Master of Bunnies 1

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#1 of Master of Bunnies

Asimar Dreixes attends a school in a different world purely to enjoy some pleasure with different species.

Commissioned by Dreixes

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Master of Bunnies

Part 1

For Dreixes

By Draconicon

Asimar started to reach for his pocket and stopped himself at the last second. Curling his fingers into a fist as he pulled his hand back, he deliberately crossed his arms over his chest, trying to get used to the feeling of the new clothes he was wearing, the feeling of boot-wraps around his feet, and the fact that he was dressed at all. It was easier focusing on those strange things than the rest of the world around him, and as much as he was dealing with already, it was better to take things in stages.

As the roar of a vehicle went by - a bus, the dragon corrected himself with some pride - he deliberately did not stare after it. It went against every survival instinct that the green dragon had, but rather than giving into them as his body demanded, he continued to stare straight at the university in front of him.

Or...was it a college? The terms seemed interchangeable in this world, and no matter who he asked, someone had a different answer than the last. Even the name couldn't seem to decide: "Talogard Universal College" was what the sign said, and it left the dragon's teeth on edge.

Calm down. You've been here for three weeks already. You can pull yourself together for this.

That was the whole point, inasmuch as his teacher had told him. Drac said that he wanted Asimar to get a chance to live in a 'modern' world and learn how to blend in on his own before doing anything else. That was what the last three weeks had been for, to live in an apartment, get used to all the gadgets and customs of the world, and then, and only then, start working on learning how to use his magic in a more limited environment.

It worked. I know what I'm doing.

And that was true. He'd learned how to dress himself to blend in, how to take the bus and the subway, how to get around the city of Talogard without getting everyone staring at him like some sort of idiot or out-of-place bumpkin. Even if the concept of clothes was all but foreign to him, he had still managed that much.

It was just that goddamn -

Calm. Down. You can do this.

He wasn't just the raging druid that his teacher had picked up off his homeworld any longer. He was better than that, much better than that. If a sign was his only real problem, then he'd come a long way, indeed.

Even so, he had to admit that he stood out among the other students at this - he was going to call it one of his own words, fuck it - academy. Not only as the only reptile, but the only one that had wings that wasn't also a bird. Admittedly, it made staying at the gate with his arms folded like some brooding youngling a little bit easier and less attention-grabbing, but he had to admit that it felt...odd, particularly after going through multiple worlds where there were many other dragons, though no others with his power.

He distracted himself from the clothes, the identity-confused academy, and the newness of the world outside the academy walls by studying the other students. More than half of them were feathered species of some sort. Most of them were of the hawk or eagle variety, with feathers coming down their arms up to the elbows only to transition to scaly limbs with clawed fingers, but there were others of the raven, crow, and even secretary bird variety. The latter seemed to be the rich ones, strutting up through the gate without even a nod for the other species, save to look down their beaks at them and stomp their feet a little more aggressively, clicking their talons on the pavement.

He liked them. They knew what they wanted and went for it.

The other species were far more varied and fewer in representation. There were rats and mice which huddled together, never moving in less than a group two more than any bird flock that they approached. There were dogs here and there, all of different breeds but congregating in smaller and larger groups as if trying to form a pack with one another, something that he wished them luck with among all strangers.

And then, there were the bunnies.

He almost didn't notice them at first, considering that most of them were barely half his height if they included the ears, but once he took a second look, he knew where his interests had landed. Asimar spotted three of them passing through the other side of the gate, their eyes everywhere but him. The one in front - slightly taller than the other two and thicker in the shoulders, though that didn't matter much in rabbit-kind - was all wide-eyed about the academy main building, while the other two only had eyes for him.


Asimar chuckled under his breath. Well, this would be a way to start the day. If nothing else, he'd get a chance to get to know the locals -

Who are you kidding? You just want a shot at that bunny butt.

The green dragon smiled. There were days when he wondered if spending so much time with that black dragon as his teacher had permanently etched a narrator's voice into the back of his head. Not a bad thing, most days, but certainly more interesting than it used to be in his head. But it wasn't wrong, and he was rather interested in those rabbits. Particularly in a non-educational way.

"Excuse me," Asimar said.

The three rabbits turned at once, light country shirts that buttoned up down the middle and spread out in eye-gauging plaid swishing as they moved. The one in front immediately moved to stand between the dragon and the rest of his group, though even he was sniffing the air in nervous fashion.

"What is it? What do you want?" the lead rabbit said.

"Calm down. I was just about to ask you the same question."

"Calm down? Big thing for a pred like you to say."

"...Maybe so. In that case, what would be the better thing to say?"

"Apologize, and start over. Properly."

"Okay...And what's the proper way?" Asimar asked, already feeling the urge to spit something far more insulting at the rabbit. He was holding it back, but being obsequious and indulgent of others was not in his nature. "I'm more used to talking to other preds, after all."

"...You're right. You're right. Sorry. I'm jumping the gun." The rabbit rubbed the back of his head, his ears folding down for a moment.

Asimar took a second look at the three of them. The one in the lead wasn't just taller and a bit thicker, but he was also obviously stronger. His muscles stood out against his clothes and he was the sort that seemed more focused on projecting an image of toughness than anything else. Rather than shoes, he wore wraps around the middle of his feet, and the flannel shirts were joined by obviously well-worn jeans to complete the country look.

The other two rabbits, however, were slightly different. They were weedier, smaller in almost every way, as if something had sucked the masculinity right out of them and not left any feminine traits behind to replace them. Fascinating, actually.

And more to the point, they were all gray-furred and all had the same pattern of brown dots along their ears. Asimar chuckled, holding out his hand.

"Starting over, then. My name's Asimar. What's yours?"

"Harry," the one in front said. "And these are my brothers, Huey, and Holt."

The brothers nodded, but Asimar had already decided that this was between him and Harry. He chuckled, shaking the rabbit's hand.

"I think I've heard your name, but I couldn't be sure where. Mind reminding me?"

"Oh, you must have heard about my scholarship. Man, the news just carried that everywhere, didn't it?"

A celebrity of sorts, then, but judging from the way that the birds in the academy courtyard were looking their way, not one that was necessarily greatly wanted here. Probably something to do with the pred-prey distinction, all things considered, which was not going to do Harry any favors out here.

But it did mean that he was an outsider, and that was all the better to play with. Asimar stood up straight again.

"Well, it's your lucky day, and mine. How about a tour?" the dragon suggested.

"What, here? Now?"

"Why not? I think I can show you what you need to know, and you can tell me more about how you won that scholarship."

And more importantly, it would give him a chance to get a better read on the rabbits. The shift to there being a more nervous pred-prey relationship than was immediately apparent in the rest of Talogard meant that he'd be more at home, but it was better for him to pick up on the subtleties a bit first.

The old you would have just taken them.

And the old him would have gotten in such deep shit as a result. At least the new him had the patience to let the hunt go on for a while before they leaped into the deep end.

"Shall we?" Asimar asked.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." Harry nodded. "Come on, guys."

"You sure? He's not one of -"

"We're not going to have any of the ladies out here, Huey," Harry said, chuckling. "It's time that we get over that."

Hmm...not used to figuring out what to do on their that makes things more interesting...


Considering he'd given the Talogard Universal College a fly-over a week ago, he knew the layout well enough to give the welcome tour, even if he wasn't the most informed about the history of the place. He made that up as he went, taking cues from the ways that some buildings were restored and others were not and picking up other cues from the other students that walked around. It wasn't that hard, really, and the rabbits were open-minded enough that - once they knew he wasn't going to eat them - they trusted him more or less implicitly.

Which helped immensely, because his little 'deceptions' ranged from clumsy to outright ridiculous fabrications that anyone with an ounce of suspicion would have called him on instantly. The rabbits just grinned and went with it, usually with a remark of 'silly pred' or something of the like.

Nevertheless, they did drop little tidbits that he was able to put together into a better understanding of the rabbits as a whole.

First, they were here more as a group to support Harry rather than all three of them attending school. TUC - Talogard Universal College - wasn't so much of an open academy to all species, and while there were rules that allowed other species to apply to the college, they didn't guarantee that the applicants would get in. At least half of the slots every year went to the avian species, and other preds, while the rabbits made up little more than a single-digit percentage of those that were able to attend.

Second, the rabbits came in family groups that stretched back to the grandmother, and more than that, they were matriarchal. Asimar filed that bit of information in the back of his skull along with the fantasy of breaking the top matriarch of a family and getting all the denizens of a burrow at once.

Third, and finally, they were here without the full orders of their matriarch, and even for Harry, that was leading to a little bit of...confusion. Asimar was happy to see it and, more, to play on it.

"I understand that this can get very confusing to newcomers," the green dragon said, chuckling as he leaned over the rabbits as they stared at the library building. "Perhaps we should take a break."

"I, um, I wouldn't mind that," Huey said.

"Me neither," Holt added.

"Good," he said, stepping in just before Harry could add his opinion. "Let's go over here, out of the way."

He'd been listening and reading them for a while, and he had a way in. They were all just a little disconnected with the world at this point, not quite themselves in the way that they had been. The two smaller brothers were following the orders to take care of Harry as the golden boy, and Harry...

Well, that was where Asimar was a little bit at a loss. At first, he'd thought that the bigger brother wanted to be free of the family life he'd come from, out of the matriarchy, but the longer that he spent time around the rabbit, the more that he'd realized it was something else. There was some kind of envy there mixed with a discontent about...something. He didn't know what it was, so he couldn't play Harry as well as the others, but there was a potential opening there.

But he did know them well enough to get twist their minds a little...and open them up to what he wanted from them.

As they walked out of the courtyard and down the small alley that barely split the main building and the gym itself, Asimar spread his wings and fanned them as much as the narrow space allowed. The collected sweat under his shirt, combined with the soft musk that clung to dragons as a general rule, fanned out, and all three bunnies came to a sharp halt, their ears going high and their eyes going wide. Their nostrils flared, as he'd known they would, in an instinctual reaction of all prey toward the potential threat of a predator.

And, of course, that meant that they were sucking in the pheromones of a dragon. He leaned over them, giving a second, lighter flap, and they shivered almost all at once, nearly in unison.

"Come along. You want to stay with me. Safer that way," he said.


That was enough for the little prey species. They followed at his heels like little lost ducklings, and he led them into the college gym. The thicker smell of males and females working out threatened his own pheromones, but not enough for the rabbits to break out of the trance of trust that they were in. He herded them along, hands on their back to the front desk, and after a short chat that involved another wing-flap and a tranced-out owl woman, they had memberships and locks for the locker room. He pushed them along, with Harry groaning now and then as they reached the back rooms.

As it was the early part of the year, there weren't many in the back, and those that were cleared out quickly, either leaving for the rest of the campus or heading in to work out. Either way, the dragon and his rabbits were alone shortly after.

"Keep watch," he told Huey and Holt, and the rabbits all but jumped to attention, nodding their understanding and getting into position. "You...come with me."

It was a little more abrupt than he would have been if there'd been a little more time to figure them out, but there were two things he had to consider. The first was that there would be someone that came looking for the rabbits, eventually; with Harry having a scholarship, the school would, at the very least, want to have him dismissed by ensuring that there was no sign of him, particularly if he'd had his names in the papers. They'd come looking for him to dot all their i's and cross all their t's.

Second, he'd been fighting his own urges ever since seeing the rabbits at the gate, and he wanted to move on. While he had more patience than he used to, Asimar still didn't have an endless capability to wait, and the small bunnies represented prey that his libido was more than keen to consume.

"Now, Harry, what's the matter?" he asked as he led the rabbit around the corner, just out of sight of the other two. "You seem out of sorts."

"Mmph...none of"

"You can trust me. I'm not one of those predators, am I?"

"No...No, you're not."

"No. I'm here to help you. Help you get what you want."

Another little flick, and he sat the wobbly rabbit down on one of the many benches as he went almost head over heels from the scent and pheromones. As he did, Harry looked up at him, and just for a moment, he saw a need to be taken care of, something that begged for someone else to step in and tell him what to do.

It was exactly the sort of expression that he'd been hoping to see. He chuckled, rubbing the rabbit's back gently as he leaned in, almost nose to nose.

"You're out of your depth, aren't you?" he asked.

"I...maybe a little," Harry admitted. " do gotta do."

"Heh, or maybe you just want to do what you're told?"

No, that wasn't right. The rabbit stiffened up. He backpedaled slightly.

"Well, not you. But you don't want to be working so hard. Ah, that's it. You want to be taken care of, don't you?"

Harry relaxed a bit, blushing as if the idea embarrassed him. Was it that different in the burrows, he wondered? He understood that they were matriarchal, but that meant that the females gave the orders and the males followed them, best as he had been able to gather. There must have been other things going on, too.

"Heh...well, I can do that."

"You don't. The guys take care of the matriarchs," he muttered. "Studding the girls."

"Studding, huh? And you're one of the studs?"

"Heh...I'm better than my brothers...they're fucking each other, when they get to fuck at all."

Brothers fucking brothers. Well, now, that was an opportunity, and judging by the soft grunts that were coming from around the corner, his pheromones might already be causing them to try something a little different. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he rested his hand on the rabbit's thigh, gently rubbing his leg as Harry looked down at the ground. The small bunny barely had his ears coming up to the dragon's chest, at this point, and even then, it was low on him.

"But not you?" he asked.

"Nah...I'm a stud. I'm special."

"And what's that mean?"

"I get to...I get to fuck my mom...and my sisters."

Even better. Asimar was all but splitting his own face with the growing grin creeping up his snout, and his hand was delicately sliding further up the rabbit's thigh. He let it slide back and around his ass, squeezing it experimentally, but Harry was lost enough in his own moment that he didn't even seem to notice. All the better, really.

"So, what's wrong with that?" he asked.

"Nothing...nothing, really."


"But I don't...want to take care of other people."

"Ahhh, you want them to take care of you. Treat you like a matriarch?"

"...Kinda," Harry admitted, looking down.

That was it. That was the part he hadn't been getting. The little guy wanted to be treated like he was the person that was most desired, the one that others were lucky to get. Well, that wouldn't be that hard, particularly since it didn't even require a transformation when one got right down to it.

He stroked the rabbit's rump, giving it a few more squeezes and fondles before drawing on his magic. It was different in this world, something that was just a little more distant than it should be, but it wasn't so far as some of the others that he'd visited. Rather than calling vines and the power of life to restrain Harry, however, he tried something a little more...twisted.

Gathering his magic, he forged a connection between them, one that spread and rooted itself against the rabbit's ass before worming deeper and deeper. He felt for that want, that need that Harry had to be cared for, to be wanted, to be desired, and pulled at it, his magic sinking in and bringing with it questions.

Wouldn't it be better to just enjoy yourself?

Wouldn't it be better to be wanted in any way, instead of taking care of someone else?

Does it matter how you're wanted, as long as you're wanted?

It was a spell that he had spent weeks working on, one that attacked the mind from a different direction. Rather than immediately seizing control, it sowed seeds of doubt, pushing a dream into a different direction and holding it under a different light. Ambition, he'd found, could protect someone from another's control, but what happened if that ambition was twisted around to the service of another?

It didn't take long for Harry to be pushing his ass back against Asimar's hand, and less time for the dragon to worm his finger down through the back of the bunny's pants to reach for his hole. A little curl of his finger and Harry jerked, all but jumping up. Asimar pulled him back, patting his shoulder.

"Easy, easy. Heh. Couldn't help myself. You're that hot."


"You're a hot bunny. Anyone would want you."

Words that were carefully chosen to ensure that the bunny liked hearing them, and it worked. The rabbit shivered, pushing his ass back a bit more, all but grinding on that one digit under his fluffy little tail.

" think so?" Harry asked.

"Heh, yeah. The birds are going to envy you, but they'll envy me even more. You know why?"


"Because I'm the one that gets that ass that they're drooling over."

With a little flex of that curled digit, he worked the tip past that pucker. Harry gasped, but the rabbit was deep enough in this magical grip that he didn't try and squirm away. Hell, he even pushed back that little bit further, helping Asimar get it in that little bit deeper, rubbing the rabbit's prostate.

It didn't take long for the 'stud's' cock to start rising in the front of his pants, and the dragon would give Harry this: he had a decent one. Nothing compared to a dragon, of course, but for the rabbit's size, it was a hefty enough little dick. He chuckled, working his finger back and forth as the little guy bit off one moan after another, huffing and leaning forward, gripping his knees as the dragon molested his hole.

"That's it. You know I want you, right?"

"Mmm...I'm...I'm getting that..."

"And you want to be wanted."

"Oh god, yes."

"Then let me show you how much I want you."


"Get those pants off." Bitch.

Harry slid forward, almost falling off the bench before landing on his feet. He was panting, clearly more excited than he'd realized he could be, but his hands were already going for his zipper and his belt. Asimar smirked, reaching down to his own pants and fiddling with the button and zipper.

In the time that it took the rabbit to strip completely from the waist down, the dragon played with himself, easing his own cock out. It was already quite hard, and by the time the bunny had turned around, he had that dick right in Harry's face. The rabbit stud blushed, his eyes going wide.

"Holy cow..."

"Yeah. That's what a dragon has to offer."

"That's...that's bigger than mom's..."

Herm mothers. Oh, boy, this just keeps getting better and better.

"Well, lemme show you what it means to be wanted. You don't have to be a stud with me. You're already hot. Now...come here...taste my need."

Harry was clearly lost to the moment, his eyes half-glazed over and his wants desperately shifting from the desires of a 'stud' to more the need of a slut. He grinned as the rabbit leaned down, standing tall and proud, barely bending at the waist. They were of such disparate height that him sitting down was all but required; if he'd been standing, Harry's forehead would have just about brushed his balls.

And the rabbit moaned as he took the tip past his lips, sucking hard, and Asimar had to bite his tongue to keep from making too much of a sound as the bunny sucked along his tip. He was unpracticed, to some degree, but there was definitely some little bit of understanding of how that worked. Perhaps some of the matriarchs had gotten him used to the feeling of having a cock in his mouth before he became one of their studs. He almost chuckled at that thought.

In the background, he could hear the soft thud, thud, thud of the other brothers going at it. He could just about imagine the two identical brothers hammering against each other, one with their ass raised, the other with a smaller dick plundering it. Oh, they were going to be in trouble if they got caught.

He'd protect them, though. He might be the predator here, but he was going to protect his prey.

As Harry bobbed down just past the head, obviously struggling with the sheer size, Asimar rested his hand on the back of the rabbit's head. He could feel the soft gluks at the back of the throat, the warning that the bunny wasn't necessarily going to take it easily. He knew that he could force it, and decided that he'd do just that.

"Brace yourself, bunny."

With a grunt, he shoved the pint-sized slut down his cock. Harry gagged, the throat muscles clenching down on his cock hard, and Asimar groaned as he leaned his head back. His toes curled and scraped against the tiled floor, but he didn't particularly care. All that mattered was the pleasure of that bunny wrapped around his dick.

A little bit more, then a bit more after that, and he had Harry's nose almost pressing against his crotch scales. The rabbit was squirming, panting, gasping through his nose. There was no pulling back, just desperately patting his hands against the dragon's thighs, almost like he was trying to get him to let him get a little air back at the tip. It wasn't going to happen. Not this time.

One last push, and the rabbit's nose was right against his crotch, his lips kissing the base of his cock. The pressure of that little mouth against his slit was just what he wanted, and he let out a long, slow sigh of pleasure. He patted Harry's head.

"Thaaaaat's it. That's something special. You did it. You're just as good as you look."

He could feel the blush against his groin, the heat fading slightly as he pulled the rabbit by the ears. Harry went limp when he finally popped off the dragon's cock, leaving the shaft spit-slick and well-lubed for what was soon to come.

"Heh, come on. Let's get you into position."

He laid the bunny over the bench. Harry panted for breath, wheezing after having his throat invaded like that. It'd probably take him a while to get over being nearly choked out like that, but that was his problem, not Asimar's. And besides, he still had another hole to break in before they were done.

With the rabbit's chest against the bench and his legs hanging down, it was easy to spread those cheeks and get a good look at the pucker between them. It was soft, almost completely untouched, and yet, it spread easily as he rubbed his thumbs across the rim. The cheeks had some firm muscle to them, too, something that'd be a better cushion than the raw fat that some of his sluts had back there. He chuckled, spitting on that pucker before sliding forward, resting his tip against it.

"Mmmph," Harry muttered, still too out of it to really get what was going to happen.

"Time to show you what it means to be 'wanted.'"

With one hand spreading the rabbit's cheeks and the other keeping his cock steady, he slid forward on the bench. Harry groaned, then hissed as his hole finally parted for the dragon's cock, but that was the most noise that he made. Soon, he was shivering from head to toe, little triple-digits at the end of his paws curling as Asimar slipped inside of him.

For his part, the dragon loved it. The size difference meant that it was even tighter than usual, and looking down, it was just insane how much bigger his cock looked compared to that small, tight rump. His shaft was wider than the rabbit's little cottontail, and the cheeks were clenching hard, almost as hard as that hole was around his shaft. He chuckled, inching forward bit by bit, feeling just how tight it was, and yet, how the little guy was already getting used to it.

Must be something about the preds and preys in this world. Some sort of old instincts or something.

Relying on that to keep from actually hurting his new toy, he worked his hips back and forth, easily sliding along the bench and pushing deeper into that hole. It would flex, sucking along his cock and pulling out in a little pink ring when he slid back, only to suck him right back in the moment he pushed forward again. The rabbit arched his back, Harry's little moans getting louder as he got fucked properly.

Around the corner, the other bunnies were making no pretense at actually keeping watch any longer, but that didn't really matter. All that mattered was that they were all getting what they wanted: pleasure.

It took him a full five minutes to bury his cock in the bunny properly, but when he did, Harry moaned and whimpered. Little spasms went through the smaller male's body, and it took Asimar a moment to realize that taking the whole thing had been enough to push his new toy over the edge. The spreading warmth under his scaly balls, the smell of eager rabbit seed, told the whole story.

"Heh...look at that. Looks like you like this, huh?"

" big..."

"It's going to feel even bigger in a minute."


"Heh, of course...of course."

As he rolled his hips back, ready to breed this bunny into oblivion, Asimar was already thinking about what else he could get. All it would take was a little pressure to get this little slut to take him back home to the rest of the bunnies in the family. Once he got there, he'd be able to meet the moms and sisters, and...well, that was a fantasy. Taking over the full group, taking the matriarch as his, breeding the whole little bunch of bunnies...

The mental image of him sitting in an underground burrow with a bunch of naked rabbits all around him, all claimed, all dripping his seed from one hole or another, set him to grinning and throbbing all at once. His cock dripped in that tight bunny hole as he pulled back, feeling Harry's body fighting him, trying to keep him inside.

It got what it wanted a second later...and then it got it again...and again as he picked up the pace. He pinned his prey down from above, hand around the little guy's neck to keep him from sliding too much, and he leaned into it, thrusting away, huffing and puffing as he went. In, out, in, out, in, out, faster and faster, feeling those muscular cheeks clenching and eventually jiggling against his hips as he rammed in and out.

The other bunnies eventually joined them as they got more hot and heavy, Huey - or was it Holt? - dripping from his ass as they knelt on either side, watching as he bred their brother. The audience, the amazement, everything added to his pleasure, and Asimar grinned as he rolled his hips more dramatically, showing off the size difference between him and his prey all the more.

"Mine," he whispered. "All mine, understand?"


"Your ass is mine. I'll take care of it...and long as you stay mine."


"Good prey...good prey..."

The End

Summary: Asimar Dreixes attends a school in a different world purely to enjoy some pleasure with different species.

Tags: M/M, Musk, Magic, Mind Control, Corruption, Dragon, Rabbit, Size Difference, Locker Room, Anal, Oral, Deepthroat, Deep Throat, Series, Gagging, Cum, Orgasm,