The Naga Goddess’s Tradition

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#3 of Commissions

The Naga goddess hungers for flesh and more

In the 1300th, the Aztec empire is at its height of power. The people never staved, and their enemies never attacked.

Thought this was only so due to one thing.

The Aztecs had something, or more precisely, someone in the capital of their city. It was barely a secret, but it was still so unbelievable that some enemies foolish enough to attack met a most gruesome end.

The someone who was almost solely responsible for this was not human nor any earthy creature of any kind.

The someone was a god or, to be more precise, a goddess. She rarely uttered her name, and when she did, it could only be spoken with the divine tongue, and it was incomprehensible to any mortal.

So when one referred to her, it would always be as goddess or my goddess.

She was not a woman of beauty, at least not in the traditional sense of the word.

Her upper body looked much like a human, with two arms, a nose, two eyes, large breasts, and perky nipples, but she did not have hair, and her skin was not skin but scales.

Thought that was hardly surprising since her lower half was nothing but a long, scaly serpentine tail of many vibrant colors.

She was a snake goddess that had descended from the realm of gods to join the mortals. And she had taken a liking to the Aztecs. And so, she had protected them from beasts and monsters alike.

Once they had built their great city, the Aztec people wanted to thank the goddess who had protected them.

They tried to offer gold, but she rejected it as well as any other precious metal. She explained to the people that she had no need for it and, therefore, no desire for it as well.

Then they tried to offer the tastiest and most juice meals imaginable. She did eat it and found it to be very good, but to her, as she explained, it was like scratching an itch and missing a spot. Good but not fulfilling.

At that, many of the Aztecs grew saddened. All they wanted to do was to thank the goddess who had cared for them and protected them, but she cared not for gold or jewels, and the best food they could offer was not but sustenance to sustain her, but not give her joy.

Then a young unmarried woman approached the goddess and kneeled in front of her, and she then spoke a single sentence. A single sentence that would be a new yearly tradition for Aztecs to thank the goddess.

And that sentence was, "My life is yours and so devour me."

The goddess was intrigued by this. Normally she would not intentionally hurt or kill one of the Aztecs or any other mortal that did not bring it upon themselves, but this woman offered herself up willingly.

At first, the goddess felt like refusing, but she couldn't because all the Aztec people desired was to thank her for helping them, and so she would devour the women.

Her coils gently grabbed the women as they warped around her. Once she was secure, the goddess started to cut away the women's garments until she was nude.

Once the goddess was about to unhinge her jaw, she accidentally squeezed the woman. It was not a squeeze that would kill her, but one more out of instinct, but the squeeze did something more than what she had expected.

The squeeze had made the women leak breast milk and moan.

While the goddess herself had breasts and nipples just like the women in front of her had, she, on the other hand, did not leak milk like the woman.

The goddess grew curious about this and traced her finger slowly over the woman's nipple, making her moan.

As the goddess tasted the milk, she was surprised by the sweetness and found it to be even more delicious than the food that she had been given by Aztecs.

And so she started to suckle the teat like a baby making the women moan even more as the goddess drank her dry.

Once it was over, only then did the goddess notice a slippery, slimy liquid dripping on her coils near the woman's sex.

The goddess, having tasted one of the women's liquids, grew intrigued and flipped her upside down and let go of the women's legs. And as gravity did its thing and pulled them down.

The goddess's coils came around the women's legs and trapped them, so only her pussy and ass were sticking out. In truth, it almost looked as if it was a mountain.

She herself had never leaked from her pussy, and so in a sense, you could say she was sexually innocent even though she was thousands of years old.

And so, acting mostly only on instincts and curiosity, she liked them and lapped up the women's juices, bringing her to orgasms over and over. But at that point, it was just the salty and delicious taste that kept her going.

It was the woman who had started to lick her as well, giving her pleasure she had never known.

It, in turn, revealed something to both the goddess and the Aztecs that neither knew. As the woman kept licking, something grew, and soo the goddess had a cock just above her pussy.

She had never experienced that kind of pleasure before, so a cock was new to her.

It was almost the same as a human man, but instead of it having a protective foreskin, it was entirely pink, and the entire member was as sensitive as the member.

The goddess only found out about this when in an instant, the woman took the whole thing into her mouth, and the goddess came right in her mouth, and incredibly enough, her cock was also connected to her pussy, and so when it came, her pussy did too and vice-versa.

It continued for some time until the women stopped licking and sucking, and the goddess stopped as well. She enjoyed what they were doing, but the experience made her hungrier, and after tasting her for so long, only building up her appetite, she did not want to waste the entire meal.

And so, with tears of happiness in the women's eyes, the goddess swallowed her whole.

It took some time before the women were done digesting, but once it was over, the goddess expressed her complete and utter satisfaction.

And the Aztecs were overjoyed, so they wanted to give her more willing women, but as the goddess enjoyed herself and the women, she started to feel the joy and satisfaction less and less.

She grew worried and frustrated at that, but one of the Aztecs proposed that she should not do it all the time. That way, she could enjoy it even more once her body had forgotten the sensation.

The goddess was unwilling to let go of the feeling and for it to become something less than what it was, and so she agreed to wait for the next time a willing woman would satisfy her with both pleasure and a great meal.

It started out being a yearly event where the Aztec people would gather and watch, and then one willing and unmarried woman would be chosen at random. It was something almost all of the women desired to be since it was a great honor for their families as well.

But even though she liked it for some time, she felt a bit starved and wanted more, and so after five years, the tradition changed for it to be two women instead of only one.

And that brings us to today, 60 years after it all began. And now, as everyone gathered, the people kneeled in front of the goddess, and the only ones to stand were the willing and unmarried women ready to be chosen.


Mira was there standing next to her family, as was everyone else in the capital. 'Today is the day,' Mira thought as she felt butterflies flapping their little wings inside her stomach.

Mira was currently 24 and had been present in the goddess's thank you tradition since she was old enough to witness it.

She had also been one of the many young women who had been standing up instead of kneeling, hoping to get chosen.

Mira was beautiful, standing at 173 cm tall and with a nice pair of C-cub breasts, and she, like probably all other willing women here, had been taking that special little drink the old witch was selling so their breasts made milk.

Last year she had been so close to being chosen, but it was only the girls next to her that had been chosen.

Mira was no doubt beautiful and could easily get any husband she wanted, but she was rather useless. She couldn't do anything; even simple chores were almost too much to handle, and so she only wanted to bring great honor to her family instead of the shame they all must feel for her.

Then suddenly it happened. The king appeared like he did every year to retell the story of how the goddess protected them and cared for them and how the first willing women chose the perfect way to thank the goddess.

The story was all well and good, but when you hear it every year, it becomes a bit boring for most, but for Mira and the other willing women, it was torture.

To wait even longer before the two were chosen, and to make it even worse, the names of every woman and their families were read before it could begin.

It was both good and bad. It was bad since it meant Mira had to wait longer, but also good since her name and her contribution to the goddess would be remembered for all time. And she would be the first in her family to be chosen if she was today.

And so, as the king reached the end of the list, he turned around and kneeled for the goddess who would come soon.

And so, as the king kneeled, the people did as well. The only who still stood had lowered their head to show they were willing.

As Mira looked around, she saw a few other women as well, some younger and another older.

It mattered little to the goddess if you were old or young. She did not care either way.

One woman caught Mira's eyes. She was a very tall young, looking woman with skin as black as the night and hair to match. She looked to be 180 cm tall and had D-cub breasts easily, perhaps even an F-cub.

Mira was awestruck by the beauty of the women and knew for certain that she would be chosen.

Then like every year, the goddess appeared out of nowhere on top of the stage in all her beautiful serpentine glory.

Her tail tip lifted the head of the king up, and now it was time.

The king walked down the stairs, and the approaching footsteps made every woman look up to see if they had been chosen.

One would think that since the willing women were for the goddess, she would be the one to choose, but as she had explained once before when the same question had been asked.

"How it's you thanking me for what I've done if I myself chose my one thanks instead of you."

Her word had been short and a bit complex, but they held much weight. It was true, and everyone agreed. If she had chosen for herself, then it wouldn't have been thanks but a selection.

As the king walked around, he looked at all the women with a stern expression like he was nervous, and who could blame him? He had the duty of choosing the right woman, and even though it had never happened before, a bad woman could anger the goddess.

Then he suddenly stopped and pointed to the tall black-haired woman who approached. The king looked her over and then pointed to the step of the stage.

'She had been chosen, I knew it,' Mira thought as she felt the butterflies fly even faster en more chaotic in her stomach.

As the king turned around, she almost felt like she was dying. 'No. Will I not be chosen again? Will I have to wait another year for this chance,' Mira thought as she felt despair set in.

Then out of nowhere, the king pointed behind himself, and as he turned around, Mira could without a doubt see it was her he pointed to.

Mira was in stunned disbelief and so pointed at herself just to make sure she hadn't been mistaken.

When the king pointed to the stairs, Mira knew she had been chosen. Mira held back the tear she so desperately wanted to shed and walked to the stage.

She stopped beside the other women and waited for the king.

When he arrived, he was met but a small woman holding the note the king had read up.

"Names and family," the short woman asked as she got ready to write.

"Kiki. Kiki of the seed planter family," the woman beside Mira answered with no hesitation and pure confidence in her voice.

Not to be the dumb one of the two, Mira waited for the women to stop writing. "Mira. Mira of the pig bredder family."

Once the women stopped writing, the king took the list and told both Kiki and Mira to walk up to her. And as they did, the king announced the two women's names and their families.

As the women reached the top, the goddess lay in the softest of beds, invisible for anyone to see unless they were not up on the stage itself.

Mira felt a strange sense of euphoria just looking at the goddess. It was intoxicating, like she had been drinking wine for days on end. Yet she felt not the least bit drunk.

Then as every chosen woman did every year, they both got on their knees and bowed down for the goddess.

Then she slithered across the stage to the two bowing women, and just like every year before this one, she strategically cut the clothes of the two women until she returned to the bed. ¨

Then in her elegant voice, she spoke. "Come to me."

Both women rose to their feet, and their simple white dresses fell from their bodies showing the goddess their bodies as when they were born.

As the women approached, both felt the goddess's tail slither at their feet, and they wondered which one was going to be in them first.

As the tip of the reached Kiki, it started to slither up her leg, confirming she was going to be in the coils.

As it kept going further and further, Kiki looked normal, like she hadn't noticed. Then as the tip reached her head and she was completely trapped in the goddess's embrace, she was lifted up and brought closer to her.

She inspected Kiki through holes in the coils and looked intently at her pussy and breast, and lit up as she saw she was leaking milk.

She smiled as she brought Kiki closer and started to kiss her on the mouth, invading her mouth with her tongue.

But even though Mira was not in the goddess coils did not mean she was to do nothing, and as the goddess continued to make out with Kiki, she exposed her sex.

Mira was no stranger to the sex of a woman, but the goddesses were so beautiful she could barely contain her lust and act as dignified as she should in this situation. And while keeping her desires in control, she knelled in front of it and started licking.

It started off slow, liking her entire slit from top to bottom, but the more she licked, the more it got wetter and wetter until she could hear the soft moans from the goddess.

The confirmation that she was doing a good job gave her the confidence to carefully open up the goddess slit and reveal her marvelous pussy in all its pink glory.

As the goddess's moans became greater, Mira felt nothing but joy, knowing she was making her feel this good.

As she continued to lick, the goddess became wetter and wetter until it happened.

Just above the goddess's clit was a tiny hole almost impossible to see, but the second Mira sucked on the goddess's clit her cock came out.

Mira was surprised. Sure she had heard the rumors that she had one, but seeing it up close was something else.

Unsure of what to do, she just sucked on the tip for now.

As the goddess moaned and felt good and ready, now that her flaccid cock had come out to play, she knew it was time to get it hard. And nothing did that better than drinking the earthy nectar the human women produced.

So she slowly stopped kissing Kiki, letting her long and slippery tongue come out of her mouth. Then the goddess lifted up the woman, so her mouth and her nipples were at the same level.

She started off licking the women's nipples teasingly, and when she put her hands on them, she felt both their softness as well as how firm they were.

Even the slightest touch made Kiki squirm like she was prey the goddess had caught.

She liked it, but she could easily see that the more Kiki squirmed, the more milk leaked out without her getting any, and so she cut her fun a bit short as she placed her mouth on Kiki's nipple and began to suckle at it like a baby.

Not to leave the woman's other breast unattended, she played with her nipple squeezing it with her finger and gently twisting it, stopping the milk from leaking out while at the same time slightly tormenting Kiki.

Just as the goddess finished with Kiki's first breast, she felt it. Her cock grew hard as steel right in Mira's mouth.

Mira felt it. The cock she had been working so hard on finally got harder. She was so happy, and as she looked up at the goddess, she saw a look of approval and kept going faster and faster, using her fingers to stimulate the goddess's clit.

'Fisty little one,' the goddess thought as she smirked and felt the approach of her first orgasm. 'Once I'm I've drunk this one dry, I'll have my fun.'

Then the goddess let go of the woman's nipple and drank from her other tit as well, but this time was different, as the goddess reached a hand down to Kiki's pussy while sucking on her and started to rub her pussy and clit.

Kiki was wet from all the goddess had done to her before, so it was easy for her to gain access.

As Kiki moaned, the goddess could feel she was close, so she sucked faster and moved her fingers out of the way to stop Kiki from cumming.

Once the goddess felt that Kiki's last breast was dry, she released the lower half of the woman momentarily.

Before Kiki could understand what was happening, the goddess had retied her coils, so Kiki's feet were now very close to her head, giving the goddess a perfect view of Kiki's wet and wide-open and dripping wet pussy.

As was tradition; the goddess turned around Kiki so all could see her exposed pussy perfectly.

The goddess, of course, knew that this would make it impossible for some to contain themselves and start masturbating themself, but she didn't really care about all that, even if they began fucking. As long as she had what she wanted, she was happy.

As she turned Kiki back towards her, she knew it was time, and she had waited long enough.

As she moved Kiki's pussy closer to her mouth, she could smell it was just as good as the first time she had taken a woman.

She opened her mouth and began licking her all over. And in no time, Kiki came, and the goddess had more or less trapped her pussy using her mouth, so there was only one place for the cum to go. The goddess.

Once Kiki had finished squirting and cumming, the goddess shivered with excitement. Being so close to coming herself, she was ready.

She gently pushed Mira away from her cock, and the poor girl looked so disappointed. Like she was afraid she had done a bad job, but nothing could be further from the truth as the goddess was so close she would only need one more thing.

The goddess used her hand and positioned her cock at Kiki's pussy, and then with one single and might thrust, she stopped.

Kiki, who had been in a fog of bliss, was snapped out of it when the goddess had done this, and before she knew what was going on, the goddess threw her head and moaned very loudly.

She came, and Kiki could feel shot after shot of the goddess cum shot into her pussy. It was the greatest moment in her life as she had made the goddess cum. It was hard to hold back the tears of joy, but she just barely managed to do so.

As the goddess slowly pulled out of Kiki, she saw how her cum was just leaking out, and she felt even more excitement.

As she looked at Mira, she knew she couldn't let her be by herself, so the goddess reached for one of her tools. A nice slick wooden dildo.

The goddess wasn't done with Kiki yet as she handed the dildo to Mira and let herself fall on her back, landing on the bed.

"Put the dildo in my pussy and make sure it goes in us both," the goddess commanded.

Then the goddess lifted up Kiki, who was still leaking cum out of her pussy. She turned her around, so she didn't face the goddess.

Then Mira placed the dildo in the goddess's pussy and kept it steady.

Then the goddess slowly let Kiki come down, her intent to fuck her in the ass with her cock and the dildo in her pussy at the same time.

The goddess felt some resistance from Kiki, but not one the girl made by herself, more so the tightness of her hole that made it hard for the goddess.

But that did not last long as the goddess entered her asshole fully.

Before she began, she instructed Mira to lick the hole at the tip of her tail.

And once she did, it could all begin. She began by slowly moving Kiki up and down, hearing her quick and hard breaths as she did so.

The goddess, of course, knew the girl was more than willing to do this, but from years of experience, the ass was a place most women didn't prod or poke, so this was most likely her first time.

So to compensate, the goddess only moved very slowly, making sure Kiki would be comfortable before she moved faster.

Meanwhile, Mira was diligently licking the goddess's asshole and keeping the dildo aligned. She was doing such a good job that the goddess even winked at her, which seemed to put her into overdrive, licking faster.

Not one to ignore someone, the goddess reached out to her and started to rub Mira's pussy, easily penetrating her wet and slimy sex.

Once some time had passed, and three were moaning loudly, the goddess moved Kiki up and down faster and faster, building her, Mira's, and Kiki's orgasm.

As all three of them moaned loudly, the goddess couldn't help but look out for the Aztec people. Some were in the process of masturbating, but she wasn't angry about it. Because for ít only meant they all enjoyed her and what she was doing.

The sex and food were definitely nice, but seeing how much all of them loved her was what sent her over the edge and moaned louder than before as she shot her cum right up Kiki's ass.

At the same time, the two women came as well.

All three shared a few blissful moments before the goddess released Kiki and took her hand away from Mira.

"Are you ready for the next step?" The goddess said, looking at Kiki, who was struggling to both breathe and stand up, but nevertheless, she did and nodded.

Then the goddess reached down and put both of her hands inside her pussy. It was a strange sight to behold, but one the women knew about.

The goddess then parted her lips, making her pussy hole much bigger.

Unable to hold her tears of happiness back, Kiki cried just before she stepped into the goddess's pussy end and let herself be consumed.

Once her head was inside, the goddess let go, and her pussy closed, devouring Kiki in one bite.

"It will take some time before she's ready. Until then, make me feel good," the goddess said to the eager Mira.

At this point, she knew she should not touch the goddess's pussy or cock. Which meant that she only had a few places to work with.

She crawled up to the goddess and placed herself in a modified sixty-nine position, but instead of her head over the goddess's pussy Mira was over her tit.

"It is all for you, my goddess," Mira said as she waited until the goddess would drink her milk as she did Kiki.

Before long, the goddess latched on to her first nipple and squeezed and twisted the other, stopping her tit from leaking.

Not one to do nothing, Mira lowered her head and started to lick the goddess's nipples before she took them into her mouth and sucked on them.

It went on for some time until Mira was all dried up, and both women were moaning and breathing heavily.

"Are you ready for the final step?" The goddess asked the silent Mira, who only nodded. "Good, not take the dildo and insert it into my pussy and after that sit on it with your ass."

Mira did as the goddess instructed and put the dildo into the goddess's pussy where after she herself slowly sat on it and got used to this unfamiliar and somewhat painful feeling.

Then the goddess coiled herself around Mira, trapping her in her loving embrace, which made her heart skip a beat.

The goddess then took hold of her cock and placed it near the entrance of Mira's pussy. 'It is finally happening. I'll become one with the goddess.'

Just as the goddess inserted her cock into Mira's wet and ready pussy the tears of joy she had been keeping in for so long finally came out.

As the goddess moved Mira up and down, nothing could be heard but the slapping sound of her wet pussy meeting the root of the goddess's cock, which made Mira so overjoyed.

All the positive emotions that she felt were so powerful that she didn't even notice the wooden dildo in her ass.

She felt her own orgasm approach and wondered if the goddess was near her own.

But to make sure, Mira leaned forward and began to lick the goddess's asshole to make her feel even better. And the goddess took note of the sudden feeling and smiled at Mira, which again sent her into overdrive.

As Mira felt she just needed the push more, the goddess slammed her down and threw her head back just as Mira was on the verge of cumming.

The pleasure suddenly stopped, and Mira felt the pain of not cumming, but only for a moment, because the goddess then shot load after load of warm and slimy cum up into Mira's pussy, making her moan so loud.

The goddess didn't stop cumming for so long, just shooting more and more cum like it was endless.

Of course, Mira knew that the reason why there was so much cum was that the goddess had turned Kiki into its cum inside herself.

Once the goddess finally stopped cumming, Mira had cum two times alone from the goddess cumming inside her and was therefore in pure bliss. Furthermore, her belly now looked like she was pregnant and ready to give birth.

Mira knew she couldn't remain in that state for long as the goddess had no doubt grown hungry from all this.

And then she heard the goddess's belly rumbling.

It was time. Time to service her goddess one last time.

The goddess then lifted her up and closed her legs with her coils so very little cum would escape her.

Then the goddess unhinged her jaw and placed Mira just above her mouth, feet first.

Then the goddess slowly uncoiled Mira and let her sink down Into her mouth. And was then Mira again cried tears of joy having finally done something useful.

As most of her body had been swallowed, she looked at the sky one final time before it all went dark.

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