towel with foam all around her muzzle.

"Mom!?" Lee gaped at herself standing staring back at her.

"L...Lee? How...what?" Tess stammered, looking down at herself now in a much younger and slimmer body. Her hands cupping her smaller breasts with a little jiggle.

"Mom, stop touching my tits!" Lee yelped, reaching over to swat her mother's hands away from her breasts.

"Excuse me young lady, you just washed mine!" Tess grumbled, waving her hand across the still wet fur of her body standing before her.

"That's right, phew...thought my ass grew two sizes overnight from all that Chinese" Lee commented.

"Hey! That's my ass you're talking about missy, and your father happens to love it!" Tess growled out.

"Eww, don't remind me" Lee groaned, rolling her eyes at her mother.

After getting dressed and putting on a fresh pot of coffee, Tess and Lee sat down to try figure out what was going on. It didn't take them long to recall the old red panda lady and the fortune cookies, remembering how she'd mimed breaking the cookies and then waved back and forth between Tess and Lee right after.

"You think she switched our bodies somehow?" Lee asked with a frown.

"Must be some ancient Chinese hoodoo or something, I don't know" Tess agreed.

"Well what're we going to do? I can't miss another day of class or I'll fail my course and lose my scholarship!" Lee now in her mother's body whined. "I obviously can't go like this..."

"I'll go, like I said last night, I can handle it. You stay here and use your techno-know-how to try Scooby Doo this shit and get us back to normal" Tess suggested, there wasn't really much else they could do on such short notice.

"Mom, I'm have no idea what it's like there. It's brutal, in ways you can't imagine" Lee said emphatically, knowing her mother was right, but not actually wanting to admit it.

"I'll be fine, just don't leave the house until I get back later. Don't do anything I wouldn't do either!" Tess said sternly, the look almost comical on Lee's young face.

"Sure thing, but you are not dressing yourself. Let's go pick out an outfit that won't embarrass either of us" Lee offered before guiding her mother up to her room to pick out suitable clothing. As they went through her wardrobe, Lee couldn't help but admire herself from the outside. She didn't give herself enough credit it seemed, she was a very pretty and sexy bitch. Nice pert behind, perky breasts with an almost hourglass figure. Even the dark fur with blue eyes was rather fetching, hell if she were gay she'd totally hit on someone that looked like herself.

Finally they settled on a modest mid-thigh length skirt with some high heeled boots that came up to just below her knee. A fashionable cardigan that made her look casual formal and didn't show too much fur while still looking attractive enough. While it was far too conservative for Lee's liking, at least Tess felt comfortable walking around in it.

A few moments later with her mother heading off to the university in her car, Lee stood in the kitchen looking down at the sink full of the morning's dirty dishes. She wasn't normally one to wash up, but seeing as she had nothing else to do, she began running the hot water and cleaning up.

With the radio playing soft music in the background, Lee set to washing up. She supposed it must just be the fact she was in her mom's body that she was actually enjoying washing dishes, her hips and tail swaying in time to the music. Out of nowhere a muzzle appeared over her shoulder and hands slipped up under her top to squeeze over her breasts. A large bulge pressed against her behind under her curled tail as the person behind her growled lustfully.

"I thought she'd never leave, miss me gorgeous?" the canine growled out with a little pinch to Lee's nipples, making her gasp in response.

"Unc...I mean, Jamie!?" Lee squeaked as she suddenly recognized the voice as belonging to her handsome uncle. What was her uncle doing here at this hour, not only that, why the fuck was he feeling up his own sister!? Lee wanted to growl and shout at her uncle, but she'd always had a weird crush on him she constantly had to fight to ignore. He'd always been so kind and caring, a real stand up sort. At least she'd thought so, but now she wasn't so sure. With his hands groping at her breasts before one ventured south and into her pajama pants to cup between her thighs, Lee felt herself becoming unexpectedly aroused. She wanted to tell him to stop, but all that came out was a lewd groan.

"That's my girl..." Jamie growled with a firm bite to her scruff just as he plunged a couple fingers up inside her. His strong hand continued to grope and fondle her breast as his fingers stirred about between her thighs like they had probably done who knew how many times before. Goddamn if her uncle didn't seem to know his way around a pussy better than any man she knew, touching spots she didn't even know existed until with a low howl, Lee felt her climax hit hard. Her knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the sink so hard while her hips bucked and ground into his palm. "Eager this morning, huh?"

Lee knew she should stop this before it went any further, tell him this was wrong, but it was as if her mother's body didn't want to. Or maybe it was just because secretly she was getting to enjoy something very taboo she'd dreamed of so many times since hitting puberty that prevented her from stopping this. With a hungry grin Jamie scooped Lee up and deposited her on the table down between the two coffee mugs she and her mother had been drinking from not a few moments earlier. Kneeling beside the table as he tugged her pajama bottoms down and off before resting her legs over his shoulders, he stared directly at her pussy; well he mothers pussy at any rate.

Lee quickly found out he was even more skilled with his lips and tongue than he was with his fingers. Having to bite down on her hand to stop from crying out as he gripped about her hips and suckled on her clit, moving lower and exploring every micron of her hot little pussylips, down one side and up the other, slowly working his way inwards before delving his long broad tongue inside her to flit and tease against that little patch of nerves just within her tunnel.

"Fuuck..." Lee groaned out in her mother's voice, hands reaching down to grab at her uncles ears as she ground against his muzzle. Her toes flexing and curling constantly as he didn't seem to tire, pushing her inexorably closer and closer to another even more intense climax. If only she could find a guy that was half this good at eating her out, she might marry him; Lee thought to herself as she was rocked by another climax. Whining and panting as Jamie never stopped licking and suckling at her pussy, cleaning her up with a wolfish grin once she finally began to come down from her high.

Slowly her handsome husky uncle stood up between her spread thighs, revealing he'd shed his pants at some point. A hot hard length slapped down against her crotch, making Lee lift her head to stare down at it. "Holy fuck..." was all she could say before Jamie drew his hips back and let the weight of his thickness drag his tip down between her folds. In a practiced move, like he'd done it thousands of times before, Jamie sheathed himself inside his sister in one smooth thrust. Leaning over her and forcing her legs up and to the sides, Lee was surprised by how flexible her mother still was. More so by the intimate and loving kiss she shared with her uncle, it wasn't the mere kiss of a hookup, it was the kiss of long time lovers. A kiss that made her melt and whimper and not just because his hips had started moving, his hot thick cock starting to piston in and out of her needy cunt. Again he brought her to another intense climax, making Lee feel a little guilty for being jealous that her mother got to enjoy this who knew how often while she was lucky to find a guy her age willing to give her just one mediocre orgasm.

Finally Jamie joined her in climax, pulling from her pussy to stand back and stroke himself across the finish line, firing off a surprising amount of his seed across her belly and chest, marking her shirt with his hot and sticky scent all the way up to between her breasts. Lee idly making a mental note to shower and change again later, not sure her dad would appreciate knowing what his wife was doing behind his back.


Tess looked at her daughter's phone at the map she'd drawn up for her of the campus, trying to find her way to her first class. She'd left earlier than usual to make sure she had plenty of time to find her way around, just in case. A faint pressure began to nag at the corners of her conscience as the morning's coffee began to make its way to her bladder. Not wanting to risk an accident before she could find a bathroom later, Tess ducked into one of two wooden doors that looked like they were bathrooms a little down the hallway she was in. Seeing the three normal sized stalls and the special wider one at the end, she knew she was in the right place.

The first stall appeared to have been the victim of a prank, some joker had dropped a cherry bomb down and flushed it which had left it leaking and partially detached from the wall, the door didn't even look like it latched anymore either. At least the second looked surprisingly clean, save for scribbles and graffiti on the walls, plus some ingrate had vandalized the stall walls and cut holes in them. Tess sighed and shook her head at how disrespectful kids were these days, sitting down on the toilet and beginning to relieve herself when the sound of the door opening was heard.

"Well well, it's true. The infamous gloryhole is open for business again!" A voice spoke from outside her stall.

This was the girl's toilet, wasn't it? Tess tried to recall if she'd seen a sign on the door, but realized too late that neither door had been clearly marked. Shit! She was trapped in here with some meathead university students; also what was a gloryhole?

As if to answer her question, a thick ebony shaft clearly belonging to a horse suddenly appeared through the opening on her left. Tess balked and jumped away, only to find a thick red canine cock poking through the opening on her right.

"Best get to sucking or we'll haul you out of there and then everyone will know which slut has been servicing all our cocks all semester" the horse snorted from his stall when she didn't immediately begin pleasuring them.

Surely Lee wasn't the one they were talking about, she wasn't that kind of a girl, was she? Tess wasn't so sure given what she did in her private time, maybe the apple didn't fall far from the tree after all. But even if she wasn't, being exposed as the school slut would be a social death sentence for her daughter that would probably follow her all through her adult life. Gritting her teeth and growling softly, Tess reached up to grasp both cocks, stroking the canine length as she leaned over and began to lap at the equines flared tip. The horse snorted and stomped his hoof in pleasure, bucking his hips against the stall wall and making it rattle a little. Tess quickly getting the idea and opening her maw to let his flesh in between her lips and soon almost down her throat. Goddamn where were studs like this when she was in university, she thought as she began to almost eagerly bob her maw along the thick cock.

"Never mind" she thought a moment later when the horse unloaded in her maw a few moments later, barely lasting a few minutes inside her mouth with her skilled tongue. Perhaps she was just spoiled with her fantastic lovers that she wasn't used to how quick most men were, or maybe she was just that good at sucking dick. With the thick equine cock retreating, Tess turned to the canine member to test her theory.

The thick red length poking through the other hole was probably a wolf of some kind judging by the size, smiling as it reminded her of her husbands. Slowly she began to lick along his tapered tip and back along his shaft, teasing his cock to the sounds of the horse exiting the bathroom. It was just her and the unknown canine now, perfect. Tess could focus on the last boy to try get him off quickly so she could get the hell out of the bathroom and get to her class.

With her lips wrapped about his flesh, she began to bob her warm slick maw eagerly along his cock how her husband normally enjoyed. Almost as if it where him, the young canine also began to try hump into her skilled maw, his thick knot soon appearing through the opening of his stall wall. Tess grinned as it gave her an idea, sinking her maw down over his throbbing length, she snuck her tongue out further to tease at his bulb of flesh while reaching down from above to give it a simulated mating squeeze.

"Oh fuck yes!" a familiar voice growled from the other side of the stall wall as his cock erupted, firing off thick salty ropes of seed against her tongue. Tess froze as the cock twitched inside her maw, her ears perked as she listened to the voice groan in bliss. Swallowing his load down, she pulled off the cock and stared in horror at it.

"Fuck...I'm stuck..." the voice groaned as the canine tried to tug his cock back, but found his knot was preventing him. Tess took the opportunity to quickly exit her stall; her heart dropping into her stomach as she saw the back of Lindsay's head as he was pressed up against the stall wall through the gap in his stall door. At least he was too distracted to notice her leaving, Tess thought.


Lee was still feeling light headed after Uncle Jamie had left, her legs trembling and making it hard for her to climb the stairs to her bedroom to get changed. Panting as she collapsed on the stairs, crawling a little before giving up and just relaxing to try regain her senses. Who knew her handsome and loving uncle could fuck like the Devil? She'd heard the term in cheesy erotica before, but Lee guessed the warm tingling sensation between her thighs is what people were referring to when they talked about a happy pussy.

As if to snap her from her reverie of the mornings interesting events, the doorbell suddenly rang. Lee groaned and got to her feet to go answer, having to hold against the wall as if she were drunk as she made her way over. Upon opening the doorway she was met by the angry face of her aunt, Jamie's wife. Lee had never seen the ewe so mad before as she stormed into the house and slammed the door behind her, gripping the surprised husky by her jaw.

"You fucked him again, didn't you!?" Aunt Jessi shouted, shoving her backwards until she fell onto the stairs.

"What, would never!" Lee tried to protest and pretend like she hadn't just had a marathon fuck-fest with her Uncle...Jessi's husband.

"Don't lie to me bitch, I can smell him on you. You still have his cum on you!" The ewe snarled, wiping her finger through the obvious mess between Lee's breasts before shoving the soiled finger into the husky's mouth. Lee groaned softly at the taste...

"Did you honestly just groan from the taste of my husband's cum?" The ewe's expression changed, looking downright homicidal. Lee found herself flipped over onto her belly on the stairs as Jessi tugged her pajama pants down before starting to lay into her behind. Lee yelped with every harsh spank to her butt, feeling the sting and warmth grow with every blow. But oddly there was a bit of pleasure growing as well, again she felt that growing warmth between her thighs until finally she couldn't contain it and let out a lusty whimper.

Jessi stopped immediately as soon as she heard the lusty whimper, gripping Lee by the hair and yanking her head back to growl into her ear "Filthy canine slut's like you deserve to be punished!" The tone in the usually calm and even shy ewe's voice scared Lee, she'd never heard her aunt so much as raise her voice once while growing up with her. But here was the sweetest women she'd ever met growling and snarling at her, well her mother she supposed. She wasn't aware of the situation, was she?

Lee didn't have much time to contemplate the reality of the situation as unseen behind her, Jessi revealed her surprise for the husky bitch. Lifting her long summer dress up out the way, she revealed a realistic looking canine cock only a little smaller than Jamie's. Her punishment soon turned out to be that fake length being slowly forced in under her tail, Lee whimpering as she clutched at the carpeting of the stairs while Jessi continued to sink the girthy member up her back passage. She'd never done anal before herself, so this was a first for her, but considering how easily the toy made its way deeper inside her guts now, she wondered if her mother wasn't so new to this sort of thing. At least aunty Jessi still cared enough to have pre-lubed that monster she was being fucked with, Lee grunting every time the sheep pulled back a couple of inches, only to thrust back inside her.

"You like that, you dirty little husband stealing bitch?" Jessi growled down at Lee unknowingly, her hips starting to slap and bounce off her behind more rapidly. Lee wanted to say no, but there was a peculiar feeling growing inside herself. The toy hadn't exactly hurt going in, even less so now she was used to it as it thrust in and out of her. Now there was a familiar feeling starting to grow within her, Lee finding herself inexplicably being more turned on by her aunt's cursing and humiliation than anything soon began to whimper and whine. "That's it, dirty bitches cum from being fucked up the ass, don't they?" the ewe hissed with one last buck into the pinned husky. Lee howled out loud as she came once more with the fake toys knot being popped inside her behind. Jessi grinned and leaned back, unsnapping the toy to leave it inside the husky's behind as she climbed a few steps higher and sat down in front of her, lifting her skirt and parting her thighs while guiding the still panting Lee's muzzle to her soaked pussy.

"I wasn't too rough was I? Jamie said you were just in a kinky mood this morning, so I thought this would be a fun change of pace for us" Jessi said with a smile down at a surprised Lee now slowly lapping at her aunt's pussy.


The first couple of classes seemed easy enough to Tess, she'd done similar ones back when she had attended university in her younger days so she already had an understanding of the subject matter. The last class however was confusing as all hell, the professor spoke rather condescendingly to his students, at least the ones he wasn't flirting with so salaciously. Tess was rather surprised as she'd met Professor Bates and his wife before and he'd seemed like a friendly and faithful man, but here in his classroom he seemed anything but. Tess began to understand why Lee was having such a hard time in his class, it certainly didn't help this was the one that her scholarship hinged on either. She could only imagine the pressure this must be putting her daughter under, this alone was a terrible situation to be in and she probably hadn't even experienced half of what her daughter usually did on a daily basis. Perhaps she really did owe her an apology, Tess thought as the class began to filter out; dropping their reports on the Professor's desk as they passed.

Tess was the last to leave, as she placed Lee's paper on the desk the Professor grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving. Instantly Tess's hackles began to raise at the way he was leering at her, the tall handsome horse moving around his desk to stand before her with his hands on her shoulders.

"Miss Coleman, I don't think I need to remind you how much of your grade relies on this paper. Anything below an A minus and you'll fail my class. Are you sure your paper is up to scratch?" Professor Bates asked derisively.

"Yes, of course it is..." Tess replied, she'd read the paper but could only understand bits and pieces of it. Surely Lee knew what she was talking about and should easily manage an A minus?

"Once you walk out that door, there's no turning back. Last chance Miss Coleman, I can help you guarantee that A minus..." he offered, leaving it hanging in the air for her.

Tess wasn't knew to how this worked, she'd had to do similar things back in her day when a Professor seemed intent on failing her for no good reason. At least it was her doing this and not her daughter, not mentally anyway. With a low growl Tess began to slowly lower herself to her knees before the handsome stallion when he shook his head and smirked down at her.

"A blowjob won't cut it this time miss Coleman, this time I expect an even A for an A" The Professor said darkly as he slipped his hand under her skirt, groping at her behind while a finger slipped inside of her underwear and began to rub under her tail at her puckered opening. "Bend over the desk and assume the position..." he commanded.

Tess stood slack jawed as she stared up at Professor Bates, was he really suggesting she take it up under her tail for a passing grade? She wasn't sure if Lee was still a virgin or not, but she was even less sure if her daughter had ever done anything back there with herself let alone anyone else. "Sorry sweetie, it's for your own good" Tess thought to herself as she slowly turned about and leaned over the Professors desk.

"Lift your skirt for me, pull your underwear aside and spread your pretty little ass for me, girl" he ordered rather smugly, licking his lips as Tess did as told. With her skirt bunched up around her waist, she leaned over his desk with her underwear held tugged to one side and her cheeks parted, giving him a clear view of her probably virgin behind. The longer he stood and stared at her, the more self-conscious Tess became.

A little pop sounded behind her, a moment later a thankfully warm liquid began to trickle down between her cheeks and over her exposed tail hole. Tess grunted as the horse dug his fingers under her tail, forcing her resistant opening to stretch and open for him as he worked the lubricant inside her. With how her body was resisting, Tess became convinced this was Lee's first time doing this, she was about to lose her anal virginity to a slimy Professor just to pass his class and keep her scholarship. At least she'd had some experience with anal, using her knowledge of the act, Tess forced herself to relax and soon the horses thick fingers were gliding in and out of her pucker with ease. Not that it was a good thing as soon that meant his cock would replace them.

Sure enough, his fingers withdrew from her behind, only to be replaced with the broad flat crown of his stiff cock. Slowly Professor Bates began to push forward, grinding and huffing as he forced himself deeper and deeper into his student. "Relax Miss Coleman, I'm not even halfway in yet. If you can make it to my medial ring, I'll upgrade that A minus to a straight A..." he mocked as he continued to feed his length under her tail. Even though Tess wasn't an anal virgin, the body she was in sure was most likely. As much as she tried to breathe slow and deep to relax, that was still a fucking thick horse cock rearranging her daughters guts right now. Closing her eyes and whimpering as she felt uncomfortably full, squirming against the desk until finally he stopped pushing and patted her on the back almost soothingly.

"Want to try for an A plus?" Professor Bates asked with a mocking laugh, staring down at her little opening stretched taut around the middle of his thick cock.

"F...fuck no..." Tess whimpered out, making him laugh again.

"Suit yourself, an A it is...and might I say, what an A it is..." He replied with a nicker, reaching down to lightly trace his thumb tip along the edge of her stretched pucker. Tess found herself being almost lifted off her feet from his eager thrusts, feeling like she was being punched in the gut every time he withdrew and thrust back inside, but at least he didn't try go any deeper inside her guts. With any luck he wouldn't last as long as the horse from the stall earlier.

Luck was not with her it seemed, the Professor grunted and snorted over her for a good fifteen minutes at least before he finally unloaded both barrels up her tailpipe. Tess felt ill from being so full, reaching down to make sure her tummy wasn't in fact swelling to the size of a beach ball with how much cum he was pumping inside her. Thankfully her tummy was still flat and taut, it just felt like an obscene amount of cum. Finally the bastard withdrew from her, tucking himself in his pants before reaching for his pen and marking her paper with an A beside her without bothering to read it.

"Thanks..." Tess replied before tugging her underwear back in place and lowering her skirt. A blush touching her cheeks as she heard Professor Bates chuckling to himself as he watched her walk a little stiffly from his classroom, already feeling his cum starting to leak out of her abused behind and soiling her panties.


After Aunt Jessi had helped her clean up the house and left, Lee finally managed to hop into a hot shower. Washing herself thoroughly and soothing her aching muscles, she thought she should probably try have a look online and find out more about what was happening before something else distracted her.

Subconsciously she entered her own room and got dressed in one of her short skirts and tops, running on autopilot as if she were getting ready to head to university. Her mind a million miles away as she headed downstairs to grab her car keys and head out, frowning when she saw the bowl was empty. Sighing and rolling her eyes when she remembered her mother had taken her car to fill in for her in the morning. As she stood at the front door looking at the empty bowl, the door opened again, this time to reveal Curtis Coleman.

"Hi Daddy, you're home early" Lee said reflexively without thinking.

"Oh, you weren't kidding about my special treat. Very good, baby girl" the big wolf grinned, kicking the door shut behind him and dropping his briefcase to one side. Lee squeaked when her father practically pounced her, groping her all over as he kissed her passionately "Even wearing her clothes, you naughty bitch! I love you" he growled and kissed her deeply.

Lee's mind was reeling from this development, she'd never thought of her father in this way, but apparently he had thought of her like this. Oh if only he knew, Lee thought, it seemed her family was anything but ordinary and boring. It turned out he was quite a good kisser too, even managing to take her breath away as he gripped her ass firmly to hoist her thighs about his waist before carrying her upstairs to their bedroom. With every step up the stairs she could feel her father's growing erection rub and grind right against her own dampening pussy. She wasn't sure what would be worse though, her mother sleeping with her own brother, or her fucking her own father, or did this technically not count?

Lee in her mother's body squeaked in surprise as her father tossed her down onto their bed, belly down. Growling as he nipped at the back of her skirt and lifted it up, fingers grabbing the back of her underwear to tug them down. She tremored and shook as her father stared at her bare behind and sex, even though it wasn't actually hers, it still damn well felt like it. Gripping her curly tail in one hand, the other tugged her plump rump cheek aside to get a better look.

"I see Jamie visited today" He chuckled, rubbing his thumb over her still puffy little red abused pucker.

"That was aunt Jessi actually" Lee squeaked out softly, twitching at the touches to her still aching behind.

"Jessi? Well I guess she got revenge for that horse dildo you stuck in her ass last week" Curtis laughed before giving her behind a firm swat.

"Horse" Lee thought to herself, man her family was fucked up. Her thoughts suddenly derailed as a hot thick cock began to sink inside her, even thicker than Uncle Jamie's. Lee groaned out loud and shifted her hips side to side, feeling like she was the one taking a horse dick right then. With his grip on her tail, her father firmly tugged her slowly back down onto his shaft, all the while crooning softly to her and calling her his sweet baby girl. "Do like that, like having Daddy's big thick dick in your little pussy?" he leaned over to growl in her ear.

"Yesss Daddy!" Lee whined as she came hard for him, by now she wasn't sure if it was her mother or her that liked the dirty talk so much. But hot damn if being called a little slut didn't tickle something inside her just right. Curtis snarled and began to hammer down into her, pinning her squirming and writhing form to the bed as he rutted her good and deep, forcing her to climax again and again until her mind went blank with pleasure.


Lee didn't know when she'd passed out or what time her father had left, but by the time she finally regained consciousness it was dark outside. Stumbling her way down to the kitchen, she found herself sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of wine. Or rather her mother in her body, a smile breaking out on her face as she spotted Lee stumbling in.

Tess got up and padded over to the cupboards to retrieve another wine glass, returning to her seat and pouring another to slide over to a confused looking her, or rather Lee in her body.

"If your day has been anything like mine, I think you've more than earned my ass is killing me, well your ass...sorry. But at least you'll be getting that A now" Tess smiled apologetically at her daughter.

"Don't worry, so is yours, so I guess we have more in common than we think" Lee laughed and gratefully accepted the glass of wine from her mother. "I can officially say your life is anything but boring, but it's also given me a new perspective on our family and also the things that I want in a relationship."

"Likewise, you're not exaggerating how brutal school is. It's worse than high school! I'm very proud of you for handling yourself so well through everything that goes on there," Tess said as she reached out to grasp her own hand with a loving squeeze.

"Thanks mom" Lee said honestly, moving over to give herself a tight loving squeeze, just as the house began to tremble and shake much the same way it had back at the restaurant.