The Studs at Stilton Farm

Story by Yogloo on SoFurry

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The Studs at Stilton Farm by Yogloo

WARNING: This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity, including zoophilia, masturbation, sexual growth and transformation, and inflation. If you are offended by this sort of thing, or you are under the age of 18, please do not read any further. Darkfire is Copyrighted to Treesinger. This story is Copyright 2007 to Yogloo, and is NOT public-domain.

  • * * Darkfire woke slowly to the light of the sun streaming through the window. She blinked and yawned, then smiled as she looked out into her room. Such a comfortable, quiet little place, far enough away from civilization to be peaceful, yet close enough to be practical. She snuggled into her bedspread, enjoying the soft covers and her fluffy pillow, her body pressing gently into the supple mattress. She'd had her favorite dream again. She giggled softly as she went over it in her mind. She'd dreamed that she'd been up at the stables with her favorite horse, a large, well-built draft stallion. She began to squirm a little as the details began to fill in. The stallion had been looking at her with interest, his rear legs spread ever so slightly to give her a good view of what lay in between. She could feel her pulse quicken as she imagined the horse's sheath slowly expanding, his impressive balls hanging ponderously behind, the plump head of his maleness just slipping out into view. Darkfire moaned as she began to rub her hands over herself, arching her back while her fingers stroked over her sensitive nipples, one hand beginning to move down her belly. Her fantasy continued, the horse's cock slipping out inch by inch, more and more hanging down between his legs as it began to grow in girth, firming up right before her eyes. Before long, its entire length had emerged from its leathery sheath, the head beginning to rise back up into the air as the stallion became more and more aroused. Darkfire parted her legs and let her fingers slip down between them. She moaned softly as one finger found her warm, wet folds, her crotch already quite wet from a night full of erotic dreams. As she began to tease her swollen clitoris, she imagined herself offering her body to the horse, pointing her delicious rump right at him, wanting him to mount her. The stallion would step up behind her and sniff at her proffered rump, giving it a couple of sensual licks. She could almost feel the horse's broad tongue and his warm breath against her folds. She began to press her fingers in between them, penetrating her slick tunnel and rubbing all around, seeking out that one most sensitive spot. She shivered as she continued to imagine that beautiful stallion licking at her arousal, those big, sloppy wet kisses sending shivers up her spine and making her want more. She would press back against that wonderful tongue, coating it with more of her juices, begging her fantasy lover to take her. Darkfire moaned out loud, "Oh yes!" as she finally saw that gorgeous stallion lift his head and step closer to her. She watched him ever so slowly rear up behind her and lunge forward, his hard, throbbing shaft pointed right at her... Darkfire suddenly tensed up and squealed, her body clenching tight as she came. She plunged her fingers as deep inside herself as she could, feeling her muscles squeezing and convulsing around them, drawing out as much pleasure as she could. She squeezed one of her breasts with her free hand, her nipple hard and ever so sensitive to the touch. As her orgasm raged on, her fingers became thoroughly soaked in her juices. She groaned and squirmed in her bed, several waves of pleasure washing over her before she finally began to relax, panting as she passed into afterglow. She had been having these dreams more frequently as of late. The unicorn realized that she'd been going into heat, and the intensity of her desires would only increase over time. She found it frustrating - nobody she'd slept with had been able to truly satisfy her when she got like this. She knew what she really wanted, but there was little she could do about it. At least as long as she worked for Max Badger. Darkfire sighed softly while she basked, her fingers still buried inside her wet tunnel. After another moment, she withdrew them slowly, shivering with a few last twinges of pleasure, and she held them up to the light. She had come so quickly, so heavily, that her whole hand was virtually soaked with her juices. She knew that her unnaturally strong orgasms were a byproduct of her magic, which she only barely knew how to control and which grew in strength year after year. Whenever she'd go into heat, it seemed her power would feed off her lust, and in turn her lust would just become stronger. And as a result, her orgasms were becoming progressively more powerful, and much messier. The unicorn sat up and yawned, stretching widely as the sheets fell away from her naked body. She glanced at herself in the mirror across the room, and she grinned to her reflection. She liked her body. She liked how her indigo fur always shone in the morning light, helping to accentuate the supple curves of her body. Her voluptuous breasts were each quite more than a handful, and she was not at all afraid to admit that she was hot. She stood up and walked toward the mirror, thinking about all the men she had attracted. Some were nice, some were a real pain in the ass, but not a single one of them could hide their arousal from her. She liked having that effect on people. But none of them had ever been able to really give her what she wanted. She was always up for a good, hard fuck now and then - it helped take the edge off. But there was always that one little itch that they just couldn't quite scratch... Darkfire turned once more in the mirror and caught a glimpse of the juices coating the insides of her thighs, her fur matted and glistening in the light. She giggled again, rather liking the messiness of it all. It was one of her many little secret fetishes, to make a big mess of herself and her bed when she woke up all horny like this. Some days, she felt like she could spend the whole day doing nothing but getting herself off over and over again. But a quick glance at the clock told her that she'd better get moving. She sighed wistfully and headed into the bathroom for her morning shower. --- It was a brisk morning, sunny, cool, perfect. Darkfire slid gracefully into her car and started the engine, opening the sunroof to give herself extra room for her sabre horn. It was a daily ritual - cars like hers hadn't been designed with unicorns in mind, unfortunately. It could be a little inconvenient on cold days, but thankfully today was starting off to be a nice day, and she didn't have too far to drive. She turned onto the main street and started off for work. As usual, there wasn't much traffic out here in the wooded suburbs. The trip to work was always very smooth - only rarely would there be enough traffic to make her slow down, much less get stuck in a backup. She didn't envy her friends, many of whom had hour-long commutes along the busy city freeways. This was the life, right here. The commute was just long enough to give the unicorn time to think. Today, she found herself thinking about work. She liked living out here anyway, for the quiet and calm atmosphere more than anything else. But her job was what really made it worth it. She thought about how she'd get up every day in her small, cozy cabin, hop into her car, and drive the fifteen miles to Stilton Farm, home to Max Badger's small-time operation. Max, the multimillionaire tycoon from Wall Street, had used his fortune to pursue his life-long dream: To make it big in the world of horses. A little over two years ago, he'd purchased the small farm and renovated it, turning it into a luxurious private estate for training and breeding horses. He spared no expense in caring for his animals - the stables were always kept in top-notch condition, and each horse received the best care and treatment that money could buy. Max was hoping to someday become a big player by sending at least one of his horses on to the big races, and by building his reputation as one of the nation's top breeders. Darkfire was one of Max's stablehands, and she cared for all of his horses every day, splitting the responsibilities of the farm with just three other people. She got to feed the horses, clean them and groom them, muck their stables, even take them for an occasional ride. When she wasn't caring for the horses themselves, she was helping to maintain their stables. Overall, she performed hours of back-breaking manual labor nearly every single day. And she loved it. She loved it mainly because she could spend all those hours being near these beautiful creatures. Darkfire had always had a fondness for horses, and she grew up wanting to always be around them and care for them. So when Max had accepted her application to work on his farm, she was ecstatic. He had been impressed by her impressive array of knowledge and her willingness to work. She remembered him saying, "I warn you, running a farm like this ain't easy. If you're not careful, you might just end up workin' yourself down to the bone. You sure this is what you want to do?" And she'd been a devoted employee ever since. It paid well, too. In just the two years she'd been working there, she'd managed to mortgage her cabin and pay off most of her car, and she had a comfortable savings to boot. For a twenty-three-year-old unicorn, she wasn't doing bad at all. But much more than the pay, she loved working with the horses themselves. Every day, she'd walk into the stables and just spend a moment gazing at the beautiful creatures - such strong, powerful and yet gentle animals, always reflecting the kindness with which they were treated. Max had a good eye for spotting conflicts, and he was quite meticulous in choosing which animals to bring into his stables. This attention to detail led to a very harmonious environment, one that Darkfire greatly enjoyed working in. And she always made a point to learn every horse's name by heart. As Darkfire took the private road toward the farm, she smiled as she once again realized just how proud she was to work for Max. It was hard work, but she couldn't imagine herself making a living doing anything else. She didn't mind the messes the horses made of their stalls, or the effort it took to keep everyone happy - with a little help from her unicorn magic, she was able to easily keep up with the demands of her job. Only a half-mile to go. She slowed down, taking a moment to enjoy the woods that separated the farm from the rest of the world. She wanted to spend a moment anticipating today's work. She already knew she would enjoy it, because today was the start of breeding season, her most favorite time of the year. --- Darkfire arrived a few minutes later and parked in her usual spot. She waved to the other stablehands as she got out, and they waved back cheerfully before going about their business, leaving her to walk into the stable alone. She did her usual count as soon as she was inside: Two racers, three studs and one draft, all male. The roster hadn't changed in two weeks, and there didn't seem to be any plans to bring any mares in for the studs. That seemed strange to her - the stables should have been bustling with activity by now, if the last couple of years were any indication. Last year, each lucky stud had gotten to mate with several mares each week - she would have thought it would be even busier this time around. It wasn't hers to decide, though. She figured that Max must know what he was doing. With a shrug, she started on her chores. Duke, one of the retired racers, had already come up to his stall door to greet Darkfire with his customary whinny. She smiled back and said, "Hello, Duke" in her usual way as she squeezed through the small gate into his stall. She set her tools down and hugged him around his broad neck, feeling those powerful muscles flexing under his fur and skin. "Such a nice boy," she whispered to him - she doubted he could understand her, but her voice always seemed to soothe him. He snorted softly in return and nuzzled her, nibbling lightly at her hair, his heavy hooves clopping on the floor. Darkfire would spend more time greeting the horses than the other stablehands did. To her, it was a great way to bond with them, to get to know them better. She really enjoyed these moments. Not only did she enjoy being close to the powerful, beautiful beasts, but they turned her on. And today, she found herself feeling much hornier than usual. Oh, how tempting it would be to do something right here in the stall. To play out her fantasy, even just a little... but she didn't dare. There was always someone about - any one of the stablehands, or even Max himself, could just walk into the stable at any time, and she couldn't risk getting caught. No, she had to be satisfied with just touching the horse, cleaning him, feeding him, and gazing at him from a distance. Reluctantly, the unicorn pulled away from Duke. She took up her tools and began cleaning the stall, scooping up the used straw and spreading down new substrate, always making sure to leave the place smelling clean and fresh. Then she filled the hay rack with a good helping of grain and alfalfa, providing Duke with his morning meal. She liked the smell of fresh hay - she thought it smelled warm and snuggly. A light bump of a large, wet nose at her rump caused her to glance back with a soft "meep!" Duke had caught Darkfire's scent wafting up from her jeans - apparently she was getting more turned on than she realized! She blushed reflexively, but then she gave a sly grin as she spied the stallion's maleness hanging out, still flaccid, but definitely showing signs of interest. "Murrr! I want you too, big boy," she said to him. She went back to laying out the new hay with her pitchfork, but as she moved behind Duke, she allowed herself one quick, inconspicuous fondle of his large sac, reaching underneath to heft the weight of his massive testicles in her hand. Such a naughty touch made her shiver with delight, feeling those warm, heavy orbs in her hand, each one quite a handful by itself. She imagined herself doing all sorts of deliciously naughty things with the stallion, the images flashing quickly through her mind. It was a ritual she enjoyed often, when she could get away with it - it was the closest she thought she'd ever get to truly living out her fantasy. After a few seconds, she let go of Duke's balls, the stallion giving a disappointed snort in response. She sighed wistfully and forced herself to keep working, finishing his stall quickly and stepping out to start on the next one. She had a similar relationship with the other retired horses, though she took care not to tease the racers too much, lest she harm their performance. But she took advantage of every opportunity to surreptitiously fondle each stud between the legs. With each grope, her need grew more and more and made her heart pound, the temptation becoming almost too much to bear. By the time she'd finished her work an hour later, she couldn't stand it anymore, and she dashed off to the restroom to take care of herself. --- About ten minutes later, Darkfire emerged again in a new pair of jeans, the old ones having gotten quite soaked by her naughtiness. Normally, she wouldn't have really cared all that much - she didn't mind if people knew she was a hot and horny unicorn. In fact, she fancied herself quite the exhibitionist - that is, when she could get away with it. But here at the farm, life was pretty conservative, so she had to take care of her nearly uncontrollable horniness in secret. In a way, it was just as exciting to stay under the radar and risk being caught, and it allowed her to keep her job. As she returned to the stable, she found Max waiting for her outside. He smiled and put out his arms, saying, "Darkfire! Just the unicorn I wanted to see!" Darkfire composed herself and tossed her hair back, her horn glinting in the light. "Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?" Despite his insistence that she call him Max, she still preferred to call the short, rotund badger "Sir". She liked to think it was a sign of respect for the millionaire, no matter how friendly he might be. Max chuckled. "You're never gonna loosen up around me, are ya?" Darkfire folded her arms, tilting her head back as she grinned back at him. "Nope! I'm going to keep calling you Sir as long as you keep me working!" Max gave off a hearty laugh and slapped her on the shoulder in his friendly Southern way. "And ya do one hell of a job, Darkfire. You're the best damned stablehand I've ever had on this farm. Which is why I wanted to talk to you." Darkfire's ears perked up at Max's sudden change in tone. He was getting right down to business today. "Okay, what's up?" Max turned toward the stable, beckoning the unicorn to walk with him. "Darkfire, you and I have been working together for a couple a' years now. You know everything there is to know about tending horses. And I just want you to know that I trust you with these fine animals." The unicorn bowed her head humbly. "Why, thank you, Sir. You know I love working with them." Max nodded. "Yep, I know you do. And as you know, it's breedin' season again. But it's also racin' season, and this year, Stilton Farm is gonna compete in some of the big races. We're talking really big-time, hon." The badger swept his arms wide to emphasize his point. "The Breeder's Cup, the Belmont Stakes... heck, even the Kentucky Derby if we're good enough." Darkfire whistled. "That's impressive! This is a first for the farm, am I right?" "That's right, Darkfire. First time we've made the big time with our own horses. My first year here, I sold a horse to a guy who went on to compete in the Triple Crown. Never got an ounce of credit for that. But this time, those'll be my horses out on the track, and if we win, it could mean big bucks for the farm." The unicorn couldn't help but chuckle. Max was already rich enough as it was, but he was bound and determined to get his name up in lights at one of these big races, no matter what it took. And it impressed her how he always stayed on the straight and narrow about it, too. "I see. When does all this happen?" Max continued walking, now approaching Duke's stall. "In a week. Because of the races, we're puttin' off breedin' for a few weeks while the crew and I go on tour." He turned to point back to the stalls holding the race horses. "We're taking both of our racers: Strong Arm and Twilight Moon." Darkfire's ears were perking again as it began to occur to her just what this might mean. She took a survey of the stable, noting which stalls would be empty during the time. She nodded as she looked back to Max, her ears perking forward in anticipation. "And who are you taking for the trip? Did you want me to come along?" Max shook his head. "Actually, I want you to stay here. I'm taking the rest of the stablehands and some extra crew to tend to the boys we're taking, but I want you to take care of the rest of the horses until we get back." Darkfire drooped her ears a bit. While she was a little disappointed that she couldn't go to the races like she'd always wanted, her expression was just an act. She could scarcely believe what she had just heard: Max was actually going to leave her alone with the horses! As this reality began to dawn on her, her heart started to race, and she could feel her hormones already flowing harder than ever. How would she be able to wait the week? Still, she did her best to keep it from showing, simply replying, "I see." Max noticed her apparent disappointment and smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, though. I know you can take care of my boys. But just so you don't get lonely, I got you some help." All of the images Darkfire was secretly entertaining suddenly went poof. "You... did?" The badger just nodded and turned back toward the entrance of the stable, revealing a young male skunk standing near Duke's stall. "Yep! I'd like you to meet my nephew. The boy was just rarin' to spend some time on the farm, so I figured it'd be good work for him." The skunk nervously approached Darkfire, trying his best not to look like he was checking her out. He put out his paw. "Hi, I'm Zack," he said. Darkfire made no attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that she was sizing him up. Having had her plans so quickly interrupted by this new intruder, her initial shock led to disappointment, and then anger. This kid couldn't have been more than about twenty years old, and he was the boss's nephew, so she remained polite and professional toward him. "Hello Zack. I'm Darkfire." She took his paw and shook it, sensing his nervousness. She knew the type - young kid, working for the first time on a farm, enthusiastic as all hell and probably thinks he can do anything. But she had to admit, he was kind of cute. Max continued, "So, now that y'all know each other... Darkfire, I want you to train this kid so he's up to speed by the time we're ready to go. Feel free to give him whatever work ya want, but make sure he knows what he's doin' when we leave." Darkfire smiled deeply to Max. "Oh, don't worry, Sir, I'll make sure he's *very* well trained." She snuck a disapproving glare at the skunk, who looked more nervous than ever. Max grinned back, completely failing to catch the hidden intent in her tone. "That's excellent, Darkfire. I knew I could count on you. And Zack," he turned to the skunk. Zack snapped his attention to the badger. "Y-yes, Uncle Max?" Max laughed again. "Whoa, son, relax there just a little! Ya gotta loosen up if ya wanna work on this farm. Unlike ol' Miss Tightbritches here." He laughed again, and Darkfire joined in as well, knowing the badger was paying her a compliment. He continued, "Don't be too worried if the boys get a little frisky. It's breedin' season and they know it, but we're not gonna have pretty ladies for 'em for a little while yet. They'll survive, though." Zack nodded, glancing back to the unicorn for a moment, then said, "Okay. I'll take good care of them." Max smiled, satisfied. "Good boy. Alright you two, get to work!" With that, the badger turned and left the stable, leaving his two charges still standing in front of Duke's stall. The two stared at each other for a moment, the skunk wondering what he should do first, the unicorn still secretly plotting his demise. Zack glanced around the stable in the silence, noticing that several of the horses had poked their heads out to look at him. Darkfire was the first to break the silence. "So, Zack, looking forward to mucking a bunch of horse stalls?" Zack nodded enthusiastically. "Yes Ma'am! I've been wanting to do this for a while! I love horses." Trying to prove his point, the young skunk nervously reached up and tried to pet Duke's snout, but the horse pulled his head back and grunted, looking quite unsure about him. Darkfire just smirked. "Do you now? Ever actually approached one before, kid?" With that, she stepped up to Duke as well and reached her own hand up, her movements smooth, graceful and reassuring. Duke approached her cautiously, but then nuzzled against her hand, and she pet him slowly and affectionately. She looked back to Zack, who was looking at the floor, seeming rather embarrassed. Darkfire continued, "Let me give you a piece of advice, kid. To work with a horse, you have to gain his trust. And you can't do that if you're nervous around him." She brought her hand back down and folded her arms. "If you want to work here, you're going to need to build some confidence." Zack looked back up at the unicorn, his eyes stopping briefly at her chest before meeting her gaze. She didn't budge just yet - if she was going to have to work with this intruder, she was going to at least enjoy a little dominance. "Now, let's get one thing straight. While your uncle is gone, I'm the boss here. You wanna work with the horses? Then you're going to have to do exactly as I say, you got it?" Zack's blush started to fade - the skunk seemed to feel more comfortable having someone direct him. He just nodded in response. Darkfire smiled now, easing off on her faux-military posture. She couldn't keep it up for all that long, but she was satisfied that she'd gotten the skunk boy in line. He was too darned cute to stay mad at - even if she couldn't be alone with her precious horses, she could at least be satisfied with working the badger's nephew good and hard. She put her arm around his shoulder and said, more reassuringly, "All right then. Let's start by introducing you to the horses. Just remember, don't be scared of them, and they won't be scared of you." --- Zack surprised both Darkfire and Max with how quickly he picked up on all his assigned tasks. In just a few days, he was working just as quickly as the rest of the stablehands, although he still didn't quite match up to Darkfire's experience and efficiency. But it was a good thing that he proved to be such a hard worker - Darkfire was finding it difficult to work at her own usual pace. Her heat was growing stronger, more demanding, more uncontrollable. It needed more frequent attention, and the studs were definitely noticing. Each time she'd enter one of their stalls, they'd immediately start sniffing at her, seeming to ask just how turned on she was. And she'd watch lustfully as each stallion would respond, letting his cock slip out of its thick sheath, tantalizing her as it slowly grew to erection. She would whimper to herself, her own arousal mounting. She wanted to touch those cocks, even just one of them, so badly. She wanted to play with it, to satisfy both herself and the stallion. She wanted to fondle those huge balls, to feel how full and heavy they were, to stimulate the stallions further. She noticed how they seemed to grow bigger each day, and she could only imagine how much pressure must have been building up inside them. It drove her wild with lust - she so desparately wanted to give them the relief they so richly deserved, and to take all their pent-up stallion seed inside herself... the more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. To be the mare for these stallions. But now that Zack was around and the other stablehands were getting ready to take the race horses on their trip, she had even less opportunity than usual to do anything about it. It was beginning to drive her absolutely crazy, and her bathroom breaks became quite a bit more frequent, and a lot less satisfying. The stallions sure didn't make it any easier for her. Each day, the horses became friskier as their need to breed increased more and more. Max didn't believe in using semen collection devices, so they either got to do it for real, or they just had to wait - the one and only thing Darkfire didn't agree with. And as a result, the stallions became more insistent with the heated unicorn femme, forcing her to push them away more and more. The day before the trip, Darkfire found herself trying to ward off the advances of Sebastian, the youngest of the retired racers, when she noticed Zack watching. He was standing at the other side of the stall door, his eyes clearly fixated on the horse's now-erect cock, his mouth slightly agape. Darkfire grinned to herself, staying behind Sebastian so she could watch him without being noticed. She glanced down at his crotch, and she couldn't help but smirk as she saw a noticeable bulge in his pants. "Gotcha," she thought to herself as a plan formed quickly in her sex-addled mind, her excitement returning in full force once again. It was all she could do to keep from moaning in anticipation - instead, she hurriedly finished her work in the stall. By the time she was done, Zack had gone on to his next task, giving the horny unicorn a clear shot to the bathroom once again. --- Later that day, Darkfire joined Zack at the picnic table for lunch. The other stablehands had already eaten and were off prepping the trailers, so it was just the two of them there. She opened her bag lunch and set it out on the table, and she began eating her sandwich. The sun felt nice and warm on her fur, and for a moment, everything was peaceful. After a couple of bites, she set her sandwich down and said, "So, Zack, you're doing pretty good for a newbie! How do you like it here?" Zack looked up from his own sandwich and smiled. By now, he had loosened up quite a bit. "I like it a lot, Darkfire. It's a lot of work, but it's nice working here with you and the horses." Darkfire smiled back pleasantly. "It's nice to have the help. We're going to have a lot more to do when everyone else is away." Zack just nodded and took another bite of his sandwich. After another moment of eating, the unicorn set her plan into action. She leaned over the table, pressing her chest against it and making her cleavage quite visible at the top of her shirt. She whispered to the skunk, "You like them, don't you?" Zack looked up again in mid-bite, noticing the unicorn's impressive cleavage, and for a moment he just stared at her, not quite knowing how to respond. Eventually, he said, "Uh, yeah, I do. It's easier to work with animals I like." Darkfire chuckled softly and leaned a little closer. "You know what I mean. You LIKE them." Another blank expression from the skunk. "Um... no, I don't. What DO you mean?" Darkfire grinned evilly. "I saw you staring at Sebastian earlier." As she predicted, the skunk spent a moment piecing it together, then he suddenly blushed hard, his skin turning pink under his white fur. He dropped his sandwich and just stared at her slack-jawed, looking nervous again. After a moment, he just whispered back, "Y-you saw that?" Darkfire nodded and grinned again. "Yes I did, you naughty boy. You want to touch them, don't you?" Zack leaned back a little and looked around for anyone who might be listening. Not seeing anyone, he sighed and turned back to the unicorn. He knew he'd been caught - there was no getting out of it now. Darkfire smirked at the skunk's expression and whispered, "You wanna have a little fun?" Zack's ear perked, not entirely believing what she'd just asked him. It took him another moment to answer, "Uh... what sort of fun?" Darkfire got up and stepped around the table to sit next to Zack. She leaned forward, her arms folded under her breasts so that they pushed up and out against her shirt. He couldn't help but glance at them while she whispered into his ear, "Max and the crew are leaving tomorrow afternoon at three. If you want to have some fun with me and the rest of the horses, you'll meet me in the stable tomorrow night at nine sharp." As she spoke, the unmistakable scent of feminine arousal greeted Zack's nose. The poor skunk's heart was beating a mile a minute, but that invigorating, musky scent helped Darkfire's words to sink in. Before he knew it, he'd already begun to feel its effects, that bulge quickly returning to his pants. He wasn't entirely sure if it was because the unicorn was coming on to him or because of the prospect of living out one of his deepest, darkest fantasies, but he found the whole idea very exciting. He whispered back, "Why so late?" Darkfire winked at him. "Because I said so. And don't you dare touch any of those horses until I get there!" "What are you going to do?" She smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Zack swallowed nervously, still trying to wrap his mind around all of this. He had long dreamed of an opportunity to play with those magnificent beasts, but he had never expected to actually get a chance to act on them, much less with someone else... especially someone so sexy. There had to be a catch. "But... how do I know you're not going to tell Uncle Max?" Darkfire chuckled and gave the skunk a short peck on the cheek. "You're just going to have to trust me. I don't want Max knowing about this any more than you do. So it's either hush-hush, or we both get in trouble, got it?" Zack nodded once more. "Got it. So, stable tomorrow at nine?" Darkfire nodded as she began to get up. "That's right. And come naked - no sense in having these troublesome clothes getting in the way." She reached down and gave Zack a light squeeze at the bulge in his lap, getting a good feel for what lay underneath, her ears rewarded with a soft gasp from the skunk. She winked once more and picked up her lunch. She was too worked up now to finish it - instead, she made a beeline for the restroom once more. --- That night, Darkfire tossed and turned in her bed, completely unable to get to sleep. Her mind was awash with all sorts of sordid fantasies - she could practically feel those warm, thick cocks against her body, pressing one at a time against her heated nether regions, seeking entrance into her hot, wet vulva. She imagined each one sinking deep inside her, filling her with its girth, pressing in deeper and deeper, forcing her to take as much of it as she could. She could see those enormous testicles swaying ominously behind her, so full of seed just waiting to be pumped into her thirsty tunnel... She kept her fingers firmly lodged between her legs, stimulating herself to climax after climax. Her heart was pounding, and she writhed in sheer ecstasy as her juices flooded around her fingers again and again, soaking her sheets with each orgasm. She used all of her favorite toys one after another, trying to find the one that would satisfy her long enough to fall asleep. But none of them quite did the trick. She had to have them - she had waited so long, and now her heat was getting the best of her. She knew that her magic was responsible for increasing her stamina and making her so insatiable. But she didn't care anymore, so consumed was she by her lust. After her tenth orgasm of the night, she finally felt exhaustion starting to win out. She continued to play with herself, but now she had time to actually think over what she was about to do. She realized that in all her fantasizing, she'd nearly forgotten about the cute skunk and the deal she'd made with him. She wanted him too, but she wanted to play with the horses first. How would Zack ever be able to measure up after all of that? A sly grin crept onto her muzzle as a devious plan took shape in her mind. "Mmm... that's so deliciously wicked," she said to herself as she started to pump her vibrator in and out again. "I've never tried anything like that before. I'll need to be careful... but MAN, that's gonna be fun!" She felt her climax building as she imagined those hot, hard horse cocks all around her again, along with the new image brought forth by her dirty plan. With such fresh fuel, her orgasm didn't take long to arrive, and when it did, she squealed and clenched tight around her vibrator, jerking and spasming for a long, drawn-out moment as waves of pleasure washed over her. The unicorn panted as her orgasm finally faded into afterglow and exhaustion came to claim her at last. She was incredibly messy now, but she didn't care. She just smiled to herself, turning off her vibrator but leaving it inside her drenched tunnel, each of her movements causing it to give her another little twinge of pleasure. "Tomorrow, my sweets," she said softly to herself as she started to drift off to sleep. "There's no turning back now." --- Darkfire poked her head into the stable. "Zack, you here?" Zack looked up. "I'm right here," he said. He was seated on a bale of hay in the empty stall right next to the door. And he had done as Darkfire said, having set his clothes neatly nearby. The unicorn looked down at him and grinned, liking what she saw. In addition to being boyishly cute, Zack was also rather well-endowed, and it was obvious that he was just as excited as she was. "Good. Ready to have some fun, big boy?" Zack blushed a little but nodded. "Ready whenever you are!" Darkfire smirked, thinking to herself, "Yeah, I wonder just how ready you REALLY are." She stepped into the stable, and Zack's jaw nearly hit the floor. Standing before him was a brilliant indigo non-morphic unicorn mare. She was almost as tall and well built as any of the stallions in the stable, but where the stallions had muscular bulk, she sported smooth, supple skin and shiny fur, and luscious curves and ripples that belied her strength. Her sabre horn gleamed in the light, somewhat longer than before, and her dark, leonine tail swished gracefully back and forth behind her. She looked to Zack and smiled. "You like?" Zack stood up and just stared slack-jawed at her. This was definitely not what he'd been expecting. "You... you're a horse? A u-unicorn-horse?" Darkfire chuckled. "I'm a unicorn, Zack. Most unicorns have magical powers - I can use mine to shape-shift... among other things." She winked at him for effect. Zack stepped slowly toward the unicorn. "That's amazing! I had no idea you could do that!" Not knowing what else to do, he reached out to pet her mane softly, like he had learned to do with the stallions. For a moment, she just leaned into his stroking like a contented horse would, rather enjoying the touch. As he tried to take all this in, he became aware of Darkfire's heated scent again. It was much more powerful now, and she was making absolutely no attempt to hide it. He could feel his cock already standing at full attention and beginning to drip with pre. He blushed self-consciously, but it didn't last long - he was feeling much hornier than he could remember. Meanwhile, Darkfire's powerful pheromones began to spread throughout the stable, and she grinned as she saw them already starting to have their desired effect. One by one, the stallions poked their heads out to find the source of that invigorating scent, and soon she could hear their feet clopping against the floor, grunts and snorts displaying their most primal desires. Darkfire soon decided she'd had enough petting. She turned away from Zack and stepped a few paces toward the hall. Pointing her rump toward him, she flicked her tail off to the side to expose her glistening vulva, the folds already very wet, puffy and inviting. He just stared slack-jawed at the sight, and he groaned lustfully as her scent steadily assaulted his senses. She winked back at him and wiggled her rump slightly, taunting, "Just look at that... don't you want to play with that, big boy?" He nodded and began to follow her, not realizing he was drooling a little. However, she shook her head and said, "Nonono, stay right there. I've got a little surprise for you." Zack nodded again and stood in place, watching the unicorn saunter out into the hallway and kick the main stable door closed. She then turned her rump toward the horses, displaying her glistening treasure to them. She was rewarded with even more fervent thumping of hooves against the ground, and then the sound of one horse pushing against his stall door, making a considerable racket. Meanwhile, the lustful unicorn looked back to the skunk and grinned, deciding to set her plan in motion at last. "Okay, come here, Zack. Stand here, right next to me," she said, gesturing to the ground next to her. Zack did as he was told, coming up to stand next to Darkfire at the entrance to the stall. She smiled and said, "Good boy. Now, hold still. This won't hurt a bit." With that, she lowered her head, bringing her nose within inches of the skunk's engorged cock. She took a quick sniff at it, breathing in the musky scent of his arousal and moaning softly, her warm breath washing over his shaft and causing him to twitch. He drew in a deep breath, holding perfectly still and closing his eyes in anticipation. But his eyes opened again as the pointed tip of the unicorn's horn touched his moistened tip - not what he had been expecting. The horn began to glow a brilliant white, shimmering as she focused her energy and started to transfer it into the skunk's genitals. At first, the energy just made him feel quite warm and a little tingly down there. As Darkfire worked to focus her energy, she could feel her excitement continuing to build, and the scent of her heat became more and more intense. With the main door closed, her pheromones thickened the air around her and caused the stallions to grow more restless. They began to jump against their stall doors, trying desparately to get out and making a huge commotion in the process. Their lustful whinnies and snorts made it harder for her to concentrate. The unicorn's energy continued to flow into the skunk, and before he knew it, his cock had begiun to grow. He watched as it grew longer and thicker right before his eyes. He could feel the already impressive sack between his legs starting to swell, as though it were being filled from within, growing heavier and fuller by the second. As his genitals grew, so did his arousal, the hormones flowing through him faster and harder than ever. Pretty soon, his whole body tingled, and he couldn't help but moan, much to Darkfire's delight. Just as he was starting to become used to the tingling, Zack felt his arms growing heavier, longer, and a little awkward. His chest started to broaden, and then he suddenly fell forward. Somehow, he caught himself before he hit the floor, but it was another moment before he realized what was happening: Darkfire was slowly changing him into a stallion! His arms had become forelegs, his rump had risen high into the air, and his neck was becoming longer and thicker. It felt really weird, but it didn't hurt at all, surprisingly. He could feel his muscles bulking up, becoming many times stronger than he was originally, his entire body growing under this strange transformation. He tried to ask her why she was doing this, but all that came out was a confused whinny. The stallions began bashing themselves against their doors, the clattering becoming louder and more threatening. Darkfire did her best to concentrate, wanting to finish the transformation before anything else. By now, he had begun to take the full shape of a horse, though he was still quite small in comparison. He retained his rich, silky black fur and his familiar white stripes down his back. His head had turned into that of a horse, but he still had his bushy skunk tail. His transformation was almost complete - now he just needed to grow to full size. The unicorn licked her lips as she spied the black cock that was now hanging from between his hind legs, the organ growing in length and girth along with the rest of his body, an impressive set of balls seated just behind it. Darkfire flinched as she heard a crash from behind her. Her concentration broken, she jerked her head up just in time to see Duke running right for her from the other end of the stable. His mighty equine penis was already fully erect and whipping back and forth as he ran. Darkfire leapt away from Zack to try to head off the randy stallion, but he crashed into the stall door, slamming it shut and trapping the hapless skunk-horse inside. She tried to turn around to assert some control over Duke, but he stayed one step ahead of her - he kicked his front legs up at her with each move and effectively herded her into a corner, keeping her facing away from him. He shoved his muzzle under her tail and began sniffing at her, wasting no time in licking directly at her wet, puffy vagina. This caused the unicorn to shudder and moan, and before she knew it, her tail had already flagged up and out of the way. That was all the encouragement Duke needed. The stallion whinnied victoriously and reared up behind her, his thick shaft bobbing high into the air. He then lunged forward, slamming his weight down atop the unicorn, and he began to thrust wildly at her rump. As he flexed his hips, his dripping cock pressed against first one rump cheek and then the other, slapping against her thighs several times as he tried to take her. Before Darkfire could even think of protesting, she felt him thrust again and this time hit his mark, the bulbous tip of that shaft suddenly entering her heated folds, sinking inside just a couple of inches. Duke then pulled himself further atop her and thrust again, gripping her sides tightly as he sank that stone-hard rod deep inside her. Yet another quick thrust sent him in even deeper, causing the unicorn to gasp as that shaft stretched her deep within. Then one final thrust caused the stallion's heavy ballsac to slap harshly against her just below her entrance, signalling that his cock was now firmly hilted inside her. Darkfire groaned out loudly, realizing that her wildest fantasy was finally coming true! She tilted her head up high and squealed in delight as she began to clench and squeeze around that thick rod, losing all control and giving in fully to her desires. "Oh gods, yes! Give it to me, Duke," she cried out, moaning as she pushed back against her equine lover, trying to pull his cock deeper within herself now. She couldn't believe how good it felt - it was infinitely better than she had imagined. She had wanted that cock for so long, and now she could scarcely believe she had it in her! Zack, in the meantime, was forced to stand behind the now-closed gate to his stall and watch as the muscular stallion had his way with the blue mare. In all the confusion, the pair had turned away from him, allowing him to see everything that happened. He'd groaned lustfully as Duke's dark cock slid noisily into Darkfire's inviting entrance, watching it disappear inch by inch inside her, those puffy lips eagerly wrapping around its girth while the stallion's heavy balls swung back and forth with each thrust. Zack could only imagine what it must have felt like. The partially-transformed skunk-stallion instinctively began to slap his own cock against his belly, and this was when he realized that his transformation had not stopped. He could feel his shaft, heavy and thick and dripping with pre, slapping almost painfully against his belly. His testicles hung heavily between his legs, their warm, leathery flesh pressing against each of his limbs. With each passing moment, it felt as though the power and strength was continuing to grow within him, as was his lust. It all felt so strange, so weird... so horny... Duke had become a feral beast, humping against Darkfire with reckless abandon as he sought to embed his massive prick as deep inside her as possible. She moaned loudly as she felt his tip expanding within her, quickly flaring to nearly double its original size and stretching her deep inside. He pushed against her one more time, the head sinking one final inch inside before becoming firmly locked in place, hilted as deep within her as he could go. Darkfire squealed with delight, knowing what was about to happen. "Oh god, Duke! Give it to me! Give it to me now!" That cock began to twitch and throb, the flare swelling just a little more as the powerful stud prepared to claim her. Zack's eyes grew wide as he saw Duke's mighty balls tightening closer to his body. They began to clench and then release, only to clench again, powerful muscles flexing within the horse's loins with each clench. He watched as the base of Duke's cock pulsed visibly with the effort, each clench sending a powerful jet of semen deep inside the unicorn. He could only imagine how much seed the stallion had to give, clench after clench sending those swollen balls bobbing up and down. Darkfire pushed back harder against Duke as he came forcefully inside her. "Oh gods, yes! Give me all of it! Fill me!" she cried out breathily, her own climax ripping through her and causing her to squeeze the stallion's cock harder, pulling and tugging on it with her muscles as she milked it for every last drop. She could feel each powerful spurt, every pulse and throb, and she shuddered in ecstasy as her climax heightened. She knew that Duke was breeding her just like he would an ordinary mare, and she loved it - it made her feel so dirty, so wonderfully slutty... All too soon, it was over. Duke's throbbing shaft finally ceased its ejaculations, the pressure in those heavy balls having been relieved at last. The stallion slowly relaxed his grip and slid off of Darkfire, leaving her panting as his cock slid out of her wet tunnel. It hung low to the ground, still dripping with a few last drops of cum as the satisfied horse walked away. Zack finally found his voice and called over from his stall. "Darkfire! Are you okay?" The unicorn's ears perked up, and she looked back to the skunk-stallion, who by now had grown to the size of a well-built mini. She nodded and replied breathlessly, "Yeah... I'm fine... are you-" Darkfire's voice was cut off with a surprised squeak as another stallion began sniffing at her rump. She looked back to see Sebastian, a stocky chestnut stud, and further down the hall she could see that all of the horses were now out of their stalls, the gates smashed out into the walkway. She groaned with a slight hint of panic, realizing that there would be a lot of cleanup to do when this was all over. She also realized that she couldn't leave now - not until all of the stallions were completely satisfied. This brief moment of panic caused her to jump slightly as Sebastian leapt upon her back and began thrusting. He was younger and less experienced than Duke, and his cock wasn't quite as long or as thick. But that didn't matter at all to the beast - his instincts told him to mate, and so he thrust eagerly again and again, each time stabbing closer and closer to Darkfire's swollen, hungry vulva. Her lust renewed, she tried to help the young stallion by shifting from side to side, until she gasped and moaned as he hit his mark. With an enthusiastic snort, Sebastian climbed further up her back and speared his erection into her inch by inch until his hips slapped wildly against hers. Once again, Darkfire found herself pressing back against the young but strong stallion. What he lacked in grace he more than made up for in speed, and this made her want him even more. She didn't care how full she was already from Duke's attentions - she whimpered and pleaded for Sebastian to take her, to claim her, to give her what she wanted so badly. And with each whimpering moan, she could feel his continual thrusts sending his cock just a little further inside, the thrusts beginning to stretch her a bit as well. She knew at some level that her magic was spinning out of control, but she didn't care - she was having too much fun. Sebastian continued to press himself balls-deep inside Darkfire, completely unaware that his cock was slowly growing inside her, or that his balls were becoming heavier, filling with even more seed. All he knew was that he was mating, and his instincts told him to keep thrusting until he came. More than a minute passed before Darkfire felt Sebastian's cocktip flaring inside her. By now, it was pressing right up against the end of her tunnel, locking itself tightly in place as it filled every last space within her, its magically enhanced girth stretching her again. She squealed again as her second climax washed over her, causing her to squeeze and ripple tightly around the stallion. This in turn caused Sebastian to reach his own climax, his tip erupting in a fountain of sticky cum, beginning to fill her quickly and forcefully. She could feel his loins pumping against her, his thick cock vibrating with the sheer load of seed travelling along its length. Despite the lack of room inside her vagina, the horse came in powerful spurts, each one sending an even more impressive load inside her. She didn't know or care where it was all going - she took it eagerly, not wanting him to stop. Zack felt his balls swelling with each wad of cum Sebastian forced into the unicorn's heated vulva. His cock felt heavier than before as it slapped against his belly again, and with that slap, he felt a trail of slick pre splatter against his chest. It felt good to do this, but it didn't come anywhere close to providing him with the relief he desparately wanted. By now, he had reached his full height, but the magic continued to work on him unabated, gradually making him more muscular and more virile. His hormones were raging, making him dizzy with lust as he was forced to keep watching Sebastian's heavy balls clenching over and over again. By the time Sebastian was finished, Darkfire's belly had begun to grow visibly as it struggled to keep up with all the seed she had taken. The horse's thick shaft soon pulled back out of her, the flare tugging on her velvety tunnel before popping out, a trickle of thick, gooey cum emerging from her well-used folds shortly afterward. Darkfire's head was spinning from the sheer exhiliration, and she just stood there trying to catch her breath. But her adventure was far from over. Next up was Frederick, an Appaloosa who wasted no time in jumping up on top of the heated mare. He was an older, more experienced horse, and he hit his mark on the very first try, much to Darkfire's delight. She welcomed him inside her - she could tell that he wouldn't take long. He was already pressing his hot meat right up against her natural dead-end, forcing all of that existing cum back inside, but unlike the others, he just held still once he'd hilted himself, his cock twitching and throbbing against her rippling tunnel and his flare already swelling. Darkfire moaned again, feeling another wave of pure pleasure wash over her. She loved how all these horses were using her for their pleasure - it was better than any fantasy and any dream. Her heart was pounding and her body was trembling with sheer, irrepressible horniness. She pressed herself back against Frederick's hips, feeling his heavy balls rub lightly against her mound, her puffy lips suckling on the base of his leathery sheath. She tingled all around that wonderful shaft, her climax approaching swiftly, and she whimpered to her equine lover, begging for him to take her. When the stallion finally began to pump his own warm seed into her, she screamed out with her orgasm, her most powerful one yet. "Oh god, Zack, he's cumming inside me!" she cried out. Frederick held himself perfectly still, letting Darkfire do all the work as she squeezed and rippled all around him. Her powerful muscles milked his shaft for all he was worth, and his flared tip made sure every last drop of his cum stayed inside her. "Ohhh, so much..." she moaned, feeling the pressure building within her and her belly swelling a little more with each glorious spurt. Zack's cock slapped harshly against his belly now, the sheer weight of that shaft making the impact almost painful as it flung a streamer of pre out into the hallway. His balls hung even more heavily between his legs now, each one churning as his body screamed for release. He pressed against his gate, trying to see if he could force his way out, his mind so clouded by his rut that he really couldn't think at all. Frederick's orgasm came to an end after a few more spurts of cum, but he kept himself buried inside her for a moment, letting his cock soften within the tight, silky confines of her sex. Darkfire panted and gasped, "Oh god, so full... I don't know how much more of this I can take..." Indeed, she was very full now, having taken the full loads of three oversexed stallions. She gasped again and wobbled a bit when Frederick finally pulled out of her, taking a moment to catch her breath as she felt the combined juices of those horses dribbling back out of her. A low, deep whinny and the clop of a heavy hoof got the unicorn's attention. She looked back and gasped as she saw Dominic, the lone draft, approaching her slowly. He was a hulking brute of a stallion, his muscles bulging and rippling with each step. He stood considerably taller than her, and his jet-black cock stood out proudly underneath him, easily the thickest shaft yet. Behind him, his huge leathery testicles swayed ponderously with each step. Zack was also watching, a wave of jealousy rising through him as he watched the powerful draft approaching. By now he was nearly as large as Dominic, both in terms of muscle mass and the size of his genitals. But Dominic clearly had the advantage - he was free, and free to do whatever he wanted with the panting, submissive unicorn mare. Once again, all Zack could do was watch. Darkfire felt her desire explode within her again as she spied Dominic's cock, already dripping with pre. She wanted him and she wanted him now, her eyes half-lidding and a deep, lustful moan escaping her muzzle. She tossed her head and whisked her tail invitingly, letting her pheromones fill the air between her and the stallion, who now closed the distance with his broad snout, bringing it down slowly to sniff at her dribbling vulva. Obviously liking what he smelled, he wasted no more time in lining himself up and taking aim. Zack whimpered as he watched the mighty horse rear up high behind the comparatively small unicorn, then come crashing down on her back, forcing her to bear the brunt of his weight as he thrusted forcefully against her. His thick rod pressed almost painfully against first one rump cheek and then the other, then missed her altogether, and then slapped up between her legs, stinging her slightly and causing more of the other horses' semen to drool all over his cock. He pulled back and slowed down just a little, and after another thrust or two, he found her entrance and shoved himself in. Darkfire gasped as she was forced to step forward, the stallion lunging so forcefully that it threw her off balance. As he penetrated her already-full vagina, the sheer girth of his shaft stretched her even more, forcing all that cum back inside her. She felt her heart racing as she was so powerfully taken - she knew he'd have a lot in store for her, and she wanted it all. He thrust his muscular hips against her again and again, slamming deeper inch by inch, the thick dark length slowly disappearing inside her heated body. He gripped her sides and pulled himself further up along her back, sinking his shaft the last few inches inside her, filling her completely with his hot meat. She could feel his ominously heavy balls slapping harshly against her thighs as he continued to thrust mercilessly. Zack groaned as his own lust grew stronger and stronger. He couldn't wait to get out of this stall and fuck the living daylights out of the unicorn in front of him. Still under Darkfire's spell, he was growing larger and stronger than the draft horse that was currently mating with her. Another slap of his thick cock against his chest sent a thick string of precum flying out against the stall gate and into the hall, a small amount of it landing on Darkfire's hoof. Darkfire was too overcome by raw, primal need to notice. Dominic's cock felt so good inside her, so warm, throbbing, stretching her as its flare began to swell within her. She knew he was going to cum soon, his thrusts becoming longer and deeper, that swollen cockhead forcing her to stretch a bit more each time. Again, she begged for it, pleaded for him to breed her, wanting it so badly, not daring to think of stopping. A moment later, Dominic let out a rumbling whinny, signalling his climax. Darkfire thrust herself back against him as hard as she could, crying out, "Oh gods, yes! Cum for me, Dominic!" And within seconds, the stallion's cock began to vibrate and pulse as his powerful muscles started to send his warm, sticky seed deep into her rippling tunnel. She arched her head back and felt the stallion pound her roughly, each thrust bringing forth another huge wad of seed, filling her faster and harder than ever. The sheer girth of Dominic's flare forced her to hold on to every last drop, and she felt her belly growing heavier and fuller as spurt after spurt filled her relentlessly. Her heart pounded faster as her insatiable lust kept her in a near-constant state of orgasm, her body on fire, her muscles pulling and suckling on that thick, meaty shaft as it pounded away at her slick tunnel. Zack could feel another surge of growth as Darkfire's magic spun further out of control. His muscles bulked up just a little more, and he grew another hand or two taller, his balls swelling and hanging almost painfully heavy between his rear legs. He groaned again as he watched Dominic's own heavy balls clenching over and over again, the stallion determined to give the unicorn every last drop he had. Finally, after nearly two whole minutes of continuous orgasm, Dominic's cock finally began to withdraw. Darkfire moaned, tugging on that cock in a vain attempt to keep it inside her, still feeling a few last pulses of warm cum spurting from the tip. But the stallion was spent, and he eventually dismounted, his cock pulling out and spilling one last spurt onto the floor. He was panting, obviously not used to this level of exertion, and he wandered slowly off toward his stall, seemingly satisied at last. Darkfire was left panting and gasping dizzily as she tried to regain her composure. Her legs were sore and wobbly from having taken the brunt of Dominic's weight, as well as the weight of her now greatly swollen belly. Despite the pressure within her, the vast amount of stallion cum only trickled back out of her opening, her still-heated, puffy lips and her tight muscles helping to hold the thick juices inside. She felt so full, so heavily laden with cum - she could scarcely believe she'd taken it all. Her sexual magic had certainly had an effect on the stallions, their orgasms having been far more powerful and productive than normal. And her heat had been so uncontrollable that she hadn't even had a chance to second-guess herself. All caution had been thrown to the wind in her state of lust... As the tired unicorn gradually caught her breath and flexed her legs one at a time, a grin spread across her muzzle. She'd done it. She had lived out her fantasy, and it had been far more fun than she'd dreamed. Darkfire's ears picked up the sound of heavy breathing and a distinct slapping sound coming from nearby. She turned her head to find Zack staring hungrily back at her, his eyes fixated on her swollen, dribbling mound. She gasped as she finally took in just what had happened to the poor skunk. He had grown far beyond what she'd originally planned, having become taller and more muscular than even Dominic. But what really caught her eye was the massive, jet-black erection slapping harshly against his belly, almost long enough to reach between his front legs, and the immense set of leathery balls hanging heavily further back. Each one was at least the size of a cantaloupe now. And each time that cock smacked against his chest, another thick streamer of slick pre flew out toward her, a considerable amount of it glazing the bars of the gate separating the two. "Oh my god, Zack!" she said finally. "I didn't expect you to grow that much!" Still in a state of shock, she stepped closer to the skunk-stallion, who just watched her with animalistic lust. As she approached, her nostrils were filled with the overpowering scent of his musk. She watched that large shaft slap again, another jet of pre splattering onto the gate, several drips adding to the small puddle that had formed in front of him. And she grinned again, her heat rising within her one more time. "Poor baby! That's gotta hurt! Want me to make it feel better?" She winked at him, and he eagerly nodded in response, pressing himself up against the gate again. She smiled and lowered her head, bringing the tip of her horn to the latch and lifting it just enough to let the gate swing open. She stepped out of its path, still a bit wobbly from all the exertion, and she sauntered into the stall with Zack. She walked slowly toward the back of the stall near a pile of hay, and as she turned her rump toward him, she lifted her tail once more and exposed her warm, puffy lips to him. "Take me," she whispered. Zack grunted wordlessly and swung himself toward the unicorn. He felt his cock swing ponderously from side to side with the movement, but he didn't pay it any mind. He was beyond thinking, beyond reasoning of any sort. He knew what he wanted, and it was finally right there in front of him. His newfound instincts took over completely, his muscular body rearing up and lunging forward... Darkfire felt as though she'd had the wind knocked out of her by the force of Zack's body crashing down upon hers. She struggled to hold herself up under his weight, but eventually she managed to straighten her legs again and push back against him as he started to thrust. She felt his cock slapping and spearing against her rump, each attempt homing in closer to her aching vulva. She moaned and whispered back to him, "Yes, Zack, that's it... take me..." Zack had become a rutting machine, his hips thrusting uncontrollably, automatically as his cock sought her entrance. He was already so worked up that every time his tip pressed against any part of her body, he felt that much closer to cumming. He wanted to cum, needed to cum so badly... But none of those sensations could measure up to what he felt when he finally found his mark, his bulbous tip suddenly nestling against warm, wet sex lips that instantly wrapped around him and began to pull him inside. He felt Darkfire's hungry sex eagerly accepting his thick shaft, stretching and straining as his hips renewed their thrusts, sending his cock deeper inside, inch by inch. Darkfire yelped and moaned as Zack penetrated her. She pushed back against him, matching his thrusts with thrusts of her own, feeling her tunnel stretching even more than before, her muscles squeezing the mighty shaft as it slowly worked its way inside. "Oh, gods yes! Harder, Zack! Put it in all the way!" She could feel him already starting to flare, his tip swelling swiftly as it continued to invade her depths. She knew it wouldn't take him long. Zack grunted and groaned as he thrust harder and faster into the unicorn mare. His mare. He strained to shove himself as deep inside her as he could, feeling his climax looming, his balls churning ominously as his muscles tensed. He jerked his hips forward sharply, sending himself a few more inches inside, getting closer and closer to hilting himself within her. Just a little more... Darkfire gasped as she felt the first spastic spurt of Zack's hot seed suddenly shoot into what little space was left inside her. The spurt filled her quickly before tapering off, followed by another thrust that shoved his flaring shaft another inch deeper. A second, more powerful jet of cum filled her even faster and harder than the first, and another, final thrust caused Zack's swollen tip to sink home, the entire length of his overgrown, throbbing shaft pressed all the way up inside her, filling her completely. Zack let out a roar as his climax took hold, his hips hunching against Darkfire's rump, his cock inextricably locked inside her as his loins began to pump his seed into her. He was only dimly aware of what was going on - all he knew now was to cum, to give her all that his balls held in store for her. He grunted and clenched his teeth as he held onto her, his muscles clenching again and again, sending long, powerful spurts of hot semen into her. Darkfire groaned as she came as well, her muscles rippling ever so tightly around that erupting shaft, milking it harder and faster, pulling him just a little tighter against the end of her tunnel as she once again lost herself to her lust. She could feel his cum shooting into her so deeply, adding to the immense load already there, each spurt vibrating through his shaft and stimulating her even more. She squealed as a second wave of pleasure shot through her, the endorphines making her dizzy with sheer, unrestrained bliss. She gasped, "Oh yes! Oh yes, Zack, that's it! More! Don't stop..." continuing to babble to her lover as he claimed her without mercy. Several minutes later, Zack started to feel a little dizzy. His shaft was still spurting, his balls still massive and swaying heavily as he came and came. But something was starting to happen, and it felt weird. He noticed it in his forelegs right at first - they were beginning to shrink. Then his neck started to shorten and his snout began to return to its normal shape and size. His lower half was starting to change as well, his muscular legs slowly changing back into his original skunk legs. Yet the whole time, his massive cock stayed locked tight inside Darkfire's tunnel, spurting again and again, his orgasm seeming to go on forever. Darkfire was tiring quickly, her magic finally beginning to wear out. Still in the throes of her longest and most powerful orgasm yet, she barely noticed as she, too, began to change back into her normal form. As the skunk-stallion slowly shortened and lightened behind her, her body met his in lowering to the ground, until her front hooves had turned into hands and her knees held her off the ground. She groaned again with another shock of pleasure, feeling her massive belly touch the floor, then rest upon it as her body finished transforming. Zack, now back to his original skunk self, was beginning to feel his orgasm finally subside. His shaft spurted a few more times into Darkfire's wet tunnel, her ripples goading him on for just a bit longer. Then, finally, the spurts slowed to a trickle, and the exhausted skunk slumped against the equally exhausted unicorn, the two rolling onto their sides and resting in the pile of hay. --- Epilogue --- Some hours later, Zack woke up again. It was still night, and he could hear crickets chirping outside. It took him a moment to remember where he was and what had happened, but as he looked around, it slowly came back to him. Seeing Darkfire walk in as a full-sized mare. Feeling her start to transform him. Watching the first stallion take her... after that, it had become a blur. All he could really remember was that he'd been incredibly horny, and that it had all felt so good... Zack sat up and quickly became aware of an incredible mess between him and Darkfire. He could see her belly, still swollen with cum, and a large puddle of goo emanated from between her legs. It had gotten all over his crotch, legs and belly, too, and that's when he noticed that his genitals were considerably bigger than normal. His balls sat visibly on the floor, and they felt quite warm and full, and very sensitive to the touch. Though they weren't actually as big now as they had been earlier, he could definitely tell the difference. His flaccid member felt heavy and meaty as well - he could only imagine what had happened. Darkfire stirred slowly, yawning and stretching as she came to. She looked around, taking a moment to reorient herself before she also sat up. "Zack?" Zack nodded behind her. "I'm here." Darkfire smiled softly. "Good." She rubbed a hand over her belly and moaned. "Man, I didn't really mean for that to get so out of hand," she said with another yawn. Zack smiled. "It's okay. I had fun." He leaned to the side to take a quick look out into the hall. "But I think we're gonna have a lot of cleaning up to do." Darkfire nodded in response as she surveyed the damage in the hallway. "Yeah, I know. Gotta fix those gates and clean up this mess!" She giggled a bit as she realized just how messy she was. She leaned back against the skunk and grinned. "You make one really sexy stud, you know that?" Zack blushed. "Really? I can hardly remember what happened!" The unicorn's grin grew wider as she turned around and set her eyes upon Zack's magically enlarged genitals. Reaching down to cup one of his heavy testicles in her hand, she said, "Well then, maybe I'll have to refresh your memory sometime. Maybe tomorrow night?" Zack gasped at the touch, an involuntary trickle of cum emerging from his tip in response. He blinked. "E-even after all of that?" Darkfire winked as she wrapped her fingers around the base of the skunk's flaccid cock, stroking them once up to his tip, then making a show of licking his seed from her fingers, her silky breasts pressed together by her arms as she leaned forward. "Oh, I've only just gotten started with you. Why don't you come back to my place tomorrow night so we can 'horse around' in private?" Zack blushed again, but this time he grinned back. "You're on."