Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 8

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#13 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

Chapter 8: The Tournament

The two lusters redressed themselves quickly before anybody who may have heard them came to investigate. Daniel stood close to Uraku, smiling affectionately up at the big brute. The nodded to one another as they walked back to the central fountain. The two of them didn't hold hands, or show any further signs of endearment. Their encounter was one of pure lust, and both of them knew it. As much as Daniel wanted to be considered Uraku's boyfriend, he had to differentiate lust and love to the best of his ability. Uraku could easily separate the two feelings.

Once they arrived back at the fountain, the furs were already drinking, dancing...and even fucking!? Daniel could see goats ramming themselves into beautiful mares. He watched the seven vixens he encountered in the dungeon molest each other so intimately. The air was so thick with musk that even Daniel's weak human nose could sense it from a fair distance away. It was...intoxicating. Daniel sighed, wishing he had waited to fuck with Uraku in the middle of town. He was timid when it comes to showing off himself naked to public, but if everybody around him was just getting it on...he wouldn't care, honestly. Uraku showed signs of interest in Daniel again, the tiger's paw tugging on Daniel's pants. "No...I'm a little too used up right now." Uraku snickered and left Daniel alone. Daniel felt a little heartbroken when he saw the tiger strip off his armor and jump right into a pile of small bunny boys. He felt cheated on...

Daniel couldn't stay any longer. He would just wait around the corner until the orgy was over before showing his face again. "He's not yours yet's okay." He told himself.

After about an hour more of littering the fountain with sperm and, sure enough, blood, the bell in the large bell tower in town began ringing. Daniel looked around to investigate the sound, first noticing all of the furs frantically putting their clothes on and cleaning up their messes. "Finally..." Daniel walked back into the crowd, many muzzles turning to him and giving him an approving nod. Uraku was the only one to approach him. "Where'd you go, Dan? There were so many girls looking for you!" Daniel shivered. He didn't want to be inside a girl...ever. He thought female genitalia were disgusting. Only the breasts were mildly enticing. "I just needed to go put some ice on my...well." He turned bright red, the furs around him seeming intrigued by the tanning of his skin. "So that's a human blush!" Said an unfamiliar voice Daniel couldn't track.

Uraku yelled loudly, "Attention! The king has arrived!" Everybody quickly filed out to the sides of the walkway leading up to the castle. Daniel was too busy hyperventilating from the sudden call from startled him. Uraku and Daniel were together in the center, the tiger holding onto Daniel's shoulder to let the nervous boy know that he was supposed to be there. Daniel wanted to bite that paw off. He wanted to bitch Uraku out for sleeping with others...but he knew that he had no right yet to ask for exclusiveness. Daniel knew that he never had any of his booty calls bitch him out for sleeping with others.

Daniel observed the small figure in the distance slowly growing as he came closer and closer. The figure grew rapidly as it proved to all its speed as it had arrived...or rather...he arrived. The six foot tall cheetah was very...very breathtaking. Daniel's eyes memorized every slender curve of that spotted feline. Splendid abs, proud chest, curvy hips, and even those beautiful feet made the cheetah worthy of the title king, in Daniel's eyes.

As the cheetah came to about six feet away, Daniel's gaze lowered to the king's bulge in his red speedo. That was all he wore...but it would be all he needed to wear. He was the only cheetah left in this world, after all. So, why bother with a crown if the king could be identified by species?

The cheetah's arms were crossed, looking into the boy's eyes and snickering as he shook his hips a little. "No touchy, now." The furs around them laughed, and so did the king. Daniel couldn't help but laugh too. It felt like everybody was just trying to play with him now. Heights, orgies, drop-dead sexy royalty...they were throwing everything they had at Daniel. He opened his mouth as is he was going to say something, but all he could do was soak in that feline body that he wanted milking his aching meat. All of his cares for Uraku...all the jealousies...they vanished as he consumed the cheetah's every inch with his eyes.

"Daniel! You have no idea how happy I am now that you arrived! Master Shah's prophecies have always come true, and once again...the prophet has proved his perfection!" The crowd cheered loudly before the king raised his paw, signaling for the cheering to settle. The cheering stopped in almost an instant. The sudden calm bugged Daniel's ears, like the sudden shut off of the air conditioning at home when he tried to sleep. He came closer to Daniel after the ice seemed broken between the two of them. Daniel couldn't help but keep staring at that bulge as it came closer and closer. It wasn't anything overwhelming in size, but that final proof of maleness just drew him in. He started leaning forward, almost burying his face in the red material covering the king's meat. The king reached down and drew Daniel's face upwards, looking down into his eyes as he signaled for Daniel to rise. "I'm up here...sweety." The cheetah snickered as he saw Daniel's blush return, but didn't let him hide his gaze from his eyes. The cheetah had beautiful bright blue eyes. Daniel was fully intoxicated by the handsome, sexy, charming cheetah.

The king blew some air into Daniel's face, the human falling back some and shaking his head violently. That blow to the face seriously broke his daze, allowing him to concentrate normally again. "Well, I can tell that you aren't used to our culture. That's no biggie...we'll break ya. Anyway, I have some important matters to state now that the human has arrived." The cheetah walked backward a bit as he started looking around as he spoke, making sure everybody could hear his words. No microphone was needed. His voice roared with pride and volume that could capture the whole world's undivided attention.

"The prophecy told of a human who would appear just before the darkest of times to find a way to save us all from destruction. Qurrah's forces, as you all know, attack once every two weeks, and in two days we'll be seeing the dark army attack Helgei. I believe it only fitting that Daniel and his guardian, Uraku, come to Helgei with me for a tournament!" The crowd erupted with excitement, most of the males hollering and clapping with each other as if the super bowl was about to begin. The cheetah turned to Uraku, the two of them staring each other down in a friendly way. Perhaps it was a friendly rivalry. "Uraku, you got lucky last time...but I won't fall for the same thing twice!" Uraku snickered, shaking his head. "Good luck, your majesty."

The cheetah and Uraku balled their fists and thrusted them in unison at each other. Their paws collided with a loud crack that sent chills down Daniel's spine. Their fists had to have been crushed under the strike that rivaled a thunder's crack. Surprisingly, the two furs pulled their fists back and smiled at each other. The crowd cheered at the display of immense power they both harbored. Daniel's fear converted into astonishment, a goofy smile showing his own bedazzlement. He soon joined the crowd in the cheering, the two warriors looking at the human and grinning.

This sounded exciting! He would get to watch the fighting styles of the creatures in the book. He was more than happy to go along. His previous grievances against Uraku for 'cheating' on him vanished. This was a different culture, as the king implied earlier. He wouldn't let himself be offended until he learned how this world worked. Well...he'd try at least.

Many furs were packing food and tents, rushing out of the gates leading outside of the town. A well armored German shepherd was ushering the excited crowd and keeping everyone informed. "Citizens of Bai'ji, please stay close with a battalion of warriors to keep safe from the dangers of the outside!" Uraku grabbed Daniel's hand, grabbing the boy's attention. "Mount me, Daniel. I'll take you to Helgei long before these slowpokes manage to cross the first river." Daniel blushed wildly. The thought of 'mounting' Uraku was kind of exciting. Sweet revenge on that tiger's hot ass aroused his interest. Uraku morphed into the white tiger. He sat down, his tail flicking side to side gently as he waited for Daniel to get on board. Daniel walked up to the tiger and straddled his strong back, but then fell fast on his chest against Uraku's back as the tiger stood back up and lifted his feet off the ground. Daniel held on tightly to the tiger's torso with legs and arms.

Uraku darted off through the side exit of the town, sprinting hastily through thick woods to help avoid detection from the crowd. He didn't want the others to know he was taking Daniel to Helgei early. Daniel could hear the tiger's voice in his head. "Daniel, I've been meaning to ask you even know how to fight? I do know you're in the tournament, right?" Daniel opened his eyes wide and lost his grip on the sprinting white tiger, rolling along the ground and getting fairly scratched up. Roots and vines stuck to his skin as Daniel stood up to speak to the white tiger. His shock masked the pain he would be feeling from the sticking plants. "In it!? I thought I was just watching!"

Uraku morphed into his orange tiger form, jogging over to the terrified Daniel who stood shivering. He knelt down, only being just a bit shorter than the standing up Daniel now. " have to fight in this tournament. King Jalhamut has been planning this tournament for years, waiting for the prophecy to come true. This tournament is meant to prove of your strength and tact." Daniel growled, wanting to beat the crap out of the messenger of bad news...but the tiger was too strong. Daniel breathed deep, thinking through the situation rationally. The king said the tournament started tomorrow, so he would be expected to sleep by this world. Once he woke up in the real world, he could stay outside of this place until he learns how to fight. Perhaps Nick could teach him! The thought of simply not coming back to this world to avoid the pain never crossed his mind.

Daniel looked up and smiled at Uraku. "Uraku, a human's strength IS his tact. Where I come from, humans rule the entire world. We're one of the most fragile creatures, but we use our brains to defend ourselves...and to progress." Uraku tilted his head confusedly, not sure what Daniel meant by another world. "'re not from around here?" Daniel shook his head, gently reaching to rub Uraku's head, enticing a low murr from the creature. "That's a tale for another time. Just trust me that I can find a way to put up a hell of a fight. I don't need to be the victor, do I?" Uraku shook his head, leg thumping lightly from the professional head rub he was getting. " Just show some...v...valor." Daniel was getting a kick out of this. The big tough tiger was showing a cute-kitten side! He'd use this sweet spot to his advantage later for sure!

Later they were back on the move toward Helgei, Daniel sitting upright on the white tiger with his legs dangling off the same side. He was already getting comfortable with riding Uraku. Now, if only he could get comfortable with 'riding" Uraku sometime. Uraku spoke to Daniel through the mind. "Listen carefully Daniel. I know who we're competing with, so I'll tell you about everybody's style."

"I won't reveal my secrets to you yet, and I ask that you don't reveal yours to me either. The tournament will not allow you and your guardian to fight on the first round, and I want to learn by studying you in combat. Now the..." Daniel quickly interrupted. "I've been meaning to ask...what do you mean, guardian?"

"Not long ago, when our world was corrupted by a different evil than the one we suffer from today, Shah had a similar prophecy of a human who would arrive to save our world. We keep this hidden from the public, but the prophecy had not come true...completely. The human was said to save the world, then live happily with his lover in their world until they died of natural causes. The human didn't survive, however. The world was saved as the human's ingenuity lived on through a great device he forged that his lover would use to finish the job on the evil dragon ruling the world, the dragon that turned us into wolves when the last city fell and enslaved us. Scholars found a diary belonging to what they believe was the human's lover, which is where we get this information from. Her name was never mentioned. All we know is that this all happened only six years ago. The king didn't want the next human that was prophesized to arrive to perish, so he assigned a stay alongside him or her at all times. I am!"

Daniel nodded, understanding now why Uraku was always around him (except that ONE time...) after the tiger found out he was human. "So Shah couldn't defend the last city himself? I thought he was an almighty prophet of sorts."

Uraku replied quickly, "He is the most powerful being in existence, but he got his power at the price of his freedom. He's bound to Bai'ji, and not even Shah could hold back the hoard of undead once the numbers of behemoths became too great. Only Shah's tower remained unscathed, and for many years Drayak and his minions searched the world for survivors to enslave. The survivors he found were morphed into wolves under a horrible curse, making no fur distinguishable from the other. Then the pointless labor began, and the rapes escalated. Anyway, the ice sorceress was the only combatant left, and she was formidable...and with the human's help they overcame the foul dragon in the end. Heh, I just went off on a tangent, didn't I?" Daniel shook his head. "It's fine. A little history lesson isn't going to kill, about the tournament..."

Uraku continued from where he left off. "There are six other contestants you need to think about. If you are planning on using brains to outsmart your opponent, you need to know what you're fighting against."

"First there is Kilch. This polar bear can throw the strongest punches in the world, even stronger than mine. He can break bones with only his pinky. His weapon of choice is the axe, which will be replaced with a wooden axe in the arena...all weapons will be dulled to prevent the loss of life. His weakness is simple...he's irrational. He wouldn't think that an army of thirty thousand could defeat him if each soldier was a tenth of his size."

"Next, there's Benson. The red fox was the student of the evil we now face, Qurrah. He used to be one of Qurrah's generals before he had a change of heart. After proving himself time and time again to regret what he had done against us in the past, we finally accepted him into our society. He uses dark magic to drain his opponents of the will to fight, and then telekinesis to have his way. There are two ways to beat him. A strong will can easily overcome his telekinesis, in which case he's basically powerless. The real threat is the darkness that he'll try to envelop you with. Take him out fast, and don't succumb to the darkness!"

"Then there's Nem. He's a young otter who proved to be a genius during school. He dabbled with the elemental magicks at a very young age, and although he is still young today...he is a force to be reckoned with. From afar, he is one of our greatest assets to defending against the wave of undead that Qurrah sends us."

Daniel interrupted again. "Okay...who is Qurrah?"

"In due time, Daniel." Uraku continued, "To beat Nem, you simply need to get to him before he has the chance to harm you. He can't take much damage."

"Next, there's Sazla. Her only weakness is...women. I guarantee you that if I had to face her in the last tournament I would never have had a chance at winning. She...oooh...she knows how to get the male's raging with lust by just the way she acts. Some say that she's a virgin...just enjoying being a tease for all the boys to gawk at. Once she has you trying to get in her pants, she can easily lash at you with her whips...and sometimes you just end up taking it, pretending that it turns you on just to get her attention. After a while, the blood loss sets in and you're out of the match. I have the next person to thank for going up against Sazla."

"Her name is Aveyi. Nobody knows where she comes from. She's the mystery wolfess that everybody spreads rumors about. She is a master of the ice element, and has dabbled enough with wind to use a block of ice to fly around. She's helped us out of a lot of jams, and showed a ton of cunning in battles with Qurrah in the past. Last year she made it to the semi-finals, but was eventually defeated by the next and final contestant...the king."

"Jalhamut is by far your biggest nightmare. He is an expert in stealth and speed. He can jump high enough to bring down any bird that tries to escape. His claws are so sharp that some furs believe they could slice diamonds as easily as they do carrots. I battled with him in the finals, and he knew how to take care of me by that time. I found a way to beat him before I took too much damage and passed out. You won't be able to follow his speed, but you can heighten your chance at hitting him with an area attack. For me, I jumped in the air and slammed my giant sword into the arena floor and sent a shockwave that tripped him in his tracks. I took my chance and shoved my blade right up to the king's neck and sliced the wooden edge against the neck, signaling that had it been a real fight, I would have just slain him."

Daniel smirked, already looking forward to partaking in this tournament now! He definitely would use tact against these furs during the games, but once he found a place to sleep in Helgei, he'd stay in the real world and train his body until he felt he could take on the warriors in the arena.