Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.19 - Dark Invitation, Recovery

Story by Angelonight on SoFurry

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#2 of Final Fantasy X-Treme

Ch.19 Dark Invitation, Recovery

Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy Characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square-Enix. Everything else is me and my friends.

_ ***WARNING*** This chapter contains two scenes of implied sex and one scene of acctual sex. Please if you are under the age of concent in your state walk away now. You have been warned. _

AN: This chapter contains my first ever Lemon, I worte it 3 years ago.

Xiedie's Castle

Sephiroth made his way through the halls of her dark majesties castle. Every where he went servants, living and dead, hurried to get out of his way. Were any one to try to walk with him they would be running, he was moving just that fast. Dark residue, residual effects of dark Myst flowing through the whole castle, dripped down the wall like blood from a fresh wound. Every once in a while something would squish under Sephiroths boot. He didn't slow down to see what it was.

As Sephiroth approached Xiedies personal chambers two of her robed henchmen crossed their pikes to prevent him from getting to the massive double doors. Sephiroths eyebrow furrowed ever so slightly showing his annoyance, other than that Sephiroth did not break stride.

"Sin Harvest."

The explosion left the walls further blackened, and the guards fell. With another slight look of disgust Sephiroth turned the double doors into tooth picks.


Sephiroth stormed into Xiedies personal chambers. He didn't bother looking into the living chambers or the sitting area, he stormed right into her personal lab just in time to witness the final phases of her taking possession of another body. He watched as the unfortunate victim thrashed around on the ground in its final death spasms before suddenly stopping all movements. Slowly the body rose to its feet as if on an invisible cushion of air. He watched as the lithe body stood there, head hung as its long dark hair turned various shades of purple and skimpy almost see through black cloth enshrouded it.

"Sephiroth, your rudeness is steadily reaching the level of John Onikage's."

Sephiroth said nothing as he waited for her to look at him. When she finally did it was with almond-shaped eyes that were blood-red. Still Sephiroth did not flinch.

"Did you hear me, Sephiroth? Your presence is not required or wanted! Now leave before I return you to abyss that I pulled you from!"

"Go for it." Was Sephiroths only response.

Xiedies anger flared as she reached out to swat Sephiroth aside like a fly. She was openly shocked when only the tails of his long coat moved.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Your master has yet again chosen an inadequate body for you to inhabit. That and your powers are taking longer to manifest themselves in this new body."

Xiedie continued to glare up at the stone faced Sephiroth.

"How do you come by your information?"

Sephiroth said nothing.

"Never mind I'm sure I really don't want to know."

With a flourish of her hand five of her robbed servants materialized out of nothingness. With another flourish five pieces of parchment also appeared in mid-air. With her right hand she started to make motions like she was writing. Sephiroth noted that while she was doing this, writing was actually appearing on the parchments. When she was finished she made a twisting motion followed by a twirling motion. The five pieces of parchment turned sideways and rolled themselves up. Xiedie gave a snap of her finger and a black ribbon bound each scroll and was sealed with a drop of black wax that had an arcane mark on it. With a stabbing motion the scrolls flew at their respective hooded figure. Each figure accepted their scroll, and with a bow evaporated.

And still Sephiroth did not move. He stood there and watched the whole thing go down. He watched silently as the figures appeared, and then disappeared. The black Myst used to transport them hung on the ground like fog for a few seconds and then it to left.

"Was there something you needed Sephiroth?"

"No, I was just making sure you were getting along fine in your new body."

"Is that all?"

"No, your recent actions have left me to wonder if you even know what you are doing anymore your self. You have carelessly thrown away two of your biggest assets, and for what."

Xiedie had just about enough of Sephiroth and it was beginning to show.

"My plans are for me to know, and I'll share them with you when I see it fit. Never forget Sephiroth it is I that brought you back. And I will not hesitate to feed you to Odin's champions if I see fit."

The queen of darkness and the One winged Angel stood there glaring each other down, neither one willing to look away first. It was Xiedie that turned away first and made her way to her personal quarters.

"Now leave me Sephiroth, I need my rest. Go and await my further instructions."

Sephiroth gave a mocking bow and turned to leave.

"I would plan your next step very carefully, Mistress. Your Sin is becoming great, and very soon you will not be able to contain it."

With that Sephiroth left, Xiedie to her dark thoughts and even darker powers.

Vana'diel, the Grand Duchy of Jeuno

Odogg and Kazzuko raced through the port of Jeuno trying to get to the great stair case that spanned from the upper reaches of Jeuno all the way down to the mouth of the cave that lead to Quafim Island.

Odogg almost lost his footing as he got to the guiding stone pointing down the stair case and suddenly had to dodge a Taru. He could still hear the little mage bitching at him as him and Kazz took the stares three or more at a time.

Reaching the bottom of the stair case He almost lost his footing again and went head first into a wall. Recovering quickly the two warriors rushed headlong down the cave, avoiding as many mobs as they could, and running from the rest. As they approached the opposite end of the cave they spotted the person they had been looking for. Leo the Dragon turned around as he heard the two of them approaching. Before Leo could ask either of them anything Kazz thrust a scroll into his hand.

Confused Leo broke the black seal and removed the ribbon. Unraveling the scroll he read it quickly, his expression rapidly becoming as concerned as the rest of his link mates. When he was finished he quickly rolled it back up and put it into his pouch.

"Coss, we need a Mia-telle right away."

He than looked right at Dogg and Kazz.

"And you two are coming with."

"Why are we going to Windurst?" Odogg asked confused

"Because the only shift gate in Vana'diel is kept at the Star Tree."

With that the four companions winked from existence.

Alexandria Castle, Alexandria

All around Alexandria castle work crews worked around the clock to fix the damage that had been done during Xiedies invasion. Every one was doing their part, even the queen herself was helping where she could.

Garnet didn't know how to feel as she hammered another board into place in her throne room. She had failed her people once again. She knew not many felt that way, but she did. Her people's obscene weakness to any and all kinds of mist was disheartening to say the least.

She hadn't known what to say when an envoy from the SeeD coalition had shown up to let her know that they were not being held at fault in the world courts for what had happened. That the sorceress Xiedie had been just that powerful there was no way her group wouldn't have been able to do any thing.

But she still felt terrible. Especially since her friends and team mates hadn't been able to resist Xiedie, while Xavier's team had. She was no fool, she knew exactly what Xavier thought of her and her lands, and honestly after this most recent display she no longer blamed him.

A sound like a soft pop caught her in mid thought and drew her full attention. For a short period she heard nothing and was about to go back to what she had done. Then she heard a slight rustling behind her. Quick as a flash Queen Garnet whipped around and hurled a broad bladed knife she kept on her at all times, at the intruder standing behind her. She watched as the knife flipped end over end and embedded itself in the robbed figures fore head with a heavy thud.

She watched with satisfaction, and a wicked sneer as the figure fell backwards. Her joy at her accomplishment turned to dread as the figure just got up and pulled the knife from its head. Casually it tossed the knife aside and knelt. With a flourish of its hand it produced a scroll and held it up for Garnet to take. Hesitantly she reached for the scroll. As soon as it was in her hands the hooded figure disappeared in a cascade of dark Myst.

Her sense of dread only deepened as she opened the scroll and read its contents. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she finished reading it and then tore out of the throne room to search for Zidane.

Edge City** , Midgar**

Fenrir speed along the highway that encircled Edge City. Cloud was on one of his many patrols as of late. The news of Xiedie so easily taking over Alexandria had frightened those in charge. What had put Cloud on patrol though was the increased number of mobs that were attacking the city. The increased frequency of the attacks hadn't drawn his attention as much as the size of the mobs. Bigger monsters tended to stay away from cities, but they too had attacked with an increased frequency.

Cloud brought Fenrir to a stop near the broken ledge of an abandoned on ramp leading into Midgar. As he stood there his thoughts drifted back to himself as they usually did. He just wanted to be left alone, was that too much to ask. Apparently it was as Cloud found himself slashing at a hooded figure that was still materializing.

As if blown by a gust of wind the hooded figure managed to get out-of-the-way. Like smoke eddying in the wind it continued to avoid and evade Clouds attacks. The figure finally managed to materialize several yards away from Cloud so that it had enough time to raise a hand to fore stall any further attacks. Cloud stopped attacking and took up a defensive stance, waiting to see what it would do next.

From thin air the figure produced a scroll. Not knowing what was going to happen Cloud lunged forward intending to run the figure through. All he got was nothing. Just as fast as it had arrived, it was now gone. Cloud took a second to look around to make sure he wasn't about to be attacked. Satisfied he was in the clear Cloud went to collapse his sword. It wouldn't budge. Looking at the tip he found wedged between the two blade tips the scroll the figure had held. Dislodging it he made his way back to Fenrir, finally collapsing the double blade down into one. As he approached the side wings on Fenrir sprang open, awaiting the massive double blade and its rider. Cloud shoved the sword into the rack without thinking about it and mounted his motorcycle, he couldn't wait to get back to the bar, he needed a drink. Before he took off though he took a moment to open the scroll and read it. Clouds eyes narrowed as he finished reading the scrolls contents and pulled his phone.

"Yeah, Tifa it's me. Get a hold of the rest of the team; we have to go to Centra."

Cloud hung up the phone before Tifa could say anything. Jamming the throttle all the way open Fenrir leapt into the night racing straight towards Tifa's bar.

Creedington Clan Ranch, Centra

Slowly his head rose and then fell. It did that a few more times before he became aware of it. All at once the rest of his senses came into focus, but he kept his eyes closed less he woke up and found he had dreamt up the last 48 hours.

With out opening his eyes he could tell they were both face down, she was partly underneath him. He could hear through her back as her lungs slowly expanded and emptied, causing his head to rise and then fall.

Nuzzling his head slightly against her back he could tell his head was resting on her shoulder-blade right near where the fur on her chest wrapped around her ribs up on to her shoulder and then down her back.

Taking a slow deep breath, he inhaled her sent. He could never understand how she always managed to smell like fresh spring flowers on a warm spring breeze. Breathing deeply again he decided it wasn't worthy of thought about how she always smelled this way, just that she did.

Flexing the fingers of the hand he had resting on her shoulder he exalted in the feeling of her silky soft skin. Carefully he worked his hand down her arm. Then ever so slowly traced the length of her arm with just his finger tips. Not stopping at her shoulder he continued to trace his fingers down her back and on to her hip. Finally he brought his hand to a stop on her perfectly formed butt. With a sudden half a sleep chuckle Shyri spoke.

"Stop that, it tickles."

Slowly she rolled over so that she was lying on her back still in his arms. Slowly Xavier started to move his hand back up the front of her body still not opening his eyes.

"Xavier, what..."

Gently Xavier placed a finger to her lips to silence her, than put it back on her stomach and continued his exploration. He felt her tremble under his touch, as his finger passed from the silky soft skin of her lower abs to the equally soft and silky fur of her fur marking that resided around her belly button. Once again his hand passed from fur to flesh and he felt her tremble again as his hand continued its slow journey up her body. Shyri let out a little gasp as Xavier's hand passed from her upper abdomen to her chest and then on to one of her breasts. She squirmed a little as he continued to gently cup and message the sensitive mound of flesh. She couldn't take it any more and with a flourish of movement she had Xavier on his back, with her on top straddling his midriff. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and found his mouth with hers. Reluctantly she stopped kissing him when she felt his hands come to a rest on her hips.

"What is the matter Xavier? Why are you acting so weird? And why won't you look at me?"

"I don't want to open my eyes, just incase the last 48 hours had been another illusion."

Realization dawned on Shyri like the bright afternoon sun. They had been through so much in the last 48 hours that he didn't want to risk loosing it. They had found each other and caught up on the last 13 years in such an intimate way that he feared loosing it. Gently Shyri brushed some loose strands of hair from his eyes, and kissed him again.

"Open your eyes Xavier; I am not going any where."

Still holding His head in her hands she watched as he slowly, and reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Hello beautiful, how did you sleep?" Xavier asked bring a hand up to cup the side of her face.

"Wonderfully, till I woke up to some one grouping me." She responded taking his hand in both of hers and nuzzling her cheek into it.

Xavier wrapped his arms around her back causing her to lean forward and rest her naked body against his equally naked body.

"So why were you grouping me?" She asked snuggling into his embrace.

Her rubbing around on top of him was really starting to turn him on. He hoped she wouldn't notice. But than again he could distinctly smell her getting just as excited as he was.

"I was memorizing your body, just incase it was a dream."

"Is that so; well does this feel like a dream?"

With that she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck and started to gently kiss, lick, and nip at the sensitive flesh there. The effect was instantaneous, and there was no way he was hiding his arousal any more. If she had done that on purpose to get that effect out of him, he couldn't tell. But when he started to massage her perfectly shaped butt and the four tails that started just above it, she started to moan. He could tell he would need to bathe to get the smell of her excitement off of himself. As much as he hated to, Xavier stopped what he was doing.

"We should probably stop this."

Shyri did stop and looked up into Xavier's reflective eyes with a very pouty expression.

"But why?"

"I don't think our hosts would be too pleased with us if we did. That and I have a better place in mind."

"Oh and where would that be?" She said giving him a playful poke in the ribs.

Xavier gave a quick jerk, and mimicking her earlier body flourish Xavier flipped both of their bodies over so that he was now on top of her. She still had her arms and legs wrapped around his body.

"Some place very special." Xavier said burying his face into the crook of her neck, getting her worked up even more.

"Oh, you evil bastard." She gasped.

A small commotion caught their attention just outside the door. All at once the door burst open depositing "Z", Drew, and Emmy on the floor just inside the room. Xavier sat bolt up right, his excitement instantly lost. Shyri curled up against his back in an attempt to hide.

"H... Hey there "X" how's it going?"

"We were, we were just checking to make sure you guys were doing okay."

"Yeah, just checking in."

A large shadow spread over the three young women on the ground as Terrin stepped up behind them.

"I thought I told you three to leave them alone."

"Z" was the first one to her feet. Drew and Emmy quickly followed.

"We just wanted to see what was going on."

"Yeah we heard all these sighs and groans, and got concerned."

"And then the windows got all foggy."

Terrin looked at all three of them.

"Yeah right you three just wanted to see some action; ya bunch of peeping Tom's."

Terrin looked past the three girls at the still dazed and confused Xavier.

"Dear God man put some clothes on and move aside so I can see my little sister."

Again realization dawned on Shyri and she leapt over Xavier and ran at Terrin. A strange thrill ran through Terrin as Shyri flung her nude body at him, and embraced him as well as she could.

"Terrin it is so good to see you again, you giant teddy bear you."

"Shyri! Dear god woman put some clothes on."

Realizing that she was still naked Shyri blushed 11 shades of red and scurried back behind Xavier. Hearing the commotion the rest of Team X-Treme entered into the room. Every one pretty much said the same thing as they entered till finally Xavier covered himself up.

"I knew we were interrupting something, but god "X" did you have to wait for the whole team to get in here before you covered up." Ashlin said with a smirk.

"Well I didn't expect every body and their brother to just bust in on me. That and I don't know what happened to my clothes."

"And what about her, are you just planning on parading her around naked all the time?" Drake asked with a smirk that matched Ashlins.

"Of course he does Drake, that way he can easily get at her beer tits." Ava added from the back of the group.

"Oh give it a rest Ava, she doesn't own any clothes." "Clip" said moving towards the bed.

Leaning over to look at Xavier's chest he poked a few times than placed his ear to it. Xavier really didn't know what to do or say at this point, it was so sudden. Smiling "Clip" stood back up.

"Well Xavier as expected you have made a perfect recovery if not better than perfect. Your pants are being washed, and your shirts are being mended. I'll see about getting her a robe or something until we can get back to civilization."

"What's the matter "Clip", don't like being home?"

"Clip" took a moment to walk back to where he had left Drew by the rest and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"No not really. Too stuffy, too many rules. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and clan mates. But I love my freedom more."

"As well as you should Cliphord."

The entirety of Team X-Treme jumped at the sound of Head elder Justance Creedington. They parted to let her and her retinue of attendants in to the room. As quickly as he could Xavier wrapped the top sheet from the bed around himself and got to his feet. Shyri quickly followed suit using the thin blanket.

"Thank you Head elder Justance for everything you and your family have done for me and my family and friends." Xavier said bowing deeply.

Elder Justance walked up to Xavier; taking his head in her hands she gently kissed his brow, than briefly gave him a warm hug.

"It is me and my families pleasure to help you and yours."

When she was done with Xavier she moved on to Shyri. For a long moment they looked each other in the eye. All at once Shyri fell to her knees and bowed her head to the floor.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving me from the endless darkness."

Shyri suddenly felt herself being hugged by the little old lady.

"There, there child we could not just sit by and let some one as precious as you get lost to the abyss. But it is not us who saved you from the darkness; it was your soul mate and his family that saved you."

Getting back to their feet Elder Justance took Shyri's hands into her own, and once again gazed into her eyes.

"I know you have had an exceptionally difficult life, and you have problems trusting people. But these are good people, you can trust them. They already trust you."

As Elder Justance stepped away from the two of them one of her attendants approached bearing a pile of cloths, while another moved a white screen in front of them so that they could have a moment of privacy. When the screen was pulled back Xavier was back in his normal clothes, and Shyri was wearing an acolytes white robe. She looked decidedly uncomfortable in it.

Turning back to the rest of the waiting team Xavier thought he might as well break the tension that he could feel building in Shyri.

"Well guys I know we have been through a lot together, especially you three, Ashlin, Drake and "Z". I know you three wondered very often, as the rest you have since joining Team X-Treme, why I am the way I am. Why it was that I was the first one in and the last one out. Why I threw my self head first at every thing, and perused our enemies. Why I would disappear for months on end, and come back moodier than when I left. Eventually you were able to glean that I was searching for some one and not just any one but a child hood friend, and love.

When we found her in Vana'diel I know a lot of you were confused and that your questions only grew when Xiedie, Sephiroth, and Dami'tu showed up and beat us for her. The year that followed was no easier as Xiedie used her to bring about Sin. But I drove us forward, perusing her like a mad man till we fought Xiedie in Alexandria.

I know I gave you all quite a scare there too. Truth be told, when I reunited her soul with her body I forgot that I had also separated her consciousness too so that Xiedie wouldn't kill her. That's what I was doing in her head, releasing her consciousness. And now that I have her back I will never let her go, and if she wants to, I want her to be part of the team."

Xavier felt Shyri touch his arm. Looking over at her she smiled and stepped forward. Shyri's mouth suddenly felt really dry as she tried to muster the courage to speak. Bowing deeply she tried her best.

"Hello every body..." She blushed a little tripping on her own words.

"I'm... I mean... my name is..." She could really start to feel her cheeks burn, and her ears began to wilt.

"I..." She suddenly felt very over whelmed.

It was "Z" that made the first move. Briskly she walked up to the diminutive fox girl. Shyri looked terrified as "Z" approached. So "Z" did the only thing she could do, and that was to be "Z". Smiling from ear to ear she threw her arms around the frightened girl and hugged her to herself. She instantly felt Shyri stiffen up.

"Welcome to the family, little sister."

Shyri apprehensions evaporated. Heaving a very deep sigh of relief she loosened up and returned "Z's" hug. Finally they separated.

"I'm Zella Dincht. Every one calls me "Z" though." "Z" said giving Shyri her biggest, sugariness smile.

"I'm Shyri; it's nice to meet you."

"Z" moved aside as Drake strode up. In one motion Drake took to a knee, taking one of her hands in his Drake bowed his head.

"I am Drake Gryphonis, Dragoon of the first order and youngest son to the Lady Scarlet of Wyvern Cliffs." With the extremely formal greeting out-of-the-way Drake got back to his feet. Looking the decidedly confused and startled fox girl in the face Drake smiled warmly at her and drew her in for a hug.

"Welcome to the family little sister."

Emmy came up next to Drake and embraced Shyri as well.

"Emily Leonhart, welcome not only to Team X-Treme, but Garden as well."

Drake and Emmy moved aside for "Clip". "Clip" Extended a hand to Shyri. When she placed hers in his, he bowed and kissed it all gentlemen like.

"Cliphord "Clip" Creedington. For the love of Odin please just call me "Clip"."

Drew joined "Clip" and gave Shyri a really quick hug.

"I'm Drew Roberts, we've heard so much about you."

Ava was suddenly there as well. She bent forward a bit and inhaled deeply before extending her hand.

"Well my beer tits theory went right to hell. I'm Ava Rei."

Shyri had a very confused look on her face as the three walked away.

Ashlin took that moment to swagger up. With a flourish he bowed and then stood again.

"I am Ashlin Kuroaki, little sister; it is a great honor to finally meet you."

Every one looked to where Tech had crashed to the floor, tripping over his own two feet.

"Hi, Rakios Tetame. Every one just calls me Tech though."

Suddenly a shadow fell across Tech. Every one looked to Dami'tu as he just stood there looking down on Xavier and Shyri. All at once Dami'tu fell to both knees and placed his head to the floor.

"Forgive me Shyri...

I don't know your last name.

Forgive me Shyri for my part in your suffering. I am at your mercy and forever in your service should ever you need me."

Every one stood there as Dami'tu awaited her judgment. No one was more surprised than Dami'tu when Shyri knelt down next to the half demon. Gently she took his face in both of her delicate hands and lifted it up so she could look him in the eyes. Shyri broke out in a big child like smile and wrapped her arms around his big neck.

"There is nothing to forgive Dami'tu. I know you were not responsible for your actions. And do not worry about not knowing my last name. Like your self, I don't have one."

Dami'tu felt over joyed, and was on the verge of crying. Of course he didn't show it, Dark Knights don't show emotion. Every one stood there not really sure what to do next. The introductions were out-of-the-way. Team X-Treme had grown by one. Xavier slowly drew Shyri to him as he got lost in thought.

He didn't have to wait long to find out what was next as an acolyte came bursting through the door. Very quickly he gave a report to the Head elder. Dismissing the young white mage she turned to Team X-Treme.

"Well it would seem that you guys are needed in the communications center."

With that Head elder Justance gave a bow and left Team X-Treme to their own devices. When the head elder was out of ear shot Drake turned to "Clip".

"You know for being your own little small community, of which I have absolutely nothing against, you sure are very militaristic."

Giving a shrug and waving for the rest to follow him "Clip" just responded "You have no idea."

Balamb Garden** , Balamb**

The message had been from Head Master Leonhart. If every one was healed and doing well they were supposed to report back to garden immediately. So after some very rushed good-byes Team X-Treme had loaded back on to "Raine" and flew back to Garden. Upon landing Head Master Leonhart had called Xavier to his office. Feeling that the whole team wasn't needed for a debriefing he had dismissed every one but Drake and Ashlin. He had intended to bring Shyri with him How ever "Z" and Drew had each grabbed one of her arms and took off towards Balamb. Shyri looked positively horrified.

Xavier, Drake, Emmy, and Ashlin all walked along the sky walk to Head masters office. As they approached the receptionist opened the double doors. Stepping through the doors none of the four were surprised to Head Master Leonhart and Eric Masters at the Head Masters desk.

"Well Emmy, it looks like you're in one piece."

"Well dad we were in kind of hurry and I felt that I needed to keep an eye on the recovered."

"I'm sure that was your only intention." Squall said staring his daughter down.

Emmy averted her eyes, and moved closer to Drake and blushed a little.

"You better not hurt her Drake."

"No Sir! Wouldn't dream of it. She has helped me more than I thought possible."

"Moving on." Xavier said before everyone got the wrong idea.

"Report what happened in Alexandria and the Creedington Clan Ranch."

Very slowly so as not to leave anything out Xavier, Ashlin, Drake, and Emmy recounted every thing that had happened in the last few days. When the story was done Head Master Leonhart and Eric Masters thought over the information.

"I really don't know what else to tell you two. From our encounters in the last few days neither Xiedie nor Sephiroth have revealed anything of their future intentions."

"We do." Eric said pulling a scroll from his coat and tossing it to Xavier.

Xavier caught the scroll and opened it. Reading it carefully, he than passed it on to Ashlin, who in turn passed it on to Drake and Emmy.

"So, what's the plan?" Xavier asked as the scroll was passed back to Head Master Leonhart.

"Well that is what we are here to discuss."

With that the shift portal that Squall kept in his office flared to life and started to deposit people into the office. Ashlin, Drake and Emmy all went for weapons. Xavier on the other hand noticed that the Head Master nor Eric Masters looked surprised that the gate had activated, so they had known some one was coming.

Xavier watched as first Tidus and then Yuna emerged from the gate. Immediately they embraced Xavier, Drake and Ashlin, than turned and greeted Squall and Eric. The pleasantries didn't last long as the gate flared again and deposited Queen Garnet, and King Zidane. They took one look at Team X-Treme and dropped their gazes to the floor. The pleasantries were short and bitter-sweet at best. Again the gate flared this time it dropped Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. Cloud did not look too pleased to see Xavier and Ashlin, and it all but turned to open hostility when Tifa threw her self into Ashlins open arms. Xavier watched as Barret had to restrain Cloud as the two lovers embraced. The shift gate gave one final flare and dumped the four members of The Guardians of Vana'diel into Squalls office. Xavier gripped arms with Kaz, and Odogg, exchanging short greetings. Kneeling he embraced Cossette giving the little Taru a big hug. Finally he gripped Leo's arm.

"Leo what an unexpected surprise, how are things back in Vana'diel? And where is Morgan?"

"Not as well as I would like, but we can and must speak later before I go."

Squall greeted everybody and ordered chairs and food for every one, before finally taking a seat him self.

"Well there is no need to ask why every one is here. Ours is to now decide what is to be done. And we are not leaving this room until we come to an agreed upon decision."

With that the double doors to Squalls office shut and locked.

Quads, Balamb Garden

Xavier, Ashlin, Drake and Emmy stood in silence in the quad waiting for the rest of Team X-Treme to join up with them. The other teams had left hours ago, and true to his word Leo had spoken to Xavier. Xavier was not happy, Morgan was dead.

"Are you all right?"

Xavier didn't even turn his gaze from the ocean or the setting sun.

"No, she was a trusted team-mate and a dear friend. She did not deserve the death she got."

Drake rested a hand on Xavier's shoulder.

"When we get some time off, we can go and hunt the NM that killed her."

"Yeah." Xavier wasn't even really paying attention.


A small commotion broke out at the entrance to the Quad announcing the arrival of the other members. Xavier could only conclude that they were on one of the first two flights of steps because he couldn't see them, but could he hear them.

"All I'm saying is that you guys could have easily dumped that crap in Xavier's quarters without disturbing me." "Clip" said sounding hot.

"It isn't crap; it is Shyri's new wardrobe." "Z" replied just as testily.

"What the flying hell does she need so much cloths for now any way? You know as well as I do that every second they can get alone they're going to be naked."

"Cliphord Creedington, watch what you're saying, some of us have virgin ears."

"My pasty white mage ass any of you three have virgin ears, Shyri maybe but not you three. And you still haven't answered my question. What the hell does she need so many clothes for?"

"Girls need a lot of clothes." Drew put in rather simply.

They finally were in view by this point. "Clip" looked exhausted and the three girls were surrounding Shyri enough that all they could see was Shyri's embraced face.

"Honestly, fourteen bras and not a single pair of panties. What the hell. And shoes, seven pairs of shoes, and no socks. Again, what the hell."

"...I can't ware panties... They hurt my tails."

"Clip" stopped dead in his tracks as did every one else. Apparently Shyri had not mentioned that earlier and every one was just finding out she didn't ware panties.

"I knew that." Ava said smugly as she quickly moved past the rest of the group.

"Ok, fine but why fourteen bras and seven pairs of shoes. Can't she like ware the same one a couple of times."

"That is gross "Clip" every woman has at least two bras for each day of the week." Drew said a little disgusted

"Than how come I always see you two in the same bra and panties than?"

"Because if you were to take your eyes off your microscope you would notice we own multiple pairs of the same kind. That and the poor girl hasn't had a new... any thing for a very long time. I think she deserves it."

"Z" and Drew stormed down the stairs leaving "Clip" and Shyri to stand on the plat form.

"I just don't get it." "Clip" said shaking his head.

"Um, thank you for your help." Shyri said in a timid voice head hung.

"Don't worry about it." "Clip" said, than he dropped his voice to whisper so that only Shyri's sensitive ears could hear him.

"Besides I was just giving them crap for going all giddy and girly on you. Besides "Z's" right, you do deserve something new for your self."

With that said they rushed to join the rest. Turning to face them Xavier got a good look at the new clothes that had just been the topic of the hot debate. Shyri was wearing a blue and pink belly hoodie that came down just to the top of her stomach, a light brown pair of hip pants that stopped just above her calves. A belt hung lazily on her hip supporting her new pouch of holding. She had traded in her ninja sandals for a pair of purple combat sneakers, much like "Z's" red ones. A small black choker adorned her neck and purple fingerless gloves her hands. But the thing that struck Xavier the most was that she had cut her hair. Her lovely silver mane that had come down to the small of her back now danced just above her shoulders. Xavier was speechless for all of a few seconds.

Shyri blushed hard as she realized that every one was looking at her. As if drawn to her like a magnet Xavier approached her. Slowly he made his way around her. She was absolutely gorgeous; there were no two words for it. The clothes did not matter, they just added to her beauty. He would be willing to bet his sizeable life savings that she could be wearing a burlap sack and still be drop dead gorgeous.

"Well... what do you think?" Shyri asked nervously as Xavier was still walking behind her.

"Not bad, but something is missing. I know." Xavier said with a massive dose of mischievousness.

Shyri heard him rummage around in his pouch for a second than something cool and silky was wrapped around her stomach. Xavier was glad that the Creedingtons were able to get all the blood off the ribbon, it had cost him a fortune to buy it for her all those years ago but more importantly it was her favorite possession, and the only one she truly had left till this afternoon. Carefully he wrapped the giant kimono ribbon around her three times before tying it in a massive bow that rested just above the base of her tails. It went with the outfit perfectly.

"There, now that is more like it."

They were still waiting for Terrin, Dami'tu and Tech to arrive. So taking Shyri by the hand he led her to the railing for an uninterrupted view of Besaid beach and the ocean beyond. Shyri just stood there breathless and in awe as she watched the sun start to sink in to the ocean. It all came to an end when the last three people arrived. When he was certain that every one was settled down Xavier turned to face them.

"I am sure you are all wondering why I asked you here. And I am also pretty sure you can all guess that it isn't for a team X-Treme pep rally."

Xavier took a moment to gather his thoughts into a clear path of action.

"First off, Dami'tu and Emmy your help in the last few missions has been extremely beneficial. However you are not members of this team. There for I need you both to decide now whether you are with us or not."

Emmy's answer was instantaneous as she pulled herself closer to Drake.

"I am with you and the rest of Team X-Treme, if you'll have me."

"Well I do not share Emily Leonharts enthusiasm on the matter; I am with Team X-Treme." Dami'tu responded.

"What is the point of this Xavier? What exactly was discussed behind those double doors today?" "Z" asked letting her impatience get the better of her.

"Xiedie has sent out an invitation to a dark tournament she will be hosting six months from now." Xavier said getting straight to the point.

Every one was dead silent for a while and it was Drake that finally broke that silence.

"It is unclear at this point how many invitations were sent out. As of now Midgar, Centra, Alexandria, Spira, and Vana'diel have all gotten one."

Every one stood in silence again.

"Representatives of each of the lands will be going to the tournament, so basically every one we know from the other four lands will be there. As a group we decided that the best chance against would be for us, Team X-Treme, to win and in the process hopefully force Xiedie to show her full hand. The other groups will aid us in any way they can. However none of them are to out right lose to us. The fights will be very real."

Xavier took a moment to collect his thoughts; he really didn't want to say the next words out of his mouth. It was Dami'tu that spoke first.

"So what are we going to do now? Six months is not a lot of time to prepare for something this big."

"So what's the plan?" "Z" asked

Xavier heaved a deep sigh, and knew that if it were not for the support of those around him, and the need to protect them he would not be able to do what he was about to do.

"I am disbanding Team X-Treme."

The reaction was instantaneous, and Xavier had a hard time getting a word in edge wise through all the questions and shocked statements that were being hurled his way. With a lot of effort Xavier managed to bring every one back under control. Once again it was "Z" that got the first word in.

"What was the point of having Emmy and Dami'tu swear allegiance to us if you were just going to disband the team right away?"

Xavier looked at all of them, his eyes seeking out each and every one of theirs.

"Why are you here?" The question wasn't really directed at any of them, and at the same time all of them.

"Why are any of you still here? All of you have basically, if not out right, achieved your personal goals. And yet you are still here."

No one had an intelligent answer for him of course.

"Any if not all of you could have quit the fight a long time ago, and yet you still fight, why? I don't mean to be so cryptic, and I don't want to sound cruel or resentful. I just want all of you to realize and understand why it is that you are fighting."

Xavier watched as every one grew quiet and thought full.

"I am disbanding the team because I want each of you to go home and ask your selves that very question. I want you to fully understand why it is that you personally are putting your life on the line to fight in this war. Because when I go to the Dark Tournament I intend to end the war even if that ain't the mission. I intend to do what ever it takes to end it."

Xavier leaned up against the guard wall and wrapped an arm around Sheri's shoulders.

"I want the fighting to end, I'm sick of it and don't want to do it any more. I want to settle down and live a life that I choose and not one that is chosen for me."

Xavier watched as each one of them took in what he had told them.

"For the next five months I want you guys to go home and train. Train like you have never trained before. I want you to question your self and your beliefs. And in five months I will send you a message. Those of you who come back will be welcomed with arms wide open. Those of you who do not come back, we will under stand and respect your decision."

Xavier pushed away from the wall and looked on his team, his family with pride. He scared them all when he smiled at them.

"I am very proud to have lived and served with all of you, my friends, my family. Tomorrow morning you will be dismissed from garden. A shift gate will be opened for those of you that need it. Tonight though, tonight we celebrate."

Every one gave a loud cheer and rand up the stairs to leave Garden and head into town for what may very well be their last time together.

The following morning

Squall Leonhart stood on his office balcony overlooking the entirety of Balamb Garden. Less than an hour ago he had watched as the most élite team that had ever been produced at this Garden since his own left. He knew that it was necessary; he just hoped that the whole team came back. He had total faith in Xavier and his judgment, but he needed his whole team. Six months was a long time, a lot could go wrong. Squall turned back to his desk. Pushing a set numbered sequence into his computers number pad a call went out to his friends and team mates.

Wyvern Cliffs, Centra

Drake and Emmy stepped off "Raine" on the out skirts of town. Slowly they made their way through town. Drake took notice that life was slowly returning to the cliffs. He knew that it would take a long time for the village to totally come back its full splendor. Nodding to a few people he recognized, Drake and Emmy continued through town in the Direction of the Lady Scarlets cave. Drake was heading home.

Drake was confused as he walked through the halls of the palace. They were virtually empty. Usually during this time of the day there were several servants bustling about. There should have been commoners and noble's a like milling about waiting for their chance to have an audience with the Lady Scarlet. Drakes pace increased as did his sense of dread.

With a loud bang the large double doors to the throne room opened, and Drake stormed through them with purpose. The first thing Drake noticed was that his mother was not in the throne room. The second thing he noticed was that Leslie was, and she was on the throne. Drake stormed up to the throne, and than dropped to one knee.

"I have returned home, Honored sister. Tell me where is mother?"

Leslie slowly stood up from the throne and walked right up to where Drake was standing. Just as slowly Drake got back to his feet. Leslie looked up into her brothers eyes, than with a smile embraced him.

"Oh Drake it good to see you again."

Drake returned the hug.

"It is good to see you too Leslie, but you still have not told me where mother is."

Leslie's expression of happiness melted into one of concern.

"She is in her chambers; she has been unwell as of late."

Drake let go of her and turned around so fast the she had to flare her wings to keep her balance.

Drake all but ran the short distance to his mothers personal cave. When he got to it he was shocked at what he saw. She was just laying there all twenty-five feet of her curled in on itself. She looked very tired and very old. Her once bright and shiny scales that she had derived her human name from now looked dull and had taken on a hint of grey. Their luster had faded.

"There... is no need for you to stay standing in the door way... my son."

Drake slowly approached his mothers head. Ever so slowly Scarlet lifted her head and turned it towards Drake. Gently she rested her head on one of her front paws. Drake noticed her breathing was rather labored. Drake rubbed a hand along the length of her snout and than embraced it as best he could.

"I have returned home mother."

"Welcome... home my son."

Drake let go of his mother and stood back so she could see him better.

"What is bothering you, mother?"

"Time it seems... has finally caught up with me. Age is taking its final toll."

"But you were so, active and vibrant the last time I saw you."

"Drake I am over four thousand years old. My time is coming to an end, it happens."

Drake thought on this, of course he could not find any flaw in his mother's logic. He knew she was old, but he had never realized just how old.

"Now I must rest Drake. We still have plenty of time left together. Your brother is waiting for you in the training room."

Drake gave his mothers snout a gentle rub and left her to rest. Slowly Drake made his way to the massive training room where his mother had said that Gregory was waiting for him. He had spent most of his youth in the room; it now looked like he might spend the next six months there as well.

The first thing that Drake noticed when he entered the room was that the roof had been blown out. He had an unobstructed view of the now night sky. The second thing he noticed was that Gregory was at the far side of the room with his back to him, in full Dragoon combat gear.

"It is good to see you have finally arrived Drake, and by the sounds of you're dragging boots I can tell you have more on your mind than our mothers failing health."

"Just a few things that's all. I just was wondering how you three knew I was coming."

"We always know where you are Drake, you are our family. Now I have been tasked with aiding you in your training for the final confrontation with Xiedie."

In one fluid motion Gregory turned around to face Drake, drew his spear, flared his wings and launched himself at his younger brother.

Winhill Garden** , Winhill**

It felt good to be back on the family home stead "Z" decided. She remembered fondly the summers her and her parents used to spend here long before there duties to Garden and the SeeD coalition consumed there entire lives. "Z" looked out over the ocean at the rising sun, and wondered how many times her parents had done the same thing.

They had bought the small ocean front cottage shortly after the Ultimecia war ended. It had been there intent to retire here and live their lives in as much relative peace as possible. But once a SeeD always a SeeD. When the SeeD coalition had been formed her father and mother had been among the first called back to active duty. And when the coalition had decided to build a Garden near Winhill the Dincht's had been right there to run it.

They had never forgotten the little cottage that had been the main focus of their hopeful future, and truth be told they still planed to retire to it. Now it was more of a summer home, a place they came on vacation. "Z" had wanted to bring her friends here a couple of times, in hind sight she was glad she hadn't. This place remained her one and only special place, a place where she could just be herself with relatively no worries and pressure.

She took a few steps off of the back porch and made her way to the ocean. The property was very secluded so she had no worries of any one just dropping by. She took advantage of this fact as she slowly pulled her night-shirt up and over her head and made her way in to the water now completely nude.

The water felt good against her well toned and shapely legs as she made her way further out into the water. When the water was up to her thigh "Z" dove head first the rest of the way in. Her slender and toned body easily slid into the water causing very little disturbance as it did. Even though it was still early morning, the crystal clear water was already cerulean blue, silky smooth, and pleasantly warm. "Z" broke the surface of the water and lazily floated there hoping that this moment of peace would never pass.

"What's going on here?!"

"Z" instantly righted her self and started scanning the beach for the source of the voice. She hadn't recognized, and didn't immediately rule out some one stumbling on to the beach. But after five minutes of searching she saw no one. Figuring it was about time to get out of the water "Z" made her way to land. Picking up her discarded night-shirt "Z" made her way to the master bedroom to get in to some training clothes.

Back on the beach "Z" stepped into an old circle of stones that her father and mother had used during their daily training way back when. The small ten foot in diameter circle was meant to help control movement. The theory was to confine your movements to with in the circle to tighten up attacks and defense. It was also meant to teach you to not over extend your self.

Slowly she started to go through the basics. The Dincht style of martial arts was a culmination of several different styles, each one had its own set of basic moves and forms. She started to go through them one at a time. Making sure to stay well with in the circle of stones. She kept at it for several hours, going from form to form. She even started to combine forms and techniques. Her current form took her into the air for a set of quick kicks.

"What's going on here?"

"Z" missed her landing and came crashing to a knee. Just as quickly she was back on her feet and in her fighting stance. "Z" glared down the length of her arm and past her fist into the distance. She quickly started searching the area never once dropping her guard.

"What in the hell is going on here?" "Z" asked her self out loud.

She continued to scan the area for a few more minutes. When so much an as a bird didn't even move "Z" let her guard drop. "Z" took one last look around the beach, before deciding that maybe it was time to go inside and unwind. On the way in she grabbed her phone off the table.

"Yeah, this is Zella Dincht; yeah I need to get in to see the psychiatrist. No, no I don't think its anything I just need to speak to her. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Z" tossed the phone back on to the table and made her way to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. After wards she spent the rest of the day listening to music and reading combat magazines. It didn't take very long for the events of the day and the relaxing shower to catch up with her, and "Z" got very tired.

She wasn't entirely sure if she was dreaming or not. Her head felt heavy, as if she was sleepy and the edges of her peripheral vision were hazy like she was dreaming. But the stone walls and floor of her surroundings sure looked, and felt real enough. The sound of tiny stones crunching under foot sure sounded real too.

All around her torches hissed and sizzled in there wall mounts. Eventually she made her way into a large room where dozens of torches had been placed on poles in a large circle. In it was a man with his back to her. "Z" could plainly make out that he was not wearing anything from the waist up, his back was well muscled and well toned, they rippled as he breathed and moved. The lower half was covered in the remains of a robe, tattered slacks, and if he had two boots he now only had one.

He very quickly turned to face "Z" his long blond hair flowing as he turned. In a very unsteady grip he held a great sword point right at her. It didn't take long for him to grab it with his other hand. From that alone "Z" could tell that he did not know how to handle this weapon, so she wasn't intimidated by it. How ever his hawk like gaze tore in to her, as if his ice blue eye were trying to decide whether she was real or not.

"Who are you woman! Another apparition to entice me into surrender?" He asked never once dropping his gaze or his unsteady grip on the sword.

"Z" approached the circle of torches keeping her hands in plain sight.

"I am Zella Dincht. I am not a ghost just a girl having a really strange dream."

"Z" entered the circle and he brought his sword up even higher.

"Liar, you claim you are not a ghost, yet still you can enter the circle!"

"Z" was confused about what he meant, but didn't have a chance to think on it to long.

"Arcane sword - Pain!"

She watched as he swung the sword once around his body for momentum and then lashed out at her with it. As she watched the blade descend she watched it become engulfed in a black, purple and red energy.

"Z" sat bolt up right in bed, gasping for breath. Quickly she jumped out of bed and ran to the bath room to check her self in the mirror. She had no open wounds; however there was a strip of raised and raw flesh where the sword would have struck her. Gently she ran a finger over it and it hurt like hell. "Z" didn't know what to make of the whole experience as she gently applied some potion to the mark. Crawling back into bed "Z" couldn't help but think about the strange man with the great sword and the hawk like glare.

Midgar Slums, Midgar

All around her all she could see was junk, garbage, and endless ruin. Yep, no doubt about it, she was in the Midgar Slums. Ava grunted, like she needed any help being in a pissy mood most of the times. But now that she had a solid lead on her twin brother she had pursued it. Her journey had started in the Black mage village in Alexandria.

Talking to those Black Mages had been a very nerve-wracking experience. She had felt like they were talking in circles the entire time. She had found the hut he had stayed in and upon inspections found a journal that had given her a great in sight in to her brother's head.

So here she was now, all because in his little diary he had thought there was some great answer to the mastery of their blood line. What secret she couldn't begin to guess though and his notes hadn't said any thing either. All around her though she could see and feel the massive amounts of mana that had been expended.

She made her way in to the wide open area, a place that had obviously been ground zero for some massive explosion. There was no garbage or debris in a very large circular area where she now stood. Looking up she could plainly see the real sky though. For a brief moment Ava stood there face tilted towards the sun, basking in its glow.

That's when the attack came. Sharp pillars of stone shot up around her and quickly converged on where she was standing. Thinking quickly Ava dodged out-of-the-way at the last possible second. She didn't have very long to recover though as a Black void appeared and started to violently shove her to the ground and drag her back into the center of the clearing towards the jagged rocks. Several things told her that she wasn't being hit with Dark, but she could not place the spell.

Again thinking quick Ava drove her staff into the ground and hoped it was enough to hold her in place. As she laid there a bright yellow spot appeared before her face. Ava panicked and cast Bilizaga just in time to absorb the majority of the fire explosion.

As Ava stood she noticed a dozen meteor like boulders floating in the air some fifteen feet above her. Ava just stood there like a Chocobo caught in the headlights. All at once the boulders fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Ava stood there confused trying to figure out what was going on.

"Why didn't you attack? Is that what they taught you in Garden, was to avoid and evade?"

Ava's attention was instantly drawn to a very frail looking man who was walking towards her. He was exactly the same age, height and weight as her. As he got closer he could see that he too had several dark marks on his body just like her. Even his eyes were the same as hers. Slowly they circled each other.

"You are Ava."

It was more a statement of fact than a question.

"And you are Dominic."

Again it was a statement of fact and not a question.

"So why are you here?"

Ava didn't answer she just continued to circle the twin brother she had never met in her entire life. She noticed that his movements were slow and labored. His breathing was also labored. With some visible effort he jabbed a claw like finger at her.

"Who sent you?! Was it her Dark Majesty or was it that buffoon Leonhart?" He demanded.

"Neither, I came on my own." Ava replied getting more than just a little annoyed with him.


Ava thrust her hand into her real pocket and pulled out a pen, and threw it at his feet. Dominic stubbed the toe of his boot into the ground and a little stalagmite launched the pen up in to his open hand. He rolled it over in his hand examining it. A far away look came to his eyes.

"Mom and Dad."

"I came here to find you so that I might get strong enough to combat Xiedie. I am tired of stumbling onto these damned arcane spells. I want to know who I am and where I came from."

Dominic tucked the pen into his own pocket and turned to leave. He got a few yards away before he stopped.

"None of your questions will be answered if you just stand there."

Ava grabbed her discarded Bag and took after her brother.

Trabia, Centra

Drew eased the door to her parent's house open as quietly as she could. She hadn't told her parents she was coming home, or that she was bringing "Clip" with her. How ever they were not home. Apparently they were on vacation.

"I uh... think we got the place to our selves for a while." Drew said turning to face "Clip"

"Clip" took a look around the spacious apartment. He couldn't tell what her parents did from the decor, but they appeared to be rather well off.

"Nice place, what do your parents do?"

"Moms an accountant for the coalition, and Dads in administration for network security."

Drew watched as "Clip" continued to look around the apartment, she could tell that something was weighing on his mind. What though she couldn't tell. While she was thinking on this she decided she needed to get a hold of her gun instructor. It was time to start learning the final katas. After she got off the phone with her instructor she went to her room and checked her bank account to make sure she even had enough for the guns. She was startled when "Clip" came up behind her.

"Let's go out tonight."

"And where do you want to go?"

"Clip" thought about it for a minute, whilst he held Drew from behind.

"I think I am going to take you out on a real date. You know, dinner, movie, dancing."

Drew leaned into "Clips" embrace.

"Hmm, that sounds nice."

"So why don't we get freshened up and see what this town has to offer."

So they showered, and dressed.

Spent a fortune on a fancy meal that was no better than they would have gotten at a family restaurant, but "Clip" wouldn't have traded it. Drew looked stunning in her dinner dress. Latter they went to a nice club for some drinks and some dancing. The nigh was theirs. For a few hours there was no war, there was no hard ship. There were no clans and team mates. They were alone, and that was just fine.

As the night went on they found themselves great full that Drew's parents were out-of-town. In the small hours of the morning they just laid there, naked, in Drew's bed. "Clip" was wide awake; Drew was asleep in his arms, their bodies still intertwined. "Clip" did indeed have a lot on his mind, and those thoughts were running through his head right now. His agitation must have been tangible, for Drew stirred in his arms.

"What's the matter "Clip"?"

He said nothing as he held her closer.

Drew buried her head into his chest.

"Your clan wants you to leave us, leave me."

"Clip" heaved a very deep sigh.

"Just before we left Head Elder Justance pulled me aside and told me that there are a few spells left to teach me. The be all to end all White magic's."

"And what are they?"

"Full Life, Refresh, Erase, Holy, and Judgment. They are so rare and so powerful that they are considered Clan secrets."

Neither one said anything for a few minutes as they laid there in each others arms.

"She won't teach them to you unless you leave."

"I have one week to decide what to do. My choices are to return to the clan and learn the spells, and than come back till the end of the war..."


"As soon as the war is done I have to sever all ties with Garden, Team X-treme... and you. I must go back to the clan and dedicate my life to it. If I don't the spells will never be taught to me, and further more I will be banished from my clan to the extent that not even my descendants will be allowed to enter clan territories."

They lay silently for a little while longer.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I really don't know. The spells would be extremely helpful. But I also really don't want to leave my friends, or you."

"We'll think of something, we have five days left."

Drew eventually fell back asleep, however "Clip" stayed awake the rest of the night. He had already made up his mind, and was just trying to think of the best way to tell Drew. Eventually though the fourth day came, and "Clip" once again found himself wide awake. Heaving a deep sigh he got out of bed and made his way into the kitchen.

Pulling out a piece of paper and started pouring his heart out on to it. For hours he wrote how he felt and why he was leaving. He hopped that one day she would understand and forgive him. When he was finished he tucked the letter into an envelope and left it in the middle of the table in plain sight. Dressing in silence and left the apartment.

Latter that morning Drew found and read the letter. As soon as she was done she broke down crying. She did understand how he felt and why he left, she just really wished that he hadn't had too. The only thing that allowed her to get back to her senses was the knowledge that as long as there was a war going on "Clip" would return.

"Clip" took his time walking on to the Creedington Clan Ranch. He was furious with his clan for forcing this choice onto him. The tails of his trench coat flapped behind him as he made his way to the main building where he knew the counsel would be. He was right of course all of them were there. His father left his seat and made his way towards him.

"Welcome home son, glad you could..."

What ever Lawerance Creedington was about to say was cut short as "Clip" laid him out. Justance Creedington smiled at her nephew.

"So Cliphord, are you ready to learn the final spells."

"Let's get on with it."

Justance Creedington's smile only got bigger.

Besaid, Besaid Island

Rakeios Tatame stood his ground as Tidus, Waka, and Kimari continued to surround him. He was great full to his brother in-law for the help he had offered in his training. He intended to spend two months here training physically at which point he would go to Alexandria for two months to train up his summoning skills with Queen Garnet. Tidus it seemed was hell bent on making sure he was pushed to the limits and beyond.

"Tech" trusted Tidus, trusted him to teach him anything he might need to know. But Tidus seamed obsessed. Like he was pushing himself more than he was trying to push "Tech". It was at that moment while he was so afixiated on Tidus that Waka hit him from behind. Getting hit by that Blitz ball was like getting hit by a ton of bricks.

"Tech" rolled with the blow and came up at Tidus's feet swinging. He caught Tidus right under the chin, lifting him into the air with the force of his raising dragon wave. He continued to punch and kick at Tidus until they got to the top of their flight. However instead of hitting Tidus with his dragon kick, he flipped around and hit Kimari with it instead. Every one hit the beach breathing hard.

Tidus called training for the day, and every one made their way back to the village. It was good to see every one again, well almost every one. Rikku had left almost as soon as he got there. He had barely gotten a glimpse of her on her way out, and she looked like she was sick and getting fat. At the time he didn't think to question it.

This night like any other he made his way to the temple and into its lower levels. Once inside the chamber of the Faith, he sat down cross-legged in the middle of the chamber trying to commune with the Avatars. He was searching for something, some insight that might help him to better understand his place in the team and in the war.

For hours he sat there, searching. Searching himself, searching the Far plane, searching the unknown. Looking for answers to questions that he could not even begin to put to words. But still he searched.

Edge City** , Midgar**

Ashlin went over the blue prints in front of him for the hundredth time, just today. Every thing seemed right, but he wanted to make sure. The first Heiti had been a master piece; however it had not been able to stand up to Xavier. So he had taken the design back to the drawing board.

He loved designing Bikes, loved it. It put his mind to work on something other than fighting, and killing. And waiting, which is something he hated doing but for reasons only known to Cloud, he had not answered Ashlin's call. So Ashlin waited.

Which was fine, it gave him time to get caught up on some of his back work. It gave him time to think about why Cloud would bale when he had agreed to the plan with little to no fuss. He would give him a week to show up, and than he would start training on his own.

The prospect had merit, but he felt there were still things he could learn from Cloud. Ashlin ran a hand through his hair while he turned his thoughts back to the blue prints. He needed to make Heiti stronger and faster, also more resilient. Ashlin chuckled. How odd it was that he was worrying about making a motorcycle better. When it was himself he needed to make better, stronger, faster, and more resilient.

Ashlin hung his head, cradling it in both hands. Oh what he wouldn't give to be able to live a normal life. It was at that moment that his strongest link to a normal life walked up behind him, ran her fingers through his hair, and wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck.

"You really need a hair cut, Ash." Tifa purred in his ear.

Ashlin allowed himself a smile and leaned back into her embrace.

"You really think so?"

She gently kissed his fore head and ran a hand down his naked chest. Her touch soothed him. Her caress put him at ease. Ashlin didn't need six months to think about why he fought. All it took was six seconds and he had all the meaning he would ever need.

I one fluid motion Ashlin spun out of his chair and scooped Tifa up into his arms. With the war, and the Blue prints far from his mind Ashlin carried the love of his life up the flight of stairs that lead to his living area. He didn't have much; his flat was very plain in its decoration and decor. But what he had been his. It had all been earned by his own blood sweat and tears. It wasn't much. But she made it all that much better.

Latter that night they laid together, naked in each others arms. Ashlin watched her lovingly as she slept blissfully unaware of his gaze. At that moment there was no war, no suffering, and no strife. There was just them. Ashlin rolled on to his back to look out the sky light. He could clearly see the stars for a change. They were bright and beautiful.

"Are they keeping you awake?" Tifa purred into his ear half asleep.

"No, they do not bother me tonight."

"Than what does?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. Everything is... fine."

"Than what is keeping you awake."

"The hope that one day we'll be able to do this every night for the rest of our lives."

Tifa snuggled in closer to him.

"The rest of our lives?"

"Yes, the rest of our lives."

Ashlin rolled onto his side so he was facing her again.

"When this war is over would you marry me?"

"Yes." With tears in her eyes she replied.

Ashlin and Tifa spent the rest of the night lost in each others embrace.

Beartree, Balamb Island, Centra

Terrin stood in the ruins that had once been a Black smiths shop. He had called in all his workers from Windurst and told them exactly what his plans were. He had then sent them to very specific locations all over Gia to get the materials he would need. The finest metals and ores from Bastok. The heartiest wood from San d'Oria. He had even sent people to Besaid Island to see if they could dig up any of the metal that had covered Sin-ikage.

He didn't know how well it would work, but he intended to combine the metals into an alloy unlike any other. And from that alloy he would craft as many weapons as he could. That was of course dependant on whether he could make the alloy first. To do that he had called in a few favors.

While he waited for every thing to show up he set about cleaning up the shop he had grown up in. He cleared off work benches that had been worked on in almost 15 years. He cleaned out a furnace that had stood cold for far too long. He discarded tools that had rusted, or dulled beyond practical use. Once that was all done he went about digging a giant pit for a very large smelting vat where all the materials would be combined.

"That is a very fine hole you have dug Terrin."

Terrin smiled and turned around. Standing at the lip of the hole was three Taru-Taru. The one that had spoken was ancient, and very blind. The other two were her grand daughters.

"So why have you summoned us here Terrin." This from Whimsy, the smaller of the twins.

She was all spit fire and vinegar. All ways ready to get to the point and move on. Her sister was much quieter. Prudence stood quietly behind her grand mother and just watch.

"Why else do I call you three?"

"Because you are making a very special weapon, or weapons, and need a fire that is pure and wont go out."

"That's right, Pru." Terrin said smiling at the little Taru.

Now we are just waiting for the materials and one more guest.

"So how is the old Elf doing?" Granny asked looking in Terrin's general direction.

"Oh you know Sen, flighty as ever. But you can't argue with the mans Synthesizing skills."

All three Tarus nodded. Terrin decided to go back to work as the three sat there watching him. Latter in the evening as Terrin was serving his guests dinner when several shift gates flared to life. Out of them stepped his workers and helpers, and one middle-aged Elvaan. The workers and helpers immediately went about setting up the shop with all the equipment they had brought from Windurst. While that was going on several others started to fill the pit with lumber and coals on which a large smelting vat was than set. Piles of metal, raw ore, and chunks of Sin-ikage were laid in neat piles by the piles of timber and coal reserves.

The Elvaan joined Terrin and the three Taru at the table and just dug right in. He ate with a vigor that would suggest he hardly ever ate at all. He also ate three times as much as the other four. Terrin had grown accustom to the old mans antics and appetites over the years and waited patiently for him to finish drinking.

"So Terrin, why did you drag me away from my shop?" He asked around the rim of his mug.

"We are going to make some weapons."

"I would have never guessed."

"They are going be unlike any weapon any of us has ever made before."

The four magic users looked at Terrin with this comment, and the look of determination in his eyes made their blood run cold. They knew he was not joking, and any thing less than total perfection would be unacceptable.

Terrin smiled.

Beartree, Balamb Island, Centra

Xavier swung the long, stick he was holding as hard as he could. When it made contact with the rug he had hung over a line, dust and dirt erupted from it. He watched as it all fell to the ground changing its color from green to an off grey. He swung again and again till he felt he had gotten as much dust and dirt off the rug as he was going to get. He took the rug down and moved on to the next thing that needed his attention.

When they had gotten to the ruins of Beartree Terrin had excused himself and went right to the old Blacksmith shop, While Shyri and himself had made their way to the stately manner just on the outskirts of town. The mansion had been left to them by their friends long ago. The same twin mage friends that had saved his life and his eyes. Every thing they had they had left to Shyri and him.

But after 15 or so years there wasn't much left. The manor still stood. But a lot of the furnishings were rotted and dirty beyond all belief. They had gone back into town and bought several things. Food, dishes, toiletries, a toilet, bed and bedding, the rest however Shyri had insisted upon them fixing up themselves. So Xavier had set about making the old manor livable again. Shyri had left him to it saying she needed to take care of a few things while he fixed and repaired things all day.

He hadn't asked her what she was doing, he just assumed she was training or something since every night when they settled down for dinner, and she was just as tired and dirty as he was. They had shared several long soaks in the very large tub that was in their bathroom. But other than that nothing else other than some intense cuddling had taken place between them.

Xavier was fine with that. He didn't want to rush her into anything. He had his whole life with her ahead of him yet. And when this war was over, this is where they intended to live. So he was bound and determined to make it the best house he could.

After down loading some instructions and Blueprints on to his PDA, Xavier made his way to the roof just above their room. He had decided to put in a skylight to surprise her. It shouldn't take long to do, and with any luck he would be done by dinner.

Several hours, curse words, and beers later the skylight was finished. Xavier checked and rechecked his work carefully. He checked the seals and the glass for imperfections. Everything seemed perfect. He decided he had had enough for the day and collected his things and left the roof. When he got back inside he was surprised to see that Shyri hadn't returned yet. He was beginning to wonder what had happened to her when a small blue flame manifested itself in front of him.

He was familiar with the little will-o-wisp. It was a kind of attention getter Shyri had used all the time when they were younger, something to get his attention and follow to her. So that's what he did he threw his shirt on and followed the heatless flame. It immediately rocketed into the woods. Xavier smirked, he knew where it was leading him, he was sure of it. He followed the little flame through the woods and partly up the mountain for the better part of an hour.

The sun had already set when he came with in view of the final trees that kept wandering eyes from completely seeing the clearing. Xavier slid his goggles up on to his fore head so he could see better in the failing light. He noted that a warm orange glow was radiating from the trees ahead of him.

As he stepped out in to the clearing he found out why. Hundreds of little candles were suspended in the air by some means of magic, illuminating the entire area. Xavier could see that the area had been massively cleaned over the last few weeks. And in the middle of the clearing was a large blanket with a basket of food, and Shyri sitting on it.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

Xavier turned around slowly taking in everything.

"I love it, it looks beautiful."

Shyri blushed and motioned at the spot across from her. Xavier sat down and watched as Shyri went about setting out the carefully prepared meal she had made. While she did that Xavier took the bottle of champagne out of the basket and carefully opened it. Together they sat and ate, drinking in each other as much as the champagne.

When they were finished, Shyri packed every thing back into the basket and stood up. She offered her hand to Xavier, who happily took it, and pulled him to his feet. As soon as he was standing Shyri wrapped her arms around his neck and started moving. Xavier was no dummy and quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and started dancing with her.

"When was the last time we danced?" She hummed into his neck.

"Oh God, about 15 years ago I would say."

Shyri hummed some more as she laid he head on his shoulder.

"Way to long."

They continued to dance bare foot in the clearing, to music that only they could hear. Gently Shyri started to kiss Xavier's neck. This too he needed no further encouragement as he fiercely kissed her back.

He felt her gently tug at the lower hem of his shirt, taking the hint he let go of her and stepped back a little to give her a better grasp on the offending article of clothing. He chuckled to him self as he heard her curse a little under her breath as the shirt got hung up on his back. Finally she got the shirt up over his head she suddenly stopped. He finished removing his shirt for her and found her staring at his chest.


"I never noticed before how many there were."

Xavier looked down at his own chest as if seeing the scars and tattoos for the first time himself. She was right of course there were a lot of them, both scars and tattoos. She reached forward as he was still looking at himself in disgust and placed a delicate hand over the purple "S" he had tattooed over his heart. Slowly she walked around him looking him over completely. Or as completely as she could, he was still wearing his pants. She planned to soon rid him of those as well. She stopped for a moment at his back to just watch as his back muscles gave an involuntary shudder in the cool breeze. Dragging her hand lightly over the Angel and demon wing on his back she made her way back around to the front.

Xavier grabbed her hand and quickly spun her around so her arms were crossed over her chest and her back was to his chest. She tilted her head up and back so she could smile up at him. His lips found hers as he continued to hold her like that. Eventually she wiggled one of her hands free of his and brought it up to his face to caress it. This left one of Xavier's hands free to reach up and open Shyri's hoody.

Shyri shuddered as her bare skin met the cold night air. She quickly shrugged out of the half jacket and the snuggled right back in to Xavier's waiting arms. He welcomed her back into his arms and quickly warmed her back up by running his hands up and down the entirety of her body. Finally his hands came to a rest on her still covered breasts. She moaned slightly as he rubbed and messaged the soft and sensitive mounds of flesh, through their thin lacey prisons.

Shyri reached up between her breasts and with a snap of her fingers undid the clasp releasing them. They gave a slight bounce as they fell free from their confines, but didn't have long to be in the cold as Xavier went back to teasing one with his hand. The other was gently kissed and licked. Xavier ran his tongue around her areola before gently taking the nipple into his mouth. This elicited a short sharp gasp from her.

She was so caught up in the sensation of having her chest played with that she hadn't felt Xavier's once again free hand make its way down her stomach and in to the waist band of her pants. He had his hand half way into her pants when she finally noticed. With little effort she knocked them both to the ground with her on top of him. He didn't mind as he went right back to work on the opposite breast and continued to slide his other hand down her pants.

She slowly scooted up his body so his hand could finish its journey, and finish it did. Shyri's breathing grew heavier as Xavier cupped his hand over her sex and started to message it. She had thought having her Nipples rubbed and teased was heaven; it was nothing compared to this new sensation, and that one was replaced too as Xavier started to gently rub a finger up and down her rapidly moistening slit.

Shyri was moaning much loader now as Xavier's mouth stimulated her tits and his fingers danced over her mound. She gasped loudly as a second finger joined the first in rubbing her opening. Shyri threw her head back, and her body seized as her first orgasm ever rocked through her body.

When she finally came down from her sexual high she found that Xavier had stopped fingering her, though his hand was still cupped on her very wet sex. He had also stopped sucking on her nipples and was instead lightly kissing the crock of her neck. In a half daze Shyri turned over on top of Xavier so she was facing him and kissed him fiercely and deeply. She tried to stand so she could be rid of her sodden pants and get him out of his as well. How ever her legs were like gelatin, and wouldn't co-operate with her grand plans to be totally nude.

However Xavier had sat up as she stood up and was bracing her by her delicate hips. Hooking his thumbs into the waist band Xavier pulled down Shyri's pants. Still kind of dazed she stepped out of them, and fell backwards with Xavier on top of her.

Xavier wasted no time in kissing down the entire length of her body till he got to her lower region. Her body reacted with out her and she spread her legs to allow her lover a spectacular view of her hairless sex, still moist from its earlier teasing. Xavier dove right in engulfing her lower lips with his. His tongue parted her folds and feverishly licked at her inner depths.

Shyri was lost once again in the fog of the erotic excitement. Xavier wrapped an arm around her thigh and rested the hand just above her nether lips gently teasing the little bud that lay hidden under the hood of her sex. Her response was immediate and intense, as her eyes flew open in yet another silent scream as her second orgasm ever tore through her body.

When Shyri was finally able to bring her breathing back under control, she let go of Xavier's head that she had held on to for dear life, and unclenched her toes. She watched as Xavier stood up over her and started to undo his belt. She sat up and swatted his hands away. She wanted the pleasure of undressing her lover for the first time.

With no effort what so ever Shyri's nimble fingers made short work of the belt, the front button, and the zipper. Hungrily she grabbed his pants and yanked them down, boxers and all. She was damn near stabbed in the eye as Xavier's meat sprang free from its cotton confines. She had nothing to compare it to as it was the first one she had ever seen. She wondered if it would fit as she reached forward to grab it.

Gently she worked one fur covered hand up and down Xavier's length. It was amazing to her. The entire length was various shades of red, except the head, that was an off purple. She remembered how good it felt to have Xavier's mouth on her sex; she figured she should return the favor. Slowly she brought the twitching head to her mouth, but was brought up short by Xavier resting a hand on her shoulder and than kneeling down to be eye level with her.

"You never have to do that for me."

"But why, you did it for me? And I enjoyed it."

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"That particular gift I would rather give than receive."

With that being said he eased her back to the ground where he resumed kissing her. He felt her wrap her legs around his waist as she started to get lost in the moment again. Reaching between their bodies Xavier grabbed his smaller self and rested it at the entrance of Shyri's still virgin sex. Xavier stopped and looked her dead in the eyes. He momentarily got lost in her liquid purple eyes. So many emotions were swimming around in them. Wanting desire, doubt, unconditional love, and unbridled fear, all at the same time, all looking right at him. For the first time he was scared himself. He was honored beyond description that she had managed to save herself for him. But he knew damn well that this was her first time and it was going to hurt.

"Are you sure?" Xavier had to ask one last time.

Shyri wrapped her arms around his neck, and nodded her head. "Yes"

Xavier guided the head of his cock in to Shyri pussy. She gasped slightly as she got entered for the first time. The feel of his man hood stretching her for the first time at the same time felt highly erotic and strangely weird. All too soon Xavier came up against her hymen. He prodded it a few times with his length. He looked deep into her eyes as she gave a single nod. With one force full push Xavier tore through her maiden head. Shyri lunged her head forward and sank her teeth into his right shoulder to suppress the scream that was trying to escape her lips.

Xavier felt her sink her fangs and the rest of her teeth in to the same spot she had when her tail had split for the first time thirteen years earlier. When the pain finally ebbed she let go of his shoulder.

"I am so sorry." She said with a quiver to her voice, while stroking his cheek.

"It's all right. Are you okay?"

She took a moment to take in the sensation. She felt so... full. It was the only word she had to describe the sensation. Shyri gave a nod of her head and rewrapped her legs around Xavier's waist, prompting him into action once again. Xavier leaned his head into the base of her neck and kissed at it as he started to slowly piston in and out of her.

All too soon she was moaning and gasping as the most indescribable sensations made their way through her body. She unwrapped her arms from his neck and hooked them under his shoulders, digging her tiny claws into his shoulder blades as he picked up speed. Her moans quickly changed to little screams of passion as she felt her body build to a crescendo once again. She felt Xavier pick up speed again as his cock pounded into her vagina. Her body tensed, and the walls of her sex clamped onto Xavier's manhood milking it for all its worth as she was driven over the edge and into the depths of bliss. Xavier gave two more thrusts before he to went flying over the edge and filled Shyri's greedy womb to capacity and than over flowing with is seed.

They laid there for and eternity, panting into each others neck as they slowly came off their mutual sexual highs, and settled into the wonderful after glow. Finally Xavier fell out of her and rolled off to lie next to her. Shyri snuggled right up next to him gazing blissfully off into nothing.

"That was, incredible." Shyri said when she could finally put words to her emotions, feeling, and sensations.

"Yes it was. I am so glad you waited for me, and we waited for this moment to happen on its own." Xavier responded gently stroking her hair and ear.

She brought her head up to rest on his chest. Her warm breath tickled his peck and stimulated the nipple. Xavier would have bet she was doing it on purpose, if he wasn't too tired to care.

"Is it always going to be like that?"

"God I hope so."

Shyri rested her head back on his shoulder and shivered a little. Xavier reached behind himself and pulled the half of the blanket they weren't laying on over them.

"We should probably go home." Xavier suggested.

Shyri just shook her head no and snuggled deeper into his embrace. Knowing he was going nowhere for the rest of the night, Xavier rolled over into her and completely wrapped her in his embrace. It wasn't long before she was sound asleep. As he felt his own weariness start over come him, Xavier couldn't help but get lost in her absolute beauty. All too soon Xavier himself was sound asleep.

Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.20 - Dark Invitation, Taking Flight a Fighters Dream

**Ch. 20 - Dark Invitation, Taking Flight a Fighters Dream** _Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy Characters and locations are the exclusive property of_ _Square-Enix__. Everything else is me and my friends._ **Wyvern Cliffs, Centra** It was raining,...

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.18 - Taking Back Time, Giving Back Innocence

**Ch 18. Taking back Time, Giving Back Innocence** _Disclaimer - All Final Fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of_ _Square-Enix__and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends._ **Alexandria castle,...

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.17 - Getting Even, Settling Scores

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends **Ch.17 Getting Even, Settling Scores** He became aware of a steady dripping. One drip...

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