Coell 6 - Sleep Mode

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#6 of Coell Universe

Chapter 6 - Sleep Mode

A new series continues. Set in a far off future where humans are just one of a hundred species with mixed earth animal DNA, the anthro-furry faces have populated a small section of our galaxy, filling it with life of all kinds, AI's and androids and cybernetic beings as numerous as the organics that created them. But space is harsh, and empires rise and fall. But for every long lost fallen empire are the scavengers and salvagers eager to find and sell some gem from a forgotten civilization. This is the story of one such salvager, and of his greatest find yet. Will she be the the priceless artifact he has been seeking to make him rich, or something more?

Series will contain stories of an adult nature, including BDSM, Master/slave, kidnapping, violence, consensual and non-consensual acts. Some chapters will be light, others dark, others... read and find out.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Fav the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

It had been a long day for the AnDragon, but she wasn't tired. The thrummed with a nervous energy even as she tried to relax and let the diagnostics and maintenance systems do their work. It all felt so surreal and strange, this unfamiliar ship and her unfamiliar owner. Her owner too now that he had reset her imprinting. She squirmed in discomfort, thinking it would be easier to deal with the strangeness if she could remember what normal was, not having anything to compare her situation to made it all the worse. But her memory before waking was a blank, her databases erased, but somehow not. She knew there was still something there or she wouldn't know this wasn't normal. The world wasn't right, but it was her world now too. Being hooked up to all this equipment was part of it for sure, and she just knew she had never spent much time in a repair bay. Where did she live before? In a home? Did she have a room? A storage unit? Her head lifted and she glanced to the other side of the ships cargo deck wistfully.

Coell stared at the two empty storage chambers across from her for a time, wondering what it would be like to live there. They looked cozy, each just big enough to squeeze into with padded sides that could squeeze an AnDragon from all around and keep her tight secure. Only a handful of optional connectors aside from the data hardlink and power adapters that were standard for anywhere an AnDragon might be required to stay. Not like the pair of maintenance bays she and Gelan were currently in, sporting dozens of debugging systems, fluid cleansing tubes, manipulator arms, cleaning brushes and sprays and suction systems, and even drill and laser cutting tools. She shivered slightly, glad none of those were needed on her. Her body wasn't damaged, other than some minor tears in her artificial dragonhide which Argos had already taken care of.

Her imagination went into unpleasant areas when she pondered what kinds of damage an AnDragon would have to suffer to require some of the tools in her bay. The feeling of dread told her she must have seen some of that first hand, but of course she couldn't recall any details. It was likely just as well. She glanced at Gelos, looking at his new leg, then up to his head, the male AnDragon's eyes closed with only the occasional twitch. He was sleeping and she knew she shouldn't wake him as his brain was going through the days events to collate and process, much like a biological brain would. It was especially required for him to integrate the new limb that was much more advanced than his design. She sighed, wishing he were awake. She was tired and exhausted but couldn't sleep. Far too much running through her mind, and being in the bay alone wasn't helping.

She could access the local cameras through the ship feed with only a minor delay from all the firewalls her access was filtered through just in case some of the data weapon damage was still inside her. Images snapped into focus in her internal vision and she found herself looking at her own body, especially behind her where she couldn't easily see. Sometimes it felt like there was, something back there, but no matter what camera she looked through it felt like it was behind the lens, just out of sight. Leftovers from the war she knew, or at least had been told. Gellan was used to it but it was all new to her, and she didn't like it. It was easy to ignore if she was busy but just sitting here made her nervous.

She looked at the storage compartment again and for the hundredth time queried the maintenance systems.





A few quick calculations later she determined it would be another 11 hours before it hit 100% and all traces of the old fluids, fuels and lubricants were cleaned out. But she knew her systems would work perfectly fine even down to levels below fifty percent. She was running at near optimal, and the minor contaminants were no danger. She could complete the cleaning another time with no risk.

Her head tilted to look up in the direction of the bridge, curious to see where Argos lived. Curious to see Argos again. She didn't like being down here alone, even if she had some of the ships digital library to explore. She wanted to just download it all, but Argos told her than reawakened AnDragons had to take it slow at first. Something about the information weapon sometimes leaving traces behind that could be triggered if massive amounts of data were transferred in. She didn't really mind having to read or watch to learn, it was far more engaging. Argos had let her load a few manuals in and it was a jarring experience to have the information just injected into her memory all at once. With a story she would just KNOW the beginning, middle and end all at the same time. While her brain could handle the raw data and facts easily enough with the massive computing resources it possessed, her emotional state and consciousness was still single threaded and could easily get overwhelmed by too much flooding in at once.

She let out a sigh, her mind feeling like it was going in a thousand directions at once, trying to fill in all the gaps in her knowledge. All her instincts were still there, and pieces of data would suddenly click into place as she learned about connecting ideas and concepts. Those little clicks were both pleasurable and frustrating, each one giving her a bit more of herself back while also reminding her of how much was still missing.

Her tail twitched as she checked her system status for the thousandth time, then made her decision. Argos hadn't ordered her to stay here after all, and he was her owner after all. Shouldn't she be up there helping him do, whatever he was doing?

Coell gave the commands and felt the various systems disengaging, mechanical hoses making clicking noises as they disconnected, soft pops and the sounds of suction being broken as the tubes withdrew. She shivered a bit as some of the more sensitive attachments pulled away, and gasped as the debugging cables slipped from her horn ports. With a thought she closed those access connectors, and then softly stepped out.

Her robotic limbs stretched and moved and she spent several moments just enjoying the feel of well lubricated joints and intramuscular fluids that didn't ache or give her cramps. She moved quietly, walking on all fours with her large padded feet and toes her body designed for silent operation as to not make noise in a domestic household.

She ran her fingers along one of the padded supports in the bay directly across from her, then leaned in to give a sniff and a closer look. Surely he wouldn't mind if she slept in there. It was the proper place to store a fully working AnDragon, but she wasn't fully working yet, she though with a small amount of guilt.

Coell glanced back at the empty maintenance bay, then at the doors leading to the ships living quarters. Maybe she should ask Argos first? She nodded to herself, interfacing with the ship effortlessly to query his status.


The AnDragon flicked her tail as she pondered that. Sleeping? It was still early, at least according to ship time, but who knows how long he had been up. She could easily send a priority message, but the ship would know best, wouldn't it?

Her attention drifted back to the large, AnDragon sized door leading to the living quarters and bridge. Surely she should ask before using the sleeping bay, and since comms were not available it was clear that she should go ask in person. Very logical. She needed to go up there.

It only took a few more moments to convince herself there was no other choice, not quite quashing the thought that if she waited any longer he might be back on comms and then she wouldn't have that excuse. She cocked her head at the door sealing the AnDragon bay closed, opening it with a command to the ships systems before she could change her mind. It was just proper protocol!

There was hardly any noise as the door slid open, the interlocking sections sliding smoothly out of the way to reveal a passage large enough for her to enter. It wasn't big enough to allow and of the bulkier AnDragon models through, and even Gelan would be a tight fit. It was designed for domestic and pilot models, so she was meant to be up there!

The AnDragoness padded through the opening and onto a short ramp leading upwards to another door and there she paused, reconsidering. She almost jumped as the door behind her slid closed, a query to the ship indicating it was standard airlock security. Not that she minded, it was rather cozy in here, just big enough for her to fit, and the carpet felt good under her paws. Soft but grippy, like it was designed for her feet. Or her feet were designed for it. It likely could be either, she thought, then shook her head. She was stalling.

She tapped at the door controls, knowing if he didn't want her up here it wouldn't open. But the door chimed softly and slid open, revealing the space beyond.

Coell let out a soft cooing sound as she stepped forward, not wanting to keep the doors open, her head swiveling this way and that. It was the largest room on the ship she had seen, not surprising since she had only seen the AnDragon storage and maintenance bays. She had general ship schematics of course, and knew the overall layout of the small shuttle. There really wasn't much to it other than what she had already visited, but is she thought the storage bay was cozy, this had nothing on it.

Walking slowly on all fours she tried to take it all in. The room was curved, narrowing at the front where the bridge was and wider at the entrance she had just stepped up through. Wrap around windows ran along both sides, all the way to the front and giving a 180 degree view of the planet. She glanced behind her, to one side of the entrance was a small kitchen, and the other a doorway leading to the bathroom and shower. It was blinking red, indicating it was occupied and she decided that was why the ship didn't want to bother him. Leaning in the direction of the closed door she upped the sensitivity of her ears and sure enough heard water. With a little more sensitivity she could hear a soft humming and she suppressed a giggle.

Best not to spy, she thought and moved further to explore. There was a large bed on the left side, which must give a wonderful view, the windows level with the surface. It was large, big enough to sleep a small group, or an AnDragon. She thought the storage bay would be cozier but still, it did look inviting.

With difficulty she examined the cockpit, not a separate room but just the space where the ship's nose narrowed. The captains chair was set to one side, and a larger space on the floor was open, the surface uneven to allow an AnDragon pilot to rest comfortably on.

She turned to the right side of the living quarters, a long desk with storage compartments under and covered with a variety of items. Tools were neatly stowed away, the space looking like a small work area and to display items of interest. It wasn't messy, but was cluttered with a collection of AnDragon related technology. She recognized servos, various connectors and components, a stack of paper books, and an object that made her freeze in place that began to glow as she approached.

Coell stared at the naked AnDragon brain mounted on a sleek metal stand, colored cables snaking upwards into it from below, and a set of probes embedded along the top side. Her eyes slowly blinked as she moved to get a closer look, almost entranced by the flickering internal lights of the AnDragon mind.

She could remember the feel of those probes when she was lost and afraid, like tiny flashed of light in the utter darkness, like the feel of a hand just out of reach she so desperately wanted to grasp.

Was this one like that? Lost? Alone? Afraid? Was Argos helping him, or her? But why shower if there was another of her kind in need of rescue? She shivered, uneasy at the sight, the flickering patterns looking wrong somehow. He needed to be here, to help them and she couldn't understand why he would just leave them here. What was he doing to them?

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP HERE COELL?" shouted a voice, the deafening sound making her let out a whine of surprise as she spun to see Argos in a robe, still dripping from the shower as he smiled at her. Coell shook her head and blushed deeply at her shock, and embarrassment at having left her hearing cranked up. She reset her levels back to normal and shrink down a bit at the look of concern on Argos face.

"Are you all right?" he said, moving closer to look into her eyes, a hand on her chin tilting her head up for a better angle.

"Ah I was, uhm, yes, just mis-calibrated and uh" she stammered nervously, then swallowed and turned her head away to look at the flickering brain. "What's wrong with them? Can they hear me?" she said, her colors fading from pink to a deep blue of worry.

"Them?" he said, and then his eyes widened before softening, "Oh, oh no. That's not anyone, it's damaged, destroyed back in the war."

"But, it lit up when I got close, it's doing something, maybe there is someone in there..." she started before Argos stepped forward and moved her head back with a gentle nudge.

"It's just motion activated, it's just a display. Here, look" he said as he took the probes out to lay them carefully on the desk, then slid the brain off it's mounting post.

Coell watched, unable to look away as the brain was lifted, and went dark. She stared at the post that it had been resting on, and could see an array of tiny fiber optic filaments bunched up, all flickering in complex patterns.

Argos held the now dark and still AnDragon CPU in his hand. "See? It's just being lit up, it's not thinking or anything. It can't, the internal structures have been destroyed. Whatever did this fused the entire thing solid, it's just a big crystal now."

Coell nodded, starting to relax now that she understood it wasn't a living thing. But it used to be and she glanced at Argos dubiously, "Why..." she started.

The tall dragon gave her a half shrug, looking a little embarrassed himself. "Well I've always been fascinated by AnDragons, even from a little hatchling. I just like how it looks, we still don't know how they were made and it's just so beautiful, even broken." He continued, "I guess it's like a doctor having a skeleton in his office, and little models of organs. I'm an AnDragon mechanic, but the same job."

Coell cocked her head at the last bit, querying for DOCTOR OFFICE SKELETON and seeing a variety of images of various anthro species in all manner of outfits, surrounded by patients, medical equipment and as stated, both partial and full skeletons and various organs on display.

"That seems... a bit macabre for organics?" she said hesitantly as she blinked away the images. The idea of seeing motors and batteries and wiring didn't bother her, they were just parts. And the brain on display was just another. Now that she knew there wasn't a person inside there she could feel herself relaxing.

"Sorry, I forgot it was up here. I don't normally bring newly activated AnDragons into my quarters, but most aren't as functional as you are. I could put it away if you would like."

Coell shook her head, "No, no. It's ok, I was just, I didn't understand. I thought it was another, like me."

Argos set the brain back on the stand, but turned off the light display. He stretched with a yawn before regarding Coell with a smile, "So, what brings you up here? Did the systems detect a problem?"

Coell opened her mouth, about to mention that cozy storage bay, but instead she blurted out, "I didn't like being alone. I wanted to come up here. With you." Lines of pink ran down the sides of her face and neck as she blushed at the admission, but having said it she knew it was true. She didn't want to be alone. "Could... I sleep up here?"

The blue-green dragon hmmmed thoughtfully as he looked at her, "Let me make sure there are no immediate problems." He tapped a claw against a deep drawer set into the window-facing line of workbenches and a drawer slid open to reveal a host of AnDragon diagnostic equipment and Creator tools. He selected a thick square device, the screen lighting up as he pulled it from it's slot.

Her horn-ports opened up even before she consciously willed them too, her head bending down to give her owner access.

Argos shook his head with a smile, "Not here, this might take a while. Lets get comfortable." He waved his hand at the large bed and gave the artificial feral a pat on her shoulder.

Coell blushed, pink lines running along her face and neck, "Oh. I thought the floor would be comfy enough, this rug feels so good on my foot paws and I kinda want to roll around on it anyway and uh." Her jaw closed with a soft clop as she realized she was babbling, the pink lines on her face and neck jumping a few shades brighter.

"Nonsense, it's built for your class of AnDragons, plenty of space for you there. Besides, I've never actually had one try it out. You can give me a report. Go on, I just need a few things."

Coell nodded and turned her attention to the large bed, her tail flicking in sudden eagerness. She had assumed the spot at the foot of the bed was where she would be staying, but the idea of being on it suddenly felt so very right. She padded over to it, giving the surface a sniff, then a nuzzle, a shiver of delight running down her length as she carefully put her forepaws onto the edge and climbed ontop.

Argos watched, eyes slightly raised at her reaction and observing her intently. His head cocked slightly as he watched her spin in a circle, and then collapse onto her side, eyes closed with a contented expression. He glanced at the display, already connected wirelessly to the basic diagnostics and showing everything in nominal range. Elevated emotional responses, but no abnormalities or signs of data corruption. He walked closer, "How do you feel?"

Coell's eyes snapped open and she shook her head to clear it. She was laying down now, and hardly remembered doing that, her eyes tracking her tail curled along the lower edge, noting how there was just enough room for Argos in the space she wasn't taking up. Did she black out? Her memories showed no gaps, just a moment where her thoughts wandered and she reverted to pure, reflex? Habit? She searched her systems for where that response had come from and found nothing. She wasn't sure why, but she knew this was the right way to lay here, and she liked it. A lot. She glanced up at Argos and said the thoughts as they occurred to her, "I used to sleep in a bed."

He nodded back at her as he lifted the covers and slid into them next to the larger AnDragon, pushing a few pillows up against the cabin window to support his back as he leaned against them. "Yes, I can see that. Do you remember anything about it?"

Coell shook her head, "No, it just feels right being here." Her forepaw stroked at the blanket under her, "It's like I just knew what to do."

Argos patted his lap and smiled as he felt Coell's head settle lightly onto it. He spoke as he pulled two data cables from the diagnostic pad and plugged them gently into her still open horn ports. "Let me take a look."

Coell closed her eyes as she felt the dual click of the connections, then a flood of requests for information flowing into her brains framework, the automated systems handling the bulk of the work and letting her simply monitor the back and forth. She let out a small sigh, all the feelings of strangeness going away as she lay in a familiar position, feeling more secure and safe than she could remember in the short day she had been awake.

"This happens sometimes, especially with newly awoken AnDragons. Reflexes and feelings can come out of nowhere. Only a full reformat seems to remove them, they are somehow attached to your core personality" he told her, scrolling through various systems as he began to search for any unreported errors or malfunctions.

"I'm glad you didn't have to do that to me. I like being me. I think? Would I like being the new me?"

Argos looked serious for a moment, "Maybe. Full wipes can be quite traumatic. Nobody has found any of the hardware used to perform the initial, well, birth of an AnDragon mind. They wake up confused as their neural structures try to organize with no guidance. Even before being told they somehow always feel it's not really their body, knowing instinctively that it belonged to another who is now gone."

Coell shivered a bit, even more glad he had managed to save her. She had no memories, but she certainly knew herself, her feelings and wants and desires. One of those desires was to live and survive and wondered how she would have reacted knowing her former self had been killed. "That sounds terrible. Have you ever had to do it?" She wasn't sure why she asked, but suddenly found herself curious.

Argos looked up and out the window on the other side of the living quarters, "Just once, but they didn't successfully reinitialize. He was a military model, probably got hit by some of the aliens directed information weapons. Simply too much damage. He just shut down and, never started back up. Something essential was just gone."

Coell glanced at the AnDragon brain on the workbench, "Was it that one?"

Argos shook his head, "No, that one was already removed when I found it, and was beyond repair long long ago. It was in the remains of a bunker among with a lot of other broken equipment, probably another war casualty. The one I couldn't bring back was sold to a research facility. Maybe they will figure out what's wrong someday, or someone will find the equipment to properly do a full mental restart."

Her eyes lidded closed as she listened, her tail curling up ontop of his feet and ankles, feeling them under the blankets, feeling that was somehow right as well. She sighed softly, relaxing at the old feelings of being in a warm and safe bed, and the new one of having a skilled tech watching her systems and mind for any troubles. If there was anything wrong he would see it, and fix it. Her body relaxed as her own internal troubleshooting systems eased up, letting another take over, a weight lifting from her that she hadn't even realized was there.

Argos opened his mouth to explain more about the various research and rehabilitation facilities when he saw all her neural functions begin to level out as the AnDragoness slipped into a deep sleep almost like he had flipped a switch. Not that he needed the readout to tell, he could feel her body relax and her breathing switching to slow, steady breaths. He smiled, giving her head a soft stroking pet and watching her body melt even further down into the bed.

Well, I'm trapped here, he thought, unable to bring himself to wake her. Luckily he was already comfortable, and it only took a little squirming to lean a bit further back into the pillows and making sure the diagnostic tablet was resting safely at his side, set to alert him to any error or warning conditions. Nothing her own systems wouldn't see, but he could tell it made her more relaxed with the extra watch and he didn't mind. In fact, having her up here made him more relaxed as well. It was always mildly stressful to be on one of the damaged builder worlds, knowing unexpected information storms or other hazards could always appear with little to no warning no matter how much one prepared. Automated systems could only do so much to watch for dangers that they simply were incapable of fully analyzing or even seeing. it took organic senses for that and he had to trust the crews on the orbitals would let him know if conditions changed.

The dragon closed his eyes, and while he took a little longer than Coell, he too slid easily into a relaxed and peaceful sleep, content with the company and weight of her head and tail on him. Noticing the two asleep, automated systems on the ship shut down the lights, adjusting the temperature to his preferred sleeping levels and the two slept, exhausted from the long day.

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