The Ring of Magi: Prologue

Story by KishFox on SoFurry

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Ring of the Magi


A rainy day, dark clouds rolling in from the mountain range to the east. The young mage stirring from his slumber, yawned and shielded his eyes from the intruding sun shining in through the gaps in his shutters. The red fox, aged 19, swung his legs over the side of his bed and pondered what this day meant for the rest of his life.

"Today," he began, "I leave to take my apprenticeship with Master Sinclair..." he said to himself. "I'll be a Class A apprentice," he continued, his fur standing on end at the implications. "No more bowing my head and deferring to class A mages... No more paying for Class A mages' meals... No more running errands for Class A mages I don't even know. This is going to put me on the fast-track for fame, fortune, glory, and pleasures one can only dream of, and yet, I'm on the verge of attaining it all and more!" he jumped up excitedly, and ran over to his wash basin, splashing some of the charmed water onto his face, awakening himself the rest of the way.

Walking toward his wardrobe, he tripped over an object that was out of its place: a skull from his study. "How odd. How did you get out here?" he asked, picking it up and dusting himself off.

"Sorry, Medomai, but I heard that today you were leaving for your apprenticeship with Master Sinclair, and I had meant to wish you off, but I've strayed to far from the crystals in your desk drawer to sustain myself, and I became too weak to levitate any more," spoke the ethereal voice of his ossified companion.

"Well I really should put you back on your stand, Garth, though I'll be sure to lay some of those crystals about the house so you can keep watch over the place for me, old friend. Expect my return in three years time, after my apprenticeship is complete." Medomai said, patting Garth on the brow.

"And Medomai, do not forget to wear your Black Robe of the Magi when you come back. I'm anxious to see you wearing it. That, and with it you shall surely become the lord of this lush valley."

"Of course, Garth. I'll be sure to do so." , already having replaced Garth to his rightful pedestal, Medomai had put his plain blue robe, signifying his rank as a journeyman Class B mage. As skilled a magister he was, Medomai still required to take the apprenticeship of a Class A Master in order to attain class A status. This is an unusual happening, as a mage's class is predetermined at birth, based on the rate of flow of the various magickal energies through him or her.

Pulling his hood up, Medomai stepped out into the rain, the robe's enchantments deflecting the drops inches from the fox's body. He mounted his horse, checked his saddlebags, and took the reigns in paw before kicking the horse into a steady walk. He looks back at his humble home, a simple Valley-style cottage, overlooking the rest of the valley from its mountain-side foundation. "Goodbye, Hero's Valley, I'll see you when I'm a better person." he sighed and set his course for Leilan City.

(a few weeks later)

The rain had since long stopped, leaving a fresh-earthen scent on the air. The fox-mage was very excited to see the capital city of Leilan City in the distance. As he approached the gates, he gazed up at the massive, magickally crafted pillars and struts, purely for show, and sighed. "Such amazing architecture... I've heard of the artwork done by Leilan Mages, but never have I dreamed I'd see it in person. It's better than I could have imagined!"

He got closer to the gate, noticing a posted sentry. The guard signaled for him to halt, and walked over to him. "Identification please."

A few minutes of shuffling and searching later, Medomai found his Mage's College badge and his travel permits and presented them to the wolf. "Here you are sir, I hope everything is in order."

"Class B, Journeyman Mage Medomai of Hero's Valley. No surname?" He asked, following protocol, and his own curiosity. "Mages are strange people."

If he was offended, Medomai didn't show it. "Yes, we are rather curious folk, but the name is for safety. We're required to forget our birth names, and adopt a new mage-name to protect ourselves from maleficars."

"Ahh yes, so I've heard truly. Why is that, might I ask?" Probed the guard.

Smirking, Medomai stated "it's because... names have power."

"Power? What power could a -name- have?" he asked, skeptical.

"You see, knowing someone's name can give a mage control over that person's destiny. It's the same as using the symbiant name, or 'magickal name', of an inanimate object. Stone, for example, has the symbiant name of Tacht'n. This name is linked directly to The Existence, the unified essence of all things, live or not. People lack this direct link innately, and it is given to them at birth. We're unique in that way, since each species of animal has its own symbiant name." Medomai paused, "I guess, with a birth name you could bend and form someone to your own will, as one would with a symbiant name, say for stone. Mason-mages use this art to create things like these pillars with a simple incantation, though the skill and art of being a mage comes from how the mage forms the flow of magick as he works the spell. This is why, even with knowledge of symbiant names and what not, commonfolk like yourself cannot use magick. Pardon if the term 'commonfolk' offends."

"Not at all, mage, though this is rather confusing. I'll have to study this myself on my own time. And by the way, what's your business here in Leilan City?" he asked.

"I'm to take up a rare re-apprenticeship with Master Sinclair. I apparently scored very well on my re-evaluation of my magickal flow, and am eligible for reclassing."

"Oh you mean the 'wacky wizard' Sinclair of the Ring of Magi?" the guard looked, puzzled. "And you're happy about it?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" asked Medomai.

"His last student was driven mad, and he ran off to the waterfront district way on the south side of Leilan. He joined a brothel and became a whore. Folks were saying he was Sinclair's most promising student, but lost his marbles." The guard shook his head and rubbed his lupine eyes.

"I see..." Medomai considered. "I'll be careful, I'd have to already be mad to pass up on a chance to be reclassed. I'm sorry, but I must meet with one of Sinclair's subordinates later today, and I really need to bathe."

"Ah of course. If you ever need any assistance, ask any of the guards you'll see for Captain Blitz. All of the security force knows me, and will help you get to me if needed. He handed back the fox's papers and finished with, "now get out of here, and please take care of yourself. I'd hate to see such a fine young fox as you end up like that."

Blushing slightly, Medomai nodded. "I will, thank you." With that, Medomai continued on his way, over the legendary floating Bespelled Bridge to his future.

Around the World with Stand-Still Paws --WIP--

Chap 1: Gearing Up So here we are, my mate Damian packing his things while I brush my headfur. Our current location is somewhere in rural Ohio. The ranks of corn, in formation and such, has grown a bit redundant, and we're seeking haven somewhere...

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My Daydream

A waking memory of things unseen, fantastic adventure, no where gone. A living picture of rhymes and games, characters and people, possessing no names. Flying through the air, not leaving the sofa. Traveling through space, without lifting...

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