Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 9

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#12 of Paws of Fire: Unwritten Book

Chapter 9: Crushing Developments

After about twenty more minutes of sprinting through a vast pasture once they cleared the forest, Daniel could see the town built in a similar fashion to the previous town, which he thought was called Bai'ji. Helgei, however, looked a little smaller, and had an adjacent building that was almost just as big as the entire town. The shape reminded Daniel of a football stadium, so he figured THAT was the arena.

The two differences between Helgei and Bai'ji were the sizes of the town and the absence of a clone of Shah's tower. Other than that, the two cities could have been mimics. The architectures of this world didn't seem too keen on creativity and uniqueness.

The white tiger interrupted the silence once the town was in sight, slowing down a little to bask in the slight rise in temperature rather than feeling the wind keep them cold. "Ah, Helgei...The greatest warriors from around the world have moved to this cursed city after the third wave of Qurrah's minions. For a whole year Qurrah sent waves of his undead to slaughter the town, but we manage to prevail every time. Each week the wave gets bigger, and eventually we won't be able to handle it. In two days the next wave is convenient that we have our tournament the night before, huh? We'll have even more time to get into position."

"So, you asked earlier about Qurrah. Qurrah was one of the ancient evil's greatest combatants. When Drayak, the ancient evil, perished, Qurrah went into hiding. We looked far and wide for any trace of him, of where he might have escaped to...but we couldn't find him. We knew he'd want revenge, and if we let any of Drayak's men live, we'd be looking behind our backs for life. Well, sure enough, the day came when hordes of undead that we all recognized as Qurrah's attacked Helgei. Scouts are still trying to find out where he lives, but it's just too hard to cover so much terrain. Perhaps this is why you're here, Daniel. Maybe you can use your tact to help us find and defeat the bastard."

Daniel nodded. He actually felt confident in being able to help. In all the stories he's read, when glory was thrust upon someone like this, they'd usually freak out and have little faith in themselves. Daniel wasn't like that...he was excited. Perhaps he had the heart of a warrior, getting a thrill at the thought of fighting for a just cause. "I'll do what I can, Uraku." Uraku chuckled quietly, whipping his tail up and hitting Daniel on the back of the neck gently. "Excellent...but I have to ask...why are you helping us so willingly? I figured you'd want something in return, or you'd want to not get involved." Daniel hadn't really thought about why he was helping. Everything here was all just a wasn't real. But it felt so real to him.

"I just showed up in the fields the other day, and we're asking so much of you. How can you accept us so quickly? It's almost...foolish, to be honest." Daniel chuckled some at what the tiger said. " have a point, Uraku. However, I'd have to admit that I can be quite the adrenaline junkie. It's hard to explain, but sometimes I simply crave to fight. I've always assumed that the urge to fight came from human nature, which can be supported by our violent history. Hell, we're still violent today, but our technology has brought out an even greater potential for our bloodshed...but I'm rambling. Just know that I'm willing to help if I can. I'm starting to like it here, and I want to help protect this beauty."

Uraku replied, "Wait...there're more of your kind? I've only heard of two that ever existed. One's dead, and the other's is on my back." Daniel then remembered that Uraku didn't know anything about the book that would bring him to this place. He hesitated at first to tell him the truth, thinking he'd sound silly to the tiger. Then he thought about how this world worked. He witnessed magic...true magic. Not science with complicated explanation...but actual unnatural phenomena. Daniel decided to take his chance and reveal himself to the tiger. "Well, Uraku, I don't know if there are more say, but there are about six or seven billion of them on Earth."

Uraku slowed to a halt for a moment as he processed what was just said. Daniel felt his heart sink as he assumed he said something offensive...somewhere. Uraku quietly whispered before walking steadily toward the stadium again, "Billion...?" Daniel sighed in relief. "Yeah, billion. One-thousand million." Uraku growled irritatedly, Daniel laughing at the result of his smart-ass humor. Uraku didn't seem to take it lightly though. "Daniel, I'm not stupid. I know what billion is. I also know that this world has 300 million furs. I can't fathom the thought of 6 billion of your kind...although that does sound kind of nice." Uraku then let out a light chuckle, feeling a little less annoyed now that he was hearing Daniel still laughing.

Uraku then got more playful, tossing Daniel onto the ground with a buck of his hips. Daniel let out a loud shriek as he flew through the air, and after his loud thud on the soft ground he started laughing loudly. He rolled onto his back only to see a white tiger pounced on top of him. "You're such a smart ass. Good thing you're so cute, or I'd have to punish you." Uraku grinned down at Daniel, chuckling in a low tone. Daniel squirmed a bit, quirking a brow at his predator. "Mmm...perhaps you should punish me. I might continue this bad behavior without a deterrent." Daniel reached up and shoved Uraku's face away, the fierce kitty growling and snapping back his gaze at Daniel's with more ferocity each time he was shoved away. Daniel kept an expression of playful interest. It wasn't anything lustful, but just friendly.

Uraku had enough, lunging down to bite at Daniel's throat with a loud roar. Fear took over Daniel as he thought he was about to be killed, but felt a sudden adrenalized relief when those teeth just barely touched his weak flesh. Uraku spoke with his mind, "Beg for mercy, and I might let you go." Daniel snickered, shaking his head gently so his neck didn't graze along the sharp teeth. "Never!"

Uraku slowly sank his teeth in further and further, letting Daniel feel the slow increase in pain. Those mighty paws kept Daniel's hands locked against the ground. He was powerless to the fierce tiger, and he had to submit to his power before blood was drawn. "I give! Please have mercy!" Daniel said with an almost laughable tone. It sufficed, the tiger unclamping his teeth onto that smooth neck. They locked eyes as they laughed heartily, cementing a new friendship.

Uraku dipped his head down to rub his nose against Daniel's. This was Uraku's way of showing a new kinship, but it wasn't Daniel's. "U...Uraku?" He knew that they had fucked before, but this was different. For Daniel, Uraku was taking things to another level. He was "What's wrong?" Uraku looked disappointed as he backed away.

Daniel's heart was fluttering wildly, his flesh turning bright red and his breathing getting heavier. "I...uh..." Daniel couldn't speak. His emotions were out of whack as he was attacked off guard. Uraku realized what he did after seeing the blushing human. "Oh didn't mean to ...err..." Uraku's cheeks were turning red too. They both looked away from each other as bashfulness overwhelmed their hearts. Daniel was the first to break out of his stupor after a half minute of uneasiness. He reached up to stroke the tiger's cheek, smiling warmly to the blushing tiger. "It's didn't know."

Daniel's heart began fluttering wildly again as Uraku pierced him with those beautiful eyes. Daniel's mouth slowly opened as the tiger leaned in closer and closer. He was shivering with a bliss he never felt before. It felt better than sex...

Uraku smiled and backed away. "Come on. It's not much farther." Daniel sighed with audible disappointment. He laid there in the grass for a short time imagining how it would feel if they had gone just a little further. He made out with many others before...but why did this have more of an appeal than the others? Daniel struggled onto his feet and remounted the white tiger. He wrapped his arms around his mighty torso. The feel of having him in his arms felt so much more magnificent than it did just a little bit before. The rest of the seven minutes that he rode Uraku felt like an eternity of completeness that he never wanted to end. He was at peace with everything. All of his cares were sent into remission just by the presence of Uraku in Daniel's life.

"Well, we're here. Let's see who we're fighting before we turn in." Uraku crouched down, letting Daniel dismount him before he morphed into the orange tiger again. Daniel followed him on foot through the entrance to the grand stadium outside of Helgei. Daniel looked up into the night sky to look for the constellations. Two crescent moons illuminated the ground just enough for Daniel's human eyes to see. The concavities of the crescents could have been pushed together to make an "O". The sun must have been completely on the other side of the planet now. Daniel also noticed the lack of stars. This further suggested that this world was false...or so Daniel reasoned. Why would the author of a book bother with details of every star, anyway? But if this world was fake...then so was Uraku. Uraku was real. It must just be a cloudy night.

Uraku and Daniel walked into the dark corridor. Uraku grabbed a torch near the entrance and lit it with the lit post. Daniel followed Uraku through several twists and turns after going downstairs for quite a while. The air was getting colder and colder the further they descended, each turn resulting in more stairs...and more cold. At one of the corners Uraku came to a stop, sheathing the torch in a nearby holder to light up the dark corner almost completely. Daniel was shivering now, rushing over to the torch bask in its warmth while Uraku wasn't hoarding the precious savior for lighting purposes. " are the look nervous!" Uraku chuckled, looking down at the human's violent shivering. Daniel rolled his eyes. "You're so lucky you have fur..." Uraku snickered at the comment. The poor human was cursed to feel the deadly cold bombard his unguarded flesh. Not even clothing could compare to the great warmth of fur. "Hey, Daniel, look who you're up against." Daniel heard the tone in Uraku's voice. He figured that he and Uraku were going to fight first by the way Uraku sounded...but that couldn't be, as he and his guardian couldn't have the first fight. Was it a lie?

Daniel leaned over, careful not to leave the embrace of the flame as he looked around for his name from left to right.

"Uraku vs. Kilch"

"Jalhamut vs. Benson"

"Nem vs. Aveyi"

"Daniel vs. Sazla"

Daniel felt overjoyed. What luck that he would first fight with someone who used seduction as their main weapon! He felt even more wonderful now...knowing that his gayness would truly benefit him this time. "I know, right?" muttered Uraku. "You'll probably lose, but the teasing and the whipping is just so good once the fight starts." Daniel hid the truth from his guardian, wanting to surprise the big lug. "Yeah...can't wait for it to start." Daniel said with a lustful tone. Uraku grinned, reaching down and squeezing right on Daniel's sore anus, enticing a loud yelp from the human that made the tiger laugh. "Come on...let's get to our rooms." Uraku put his paw on Daniel's neck to give it a friendly rub before he descended even further. Uraku froze, felling around on Daniel's flesh with the pads of his paw. "Oh're freezing!" Daniel wouldn't deny this...but could have easily done so after the tiger took off his chest plate and buckled it around Daniel. He didn't feel the metal's heavy weight, as the tiger had picked him up in his arms and carried him into darkness, leaving the torch behind. "You'll stay with me tonight to keep warm." Daniel struggled to pull his legs up into the large chest armor, hugging his legs as he let out a pleasant moan. The tiger's armor was so was almost an orgasmic feeling of relief after being in such a nasty cold for a while. It was like the feeling of a hunter getting back into his truck after a long cold morning of duck hunting.

Uraku stopped eventually and sat Daniel down on what felt like a bed. Uraku took the armor off of Daniel, and sounds of the plate legs unbuckling could be heard as well. "Take off your clothes, Daniel. We need to keep you well heated through the night." Daniel's heart pounded with excitement. He happily took off his clothes as ordered, but could then feel the cold air strike his flesh dead on. Daniel pulled the covers over himself, desperate to keep the cold away. What kind of idiotic idea was Uraku suggesting? How could they fuck in such a cold environment? Daniel was about to protest before something changed his mind.

Daniel felt a blast of cold against his bum and back that sent chills down his spine, followed by the warmth and the fur of his guardian...spooning him under the covers. The tiger's arms wrapped around the smaller male's chest and waist, offering up the great warmth Uraku had to offer. "Good night, Daniel." Daniel closed his eyes, feeling safe and cared for now in the arms of his protector. Daniel could feel the tiger's bulge press against his butt, but he wasn't in the mood for anything. Luckily, neither was the tiger. His guardian was simply protecting him from the current threat...the cold. He was doing pretty damn good at his job, too. He not only felt warmth on the outside, but he felt his heart fluttering wildly for such a long time...and it felt wonderful. He moved the tiger's paw up to his heart, wanting Uraku to know what kind of feelings he was giving Daniel. The tiger nuzzled his nose into the back of Daniel's neck, purring quietly. "Good night...Uraku."


Daniel woke up suddenly, looking around. He was back in his dorm, and Nick was still there, smiling at the alerted Daniel. "'d it go?" Daniel looked at the clock. Once again, no time had passed since he was in the story. He smiled, glad that he had one of the facts of this book figured out now. He was a little disappointed that he was no longer in Uraku's embrace, but he would be back eventually. He turned to Nick and told him everything that just happened as he remembered it.

Nick was actively listening to the story, not really looking overly involved until Daniel talked about the tournament contestants. ", the eight contestants are me, Uraku, Jalhamut, Benson, Sazla, Nem, Kilch, and Aveyi. Now Jalhamut...Nick, is something wrong?"

Nick's eyes went wide, his face turning bright red with what was either fury or embarrassment...or something. He glared at the book, then back into Daniel's eyes. "Who...did you say?"