Predator becomes Prey - The quiet ones

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#49 of Shorts

It's always the quiet ones you should watch out for...

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

Weird little thought that popped into my head earlier, so before it takes up residence, here is another random smut. :P


Perhaps it was the fact she didn't even so much as look his way the entire time she'd worked there, or the fact she always wore clothing that looked a couple sizes too big; or perhaps it was just because she was a sheep and he was a wolf that Allan found himself hungry for Barbara. The new girl at the office, a plain Jane if ever he'd seen one. She was quiet and timid, far different from the sexy and sultry vixens and other she-wolves on their floor that lusted after the tall, dark and handsome alpha wolf with piercing blue eyes that was Allan Parsons.

He'd tried to strike up a conversation with the quiet ewe a few times, but she'd just smiled politely and kept on with her work, barely giving him a second glance. Was it perhaps his size she found intimidating, or the fact he was a wolf, her natural predator in bygone eras? No, that wasn't it he thought, recalling the look in her eyes, it wasn't fear he saw in them. It was something else, almost as if she were bored and unimpressed by him. But she didn't even know him, he could have any damned woman he wanted! Well almost anyone, the sheep seemed to be immune to his charms which had worn down even the coldest of hearts before.

Allan grumbled and growled to himself, idly stirring his half empty whisky glass and doing his best to ignore the small runt flirting with the tigress behind the bar. Seeing a little mutt like that get the attention of a young beautiful feline so easily and he couldn't even get a homely sheep to look his way, what was the world coming to?

After downing the remainder of his whiskey and tossing a couple dollars onto the counter as payment, Allan made his way outside into the chilly night air. His coat pulled up about his neck and a warm winter hat stopping his ears from freezing off, he started walking down to the corner to hail a cab and head home. Only something white caught his attention from the corner of his eye, turning to get a better look he spotted Barbara. She didn't seem the type to be out this late, especially in this part of town.

With his curiosity getting the better of him, Allan crossed over the street and began to follow her, his curiosity eating him up even more as she ducked down a dark alleyway and then down a flight of stairs to what appeared to be an underground club. Heading down after her, Allan found his way blocked by a large bear wearing a leather harness and a scowl that told him not to try his luck.

"Members and invitation only, pup" The bear growled.

"I'm a friend of Barbara's..." He offered, trying his luck anyway.

"I doubt that" the bear sneered at the wolf.

Allan wasn't drunk enough to push his luck any further, getting a look of the clubs name "The tucked tail" before he returned to the street above and finally hailed a cab to head for home. Now more than ever he was more curious about the ewe and what she was doing in a club like that. There was very little information online about the club he found, the only references he could find alluded to it being some sort of S&M club but nothing more.

This bit of information brought a grin to the wolf's muzzle, perhaps the quiet little sheep enjoyed being dominated by big strong men. He could certainly fulfill that fantasy for her, along with filling a few other things for her in the process. Allan pleasured himself a couple of times to the thought of the mysterious ewe in compromising positions before finally falling asleep.

The following Monday Allan waited patiently for his chance, waiting until he was relatively alone with Barbara before wandering into her cubicle and placing a single slip of paper with the clubs name on it down in front of her. The reaction was immediate, though not quite what he'd expected.

"And?" Barbara almost growled up at him.

"I...uh...well, I know your dirty little secret" Allan said with a grin as he regained his composure.

"Oh really, you think so?" the ewe grinned right back at the big handsome wolf.

"Yes, you're a kinky little sheepy" he persisted.

"You don't know the half of it" Barbara sneered, reaching up to grab Allan's tie and tug him down low enough for her to bite and suckle at his bottom lip.

"I think I want to know more..." He almost whimpered in surprise.

"I don't think you're man enough" the ewe huffed in a bored mocking tone.

"Try me," Allan would not be deterred, this was the most he'd spoken to the ewe since she'd gotten here. He wasn't about to back down now.

"" Barbara smirked and scribbled the word 'Pumpernickel' on a piece of paper and pressed her lips just below it to leave her mark. "This'll get you inside."

It took Allan a moment to understand what she meant, he'd figured they would just go back to her place so she could be his fucktoy for an evening. But it seemed she wanted to meet him somewhere more public. He supposed he couldn't blame her for that, especially in this day and age.


The rest of the week felt like it took forever to reach Friday, even more to Allan's annoyance Barbara returned to her normal self of barely even acknowledging his existence every time he tried to talk to her. Allan resolved to show her who was the boss tonight as he handed over the slip of paper from Barbara to the bear. Barely able to contain a smug grin as the bear raised his brows at the slip before stepping aside and ushering Allan inside.

The club was rather dark with soft Jazz playing, mostly looking vacant with a peculiar layout that looked more akin to a hotel than a club. A narrow passage with an odd number of hallways branching off on either side, but they were too dark for Allan to make out what occurred down there. Again he showed the slip to someone that looked like they worked there, a slender fox wearing nothing but a pair of panties and thigh high stockings; an odd choice for a male Allan thought. But he didn't quite know what went on in this club, perhaps it was just a theme night.

The fox grinned knowingly and pointed Allan towards one of the red doors near the back of the club, apparently Barbara was already inside and waiting for him to arrive. The tall dark wolf smirked, rubbing his hands together as he stood outside the red door, grabbing and twisting the round handle and pushing the door inward before stepping inside and shutting the door behind himself. The room was done up to look like a bedroom with a sturdy four poster bed at the center, strange loops bolted into the frame at random spots. A standing cupboard off to one side and a comfy looking chair on the other. The walls were dark, almost like polished obsidian or black granite, providing a mirror like effect. Sitting at the edge of the bed was Barbara, wearing little more than a smile and a pair of thigh high black latex high heeled boots and a pair of elbow length gloves.

Allan was speechless, the plain Jane ewe had a killer body under her frumpy clothing. A full bust that just begged to be squeezed and an ass that you could bounce a quarter off of. Allan leered at the sheep as he strode on over, his hands reaching out to touch her without permission, when a brief whistle was heard and a sudden pain flared at the top of his right hand.

"I didn't give you permission to touch me, pup" Barbara growled out, smirking as she waved a riding crop threateningly at him.

"Permission...pup...what the fuck, Barbara?" Allan asked in confusion.

"That's Mistress B to you!" she snarled again, smacking Allan with the crop on the thigh and hip in quick succession.

"Ow, fuck! Stop it!" He growled out in frustration.

"Stop it...what?" the ewe persisted, giving him another zing with the crop at the back of his thigh.

"Fuck! I said stop...please?" He tried, thinking she wanted him to be more polite.

"Wrong answer!" Barbara said gleefully as she zapped him again, this time at the inside of his left thigh and dangerously close to his crotch.

"S..stop, please...Mistress?" Allan remembered having read something along those lines years ago. Perhaps that's what the crazy bitch wanted.

"There you go, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" She smiled up at him, placing the crop down beside her on the bed.

"So did you just bring me here to beat the shit out of me...Mistress?" Allan quickly corrected himself as soon as he saw the ewe reaching for her crop again.

"Oh no, there will be pleasure. If, and only if, you do as I say" Barbara almost purred out her words this time, leaning back to rest on her elbows as she parted her thighs to give Allan a clear view of her soft little pink folds. Her full breasts heaving a little with her exaggerated breaths, enticing the hungry wolf to stare as if mesmerized.

"So if I play along, we can have some fun...Mistress?" He corrected himself again, faster this time. A grin starting to spread across his muzzle. If he played her silly little game, he could finally get under her tail it seemed, he was game for anything once he supposed.

"Exactly. Now, strip for me, pup" Barbara commanded with a firm tone.

Allan hesitated only a minute before he began undressing, folding his clothes neatly and placing them in a pile atop the chair beside the bed. Soon he stood naked before the ewe, Barbara grinning as she looked him over from head to foot slowly. Allan knew he was a fine specimen, broad strong chest and shoulders, ripped abs and a nice hefty sheath and balls too.

Barbara purred softly, licking her lips at the sight of the nude wolf, a hand dipping down between her thighs as she began touching herself. Allan's grin grew broader, along with his sheath starting to throb and swell. However as soon as the thick tapered red tip of his rocket slipped free, Barbara scowled and grabbed her whip. Before he could react, in an instant Allan felt the zing right to the side of his sheath and making his dick retreat back inside as he yelped in pain.

"Not until I say so, pup" She threatened, tracing the leather tip of her crop down along his sheath before lightly tapping it against his soft furred sack, making Allan wince and go rigid.

"Yes, Mistress" he growled softly as she continued to rub the crop between and over his balls, back up to his sheath. He hated to admit it, but that did feel kind of nice. At least until she struck the other side of his sheath again when his cock began to swell once more.

"Bad pup, so eager!" she chided him, almost mockingly so. "Eager for release, are we?"

"Yes, Mistress" came his stiff reply.

"Very well then, get on the bed, all fours facing the headboard" she commanded, scooting aside and patting the center of the bed invitingly.

Allan very cautiously climbed up onto the bed as directed, kneeling on all fours for Barbara. "Eyes front!" she growled out aloud as he tried to turn and see what she was doing by the cupboard, quickly turning to face forward before she slapped his balls with the crop again. When she returned, she knelt beside him on the bed, one of her gloved hands now slick with something began to grope and fondle with his sheath as the other reached behind to fondle his heavy balls.

It wasn't quite what he'd had in mind, but he supposed it was at least finally a start of their physical contact. Barbara proved to be rather skilled with her hands as Allan would find out, panting and gasping as she quickly had him at full mast from her slick gloved hand working his achingly hard cock like nothing he'd ever experienced. Already he felt like he was going to cum after only a couple minutes of being jacked off by the ewe, far faster than even his own hands were able to bring him to release. Allan's brow furrowed in confusion as the hand groping at his balls began to wander higher, slick fingers beginning to circled his untouched behind. Of course being an alpha wolf such as he was, Allan's first instinct was to begin growling and tucking his tail down protectively.

"Easy pup, you'll love me" Barbara cooed softly to the growling wolf.

Considering how good she was with just jacking him off, Allan reluctantly believed her. Slowly raising his tail for the ewe as she began working first one and then another slender finger inside him. At first it was a little uncomfortable, but the more she worked her fingers in and out of him, the easier it became. Still he frowned though, he didn't see how this was meant to make what her other hand was doing any better. Then he felt it, her hand swiveled and pressed down, buzzing something inside him that sent a jolt of electricity from his balls to his cocktip. The first jolt took Allan by surprise, not even sure what he felt. Then she did it again, making him yelp softly. By the third and fourth time Allan could hear someone panting like a bitch in heat, as he regained his senses he realized it was him.

Barbara's hand was a blur beneath his belly, his hips bucking into her touch uselessly as she buzzed and toyed with his prostate. With a final howl Allan bucked and humped into nothingness as the ewe released his cock, letting him spill his seed uselessly to the bed beneath him. Allan swore he could feel his testicles ascend from how hard they were bouncing and twitching with every shot of his seed below until finally he collapsed into his own mess and rolled over onto his side, panting heavily. Closing his eyes to the bright lights above, Allan felt dizzy and light headed from cumming so hard.

"Good pup, now for your reward" she said with a smile, rolling Allan onto his back before crawling up to straddle his muzzle. Her fingers reaching down to slide into his fringe before she firmly tugged and forced his lips against her mound. After the climax she had just given him, Allan was only too happy to oblige; he'd need a few minutes to recover anyway before he fucked her.

His broad tongue began lapping across her damp folds, getting his first taste of the ewe. She tasted sweet, intoxicating somehow and kept him diving in for more. Barbara firmly held his snout in place as she ground herself down against him, her other hand reaching behind with her riding crop again to teasingly tap and stroke at the wolf's softening cock, lifting it a little before letting it flop down against his abs.

"That's it pet, make me cum" Barbara groaned out, closing her eyes and looking skyward while grinding roughly down onto Allan's tongue. His lips curling into a grin as he reached up to grab at her behind, seeming as if he were just helping her remain in place. Or so he'd trick her into believing before he ever so gently gripped and spread her cheeks, one of his thumbs slipping beneath her flicking tail to press against and slip inside her little pucker as revenge.

With a loud bleat Barbara opened her eyes wide, quickly pulling his snout away from her pussy and the crop coming down with a firm "Thwap!" right against his exposed cock. Allan yelped and reached down to grab his aching dick, rolling to one side as Barbara climbed off of him and padded over to the cupboard again.

"You want to stick things in butts, do you? I can do that too...misbehaving pets get punished!" she threatened, though to no avail as Allan wasn't paying attention. He was far too focused on his aching dick and the stinging spot from where she'd struck him to notice she was back at the cupboard.

"Hands up above your head, now!" she hissed, the first command he'd heard after the ache on his dick finally began to subside. Without really thinking, Allan did as told and lifted his hands up above his head, only looking to see what she was doing when he felt and heard two distinct metallic clicks. She'd cuffed him! No sooner had he started growling and struggling with the cuffs was she on him again, this time forcing a large rubber ball into his mouth and strapping it in place. Allan's protests muffled as he tugged and yanked on the cuffs to no avail.

Then he felt it, something slick and heavy dragging down along his belly. His eyes going wide in horror as Barbara had donned a strap-on with a cock almost as big as his own. The crazy bitch was slowly working her way back down between his thighs as she guided his knees wide about her waist and lifting them up, the tapered tip dropping down from his large sack to tap right against his slick pucker. "Oh crap..." Allan suddenly thought to himself, she'd already lubed him up and gotten him prepared for this. Sure enough the smirking ewe pressed forward, sinking the first inch or two inside the struggling wolf. Once she had the tip inside, she firmly held onto his thighs and steadily wiggled her way forwards on her knees to push more and more of the toy into his protesting behind.

Allan couldn't believe this was happening, he was being dominated and fucked, by a goddamn sheep! He growled and squirmed, the aching fullness under his tail impossible to ignore. Sure he'd done it to partners before, but they enjoyed it, didn't they? With how his asshole burned from being so stretched, he wasn't so sure anymore. Barbara continued unabated, inching her way closer and closer until something thick bumped against his behind, finally making it down to the knot.

"Good puppy, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" She smiled sweetly down at him, giving a firm buck into him when he didn't respond immediately. Allan reluctantly nodding his head, fearing what she might do if he disagreed. "Very good, then we can continue," the ewe stated before pulling back a couple of inches, slowly stirring her hips and gyrating forward against his behind. Allan winced with every thrust of the strap-on inside him, his tail trying to tuck and protect his butt, but it was too late. There was no eager thrusting how he would've been doing by now if the roles were reversed, instead Barbara kept a slow steady pace of fucking him until he stopped wincing and clenching every time the knot bumped against his stretched opening.

Finally some relief was to be had when her hands released his knees, not wanting to chance further repercussions, Allan made sure to keep his legs lifted. If anything it at least made being fucked by the toy a modicum easier than anything. Barbara's hands found his softening cock once more, her slick fingers beginning to stroke and pleasure him again, to Allan's surprise he felt himself getting harder despite having something up his ass. Her other hand returning to his balls to, groping and squeezing them a bit rougher than he would've liked, just enough to counteract the pleasure of her hand jacking him off he supposed.

It was a painfully slow buildup to pleasure, her hand felt fantastic, but the almost rough squeezing to his balls and the thick toy fucking his ass made sure he didn't reach his peak too soon. But by the time he did, his balls felt like they were going to explode or perhaps even burst into flames. With a muffled howl, Allan finally came and came hard. As if he'd been saving up for a week, his messy white seed arced high over his belly and chest, catching himself on the cheek before more white blotches dotted his chest and belly until once more his cock lay softening against his belly.

Shaking his head, he saw Barbara climbing from the bed and padding over to one of the walls and tapping on an unseen panel. Allan was confused, mostly because he felt the toy still lodged inside himself...beyond the knot. When the fuck did she knot him, he wondered idly. Secondly, what the hell was she doing by the wall?

Lights bloomed from outside the room, revealing dozens of leering and cheering faces staring in at them from rows of seats like some sort of fucked up miniature stadium. Allan's blood ran cold as he realized a bunch of strangers had just watched him get fucked in the ass by Barbara and have the best climax of his damn life as a result. Allan groaned inwardly as he saw the bouncer bear standing to one side, catching his eye while grinning and giving a thumbs up before pointing up at the ceiling.

Allan frowned and squinted, trying to look past the dozens of small lights above. "Oh no...fuck no..." he whined to himself, spotting dozens of small cameras dotted around and capturing the action below from a multitude of cameras.