Secrets At The Farm - Gryphon and Hellhound TFs

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FA commission for Resileaf of me and him into a herm gryphon and a herm hellhound - in his case, it's a lusthound based on 's design -

Shade (C) MyselfDesign (C) Concept (C) ivanksLusthound design (C) Hexacult

Posted using PostyBirb

"I wonder just how long I've been walking for today..." Johnny asked himself, glancing over his watch as he took a moment to catch his breath. The youth had set out earlier that day on a backpacking trip, wanting to spend a few days getting back to nature, or at the very least take a break from city life, and so far it had been going well for him, even if he had lost track of time. He had made plans for when he'd eventually head back, getting in contact with a friend of his to come pick him up in his car, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon, not after only one day of trekking, at least.

"Damn, that's the time?" He whistled - he left home not too long after 11am, and it was now close to 8pm. He made a couple of breaks earlier in the day for food and relief, but aside from that, he had been walking almost non-stop. "I think I'm due for another break!" He laughed, sitting down on a fallen tree. "Guess I'll have to get the old tent set up before too long, too!"

Given the size of it, he didn't exactly look forward to getting it set up, at least not this late in the evening, but he didn't have anywhere else to go right now. Well, he THOUGHT he didn't...

"Huh?" He caught sight of something from the corner of his eye, a pathway that was partially hidden underneath the overgrown grass. He decided to follow it, thinking that it might lead to somewhere a bit more comfortable to rest for the evening - giving that it did lead to somewhere, of course. It did take a little bit, but it eventually led him to the outskirts of some form of property. From what he could see, the lights were on in the building, whatever it was.

"OK, can't say I was expecting to find a place like this off the beaten track, but eh..." He shrugged, approaching it. Upon getting closer, he was able to see that the building looked like your standard house, albeit one with a farm attached to it. Still, the fact that it did appear to be lived-in gave him some hope that someone was inside, and that maybe they'd be kind enough to let him stay the night - it would save having to deal with setting up his tent, after all. He approached the door and knocked on it firmly. The door opened up a few short seconds later.

"Who is it?" A silver-haired woman stepped into view as the door opened, glancing curiously at Johnny. "Are you here to enquire about something?" She asked. "Business hours usually tend to finish at around six!"

"Oh no, I wasn't looking to ask about business of any kind, I was just wondering if you'd have a free room available that I could sleep in tonight!" Johnny asked. "I'm on a camping trip and I lost track of time, I wasn't expecting to find a house out here and I thought that you might let me stay here for the night, it'd save me on having to unpack my tent and camping gear, if only for one night at the least!"

"Hrm, you want to stay the night?" She looked over at him. "You're not going to try anything funny if I do let you stay, are you?" She chuckled.

"No, not at all! Just a nice bed and maybe a meal would be plenty for me!"

"Heh~" She smirked. "Well you do look like a trustworthy fellow, so I suppose I can't say no to your request!" She said warmly. "I'll get you a room and some food sorted out in just a moment, but before I do any of that, I do need to make one request of you!"

"And what would that be? Do I need to help with the cleaning or anything?"

"Oh, not at all, unless you really want to!" She laughed. "My only request is that I ask you to not go nosing around in the barn out back. All the animals in my care are asleep right now, and I'm pretty sure that if you went in there unannounced, you'd likely give them all a shock!"

"I don't think that'd be a problem at all!" He nodded. "Thank you for this, miss..."

"Petra~" She smiled.

"I'm Johnny." He extended his hand to shake hers.

"Let's get you to your room then, Johnny." She walked on ahead, leaving him to follow behind her. "I'll make sure you've got one with a nice, comfy bed!" Johnny caught up with her as they walked through the house - it was definitely a lot bigger than it looked on the outside.

"I think this'll do perfectly!" Petra showed him a nice, spacious room with a large, comfortable bed.

"Damn... and you're sure you don't want anything in return for this?" He asked.

"Not at all! Now get settled in, and unless you need anything else, I'll see you in the morning!" Petra said before leaving Johnny alone.

He placed all his bags down at the foot of the bed, throwing himself onto it, and nearly bouncing back off in the process. "Woah! I might have to ask Petra tomorrow where she got these beds!" He chuckled, the mattress still wobbling underneath him for a moment as he thought about calling it a night then and there, crawling under the covers as he slowly drifted to sleep.

Johnny was sleeping peacefully, the hours slowly creeping by as he did so. It seemed like he was going to sleep soundly until the morning...

"Mmmm... mmrrrararhhh..."

"Mmf..." Johnny groaned, rolling onto his side.


"Urf, what..." He was stirred from his slumber, sitting up in the bed as the noises continued. "Where on earth is that coming from?" He mumbled, instinctively looking towards the window before approaching it. Looking through it, he noticed a few lights were on in the barn outside, as well as hearing a multitude of noises coming from it. "Hrm... Petra said I shouldn't go looking in there... but I suppose if I was quiet enough, I could sneak in, see what's going on, and sneak out!" He thought, heading out of his room as quietly as he could, his socks helping to muffle his footsteps slightly. He peeked around every corner, wanting to ensure that Petra wasn't still awake, steadily making his way outside. He could hear the noises even clearer than before now, and he couldn't tell if whatever the source of it was either moaning in pain or some kind of pleasure. Either way, he'd made it this far, he might as well commit to it now.

He approached the barn doors, opening it as carefully as he could - the hinges made no noise, meaning they must be oiled up regularly enough so that they don't rust or wear down. "This is almost too easy... it's putting me on edge..." He closed the door back up, stepping into the barn itself. Now that he was inside, the noises were as clear as day.

"So what exactly is it that she's keeping in here?" He mumbled, taking a look ahead of him. "Can't be anything too outrage...ous..." He trailed off, catching sight of what looked like a minotaur of sorts, huffing and bellowing as they rode atop a female. Next to them was what appeared to be a bright-red bird with a fiery aura, squawking as their long, taloned claws worked across two sets of genitals - male and female.

"What in the world..." He blinked, spotting what he swore was a large, red-scaled dragon tending to his own needs, his claws and mouth working over his dual shafts. Beside him was a pile of torn clothing, shoes and all, and on closer inspection, some of the torn fabric was still clinging against the scaly creature's torso.

"How on earth is any of this real? Johnny asked himself. "I'm sleepwalking, right?" He followed up by trying to pinch himself, but the sharp jolt of pain did nothing to change what he was seeing..

"Mmm... mmrrgghh..." He paused when he heard a moaning coming from behind him. Turning around, he was surprised to see a human figure in the stable, albeit one that was fully naked.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked the silver-haired male.

"Mmffhh... never... better..." He responded, his body pulsing, hands twitching. The skin on his hands flaked away, revealing bright yellow scales, the tips of his fingers sprouting sharp, curving talons. The scales moved up his wrists before their growth slowed down, a pins-and-needles sensation filling his arms and upper body, hundreds of quills breaking through the skin. They blossomed outwards once they were fully emerged, sprouting into elegant feathers, a vibrant white in coloration.

"What in the..." Johnny looked on in shock, seeing the man's body slowly change. The muscles in his arms broadened up, a pair of bumps pressing against his shoulders. The man let out a moan as his chest barrelled outwards, his ribcage expanding, lungs enlarging with each breath he took. As this happened, his upper chest swelled out further, the nipples darkening as they poked through the soft, downy feathers sprouting over his front, his upper body now sporting a rather impressive pair of breasts. Before Johnny could question this further, three additional pairs formed along his front, albeit with each pair being smaller than the last.

"Mmrrrrwwwrrkk..." The changing man trilled, his dick painfully erect at this point. The feathers stopped short midway down his torso, shifting to a golden brown fur that spread over his thighs and back. He carefully wrapped his taloned hand around his shaft, cautiously pumping it whilst his other hand worked over his breasts, his eyes rolling back into his head.

"What on earth is going on?" He asked, looking briefly back at all the other creatures. "Wait... did she do all this?" He thought, his gaze shifting back to the changing man.

"Oooohhhh, so goooood..." The man huffed, stroking himself faster, his shaft growing within his grasp. The head pushed itself into a barb-covered point, his spear continuing its growth whilst the foreskin pulled back towards the base, reforming into a furry sheath, the base of his dick swelling into a fleshy knot. His balls swelled to the size of coconuts, dangling between his thickening thighs, an odd sensation filling him as a pair of large, fuzzy lips opened up along his underside, hir internals shifting and changing to better suit hir twin genders. Hir bestial shaft spasmed and twitched as shi came, hir human seed spilling out all over the ground, quickly being replaced by something more potent. "Mmrrrgghh... I... I neeed..."

"You need what?" Johnny tried to offer some form of help, even if he had no clue of how to do so. A long, leonine tail grew from the base of hir spine, a tuft of fur sprouting from its tip. Hir rear reshaped ever so slightly, becoming broader, a fan of tailfeathers sprouting from atop it.

"Neeed... to fuuuuuck!" Shi screeched, toes curling as hir feet stretched, heels popping upwards as all pressure shifted to hir tiptoes. The soles of hir feet puffed outwards into rough pads, sharp, retractable claws growing from each digit, the big toe pulling back into a dewclaw.

"This is impossible..." Johnny backed away from the transforming human, staring dumbfounded as a pair of elegant, feathery wings erupted from hir back, scattering feathers all over the place. Shi was reared up against the wall of the stable, surprisingly able to keep hir balance despite hir large, top-heavy build, shoulders growing broader to better support hir new wings, neck thickening as it carried hir head away from hir torso ever so slightly. As Johnny backed up further, he soon bumped into something behind him.

"Oh, I can assure you that this is entirely possible~" A familiar voice crowed to him. "What turned out to be truly impossible was believing that you'd stay in your room till tomorrow!"

He gulped loudly, spinning around to see Petra staring him down, shooting him a look which was half amused and half disappointed. "Are you the one behind all of this?"

"Guilty as charged, hun~" She giggled, looking over at the stable where the human's change was nearly complete. She could see hir hair merging with the feathers which were rapidly encroaching upon hir head, hir ears growing into long points. "There are so many standard farms, all with the same old boring animals, so I decided to make a farm that's all legendary and mythical creatures, along with a few other beasts. I see you've already met Peter, though I'll be giving hir a new name soon!"

"Krkrraaawwwwrrkkkk!!" Shi screeched, jaws going numb whilst hir teeth fused together into a pair of solid masses, turning a shiny yellow, spreading hir lips apart as they grew, forming a wickedly sharp beak. Hir nose merged together with hir changed mouth, hir eyes moving towards the sides of hir head, becoming a vibrant scarlet, completing hir change. The beast threw hir head back, a powerful cry leaving hir beak as shi came, spraying seed all along hir front.

"And just like that, I've got myself a nice, proud herm gryphoness!" Petra giggled. "I wanted to make it extra special for him seeing as he willingly volunteered to help me when he stumbled upon this place!"

"Did all of these animals..." Johnny asked.

"Some of them started off as more animalistic residents at my home in the forest. When I decided to move them to a farm, I expanded upon it via leading a few humans here with promises of free food and shelter, and a well-paying job. Some people, like our lovely, feathered friend here, found out about this place and came along willingly, and some, like you, got a bit too curious when I asked them not to go prying around in here..."

"I... really should have stayed in my room, shouldn't I?"

"It might have helped - I don't have any guard dogs around here, so it'd make sense for me to have one... and I think you might have given me the perfect idea on what to make you" She grinned, raising her hand up, purple energy swirling around it. Johnny gulped, knowing he wasn't going to be able to talk his way out of this.

"And whilst I'm at it, I guess I can drop this whole charade as well~" Her grin grew wider as her form quickly changed before his eyes, going from human to humanoid raven. Johnny couldn't believe his eyes. "Feel free to call me Shade whilst I'm in my true form!" Her talons gleamed brighter as she charged her spell further.

"I... I really don't think I'm going to be cut out to be your guard dog!" He said, hoping to talk her down in some way or form.

"Who says that it'll be a NORMAL guard dog?" She trilled, flicking her wrist, sending a wave of magical energy crashing all around Johnny, making him stumble backwards. "I did say that I was bored of seeing normal farms, hence why I've made one that caters more to beasts - you think I'd have a bog standard mutt protecting a place like this, especially when a few of these critters are more than capable of fending off any threats that come their way?"

"Ggh... hhrrggh..." Johnny trembled, his knees shaking as the energy seeped into his body, starting to alter his very form. He noticed the hair on his arms was already looking thicker than it was before, taking on a darker hue, becoming more and more like fur by the second, starting to spread soon after that. His hands twitched, the fingers growing thicker and stubbier, the palms of his hands puffing outwards into rough, canine pads. He brought his changing hands closer to his face to take a look at them, the thumb shrinking back towards his wrists, whilst sharp claws sprouted from each digit.

"I wouldn't try to resist any of it, just let it flow over you. I believe you'll find it much more fun that way!" She chirped, watching the hair on Johnny's body darken further, transitioning into thick, pitch-black fur, a few tufts of white here and there. The muscles in his arms broadened, his shoulders growing thicker, causing his shirt to strain. "And I guess I should have done something about those clothes BEFORE I cast the spell, but oh well~"

"What... what's happening... rrrgh...!" He growled, his shirt growing tighter still, his chest barrelling forwards thanks to his expanding ribcage. The fabric slowly split down the middle, revealing the fur that was growing outwards, the muscles in his chest growing firmer. As it grew outwards, he noticed a pair of bumps forming on his pectoral muscles, swelling out further into what appeared to be a large set of breasts. Whilst they were growing in, he spotted another set forming beneath that pair, and another two pairs beneath that.

"I'm making you my own personal guard dog... well, more of a guard hellhound... actually, a guard hellhound of a specific type!" Shade told him, the eight sets of tits steadily growing larger and larger by the second, the nipples darkening, poking through the fur. His body was growing larger and taller, his spine stretching as his body adjusted. He was trying to keep himself on two legs, but the weight of his expanding bosoms was making it increasingly harder to do so. "Again, I'm not one to settle for normal animals, not if I can help it, anyway~"

"Mmgghh.... Rrrrggghhh...." He trembled, his legs shaking as he tried to support his shifting weight. His growing spine began to extend past his body, a long, broad tail working its way out from above his rear, the tip of it sporting an arrowhead-shaped point. Before he could even comprehend the new limb growing out of him, two more tails of equal appearance and thickness wormed their way out of his body, the trio of tails wagging about in unison behind him. "Guhhhh... why... does it feel so goood..." He huffed, his pants beginning to tent.

"My transformation magic does tend to have a fairly pleasant feeling." Shade chirped. "Though at the same time, the beast I'm turning you into is known as a Lusthound, so you tell me!" She added with a laugh, Johnny's shorts getting tighter and tighter as his erection grew bigger, the button pinging off of them, bouncing off the wall. His dick broke free of its fabric confinement, pre oozing from the head, throbbing wildly.

"OoooOOOOOOoooooohhhhhh...!" He somewhat hesitantly reached to feel his cock with one of his paws, a shudder running through him from the contact of pawpads on flesh, causing him to drop down to all fours, his many breasts bouncing back and forth, still growing with gusto.

"That's it, it's meant to be enjoyed, after all~" Shade cooed, watching on expectantly. Johnny's dick darkened to a deep red coloration, the head reshaping itself into a hefty point, his spear growing longer and more canine in appearance, punctuated by the large, girthy knot that was swelling up at the base of it, the foreskin pulling back to form a furry sheath that attached his member to the underside of his belly. His balls pulsed, expanding in size and heft, churning loudly as they began to produce a seed that was more fitting to what he was turning into. As he went to reach for it, his penis throbbed wildly, two additional cocks growing out beside them, sharing the same appearance as the first.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" He literally howled out in pleasure, his trio of shafts bouncing up and down, all oozing pre. His balls were literally dragging against the ground, each of his breasts roughly the size of watermelons. He leant forwards, resting atop his many tits so he could bring his paws to stroke his cocks, his hips altering and adjusting to better suit a quadrupedal form, punctuated by a fuzzy slit opening up between hir tailhole and hir balls. Shi arched hir back, hir feet stretching, heels popping and clicking in the process, all pressure shifting to hir tiptoes. Just like hir hands, hir feet gained sharp, curving claws, the soles swelling outwards into pads, similar to those on hir forepaws.

"Nice to see you finally getting into the spirit of things - most of my converts have usually cum at least ONCE by now!" Shade looked at Johnny, hir form almost completely animalistic at this point. From the head down, hir body was that of a large canine, albeit one that was adorned with oversized boobs alongside a pendulous pair of balls. Hir neck stretched longer, a pair of bumps slowly pressing outwards on either side of it.

"Mmrhh..mmrhrrrhrhhh!!" Shi panted, feeling the fur working its way up hir neck, hir ears twitching as they relocated to sit atop hir head, growing into canine points. A dull throbbing filled the top of hir head, a set of long, back-curving horns emerging from hir skull, a silvery white to stand out against the dark fur. Hir nose darkened, sinking into hir elongating upper jaws, the nostrils flaring wide.

"Just a little bit more now, hun - we're gonna have to think of a new name for you as well, aren't we?" She mused, watching as Johnny's jaws finished pushing out into a long, canine muzzle, teeth growing into sharpened fangs, tongue elongating to better fit hir jaws. Hir eyes moved towards the sides of hir head, sclera filling with yellow whilst the irises flooded with crimson, pupils pulling into slits. The bumps around hir neck soon grew out, two additional heads forming, each sporting the same eye colour and features of hir original head.

"Mmrrh... rrrruugghh..." Johnny huffed, the new hellhound groaning, looking at the raven lustfully. "Soooo... horrrrny..." The three heads spoke in unison.

"I noticed. Need a hand with that, hun?" Shade stepped closer, looking at the beast - shi was almost as big as she was. "I'd offer you another lusthound as a partner, but at the moment, you're the only one on hand. I do suppose I could slip into something a little more... appropriate, though~" She grinned, her beak growing larger, sharpened fangs willing it.

"Hrrrrm?" Johnny looked at Shade as she quickly shifted before hir eyes, her body growing larger and becoming wider. The feathers around her arms grew longer, her wings merging with them as the taloned claws on her fingertips became as big as knives, her feet shifting to match her hands.

"Mmrrrrrggghhh..." Shade growled, standing even taller still as a giant owlbear. "Maybe you like your partner to have a bit of a wild side as well?" She turned away from Johnny, leaning down onto all fours as she presented herself to the canine beast.

"Rruhrrrrhhrh..." Johnny panted lustfully, moving in closer. Shi reared up onto hir hind legs,, hir forepaws resting on Shades broad back as shi pressed hir trio of cocks against the witch's feathered pussy, the central one sliding in whilst the other two thrusted against her.

"Mmmrrwwaawwrrrr!!" Shade clawed at the ground, feeling the lusthound penetrating her. She turned her head to the side to look at Johnny, the three heads staring at her intently as shi thrusted. "Oooh yeah, that must feel good, right?" She trilled.

"Mmrrghh... oooh yeaaaah!" The trio of heads groaned in agreement, hir claws gripping harder against Shade's back. "This feels like heaven~"

"It'll get better over time, trust me!" Shade growled between thrusts, bucking her great, feathery rump against Johnny. "I'll find you another lusthound over time, but I'm sure you'll be able to have fun with some of the other residents as well - you might even find some compatibility for crossbreeding!"

"Rrrooowwwrrlll..." The thought of lusthound-hybrid creatures drove him to thrust harder still, hir two free dicks smearing the raven owlbear's rump and front in pre. Shi continued to thrust, not noticing that the recently transformed gryphon had escaped from hir stall, moving to get behind Johnny.

"And of course, I'm going to have to use a little bit of magic to... rrrggghh... hide your true form during the daytime... it won't alter your appearance, it'll just make people think they're looking at a normal German shepherd. At night, however, they'll see you for the beast that you really are - doesn't that sound fun, Requiem?" She christened Johnny with a new name, grinning as she saw the gryphoness mounting the hellhound, driving hir cock into Requiem's moist cunny.

"GRRRRRRAHARRHHHHH!!" Requiem howled in bliss as shi was sandwiched between the two avian monsters. "OOOOOOOHHH HELLLLL YEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!"

"Skrkrawwrrkkkk... I think shi'll make for a good... rrwwrkk... guard dog, my mistress~" The gryphoness crowed, hir talons working over Requiem's tits.

"Oh, I know shi will, Flare~" Shade chuckled, handing a new name to the gryphon as well. "Just as I know you'll be a great help at bringing in more humans to the farm!"

The three beasts thrusted and bucked against each other, working together to push Requiem over the edge. Eventually the lusthound could hold back no longer, letting loose a monstrous howl as shi came, hir cocks firing off thick bursts of hot cum, both into and onto Shade, pooling around her feet and leaking out of her feathery folds. Shade and Flare joined in the orgasm not too long afterwards, each basking in the afterglow as they slowly came down from their powerful highs - of course, it took a little while before both Shade and Requiem could dismount thanks to Flare and Requiem's knots, but it did give Shade a chance to fill the two creatures in more on the roles they would play.

Eventually, when they could dismount, Shade showed Flare and Requiem to their new rooms - not in the stable, but inside the house with her, the raven keeping them close by so she could check in on them, among other things. She was even kind enough to leave Requiem and Flare alone for a bit of private time in Requiem's new room - safe to say, the gryphoness and lusthound didn't get much sleep that night.