Re: UnFixed

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A dark horse curses a man to become his next body after the man castrates him- a process that has apparently been repeated several times. This time however, the man had a wife close at hand. Jade now takes to the spell books, knowing that removing the studs family jewels will cause the curse to now target her- so she has limited time to devise a counter measure to try and finally break Imbros' curse!

(F tf M stallion, inverted-merge)

Jade had a time these past few weeks this year already, and is currently in the eye of the storm, so to speak. It all started when her husband Ian found a black horse out in the woods all by its lonesome. No one laid claim to it, so they took it into their own ranch. In the past two weeks, Jade has had to deliver five new foals. Physically impossible for them to have given birth that fast? Yes it is, thanks for noticing. Seems the horse they dubbed Imbros is far from normal- Jade hypothesized that the stallion was originally a human who used a transformation spell gone horribly wrong. One of its many unnatural talents is the ability to seduce any mare whether she is in estrus or not, and once they do the deed- her pregnancy progresses at light speed. Attempts to lock Imbros up always fail eventually, because he also has the ability to teleport, but this only seems to happen when his needs reach a certain threshold. You would think, well just get rid of it- well turns out, Imbros is Jade's husband.

The first thing Ian tried to eliminate the foul magic was to castrate the stud, and that is where things went bad. Imbros' curse took Ian's body and grew it into a new host for Imbros himself, merging with Ian because his balls were still intact. Jade can tell that Ian's consciousness is somewhere in Imbros now, but its instinct is louder than its actual thoughts. If Imbros did that to him, it is also likely it has done this before too. Anyone who castrates the stud ends up turning into the next iteration of the stud- so it always has balls. There could be any number of people inside of Imbros, muted by both the multiple minds clashing, as well as the horse instinct which speaks louder than any of them.

Jade felt an odd squirming feeling and a slight cramp, holding her sides with a groan. She knew she is on a limited timer now. In order to protect the poor mares she had no choice but to castrate Imbros again. He will just teleport out eventually if she locks him up, and giving birth in fast-forward isn't exactly easy on the mares. Jade cannot stop any of that from happening, so she cut him off at the source. That unfortunately means she is now subject to his curse. It has been a day since she removed his family jewels, but she is still human. The curse affects her slower than past victims like her husband because, well... she isn't a 'he'. She has no balls for it to possess, but she does have ovaries. She will still succumb to the curse, it just has a bunch more work to do before it can take her. Which gives her more time to try to unravel this mess- and since her own husband was the previous victim, she also has more knowledge on the impending curse.

It was tricky looking up and reading spells on horse transformation while affected by the curse. Every once and a while she will space out after reading about horses and endowments, breeding and such. The curse was already affecting her mind. Slowly her egg cells in her ovaries are growing tails, condensing but multiplying- converting her supply of human eggs into horse sperm. The cramp she feels in her sides is her ovaries stretching larger, slowly converting into testicles while still inside of her. This caused her sexual orientation to swiftly slide the other way. A few times while looking in the mirror in the morning or night she will space out again and bounce her breasts in the mirror, hypnotized by the motion. She is attracted to females now, and since she has a perfectly female body still... she is attracted to herself. It also helps that her husband's psyche is starting to bleed into her mind somewhere. Jade tried her best to keep her mind focused as she flips through pages of old magic tomes trying to figure out a series of spells to repair the situation. Imbros himself is already gone- seemingly vanished into thin air. His essence is inside of Jade now.

The third day dawned after her initial possession and Jade woke earlier than she would have wanted. Her vaginal muscles were flexing entirely on their own. It almost felt like something huge was being pulled out of her, but there is nothing there! Her pussy just opened on its own for seemingly no reason. Her ovaries throbbed again and swelled still larger. Her guts gurgled a bit as the mutated ovaries sank lower, both for a lack of room and their weight drawing them further out. Jade needs to finish her counter-spell fast. She only glanced in the bathroom mirror briefly to avoid getting lost in her own appearance again- and seen her pupils are much larger and deformed into horizontal ovals now- stretching toward the equine rectangular pupil shape. The edges of her iris are also brown now- though the body of them remain her natural blue. Jade has blue eyes; Imbros has dark brown. Her wavy brown hair darkened from the roots out to the tips as well- almost entirely black now like the mane of Imbros. She and Ian named the stallion after the first centaur of mythology, because from its shoulders up its body is snow white while the rest is black- vaguely looking like a centaur, turning pale where the human torso would be. His mane is the only black that makes it all the way up.

Jade started to change a bit physically; muscles forming in her ears caused them to involuntarily twitch every now and then as they became more and more leaf-shaped. This actually helped her, if anything- because the movement snapped her out of her almost constant day-dreaming of mare rumps. Jade feels a strong urge to mount and thrust into a mare, even though she currently doesn't even have anything to thrust in! Her tail bone is getting rather pudgy looking from muscle building up, but the actual bone and skin hasn't extended yet. Jade hastily etches mana into small crystal plates she then fuses together to make quartz cubes to trap spells inside of. The problem with unraveling the curse is that no one knows how it was made in the first place, or how many layers deep it goes. Once she turned far enough horse she obviously isn't going to be able to muck around with the spells anymore- so she needs to load as many as she can into crystals that can be activated even after she turns full Imbros.

Jade found herself thrusting her hips unintentionally at a slow buildup of pleasure! Her ovaries mutated worse and sunk even lower. Her pussy opened on its own and drooled heavily through her panties and across the chair, smeared by her mini-thrusts. She pulled her panties down entirely since they were soaked anyway. The Bartholin glands that create the pussy juice in the first place drew in toward each other and back further, fusing in the middle to become a prostate and then getting pulled further back to be closer to the side of the colon! Of course, moving such a delicate thing caused her to tremble from the automatic pleasure. Jade put a hand on her lower crotch and could actually feel the two orbs inside of her growing and shoving their way down! With every surge her mind was flooded with desire to ram into a mare from behind- to feel her huge muscular ass fill Jade's groin.

Jade groaned loudly and thrust forward, trying to straighten her torso as much as possible while still technically sitting in the chair. It felt like something gigantic was pushing out of her pussy, but in actuality- the vaginal walls were turning themselves inside out! A squishy cone of pink started to emerge from her as her vagina prolapsed more and more! Like a zipper being closed, her labia clenched and fused below it, merging as far up as possible! Her former ovaries erupted out of her causing her to gasp suddenly as one, and then the other popped out of her torso and got caught in the fused labia- which was turning into the scrotum! Jade's moans and cries are desperate sounding as her breathing becomes extremely rapid. Her labia continue to try to fuse right to the top, but to do so they crush the base of her distended vaginal walls, causing her pussy to invert even further out of her from having the base compressed! The top of the labia fused to her clitoral hood and became a tight sheath! The skin started to relax, growing thicker and looser so it did not strangle the base so badly, and its coloration also darkened. Unlike the rest of her skin it was already a tone of red-pink, and now it darkens to violet, then bruise purple, then dark bruise purple, and finally matte black! Her clit grew long like a chubby pink thorn, and in desperation to send the pleasure over the edge and get some relief from it- Jade grabbed it and the base of her inverted vagina in a hand. The moment she pushed the two together, they fused! Jade took her hand away and let out a breathless scream and slid completely from her chair onto the floor, her vision an explosion of white stars from pleasure overload- yet still no true release.

As the clit fused to the inverted vagina, the skin color rapidly changed to match the sheath. The nerves spread out and filled the fleshy mass as it grew longer and more solid- finger-thick veins digging further up its length with each throb! The first half of the mass solidified as it darkened to black and the latter half was sucked momentarily inside of it! A medial ring formed where the two halves folded in on each other, and then the latter half popped back out and continued its own mutation now that the base was formed. The pleasure nerves collected the most into the end, and here even before the latter half was fully formed, the mutated genitals started to expand outward. The end at first became a bulb, but then at the halfway point it stretched outward into a bumpy ridge, which also pulled the front flat. Her urethra expanded greatly in the middle and emerged from the end projecting out like a little pipe. Blood pressure surged up the shaft and built in the forming head, causing it to become so tight with pressure it almost felt itchy. From the medial ring onward the color change did not seem to want to advance though- leaving the head and latter half of the shaft still neon pink. The corona kept throbbing tighter and tighter, pulling wider and wider! A soft cleft formed down the front of the glans as they bulged forward, connecting to a deepening divot around the urethra- though the urethra itself did not project any less. The divot around the urethra a perfect fit for an equine cervix. The corona flared so wide even the last tenth of the shaft became stretched into a bit of a cone-shape trying to keep up with it. Jade clutched her balls, feeling them expanding as well rapidly now that they are free of her torso. The smooth black sack struggled to keep up with the swollen, heavy orbs inside. They felt so tight, so heavy... so full. They ached for release. She thrust her wobbling shaft into the air over her over and over, trapped on the edge of orgasm far too long without being able to go over because not all the pipes connected to where they should yet. With a shriek that was almost a whinny; Jade finally erupted! The thick rope of white fired almost three feet straight up in the air before coming down heavy enough to make a wet slapping sound when it hit the floor. Then another ten ropes later, she completely passed out from exertion.

Even her dreams are a mess of equine and human thoughts clashing in a confusing jumble of back and forth concepts. Jade wakes up on the floor with a thick, sticky pool of cum under the table she was working on spells on. The horse cock between her legs never became fully flaccid, and hangs in a lazy arch from her crotch to the floor between her kneecaps.

"As much as I would like to clean that up now, gunna have to take priority on the spells..."

Jade was a bit worried. In order to activate the most important of her counter spells, she had to deliberately wait till more of her mind was affected. But if too much of her mind was affected- Imbros will stop her, because it will also know what she is planning. It took Jade several attempts to get to her feet- her torso felt very stiff and did not want to bend. As she got to her feet, Jade was a bit turned on by the feel of the weight in her crotch. She is now technically a 'He'; at least physically. Jade has an odd urge to cover her dangling genitals even though no one can see her in her own home, and her skirt still mostly covers it already. Her hands almost automatically went to grab it, brushing the shaft several times as she fights against the urge. No, maybe not an urge to cover it but rather put it inside of something. She wonders if this is what all males felt. Any hole or hand would do- she just wants it in something. She moans and places a hand on the edge of the table to stabilize herself and she feels so very pent up again- like she has an ocean of cum rocking back and forth in her demanding to get out. Her cock drools pre consistently even though it is only erect enough to point straight forward off her still. Her knees tremble and she almost falls over at a surge of pleasure and she realizes why she feels too pent up! Her prostate is enlarging to the size of a full horse- there isn't enough room for a prostate that big and pre starts to spurt out in thick gobs because there is no room for it inside of her. Her balls rise and clench a moment then swell even larger. They relax a moment before repeating the process four times- each swelling to almost the size of an oblong honeydew melon!

Jade cries out in surprise as her cock tenses at the back causing it to jump up so quickly that it flicks a line of salty hot pre up her face and through her hair! It is long enough that the corona slaps between her tits- stuffing her shirt between her breasts a moment. The pleasure is too sharp for her to think through the electrical pleasure and instead of holding the dick back; she holds it upright and starts to thrust into her own cleavage through the shirt, which is very quickly soaked in her fluids. The shaft almost feels sore from all the blood pressure in it, and the glans feel itchy. It is in full flare even though it typically only flares fully just before orgasm. Her now fully equine ears pivot forward and pick up on the very quiet sounds of twisting organic material coming from her shaft as it grows even larger! The blood pressure is forcing it to stretch even bigger! First her prostate, then balls, now the shaft- they are become proper horse size, which makes them far too large on her human torso. Her thoughts are further muddled as she becomes anemic- her phallus now drinking in more blood than her body had to offer, depriving her brain of oxygen. She is thinking with the 'wrong head' now.

The flow of pre settles down considerably- half because her urethra is now larger and cock longer, but mostly because her anus swelled up into a plush, muscular ring- a horse's anus. That means her prostate now has enough room to exist without being in a constant state of being squished. This however put a powerful pressure on her pelvis; which is now struggling to contain all that. The flared glans of Jade's horse dick slowly rose higher out of her cleavage, as if trying to present itself to her, or offer a drink of the pre pooled in the divot around her urethra. It feels like hard rubber from the blood pressure in it- about as unyielding as flesh gets. The corona bumps her chin and she moves her hand so the shaft slides a bit further forward from its weight and the glans are able to pass her face. Chin level, then mouth, then nose and still it grew longer. The salty warm musk of the horse cock was right in front of her nose now, putting her into a trance like state as her pupils stretched further horizontal. Ian's transformation had been much slower- he actually tried to fight it with his will power but Jade is leaning into it. Her counter measures are magical, and already pre-set. She does not leave the table for long, needing the spell crystals she made on it.

Jade's hips gave a loud, hollow pop and expanded her pelvis in a sudden burst, causing her to lean forward abruptly, and the head of her penis bounced off her forehead, connecting them with a thin strand of pre. Jade's skirt tore at the waist, so now the only thing holding it on is internal pressure. Because her dick is longer than her torso, the shaft takes up almost all her vision, so all Jade has to look at really is the thick veins inside the shaft, throbbing hard enough to be seen on the surface and then vanishing again as they relax. Her butt feels very tight and her thighs start to balloon out! She cannot move her legs or hips at all at the moment because her muscles are tightened entirely on their own, and thus unresponsive to anything she tries to do. The thick groups of muscle pressed hard into the surface tissue and pulled it tight, pinching swelling veins and making them bulge on the surface level. Her crotch especially became very veiny around the base of her balls and sheath. Jade held the edge of the table with one hand- a bit worried she might fall over, because she can't bend her legs to save herself if she tips. Her thighs swelled absolutely massive which made her butt swell up as well, which put more pressure on her hips. Her pelvis echoed several more pops and crunches muffled by the surface tissue as her hips grew still larger! Jade's skirt tore even further and popped right in half, sloughing off her body entirely. Her ass grew into massive globes of muscular meat! Her tail bone started to extend and grow hairs over her black doughnut shaped anus and her very long, swollen taint rest below that. The bones in her legs started to grow now, forcing the joints to lock up as the bones pressed into one another tighter from a lack of room since it grows unevenly. Jade regained control of her leg muscles, but now the bones are too stiff to move without causing all the joints to pop.

She moans, almost mindlessly sucking a section of her shaft, giving her cock a hickey. She feels equine thoughts coming into her mind while her own thoughts are almost entirely blank- so she knows these other thoughts are not her own. She did not think them; they are just present. Jade arcs her neck back a moment at the prickly feeling of her hair line extending down her neck. She puts her hand on the edge of the table further onto the table, trying to feel for the crystals. Instead of mentally resisting the invading thoughts, she attempted to imagine the gaps in the invading thoughts- going along with them, and filling in the blanks. She straightened her back just enough to look over the edge of the table from the side of her vision, past the bobbing cock shaft and spotted the first spell segment she needed to trigger and activated it right away!

Her triggering the spell caused two different, nearly opposite things to happen. Her body lurched on its own, causing her to fall onto all fours as the entire body surged with invading growth from within. But her mind purged all invading thoughts and her pupils quickly snapped back to perfectly round and shrank to normal size! The first and most important part of her spell was to shield her mind in a bubble- preventing any invasive thoughts from affecting her- a pretty ground-level spell for Sorcerers to prevent subterfuge. That however removed her strongest human aspect in defense of her body, basically throwing it to Imbros to have.

Her giant butt raised further and further into the air as the bones stretched her legs longer and longer, making her arms smaller in comparison. The tail grew a tiny bit and the hair on it surged longer with every flick, doing a little hop from one butt cheek to the other entirely on its own without her thinking about it at all. The muscle paused after her thighs, causing her legs to look sunken in from the knees downward, the shape of the bone being clearly visible on the surface. Her toes tingle and Jade is worried a moment that the bone will just erupt out of the end of her feet because the skin isn't growing with it! In a sudden surge though, her middle toe suddenly grows tremendously- shoving the others to the side and deforming the shape of her feet! Her skin starts to grow, causing the bones to speed up their own growth, and then a moment later she can see spiraling meat filling out her sunken in leg structure- muscle sinew growing down to better match the massive upper legs! A pelt of dense but tiny black hairs grew in, crossing her massive thighs like a shadow as her horse fur grew in.

She groaned loudly as her stomach gurgled repeatedly and she was forced to burp several times in a row. Her intestines and stomach are swelling up to match her bottom, and the shift forced all the trapped pockets of air out. Her rib cage felt strained in pulses with her heart- the heart attempting to grow to be able to match the blood demands of her massive cock. If you have ever rest on your side for too long on a stiff surface- it felt a bit like that, like if she rolled her shoulders back her entire rib cage would pop like a roll of bubblewrap. Her legs became so large that her body started to do the splits, because if it leaned much further forward she would fall on her face! Only the central bones of her foot expanded, causing all her other toes to pull away because only the middle one lengthened as well. The other toes started to regress, becoming weak and unresponsive and then slowly shrank away into nothing as the middle one grew bigger and bigger! The nail on the end grew in mass, wrapping around the entire end of the toe and extending far enough forward to also cover the tip. Once her foot became too long, her legs slid out behind her going almost straight out, putting a painful amount of weight onto her wrists before she scoot the hooves back under her- now what had been the flat of her foot was a cannon bone and not meant to be stood on. What had been merely her middle toe was now an entire hoof, and the only surface area meant to stand on.

Her vision started to pulse with her heart beat, turning blue from blood pressure behind her eyes. She groaned in a deeper voice at a strange feeling and a sickening squelching sound from inside of her chest as her heart grew in a surge, shoving other organs aside. Her lungs however shoved BACK. Slamming up against either side of her ribs on the inside, the sternum felt the pull for a few seconds until her heart gave another mighty throb and it finally popped! Once her ribs yanked out from her sternum, they grew thicker and longer, getting pulled out further, shoving her arms to the side more, but mostly expanding forward, making her torso more barrel-like. This made her torso disturbingly malformed, because her gut is still swelling out with her lower organ growth, so it was very sunken in looking compared to both hips and chest which expanded suddenly all at once. Now her limbs were REALLY struggling to keep her up! She could not hold her arms straight because her chest is too big! There is almost a two foot gap between her breasts, which look tiny now in comparison! They continue to stretch horizontally, causing them to project even less, and her nipples and areola became more and more like her normal skin tone- phasing out of existence entirely.

Jade gasped several times in a row without exhaling! Her lungs swelled gigantically, thirsting for a great deal more air than her lungs were previously even able to hold. She felt a subtle pressure, more like an echo of a tickle as her blood pressure increased and her heart grew to the full size of a horse. With her breasts stretching into obscurity she no longer had cleavage to thrust her massive dong into. Her body acted on its own- by Imbros' instinct it tried to grab the phallus, stupidly ignoring the fact that they were already barely able to stand. The moment Imbros tried to lift its hand, they all fell face-first into the floor! He rolled over and tried to grab at the cock again, but could not reach past their own deformed body! Her entire body started to throb in time with her heart beat. Her shirt and bra was filled to max in spite of her not even having breasts anymore. Now with each surge it tore a little bit more, starting at the seams but ripping out across the whole shirt. It was hard for her to see what was happening, and her shirt was actually the first thing to tip her off- her entire body was growing at the same time, becoming much bigger! Her stomach filled out and then started to bulge, almost looking like a pregnant horse, which didn't make sense because her body is male. Then she felt a pressure on her lower ribs and pelvis and realized her torso isn't the correct proportions!

As if in response to Imbros' attempts to grab the violently bucking dong, their shoulders popped loudly and for a moment their arms went numb entirely and shifted location! The shoulder blades expanded to equine size, but also rolled further down, partially wrapping around the ribs and the socket for the arms rolled to the lowest point- putting her arms MUCH further down and forward- enabling Imbros to now reach around the barreled out ribs to get to the cock! Her heart skipped a beat at the pleasure of having the dick touched, and her heart rate increased with the tension in the phallus. It went from bucking up and down violently on its own to being so rigid that it basically vibrates in place! The glans tighten in pulses which can easily be seen by how the pours on its surface pull flat and smooth each time it tightens, and spits another gob of hot precum onto her chest. She squirms around, half at the pressure in her swollen guts and half at the feeling of growing. Growing in size overall while laying on her back creates a feeling of the skin on her back being pinched; because the floor holds it stationary while everything else spreads out, creating the illusion of being pinched. When she rolled her shoulders forward to try and resist the feeling she tore the holes in her shirt a bit too far and the back burst in half! The remnant of her top was now just loosely sitting on her chest- not actually attached by anything, but weighed in place by all the pre it is absorbing. She could see a strip of black fur creeping up, having extended from her crotch to slowly consume her body. Out of her view- a patch of fur was growing from her upper back too, but this fur is stark white in contrast. She will have the same coloration as Imbros soon.

Imbros became more desperate in his masturbating her- his hands not moving as far, but moving much faster as the arms felt pressure from internal growth. The bone is starting to expand- which means they won't be able to hold anything for much longer. The tension in the huge phallus sped toward its max and erupted as Imbros let go and the shaft jumped with each blast of cum. It bounced so high that the first few wads of cum were tossed high enough into the air to land on TOP of the table, several more hit the bottom, and the rest oozed out across Jade's chest. Before it could even finish though, the pressure in her gut also tipped over and her spine started to bend this way and that as new material bled out of existing vertebrae to wedge between as new segments! Her stomach started to flatten out to her hips and chest as her spine allowed it enough room to fit properly finally. The growth did not stop with her body however. Her neck started to stretch out, the veins bulged in it, and the muscle swelled quickly, making her head seem tiny in comparison to the giant neck that was growing from it! Her hair line ran down to match its length, the bottom staying between her shoulder blades. Her arms locked up, almost felt like they are about to start compacting in on themselves before the middle finger grows away from the rest, and then the skin and muscle advances. Her other fingers and thumb devolve as the middle one deforms toward a hoof.

Now Jade knew what Ian had described to her when this was happening to him. A feeling of a horse growing inside, rather than himself growing into a horse body. Most of the changes happened internally before the outside changed. A feeling of her body stretching and growing in a way that deforms it into the shape of a horse. Like Imbros stepping into her skin, stretching it till it fits. This is how Imbros restores its balls- by taking a new host body and merging its psyche with his own. Inefficient? Very, but Imbros is a horse- he isn't very smart. It worked the first time, so now this is just what he does automatically. What had been her hands stretched longer and compacted in to form a single cannon bone like on her legs- a hoof where her giant middle finger had been. More than simply turning equine in nature, it was like a horse leg just grew in and stretched her human features into obscurity- like her human skin was still wrapped tightly around the horse, before the fur covered it and obscured that part of her as well. At this point in the changes Jade would likely be almost entirely swallowed up into the cluster of minds that makes up Imbros, to create its next iteration- except her thoughts are entirely intact, protected in a psychic bubble.

Before her neck grew she could not even see past her own chest- except for the giant cock since it is still large enough to bob over the chest- only now going limp from its latest blast. Jade cries out in an increasingly distorted voice now as her skull starts to deform. The pressure coming from within, pushing outward, like a spectral Imbros was shoving his horse head into her human head. The bridge of her nose popped loudly and her entire nose ballooned in size, the nostrils flaring larger with every heavy breath. Her teeth growing into huge blocks, forcing the jaw longer. Her entire face pushed out further, which caused the bridge of her nose to stretch wide and equalize with the rest of her face, making it indistinguishable from the rest. As Jade's face pushed out, her eyes were forced to the side, though the eyes themselves did not change color or shape- her psychic protection forced the horse traits out of the eyes. For a few moments her strained cries of pleasure and pain sounded like a monster- horse blended perfectly with human to produce a sound neither creature has. Then as the human tones bled out of the sound, it became smoother and deeper toned, transitioning to full horse. Even if her voice box had not changed- the new extremely long mouth shape would have made speaking properly impossible regardless. The fur of a horse is so fine that she only actually felt a warmth spread over her transformed face- not even realizing that was the fur coat completing. Because Imbros' head is white- his large flexible horse lips are neon pink as well as his nostrils. His eyelashes are still black, and his entire mane is black, so it forms a dark stripe up over the top of his head and then cascades down one side. When Imbros takes a new body, the hair turns black to match his coloration, but the shape and length of the hair changes according to who the last victim is. So in this case, the hair is about two and a half feet long on both his tail and mane, and wavy instead of straight.

Imbros shakily got to its feet and then hopped on his front and then back legs, giving a pleased whicker at the feeling of his big heavy balls once again swinging between his legs! Then suddenly its control of the body was ripped away! Imbros is made up of many people trying to take control, and arguing against the horse instincts. Jade however has one whole mind with muted human instinct- so she can very easily take all control for herself. She can feel the confusion and anger Imbros had on the matter, but he did not understand why he was not in control, and likely did not know a spell to steal it back even if he did. Imbros is so large that when Jade stood up with his front hooves on the table, his head was so high she needed to slouch his neck over to fit- otherwise his head would be scraping the roof. She nudged the crystals around trying to decide which to use. She could technically use one to dispel the invading minds and then have all the time in the world to pick at the body and turn it back. Problem is, their body is inside of hers, compressed as energy. If she rejected their minds from this combined body, they would have no physical vessel to go to, and be effectively dead. There is one detail that dawned on her that the others are definitely not going to enjoy. Imbros started to possess new bodies because his original was castrated... that means everyone in this current body except Jade has had their gonads removed. Dividing the bodies isn't going to fix that. There is another problem though... Jade will have to stay in the main body to ensure anyone else actually gets out. Hers is the only mind with a clear edge. Everyone else has been mushed together into the same mind, which means the division spell will not recognize them as individual beings, there is no edge for where one mind starts and the other begins. Thanks to being turned horse, none of them have access to the intelligence to really figure that out on their own, so Jade needs to stay inside and point out the differences. Looking into their thoughts from the outside, Jade seen places she could pick at. Memories of being both a man and woman in the past- obviously those cannot be from the same person. Memories of having different professions. Just regular memories that happened at the same time- they couldn't be in two places at the same time, its physically impossible, therefor those memories must be from two separate people.

Jade took a deep breath and unintentionally snorted from the force of her exhale. She touched the division crystal with her hoof and hoped for the best. As long as she keeps channeling it, it should keep attempting to divide them. The only thing is; is that because she is going to be searching for the 'edge' between people actively as the spell is going- they aren't going to divide all at once, which may cause some... odd changes.

The first thing she found is a female- obviously she cannot be the original because... well; wrong gender. Jade cried out from a radiant, electrical pleasure from her rump as the very long, bulging taint of the stallion body inflated even further on its sides, but collapsed suddenly in the middle! It felt like something was dividing from her dick from deep in her taint! Suddenly a vaguely heart-shaped ping-pong ball sized clit erupted from the skin, creating a split which quickly went straight through the forming cleft! With a loud, wet *smeck* sound a new horse pussy opened behind her, between the balls and anus! They were a hermaphrodite now! But Jade tried to reject it from the body- the male and female are two separate pieces! At first it almost looked like Imbros' butt was projecting outward but once it stretched far enough out, a divide started to form revealing the butt and thighs were dividing into two separate sets! The pussy pulled out with the new rump, while the male genitals remained with the original hips unmoved.

Jade looked back at it even as the pleasure still made Imbros' four existing legs tremble. Wait- that wasn't a horse at all! When Jade looked at it- the dividing legs were so tiny they barely cleared Imbros' ass cheeks, never mind reaching the ground! That's the butt of an Exmoor pony! Those breed of pony have bushy mane and tail, and a rather shaggy pelt- good for deterring mosquitos since they live in moors- which is also why they are so small. A big horse wouldn't do well on squishy wet ground. But why the hell is there a pony inside Imbros?! That would imply that it was not always the same horse repeating?

Jade let out a confused neigh as her muscles clenched without her input. Her upper arms, thighs, and especially upper back muscles and neck swelled massively! Her entire body started to make a muffled sound like the trunk of a tree being bent in the wind! She is growing again! Pleasure forced her to buck her hips forward and her dick quickly emerged again, rapidly progressing to erection while also growing at a speed that told her an erection was the least of her problems! The pony was absorbed separately to temper Imbros' original form! Originally he was an absolute monster of a horse, so endowed that he could barely move! The table split in half from their weight. She had to bow her head again as their body started to grow so huge that her head touched the roof even when fully on the floor! Her cock was now as long as it was erect while still resting on the floor under her like it was mostly still flaccid- and already thicker than it had been by quite a bit. The pony also did not properly divide; only its hips and stomach pulled out, the rest is still inside Imbros- its spine aligns with the whole, so only the pony has a tail at the moment. That is because there is more than one female inside Imbros- and Jade hasn't defined one from the other yet! The pony rump basically stood up off the rest of the body with its tiny hooves standing on the back of Imbros' thighs. She obviously shared the unwarranted pleasure as well, because her lil pony pussy was dripping all over the place behind them and her clit stuck in full 'outy'.

Jade found the memories of their original transformation- when Imbros first took them. One became his new host but one was transformed and then absorbed afterward. Using this 'seam' between memories Jade traced them further back, and found more differences. As soon as Jade found the inconsistencies while using their mind- it caused those parts of the mind to resist one another because of the unfamiliarity- and thanks to the division spell, that caused their physical beings to divide as well. She also unintentionally stumbled over other memories as well, since none of them were pre-defined, which also caused some of the boys to divide... partially.

Jade arched her head up from the strange feeling of her neck and jaw expanding downward rapidly. The new lower muscles yanked down while she remained up and the two tore in half- like two chunks of putty dividing! Jade could only partially see the full horse head and neck below her own- its mane is striped! A Fjord horse! This belonged to the other female. Jade felt the muscles clench, but this time the feeling was more remote, only the lower muscles clenched and forced branching muscles higher... she realized it is the Fjord horse repelling her- she is getting pulled out from the top! Double-long ribs, and then a second set of shoulders. Then upper arms started to emerge on top and the divot between the two sets of ribs and upper torso emerged. Both horse heads let out a high-pitched neigh in surprise and an explosion of pressure set of a loud series of cracking bones, and the lower torso seemed to rip in half! A third front leg hit the ground in the middle! The fjord horse neighed in distress as she felt her neck splitting from the bottom up and suddenly her head was pulled in half- the extremely muscular, girthy throat of a shire stallion head beside hers now! Their upper bodies are only half-divided, and Jade's upper body just sat wedged in the cleft of spines from above! Jade's front legs hang over the front legs of the two lower horse- their third leg is half the right leg and half the left leg of the two- fused.

They all murmured and nickered softly at the unwanted pleasure, feeling the gigantic phallus creeping across the ground without actually stiffening. The second female also muffled its endowments- now that she is partially divided, Imbros' true monstrous size is returning. As it started to finally lift its tremendous weight off the ground the fjord mare bent her head down to nibble on the corona, which helped it to full stiffness quickly. Three horse upper bodies sharing the same beefcake lower body, with a tiny second butt coming out from where the tail should be! It seems not all aspects of the fjord mare agreed with sucking on this giant prick, because the back of her head pulled away while the front remained where it was! She now had a twice-long head, with a second set of eyes and a second set of ears! There is a male in that head still! Just how many people did Imbros consume?! Only now did it occur to Jade that Imbros could be hundreds of years old potentially. Every time it possesses a body, it turns that body into his own- which also reverts his age to whatever the age of the person he consumed was. Not only does his possession spell keep getting his balls back- it also keeps him forever young. So there is no telling how long he has been doing this for.

Jade looked back after feeling a jolt of pleasure again followed by a wet slapping sound as a large deluge of fluid fell from one of their two rumps. When she looked back her heart skipped a beat! The pony was siphoning off all the female traits even though there was three women in there! That caused her equine udders to swell three times too big, and her pussy to become three times too big too! Their unified clit was now the size of a football! Their pussy distended so far off from the actual hips that it sagged downward a bit from lack of a solid framework! Each of the two segments on the ebon equine udder are the size of a small beach ball, with teats that are like stumpy ice cream cones! Well... that is a problem. That means if the pony splits off fully it takes the femininity away from the other two women- so when they split off they will be null gendered! She needed to re-absorb the pony so their traits could split evenly! The problem is, all of them still shared the same back legs except the pony- Jade's control was minimal other than her own divided upper body. She hooked her front legs around the shoulders of the two lower horses and yanked them back, forcing them all to fall on their rump. Or more accurately; they fell on the pony rump, which caused it to ram back into the rest of the body. Their body was semi-amorphic at the moment thanks to the division spell trying to parse their forms, so it was like mashing two balls of putty together.

Jade felt the pony traits starting to spread and affect the other parts but then grabbed onto the woman's initial memory of transforming, and used that form as instructions for the spell. The pony started to re-condense while inside of them, which thanks to a lack of room; the pony fired up through the middle of the body as it took shape and erupted from the apex of the three horse upper bodies! A perfectly normal exmoor pony staggered to a stop, clearly very confused in front of the malformed equine abomination. Well, that takes care of one anyway. Jade grabbed the edge of the table with a hoof and tried to drag herself over to it. The fjord mare was busy sucking cock so she was not at all ready to brace herself against it and Jade managed to shuffled them all far enough to the right that she could get her hooves onto the table and roll a spell crystal over. She activated it- the transformation spell to turn humans back from horse.

The form of the pony turned solid, luminescent white for a moment before it exploded into a cloud of vaporous energy, revealing a petite woman in its place! The same thing happened then to Jade but the area that turned white kept creeping back and forth. She was still stuck with the others so it could not fully work on her! She let out a heaving wheeze as her lungs returned to human size and the energy cleared. She was... sort of human. Her upper back still had a coat of black fur and was hugely muscular, trailing to below her human arms where a pair of horse front legs grew- which looked weird because obviously the front legs of a horse are a lot bigger than human arms. Her belly looked human, but faded to horse hide on the lower curve, and was absolutely giant! It looked like she was pregnant with sextuplets! Her chest tightened in nervousness. Or pregnant with a horse. Their collective rump jarred suddenly with a brief ache as their slowly growing testicles let out a loud gurgle and split into two sets of testicles at half the size each! That means two of the boys were dividing. But the two heads Jade accounted for are not Ian- she can feel his consciousness still fully confused into the mess of a body- which means there is at least three males total; only two are dividing currently.

Jade used her equine front legs to push down on her huge gut and she tried to push whatever it was out. If there really was another body distilling in her womb- it would need a way out. The current unified rump has to vagina after the pony was rejected. Sure enough, the curve of her human spine to equine spine started to straighten as another backside started to pull free from the others! She felt a bit disjointed from the others but she could still feel Ian's thoughts just as easily- which means that is who is in her womb! Jade managed to get her own horse rump out, but her back legs were still fully fused into the bottom. So it was a full stallion rump with a mare's butt growing out of the top of it! The equine legs on her upper half turned white slowly and melted- the transformation spell hitting her as she divided. She realized a moment too late the problem with that.

The transformation spell started to turn her stomach and organs back human... while there is still a forming horse in her womb. Her pussy was immediately forced open with loud squelching sounds it stretched wider as Ian's dividing horse form was pushed out! It was like his body was using Jade's body as a filter to divide him from the rest of them- which made sense, they are the only two who shared so many memories. As he came out, he grew quickly to full size however which... caused him to get stuck. Even a proper horse isn't meant to birth another adult horse. Jade's lower half also did not turn human though- her and Ian shared a butt! It isn't that his lower body is still trapped in her- they are fused together on the inside!

Meanwhile below them, the half-head in the fjord mare split fully out, then the neck split off, then the shoulders and legs emerged! The new stud is a Marwari horse- a very lean and elegant breed. He felt Ian emerge onto the back of the others and remembered the feeling of being on top of a mare. So now both his human mind and horse instinct was struggling to get out as fast as possible- to mount the mare! The Marwari wedged his head between the mare and the shire stallion and pushed him away- causing the divide to go all the way down! The second set of balls in the scrotum vanished as the mass was returned to its owner! The shire stallion stumbled away from the two and his tremendously endowed, muscular form turned white and started to crumble upward! What emerged was an older man, wheezing in delirious arousal- because even restored human, his genitals were absurdly gigantic and his body over-muscular! His heart can't keep pace with genitals that big- if Jade doesn't cast a hyper reversal spell on him soon his erection will knock him out- or give him brain damage if she waits long enough. His dick is as round as his torso, and about as long too- it would be longer but his body is physically incapable of making it fully erect. Each testicle is about the size of a beach ball now without the others holding them back. His body was so muscular it looks like he would have trouble moving, for how bulbous his muscle is. The veins bulge so far out on the surface it looks like they might rupture if he flexes too hard. His balls occupy too much space between his legs for him to walk, so he is forced to sit on them like a huge beanbag chair. He is clearly too delirious from blood loss to his cock for him to save himself.

Jade is now fully human to her hips, then equine leading into Ian who is a normal Clydesdale down to the hip- which is Clydesdale too, but facing the wrong direction. The Fjord mare and Marwari stallion were mostly divided, but not entirely. His cock divided already in her pussy. His underside and her backside are fused- trapped in the perfect position for unending sex.

Jade rolled herself, which forced Ian to also roll over since they shared hips. She bent over and placed her hands on his crotch and immediately they started to divide further. Predictable. She offers sex, and suddenly his willpower to divide increases by ten times- because he doesn't have a dick for her to grab in this state. The legs matched his species but faced a direction that made them look like hers- when they started to divide they for a moment looked like a mass of confused flesh and muscles- they did not look like limbs at all. When they pulled apart in the middle they were both fully human! From the legs up- Ian's equine traits turned white and fell off like glowing ashes. Unfortunately for him; that means by the time he got his cock back, it was fully human again.

The Marwari stud came quickly- horses are not known for their sexual stamina- and once his mind cleared more it occurred to him that he did not even know the female he was on top of. As soon as he tried to get off, the divide formed all the way down. The second they divided, both bodies turned white and burst into a cloud of energy, causing their two bodies to fall out of it on top of one another- since their human bodies are a lot smaller than a horse.

Everyone else was so embarrassed and confused that no one said a word. They all just sat looking at each other, surrounded by a giant pool of horse cum and vaginal fluid that managed to cover almost the entirety of the floor. Jade on the other hand scrambled to the table to grab the spell book. She did not know she would need a hyper spell, so she did not have one prepared, but she needed to cast a reversal- FAST. The man who was originally Imbros is wheezing- barely conscious. His body feels ice cold because his blood is spread too thin. His overactive pleasure nerves in his giant mutated genitals were insisting on trying to erect his monstrous endowments, and his cock felt like it was literally sucking the life out of his body to feed itself. Jade found and quickly cast the reversal spell, but unlike the others this one acted a bit different. Rather than just sloughing off of him, his skin tightened and his body started to compact down. The muscle shrank down and away and his genitals compressed down- leaking tons of fluids that they no longer had the ability to contain. Jade took a quick glance around and surprisingly; everyone had their genitals intact. When they divided, each took a portion from the original man- because his own genitals had far too much mass. So Imbros unintentionally restored their genitals.

When Chiron woke up, he had a lot of explaining to do. The elder man woke with a blanket draped over him, propped against the wall of the room everyone was helping to clean of horse fluids.

"What... year is it even?"

Jade crouched beside him- having re-clothed herself while he slept, as well as loaning outfits for the others. "The 3rd year, 378th era."

Chiron nodded. "Nine years then, it has been. You are an amazing sorceress to have devised a plan to defeat the stallion I had become."

She chuckled. "Nah. Actually I only practice magic some times for convenience- I never studied it in school."

"Wh-how?! How did you know which reversals to use then?"

"I didn't. But you did."

He paused a moment and then smiled and chuckled. "You waited till you were far enough merged with the horse- that you could access my memories. I created the spell, so of course I would also know how to break it."

The elder man Chiron explained, and confirmed her initial theory on what created Imbros. Chiron wanted to grant himself the endowments of a stallion, but he did not know the spell would also affect his mind fully. Once his mind devolved to a point, he became overwhelmed by his bestial lust and cast an endowment spell on himself. Of course a horse isn't smart enough to really measure things out properly- his muscle and endowments became so horrifically amplified that they may very well have killed him. In horse form he wasn't smart enough to think of a proper solution- so his plan was to absorb the petite woman Jill into his form to act as a counter-balance. His horse mind did not want to be less horse though, because that part was still fun- so he turned her into a pony so her humanity would not dilute his transformation. That caused the equine side of their mind to double down however- muting the human aspects and Imbros was officially born.

Imbros found Cynthia next who appeared in their amalgamation a short while ago as a fjord mare. Imbros found her stables and tried to mount the horses she rented out to travelers who stay at her inn. Thanks to Jill; Imbros was small enough that his dick did not kill him but he was still far too big to have sex with... well, anything. Cynthia of course tried to subdue the rogue stud trying to impale her mares on his battering ram- but that made Imbros kill two birds with one stone. When Cynthia clipped his jewels to get him to calm the hell down, he made her grow a new pair for him. The horse mind wins out, but its desperation to get off and instinct to impregnate mares caused even the horse half of the mind to search Chiron's memory for a solution, and managed to piece together some relevant spells- the first being his possession trick. He vanished, compounding his essence into Cynthia who then transformed into a new body for Imbros and was made to fuck her own mares pregnant! Once they were all pregnant at once however, Imbros had to wait for them to birth at least... and horses are not patient creatures. He instead wandered to the nearest ranch.

Radan became the Marwari next after trying to 'fix' the stud, and then impregnated all of his own mares. Then it was off to Ian's ranch. Imbros was just arriving in the area in the woods bordering the actual fields when Ian found him and wrangled the stud in, trying to imprison him to find an owner. Unable to contain Imbros properly and unable to find an owner, he was the third to try and remove Imbros' balls, only to become Imbros himself, and then finally Jade. Because Jade seen first-hand her husband transforming- she was actually able to devise a plan and dissect the situation. Unlike any of the others before her, she knew she was going to turn into the next Imbros and prepared a counter, to finally end the curse.

Nothing of this nature had happened before, so no one knew the measures to take. Chiron turned himself into the university though- and left his punishment to their hands. He knew the extent of trouble he had caused a good many people- and horses, and was willing to pay whatever price they named. Jade and Ian however were restored to normal, and finally able to return to normal ranch life. So if you ever find a frisky, endowed dark horse in the woods... maybe just leave its junk intact.

Rhei Of Paradise (CYOA)

(107 animal hybrids, transformation, lactation, breast expansion, udders) Olivia tapped the keys on her keyboard too light to actually write anything in the email she has open. Her hair is straight and golden, pulled in a high ponytail. She is...

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Number 1 Cow

Her name is Serene Stonewall; daughter of Dr.Alabaster Stonewall, a prolific transmutation expert in the field of Alchemy. Alabaster had met the love of his life unfortunately already on a hospital bed- treating her condition with his...

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(M tf Anthro Lion, F tf Anthro Leopard, Hyper) Roy's booming voice rang out a few orders to his team, filling them with the confidence they need. Two of the enemy team go down at almost the same time before Roy's group rushes in, guns blazing...

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