Where We Left Off pt. 3

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#3 of Where We Left Off

Gideon's words strike a chord with Travis and the two of them get rather close out by the creek.


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"They're lucky to have you, Trav. And so am I."

The ferret gasped upon hearing those heartfelt words and that feeling came over him again, the very same that overcame him that night. He was already leaning forwards and touched his lips to Gideon's. There was a moment of surprise like before but the fox had gotten over it rather quickly, holding his friend tighter and returning the kiss.

Their lips pressed together and shivers ran through the both of them. Still submerged in the cool water, soft moans came from the pair of friends. Things progressed further with Gideon slipping his tongue out and into Travis' muzzle. This certainly caught the smaller mammal off guard but it was embraced and returned with the addition of another tongue.

Their evolved kiss was a bit awkward but neither of them stopped, sharing the warmth and feeling of thrill that raced along their spines. Travis' hums grew louder as he eased in further to the kiss. The taste of another male spread on his tongue and it was rousing his lust yet again. He could feel it, as their bodies were pressed together, unable to resist the urge to grind himself against his friend.

From Gideon's perspective there was nothing but comfort and warmth. It took his mind a bit of time to process what had happened but when catching up, the fox was certain that he would melt right then and there, savoring the taste of Travis' mouth on his tongue. Shivers continued to race through him as he ran his own paws up and down the blackfoot's back, running his blunted claws through the wet fur.

Just as he was getting into it, there was something poking at his body. It didn't take much thinking to figure out what it was. An unseen blush spread over his muzzle, sending tingles through him as well. He could feel his own shaft rising from its confines, poking at Travis in return, grinding along the thigh before sitting between both of the ferret's legs. A small muffled gasp that came made it clear that Travis was very aware of his friend's erect shaft.

"G-Gid..." Travis said softly when pulling away from the kiss. He was now in that mood again, being certain of what he wanted to do. And from the shaft idly twitching against his sack, it was pretty safe to assume that Gideon felt the same. The fox nodded and held a bit tighter to his friend, heaving himself up and out of the water. A short walk brought the two of them back to the soft grass that kept the area hidden.

Gideon laid down on it with Travis still on top of him, being in the same position as before but in a new setting. He finally let go and Travis proceeded to ease himself down the fox's body, their wet bodies grinding against each other, causing the bigger mammal to sigh from the excitement and warmth that trailed downwards.

This would be his first time doing this, but he was certain enough and knew that Gideon would be patient with him. Sliding all the way down, Travis finally came to rest between his friend's legs. Now it was right in front of him, he slid his paws in to graze his fingers along the spread sheath, reaching low enough to cradle the orange furred balls underneath. Despite the sopping state of their pelts, they managed to be warm against his palms. Rubbing them a bit got a small jerk and low noise out of Gideon, paired with the twitch of his shaft.

"Heh. I guess you liked that, huh?" Travis asked in a teasing voice.

"Yeah, I did. Do you...wanna keep going?" Gideon asked, looking his friend in the eyes.

A nod was given in response and Travis reached higher to grip the length directly, feeling it jerk and pulse directly in his paw.

"Ah... A-alright. But don't think ya gotta do it. If you wanna back out at any moment I won't be mad at ya."

"Thanks, Gid."

Taking a deep breath and gathering some nerve, Travis moved his paws along to get a good feel of it. Small sounds came from his friend, reacting to the grazes and light squeezes that were done to his length. Despite this being their second time, Travis couldn't actually recollect what his friend looked like down below. In his grip was what he had to guess, maybe four or five inches, a good portion coming from the obvious knot that ended the red length of flesh. The veined bulb managed to hold his attention, he himself having nothing like that. In comparison, the ferret's own shaft was lengthier and consistent in girth up until the tip.

Drawing in another breath to steady himself, Travis just went for it; leaning in and touching his lips to it. This was followed up with a light lick being given just at the knot's start and upwards until reaching the tip, getting a taste of what had to be precum. The salty fluid smeared along his tongue, giving him a full taste of male. It wasn't bad and he dared to lean back in and do it again, this time lingering on the leaking opening a bit, doing his best to keep his tongue curling at the spot. The videos made it seem too simple.

Either way, Gideon was clearly pleased with this act, moaning without restraint. He was surprised by the licks being given to his shaft then tip but the warmth and soft touches to the sensitive spots got him to relax in an instant, instead groaning lightly from the waves of pleasure that were radiating from his stimulated foxhood. "Mmm... T-that's good... Really good..."

A small blush spread across the other mammal's muzzle. This encouraged him to continue, still giving attention to just the tip led into him gingerly touching his lips to it and spreading them around the flesh as he pushed himself down, feeling the hot flesh roll over his tongue.

Gideon watched and felt the hot mouth filling itself with his cock, being surrounded by a slick heat and the grinds of the still moving tongue. That was more than enough to keep him moaning, lying back on the flattened grass while the ferret just did his thing.

Exploring with his mouth, Travis eased down until he reached his limit, being just a bit short of the knot. It was safe to assume he wasn't going to be stuffing that into his maw anytime soon anyways. Working with what he could reach, Travis recalled the motions made by those on his laptop screen, lifting his head up while being wary of his teeth. All the while, the sounds and squirm from the bigger mammal kept assurance that he was doing a good job.

When reaching the tip, some special attention was given to it, flicking his tongue tip to draw out more beads of precum. In a small amount of time, Travis had grown rather fond of the flavor and texture, humming his delight as he felt it coating his taste buds. After a bit more of gingerly moving his head up and down, the ferret was able to get the hang of it, enough to begin bobbing his head up and down without breaking the stride. Huffing through his nose, Travis continued to explore and feel around with his tongue, getting it coated in even more precum.

In his ears were the moans that Gideon made the whole way through, starting out deep at first they were becoming softer and breathier, now being paired with whimpers and hisses made through clenched teeth. These were first thought to be pained reactions but so far there were no direct words about this, not being told to ease up or even stop.

The fox was riding out the pleasure best he could. Though the inexperience could be felt, it was still a good blowjob. Making up for just pure stimulation was the emotional excitement in doing this with Travis specifically, knowing that they were able to trust each other to this degree.

He reached a paw down to caress the fur between Travis' ears. A small sound came in response and more bobs were given, enough to make Gideon wince and grit his fangs. "Mmpf... I'm just about at my limit, Trav..."

Nodding as best he could, the ferret proceeded with the knowledge that his friend was close. Having already gotten a taste of pre, a strange kind of excitement came from knowing that something even hotter and thicker was about to come. He worked his tongue along while sailing up and down, his ears flicking as they picked up the intensifying sounds of pleasure, becoming more fervent the closer Gideon got.

With just a few more rounds, the fox groaned and shook against the grass, being overcome by a rush of intense pleasure. It was evident by his yelp and the hard spasms of his shaft; Travis could feel the first rope of cum splatter against the roof of his mouth, and the next coated his tongue directly, giving him a full taste of fox spunk. His own moan of delight came as he took in the taste and began to swallow. It just felt right and it was only after feeling the warmth gliding down his throat did he feel a bit odd. But since he had already started, Travis continued to drink down the next few rounds of seed that came to mark his muzzle's interior. Gideon was panting and clutching at the grass the entire time, clearly in a state of bliss.

When it was all over, Travis gulped one last time and slowly pulled his mouth away, leaving the twitching shaft wet with a mix of saliva and leftover seed.

"Ho man..." Gideon groaned. He took a moment to catch his breath then smiled. "That was real good. Guess you got some sort of natural talent."

Travis chuckled as well and eased back enough to draw attention to his own cock, being left to throb and dribble with obvious need.

"But what about you?"

"Oh I uh..."

Gideon then perked up. "Ah, I got it. Here..." He grunted as he turned to his side, moving a leg and his tail out of the way to draw attention to his rump. A paw moved there and gripped on his cheeks, spreading it and exposing the hole usually hidden from view. "I think it's only fair."

Gulping at the sight, Travis felt his cock throb hard and the feeling of need flared up within him. He took a step forward and that seemed to be enough confirmation. Gideon was already acting, smearing the glaze of fluids from his shaft onto his paw. Once it was nice and slick, he treated his friend to the sight of his fingers gingerly making contact with his tailhole, smearing the substance over the untouched opening.

A small grunt came from him when using that slickness to push inside. It was a new kind of feeling and it caught the vulpine off guard. As a digit slid its way in, he made a small whine from the mix of discomfort and pleasure that came from being penetrated by something for the first time. But he slowly and surely got himself prepped, able to slip in another. Travis watched all of this happen just in front of him and felt as if he was going to melt. His body was searing hot and his shaft just kept bouncing and throbbing intensely.

"Almost ready..." Gideon huffed, feeling his body heating up from the pleasure he felt. He was just making sure that his insides were ready for it all, but that required him making contact with his own walls, shivers and making small sounds from the feelings that raced through him, much to his own surprise. When he removed them, the fox presented himself to Travis, his tail out of the way and the awaiting hole being slightly open and winking.

"Go ahead. Have at it," Gideon prompted.

Travis gulped but felt compelled to approach, his lust having risen to a fever pitch. Just looking at the vulpine's rather plump red furred rump was enough to make his heart skip a beat. He got on his knees and positioned himself, lifting a leg up while his tip was lined up with the soft entrance. Before pushing in, a bit more lube was given from him spitting down on his tip. Hoping that would be enough, the easing forward of the ferret's tip began to push the tip inside.

The tip breached the rim and was soon sliding along the hot and squeezing walls. This being the fox's first time, he was rather tight and got an immediate hold on the invading cock. Travis all but melted from the pleasure, eyes fluttering and a shuddery moan leaving him.

"Ooaah... Gid... Damn, you feel good..." Gritting his fangs, he had to resist the urge to just roughly buck his hips and jam the rest of himself inside. Though Gideon was bigger, the ferret held himself back for the sake of not hurting his friend.

On the other mammal's end, there was another pinch from having his hole being spread but it was short lived, giving way to an even stronger form of pleasure that had been born by his fingers prodding around in there. Travis was just inserting himself but feeling the hot flesh gliding along his extra sensitive walls was enough to get him moaning again. He felt no shame in being penetrated, rather a sheer thrill from the new feelings that were being discovered.

They both made noises as Travis bottomed out, finally sinking all of his cock inside and keeping it there so they could both adjust to the new sensations. The tight hole caressed his shaft, already working to milk out ropes of precum that helped to make things slicker and easier to work with.

"A-alright... Here we go..."

Travis began to rock his lower half, moaning out as he felt the wet walls keeping themselves pressed to his sensitive flesh. It was so warm and so tight. When sliding out the only thing left for him to do was push back in, pumping his cock back into the snug confines, unable to hold back a soft 'dooking' sound.

Gideon was a bit surprised but found the noise rather cute. At the same time, a deep gasp was forced out of him, having his prostate being pressed down on by the ferret's fully hilted cock. Along with the filling sensation, there was a rise of heat from the precum being smeared along his twitching borders. These worked together to get his own cock to rise again, pulsing and leaking from the stimulation to the button.

"Aah! Yeah, this is...real good!" Gideon panted, admitting how he felt from being penetrated. He never expected to have so much enjoyment from being on the receiving end but having those special spots being hit made him moan and twitch without end.

"Y-yeah... God, you're so tight, Gid..." Travis grunted and allowed himself to put more force into his next thrust, barreling his dick through the softness. It was becoming even slicker and hotter, giving him even more pleasure upon every rock back and forth of his hips. The sudden extra power had gotten a yip out of Gideon as well but the expression on his face made it clear the stronger hump and deeper press to the sweet spots made the length of his tongue loll.

"D-damn. Yer really doin' me in..." Gideon said, giving a whine from another strong hit from within. "...Who knew you were a little stud?"

"Oh man... D-don't say things like that..." the ferret blushed, feeling a sudden rise in pleasure. He put focus into the rounds, making stronger pumps with his hips, enough to make an audible thump when his pelvis connected with the soft furry mounds. His free paw gave one of them a squeeze, shivering from the lustful thrill that raced through him.

Feeling the limit approaching, Travis decided to give all he could and finish strong. Keeping the grip, a series of stronger hips were given, using his cock to beat down on the soft walls. This caused him to moan louder as well, feeling a heavy rise of pleasure overtaking.

"Ooah! T-Trav! You're... Just k-keep doing that!" Gideon moaned, crying out into the open countryside, panting even harder than before and leaking precum onto his own leg, being steadily milked from the relentless contact to his prostate.

"Mmm! I can feel you squeezing! Keep doing that!" Travis huffed. He was spurred on by now only how good it felt but also his innermost instincts. A huff came from him, sounding a bit deep and he tapped into the more aggressive side of him, being a given from his predator roots.

"I'm almost there! Just a bit more..! Squeeze harder! Just one more time so I can... Aauugh!" Gideon did as requested and clenched down on the throbbing shaft, feeling it pulse hard for a final time before feeling hot strings of cum filling up his tailhole.

Travis was no longer talking, making more of those sounds as he came hard inside of the tight passage that worked to milk out his cum. A near overwhelming rush of bliss came over him to the point that there was a moment of lightheadedness. Gideon was groaning out alongside him, feeling his insides being painted and filled with a hot load for the first time. The feeling was better than expected and he was glad to bring his friend to a strong release.

"Ahh... That was...something else..." Travis panted, still coming down from his strongest orgasm yet. "Was I too much?"

"No...you were great. I didn't think getting pounded could feel so good. No wonder they make all that noise," Gideon commented, his eyes widening upon realizing his own outing. When coming to terms about how he felt about that day, the fox had been curious enough to watch some videos featuring just males.

"Gid, did you really-"

"Well, I was curious..." Gideon blushed but upon clearing his throat a smile came to his muzzle again. "But it was much better than I thought."

Slowly, the ferret pulled his cock free from the soft and wet confines. They pair of friends shared soft moans and a grunt as the tip finally popped free from the spread rim. Another whimper came from the fox as he felt the length leaving his rim spread even wider than before, dribbling out the warm load. It was a strange feeling but it wasn't bad, leaving the vulpine to let out a relaxed sigh.

Travis was taking a moment to come down from the strong bliss that overcame him. Panting hard and looking at his own seed oozing from the freshly used tailhole, a sense of pride came over him.

"Uh, what was it like?" he asked curiously. He too had watched some videos featuring just guys. The reaction of those being penetrated, it was hot but also made him curious. Pushing his cock into Gideon's hole was an incredible experience and with it being over, he felt more confident. Confident enough to consider lifting his own tail. "I mean... You wanna try being the one on top this time?"

From his relaxed state, the fox perked up and looked both curious and excited, his renewed erection twitching and dribbling. "Ah, Travis... That's uh...quite an offer. Uh, you sure yer ready?"

"Sure enough," Travis nodded, feeling his body tingle with renewed excitement.

"Uh, alright. This'll be my first time so I might now get it right the first time," Gideon warned, his voice being a bit shaky.

"It's not that hard, Gid. You're just feeling nervous. It's alright. We'll just take things slow." Though he was usually the more gung-ho out of them, there were times when Gideon would be clearly hesitant or nervous about doing something or going to some place for the first time. The signs were easy enough for the lifelong friend to recognize and he gave a reassuring smile. It was clear to him that Gideon was more concerned about hurting him, most likely due to their differences in size. But the length between the fox's length was about the same as his own when taking away the knot. The only glaring issue would be the girth that the fox packed.

Gideon nodded and took his best friend's words to heart, agreeing to take things slow to make sure nothing bad would happen. An idea came to mind, being based on something else he saw in one of those videos. About a month ago it would have been something he would have protested vehemently, but a lot had changed since then and for Travis he was willing to try it out.

"Okay. Can you lie down on your back?" he asked. Just as soon as he asked, the ferret was getting low and doing as suggested, clearly putting a world of trust into his friend. Gideon eased up and rolled over, practically crawling towards the smaller mammal. When close his paws gripped each of the ferret's legs, lifting them up until the hole just underneath Travis' tail could be seen. Just like in those videos...

"Just let me know it's too much," the fox advised before leaning in.

Travis had agreed just before he felt something new. His eyes widened when feeling something warm and wet making contact with his hole, but it wasn't the tip of the fox's cock. Even without looking down, the ferret could tell it was a pair of soft lips making contact with his tailhole and right after was the slow drag of the fox's broad and lengthy tongue.

An immediate moan came from him, having his entrance being run over by the hot and wet texture of Gideon's tongue. Hard shivers raced through him, being seen in the form of him trembling. One after the other, Gideon was giving lick after lick over the twitching hole. The feelings that came from this were getting stronger, having more pressure being done onto him until it began to spread his rim for the first time as well. Gideon was still acting carefully but used more force when easing his tongue inside, making contact with the soft walls lying in wait.

More sounds of pleasure spilled from the ferret, arching his back when feeling more of the tongue feeding its way inside. It was already lapping and twirling at his walls, sending shocks of pleasure through him in an entirely new way.

While still holding on, Gideon was enjoying the simple flicks and drags of his tongue along the twitching walls. A light taste met him, but what kept him going was the overall reaction that came from his best friend, clearly enjoying himself. He dared to put more effort into each lick, doing so to both stretch and lube the hole for what was to come. There was some enjoyment on his end as well, finding comfort in the simple motions of rolling the length of his tongue within the soft passage, steadily reaching further along and deeper with each round.

At the same time, there was a grip kept on his shaft. Small muffled sounds came from Gideon as he lightly pawed himself, coaxing more and more precum from his tip. When enough of it was collected, the substance was smeared over his inches. This was all done to provide even more lube for the actual entry. He didn't want to take the chance of hurting Travis, taking extra precautions despite the ferret's reassurance.

He was actually very focused while rimming the previously unbreached hole. Saliva was slathering every surface at this point and Gideon's tongue was leaving no spot untouched, rubbing in every direction; going up and down, back and forth, and even returning to previously licked spots to make certain. All the while, Travis was panting and groaning, feeling shocks of pleasure racing through him, especially when certain spots within him were touched and licked. He could only guess that Gideon's exploring tongue managed to find his prostate.

It wasn't until he felt completely sure did Gideon finally pull his tongue free. When the length muscle exited completely, a small gasp came from Travis, his hole left winking from the empty feeling. With no stimulation to overpower the sensation, the ferret would feel how absolutely wet his ass felt now, being maybe overly lubed with slick saliva.

Gideon took a bit of time to pump at his cock, smearing more of his precum along every inch, again being thorough in his methods. When finally ready, the fox eased in, aligning his body with Travis', including the first prod of his pointed cocktip to the already slathered and stretched hole.

"Here it comes..." he announced, his voice carrying a mix of concern and excitement. A nod was given in response and the fox proceeded.

A small poke was given and right after came an actual push. Gideon's weight shifted as he began to ease his cock inside of the no doubt tight ferret hole. His tip was getting the rim to spread around it, allowing him entry. An unexpected moan came from himself as his precum-coated cock made first contact with the spit-glazed walls. As it was Travis' first time doing something like this, the hold that came down on Gideon's shaft was rather snug. More inches came in to spread his rim wider and grind along his walls, the both of them were moaning huffing from their shared sensations.

Carefully, every inch was eventually pushed inside, held in place while being hugged down on from every angle. Gideon was already panting from the insertion, having slid his cock along an immensely soft and warm hold. Despite how tight it all was, it was rather easy to pull back. Reeling back, the fox watched his own cock coming into view, stopping just at the tip before pushing back in, this time with a bit more force. Travis raised his voice from almost all of it, filling the empty space once more, a spike of pleasure coming from it.

Now being the one on the bottom, Travis quickly understood the appeal. He could feel himself being filled and even stretched a bit more from the foxhood that was starting to develop a stride, pushing in before pulling back out. The motions were becoming smoother and the pause in between was becoming less and less.

There weren't words he could find to describe what he felt, so Travis just moaned louder, tilting his head back as the hot meat put pressure on his walls, rubbing and smearing warm precum along. With every thrust, he could also hear the noises that came from Gideon, being clear sounds of pleasure. Now the thrusting was smooth and perpetual, running the shaft along inside of him over and over.

The ferret's bobbing cock could be seen: fully engorged and leaking fluids once more. Despite the big load that Travis let off inside of the fox, there was still a heavy rise of lust and excitement. The steady dripping of pre was proof that his loins still had more to give, even if it was just a bit more. Gideon's cock rolling and striking that spot, hitting and running right over his prostate, it was milking out the fluid with each thrust.

"Hehe. You're so cute..." Gideon smiled, leaning down to kiss at the ferret's chest.

"Gid..." Travis couldn't help but giggle. Gideon gave licks to the area while gripping his legs a bit tighter. A harder thrust came that forced out another one of those 'dooks.' It was more than expected but he loved it, having been stretched out enough to take all except for the knot, the thick bulb of flesh was left to smack against his rim with every plunge of the deep red inches.

His hands raised to cover the hard blush that was showing through fur. Being called cute by Gideon was something that had to be processed and even then Travis was going through so many responses at once. A chuckle from his friend could be heard, clearly amused by his friend's reaction.

"C-come on. Push it in deeper," Travis encouraged, wanting to distract from his embarrassed state. "Faster, Gid..." He instead voiced his inner desires and called for more, clearly to the fox's surprise.

Nodding, the vulpine put more effort into his rutting, groaning louder from penetrating the even tighter depths. The knot could be heard smacking into the wet entrance and Travis' moans were getting louder as well, arching his back and finally reaching down to grip and tug at his own cock, having the clear fluid dribbling from the tip being smeared along by his fingers. In time with the intensified humps, his paw pumped up and down his throbbing cock, sending near immeasurable pleasure through him.

Gideon eased up and tilted his head back, gritting his fangs and huffing deeply through them. He was getting close, and was spurred on by the primal need to reach a strong climax. Travis' hole was still gripping and squeezing down on his moving cock, keeping the pleasure strong the entire way through.

"Hoo... Trav...I'm almost there..." the fox moaned, fighting back the urge to drive his knot into the tight hole. In its current state he doubted it would even fit inside. The bulb was pulsing hard, the veins swelling with blood. Travis mumbled something in response, eyes rolling as he jerked himself harder.

The ferret came first, shaking as he shot ropes of his climax onto his own belly and lower chest fur, panting hard as he rode out another strong orgasm. Right after, Gideon slammed his knot to the ferret's rim for the final time before snarling and feeling his cock pouring a fat load into the snug hole that worked to milk out the thick ropes of fox cum.

When the two of them came down from their climaxes, they were left panting and lying side by side on the soft grass.

"You were amazing, Gid." He lay still nude, looking up at the clouds floating by above them.

"Mmm... So were you. It wasn't too much was it?" the fox asked.

"I'm fine. Really," Travis chuckled, turning over to plant a kiss on the bigger mammal's muzzle.

The two of them just stayed close, looking up at the sky and basking in the presence of each other. They were both content and wore small smiles. Without saying anything, the fox found the ferret's paw, taking it into his own and holding it.

"I love ya, Trav."

"I love you too, Gid."